A Morning at the Dog Pound

QIC: Best In Show
Date: 1/29/18
PAX: Early Bird, Prosciutto, Snowflake, FNG-Uncle Herschel, Whittler, Vila
AO: Beast Ridge


Mostly clear,34 degrees, with a view of the Blood Moon, perfect to howl at

The Disclaimer

Delivered completely and mostly coherently by YHC with an assist from Prosciutto since it was a VQ


using what is believed to be the first laminated wenke in the history of F3CHATT, YHC led the pack into his VQ warm up;
SSH- 15

The Thang

Following the warm up, the lead dog led the pack for a mosey to a nondescript building that to most looks like a concession stand, but to YHC, it looked more like a dog pound, a perfect place for a bunch of mutts to do their thang;
Split the pax into 2 groups, group 1 performed wall sit exercises while group 2 performed “quick feet” to keep the heart rate up! Then we swapped it around as we went through a myriad of activities. 
Show Ring 1
Group1-Wall sit w/Joe Fraziers    Group 2- QF  / Switch
Group 1- WS – Shoulder press   Group 2-QF / Switch
Group 1-WS LBAC    Group 2- QF  / Switch
Group 1- WS – RLBAC   Group  2 QF  / Switch
Group 1 – Hold Plank 12 IC  Group 2 QF  / Switch
Group 1 – Merkin 12 IC  Group 2 QF  / Switch 
Led the pax on a short trot to;
Show Ring 2
3 stops in this ring, with a short mosey between. At each stop we performed
10 St Bernard Squats IC (x3)
Not much time left but we stopped at the stadium steps for a quick dip
Show Ring 3
10 Dips IC
Then just enough time for MOM


[In “Freed to Lead” OBT refers to the “Third 500”. In the book it is told in the context of his days on the college rowing team and his coach talks about thinking of a  2000 meter race as being 4 legs of 500 instead. The first 500 your on pure adrenaline as you start the race, the second 500 you settle down and find your rhythm, the fourth 500 is “balls to the wall” gut it out to get through. The third 500 however is the one where you win or lose the race. As I find myself in the third 500 of my life, I look to F3 as a source to help me get through it, by holding each other accountable to showing up, the first step of getting better (first F), by forming bonds with the other pax, (second F) and by helping when we are struggling with life and where we find comfort and ways to help others (third F).   ]


August- Go Ruck
September – Tough Mudder
Run Ruck schedule coming soon


QIC: Angus
Date: 02/01/2018
PAX: Tubbs, Ringwald, Bogey, Laces Out, Ohms, Vila, Wort, Best in Show
AO: Hill City


44 Degrees, Dry, and Starry

The Disclaimer

Returning from a short hiatus after my family celebrated the birth of our second child the Disclaimer was delivered with excitement and anticipation for YHC’s first Q in a couple of weeks.


Kick off the COP with a short Capri Lap adding in backwards run and Karaoke and settle back in at the base of Mt. Midoriyama
SSH x 15, Finkle Swing x 15, SSH x 15, IW x 15, SSH x 15, HK x 15, WHK x 15, AK x 15, SSH x 15, Squat x 15
Mosey to the Great Hall
Plank( all held IC x 10), Merkins x 10, Plank, CDD x 10, Plank, Mountain Climber x 10, Plank, Pickle Pounders x 10, Plank

The Thang

Take a short mosey over to the middle lot
This is kind of like a Jack Webb but different, broad jump to the first line execute 1 merkin run back to start. Broad jump to the second line execute 2 merkins run back. Repeat until all pax have reached the end. In our case this was up to 10.
Dip Ups at The Swamp
Ascend the big steps executing a box jump between each step and 1 bench dip, add one bench dip with every step until all pax have reached the top. In our case that was 18 bench dips at the top.
Hill Work
Pax were instructed to stick together for all Hill Work

  • Lunges to the top
  • Step and Squats called by the PAX
    • Right, Squat, Left, Squat
    • repeat to the top

LBC x 25
Hello Dolly x 15
Flutter Kicks x 15
American Hammer x 15
Leg Climber x 15
Heel Taps x 15


Don’t forget the Fundamentals:

What is the Mission of F3?
Plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for the reinvigoration of Male Community Leadership. Free peer led boot camps almost everyday of the week.
What is the Creedo?
Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him.
What are the Core Principles?

  1. Are free of charge
  2. Are open to all men
  3. Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  4. Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  5. End with a Circle of Trust


  • Run/RUCK days starting on Mondays 0530 @ the Griff
  • Run/RUCK days starting on Wednesdays 0530 @ Beast Ridge
  • August: Go-Ruck Tough
  • September: Tough Mudder

Upcoming Qs

Prosciutto at The Landfill 2/3


QIC: Ohms
Date: 1/31/2018
PAX: Mr. Clean, Pumpkin, Snowflake, Stairmaster, Whittler
AO: The Griff


Clear skies. Low of 28 degrees F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.

The Disclaimer

F3 Nation, Inc. is a peer-led, zero-cost non-profit workout group. F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders, the safety of the exercises performed during workouts or the hazardousness of the premises upon which workouts are conducted.


-SSH x 21 IC (4-count x 21 = 42)
-Mosey to parking lot across the street
-SSH x 21 IC
-Mosey to baseball fields
-SSH x 21 IC

The Thang

Today the PAX that showed up came out to give it their all on the diamond today in a 3 round series for a Jackie Robinson commemorative showdown.
Series A – Batters Up
All PAX were instructed to line up at home plate

  • PAX #1: Grab a bat/ball, step up to the batters box, and hit the ball as far as you possibly can
  • ALL PAX: All out sprint to the ball. When you reach the ball, perform 6 burpees (4+2=6……42 total burpees seemed a little unnecessary). Once burpees have been completed, perform an all out sprint back to home plate.
  • Rinse & Repeat all the way through the lineup and all PAX have batted.

Series AA – F3 Baseball
Performed on a baseball diamond. Pax are divided into even teams. Each team starts at its own base. Teams must complete a cumulative number of reps of different exercise at each base, for example, merkins at first, Carolina dry docks at second, Plank Jacks at 3rd, Mountain Climbers at home, and then move using different modes of transportation to the next base. Each time a team passes the base it started on, it gets a point. Team with the most points after a set amount of minutes wins.

  • 1st base: Merkins x 42
  • 2nd base: Carolina Dry Docks x 42
  • 3rd base: Plank Jacks x 42
  • Home: Mountain Climbers x 42
  • Lunge in between bases
  • Time Limit: 15 minutes

Series AAA – Run Jackie Run
PAX were once again instructed to line up at home plate.

  • PAX#1: call out an exercise and then sprint around bases as fast as you can
  • Remaining PAX: Perform called out exercise until PAX#1 arrives back at home plate
  • Rinse & Repeat until all PAX have done their home-run trot around the bags


“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
-Jackie Robinson


  • Run/RUCK days starting on Mondays 0530 @ the Griff
  • Run/RUCK days starting on Wednesdays 0530 @ Beast Ridge
  • August: Go-Ruck Tough
  • September: Tough Mudder


The Battle Ahead

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 01/30/2018
PAX: Angus, Bogey, Candu, Laces Out, Ohms, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Picasso, Snowflake, Stairmaster, Sundance, Vila, Wort
AO: Hill City


Cold with a moon the size of an 8lb 6oz… ahh, let’s get on with it…

The Disclaimer

If you are here, you’re out of your mind. You were warned. It’s supposed to suck, and that’s how I designed it. Do the best you can, modify where necessary.


Before we got started, there were two penalties that would be assessed if caught:

1) Any Pax time a knee drops during the plank routine = 1 burpee penalty
2) In keeping with the, leader / follower relationship in the gloom – communication is not bi-directional; therefore, any hands on hips = 1 burpee penalty

Circle up around the shovel flag:
SSH x 12 IC
Windmills x 12 IC
Slow-Tempo Squats x 12 IC
CDD x 12 IC
St Bernard Squats x 12 IC
Hydrants x 10 IC (R/L)
Mommy Makers – 8 Count x 10 *** with a nod to our fellow men at F3 Memphis ***
— Mosey to sidewalk between hills and form two lines standing across from a partner —
**YHC reminds the Pax of the penalty
Hold plank for three minutes while enjoying “Turbulence” by Steve Aoki & Laidback Luke (ft. Lil Jon…..’WHAATTTT!!?????!!! YAAAYYYUUHHHH!!!!!!’)
Plank-up when lyrics start until “Turbulence” is called:
1st Turbulence: Pax perform 15 Patty-Cake Merkins with partner; Stay in Plank when done
2nd Turbulence: Pax perform 15 Mtn Climbers (IC) then back to hold plank
// 6 penalties

The Thang

Mosey over to Anytime Fitness
Just as the Monkey Humper is defined in the Exicon, the pax performed 10 Monkey Humpers in cadence — yes, at the store front
Mosey over to stairs of parking deck
Climb stairs; Run down parking deck ramp – repeat 4x
After the fourth climb, Pax perform 4 corners:
1) Squats x 10 OYO; Bear crawl to next corner
2) Decline Merkins x 10 OYO; Lunge …
3) Squats x 10 OYO; Crab walk …
4) Burpees x 5; Lunge to down ramp
To the tune of Chris Porter – Waterdance
Lunge during slow music / High Knees during fast music until the end of the song
// 2 penalties
Mosey back to the Love Shack – stopping at Food works parking lot for Penalty assessment and Mary; 8 Total Burpees assessed
1. Jane Fondas x 10 IC
2. Hollywood Side Crunches x 12 IC
3. Bay City Scissors (8-count) x 10 IC
4. Pretzel x 10 IC


YHC watched the movie Magnificent 7 over the weekend, and a line in the movie stuck out to me: “Fight the battles ahead of you, not the battles behind you”
We’ve all been through them. Battles. As we discussed, the battles in the rear view mirror have happened and cannot be changed. They can only be learnt from. To truly accelerate, you must only face and fight the battles ahead or in front of you with the knowledge gained from those behind you.
The movie quote plays into the blog post in the Q-Source by Dredd about the “King” and Acceleration:
Fitness is best Accelerated by running with faster men…
There’s no best way to accelerate. What works best for one man will be dependent on the man himself and the circumstances of time, place and age that are beyond his control. Each man must find their own best way.
But what is true for men, and all men seeking to Accelerate, is that it works much better as a Group than flying solo. Together, we pool our collective knowledge for the benefit of each individual and spur one another on to places we would never reach alone. This is the power of the Shield Lock, which is the horizontal relationship between men. Together, we sharpen each other—as iron sharpens iron.
If you want to learn how to run faster, just find a faster man. And chase him until you catch him.


We’re desperately in need of an F2 (fellowship) Q – who can step-up and lead?

Upcoming Qs

Ohms 1/31 @ The Griff

Baby Steps

QIC: Picasso
Date: 1/27/2018
PAX: Geek Squad, Mr. Clean, Pumpkin, Ringwald, FNG-Snipes, The Count (Respect!)
AO: The Landfill


50 ℉

The Disclaimer

F3 Nation, Inc. (“F3″) is a peer-led, zero-cost non-profit workout group. F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders, the safety of the exercises performed during workouts or the hazardousness of the premises upon which workouts are conducted.


  • SSH x 25
  • Imperial Walkers x 15
  • High Knees x 15
  • LBAC x 15
  • Mountain Climbers x 15
  • Chinook x 15
  • SSH x 15
  • Mericans x 15
  • SSH x 25

The Thang

As celebration to a local pax and remembrance to another, the post was themed ‘Baby Steps.’ The PAX start small and build up to something difficult, all the while taking ‘Baby Steps’ to build mental strength to burst through the next hurdle.  
Mosey down the hill from the love shack.
Step 1: Infinity Planks

  • Merkins x 5 IC
  • Hold Plank x 5 seconds
  • Merkins x 6 IC
  • Hold Plank x 6 seconds
  • Merkins x 7 IC
  • Hold Plank x 7 seconds
  • Merkins x 8 IC
  • Hold Plank for 8 seconds

Step 2: Lion King Wall Sits
Desc: grab a rock, get into wall sit formation, hold rock out like baboon does with Simba from the movie ‘Lion King’

  • Lion King Wall Sit x 5 seconds IC
  • Recover
  • Lion King Wall Sit x 10 seconds IC
  • Recover
  • Lion King Wall Sit x 15 seconds IC
  • Recover
  • Lion King Wall Sit x 20 seconds IC
  • Recover

Mosey back to Love Shack
Step 3: Dips & Decline Merkins

  • Dips x 5 IC
  • Recover
  • Dips x 7 IC
  • Recover
  • Dips x 9 IC
  • Recover
  • Decline Merkins x 5 IC
  • Recover
  • Decline Merkins x 6 IC
  • Recover
  • Decline Merkins x 7 IC
  • Recover

Step 4: Indian Run
Indian Run x 3 minutes
Rinse and Repeat Steps 1 – 3 but adding more reps (mumble chatter….)
Again: Rinse and Repeat Steps 1 – 3 but adding more reps (mumble chatter…)
Burn Out Dips

  • Dips x 10 IC
  • Recover
  • Dips x 7 IC
  • Recover
  • Dips x 5 IC
  • Recover
  • Dips x 3 IC
  • Recover
  • Dips x 1 IC
  • Recover
  • Dips x 10 IC
  • Recover

10 Minutes of Molly Mary (The PAX reminded the Q very quickly this was not a rave)

  • SSH x 20 (wait how’d these get in here….?)
  • LBAC x 25 IC
  • Freddy Mercuries x 14 IC
  • American Hammer x 20
  • Big Boy Sit Ups x 15
  • Pickle Pounders x 15 
  • Reverse Pickle Pounders x 25
  • Plank x 25 seconds
  • Merkins x 20
  • LBAC x 25 IC


Tackling ambiguous and seemingly grande situations can be extremely daunting and terrifying. The unknown is a scary place but it becomes less scary when we take baby steps. Whether that unknown is the birth of a new born child, the path ahead after losing one, or even starting something new, we benefit from taking one step forward at a time. Taking baby steps will make goals more realistic, help us get through a tough time, help us break down big barriers and in the end, get lead us on to the journey we are meant to be on. We can tackle anything….but taking baby steps makes it a lot more manageable.


Chattanooga Marathon Relay – 2/4/2016 – 2 Teams already committed
Go Ruck Tough  -8/17/18 – 7 HIM already committed
Tough Mudder – 9/15/18

Upcoming Q’s

01/29/2018 – Best In Show’s VQ (Beast Ridge)

Rock Out with Your Moc Out

QIC: Ringwald
Date: 1/25/2018
PAX: Bogey, Candu, Laces Out, Mr. Clean, Ohms, Picasso, Prosciutto, Vila, Whittler
AO: Hill City


It was a warm, dry, fogless 29 degrees.

The Disclaimer

Welcome to F3, my name is Ringwald and I am on Q as your leader today. You are here on your own free will, we are going to push ourselves today but modify as necessary to stay safe. If you are injured, we will help you to your car, or Bogey’s doorstep.


Parking Lot

  • Side Straddle Hops X 15 IC
  • Wide High Knees X 12 IC
  • Imperial Walkers X 10 IC
  • Windmills X 12 IC
  • Moroccan Night Club X 15 IC
  • Chinook X 15 IC
  • Drowning Pool – Bodies
    • Let the Bodies hit the floor – donkey kick
    • Any number mentioned – Merkin
    • During verses – Alternating Annie’s

The Thang

Divided up workouts into 3 categories – Arms to the tunes of 00s rock, Core to the tunes of 90s rock, and Legs to the tunes of 80s rock.
Arms – Parking Lot

  • Partners with coupons
    • Rotation 1
      • Partner 1 – 10 curb dips; Partner 2 – shoulder press 20 yards
    • Rotation 2
      • Partner 1 – 10 Merkins; Partner 2 – biceps curls 20 yards
    • Rotation 3
      • Partner 1 – 10 curb dips; Partner 2 – arm extension 20 yards
    • Rotation 4
      • Partner 1 – 10 Merkins; Partner 2 – triceps extensions 20 yards
  • Songs Used (10:44)
    • Linkin Park – Papercut (00)
    • White Stripes – Seven Nation Army (03)
    • Muse – Hysteria (04)

Core – Mosey to Coolidge Park

  • 2 Waves of PAX – Catch Me If You Can
    • Rotation 1 – 10 LBCs
    • Rotation 2 – 10 Freddie Mercury’s
    • Rotation 3 – 10 American Hammers
    • Rotation 4 – 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • Songs (13:53)
    • Foo Fighters – Everlong (95)
    • RHCP – Give it Away (91)
    • Rage – Calm Like a Bomb (99)

Legs – Mosey to Mount Titicaca

  • Partners
    • Rotation 1
      • Partner 1 – 5 lunges in place each leg
      • Partner 2 – Sprint to 1st hill – 10 squats; duck walk to 2nd hill – 5 squats
    • Rotation 2
      • Partner 1 – 10 jump squats in place
      • Partner 2 – Sprint to 1st hill – 5 lunges 1 leg; duck walk to 2nd hill – 5 lunges other leg
  • Songs (12:38)
    • Motley Crue – Shout at the Devil (83)
    • Scorpions – Rock You Like A Hurricane (84)
    • Europe – The Final Countdown (86)


God created us to be instruments with the ability to sing and make music. Music is an important part of worship and praise to God, so it only seems fitting that bible verses about music can be found throughout scripture.

Psalm 95:1 – Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

“Shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation” – in this day and age, people cannot exercise free speech as it was meant to be. Everyone has to watch what they say in order to avoid offending someone, but never be ashamed to express your faith in the Lord.

Aside from religion, music is one of the most powerful tools that bring people from all walks of life together. Make it a point to try and reach out to someone new and get to know them. You may have more in common than you think, and your conversation could be the thing that brightens their day the most.


GoRuck – August 2018
Tough Mudder – September 2018
Chattanooga Marathon Relay – 1 team, would like 2 teams – March 2018
RWB Ruck workout Friday night
RWB is looking at F3 to being an official “Ruck Site”

Upcoming Qs

1/27/2018 – Picasso (The Landfill)
1/29/2018 – Best in Show (Respect) VQ!!!! (Beast Ridge)

Counting to “Twelb” with DORA

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 01/24/2018
PAX: Mr. Clean, Ohms, Snowflake, and Whittler
AO: The Griff



Elsa has seemingly finally “let it go” as it was a windy heat wave of 35 degrees this morning in the gloom.

The Disclaimer

This is F3, I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, modify if necessary, and should an injury occur, we will help you in whatever way possible. 


Finkle Swings X 12
Cotton Picker X 12 IC
Alternating Toe Touches X 12 IC
High Knees X 12 IC
BAC/Reverse X 12 IC
Moroccan Nightclub X 12 IC
Squat Shoulder Press X 12 IC

The Thang

Charlie Chaplin once said, “My pain may be the reason for somebody’s laugh, but my laugh must never be the reason for somebody’s pain”, and wise Charlie also said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted”.  YHC’s “North Georgia Boy” accent has been quite the fodder for laughter, mumblechatter, and overall levity throughout some beat downs.  So, YHC decided to embrace this, with a little inspiration from Rainman, and lead a “Twelb Up, Twelb Down” bootcamp…

Twelbs Down

Shoulder Press – 12 IC (w/coupon)
Merkins – 11 IC
Curls – 10 OYO (w/coupon)
Plank Jacks – 9 IC
Flutter Kicks – 8 IC
Imperial Walkers – 6 IC
Alternating Shoulder Taps – 5 OYO (4 counts)
Upright Rows – 4 IC (w/coupon) 
Michael Phelps – 3 OYO
Squats – 2 OYO
Burpee – 1 OYO (w/coupon)
Reverse Order of the Twelbs Down


50 – Upright Rows (Four Count)
100 – LBCs (Four Count)
150 – Curls (Single Count)
Count o Rama
Name o Rama
Ball of Man


In “Freed to Lead”, OBT and Dredd discuss Dredd’s “failure” his first time leading PT in the military. He spent all night preparing, exhausting over the details, and practicing each aspect thoroughly.  When the time came, Dredd fell completely and utterly flat (forgetting cadences, breathless, and poor form execution).  His teacher didn’t yell, scream, degrade, or lecture, but gave a simple yet poignant phrase…. “If the Museum of Failure had an exhibit you would be featured”.  The next day, he sent Dredd back to do it all over again but with a little less “failure” this time. 
Full disclosure, YHC felt like this during the Q efforts this morning as YHC proceeded to fumble some things.  However gentlemen, it takes 10,000 hours to truly master a skill.  Thus, as husbands, fathers, brothers, uncles, and comrades, we are called to find joy in the failures, seek those wiser, and commit to honest reflection and go back out again tomorrow a cadence better, a bit wiser, and with a little more confidence to lead those around us! Keep Accelerating!!
GoRuck –  August 2018
Tough Mudder September 2018
Beginning in February:
Mondays at the Griff — Running/Rucking at 5:30 & Wednesdays at Beast Ridge — Running/Rucking at 5:30 ***These events are for ALL F3 men.  GoRuck participation isn’t required.  Just throw on a pack or just show up for the newest F1.5 Event***

Upcoming Qs

01/24/2018 – Ringwald VQ!!!! (Hill City)
01/27/2018 – Picasso (The Landfill)
01/29/201 – Best in Show (Respect) VQ!!! (Beast Ridge)
01/30/2018 – Prosciutto (Hill City)
01/31/2018 – Ohms (The Griff)

4 Corners

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Pumpkin, Ohms, Juice, Ringwald, Candu, FNG-Tubbs, Mr. Clean, FNG-Geek Squad, Early Bird
AO: Landfill
Date: 1/20/2018
Conditions: 35 degrees warm enough for shorts

Disclaimer: Here on your own free will, am not a professional, push yourself & don’t get hurt, modify exercises if need to
SSH IC 20x
Cherry Pickers IC 15x
Wind Mill IC 15x
Alternating Toe Taps IC 15x
Imperial Walker IC 15x
Mosey to Outhouse and pick up small rocks for some wall sits
The Thang:
Wall Sits w/ Muhammad Ali using rocks IC 10x
Wall Sits w/ Joe Frazier using rocks IC 10x
Wall Sits w/ Shoulder Press using rock IC 10x
Wall Sits w/ Forward Rock Raises IC 10x
Return baby rocks home and pick up a Dwayne and mosey to field
Run 2 laps around the soccer field to allow QIC to drop 4 random cones
Do the following for 5 minutes:
Start at Cone 1 sprint to Cone 2 karaoke to Cone 3 Bernie Sanders to Cone 4 karaoke back to Cone 1
Next series of exercises:
Cone 1: American Hammers w/ coupon then Bear Crawl to Cone 2
Cone 2: Jump Squat then Forward Lunge to Cone 3
Cone 3: Big Boy Sit Ups then Duck Walk to Cone 4
Cone 4: Burpees then Backward Lunge to Cone 1
Start with 10 reps then drop to 9 then 8 and so on

Name FNGs
Prayer Request:
Snowflake with sickness during Orlando trip
Angus’s wife expecting
Pumpkin’s daughter knee injury during game
GoRuck Tough see Vila
Tough Mudder see Ohms
Chattanooga Marathon Relay see Picasso
WOD: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human master. – Colossians 3:23
I picked this as a verse because I am currently reading The Civilized Engineer by Samuel C. Florman and he talks about how many students are enrolling to be engineers for the money. Florman states “I take little satisfaction in knowing that engineering enrollment has doubled when I learned that young people are entering the profession mainly because it promises steady employment.” During college I had a handful of friends that started off as engineering and after a semester or 2 they would end up changing majors to business. The reason for this is because they were not passionate about engineering, they did not enjoy the learning and challenges that come with engineering. Many people fail in new year resolutions or working out because they are not passionate about what they are doing. In F3 we EH a lot of men and when we do get FNGs they either hate it or fall in love with it and keep coming out. We come out not because we enjoy freezing temperatures but because we love what F3 stands for.

Kicking in Coolidge Park

QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
PAX: Wort, Stairmaster, Vila, Whittler, Picasso, Steam Engine, Angus, Ohms, Ringwald, Sundance, FNG-Bogey
AO: Hill City
Conditions: 47o clear and a beautiful morning
Explained to the PAX my excitement as a former Univ. of Memphis kicker that the two kickers for this years’ Super Bowl are both former Memphis Tiger kickers. Stephen Gostkowski is a veteran with an NFL record 479 consecutive PAT’s made and a 78.5% field goal percentage and is all-time leading scorer for the Patriots. Jake Elliot is a rookie for the Eagles who has already made a 61-yard game-winning field goal this year. He also went four years in college without missing a PAT in 202 attempts! I’ll be watching the game to see them play! Today, we are going to do some kicking as well and carry a football as the coupon.
Mosey to Great Hall
Warm Up
10 Finkle Swings with partner
15 High Knees IC
15 Wide High Knees IC
10 LBAC forward/backward IC
10 Moroccan Night Club IC
Mosey to Coolidge Park lawn
The Thang
Circuit 1-Memphis Super Bowl Kickers
Picasso had the coupon, so he kicked the football and all chased to where it landed, then we did the following exercises in cadence:
15 LBCs
Next PAX kicked and we chased, then
15 Squats
Next PAX kicked and we chased, then
15 Merkins
Rinse and repeat one more time.
Mosey to the Steps where the swamp thing lives.
Circuit 2-Stairmaster Dora
The PAX partnered up:
PAX 1 starts first exercise
PAX 2 runs down the steps to the swamp and box jumps back to the top and switch with PAX 1 and pick up where he left off.
Rinse and repeat till complete 100, then move to next exercise and do the same for 200, 300.
100 incline merkins on top step
200 LBCs
300 squats
Hold plank till all finished.
Mosey to Love Shack
12 Freddy Mercury IC
12 Hello Dolly IC
12 Rosalita IC
12 American Hammer IC
12 Flutter Kicks IC
12 Hollywood each side IC
BOM-The term Iron Sharpens Iron is found in Proverbs 27:17 and we did that this morning. We helped make each other better with today’s workout. Two verses later in v.19 it says “As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.” Remember that apart from Christ our hearts are desperately wicked, but in Christ our hearts are transformed. We can reflect a heart that loves and obeys God today. Let’s continue to sharpen one another and reflect the heart of Christ to those around us.
Welcome FNG Bogey (Zac Johns)

Once more into the breach dear friends.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4CrYCuHMwI]
AO: Hill City
Q – Vila
PAX – Sundance, Tinkerbell, Laces Out (Respect), Best In Show (Respect), Whittler, Angus, Ohms, Picasso, Ringwald

  1. Mosey to Great Hall

Warm up:

  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Imperial Walkers IC x15
  3. Forward Fold x15
  4. Plank IC x10
  5. Up Dog x15
  6. Down Dog x15
  7. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  8. Plank IC x10
  9. Forward Fold x15
  10. Recover
  11. Forward Fold x15
  12. Plank IC x10
  13. Up Dog x15
  14. Down Dog x15
  15. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  16. Merkins IC x10
  17. Forward Fold x15
  18. Recover

Cycle: GoRuck Training Day 2  (Modified)

  • Body Weight PT
  • 4 Sets AFAP


    1. 400m Run
    2. 20 Squats
    3. 10 x 4 count Lunges
    4. Hold FLR


  • Metabolic Circuit


    1. Set up 50m course
    2. Do 4 sets
      1. Sprint 1/4 around park
      2. 50m Bear Crawl into center and back
      3. 20 x 4 count Flutter Kicks
      4. Hold Al Gore
      5. FLR x 1 min


  1. Mosey to the Love Shack


  1. Cadence and exercise called by PAX

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood
From <https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56972/speech-once-more-unto-the-breach-dear-friends-once-more>
Swingin’ Hammers,