Mr. Clean’s Cherry Blast Q (Stand By Your Man)

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 11/8/2017
PAX: FNG-Easy Mac, Ohms, Snowflake, and Stairmaster
AO: The Griff (Vandergriff Park)


55 deg. F, soggy, foggy, some groggy PAX, but all feeling froggy for a beatdown
When 0530 arrived, YHC wanted to bring “Glad Tideings with great Joy” for a good cleaning in the soggy weather.  The excitement was especially high for the “veteran” PAX as we had an FNG make the trip all the way from atop Signal Mountain.  The disclaimer was given swiftly and the fun began.

  1. SSH IC X20
  2. Imperial Walkers IC x15
  3. SSH IC x15
  4. Cotton Pickers IC x15
  5. SSH IC x12
  6. BACs IC x15
  7. Reverse BACs IC x15
  8. Moroccan Night Clubs IC x15

The Thang

The Thang:
Round #1: Sorta DORA
With a good warm-up, sweat broken, and a slow count Imperial Walker round, the PAX were instructed to mosey to the light single light pole not following “Ohms Law”.  The PAX partnered up and positioned themselves for the Sorta Dora Beatdown.

  1. PAX # 1 – Ran to 4th Light Pole & Back (Approx 100 yards)
  2. PAX # 2 – Merkins
  • Rinse and Repeat until 100 reps have been completed
  1. PAX # 1 – Ran to the 4th Light Pole & Back (Approx 100 yards)
  2. PAX # 2 – LBCs
  • Rinse and Repeat until 200 reps have been completed
  1. PAX # 1 – Ran to the 4th Light Pole & Back (Approx 100 yards)
  2. PAX # 2 – Squats
  • Rinse and Repeat until 300 reps have been completed

Round #2: Coupon Gassers
Mosey to the small parking lot and grab a rock to hopefully find their own “Dewayne”.

  1. Perform Bent Over Rows, Bicep Curls, and Shoulder Presses x 10 (with coupon)
  2. Sprint 5 yards and back.
  • Rinse and Repeat until you reach the 20 yard mark

Round #3: Stand By Your Man
After returning their rocks, The PAX were instructed to complete Tammy Wynette exercises and obvious MumbleChatter ensued.  PAX stood by their partners and completed the following:

  1. PAX #1 – 10 Squats
  2. PAX #2 – 10 Merkins
  • Rinse and Repeat until 50 of each exercise was completed.

Totals Per Pax:

  • 1.5 Miles
  • 100 Merkins
  • 100 LBCs
  • 350 Squats
  • 40 Bent Over Rows
  • 40 Bicep Curls
  • 40 Shoulder Presses
  • 50 Shoulder Presses

Mosey back to The Love Shack.


Chattanooga is our city here in F3, but we also have our communities within that city (Beast Ridge, The Griff, Hill City, and The Landfill) and of course, we have each other.  In the wake of San Antonio, the continuing heartache associated with the hurricanes, and our brother Laces Out, we are all challenged to support those communities by providing a shining example of support and lending hands up to those in need.


*Q School 11/11/2017 (Landfill)
* GrowRuck 05 / Grow School (November 18th)
* FNG Challenge; Starting tomorrow and going through end of November the workouts will begin with 10 Burpees. Deduct 1 burpee for every FNG until end of November.

Upcoming Qs

11/9/2017 – Laces Out (Hill City)
11/11/2017 – Q School (Landfill)
11/13/2017 – Steam Engine (Beast Ridge)
11/14/2017 – Delta (Hill City)
11/15/2017 – Ohms (The Griff)
11/16/2017 – Angus (Hill City)
11/18/2017 – GROW RUCK
11/20/2017 – Rainman (Beast Ridge)
Mr. Clean

Goofballs & Alarms

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 11/07/2017
PAX: Angus, Flemish, Mudslide, Ohms, Picasso, Rainman, Stairmaster, Vila
AO: Hill City (Renaissance Park)
Conditions: Temperature, high 60’s; Humid & balmy. No rain, although overcast and threatening

Disclaimer was necessary and was also assessed; as per the usual, the warm-up began @ 0530 sharp.
Today – YHC commissioned future Q specialist, Picasso, to try his hand at a Warm-up; Here is what he had inscribed on his canvas…
Warmup (Picasso):
– SSH x 15 IC
– SSH x 15 IC
– Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
– Merkins x 15 IC
– Goofballs x 15 IC
– SSH x 15 IC
*Mosey to the Great Hall
The Main Thang:
Before consulting the weinke, YHC had to try something he’d been considering for quite some time while attending the Great Hall; that being, THE INCLINE WALL.
– Decline Merkins (aka “Balls to the Wall”) x 10 IC
– Incline Merkins x 10 IC
Repeat x 3
Head over to the Coolidge Park grassy knoll and as a group, run sprints to the tree in “the Grotto” and then mosey back to the starting position.
Repeat x 3
*Mosey over to rock pile under bridge to grab a rock
ALARMS (throwback to January 28, 2017) – in the spirit of Daylight Savings Time, which still doesn’t seem to save much daylight for F3.
– Shoulder Press x 10 OYO w/ rock
– Lunge x 10 IC w/ rock
– LBC x 10 IC
– Two light pole sprint and back
– Merkin x 10 (IC)
– Shoulder Taps x 12 IC
– Squat x 12 IC w/ rock
– Peter Parker’s x 12 IC
– Monkey Humpers x 12 IC
– Makhtar N’Diayes x 10 IC
– Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC
– One-legged squat x 10 IC w/ rock
– Crunchy Frogs x 10 IC
– Overhead Press w/ rock x 12 (single count)
– Mike Tyson’s x 10 (single count)
**Mosey back to the love shack
– Box Cutter
– Flutter Kick
– Hello Dolly
– American Hammer
– Elbow plank
– Side plank L & R
– Elbow plank
– Jack Knifes
– BBSU until time
* GrowRuck 05 / Grow School (November 18th)
* FNG Challenge; Starting tomorrow and going through end of November the workouts will begin with 10 Burpees. Deduct 1 burpee for every FNG until end of November.
Laces Out’s FIL
Best In Show Guidance
Prosciutto’s son’s birthday
We talked about commitments, and just being a solid commit to anything in life. In a world that allows for too much “gray” and middle-ground and lack of accountability, we should try to remain hard-nosed about commitments in life to be a person of upstanding character and someone of “our word”; be dependable. Instilling the values in those around you, or your children or those in your household, will help them, their relationships, our community, and more broadly – the world.
What can you commit to – to make yourself and others better?
Aye! See you in the gloom!

Slow Down

QIC: Angus
Date: 11/04/2017
PAX: Snowflake, Mudslide, Vila, Pumpkin, Picasso, Laces Out
AO: The Landfill


62 Degrees. Incredible thick fog, limited visibility, and nearly perfect.

The Disclaimer

It’s important. Always. This is a peer led workout, YHC is not a professional, all PAX are here of their own free will, push yourself but modify if necessary, and be aware of your surroundings.


SSH x 20
Finkle x 20
SSH x 20
Cotton Pickers x 20
SSH x 20
Imperial Walkers x 20
SSH x 20
Ass Kickers x 20
SSH x 20
High Knees x 20
Wide High Knees x 20
SSH x 20
Mosey down to the lower parking lot
Diamond Merkin x 10
SSH x 20
CDD x 10
SSH x 20
Merkin x 15
SSH x 20
Wide Merkin x 10
SSH x 20
Corncob Merkin x 10
SSH x 20
Mosey to the facilities
LAC (FWD/BWD) x 12
CHIN (CW/CC) x 12
MNC x 15
SP x 15
That’ll be 220 Side Straddle Hops

The Thang

The PAX were introduced to the newest addition to our AO – a 350 pound tire. Which is to be named by the PAX that break it in.
The Indian Roll
If you’ve ever done an Indian Run your already halfway there — the first man rolls the tire man in the back does a 5 count and sprints to the front to take on the roll. In order to maintain safety the PAX are encouraged to keep it in line and keep it slow.
Up and Over
Line up and hold plank. The first man runs up and over the tire and gets back into formation holding plank. Rinse and repeat x 5.
Big Tire Jumps
Line up and hold plank, this time equal distance from the tire. Run to the tire and either box jump onto the tire or clear it (if you are safely able) go across then box jump (or clear) back over and run back into formation. Rinse and repeat x 5.
Partner Push
PAX Line up abreast about arms length apart, all movements go from stage left to stage right. Our numbers weren’t even so this is one way to do the partner push:
The first PAX, The Roller, rolls the tire to the second man, The Pusher, and gives it a hefty shove toward The Pusher making sure that he is braced and prepared for the weight. The Pusher catches the tire and pushes it back toward The Roller. This sequence is repeated by The Roller until the end of the line has been reached. The first man is always the new roller.
The alternative is to have the pax line up facing one another and hold squat / run in place / jump squats while they wait for the tire to make its way down the line. One line pushes to the other as many times as the Q deems appropriate then rolls it down.
Mosey to the shelter


Little Baby Crunches x 50


The tire will henceforth be called BRUTOS as named by the PAX who broke her in.
The name is as easy as this:
Big Round Ugly Tire Of Suck
Treat her right or she will crush you.


There’s a quote that is typically attributed to being an African proverb that goes something like:

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

I can’t attest to the validity of the quote but it’s easy to logically see and understand that it holds some level of truth.
Today, we moved together — and YHC is hoping to highlight the pace at which we move as a unit. A single PAX can move fast but under great weight or at great distances what can be accomplished doesn’t not compare to what we can do slowly together. We look after one another while we are making complex movements, navigate risk, calculate strength, and identify weakness as a group.
YHC reminded the PAX that in a time of non-stop immediate gratification at every corner, sometimes fast isn’t always better.


GrowRuck – 11/17
F2 HH – Mudslide will be coordinating.

Upcoming Qs

11/06 – Prosciutto @ Beast Ridge
11/07 – Prosciutto @ Hill City
11/08 – Mr Clean @ The Griff
11/09 – Laces Out @ Hill City
11/11 – Q School @ The Landfill
_Angus Out

Xmas Abs: The Beginning

Q – Vila
PAX – Angus, Laces Out, Early Bird, Mudslide, Stairmaster, Picasso, Delta, Snowflake, Ohms
Warm up:

  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Mount Climb IC x15
  3. SSH IC x20
  4. High knees IC x15
  5. SSH IC x25
  6. Cotton pickers IC x15
  7. 8 count bodybuilder (8cbb) 1C x5


  1. Mosey to beginning of Walnut Street Bridge
    1. 25 merkins OYO
  2. Mosey to 1/2 way on bridge
    1. 25 merkins OYO
  3. Mosey to Ross’ Landing
    1. 10 – 8cbb OYO


  1. Box jump to top with incline push on each step. (Incline BurpBox: Chatt Box)
    1. 15 squats
    2. 15 flutter kicks


  1. Mosey back to the shack by Market Street Bridge
    1. break in the middle to get the pearls back together


  1. Flutter kicks IC x15
  2. Freddie Mercury’s IC x15
  3. LBC’s IC x15
  4. Crunchy Frog IC x15
  5. Leg climbers IC x15 each
  6. Pickle dippers IC x15
  7. Hollywood’s IC x15 each
  8. Love Handles IC x15
  9. Plank jacks  IC x15
  10. Box cutters  IC x10

I think I remember all of the 10mom, but do not be afraid correct me.
If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences.
-Criss Jami. Killosophy-

  • Laces – step mother in law hip/father in law/wife’s strength
  • Angus – wife’s pregnancy
  • Stairmaster – neighbor’s house fire recovery/transition to new congregation
  • Delta – new job in Marietta
  • Vila – new company needs some traction

Swinging hammers,

Monster Mash

QIC: Steam Engine

PAX: Ohms, Angus, Vila, Delta, Flemish, Banjo, Picasso, FNG-The Count, Snowflake
AO: Hill City
Date: 10/31/2017
Conditions: 42 degrees great weather for a monster mash

Disclaimer was given & welcomed the FNG
SSH IC 15x
Little Arm Circles (LAC) Forward IC 15x
LAC Backward IC 15x
Shanook IC 15x
Alternating Toe Taps IC 15x
Peter Parker IC 15x
Mountain Goat IC 10x
Mosey to the river-walk
The Thang:
Zombie Walk: lunge across to a set point this morning we used the benches on the river walk.
Followed by Ballerina Squats IC 10 OYO
Rinse & Repeat 3x
Once we reached the Great Hall we picked out some rocks to perform The Cooper
The Cooper:
Block Burpee, Goblet Squat, Merkins, mosey to 2nd bench & back
Start at 10 reps for each excersices & work down to 1 rep
Mosey back to The Love Shack for some quick Mary
RBC IC 15x
LBC IC 10x

Prayer Request:
Count: New CEO pray for guidance and wisdom as he leads 250 people
Angus: wife’s pregnancy
Stairmaster: neighbor had electrical fire
November 11: Q School
November 18: Grow Ruck
Upcoming Q’s:
November 1: Ohms (The Griff)
November 2: Villa (Hill City)
November 4: Angus (Landfill)

Driveway to the Dufresne

DufresneQIC: Ohms
Date: 10/28/2017
PAX: Mudslide, Pumpkin, Mr. Clean, Snowflake
AO: The Landfill (White Oak Park)

Conditions: 40 deg. F, cold winds, rainy, still excellent weather for a beatdown
When 0530 arrived, YHC wanted to immediately get the blood flowing so we took a long mosey to South Gate at the bottom of the park via the downhill Driveway. When all PAX arrived at the bottom, the disclaimer was given swiftly and to the point and the warmup began! Note: “What goes down…must come up” – F3 Chatt –
– SSH x 25 IC
– Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
– Windmills x 15 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
– Chinooks x 15 IC
– Arm Circles x 15 IC
– Reverse Arm Circles x 15 IC
– Shoulder Press x 15 IC
– Moroccan Nightclub x 15 IC
– SSH x 25 IC
Circuit #1: The Driveway
Now that we were all warm and at the bottom of the Driveway, we knew it was time to make our hike back up to the top of the mile long hill. We made our journey to the top by following the sidewalk, not the main road because the lightpoles were in the itinerary.

  • Frog Jump to the second light pole followed by Merkins x 10 OYO
  • Bernie Sanders to the next light pole followed by Squats x 10 OYO
  • Lunge to the next light pole followed by Carolina Dry Docks x 10 OYO
  • Rinse and repeat until you reach the top (40 light poles)

Due to time constraints YHC informed the PAX that however far we have made it at 7:40AM, at that point we would take the path of MOST resistance to the top where the soccer field is…needless to say we had reached the bottom of Mt. Fukame right at 7:40AM. Yep, you guessed it…time to grab a rock and make the steep trek up Mt. Fukame.
Circuit #2: The Dufresne
Once we reached the top of Mt. Fukame, it was time to put the 100 yard soccer field and our rocks to use.

  • Crawl 100 yards to the other side of the soccer field (your rock must make it to the other side as well)
  • Rinse and Repeat x 2


“Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies”
Big Shout Out to the few PAX that showed up this morning and making themselves better, despite the rainy cold weather!

You’ve got a Friend

QIC: Prosciutto (aye!)
Date: 10/30/2017
PAX: Banjo, Best in Show (RESPECT), Delta, Rainman, Snowflake
AO: Beast Ridge
Conditions: Temperature, 31 degrees; frigid and frosty. Thank you God (that is all).

Disclaimer was brief (if provided at all) and the warm-up began very promptly @ 0530 as standing around proved to be ineffective in keeping warm.
– Burpees x 10 OYO
– Lunges x 10 – single count
– High Knees x 10 IC
– Lunges x 10 – single count
– High Knees x 10 IC
– IW x 10 IC
– Flutter Kick x 15 IC
– Wide High Knees x 10 IC
– Hello Dolly x 15 IC
– Merkins x 10 single count
– High plank x 15 IC
– Slow tempo Merkins IC
– High plank x 15 IC
– Burpees x 10 OYO

** To YHC’s great surprise, ‘there are hills in this here AO.’ I have long thought of this park as being a flood plain –and a friend confirmed this point whose Grandfather owned the land the Bass Pro sits on a long while ago; but I digress– lo and behold, there is a bit of elevation towards the entrance. At a quick glance, I spotted a good place and the group was inclined (see what I did there?) to begin the thang ***

The Main Thang:
The Pax commence a short mosey to said inclination, and so it goes…
11’s on this here hill filled with:
– Angle grinders at the bottom (increment until 10 reps)
– Bear crawl each ascent
– Squats at the top (decrement until 1 rep)
**Mosey to stadium steps
Calf-raises x 15 IC
Repeat-o x 3
**Mosey to the parking lot
YHC commissioned his #Friends to give a ~100 yard end-point for what was coming next.
After much deliberation about what 100 yards actually looked like, we agreed to the far light pole in the distance… yep… that one.
An AMRAP (“As many reps as possible”) exercise for 6 stations.
The assignments as follows:
PAX 1 – Out & back “sprint” to the designated light pole and then assume PAX 6’s position
PAX 2 – Cotton Pickers, rotate right when PAX 1 returns
PAX 3 – Bicep Curls w/ coupon, rotate right when PAX 1 returns
PAX 4 – Shoulder Press w/ coupon, rotate right when PAX 1 returns
PAX 5 – Plank, rotate right when PAX 1 returns
PAX 6 – Flutter kick, rotate right when PAX 1 returns
Rinse and Repeat x 2
In Acts 18: 1 – 17, God provides Paul two true friends (Aquila and Priscilla) to continue the mission of preaching the gospel in Corinth. Through this partnership, he’s able to establish and gain traction with his mission. This eventually paved the way for the four letters of Corinthians (two did not end up in the Cannon)and the work of many more good things to come.
How does this happen? True friendship. Someone to be there for you when you need it. Someone who will celebrate and grieve and mourn with you. Someone who lends a hand or offers support before you ask or need for it. Someone who cares…
I read a recent report/poll that said the average person has 6 “good” friends. 6!???!!
To that, I say, only 6?! YHC had 6 helpful/supportive/encouraging/accountable guys who I could count on just this morning…
How many do you have? How many are meaningful? Do you know someone who needs a friend? Be a friend…better yet, offer them lots of friends; welcome to F3 Chattanooga.
Aye! See you in the gloom!

Vila Q Cherry Blast (The Road Not Taken)


QIC: Vila
Date: 10/26/2017
PAX: Ohms, Best In Show (RESPECT), Angus, Snowflake
AO: Hill City (Renaissance Park)

Conditions: 47 degrees. Soakers were on at the park, so there was an extra element of danger. Besides that, clear and dry.


Ssh IC 15

Mount climb IC 15

Ssh IC 20

Merk IC 15

Ssh IC 25

Imp walk IC  15

Lbc IC 15

10 burp OYO

Mosey to park: 

by way of the riverside. 25 merks IC on the way


100 dips on stage wall

200 lbc

300 squats

while partner ran to the Peace Pad and back

Mosey back:

by way of Frazier. 25 merks OYO on the way


1.5 miles total

Swamp box jumps and 15 flutter kicks

10mom EPIC!


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
Life is full of choices, and we choose the paths that we will follow. For myself, I have always chosen the path “less traveled” because I like the challenge. This passage, I think,  accurately describes the men of F3. This is not an easy decision that we make to get out before the crack of dawn, but it speaks volumes about who we are and which path we choose to become better people and better leaders. “And that has made all the difference.”
Swingin’ hammers as always,

The VanderGRIFF Voyage

QIC: Ohms
Date: 10/25/2017
PAX: Prosciutto, Early Bird, Laces Out (RESPECT), Stairmaster, Snowflake, Mr. Clean, Pumpkin
AO: The Griff (Vandergriff Park)

Conditions: 45 deg. F, with the cool weather came breaths of cold air and sweat shirts.
This is an extremely exciting week for F3 Chatt and the expansion of our group into two new AO’s (Beast Ridge and The Griff). It’s a good feeling being able to grow as a team and to have the honor to work out with some very dedicated men. I cannot express how appreciative and thankful I am for my F3 Family and the commitment that my brothers show to wake up and make it to the Gloom at 0530. This morning we had two PAX come all the way from East Ridge and another PAX come from Lookout Valley to show their support for the Inaugural Launch at Vandergriff Park. This is NOT a gym, this is NOT a workout routine…this is a lifestyle and a family! Good work BROTHERS!
– SSH x 25 IC
– Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
– Windmills x 15 IC
– Arm Circles x 15 IC
– Reverse Arm Circles x 15 IC
– Moroccan Night Club x 15 IC
– Shoulder Press x 15 IC
– Smurf Jacks x 15 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
Round #1: The Track

  • Mosey along The Track around the Park (0.2 miles)
  • Take another mosey around The Track
    • At every light pole perform 10 Merkins
    • 14 light poles x 10 Merkins = 140 Merkins
  • Indian Runs 2 laps around The Track
  • Take another mosey around The Track
    • At every light Pole perform 15 LBCs
    • 14 light poles x 15 LBCs = 210 LBCs

Round #2: Mini Midoriyama

  • Mosey across the street, through the unlined parking lot, to the base of The Hill
  • Hill Circuit:
    • PAX #1 – perform Carolina Dry Docks
    • PAX #2 – Run up and down The Hill
    • Rinse and Repeat until a total of 100 reps have been completed
  • Mosey back through the unlined parking lot, across the street, back to Vandergriff

Round #3: Coupon Suicides

  • Perform Bicep Curls x 10 and Shoulder Press x 10 (with coupon)
  • Sprint 5 yards and back
  • Perform Bicep Curls x 10 and Shoulder Press x 10 (with coupon)
  • Sprint 5 yards and back, then 10 yards and back
  • Perform Bicep Curls x 10 and Shoulder Press x 10 (with coupon)
  • Sprint 5 yards and back, 10 yards and back, then 15 yards and back
  • Rinse and repeat x 5 until you reach 25 yard mark
  • Mosey to The Love Shack


  • 1.5 Miles
  • 140 Merkins
  • 210 LBCs
  • 50 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 50 Bicep Curls
  • 50 Shoulder Presses


“You dream. You plan. You reach. There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits.”

Riverfront Scenic Tour

QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
Pax: Angus, Best in Show (Respect), Chief, Delta, Flemish, Mudslide, Ohms, Picasso, Rainman, Stairmaster, Vila
AO: Hill City
Conditions: 48 clear and crisp. Beautiful morning for a scenic tour of Chattanooga’s riverfront.
15 Mountain Climbers IC
15 Lunges IC
15 Squats IC
Mosey to Market Street bridge and across with some mumble chatter about life and notice the beauty of the downtown skyline in the dark. 1/2 way across bridge drop for 25 merkins OYO then run to end of bridge and circle up for:
25 Flutter kicks IC
15 slow Merkins IC
Run down the stairs of The Passage and
mosey to Ross’ Landing
The Thang: Riverfront Scenic Tour
Circuit 1-Ross’ Landing Steps
On the riverfront at Ross’ Landing
Box jump up to top of steps
15 Flutter kicks + 25 Merkins OYO
Rinse repeat 3 more times
Mosey to front of Aquarium
Circuit 2-Fish Steps Dora
At the base of the arch bridge (now known as the Fish Steps) we found some nice benches and partnered up. First partner runs up and over the fish steps while the other starts on 100 incline merkins. When the first partner completes the steps, he picks up with incline merkins where the other left off while the 2nd partner runs the steps. Repeat until reach 100. Do the same with 200 LBC’s and 300 Squats. Feel the burn in the legs! Out of time so, back over the Market Street bridge, we mosey back to Love Shack.
Today’s workout was a test of endurance. “Count it all joy my brothers when you face trials of many kinds knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance”    James 1:2-3
In life Jesus takes us through times of difficulty to build endurance in us to make us mature, complete and more like Him.