Breaking Ground @ Beast Ridge

7C8FFC13-D4FB-4575-BB43-0266282E32F0QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 10/23/2017
PAX: Banjo, Best in Show (RESPECT), Snowflake
AO: Beast Ridge
Conditions: Temperature, 65 degrees, strong wind gusts and heavy rain; the warm wind with humid and rainy conditions made it feel like Vietnam (kinda). Which inspired the final exercise!!
The rain-soaked ground provided entertainment and lots and LOTS of water puddles

Disclaimer provided with care and transparency.
– SSH x 12 IC
– Up Straddle Hop (one-legged SSH) x 10/leg IC
– Squats x 12 IC
– 4×4’s x 5 OYO —- (Ratio: 1 Burpee:4 merkins:4 mtn climbers)
– Plank x 12 IC
– SSH x 12 IC

The Main Thang:
**Short mosey to the far parking lot for some BLIMPS; lunges in between every two car spaces:
– Burpees (5)
– Lunges (10)
– Imperial Walker (15)
– Merkins (20)
– Plank Jacks (25)
– Squats (30
**Mosey to the covered pavilion:
Incline Merkins x 10
Single-legged step ups x 10/each leg
Bench Dips x 10
Decline Merkins x 10
Rinse and Repeat x 3
**Mosey to the soccer field steps for some leg work
Box jumps to the top of the steps Reverse Lunge back to the bottom of the steps
Sprint to the middle set of steps
Box jumps to the top of the steps Reverse Lunge back to the bottom of the steps
Sprint to the last set of steps
Box jumps to the top of the steps Reverse Lunge back to the bottom of the steps
Sprint to back to the middle set of steps
Box jumps to the top of the steps Reverse Lunge back to the bottom of the steps
Sprint to back to the last set of steps
***Fast Feet
Ascend the small steps as quickly as possible touching each step and run back down
Sprint to the middle set of steps
Ascend the small steps as quickly as possible touching each step and run back down
Sprint to back to the last set of steps
Ascend the small steps as quickly as possible touching each step and run back down
Sprint to the middle set of steps
Ascend the small steps as quickly as possible touching each step and run back down
Sprint to back to the last set of steps
Mosey back to the shovel flag for some glamour shots (see above) and Liutenant Dan’s; because, why not?!!
** At this point, the mumblechatter hit a fever pitch about Lt. Dan and his legs (or lackthereof!) **
Completed Lt. Dan’s – 1:4 ratio (Squats:Lunges) x 8 — basically until we couldn’t feel our legs, in true Lt. Dan homage.
I cannot express the energy and excitement at this morning’s launch and the upcoming Wednesday launch in Hixson (at “The Griff”) for the two new AO’s.  It’s certainly long overdue but with some of the challenges we’ve faced in Chattanooga being overcome, it makes the week even more meaningful.
As a final note – YHC offered appreciation and especially commended the group this morning given the conditions, particularly Banjo, who fought through adversity (his car wouldn’t start, the rainy weather & the gloom, and the race against time) and he made it!  It would have been so easy to just pack it in, and head back inside, but he didn’t.  He intentionally committed last night, and with that intention he followed-through.  All to support his brothers and this mission.  I found this to be the perfect illustration of the accountability and determination that F3 instills. Not just that, but an awesome example to follow if you are trying to be better in every aspect.  If you need true inspiration, look no further than those by your side. 
All that said, keep living 1% better, each day, every day.  1 percent better each day starts with a simple step, the first step.
See you in the gloom!

Walnut Street Shakedown

QIC: Ohms
Date: 10/19/2017
PAX: Picasso, Best In Show (RESPECT), Angus, Flemish, Prosciutto
AO: Hill City (Renaissance Park)

Conditions: 48 deg. F, calm winds, clear skies, excellent weather for a beatdown
When 0530 arrived, YHC decided to take the PAX on a short lap around Mt. Midoriyama to bide some time and wait on the latecomers. When all PAX arrived, the disclaimer was given swiftly and to the point…”If you get hurt we will carry you to your car, as long as you don’t sue us, because we are not professionals.”
– SSH x 25 IC
– Arm Circles x 15 IC
– Reverse Arm Circles x 15 IC
– Shoulder Press x 15 IC
Circuit #1: The Bridge

  • Mosey to the beginning of Walnut Street Bridge
  • Body Builders x 10 IC
  • Mosey to 1/4 across the Bridge
  • Merkins x 25 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC
  • Mosey to 1/2 across the Bridge
  • Merkins x 25 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC
  • Mosey to 3/4 across the Bridge
  • Merkins x 25 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC
  • Mosey to the end of the Bridge
  • Merkins x 25 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC

Circuit #2: The Stairway

  • PAX #1 – Perform Bicep Curls using Coupon
  • PAX #2 – Run down to the bottom of the stairway and High Knee back to the top of the stairs
  • Rinse & Repeat until a total of 200 Bicep Curls have been completed

Circuit #3: The Hill

  • PAX #1 – Perform Bench Press exercise using Coupon
  • PAX #2 – Run down to the bottom of the hill and sprint back to the top of the hill
  • Rinse & Repeat until a total of 200 Bench Press Reps have been completed

Circuit #4: The Bridge

  • Mosey to the beginning of Walnut Street Bridge
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 20 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC
  • Mosey to 1/4 across the Bridge
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 20 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC
  • Mosey to 1/2 across the Bridge
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 20 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC
  • Mosey to 3/4 across the Bridge
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 20 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC
  • Mosey to the end of the Bridge
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 20 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC
  • Mosey back to the Love Shack with a Jail Break Sprint the final 100 yards


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
Big Shout Out to the few PAX that showed up this morning and making themselves better!

Steam Engine Express

QIC: Steam Engine

PAX: Delta, Prosciutto, Angus, Ohms, Rainman, Snowflake, Early Bird, Flemish, Laces Out, Best in Show, Mudslide

AO: Hill City

Date: 10/17/2017

Conditions: 48 degrees perfect weather for a tour of our lovely AO

Disclaimer was given and we are off.
Warm Up:
SSH IC 15x
Cotton Pickers IC 15x (think I called them Humpees my apologies heard different names for this)
Wind Mill IC 15x
Mountain Climbers IC 15x
LAC Forward IC 15x
LAC Backwards IC 15x
And we are off to our first stop of the day The Swamp
The Thang:
Box jump to the top & hold an Al Gore til the 6 arrives followed by Squat IC 10x rinse & repeat for a total of 4x
After spending some quality time at The Swamp we took off for the next stop Ring of Sprinklers (not sure if it’s been formally named). By the looks of it Rainman came prepared for this stop with his rain coat fortunately for the rest of us the sprinklers were off this cold morning.
Dips IC 10x & Incline Merkin IC 10x rinse & repeat 3x
Tried not to spend to much time here in fear that the sprinklers might go off on us so we rushed to the next stop The Great Hall for a quick sit.
Wall Sits w/ Muhammad Ali’s IC 15x
Wall Sits w/ Joe Frazier’s IC 15x
Wall Sits w/ Push Press IC 15x
Once we got tired of sitting around we headed for the next stop Coolidge Park Loop
Indian Run 2x
Got a 10 count before heading to the next stop The Lot
Merkin-cide across the parking lot
Once completed we departed back to The Love Shack with less than a minute to go Angus lead us in a quick 1MOM
LBC IC 20x



QIC: Rainman
Date: 10/12/2017
PAX: Stairmaster,  Snowflake, Flemish, Laces Out, Picasso, Delta, Tough Skins (Willy Loman), Best in Show
AO: Hill City
Conditions: Low 60’s…dark and gloomy, no humidity like Tuesday’s beatdown
Welcome and Disclaimer were given and we were off…
The Warm Up
SSH / IC x 15
Cotton Pickers / IC x 15
Mtn Climbers / IC x 15
Annie / IC x 15
SSH / IC x 15
Imperial Walkers / IC x 15
Finkle Swing / IC x 15
SSH / IC x 15
Cotton Pickers / IC x 15
SSH / IC x 15
Capri Lap (Awesome to enjoy a Capri lap with the creator himself, Tough Skins)
The Main Thang:
The Q loves to play on words so after the capri lap the PAX moseyed over to the hills for the “SA” “SQUATCH” which was…
Round 1 (Then Two 10 Counts) and Round 2 (Then Two 10 Counts)

  • The “S”  Sprint up the first hill
  • The “A” OYO Ass-Kickers / x 15
  • Sprint up the second hill
  • Run down to the hill flat OYO Ass-Kickers / x 15
  • Sprint up that first hill
  • Rinse and repeat with 20-SQUATCHES, then 10-SQUATCHES

Back and forth the PAX went until 100 SQUATCHES and 60 Ass-Kickers were met. PAX  held plank until all other PAX finished up. After round two it was time to take it up a few notches.
Round 3 (Then Two 10 Counts) and Round 4 (Then Two 10 Counts)

  • The “S”  Sprint up the first hill
  • The “A” OYO Alternating Shoulder Taps / x 15
  • Sprint up the second hill
  • Run down to the hill flat OYO Alternating Shoulder Taps / x 15
  • Sprint up that first hill
  • Rinse and repeat with 20-POWER SQUATCHES, then 10-POWER SQUATCHES

As if that wasn’t enough the PAX moseyed over to the GREAT HALL, where we saw two groups of glowing people getting better in the gloom. The PAX grabbed some wall and proceeded to go through two rounds of a leg………cool down?

  • Regular Wall Sit IC / x 25
  • Left Leg Wall Sit IC / x 25
  • Right Leg Wall Sit IC / x 25

PAX stayed strong for a..
Dying Cockroach IC / x20
PAX moseyed back to the Love Shack

“Get to the TOP anyway you can”

Get to the TOP anyway you can”
QIC: Delta
Date: 10/14/2017
PAX: Stairmaster, Mudslide, Snowflake
AO: The Landfill
Conditions: Low 60’s…a little chilly but great conditions for an hour long beatdown
Welcome and Disclaimer were given and we were off…
The Warm Up
SSH / IC x 15
Mtn Climbers / IC x 15
Cotton Pickers / IC x 15
Butt Kickers / IC x 15
SSH / IC x 15
Imperial Walkers / IC x 15
Prisoner Squats / IC x 15
SSH / IC x 15
Arm Circles / Forwards: IC x 10 // Backwards: IC x 10
Moroccan Night Clubs / IC x 15
Chinooks / IC x 15
SSH / IC x 15
The main Thang:
10 Burpees followed by a run to bottom of Hill where we did…10 Burpees
We knew that sooner or later, we needed to get back to the top of the hill…so here is how we went about it.
We got to the top by following the sidewalk, not the street because we needed the lightpoles; which Mudslide said that there was 40 of them.
At the first light pole, we;
Frog Jumped to the second light pole followed by 10 Merkins
Then we Bernie Sanders’ed to the next light pole followed by 10 squats
We then Bear Crawled to the next light pole followed by 10 Merkins
Then we Crab Crawled to the next light pole followed by 10 Squats
We then Lunged to the next light pole followed by 10 Merkins
Then we Karaoke’d to the next light pole followed by 10 Squats
We then jogged to the next light pole followed by 10 Merkins
THEN we Rinsed and Repeated all the way to the top
Once at the top, we all did some wall sits on the small building that serves as the bathrooms. One by one, each man jogged around the building while the PAX continued to sit on that wall. The PAX kept sitting on that wall until each man had a turn to jog around the building. Once done, we rinsed and repeated for one more rep of this madness.
Delta led out with Pickle Pounders (of course): IC x 15
We then went around the circle two times with each member of the PAX calling out an exercise and leading the exercise.
We ended 6MOM with another round of, you guessed it, Pickle Pounder: IC x 15

Deja Vu / Read the Back Blasts

QIC: Delta

Date: 10/10/2017
PAX: Ohms, Laces Out (Respect), Best-n-Show (Respect), Mudslide, Angus, Rainman, Snowflake, Early Bird, Flemmish
AO: Hill City
Conditions: Mid-60’s and a little muggy…which turned into a little hot about mid-workout.
Welcome and Disclaimer were given and we were off…
The Warm Up
SSH / IC x 15
Mt. Climbers / IC x 15
Cotton Pickers / IC x 15
SSH / IC x 15
Baby Arm Circles: Forward / IC x 10, Backwards / IC x 10
Moroccan Night Club / IC x 10
Chinooks / IC x 10
SSH / IC x 15
The PAX took a little mosey around the parking lot near the Love Shack and then headed for…
The Thang
*Had I read previous BB’s, I would have known that the Deck O’Cards routine “dealt” last week, then I would have prepared another beat down…BUT I didn’t, so I brought the same beat down with a li’l twist…
One by one, each member of the PAX stepped up to the deck of cards, turned over the top card which instructed the PAX as t what the next exercise was…The suit indicated what exercise and the number represented the amount of reps. (Example: 7 of Hearts meant the PAX all did 7 Merkins, OYO). Face cards, such as Jack, Queen and King = 10 reps and the Aces = 1 rep per exercise.
DIAMONDS = Burpees
HEARTS = Merkins
CLUBS = Squats
There were 10 members of the PAX…after each member of the PAX took a turn drawing a card, we took a break from the deck by heading down to where the Swamp Thing lives…boxed jumped to the talked, moseyed over to the bottom of Mt. Madoryiama, bear crawled to the top and ran down to the deck of cards. We held plank or an Al Gore until the entire PAX was back and ready…
We continued this rhythm, with a few 10-counts here and there, until we finished the entire deck of cards…
The total number of reps was:
85 Burpees
85 Merkins
85 Squats
3 rounds of Box Jumping to the top of the stairs at the swamp
3 rounds of bear crawling to the top of Mt. Madoryiama

Small Movements

QIC: Angus
Date: 10/07/2017
PAX: Ohms, Burgundy, Prosciutto, Mudslide, Esse
AO: The Land Fill


64 Degrees humid. Dark and Dry with no rain in sight – the gloom does not offer many mornings like this.

The Disclaimer

It’s important. Always. This is a peer led workout, YHC is not a professional, all PAX are here of their own free will, push yourself but modify if necessary, and be aware of your surroundings.


Toe Touch x 10
Hang x 10
Baseball Stretch x 10
Quad Stretch x 10
Tricep x 10
Across Chest x 10


Diamond Merkin x 10
SSH x 15
CDD x 10
SSH x 15
Merkin x 10
SSH x 15
Corncob Merkin x 10 (OYO)
SSH x 15
LAC (FWD/BWD) x 12
CHIN (CW/CC) x 12
MNC x 15
SP x 15
Wide Merkin x 10

The Thang

The Dufresne
All PAX were asked to recall the movie The Shawshank Redemption. Where near the end *Spoiler Alert* Red narrates Andy’s escape as the following:

Andy crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of shit-smelling foulness I can’t even imagine- or maybe I just don’t want to. Five hundred yards… that’s the length of five football fields; just shy of half a mile. Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side.

Yep, you guessed it. PAX were brought to the far end of the soccer field which, as YHC stated, might not be precisely 100 yards but it’s damn close. The PAX were instructed to crawl to the other side. It doesn’t matter what kind of crawl: bear crawl, crab walk, komodo, baby, commando, or seal crawl. Do whatever you have to do to get to the other side. Can’t forget to mention, their carefully chosen rock (or coupon) must get there too. 
Rinse and Repeat x 5, Moving one rock to the right each time.
With 3 Minutes left –


Little Baby Crunches x 50


“Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.” – Mark Twain
Small Movements, Big Change.
YHC used the rocks as an object lesson intentionally — we need to think about our current habits. What are the “good” habits we want? What “small movements” can you take to get where we want to go?
Whether its going to bed early, reading your bible, or daily meditation – just as we are continually working to improve out in the gloom – find ways to get better and build positive habits everywhere else.
Move the rock down the field. Whatever it takes. Get to the other side and once you get there keep find ways to get better.


GrowRuck – 11/17
F2 HH – Mudslide will be coordinating.
New AO – We will be adding a Monday / Wednesday workout on the Brainerd side of town. Potentially at Camp Jordan. Be praying about this expansion and EH’ing, so our region can continue to grow and thrive. Contact Prosciutto or Ohms for questions.
_Angus Out

Deck of Pain

October 5, 2017
QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
Pax: Angus, Ohms, Flemish, Best in Show (Respect), Prosciutto, Picasso
AO: Hill City
Conditions: 58 degrees, clear and pleasant under a full moon
Thinking about the Las Vegas shooting earlier in the week. Such a tragic event, so we will remember those affected by pulling out the deck of cards for a 52 card pickup (Deck of Pain).
Mosey to the Great Hall
15 SSH
20 mountain climbers
15 squats
15 SSH
15 LBC
15 imperial walkers
15 SSH
The Thang: 52 card pickup: deck of pain. Each pax takes a turn pulling top card and leading us through corresponding exercise according to suit and reps according to number on card. Face Cards: Ace=1, Jack=11, Queen=12 and King=13 reps. Joker and instruction cards=10 count.
Enough time for a mosey around Coolidge Park and then back to the Love Shack for a short MOM of flutter kicks and LBCs.
We live in a broken world where events like the mass shooting in Las Vegas make us wonder where God is in midst of tragedy. He reigns over it all and we can trust Him to provide hope and healing through difficult circumstances. Praying for those believers reaching out in Las Vegas to those affected by the tragedy. Proverbs 3:5-6

Mario Grand Prix

QIC: Ohms
Date: 10/03/2017
PAX: Steam Engine, Stairmaster, Mudslide, Vila, Delta, FNG-Picasso (Chase Wright), Laces Out (RESPECT), Best In Show (RESPECT), Angus, Early Bird
AO: Hill City

Conditions: 60 deg. F, cool air, calm winds, clear skies, excellent visibility
The disclaimer was given swiftly and to the point…”If you get hurt we will carry you to your car, as long as you don’t sue us, because we are not professionals.”
– SSH x 20 IC
– Chinooks x 15 IC
– Arm Circles x 15 IC
– Reverse Arm Circles x 15 IC
– Moroccan Night Club x 15 IC
– Merkins x 15 IC
– Squats x 15 IC
– High Knees x 15 IC
– Wide High Knees x 15 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
– LBC x 15 IC
– Burpees x 10 OYO
Circuit #1 (Track 1 – Mt. Midoriyama)
Start out in front of Mt. Midoriyama
Step 1: Run a lap around Mt. Midoriyama
Step 2: Bear Crawl 30 yards
Step 3: Merkins x 10
Step 4: Bench Press x 10 (with Coupon)
Step 5: LBC x 10 (with Coupon)
Step 6: Run up and down Mt. Midoriyama
Rinse and Repeat all Steps x 4
Circuit #2 (Track 2 – Swampy Steps)
Start at the bottom of the Concrete Stairs (where the swamp thang lives)
Step 1: Box Jump to the top of the Concrete Stairway
Step 2: Run a lap around Mt. Midoriyama
Step 3: Crab Walk 30 yards
Step 4: Dips x 10
Step 5: Incline Merkins x 10
Step 6: Overhead Press x 10 (with Coupons)
Rinse and Repeat all Steps x 4
– LBC’s x 15 IC
– Freddie Mercury’s x 15 IC
– Flutter Kicks x 15 IC


“Today, we will feel the burn in our legs. We will fight the urge to want to quit. We will breathe heavily, and become so sore to where it hurts to walk. We will give it our all, and our everything. We will put in 110% effort and no one will stop us”
Big Shout Out to our newest F3 Chatt member Chase Wright (AKA Picasso). This man had excellent work ethic this morning and kudos to him for coming out and making himself better!

We Are Farmers

QIC: Steam Engine

PAX: Angus, Ohms, Prosciutto, Mr. Clean, Vila, Esse, Chuck-E

AO: The Landfill

Date: 9/30/2017

Conditions: 60 degrees with a constant wind great weather for farming or so I’m told

Disclaimer was given at 0700 and before our first exercise of the day we spot a HIM crawling under the gate to join us and to our surprise it was our last brother Chuck-E. Glad to have you back in the Gloom.
Warm Up:

  • Up Straddle Hop IC 15x
  • Up Straddle Hop IC 15x
  • Alternating Toe Taps IC 15x
  • Cotton Pickers IC 15x
  • Forward Arm Circles IC 15x
  • Backwards Arm Circles IC 15x
  • Imperial Walker IC 15x
  • Burpees OYO 10x

Run down to lower gate

  • Burpees OYO 10x

Run back to upper gate
The Thang:
Once back to the upper gate we went to retrieve the coupons from Ohms truck. Feel that we have neglected our forearms and traps.  We partnered up to perform farmer walks.

  • PAX 1 performs LBC while PAX 2 farmer carries 2 coupons across the field & performs Should Shruggs 10x then mosey back to PAX 1 to swap out [10x]
  • PAX 1 performs RBC while PAX 2 farmer carries 2 coupons across the field & performs Bent Over Rows 10x then mosey back to PAX 1 to swap out [10x]
  • PAX 1 performs Flutterkicks while PAX 2 farmer carries 2 coupons across the field & performs Overhead Press 10x then mosey back to PAX 1 to swap out [10x]
  • PAX 1 performs Hello Dolly while PAX 2 farmer carries 2 coupons across the field & performs Curl 10x then mosey back to PAX 1 to swap out [10x]

WOD: “I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned… in what I have done & in  what I have failed to do”  I always liked this part of mass, but the part that always stood-out the most was the part where we ask for forgiveness for things that we didn’t do.  Recently I have been meaning to call one of my close friends from HS but kept putting it off. I just found out he has been battling with depression again. It is moments like this that I understand why we ask for forgiveness for the things we have failed to do. God will place things in our heart it might be putting the EH on a complete stranger or just calling an old friend to check up on them. At the end we can either do what is placed on our heart or just keep moving on with our lives. Pray for my friend as he goes through this but also for the rest of us to do God’s will.
Prayer Request:
Prosciutto: Neighbor fell bruised up (Brenda), friend’s family with grieving process
Angus: Wife traveling, mom with dementia
Mr. Clean: for the kids at school dealing with outside issues (homeless, father getting arrested, 7th grader as adult of household, physical limitations), son turned 2,
Esse: pray for island of Puerto Rico
Steam Engine: friend dealing with depression (Landon)
November 17-19: GrowRuck05
October 21: Potluck Tailgate w/ Mr. Clean
October 31: Monster Mash Beatdown
New AO in the making (either Hixson or East Ridge)