The Labor Day Lashing

QIC: Angus, Delta, Steam Engine, Ohms
Date: 09/04/2017
PAX: Mr. Clean, Early Bird, Mudslide, Choo-Choo, Snowflake, La-Z-Boy, Rainman, Barney Fife (Nomad)
AO: Hill City (Renaissance Park)

Conditions: 62 deg. F, average humidity, calm winds, clear skies, excellent visibility, and Fall approaching
The disclaimer was given swiftly and to the point by no other than Steam Engine…”If you get hurt we will carry you to your car, as long as you don’t sue us, because we are not professionals.”
WARM-UP: Body by Angus
QIC: Angus
– Burpees x 10 OYO
– SSH x 20 IC
– Finkle Swing x 20 OYO
– SSH x 20 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
– Ass Kickers x 20 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
– High Knees x 20 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
– Wide High Knees x 20 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
Mosey down to the Big Field
– Burpees x 10 OYO
– SSH x 20 IC
– Diamond Merkins (4 Count) x 15 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
– Carolina Dry Docks x 15 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
– Merkins x 15 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
– LAC (FWD & REV) x 20 IC
– Chinooks x 20 IC
– Moroccan Night Club x 20 IC
– Wide Merkins x 15 IC
THE THANG: The Labor Day Lashing
QIC: Delta
– Plank Jacks x 10 OYO
– Bernie Sanders 20 yards
– Lunges x 1 OYO
– Duck Walk 20 yards back to Start Point
– Plank Jacks x 9 OYO
– Bernie Sanders 20 yards
– Lunges x 2 OYO
– Duck Walk 20 yards back to Start Point
– Rinse & Repeat until you get to Plank Jack x 1 and Lunges x 10
QIC: Steam Engine
Round 1:
– Decline Merkin x 10 IC
– Step-Ups x 10 OYO
– LBC x 10 IC
Round 2:
– Incline Merkin x 10 IC
– Squat x 10 IC
– RBC x 10 IC
Round 3:
– Wide Arm Merkin x 10 IC
– Lunge x 10 IC
– Big Boy Sit-Ups x 10 IC
QIC: Ohms
– Partner Carry up Hill to the base of Mt. Midoriyama (Partner Swap halfway)
– Jog a Lap around Mt. Midoriyama
– Bear Crawl 20 yards
– Run to the Summit of Mt. Midoriyama
– Mosey back down to the Base of Mt. Midoriyama
– Merkins x 10 IC
– Rinse & Repeat x 3
– Leg Climbs x 10 IC (Each Leg)
– American Hammers x 15 IC
– Pickle Pounders x 15 IC
– Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
– Dying Cockroaches x 15 IC
– Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
– Hello Dolly x 15 IC


Labor Movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of their communities and their country. Today a Band of Brothers met at Hill City at 0600 to honor the hard work of these fellow countrymen. The PAX showed their work ethic and their will to get better as men through sweat and dedication by participating in an awesome beatdown. Our goal at F3 Chatt is to continue to push ourselves and grow as a group in order to better our families and community….Work Hard & Stay Strong Men!

Put your money where your mouth is

Put your money where your mouth is”
PAX: Early Bird, Angus, Ohms, Stairmaster, Laces Out, Rainman, Flemish
Scene: 71 degrees and damp…
Disclaimer was administered which included

  1. If you get hurt, we will help carry you to your car…that piece of information would come in handy later in the morning.
  2. If we see any joggers, we will all stop and conduct 10 burpees…then pick up where we left off and keep going.

The PAX took a little mosey to the Great Hall…
Warm Up:
Ring of Fire…The Pax circled up and took turns calling out different exercises. The one who called out the exercise would bear crawl around the circled up PAX while the PAX executed the exercise. Then the next member of the PAX called out an exercise…rinse and repeat…We did this for two laps around the circle for a total of 16 warm up exercises.
We then took a little mosey towards the river side of Coolidge Park…
The Thang:
DORA 1-2-3 // The PAX partnered up…each group of two completed 100 Merkins, 200 Dips and 300 Squats. One member of the tandem started doing merkins while the other member took a little run to a designated spot, when the runner returned to his partner, he would take over doing reps until they completed 100 total merkins…they would continue this rhythm the through the rest of the exercises.
+While doing the DORA 1-2-3, we spotted two different set of joggers so we all stopped and did 2 sets of 10-rep burpees.
After a 10 count from Ohms, we headed towards the river walk…
At the river walk, we bear crawled to the first light pole, lunged to the second light pole, ran to the third light pole and then conducted 25 plank jacks. We held plank until the entire PAX had finished and then we did the same sequence one more time.
We noticed that Laces Out (Respect) was moving a little slow and when asked, he mentioned that he had hurt his right leg. This is where, thanks to Steam Engine’s disclaimer of “if you get hurt, we will help carry you back to your car,” we had to put our money where our mouth was…meaning, Angus, Ohms and myself took turns carrying back to his car. #NoManLeftBehind #BandOfBrothers
Captian Thor // a 1 to 4 ratio of BBSU and American Hammers. Do 1 BBSU followed by 4 American Hammers. Then 2 BBSU followed by 8 American Hammers…all the way to 10 BBSU and 40 American Hammers. We took turns towards the end leading this exercise as this Q was feeling the pain and needed a little help.
WOD: We continued the discussion on “Your wife is not your best friend.” We clarified that what the F3 article (which is attached below) was saying was NOT that you should put F3, your hobbies or anything else other than God before your spouse—as in you should have friends closer to you than your spouse…BUT the article was clarifying that your spouse is not your best friend b/c she is so much more than that…she is your queen and you should treat her as such. The one issue that I take with the article from F3 is that they say that your relationship with your spouse should be your most important one. While I understand their sentiment, I would submit that your relationship with God should be your first and foremost relationship in your life. If God is not my first priority, then I am not the husband, father, friend, churchman, brother, etc that I am called to be. So the takeaway for the day is that: God should be our #1 relationship and our spouse is our #2 relationship.


QIC: Ohms
Date: 09/02/2017
PAX: Mr. Clean, Mudslide, Snowflake, Pumpkin, Sweet Tooth, White Mamba, La-Z-Boy (FNG), Swamp Thang (FNG), Hawkeye (Nomad)
AO: The Landfill (White Oak Park)

Conditions: 64 deg. F, average humidity, calm winds, cloudy skies, and a great day for a Beatdown.
The disclaimer was given quickly and efficiently…today we had a Nomad and two FNG’s (one being YHC’s Father-In-Law).
Today we built a Wall around The Landfill…not a Wall made of stone, but a Wall made of Men, a Wall made of a Band of Brothers dedicated to battle together and to make each other stronger. There are no boundaries for F3 Chatt, for our boundaries reach as far as our determination and our will to fight.
– Stretch-O-Rama
– SSH x 20 IC
– Squats x 20 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
– LAC x 10 IC (FWD & REV)
– Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC
– Shoulder Press x 15 IC
– 300 meter Mosey around Field
M ⇒Merkins x 30 OYO
O ⇒ Overhead Press (w/ Coupons) x 30 OYO
L ⇒ Lunges (w/ Coupons) – 30 yards / Sprint back to Start Point
O ⇒ Ollie Norths (Partner Carry) – 30 yards / Swap Partners back to Start Point
N ⇒ Nuthin’ but Cardio – 300 meter Mosey around Field
L ⇒ Lunges (w/ Coupons) – 30 yards / Sprint back to Start Point
A Aiken Legs (Squats, Jump Squats, Smurf Jacks, Split Jacks) x 15 OYO
B ⇒ Bear Crawl – 30 yards / Sprint back to Start Point
E ⇒ Elf on the Shelf (w/ Coupons) x 30 OYO
*** Additional Burpees x 10 OYO
Rinse & Repeat x 2
M ⇒Monkey Crunches x 15 IC
O ⇒ Outlaws x 15 IC
L ⇒ LBC x 15 IC
O ⇒ Outlaws x 15 IC
N ⇒ Never Cross Dolly x 15 IC
L ⇒ LBC x 15 IC
A ⇒ American Hammer x 15 IC
B ⇒ Box Cutters x 15 IC
E ⇒ E2K x 15 IC

“Molon Labe” – Greek for “Come and Take Them” – an expression of defiance dating back to the Battle of Thermopylae during the second Persian invasion of Greece and its vastly outnumbered army of King Leonidas of Sparta.
This saying is typically used in today’s world by gun owners and defenders of the Second Amendment. But today it is referencing you as a man and your faith. If you want things to be as they should be with God, your family, and yourself, then you’re going to have to figure out a way to make that happen and it’s going to take a lot of hard work and determination.
Your character, your marriage, your family, your faith, and all of the things that are important to you, they don’t come easy. They’re hard and they’re under constant attack from people along with other things (sin, lack of motivation, lack of desire) that want to bring you down. But if you work hard to achieve these things then you shouldn’t be willing to put up a white flag and just give them away.
You shouldn’t be willing to lay down and give up on your marriage. You shouldn’t lay down your faith just because it’s easier or because you have the feeling of less criticism. You should be willing to fight for the important things in your life!
Welcome FNG’S 
La-Z-Boy & Swamp Thang – Great hustle this morning Men. We appreciate you making the commitment to come out and help each one of us get better. Looking forward to seeing y’all again.

The BAM BAM Barrage

QIC: Angus
Date: 08/29/2017
PAX: Delta, Esse, Vila, Ohms, Banjo, Mudslide, Stairmaster, Early Bird, FNG-Sweet Tooth
AO: Hill City

Conditions: 65 Degrees and slightly humid. A welcome dip in the temps as we readily approach the end of summer.

The disclaimer was delivered on time with efficiency as two stragglers hustle to the circle.
We moseyed down to The Great Hall for our warm up – everybody loves a good warm up.
Warm Up
SSH x 20
Merkin x 5
SSH x 20
Squat x 15
SSH x 20
Merkin x 10
SSH x 20
IW x 15
HK x 15
WHK x 15
Merkin x 15
Pax are instructed to keep their arms up between the following exercises: 
LAC x 15 (forwards and backwards)
Chinooks (while holding squat) x 15
MNC x 15
Shoulder Press x 15
YHC called an Omaha
Decline Merkin/BTTW on the Slant Wall x 5 (IC)
The Thang: The BAMBAM Barrage
BAM 1: Head to the bottom of the big steps
– Box Jump to the top
– Burpees x 10, head back down
– Box Jump to the top
– Ass Kickers x 15, head back down
– Merkins x 20, hold plank wait for six
BAM 2: Head over to the bottom of Mt. Midoriyama
– Sprint to the top and back down
– Bench Dips x 25, back to Mt. D
– Sprint to the top and back down
– Angle Grinders x 30 (15 each leg)
– Sprint to the top and back down
– Monkey Humpers x 35
Hold plank and wait for the six
With a time to spare YHC called another Omaha
Wheel of Merkin x 5
Mosey over to the Loveshack for 6MOM

There’s a story about the California gold rush that tells of two brothers who sold all they had and went prospecting for gold. They discovered a vein of the shining ore, staked a claim, and proceeded to get down to the serious business of getting the gold ore out of the mine. All went well at first, but then a strange thing happened. The vein of gold ore disappeared! They had come to the end of the rainbow, and the pot of gold was no longer there. The brothers continued to pick away, but without succes. Finally, they gave up in disgust.
They sold their equipment and claim rights for a few hundred dollars, and took the train back home. Now the man who bought the claim hired an engineer to examine the rock strata of the mine. The engineer advised him to continue digging in the same spot where the former owners had left off. And three feet deeper, the new owner struck gold.
A little more persistence/peserverance and the two brothers would have been millionaires themselves.
That’s gold in you too. Do you need to dig three feet farther?
Welcome FNG
Brad Gibson “Sweet Tooth” – Great hustle this morning. We appreciate you making the commitment to come out and help each one of us get better. Looking forward to seeing you again on Thursday.
Labor Day, Monday September 4th 0600 – We will be having another event similar to our Bottle Rocket Beatdown. These are always a lot of fun with a good mix of hard effort. Get your bones out of bed on your “day off” and get better with us.
_Angus Out

Major Fartsack

BB 08/26/17
Q: Rainman
PAX: Mudslide, FNG (Kernel), Sparkles.
The Thang

Q Overslept (Major Fartsack), but made it in time to accrue himself 20 burpees right off the bat. Mudslide led the PAX in a warm-up. After the Q finished his burpees, the PAX moseyed over to the hill, more commonly known as Mount Fookame.
-Bear Crawl to the top
– I.C. Cross Jacks (10)
-Mosey Down
-Moving Merkins (10)
-Rinse and Repeat 3x
Mosey back to the top.
Small Beast:
– Duck Walk to 1st Rock
– Alternating Shoulder Taps (x6)
-Duck Walk to 2nd Rock
-Peter Parkers (x6)
-Duck Walk to 3rd Rock
– In and Out Planks (x6)
– Rinse and Repeat 3x
– 6 Mom x 12 Reps each
– CockRoach, LBC, Leg Climbers, RBC, Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks.


When: 08/24/2017
Pax: Angus, 5-0, Ohms, Snowflake, Rainman, Banjo
Q: Prosciutto

The scene: Beautiful morning, cool 66 degrees and only 71% humidity. Not as much dew on the ground, perhaps a sign that the change in season is upon us. True to the origins of his name, Snowflake shows up and retains his long sleeves throughout the workout; in a few words, he confirms that he’s going to adorn extra layers when temps drop below 70. #Kotters to 5-0 and Banjo for reigning victorious against the fartsack; great to see these two getting after it!
Mosey to the great hall
Just before the warmup, YHC Discussed and recognized that the PAX that consistently show up to post in the mornings are undoubtedly disciplined in this piece of their life. But are there areas of life where you could also stand to practice that same discipline, to improve those around you and yourself? And with that thought we started:
SSH x 10 IC
BAC x 12 IC
SSH x 12 IC
Deep Squat x 12 IC (w/ Mr. Clean count)
High knees x 10 IC
4×4 (burpee to plank, 4 merkin, 4 mtn climb) x 10 OYO
High plank IC x 15
Makhtar ndiaye x 10 IC
Annie’s IC x 12
Angle Grinders x 10 OYO
Plank & points x 12 IC
CDD x 12 IC
Plank Speed Arms x 12 OYO
Mosey to Coolidge park field
Pax line up shoulder to shoulder and full sprint 100 yards, on the other end complete 10 merkins; walk back together to starting point
Rinse & Repeat 4.5x
Mosey back to love shack
– Curls x 20 OYO
– overhead press x 20 OYO
– Bent over rows x 20 OYO
– Skull crusher x 20 OYO
– Bench press x 20 OYO
1- Hammer
2- Leg Raises
3- LBC
4- Hollywood
5- leg climbs
6- Flutter kicks
7- box cutters
Keep in mind the “I am Third” mentality. While you might think you’re putting yourself third, consider all facets of your life. Home-life, work-life, personal relationships, spousal relationships, proper parenting. Just one piece of your life is not enough. The constant challenge to the pax is to embody the HIM mentality, challenge the status quo. T-claps to Angus’ suggestion that simply doing the little things is not enough, but doing them with proper grace and a positive attitude makes the difference. To perform any unselfish act under the guise of a poor attitude, is not an unselfish act at all; rather, it’s an attempt at checking a box of “favor”. Consider the ultimate code of conduct demonstrated in Jesus’ actions to pattern your acts of kindness. He has given us the model; He has shown us the way.
– Rainman on Q Saturday
– Cam Run 5k on Saturday

Act Like Men

When: 8/15/17
Where: Hill City
QIC: Delta
Pax: Stairmaster, Angus, Ohms, Mudslide, Snowflake, Rainman, Flemish, Vila, Schnauzer, Esse, Prosciutto,
Conditions: Mid-70s and beautiful
Welcome and Disclaimer were given…It was also said that for every jogger we saw, we would all stop and do 10 burpees. Then I set the tone for the morning by reading Psalms 119:105 which tells us that God’s “word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” I wanted to remind the PAX that God’s Word is our guide in everyday life and that would include this mornings workout. More to come on that…
We mosey’ed over to the great hall for the…
Warm Up
*To start the warm up off, I read the following verse to help guide us:
1 Corinthians 16:13 / Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, ACT LIKE MEN, be strong
-God’s Word instructs us to act like men…What does that look like? We will hear more about that after the warm up, but for now, it meant in light of 1 Corinthians 16:13, we will do 16 exercises, 13 reps each.
1. Side Straddle Hop / IC X13
2. Imperial Walkers / IC X13
3. High Knees / IC X13
4. Wide High Knees / IC X13
5. Mountain Climbers / IC X13
6. Side Straddle Hop / IC X13
7. Arm Circles (Forward) / IC X13
8. Arm Circles (Backwards) / IC X13
9. Chinooks / IC X13
10. Moroccan Night Club / IC X13
11. Side Straddle Hop / IC X13
12. Dot Drill / IC X13
13. 1 legged Dot Drill (One leg) / IC X13
14. 1 legged Dot Drill (Switch Legs) / IC X13
15. Bear Crawl (For a 4- count to 13 reps)
16. Rocky Balboa / IC X13
We then took a li’l mosey near the river side of Coolidge Park where I read what it looks like to ACT LIKE MEN.
Ephesians 5:25 says “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
To be a man…to act like a man…is to be a SACRIFICAL SERVANT LEADER…for our wives, our kids, for our church, for our community, for our F3 band of brothers, for the world around us…That is what Biblical manhood looks like and we see it best in the life of Jesus.
Again, as we allow the Word of God to guide us, we used Ephesians 5:25 as our guide. That meant we did 5 exercises, 25 reps, 5 times (with a little mosey in between each complete set)
Merkins x 25
Squats x 25
Plank Jacks x 25
Dips x 25
BBSU x 25
Rinse and Repeat 4 more times (after a little mosey to a new location)
On our mosey in between set 2 and 3, we stopped along the lighted riverwalk and lunged for 1 light pole, sprinted to the next light pole and repeated that sequence for two more rounds.
We ended back at the love shack for our final 5:25 set. In the middle of that set we spotted joggers and we all dropped and conducted 10 burpees.
After the final set was done, we gathered for some 6MOM, but as we were about to get started, we spotted more joggers so we all dropped and did 10 more burpees…time ran out on the morning.
*We welcomed 2 FNG’s and imparted the names “Vila” and “Flemish” to them. We also enjoyed the company of the Nomad Schnauzer.

8/12 Preblast

Pre blast for Saturday, August 12, 2017:
QIC: Prosciutto
SSH x 12 IC
IW x 12 IC
Hot Sauce Burpees x 5 OYO
Slow Tempo Merkins x 12 IC
Mtn Climbers x 12 IC
Slow Tempo Merkins x 12 IC
Hot Sauce Burpees x 5 OYO
Squats x 15 IC

The thang:
Grab a rock, and circle up for Ring of Fire #1:
While all PAX are holding a half-curl, each PAX will individually go around the circle and complete the following:
Full Curl x 5
Overhead press x 5
Skull crusher x 5
– Move right and repeat with 10 reps
– Move right and repeat with 15 reps
Mosey to bottom of hill by playset/gym and line up:
PAX 1: Curls AMRAP
PAX 2: Overhead Press AMRAP
PAX 3: Skull crusher AMRAP
PAX 4: Squat AMRAP
PAX 5: Freddie Mercury AMRAP
PAX 6: Lunge AMRAP
PAX 7: Burpees AMRAP
PAX 8: Plank AMRAP
… if more pax exercises are needed, we will adlib
During this time… One at a time, the pax will:
1 – Run to the top of the hill with rock
2 – Complete 10 merkins
3 – Run back down and complete 10 more merkins, then plank
* Next pax up
TBD: Fellowship run (~1 mile) or 3 Suicides as a group
Return to pavillion
Partner up:
PAX 1 executes BTTW while PAX 2 completes Ring of Fire # 2:
CDD x 12 OYO
Dips x 12 OYO
Wide Merkins x 12 OYO
Name-o-rama, Count-o-rama

Feel the Burn

When: 8/10/17
Where: Hill City
QIC: Laces Out 
Pax: Stairmaster, Angus, Ohms, Mudslide, Snowflake, Rainman, ChooChoo

Conditions: 73 degrees, humid and threatening rain (which held until our COT was over)
Disclaimer as we mosey to the Great Hall, due to our homeless friends getting some shut eye at the Love Shack. YHC decided to avoid much running today because of a tweaked hammy, but replaced with a heavy dose of leg exercises to make up for it! Shout out to Angus and Snowflake for doing pre-post run of 2.5 miles.
Warm up
Mountain climbers 15 IC
Squats 20 IC
Little Baby Crunches 15 IC
The Thang
Mosey to the benches on the Riverwalk, with beautiful backdrop for our first circuit of the day.
Circuit 1
The pax partnered up for a “feel the burn” Dora consisting of:
Incline merkins 100
Big Boy Sit-ups 200
Squats 300
While partner lunged around the landscaped island, other partner began exercises. Switch and pick up the count where other left off to 100, 200, 300. Plank when finished until all Pax were done.
Mosey over to the big circle in Coolidge Park for a Light Pole “Duck-Bernie” circuit.
Circuit 2
Starting at the first light pole each pax did Bernie Sanders to the next light pole, knocked out 10 merkins, then Duck Walked to next light pole and did 10 merkins.
Rinse and repeat around the big circle.
After 18 light poles, it was time to mosey back to the love shack.
YHC decided to do a round robin and had the following lead an exercise of choice:
Angus-Freddy Mercury 15
Rainman-Flutter Kicks 15
Omms-LBC 15
Snowflake-Hello Dolly 15
Mudslide-Rosalita 15
Countarama, namarama
Devo- “Hope” is the word of the year for YHC and verse of year: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13
Stairmaster: Pastor’s wife Tonya-cancer surgery recovery
ChooChoo: grandmother cancer
Angus: wife pregnancy
School starts today

Seek Shelter

When: 08/08/2017
Where: Hill City

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Stairmaster, Rainman, Delta, Angus, Ohms, Prosciutto, Choo Choo
Conditions: 68 degrees with light rain
Disclaimer: Not a pro, here on your own, push yourself, modify as needed, & if hurt/injured will carry/drag you to your car
This beautiful morning we had to share the Love Shack with the homeless since they were seeking shelter from the rain. So we did a small mosey to the Great Hall to get things started.
Warm Up:
SSH 15x
Alternating Toe Touches 15x
Cotton Pickers 15x
Merkins 15x
The Thang:
Wall Sit w/ Muhammad Ali’s 20x
Wall Sit w/ Joe Frazier’s 20x
Wall Sit w/ Push Press 20x
Mosey to River Walk
Bear Crawl to lamp post (wait for 6)
Merkins IC 10x
Rinse and Repeat 4x
Mosey to Wall
The sprinklers were running this morning but all was good since the PAX were already full of sweat by this point or so I told myself. In reality it was a combination of both rain and sweat.
Dips IC 10x
Decline Mountain Climbers IC 10x
Rinse and Repeat 4x
Mosey to the Stairs
Box Jump w/ a squat to the top (Increase the amount of squats after each step)
Rinse and Repeat 2x
Mosey to the Love Shack
Namorama/Shoutouts/Prayer Requests
WOD: Referenced Podcast Angus shared with us on the group. How we need a group of friends that we can go to with our problems. Friends that we can open up about the hard issues. F3 gives us that we all suffer together every Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday morning and it is through this bonding that allows us to be able to open up with one another. If you have not listened to the podcast I highly recommend you give it a listen.
F3 on AOM