Be the change that you wish to see in the world

AO: Beast Ridge
Q – Vila
PAX – Best in Show, Early Bird, Prosciutto, Steam Engine

  1. Mosey around the field

Warm up:

  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Imperial Walkers IC x12
  3. Forward Fold x15
  4. Plank IC x10
  5. Up Dog x15
  6. Down Dog x15
  7. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  8. Plank IC x10
  9. Forward Fold x15
  10. Recover
  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Squat Jacks x 12
  3. Forward Fold x15
  4. Plank IC x10
  5. Up Dog x15
  6. Down Dog x15
  7. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  8. Plank IC x10
  9. Merkins IC x10
  10. Forward Fold x15
  11. Recover
  12. SSH IC x15

Cycle: GoRuck Training Week 3 (Modified)

  • Body Weight PT
  • 3 Sets IC
  • Bear crawl, crab walk, commando 25m down and back
    1. 20 Squats
    2. 15 merkins
    3. 2 min tri plank


  1. Mosey around the field

Call around to PAX for cadence
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
From <>
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
From <>
Swingin’ Hammers,

15 Down 2 Warm Up 2 DORA

AO: Hill City
Q: Rainman
PAX: Prosciutto, Angus, Mr. Clean, Best in Show, Whittler, Ringwald, Ohms, Vila
Weather: A Brisk 13 Degrees, but who was checkin’?
The disclaimer was given just in time, for one PAX almost impaled his head on an art structure at the AO. But, thanks to the frequency of squats in F3 he was able to dodge the structure in the “NICK” of time for the 15 down.
The PAX were welcomed to a different type of warm up
The 15 Down 
Smurf Jacks X 14 IC
Plank Jacks X 13 IC
Squat Jacks X 12 IC
High Knee X 11 IC
Wide High Knee X 10 IC
Mountain Climber X 9 IC
Imperial Walker X 8 IC
Merkin X 7 IC
Carolina Dry Dock X 6 IC
Angle Grinder X 5 IC
Diamond Merkin X 4 IC
Michael Phelps X 3 OYO
Burpee X 2 OYO
Mt. Midoriama X 1 OYO (Hill Run, and a mosey down) 
After a 10-Count the PAX were told that it was now time 2 warm up. So, we went
After the warm up the PAX were instructed to partner up for a DORA. One partner took the Capri Lap while the other partner completed some of these exercise
100: LBCs (Single Count) 
200: Squats (Single Count)
300: Alternating Shoulder Taps (Four Count)
Count o Rama
Name o Rama (Briefly interuppted all because a Phone couldnt make it through the gloom)
Ball of Man led by Mr. Clean
@f3chatt @hillcity

Equal or Not?

AO: Beast Ridge
Q: Rainman
PAX: Best In Show, Whittler, Prosciutto
Weather: A Crisp 28 Degrees and cloudy with a 100% chance of a Rainman beatdown.
The disclaimer was given in a very prompt and efficient way. After a short mosey the Q called the PAX to square up for the warm up. Two more men and the Q could have called the PAX to circle up.
High Knee X 15 IC
Butt Kickers X 15IC
Cotton Pickers X 15 IC
Cherry Pickers X 15 IC
Wide High Knee X 15 IC
The Lunge X 20 OYO
The Squat X 15 IC
Imperial Walkers X 15 IC
THE THANG: Equality or Not?
Ascending CURB CRAWL: PAX moseyed to a hill at BEAST RIDGE. Once there the PAX were split into two groups.
Group One was assigned to bear crawl up the hill and complete one DERKIN and one SQUAT. CRAB WALK  down the hill and complete TWO INCLINE MERKINS and two SQUATS. Continue to 13
Group Two was assigned to run up the hill and complete one DERKIN. MOSEY down the hill and complete TWO INCLINE MERKINS. Continue to 13
Which group would you rather be in? Obviously for one group of people it’s going to be a harder more difficult route, it’s going to take longer for group one to finish and catch up. While the other group had an easier way, it was also not as equal because the fitness was not up to par. Martin believed in equality for all, and fought for freedom for God given rights for all people. So, while yes he was representing African Americans, he was advocating and making the way for all people groups. After that it was time to come together. The Q called the PAX to mosey back to the lot to be FREE.
F: Febreze: PAX now back together on their 6. PAX completed 2 BBSU’s on the second they were instructed to keep feet 6’’ off the ground and completed 10 Air Press. Repeated in ratios of 10. 2:10, 4:20, 6:30.
R: Russian Twist X 12 IC
E: E2K AKA Oblique Crunches X 20 IC Left SIDE
E: E2K AKA Oblique Crunches X 20 IC Right SIDE
The Q called, “Free at last free at last thank God all Mighty we’re free at last.”
Fellowship MOSEY until time.
Count o rama
Name o rama
Ball of Man
@f3chatt @beastridge

Herschel Walker Pets the Pony Everyday

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Whittler, Ohms, Prosciutto, Angus, Laces Out, Rainman, Snowflake
AO: Hill City
Date: 1/9/2018
Conditions: Warm 37 degrees perfect for a Herschel Walker beatdown

Disclaimer was given at the Shovel flag while some stranglers were getting out of their vehicles. And we are off
Quick mosey to Great Hall
SSH IC 15x
Cherry Picker IC 15x
Windmill IC 15x
Alternating Toe Taps IC 15x
Mosey to Walnut Walking Bridge and informed the PAX that seeing Herschel Walker as an honorary captain for the Georgia Bulldogs reminded me of an Art of Manliness article about his crazy workout that he did and continues to do (will attach article at the end).
The Thang:
Merkins IC 10x
LBC IC 10x
Mosey to next lamp post
Rinse & Repeat 4x
Forward Lunge 10 each leg
Squat IC 10x
Rinse & Repeat 4x
Dips IC 10x
Mosey to next set of benches
Rinse & Repeat 3x
Once we completed Walnut bridge asked Laces out to lead us to the Market St bridge and take us back to Love Shack. During the mosey to Love Shack, QIC was starting to feel the wings and pizza from the night before luckily it stayed down. Also, learned that by yelling “FELLOWSHIP” the PAX slow down for the 6 catch up. Thanks for tip Prosciutto. Once we were within eyeshot of the Love Shack Prosciutto called for one last sprint to the finish.
Once we made it to the Love Shack we noticed that our shovel flag tipped over which comes with a 10 burpee penalty.

Prayer Request:
Mr. Clean had another seizure so won’t be able to drive for awhile.
Angus wife due date was 1/8 so now the waiting game.
Ohm’s friends had their baby on 1/8
Chattanooga Relay (4 man marathon relay): 3/2 – 3/4
Ragnar Race (12 man relay Chattanooga – Nashville): 3/23 – 3/24
Chattanooga MS Walk: 4/21
GoRuck Tough (Chattanooga) : 8/18
Tough Mudder (Nashville): 9/15 – 9/16
For more details check out the F3 Chatt Newsletter
Upcoming Q’s:
1/10 Snowflake
1/11 Vila
1/13 Ohms, Prosciutto, Steam Engine
WOD: “Success is just being happy… God has helped me to love myself. I know who God is, and I love God.” – Herschel Walker
We are a week into the new year. Everyone has set their New Years Resolution and goals. Now take the time to define what success means to you. Success is not just being on top of the mountain or having the most money. It could be completing a marathon, a GoRuck Tough event, coming out to the Gloom. Sometimes success is in the journey and not the end result. Herschel defined success as being happy which is a great definition and he got their through loving God. If you know and love God then you have already won.
New year, new goals, you gotta define success It’s not just being on top
Here is the link to the Herschel Walker article. Some highlights:

  • Dips — up to a 1,000 a day
  • Squats — up to a 1,000 a day
  • Lunges — up to a 1,000 a day

The Herschel Walker Workout

Two Minute Rule

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 01/08/2018
PAX: Early Bird
AO: Beast Ridge


Damp with freezing rain. Temps in the low 30’s. Great weather, unless you’re a petunia.

The Disclaimer

Delivered to myself, which felt odd. Then, once again when Early Bird joined


Capri Lap waiting on “Pajaro!”
SSH x 10 IC
IW x 12 IC
*Stay in plank position*
Mtn Climbers x 10 IC
Merkins x 5 IC
Mtn Climbers x 10 IC
Plank x 12 IC
Side Plank x 10 IC
Side Plank (other) x 10 IC
SSH x 12 IC

The Thang

1) Merkin Mile 
Perform a run/fellowship mosey and at every .25 mile, perform 25 Merkins
2) Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM)
Run back to shovel flag and perform 5 burpees EMOM (6 Minute run back)
3) Coupon curls
Grab a landscape block and perform low, mid, full curls x 10 OYO (repeat)
4) Raccoon Crawl
At the stadium steps, perform raccoon crawls from bottom step upward



“The 2-Minute Rule” – The two-minute rule is simply a tactic which helps one overcome procrastination and laziness by making it so easy to start taking action that you can’t say no. And, even better, it’s built off the notion that Sir Isaac Newton suggests, “objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion.” This is just as true for humans as it is for falling apples.
Part 1 — If it takes less than two minutes, then do it now.
Part 1 comes from David Allen’s best-selling book, Getting Things Done.
It’s surprising how many things we put off that we could get done in two minutes or less. For example, washing your dishes immediately after your meal, tossing the laundry in the washing machine, taking out the garbage, cleaning up clutter, sending that email, and so on.
If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, then follow the rule and do it right now.
Part 2 — When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.
Can all of your goals be accomplished in less than two minutes? Obviously not.
But, every goal can be started in 2 minutes or less. And that’s the purpose behind this little rule.
It might sound like this strategy is too basic for your grand life goals, but it works for any goal because of one simple reason: Sir Isaac Newton’s theory – “objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion.”
The 2–Minute Rule is awesome because it embraces the idea that all sorts of good things happen once you get started.
In F3, we start first thing in the morning (not because of this rule), but it’s a perfect opportunity to utilize the rule.  If you choose to post in the morning, then you are no longer an object at rest, and therefore you will tend to stay in motion after the post and accomplish more; as opposed to staying in the fartsack (See #3: The Lunch Hour workout guy) and leading a lackluster and otherwise noncommittal life of sadness. #truthNugget

Upcoming Qs

Steam Engine (01/09) @ Hill City
Mr Clean (01/10) @ The Griff
Vila (01/11) @ Hill City
Mr Clean (01/13) @ The Landfill

*AYE! @f3mrclean for the double-duty this week #acceleratingMan; thanks brother!*

A Steam Clean F3 Lesson

QIC: Mr. Clean & Steam Engine
Date: 1/6/2018
PAX: Angus, Best in Show (RESPECT), Ohms, Pennywise, Picasso, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Snowflake, Vila
AO: The Landfill


Well, Ohms, Elsa is still clearly mad…18 degrees. She couldn’t keep away yet another FNG!!

The Disclaimer

F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders, the safety of the exercises performed during workouts or the hazardousness of the premises upon which workouts are conducted. The men who lead F3 workouts are not paid to do so and no representations of any kind are made by F3 about their skill level.


SSH IC x20
Cotton Pickers IC x15
SSH IC x18
Windmill IC x15
SSH IC x15
Alternating Toe Touches IC x12
Baby Arm Circles IC x15
Reverse IC x15
Shoulder Press Holding Squat IC x15
SSH IC x12

The Thang

YHC and Steam Engine wanted to introduce the PAX to a wrestling style beatdown. We moseyed to the big field and Steam led the PAX to our friend BRUTOS. Well, apparently her and Elsa know each other and BRUTOS just couldn’t let it go (the ground that is!!). Yep, it is indeed a bit brisk in Tennessee. We called an audible, ironically, to complete the TN Iditarod.

Tennessee Iditarod

Pax were instructed to partner up, find their Dewayne, and become friends with a set of reigns (rope/towing straps) of their preference.
Pax 1- Wrapped reigns around waist
Pax 2- Shotput his Dewayne to determine the stopping point for Pax 1.
Pax 1- Completed The TN Iditarod.
Pax 2- Shotput Dewayne for a new destination.
Rinse and Repeat to the end of the field.
Pax 2- switched arms and completed same routine back.
Flapjack and complete the same routine.

From the Mats to the Stands

Pax completed Monkey Rolls until halted by YHC (a popular staple in mat drills)
Pax completed the Wave of Merkins (The wave is a popular staple for those in the stands)

Scout Run

Once each Pax completed 2 rotations we recovered (Two 10 counts) and moved to the next routine.
Partner up for some team Mary with Dewayne:
Big Boy Sit up: Holds Coupon overhead completes sit up and passes off coupon to partner and repeat til each PAX completes 10 reps
Dewayne Twist: Stand back to back with your partner and pass Dewayne to your side to hand off to your partner. Complete 10 reps each side.


The question is often posed, “Are leaders born or made?”, and YHC believes leaders are most certainly born. However, having potential and achieving potential are very different things. While leaders are born, they must put in the work to actually become a successful leader by learning from mistakes, continuing best practices, using both knowledge and wisdom, participating in honest reflection, and seeking constructive criticism from those wiser than themselves.BOM


GoRuck Tough 8/17/2018Tough Mudder (Nashville) 9/2018
F3 Ragnar Team for Race 3/23-24/2018
F3 Chattanooga Marathon Team 3/4/2018

Upcoming Qs

1/8/18 – Prosciutto (Beast Ridge)
1/9/18 – Steam Engine (Hill City)
1/10/18 – Mr. Clean (The Griff)
1/11/18 – Vila (Hill City)
1/13/18 – Mr. Clean (The Landfill)

City on a Hill at Hill City

QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
PAX: Angus, Rainman, Stairmaster, Flemish, Picasso, Whittler, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Mr. Clean, Ohms, Snowflake, FNG-Tinkerbell, The Count (Respect)
AO: Hill City
Conditions: Bitter cold and clear 19 degrees but about to warmup quickly because the Pax arrived eager to work!
Disclaimer then mosey to The Great Hall
15 Imperial walkers IC
15 High Knees IC
15 Wide High Knees IC
15 mountain climbers IC
Mosey to Coolidge Park stage with lit-up Christmas Tree.
The Thang
Circuit 1: Super 21
1 Squat
Run across field to sidewalk
20 LBC
Run back
2 Squats/19 LBC
Rinse repeat till 20 Squats /1LBC and then hold plank til PAX finish
Mosey along riverwalk back to Mt Midoryama
Circuit 2: Everest at Mt Midoryama
Lunges with right leg/squat/lunge with left leg/squat
Rinse and repeat to top
Hold Al Gore until all reach top and enjoy looking over City (appropriate thought for today’s moleskin).
12 Flutter kicks IC
12 Rosalita IC
12 Hello Dolly IC
12 Freddy Mercury IC
Mosey back to Love Shack
Namerama/countarama-welcome FNG given the name Tinkerbell.
Matthew 5:14-16 You are the light of the world. A City on a Hill cannot be hidden…
Let your light shine before men that they might see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.
We worked hard today at Hill City, and we have opportunity to be a City on a Hill. Let’s shine for Jesus today wherever we are!
Prayer requests

Hot Potato – Christmas Eve Eve

QIC: Angus, Ohms, Prosciutto
Date: 12/23/2017
PAX: Angus, Ohms, Picasso, Prosciutto, Ringwald
AO: The Landfill


45 °F and most definitely shorts weather.

The Disclaimer

Angus delivered the disclaimer with as much gumption as it takes to deliver 30 Side Straddle Hops.


Angus kicks off the morning with the infamous warm up
Mosey out to the ridge next to the soccer fields so we can watch the sun rise while we get beat down.
SSH x 30
Finkle Swing x 15
SSH x 30
Squat x 15
SSH x 30
HK x 15
WHK x 15
AK x 15
SSH x 30
Lunges x 15
Mosey over to the top parking lot
Inifinite Plank – All PAX hold plank for an infinite amount of time while performing plank like exercises. YHC called out the following IC.
Merkins x 15
Plank x 10
Mountain Climbers x 15
Plank x 10
Carolina Dry Docks x 15
Plank x 10
Pickle Pounders x 15
with that 15 minutes was up and the Q was passed on to Prosciutto

The Thang # 1:

Prosciutto steps in to take the following 15 (really it ended up being 17)  minutes
The PAX were instructed to partner up.  While on the wall, perform a balls-to-the-wall while your partner does an out-and-back.
After both PAX have completed the BTTW, all PAX were instructed to form a line and get in plank position.
After all PAX were in plank the end PAX performs box jumps over the planking PAX until the end. Then, the next PAX rotates in and box jumps, and so on and so on.  Repeat this 3x.
Next, all PAX were instructed to form a circle for a merkin wave; naturally, to “twelb” (in memory of Mr. Clean and all north Georgians everywhere).
Still in plank position, we performed grave diggers on both sides/arms.
PAX were instructed to move to the bathroom for wall sits in between 12 IC of:

  • Wall Sit x 12 IC
  • Muhammad Ali x 12 IC
  • Joe Frasier x 12 IC

Move to the rock pile, make a rock selection and circle up for some round robin of low curl, mid-curl, full curl. Repeated this 5 times x 10 reps each.  Each of the PAX except Picasso were instructed to move.  Per his misunderstanding of the rock selection process, he lifted the largest rock 3 of the 5 rounds; as “penance”.
** Hand-over to Ohms for the remainder of the time **

The Thang # 2:

Ohms steps in to take the following 20 minutes
Three Peat: Three different exercises put on REPEAT
-30 yard Suicides x 2 OYO
-Block facing Burpees x 20 OYO
-Snatches x 20 OYO
-Regroup and hold plank until all PAX finished
-30 yard Suicides x 2 OYO
-Block facing Burpees x 15 OYO
-Snatches x 15 OYO
-Regroup and hold plank until all PAX finished
-30 yard Suicides x 2 OYO
-Block facing Burpees x 10 OYO
-Snatches x 10 OYO
-Regroup and hold plank until all PAX finished
-30 yard Suicides x 2 OYO
-Block facing Burpees x 5 OYO
-Snatches x 5 OYO
-Regroup and hold plank until all PAX finished


Be intentional about your brothers — Angus said he’s had some conviction about how surface level the relationships can become as we come and go from the gloom. It requires every PAX actively working to better know their brothers. Connect with 1 to 3 PAX, get to know them better, and work to holding each other accountable.


Merry Christmas Everyone!
GoRuck Tough – 8/17
Tough Mudder – 9/15

Upcoming Qs

Picasso @ Hill City – 12/28
Picasso @ The Landfill – 12/30
New Year Kickoff @ Hill City – 1/1

The Wheels on the Bus

QIC: Ohms
Date: 1/3/18
PAX: Mr. Clean, Snowflake, Steam Engine, Whittler
AO: The Griff


Whomever pissed off Elsa…needs to apologize immediately

The Disclaimer

F3 Nation, Inc. is a peer-led, zero-cost non-profit workout group. F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders, the safety of the exercises performed during workouts or the hazardousness of the premises upon which workouts are conducted.


-SSH x 15 IC
-Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
-Windmills x 15 IC
-High Knees x 15 IC
-Wide High Knees x 15 IC
-Ass Kickers x 15 IC

-30 yard Sprint
-SSH x 15 IC
-30 yard Sprint
-SSH x 15 IC
-30 yard Sprint
-SSH x 15 IC
-30 yard Sprint
-SSH x 15 IC

The Thang

Although it was still cold…the weather did take a turn for the better this AM. It increased from a bone chilling 11 deg F on Tuesday to 24 deg F today. Not sure why I’m writing about this, because no matter how cold it is we always find a way to start sweating within the first 5 min of the beatdown. Anyway, here’s what went down:
Mt. Takeshita
Yes, this is a real Japanese word (Takeshita: Tok-E-Sheet-Ah). This mountain was discovered when a group of PAX showed up in the little community of Hixson, where the great explorer (YHC) led his group of adventurers over the Land (Bear Crawls) and across the Sea (Crab Walks) to the base of this glorious grass covered peak. YHC had chicken wings the night before which were wreaking havoc on his stomach. As YHC stared at the North Face of this beautiful mountain, he dreamed only of his throne made of porcelain, and forth came the name of the great mountain: Mt. Takeshita. This mountain was added to the long list of Peaks in the F3Chatt Region…..
F3Chatt Mountain Range:

  • Mt. Midoriyama – Hill City
  • Mt. Titicaca – Hill City
  • Mt. Fukame – The Landfill
  • Mt. Takeshita – The Griff

Now that I got that all cleared up, lets see what perils were faced to reach the summit.
-Wheel of Merkin (Merkin: 5 Rounds – 15 Reps)
-Lunge 15 Yards
-Bear Crawl up Mt. Takeshita
-Wheel of Merkin (Diamond Merkin: 5 Rounds – 15 Reps)
-Lunge 15 Yards
-Bear Crawl up Mt. Takeshita
-Wheel of Merkin (Wide Merkin: 5 Rounds – 15 Reps)
-Lunge 15 Yards
-Bear Crawl up Mt. Takeshita
-Wheel of Merkin (Staggered Merkin: 6 Rounds – 12 Reps)
-Lunge 15 Yards
-Bear Crawl up Mt. Takeshita
Mosey back to Base Camp
Monkey See Monkey Do 
PAX separated into 2 Teams: A and B
-Team A: Begin at designated starting point. Sprint as a Team around the track and return to start.
-Team B: Jump Squats (holding coupon) AMRAP (as many reps as possible) until Team A ‘all in’
-Team B: Begin at designated starting point. Sprint as a Team around nearby building and return to start.
-Team A: Burpees AMRAP  until Team B ‘all in’
-Team A: Begin at designated starting point. Sprint as a Team around the track and return to start.
-Team B: Curl and Press (Coupon) AMRAP until Team A ‘all in’
-Team B: Begin at designated starting point. Sprint as a Team around nearby building and return to start.
-Team A: Burpees AMRAP  until Team B ‘all in’
**NOTE: Each team kept up with number of Reps completed during each round and the Team with the lower amount of Reps had 5 burpee penalty.



Sometimes, the person whose life looks the easiest, has had it the hardest, but they’re just really good at not dwelling on the past, keeping busy in the moment, and keeping it rolling. Everyone is going to face adversity and sometimes we’re going to feel like things in our life are pretty bad…but you have to stay strong, think of the positive things, and keep in mind that things could always be worse!


August: GoRuck Tough
September: Tough Mudder

Upcoming Qs

Thursday (1/4/18) – Laces Out @ Hill City 0530

Jumping Jack Frost

QIC: Angus
Date: 01/02/2018
PAX: Best in Show, Ohms, Prosciutto, Whittler
AO: Hill City



The Disclaimer

Fully delivered through the bold and blustery frost bite.


SSH x 20
Jog in place to help get the blood flowing — 12 degrees demands movement
Mosey to the Great Hall
SSH x 20
Windmill x 15
Cotton Pickers x 15
SSH x 20
Finkle Swing x 15
SSH x 20
Squat x 15
SSH x 20
HK x 15
WHK x 15
AK x 15
SSH x 20
Lunges x 15
Mosey to the parking lot behind Mt. Midoriyama
Inifinite Plank – All PAX hold plank for an infinite amount of time while performing plank like exercises. YHC called out the following IC.
Merkins x 15
Plank x 10
Mountain Climbers x 15
Plank x 10
Carolina Dry Docks x 15
Plank x 10
Pickle Pounders x 15

The Thang

Pax were lead to the bottom of the steps. The swamp was frozen solid.
French Dips – a traditional bench dip with a cabaret flare. pax holds at the top of a bench dip and kicks legs out in an alternating fashion. x5 each step then box jump. repeat until the top.
Raccoon Crawl – bear crawl from end to end each step until half way. then box jump up to the top.
One Leg Box Jumps – Jump up with one leg. swap legs and jump up again. repeat to the top.
Squats – Pax called activity. Down the line each pax calls out 5 squats and then box jump. Repeat to the top.
Twisted Sister – Start with left hand and left foot on the step  and right hand and right foot on the ground. Perform a off kilter merkin as best as you can. flip around to the other side and repeat. 5 each side. repeat to the top.


It’s the new year and that means all sorts of folks are making New Years Resolutions. The usual suspects — stop smoking, eat better, wake up early, read more and of course get fit. Just a half hearted approach to getting better — now before you start gettin defensive, some folks definitely have the stuff to get it done but in YHC’s opinion 9 times out of 10 thats just not the case.
But here in F3 we don’t make Resolutions. We make commitments.
We are hold one another accountable to getting better. Every. Single. Day. All year long. Now the challenge for you is talk with your neighbor, coworker, family member, or otherwise and introduce them to this thing we call accountability. Help them commit to goals like we help each other show up to the gloom.


GoRuck Tough – 8/17
Tough Mudder – 9/15

Upcoming Qs

check the Q Schedule