How Are Suicides Painless?

QIC: Blue

Date: 08-04-2021

PAX: Roomba, Starbucks, Money Shot, Mr. Clean, Bandcamp, Ponce, Lyft, Sherlock

AO: Shothouse


A cooler 72° with partly cloudy skies and a fair amount of humidity.


  • LBAC x 10 IC
  • LBAC x 10 IC Reverse
  • FF OYO
  • Iraqi TT OYO
  • 1 Burpee OYO
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • 2 Burpees OYO
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • 3 Burpees OYO
  • Willie Mayes Hayes x 10 IC
  • 4 Burpees OYO
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Mosey to track


Suicides Are Painless

6 point suicides

Round 1 – 1 Burpee

– 1 Burpee to start, run suicide doing 1 Burpee at each of the 6 points, including the starting point. Finish round by running a lap around the track.

Round 2 – 5 BBS’s

Round 3 – 10 (Hard Count) Windmills

Round 4 – 1, 2 Merkin Inchworm

Finished the 4th lap exactly at time.


I have used the same CoT topic numerous times, but it seems to resonate with each PAX every time. I struggle daily with GRACE. Specifically extending the GRACE, shown to me by my creator, to others. Grace & Respect gentlemen. We can do it at each of our workouts, so let’s take it out into our daily lives and show others the same GRACE shown to us.

Mumble Chatter

Starbucks asked “how are suicides painless”? I said it’s a M. A. S. H. reference to which he said, “I guess I’m not old enough for that”. A lot of grunting going on today, as well as lots of encouragement to each PAX.

Escobar Sucks……

QIC:  Clothespin

Date: 08/04/2021

PAX: Blackout, Mayhem (R)

AO: Parliament


60’s cloudy with a chance of perspiration

And perspiration happened!!!


Forward Fold OYO
Willy Mayse Hayze 16 IC
Cherry Pickers 13 IC

The Thang

100 is a Crappy Number!!!
Who Ever designed this sucks. This list Sucks
List of exercises 100 reps each! Complete as much as possible during time!

As the pax are working out pass the heavy sandbag around and each pax completes 10 deadlifts. We only passed the Sandbag 5 rounds because of there only being three of us.
100 Merkins
100 BBS
100 SSH (Hard Count)
100 Biceps Curls (W/ Coupon)
100 Imperial Walkers (Hard Count)
100 Bench Press (W/ Coupon)
100 Flutter Kicks (Hard Count)
100 Squats (w/ Coupon)
100 Reverse Crunch
100 Overhead Press (W/Coupon)
100 Toe Merkins (W/ Coupon)
100 LBC
100 Triceps Extensions (W/ Coupon)
100 Coupon Step-Ups


Quit Fartsacking! Suck it up and just go! We are better for it!
BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


“Man, whoever designed this workout sucks” – Clothespin
“Oh wait Escoar Designed this.” – Blackout
“Well I think I will title the backblast “Escobar Sucks” – Clothespin
Really though, this is one of my favorite workouts! Thanks for letting me use it and being a good sport Escobar. You are a true HIM!!


Convergence 8-14, Pocket Taco VQ 8-25, Prayers for teachers and students starting school. Prayers for Covid suffering and relief.

Recent Backblasts

    What’s a MURDER HORNET?

    QIC: Blue

    Date: 08-03-2021

    PAX: Nordic Track, Doogie, Slois Lane, Life Alert, Truck Yeah, Boy Band, Cleaver, Geek Squad, Altar Call, Roomba, Gretel, FNG-Lunch Lady, Dundee, Starbucks, Chunks

    AO: The Huey


    A slight chill in the air compared to the last few days, at 67°. Clear skies with a slight breeze every so often. Moisture abounding, on the grass and on the PAX.


    • Imperial Walkers x 25 (hard count)
    • FF OYO
    • Iraqi TT OYO
    • SSH x 27
    • LBAC – reverse x 15
    • Forward x 15
    • Overhead Clap x 15
    • SSH x 19
    • 5 Burpee’s OYO
    • Mosey 4.5 laps (~1mile) to Love Shack

    The THANG

    – Love Shack

    • 5 Beer Truck Burpees OYO
    • 10 Incline Merkins OYO
    • 10 (hard count) Step Ups
    • Mosey back to track

    – Murder Hornets

    – Murder Bunny 10 yards

    • 10 Manmakers (1st 10, 5 BT Burpees OYO)
    • 10 (easy count) Lunges w/ coupon
    • 10 BBS’s w/ coupon

    *repeat 2 more times for a total of 30 yards

    • Hold plank (all together) ~ 30 seconds
    • Right hand to the sky (side plank) ~ 15 sec
    • Plank ~ 15 sec
    • Left hand to the sky (side plank) ~ 15 sec
    • Plank ~20-25 seconds

    – Murder Bunny 30 yards back to start.

    • Murder Bunny 10 yds – 5 He-Manmakers*
    • Murder Bunny 10 yds – 10 CPR’s
    • Murder Bunny 10 yds – 10 Curls for the Girls
    • Murder Bunny 30 yds back to start for time


    I’ve said it before………..GRACE. We read, watch, listen, etc to the news and get so upset, angry, etc with whatever info we gather from those sources. My challenge is to turn off the smartphone, computer, tv, podcast, radio, or whatever news source you have. Then go have a conversation with your neighbor, your coworker, anyone in person that you haven’t spoken to before, or haven’t spoken to in a while. Offer everyone you come across in your daily walk…….GRACE. We are a leadership group. We should lead by example. I GUARANTEE not all of us here today have the exact same opinions/beliefs about any single subject. We are the example of showing GRACE & RESPECT to one another. Take that out into your homes, your work, your church, wherever you happen to be. GRACE.

    Mumble Chatter

    Sadly I don’t ever really remember any mumble chatter. Gretel did happen to ask why it’s called a “Murder Hornet”? I have no idea, but am motivated to find out the story behind the title. It came to my attention a month ago that what I considered two names for the same exercise, were in fact 2 different exercises………..Blockee’s & Manmakers. Last night, searching through the F3 Nation Exicon, a Blockee & a Manmaker are basically the same thing as far as I can decipher. The confusion comes from a Manmaker Merkin. That exercise isn’t anywhere close to a Blockee.


    • Chubby’s Homeless Ministry
    • Detention Q – Wuznt Me
    • Shothouse Q – yours truly
    • August 14th Convergence, Pancake Breakfast, & Blood Drive for Captain Wafer

    11 Erections….

    QIC:  AOL

    Date: 07/30/2021

    PAX: Blair Witch, Clutch, Drool, Lockjaw, Purple Rain, Sanka, Sunscreen, Swingset, WeBlow

    AO: Ridgecut


    74 Degrees, Balmy, Very Little Breeze


    SSHX 15

    Willie Mays Hays x 10

    Forward Fold OYO

    LBAC (Fwd & Rev) x10

    Seal Claps x 10

    Chinooks x10

    21’s (With Penalty Burpees)

    The Thang

    We Had 4 Sets of cones setup on the hill behind the BX.

    We were doing 11’s

    Round 1 (Cone 1 to Cone 2) MOT – Run

    Cone 1 — Squats

    Cone 2 — Shoulder Press w\ block

    Since the exercises on round 1 were squats and shoulder press, we put those together to erect the first exercise of round 2. Squats + Shoulder press = Squat Thrusters

    Round 2 (Cone 2 to Cone 3) MOT – Rifle Carry

    Cone 2 —Squat Thrusters w\ block

    Cone 3 — Curls

    Since we added up round 1 to get round 2 exercises, we did the same thing to start round 3.

    Squat Thrusters + Curls = Head ,Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Yes we Technically should have had a dead lift and triceps extension in also, but we didn’t have time.

    Round 3 (Cone 3 to Cone 4)

    Cone 3 — Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes w\ block

    Cone 4 — Burpees


    My cot this morning is centered around thankfulness. In our daily routines, work, kids, coworkers, meetings, clients, drivers on the road who don’t know how to drive, we get caught up in all that our day entails, and those things can be good or bad.

    But sometimes it takes us taking a step back to be thankful and grateful for our day to day grind. For family, for friends, for our health, for all that has been done for us.

    Now F3 is not a Christian group, necessarily. 

    I don’t know your faith back grounds, but my faith personally is in Jesus Christ! Most days it takes time in His word to bring me back down from my worldly thoughts.

    “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

    Colossians 3:12-17 ESV

    So my challenge to you all today, don’t let this world we live in rule our thoughts and actions, be thankful, help others, love one another, and look to Christ for guidance through your throughout your day.

    Continue praying for Captain Wafer, His Family and His Daughter Specifically.


    The PAX Were not thrilled to be doing work on the hill, Especially the parts where we we rifle carrying up the hill. The Pax suggested an idea where we start at 7 and take reps down from there, and they also mentioned that we could leave half of the blocks at the top of the hill so they didn’t have to carry them. At the beginning of round 3 as YHC is demoing Head Shoulders knees and toes and explaining how round 3 was going, most of the PAX had not done that exercise before So they asked for another demo just for clarity. it was midway through the third demo when i realized that i was the only one doing any exercises, and that they just wanted the rest……….LOL

    very slick move guys!


    Legacy Park Cleanup This Saturday (6-7 am beatdown, Coffeteria 7-8, park Cleanup 8-12)

    Blood Drive for Captain Wafer Aug 14th (convergence with FIA) @ Miller Park

    Recent Backblasts

      Should Have Happened at The Fallen Five

      QIC:  Clothespin

      Date: 07/28/2021

      PAX: Tatonka, Blackout, Cavity Search

      AO: Parliament


      Humid with a chance of itchiness!!!

      Some jackwagon decided to get in the grass this morning. Hope you brought a towel cause you getting soaked!!!!


      Take Coupons (Rucks if it was at The Fallen Five) to warmup area.
      Forward Fold
      Overhead Claps 12 IC
      Baby Arm Circles (forward and reverse) 12 IC
      Cherry Pickers 13 IC
      Run a small loop on track an around parking lot back to coupons.

      The Thang

      A leader wants to Q. I was supposed to Q at the Fallen Five… Well the Q police shut me down and I was a still a little salty about it. So I took it out on the Parliament guys this morning…..

      I guess when you get a reputation people don’t show up for your workouts. At least there were three men that either felt sorry for me or were glutton for punishment because they showed up. Ha ha sucks for them we got wet and grassy!!! Hope you don’t have allergies, cause well, you gonna be sniffing that grass during those Spiderman Crawls!!!

      Fallen Five Workout just a couple weeks later….

      Crawling 11’s
      Leave Ruck at bottom
      Spiderman Crawl up hill perform 10 squats
      Mosey back to Ruck. Pick up Ruck and Tik Tok (Tik Tok is a squat with weight (Ruck) over head and leaning upper body side to side like a clock pendulum)

      Howling Monkeys
      2 or 3 rounds depending on time
      In a circle, everyone grabs their ankles in Monkey Humper fashion (or Gorilla Humper, for the fearless). The first person does ten monkey humpers followed by the next person and so on as in other “ring of fire” exercises. Don’t let go of the ankles! Depending on the number of PAX, two rounds seems to result in Howling Monkeys. This will definitely not be a crowd pleaser, and it might be better to not be seen by light of day in a public space.

      Cut A Flip
      10 sets
      Alternating between 5 Merkins and 5 Big Boy Sit-ups, flipping between the 2 exercises over and over, no rest. Can be performed until a specific number is reached, ex. 100 Merkins and 100 Big Boys; or can be used in an AMRAP scenario that is timed such as 1 Minute or waiting for partner to complete a movement.

      Bear Crawl Burpees 12
      PAX start in upright position arms raised (Grizzly bear rarwr) drop in to burpee, at the top of the push up start bear crawling. Everytime you hear Grizzly, you hop back up, drop back down, push up and crawl again

      Jim Braddock 25
      Ever see the movie Cinderella Man? This one is named after the heavy weight champion during the Great Depression in the 1930’s who eventually went on to fight in WWII. You start with a WWII sit up, and up top throw a RH hook and a RH uppercut then go back down. Come back up and do the same with the left side. Rinse & repeat to the Q’s desire.

      Overhead Press 10
      Curls for the Girls 10

      40 LBC IC
      Imperial Hillbilly Walkers 25 HC OYO
      Hello Dollies 20 IC

      Just keep pushing!!!

      BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


      There were lots of grunts and the mumble chatter started pretty strong. It seemed to taper off towards the end!!! I take that as the Q did his job!

      No I am not really mad. Just wanted to give Mr. Clean a hard time!

      Using this 60# bag during workouts sucks……..


      Miller Park Convergence 8-14-21

      Recent Backblasts

        A Little Bit of everything and the importance of a Cornerstone!

        QIC:  Sousa

        Date: 07/24/21

        PAX: Ramrod, AOL, MIA, Nutbuster, Mr. Burns

        AO: Legacy


        Pleasantly Humid, but overall a nice morning for a stroll through the park


        SSH- 25

        Third Grade exercise- 25

        Forward FOld- OYO (For Threeskin)

        Abe Vigoda’s-10

        Lil Baby arm circles- 20


        Seal-claps- 20


        Chinooks- 10


        The Thang

        Round 1- All PAX did an exercise at the Q’s calling while a single PAX rifle carried a block across a dark and wet field, did 5 blockees and returned to pass the block to the next PAX.

        Once all PAX had rifled carried, we began round 2

        Round 2- All PAX did a variety of exercises incuding toe merkins while passing a block. A single Pax power skipped across the field and did 10 Ranger Merkins before returning. Once all Pax had power skipped, Round 3 began.

        Round 3- More variety of exercises this time at calling of some PAX who had some preferences, Pickle Pointers and Pounders to name a few. This round we also planked and moved the single block around in the circle. Sousa’s Golden brick withstood the friction and rough pavement BUT DID NOT BREAK!!! The single PAX this round Jail broke across the field, did 10 Mountain Goats, and returned. Once All Pax Jail broke. The 2nd half of THE THANG began.

        2nd Part of the Thang-

        We enjoyed a mini ladder consisting of 10 burpees, 20 merkins, and 40 LBC’s with a lap in between each addition.

        We also had just enough time to do 1 minute Wall sits with 10 second breaks while passing the block around (Triibute to Money Ball).

        The mumblechatter while doing this portion of the beatdown consisted of sharing the importance of a cornerstone in any structure. without it, the building would crumble, or be structurally misaligned. I equated this with men needing to be the cornerstone to other men and encourage them to step up and encourage their guys to step up lead and so on so forth.


        I shared the importance of a cornerstone in a structure while we were doing wall sits on the corner of the beautiful Heritage House at Heritage Park. Legacy was founded on the principle of extending a bridge to other men to help them not lead just each other, but their families, peers, co-workers, etc. I also reminded them of my faith in Christ and how without Jesus as my cornerstone I would be nothing, and I would crumble and fall. F3 has alot of cornerstone men that consistently drive other men to be the best they can. I encouraged the PAX to strive for that goal! To encourage and push those sad clowns that may be in their lives. Because as a cornerstone is built upon, a single block turns into a beautiful structure that is pleasing to the eye, and serves a purpose to the comunity. Likewise, a cornerstone HIM starts out, and as he brings other men he begins to grow a legacy that can’t be broken once built up!


        No 7 layer burrito’s for Sousa so the mumble chatter consisted of positive encouragement rather than terrible disgust from the aftermath of the burrito!


        Captain Wafer Convergence on 8-14-21 for a fundraiser to support his daughter who is battling leukimia.

        Park Clean up day on 7-31-21 with Mr. Clean on Q. 6am beatdown, 7am coffeteria fellowship, and 8am-12pm Mulching and painting at Heritage Park where Legacy meets. We would love to see as many HIM there as possible to help service our community!

        Recent Backblasts

          Webbicides in the Weeds

          QIC:  M.I.A.

          Date: 07/13/2021

          PAX: AOL, Blackout, Cleaver, Gretel, Hasbro, Hoveround, Slois Lane, Spooner, U-turn

          AO: The Huey


          70’s with some wet ground. The height of the grass was the most commented upon condition.


          The standard stuff. SSH, LBAC, WMH, FF

          The Thang

          Two Flags are the start line with cones set up approximately every 10 yards marking out 100 yards in total.

          Webbicide 1
          Run to Cone 1 (10 Yards) 1 x Burpee
          Return to Start 4 x Mountain Climbers (HC)
          Run to Cone 2 (20 Yards) 2 x Burpees
          Return to Start 8 x Mountain Climbers (HC)
          Repeat Until Cone 10 (100 Yards) 10 x Burpees and 40 x Mountain Climbers

          Webbicide 2
          Repeat the same sequence above with 1 x Big Boy Sit ups & 4 x Flutter Kicks

          Webbicide 3
          Planned for 1 x Merkin & 4 x Shoulder Taps but due to time constraints shoulder taps were omitted and most PAX completed 1/2 or so of the Merkin ladder


          During a recent COT, YHC heard a PAX talk about sacrificial love. As a Christian (YHC believes this applies to all Faiths) we are taught that the greatest love is to lay ones life down for your friends (John 15:13) but YHC wanted to challenge the PAX to not take this as a challenge to be willing to die for your loved ones by jumping in front of a bullet, or car, but to live for your loved ones, by putting them first and spending quality time with them doing things for them rather than for yourself. YHC doesn’t need to often push my wife from in front of oncoming traffic, but needs to spend more time emptying the dishwasher.


          Everyone got wet. Some, who refused to stay in the grass due to humidity, the rest of us because of the knee height grass YHC was determined to play in.

          While YHC scouted options other than the tall grass to perform todays beatdown, other PAX offered lots of suggestions, they were ignored.

          Spooner stole YHC’s cell phone and speaker. Thankfully all goods were returned in good order. (Seriously… thank you for noticing they were on the hood of your car!)

          Gretel was like a kid in a candy store. The delight on his face when YCH said we would run through the grass, and do burpees was great. It intensified with little giggles when flutter kicks were announced. YHC was unaware that it could further crescendo… then came the Beer Truck followed IMMEDIATELY by a Red Bull Truck. Lets just all be thankful those silkies were below the grass line.

          Gretel’s demeanor returned to more composed (still undignified) level following the final relevant trucks through the remainder of the ab’icide, but when the group started doing merkins he perkily posited “Guys, you can just thank of it as lots of burpees with an increasing number of merkins!” It was Christmas in July!


          3rd F opportunity at Chubbies on Monday nights. Reach out to John Doe if interested and available to serve.

          7/31 – Legacy Park clean up

          8/14 – Convergence/Breakfast/Blood Drive for Captain Wafer’s Daughter

          Dundee don’t need titles

          QIC:  Dundee

          Date: 7/16/2021

          PAX: Abacus, AOL, Cooter, Ducktales, El Chapo, Escobar, Flemish, Full Moon, Happy Ending, M.I.A., FNG-Mr Burns, Picabo, Pipeline, Ramrod, Rollback, Slim Shady, Sousa, Toe Jelly, Top’Em, Uncle Joe, Vaccine, WeBlow, FNG-WhistleStop, WuzntMe

          AO: Hacksaw


          70 degrees and a palpable humidity. No rain, but the dew on the ground made up for it.


          Mosey with block to field by flags

          • SSH 25 IC
          • WMH 10 IC
          • 3GE 10 IC
          • Shoulder blasters – LBACs x 13, LBACs reverse x13, OHC x13, MNC x13, SC x13, CP x13

          The Thang

          Pax split up into four teams. Each team traveled to a corner 50 yards from the center and did reps until every member of the group completed them or the group total equivalent. Completing the reps, the whole team ran back to the middle and got into a plank. First team to get all members back and in a plank won the opportunity to continue to hold plank while the rest of the teams did 5 burpees.

          Round 1 – Rifle carry to the corner, do 25 kettle bell swings, run back to middle
          Round 2 – Bear crawl to the corner, do 50 shoulder presses with coupon, run back to middle
          Round 3 – Bernie to the corner, 75 toe merkins, run back to middle
          Round 4 – Lunge to the corner, 100 curls, run back to middle
          Round 5 – Jailbreak to the corner, 75 block squats, run back to middle
          Round 6 – Duck walk to the corner, 50 pickle pointers with block, run back to middle
          Round 7 – Run to the corner, 25 merkins, run back to middle

          After the 7th round, PAX paired up. Facing each other in the plank position, PAX played paper-rock-scissors.

          Round 1 – Winner: 1 merkin, Loser: 1 burpee, Draw: both do 1 merkin
          Round 2 – Winner: 2 merkins, Loser: 2 burpees, Draw: both do 2 merkins
          Round 3 – Winner: 3 merkins, Loser: 3 burpees, Draw: both do 3 burpees
          Round 4 – Winner: 4 merkins, Loser: 4 burpees, Draw: both do 5 burpees
          Round 5 – Winner: 5 merkins, Loser: 6 burpees, Draw: both do 7 burpees
          Round 6 – Winner: 10 merkins, Loser: 10 burpees, Draw: both do 10 merkins AND 10 burpees

          Final 30 seconds, Sousa led a round of Aquamen (Aquamans?).


          YHC discussed what an HC really means: a commitment to getting better for yourself, your M, your 2.0, your brothers in the gloom, and your community. Matthew 7:28-29 talks about how Jesus spoke with authority in a way that was recognizable by the masses. They witnessed him speaking just as they had witnessed others but when he spoke, it rang true because they could tell he wasn’t just telling them how to act, he was showing them who he was. It’s a difficult distinction to draw, but when you are EHing that potential FNG, they can sense your commitment in the gloom.


          Fresh mown grass and a heavy coat of dew made for a delightful beatdown on the lawn.

          “50 pickle pointers.”
          “What if I did pickle pointers last night?”
          “Fine, you can do three less.”


          Fallen Five convergence tomorrow at the dam (the Dame, Hot Dam, etc.); 0700 startex with a Gretel beatdown followed by ruck to the recruitment center with additional beatdowns along the way.

          August 17 Blood Drive event coming up for Captain Wafer’s daughter at St. Peter and Paul Basilica downtown Chattanooga. Region-wide coffeteria being planned prior. Signup for an appointment to donate at

          It’s Just 5 Reps……

          QIC:  AOL

          Date: 07/15/2021

          PAX: Abercrombie, El Chapo, Pipeline, Schnitzel, Land Yacht, Cooter, Thin Mint

          AO: The Battery


          71 Degrees, Not much Wind, A little Foggy


          Forward fold

          SSH x 15

          WMH X 10

          Seal claps x10

          LBAC (F&R) x10

          Iraqi tea time oyo


          The Thang

          After warmup, we mosey’d with coupons, thru the wet, freshly mowed grass, over to the edge of the greenway.

          It’s Just 5 Reps…

          There are 5 sets of cones set up along the edge of the greenway on the backside of the dog park. each set of cones is 75 Feet apart.

          All exercise reps done with a coupon.

          Pax start at cone 1 and will do 1 curl then rifle carry their coupon to cone two where they will do two curls. Pax will continue this all the way thru cone 5. Pax will pick up 6….Then, once the 6 is in we start round 2.

          Round 2

          Cone 1, start with the 5 curls we ended with from round 1, and add 1 Squat Thruster, Repeat thru cone 5 adding 1 rep of squat thrusters at each cone, till cone 5. Pick up 6.

          Rinse and repeat thru all 7 rounds

          Adding exercise each round and 1 rep per cone. Pax will finish with the following.

          Curls 165

          Squat thrusters 140

          Blockees 115

          Bench press 90

          Flutter kicks 65

          HSKT 40

          John McCain’s 15


          Actions has been on my mind here lately so i wanted to touch on how our actions affect others….


          We have a lot of people that we deal with on a daily basis, and as much as we have to interact with others matters especially how we talk to and treat others, our actions say a lot about who we are as men, as fathers, as husbands, as leaders.

          People are always watching, they watch how we treat coworkers, our family’s , friends and even enemies. Our actions impact our relationships with other people.

          There is 4 ways you actions impact others:

          1. Your actions can reveal.

          They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. – Titus 1:16

          Actions have the ability to reveal what’s in a person’s heart. There is an expression people use: “talk a good game.” This means a person says one thing and does another.

          1. Actions can conceal.

          As powerful as actions are in revealing, they don’t always tell the whole story. Sometimes actions conceal what’s really in the heart.

          Some people act simply to create an image of who they are. They want people to applaud and appreciate them for what they do. This is their sole motivation. While the actions they take are good, they conceal the true inspiration behind them.

          1. Actions can confuse.

          f your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. – Proverbs 25:21

          Actions have the ability to confuse those around you, especially when you treat someone different than they expected or they feel they deserve. Such as:

          – when someone expects an angry response and you show them mercy, or

          – when someone wrongs you and you repay them with kindness.

          Responses like that says a lot about who we are.

          1. Actions can confirm.

          By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. – John 13:35

          Your actions have the ability to confirm the work that God is doing in your life. Such as:

          – when you respond with patience where you used to fly off the handle

          – when you exercise self-control over a habit or besetting sin that has been nagging you for years

          – when you exhibit kindness and compassion for others when you used to be self-centered

          As Christians we tend to talk the talk, but we need to follow that up by walking the walk.


          as we are standing around waiting on other pax to arrive, YHC was asked what i had planned for the workout this morning. I responded with oh, nothing much, we wont have to do more than 5 reps of any exercise at a time……. at about the 20 minute mark in the workout El Chapo speaks up and asks who invited the Q up to this AO….. That was all Abercrombie…

          With us doing our workout on the edge of the greenway, we had our fair share of runners and walkers coming thru, getting a few comments along the way from passers by, and then the runner who just passes right through and doesn’t miss a beat ignoring El Chapos quick EH attempt.

          We also had company in Millie, a dog at the dog park there with her owner, I’m sure she didn’t, but it seemed like she barked at every movement we made. who knows she could have just been joining in on the ribbing that we were giving Schnitzel for purposely breaking his block…. it was like a modern day John Henry Moment….luckily he was left with a good Half of the block to continue his workout with. Although in the end Schnitzel may have been the smart one of the group, just breaking the block the way he did just to make it lighter…(We don’t actually believe that he broke it on purpose.) But none the less he joins the ranks of Woodrider and Sousa in the broken block club. Woodrider at least broke his own block, Sousa and Schnitzel, Well Maybe They would take better care of the blocks if they had their own.


          Fallen 5 Convergance this Saturday 7-8 Ruck event after)

          Prayers for friends of Schnitzel

          Prayers for El Chapo @ Work

          Thank You Guys For Having Me up to your Wonderful AO!

          Recent Backblasts

            Bur-kin Mania at the Huey

            QIC:  Blackout

            Date: 7/15/2021

            PAX: Doogie, Dundee, Gretel, FNG – Life Alert, Mayhem, Money Shot, Spooner, U-Turn

            AO: Huey


            Foggy and humid. No rain, which was nice!


            Mosey 1/4 mile lap to pavilion

            • SSH – x20
            • FF – OYO
            • WMH – x15
            • Arm Circles – x15
            • Reverse Arm Circles – x15
            • Chinooks – x15

            The Thang

            Bur-kin Interval #1 – 60 seconds work and 15 seconds rest (8 total exercises)

            • Burpees
            • Merkins
            • Bodybuilder Burpees
            • Incline Merkins
            • Kraken Burpees
            • Decline Merkins
            • Burpees
            • Werkins

            Mosey 1/4 mile lap

            Stationary 11

            Performed Box Jumps and Dips on picnic tables in Pavilion. 10 Box Jumps, 1 Dip; 9 Box Jumps, 2 Dips;…..1 Box Jump, 10 Dips

            Mosey 1/4 mile lap

            Bur-kin Interval #2– 60 seconds work and 15 seconds rest (8 total exercises)

            • Burpees
            • Merkins
            • Bodybuilder Burpees
            • Lunges
            • Kraken Burpees
            • Ballerina Squats
            • Burpees
            • Reverse Lunges

            MARY – 2 minutes

            • Flutter Kicks – x15 IC (Gretel)
            • 12 BBSU OYO (U-Turn)
            • Pickle Pointers to time (Spooner)


            Talked about vulnerability and the need for vulnerability and stepping outside comfort zone to grow (both physically and spiritually). Talked about Q being first time leading many of the men at Huey and although, Q has done this many times, there is still a vulnerable aspect to leading men you just met in the gloom. Always remember to step outside of comfort zone as the effort of the man defines his character more than the success and failure. If we never step out of our comfort zone and become vulnerable, we will neither see true success OR true failure to grow from.

            Teddy Roosevelt Quote: The Man in the Arena speech from 1910

            “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong
            man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
            The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is
            marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who
            comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and
            shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows
            great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy
            cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,
            and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that
            his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know
            victory nor defeat.”


            It was determined early on that weighted vests and burpees/merkins “ad nauseum” (Mayhem) do not go well together. It was also determined and mentioned that there are different muscle groups other than the muscles in the chest just to make sure Q knew that.

            We got a sweet picture of the Helicopter with light and fog shining in. CCR war songs were played during the intervals, almost like Q read the mind of Ducktales before seeing Slack….

            At the end of the workout, Gretel put his stamp of approval on the “total body” beatdown this morning. I am almost certain that means it sucked really bad…..

            Q called an audible on second interval set to do some squats and lunges. Didn’t feel right to ask PAX to do something for 60 seconds when I could barely lift my own arms in the merkins position by that time!


            Fallen Five ruck this Saturday at the Dam; 0700 beatdown followed by Ruck event with 3 other beatdowns sprinkled in.

            Talked 3rd-F: Legacy park cleanup and Chubby’s

            August 17 Blood Drive event coming up for Captain Wafer’s daughter at St. Peter and Paul Basilica downtown Chattanooga

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