If You Ain’t First, You’re Last

QIC: Mr. Clean & Picasso
Date: 12/30/2017
PAX: Angus, Best In Show (Respect!), Chief, Ohms, Snowflake
AO: The Landfill


32 ℉

The Disclaimer

F3 Nation, Inc. (“F3″) is a peer-led, zero-cost non-profit workout group. F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders, the safety of the exercises performed during workouts or the hazardousness of the premises upon which workouts are conducted.


  • SSH x 15
  • LBAC x 15
  • Reverse LBAC x 15
  • SSH x 15
  • Mountain Climbers x 15
  • High Knees x 15

The Thang

During a Friday lunch Ruck, Mr. Clean and Picasso quoted Will Ferrell from his many hilarious movies. Picasso had Q on the upcoming Saturday and Mr. Clean suggested that they lead a Co Q based that had a Will Ferrell movie themed feel to it. Picasso agreed, and they got to planning. The Landfill was by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, but then soon redacted San Diego to it’s original name ‘The Landfill’. We wanna say something. We’re gonna put it out there; if you like it, you can take it, if you don’t, send it right back. For just one post let’s not be co-people. Let’s be co-pax.
NOTE: Any any time during the post, if Picasso shouts out “You’re my boy, blue”, each pax drops and does 10 Merkins. 
Old School
Mosey down the hill from the love shack.
Earmuff Squats x 20 IC
Pretty Nice Little Saturday

  • Squats x 10 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Burpees x 10 IC
  • Planks x 20 IC

The Red Dragon (it’s not even street legal and may never been seen again) x 10 IC

  • Pax line up in a single file line. Each pax gets lays face down on the ground one in front of the other. The lead pax puts his feet on the second pax back and so on until each pax in the middle of the lead and end pax has their feet elevated. On count, each pax lifts up to a Merkin. Rinse and repeat

Wedding Crashers
Ma, The Meatloaf!! x 10

  • This partner work out is a modification of the wheelbarrow merkin. One pax does a wheelbarrow merkin. Upon completion of the wheelbarrow merkin, the second pax holding the first pax legs, does a deadlift with his partners legs. Alternate until each pax has done 10.

Motorboats (crunchy frog) x 20
Stage 5 Clinger 

  • Pull up x 10
  • Merkin x 10

Crazy Pills x 20 IC

  • Pax sits on his knees. He the rises his upper body off his knees and leans back, feeling the burn in the hamstrings and quads, he counts 20 IC.

Blue Steel x 80 IC

  • Pax hold plank for 20 IC, without dropping form, the pax alternates to side plank and holds for 20 IC, without dropping form, the pax alternates to bridge planks for 20 IC, without dropping form, the pax alternates to side plank for 20 IC

Step Brothers
Tea Bagging the Drum Set

  • PAX moseyed to the facilities to assume the BTTW position. Pax completed 10 IC “Ascending Testicles” routines.

We Just Became Best Friends

  • Pax circled up close to the faculties to complete the next round, but the Pax reminded YHC there was SO much more room for activities on the field.
  • We moseyed to the field, grabbed a parter, carried said partner to a designated point. Pax 1 performed 10 squats while Pax 2 performed 10 Merkins. Flapjack, run back to the starting line, rinse and repeat until each Pax has carried the other 3 times. WE JUST BECAME BEST FRIENDS!
  • Finally, we made it to the Catalina Wine Mixer. Pax completed 15 CWMs OYO (yep, we have the CWM in the Exicon!)

Talladega Nights/Anchorman
I Love Lamp/Shake & Bake

  • Pax were instructed to find a lamp that they loved. (Serious mumblechatter ensued as PAX were strewn about). YHC instructed the Pax to find a partner at a light pole.
  • Pax performed 15 OYO “Shake and Bake” Merkins. Each Pax completes a merkin, fist bumps, completes another merkin, and fist bumps with the other hand….that’s one rep

“I’m on Fire, Ricky Bobby!”

  • Pax completed the Fire Drill with a true Ricky Bobby/Southeast TN twist! When each Pax yelled FIRE, they did with their best country boy/Ricky Bobby accent.
  • Inifinity Al-Gore’s – Pax held Al Gore IC until YHC determined we felt like Ricky Bobby when he was “paralyzed”.

Reverse Pickle Pounders
Contractor Squares
Freddie Mercury’s


Today’s workout, while entertaining and out of the norm, came from something pretty cool…a thrown together F2 event by YHC and Picasso. The lesson: we can truly develop something great and productive if we are just willing to give another person our most valuable asset: time, then something surprisingly and often very cool happens. At the very least, we build relationships with people; because, proper leadership requires building strong relationships with others. We ALL have a story to tell and it’s our responsibility to take time to remember this and make an effort to get to know those stories of others.


Go Ruck Tough 8/17/18 – 7 HIM already committed.
Tough Mudder – 9/15/18

Upcoming Q’s

01/01/2018 – Hot Potato New Years Day Q (Hill City)

All Day I Dream About AMRAP

QIC: Ohms
Date: 12/27/2017
PAX: Angus, Banjo, Whittler
AO: The Griff (Vandergriff Park)



The Disclaimer

F3 Nation, Inc. (“F3″) is a peer-led, zero-cost non-profit workout group. F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders, the safety of the exercises performed during workouts or the hazardousness of the premises upon which workouts are conducted.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
  • Windmills x 15 IC
  • High Knees x 15 IC
  • Ass-Kickers x 15 IC
  • LAC x 15 IC
  • Reverse LAC x 15 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclub x 15 IC
  • Shoulder Press x 15 IC
  • SSH x 15 IC

The Thang

Most newcomers showing up to an F3 workout will notice that some words appear to be made up or some sort of Spanglish….well that’s because a lot of these words are made up and they are of a different language spoken only by the people of the F3 Nation. Are you having trouble understanding the words blurted out in the Gloom? Well not today…because the routines being called out this AM are universal 😉
LAP #1

  • Simon says lap around Vandergriff Park track
    • Mosey around the track while simultaneously performing various exercises called out to you by the Q
    • Exercises: Bernie Sanders, Karaoke, Reverse Karaoke, Sprint


  • (v) The act of repeatedly sprinting back and forth from a predetermined starting point to a series of lines…in this case a parking lot.
  • Suicides (5 parking space lines)
    • 20 yard sprint
    • Merkins x 15 IC
  • Suicides (5 parking space lines)
    • 20 yard sprint
    • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
  • Suicides (5 parking space lines)
    • 20 yard sprint
    • Peter Parkers x 15 IC

LAP #2

  • Indian Runs around Vandergriff Park track
    • Start by jogging single file at a steady pace, and then the last runner in line must sprint to the front of the line, taking the place of the first runner
    • Rinse and Repeat until the entire lap has been completed


  • 20 Minute AMRAP
    • SSH x 25 OYO
    • Coupon Merkins x 20 OYO
    • Block Facing Burpees x 15 OYO
    • Clean & Jerks x 10 IC
  • Rinse & Repeat for the entire duration of the 20 minute timer


  • LBC x 15 IC
  • American Hammer x 15 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
  • Heel Touches x 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercury x 15 IC


A philosophy teacher once said that a mason jar can represent everything in your life. The golf balls are the most important things in your life like family, friends and love. The pebbles are all of the secondary, material things in your life like your car, house and job. The grains represent everything else. All of the small possessions in your life. If you put the grains in first nothing else will fit. If you fill the jar with pebbles or grains you won’t have room for the golf balls. The same thing happens in life. The lesson is to make sure you put the people that matter most in your life first and you will have room for the other small luxuries that life has to offer.
Some also say you could go even further and add some beer to the jar. What does the beer represent you ask? It goes to show that no matter how full your life may be, there is always room for a beer with a friend. Put the people we love first, everything else second and always make time for fun with a friend.


Go Ruck – August 2018
Tough Mudder – September 2018

Upcoming Qs

Saturday (12/30/2017)
– The Landfill (White Oak Park)
– 0700
– Q: Picass0

Monday (01/01/2018)
– Hill City (Renaissance Park)
– 0530
– Q: Hot Potato

Conquer Your Iron Throne – GoT Style

QIC: Picasso
Date: 12/28/2017
PAX: Banjo, Best In Show (Respect!), Laces Out (Respect!), Mr. Clean, Ohms, Prosciutto, Ringwald, S.S. Minnow (Respect! – Nomad), Sundance, Whittler, Wort
AO: Hill City
We might as well brought swim trunks and sun tan lotion on this 25 ℉ clear morning.

The Disclaimer

Signed, sealed, delivered


SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
LBAC x 15 IC
Reverse LBAC x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC

The Thang

While each AO has its own beauty, the Hill City AO is my favorite AO, hands down. It has the right mix of obstacles, hills, bridges and objects to let creativity flow. Like my Blue Period during the time frame of 1900 – 1904, Hill City brings out the best of my creativity. 
Game of Thrones is a very popular book series, as well as, TV Series. The Thang this morning was based off of the GoT series in a production called “Gains of Thrones”. Let’s get to it.
The Mountain (the hill kids slide down?…we need an official F3 name)

  • Sprint up the Mountain
  • Sprint back down the Mountain
  • Partner up for back-to-back squats. Hold 5 seconds
  • Rinse and Repeat x 2

The Twins Crossing (Market Street Bridge)

  • White Walkers x 200 yards (walking calf raises)
  • Sprint to the end of Twins Crossing

Kings Landing (Ross’s Landing)

  • Under the Bar pull ups x 15
  • Partner up for Planks and Mericans. One partner holds plank, the other partner does 10 mericans while resting his feet on the planksman back.
  • Dragon Holds (superman holds) x 15 seconds

The Night’s Watch (Hunter Museum)

  • Pendulum Lunges x 15
  • Pendulum Lunges x 15

The Long Bridge (Walnut Street Bridge)

  • Sprint entirety of the Long Bridge

The Iron Throne (The Great Hall)

  • Partner up for Wall Sits with Dips x 10. One partner wall sits, while the other uses his partners knees to perform dips. Swap!
  • Wall Planks x 15 seconds
  • Wall Sits x 15 seconds

Back to House F3 (Home Base)


LittleFinger provided us with the word this morning. 
“Everyone dies sooner or later. Don’t worry about your death. Worry about your life. Take charge of your life, for as long as it lasts.”
You can’t change things that are out of your control, but you can change how you will act today. Make today the best it can be, be in the present and focus on those tasks.

A Lesson in “Resilience”

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 12/26/2017
PAX: Angus, Best In Show (Respect!) Ohms, Sundance, Wort
AO: Hill City


Calm, clear and brisk. 30’s with a chance of pain; game on!

The Disclaimer

Signed, sealed, delivered


Single Leg Squat x 10 IC (Each leg)
Plank Jacks x 12 IC
Parker Peters x 10 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
Slow-Tempo Squats x 10 IC
Slow-Tempo Merkins x 10 IC
SSH x 13 IC

** Mosey down to the river walk down and around swamp thing **

The Thang

Mini ROT:
A brief explanation of the ROT was provided for the two newish PAX (Sundance and Wort). YHC felt it was necessary just so that they knew exactly what they had gotten themselves into… It would have been a good time to provide some insightful words of wisdom regarding resilience, but time was of the essence. This wasn’t the full diesel ROT that Angus has demonstrated, but it was effective. Also, in the interest of the Abvent and XMAS Abs challenge, we swapped a few things. With that said, YHC gives you the “Abbreviated James Brown ROT”:
Each bench you find along the river walk, perform the following exercises (in no particular order)
10 Step-ups (right leg)
15 Squats
10 Step-ups (left leg)
15 Merkins
When complete, *LUNGE* to the next park bench
At the last bench along this walk (just before the great hall) hold plank & wait for the six. 
Rock Fellowship:
YHC personally selected six Duane “The Rock” Johnson’s (thank you Mr. Clean; glad we have a name for them) and delivered them. After all, YHC hospital name is Nicholas…
With these gifted “Duane’s”, the PAX circled up for the next thing:
10 bottom to middle curls
10 middle to upper curls
10 full curls
*Drop rock & rotate to your right
**Repeat 4x
After all 4, again with the Duane’s:
10 Tricep extensions
10 Shoulder presses
**Repeat 2x
…and mosey back to the love shack for the 1 minute and 45 second “1:45MOM”
LBC x 15 IC
Flutter kicks x 7 IC


One word- “Resilience”
In this season of Christmas, YHC can’t help but think of the story of Jesus’ birth. The odds against his mother and father and those in their camp on that fateful night…And not just the night of His birth, but the weeks leading up to it. What a tough go at it. Those with children of their own can’t fathom how difficult it may have been. And the struggle that Joesph was facing and just how it all came about. Take this woman, Mary, to be your wife; she’ll bear a child, you’ll give it this name and carry this forward as this is what God has asked of you.  Most men would crumble, given these circumstances.  And Mary, Chosen to be the giver of His life. Amazing, really.
The real aspect I considered was Joseph’s resilience as a soon-to-be father, his resilience during that time-period, from the conception and through to the birth and his belief and following of God’s word – what an incredible lesson and implement of God’s plan and his word and test of faith. Dare I say, one of the ultimate and true #HIMs
We are all facing struggle, decisions… challenges. Joseph and Mary faced many, many challenges. They carried on, pushed through those struggles. What came of it?? Oh, you know… just, the birth of a savior and king of Kings. His ultimate sacrifice many years later potentially hung in the balance of Mary and Joseph’s decision in those moments to be resilient, trust in their faith and trust in God’s plan.
As Laces Out (@gregghauss) has discussed, “We are all weathering a storm of one kind or another”. As this next verse from Ephesians mentions, The resilience that we have or any resistance we face should be rooted and met with our ability to trust in God, believe in ourselves and know that we are given favor and strength to do good things, all things, for His glory.
Ephesians 6: 10-14

The Whole Armor of God

10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.


QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 12/21/2017
PAX: Angus, Best in Show, Burrito, Mr. Clean, Ohms, Picasso, Ringwald, Sundance, Sunshine, Vila, Whittler, and Wort
AO: Hill City
52 degrees, foggy, a light drizzle, and a perfect day for driving or flying Delta to our beatdown.
The Disclaimer
YHC explained that this was a workout to pay tribute to a nomadic PAX, thanks Delta, and the beatdown YHC received at his 1st workout, followed by the reminder that YHC is not a professional, modification is acceptable and expected when needed, and the PAX is there on their own free will.


-Side Straddle Hop / In Cadence x 15
-Arm Circles (Forward / Backwards) IC x 15
-Moroccan Night Club IC x 15
-Squat Chinooks / IC x 15
-Shoulder Press IC x 15
-Squat / IC x 15
–Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15

The Thang

I-75 VIA Route 66

  1. Run the distance of two light poles and do 1 burpee
  2. Run the distance of another two light poles and do 2 burpees
  3. Continue on until you have made 11 stops for a total of 66 Burpees.

After completion, The PAX completed 9 burpees together to get from Route 66 to I-75. A couple of 10 counts were mixed in.
YHC reminded the PAX that Delta probably did a lot of traveling on I-75 to his new home.

Stairway to Seven
We took a mosey to the bottom of the Swamp Stairs and the PAX did the following.

  1. At the bottom of the stairs, do 7 incline Merkins
  2. Complete high knee step-ups 1 stair, then do 7 dips
  3. Complete high knee step-ups 1 stair then do 7 Merkins
  4. Rinse and Repeat Until the Top is Reached

Hold Plank Until ALL PAX arrive. A couple of 10 counts were needed among the Mumblechatter.
We took a slow mosey to the LOVE SHACK where we grabbed a partner.
PAX 1- Joe Frazier’s in Wall Sit – 100 reps
PAX 2- AYG Sprint Up Mt. Midoriyama
PAX 2 runs back to switch and picks up count.
PAX 1- Shoulder Press in Wall Sit – 200 total reps
PAX 2- AYG Sprint Up Mt. Midoriyama
PAX 2 runs back to switch and picks up count
Naming of FNGs — Welcome Burrito and Sunshine


YHC told the story of his first workout with Delta, the respect he had for him, and the humbling irony that there was 2 FNGs for today’s beatdown!!! YHC reminded the PAX of the importance of the 3rd F and what it stood for. Faith is the dynamite that truly sets us apart. A particular faith is not required for F3, but a clear understanding of something greater than ourselves is required (the I am third mentality). YHC then shared this message with the PAX that came through inspiration during Laces Out’s prayer after yesterday’s workout.
When I worked out in the rain and slog this morning, I “looked” up with closed eyes at the end during the prayer and felt God as those raindrops hit my face; because, with no rain, we do not have the rainbows God gives us. Without the rain we don’t have the refreshment, on the hot, sunny days when we celebrate God’s beauty through the warmth on our face. Without that rain, we don’t have the water to quench our thirst during a beatdown. With the rain, however, we are reminded of the cleansing Grace of Jesus Christ.


***Family Workout for Saturday has been postponed due to weather***

Coffeeteria still scheduled. Location TBD between Two Sons & Julie Darling’s
GoRuck Tough 8/17/2018
Tough Mudder 9/15/2018

Upcoming Qs

12/23- “Hot Potato” Q (The Landfill)
12/25- Ohms “Festivus Fitness Fun” (Location TBD)
12/26- TBD (Hill City)
12/27- Ohms (The Griff)
12/28- Prosciutto (Hill City)
12/30- Angus (The Landfill)

CFP Football in the Rain

Q: Laces Out (Respect)
Pax: Mr. Clean, Ohms, Picasso, Prosciutto
AO: The Griff
Conditions: 53 and very wet, steady rain.
Disclaimer and intro to CFP workout. Since we’re in Bowl season and headed to College Football Playoff, YHC decided to build workout around football and CFP theme. Coupon today is Football which we must keep off ground.
Finkle swings 15 each leg with partner
Carolina dry docks 12 IC
Imperial walkers 15 IC
The Thang:CFP circuit
C-“Catch Me if You Can” around playground sidewalk with partners.
Pax 1 does 10 merkins while Pax 2 Bernie Sanders. After Pax 1 finishes merkins he sprints to catch Pax 2 and they switch places. Run until finish one lap.
Mosey to Football field across street
FFour Corners with field goals
On the football field at first corner of end zone:
10 Merkins OYO run to next Corner
10 LBCs run to next Corner
10 Imperial Walkers IC run to next Corner
10 Squats OYO
Then Ohms attempted and made field goal! Rinse and repeat:
20 reps each Corner then Mr Clean missed FG wide left.
30 reps last round with YHC missing last FG with this experience: After telling Ohms about my most embarrassing moment of kicking at U of Memphis in pouring down rain against Southern Miss, YHC promptly did exact same thing with plant foot slipping in the mud and falling down while attempting FG! No good! Saving grace both time: no game film to prove it! Laces Out was reminded later by Mr Clean who told holder Ohms: “Laces were in, Dan!”
Burpee penalty of 10 each for missed FG=20 burpees in the puddles!
PPrisoner Indian Run
Holding hands behind head (similar position to Imperial Walkers) the Pax did an Indian Run back across street to the park.
Peter Parker’s with merkins 15 IC led by Prosciutto with demonstration.
Because we still had time, added one more lap of Catch Me If You Can.
Flutterkick 12 IC
Hello Dolly 12 IC
Rosalita 12 IC
Plank 20 IC
Reverse Peter Parker-led by Picasso 12 IC
CFP-Test of determination and hard work in today’s workout! College Football Playoff is not the only CFP in our home. YHC’s M finished finance degree in college and then studied for and passed the Certified Financial Planner’s tests. However the first time before sitting for the CFP Board exam, gave it up to stay home with our newborn. Nearly twenty years later, she did it again this time passing the board exam and now working as Financial Advisor. My take on this is: Our role as husbands is to love and lead our wives, but also support them to utilize God’s gifting and purpose in their lives. I’m blessed to see my wife’s determination and hard work over the years as a great mom and now use her talent as a ministry to help young couples, single mom’s and other women with their financial planning. As a pastor, she’s preferred and supported me in ministry and I want to do the same for her! Let’s lead and love our wives today and be better men in the process.
Prayed together


QIC: Angus
Date: 12/19/2017
PAX: Count, Flemish, Laces Out, Mr. Clean, Ohms, Picasso, Ringwald, FNG-Six String, Snowflake, Stairmaster, FNG-Sundance, Whittler, FNG-Wort
AO: Hill City


46 °F Wet / Dark / Foggy — what YHC thinks of when we refer to the gloom

The Disclaimer

Welcome to F3 for all the FNGs — you have done the hard part. You are here. We are here to to push ourselves but don’t hurt yourself. Be aware of your surroundings and modify if necessary — but give it maximum effort. This is a peer led workout and I am not a professional.


With a swoth of PAX in tow YHC led a mosey to the Great Hall
SSH x 20
Finkle Swing x 15
SSH x 20
It was about this time that The Count graced us with his presence — better late than never! Glad he was able to locate us. 
Squat x 15
SSH x 20
HK x 15
WHK x 15
AK x 15
SSH x 20
Lung x 15
Dot Drills – All PAX are instructed to grab a square. 
Hop to each corner of the box
Right Leg x 10
Left Leg x 10
Both Legs x 10
Mosey to the parking lot behind Mt. Midoriyama
Inifinite Plank – All PAX hold plank for an infinite amount of time while performing plank like exercises. YHC called out the following IC.
Merkins x 15
Plank x 10
Mountain Climbers x 15
Plank x 10
Carolina Dry Docks x 15
Plank x 10
Pickle Pounders x 15

The Thang

Mosey down to the swamp for our main event, since we have a higher number of PAX than normal we split into two groups of 7. 
Rocky BLIMPS (Together)
PAX were instructed to box jump to the top of the steps with an added challenge — get to the top together. We should excel together. Once all PAX reach the top we perform the exercises in the following order:
= Burpees x 5
L = Lunges x 10
= Imperial Walkers x 15
M = Merkins x 20
= Plank Jacks x 25
S = Squats x 30
Return to the bottom and box jump to the top together between each exercise. 
Banzai Bear Crawl (Together)
The Bazai Bear Crawl is just like a normal Bear Crawl simple performed in reverse. And for our PAX in Hill City we enjoy the pleasure of perform that up a hill.
Again, the PAX were challenged to get everyone to the top of the hill — together.
Once the summit was reached the PAX took a moment to bask in the glory of the view that was achieved just as our time came to an end.


It was clear by the end of our time that YHC was focusing on how we work together to move toward a perceivably unachievable goal.
YHC asked the PAX:

Who on their own will would have come here and done all that we did this morning — on their own?

Not a single hand was raised. The point was understood.
YHC read from the QSource about how a man’s perspective ranges from 9 to 12 to 3 o clock but we cannot watch our own 6 — no one man has the ability to watch his own back to make sure he isn’t getting attacked from behind and focus on what is in front of him.

Instead of focusing solely on his prey, a man also works cooperatively with other men in the pack to see what might be behind him. He recognizes that his eyes up front can only see from 9 through 12 to 3 o’clock. He is blind to his Six unless another man watches it for him. After all, what good is the hunt if the hunter himself is taken by something that sneaks up on him from a place that he, by himself, cannot observe? No man can see his own Six. – Shield Lock (Q1.8)

Just because YHC led the workout this morning does not mean he is the only Q. We are all Qs of our own life. It is each of our responsibility to step up and lead in our own environments. Each of us, need to continue showing up. Continue pushing each other. But most importantly continue building the bonds that we are forming here, because we each need 3 to 5 PAX to watch each others 6 — keep us from getting attacked from behind. Help us if we stumble. Give us a hand if we fall.
Read more about The Shield Lock
_Angus Out

Xmas Abs II: Smells Like Christmas Spirit!!

AO: Beast Ridge
Date 12/18/17
Q – Vila
PAX – Angus, Prosciutto, Best in Show, The Whittler (FNG)
Warm up:

  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Imperial Walkers IC x15
  3. Forward Fold x15
  4. Plank IC x10
  5. Up Dog x15
  6. Plank IC x10
  7. Merkins IC x12
  8. Down Dog x15
  9. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  10. Plank IC x10
  11. Forward Fold x15


  1. Mosey around the field to explain the workout
  2. Run to first corner
    1. 8 count bodybuilder (8cbb) OYO x5
  3. Run to second corner
    1.  Monkey Humpers OYO x15
  4. Run to third corner
    1. LBCs OYO x20
  5. Run to home and hold plank until all catch up

Increase the reps at each corner by 5 for 3 more rounds

  1. Set up a 10 yard field
    1. Inch worms down
      1. SSH x15
      2. Lunges back
    2. Lateral roll merkins down (squerkins)
      1. Squats x15
      2. Lat roll merk back
    3. Crab walk w/ tricep dips down
      1. BBS x10
      2. Commando crawl back
  2. 12 rep merkin wheel


  1. Flutter kicks IC x15
  2. Freddie Mercury’s IC x15
  3. LBC’s IC x15
  4. Crunchy Frog IC x15
  5. Leg climbers IC x15 each
  6. Pickle dippers IC x15
  7. Hollywood’s IC x15 each
  8. Love Handles IC x15
  9. Plank jacks  IC x15
  10. Box cutters  IC x15
  11. Rosalitas IC x15
  12. V sits IC x15

With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.
Park Canyon Apartment Fire victims
Angus’ wife’s pregnancy
Prosciutto’s friend’s loss
Folks travelling for the holidays
Swinging hammers,

Frosty BooBoo Box

QIC: Angus
Date: 12/16/2017
PAX: Banjo, Best In Show, Chief, Mr. Clean, Mudslide, Prosciutto, Vila
AO: The Landfill


Dark & 26 °F All PAX were stayin’ frosty — especially Mr. Clean who’s beard frosted over during the pre-post ruck.

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional, you are here of your own free will, we are going to push ourselves this morning but don’t hurt yourself so be smart and be aware of your surroundings and modify if necessary. If you do get hurt we’ll partner carry you to your car and make sure you get some help.

COP (all exercises IC)

Mosey around and stop at and circle up.
SSH x 15
IW x 20
SSH x 15
HK x 20
WHK x 20
SSH x 15
Mosey around down the sidewalk around the playground and up the hill to the soccer fields and circle back up.
SSH x 15
AK x 15
SSH x 15
Squat Jumps x 15
The Warm-up (all exercises done IC)
Toe Touch x 15
Hang x 15
Baseball x 15 (Right / Left)
Quad x 15 (Right / Left)
Tricep / Across Chest Right x 15
Tricep / Across Chest Left x 15
Mosey over to the top parking lot.
Infinite Plank (All PAX hold plank until YHC calls recover)
Merkin x 10
Plank x 10
CDD x 10
Plank x 10
Mountain Climber x 10
Plank x 10
Pickle Pounders x 10
Plank x 10
Angle Grinders x 10

The Thang

Mosey on down to the bottom parking lot for the thang — YHC wasn’t feelin super creative but this is a beat down nonetheless. The PAX were instructed to grab a “Dwayne”  or a rock — you get it.
Booboo Box (alternatively called Bearbox)
YHC likes to bear crawl — take the simplest of routines and throw a bear crawl in there and its a beat down. That is precisely what we have here. PAX were instructed to bear crawl from corner-to-corner around the perimeter of the parking lot. At each corner performing an exercise, each lap increment the exercise by 5. Bear crawl is where we get booboo. Like from Jellystone. You get it.
Bear Crawl to corner 1
Burpees x 5
Bear Crawl to corner 2
Merkins x 10
Bear Crawl to corner 3
Squats x 15
Bear Crawl to corner 4
Dwayne Curls x 20 (full curl)
Rinse and Repeat (increment each x 5).
YHC heard the call — so all PAX heeded.
Partner Push
Indian Roll


LBC x 60


As a man was passing a pair of elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.
He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”
The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.

We are able to accomplish, we are able to excel, and we are able move not just ourselves but the world around us. What lie is in your mind that is holding you back? Find that lie and challenge it. Pull on that rope and pull hard. Don’t let the perception of a challenge keep you from gettin where you want or need to be.


December 1-25: Xmas ab challenge #Abvent
December 23: Potluck dinner
December 25: Xmas beat down (more details to come as we approach this date)
TBD: Rucking Camping Trip
August 17,2018: GoRuck Tough in Chattanooga
September 15-16, 2018: Tough Mudder in Nashville

Upcoming Qs

12/18 @ Hill City  – Angus
12/20 @ The Griff – Laces Out
12/21 @ Hill City – Ohms
12/23 @ The Landfill – Family Festivus Workout / Potluck
12/25 @ Hill City Christmas Day – Ohms
_Angus Out

12 Days of Christmas

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Vila, Angus, Best in Show, Ohms
AO: Hill City
Date: 12/12/2017
Conditions: a cool 37 degrees nice and warm for a holiday beatdown

Mosey to Great Hall where disclaimer was given and we began with a quick COP
SSH IC 15x
Cotton Pickers IC 12x
Windmill IC 12x
Imperial Walker IC 12x
Kept the COP short in sweet since we would need all the time for what lay ahead.
The Thang:
1 Burpee
2 Big Boy Sit Ups
3 Bench Press
4 Shoulder Press
5 Curls
6 Bent Over Rows
7 LBC’s
8 Mountain Climbers
9 Merkins
10 Plank Jacks
11 Lunges
12 Jump Squats
Tried to find a decent size Dwayne and gathered around the Christmas tree in Coolidge Park. Explained how the thang worked. We start off with 1 burpee take a lap come back do 2 Big Boy Sit Ups & 1 Burpee followed by a lap. We did this til we got to the 12th gift of Jump Squats. Yup the beat down is brought to you by the 12 Days of Christmas song but instead of nice gifts like 5 golden rings you get curls and forget about the partridge in a pear tree you get a lovely burpee. Also quick shout out to Shark Bait from F3 Mt View who I stole this from. Solid Q brother.

Prayer Request:
December 1-25: Xmas ab challenge #Abvent
December 23: Potluck dinner
December 25: Xmas beat down (more details to come as we approach this date)
TBD: Rucking Camping Trip
August 17,2018: GoRuck Tough in Chattanooga
September 15-16, 2018: Tough Mudder in Nashville