The Master Blaster

QIC: Angus
PAX: Mudslide, Prosciutto, Sparkles, and Rainman
POST DATE: August 05, 2017
AO: The Land Fill
Conditions: 65 Degrees and Dry – feels like fall.

The disclaimer was executed with precision on a morning like this there was no harshing the mellow of these PAX — it was a light crew but a tough and tested bunch that were ready to take whatever YHC threw at em. With that we moseyed over to the top gate started out with 15 slow and bone cracking cold muscle burpees. The PAX (YHC included) fumbled through those first five — but smoothed out no problem.
YHC instructed – Head down to the bottom gate and then head on straight back, that’ll be a mile. The PAX made the trek and held a low plank at the top while they waited for the six. Then, 15 more burpees.
Now everyone’s favorite part, The Warm Up.
Warm Up: SSH x 20, Finkle Swing x 15, SSH x 20, IW x 20, SSH x 20, AK x 20, SSH x 20, HK x 20, SSH x 20, and WHK x 20
YHC decided to save the second half of the warm up for later and keep the PAX guessing — lets see how the main event goes.
The Thang: YHC took an old workout, “the merkicide” and just added 3 more rounds to it. Seems simple enough, but the result was one heck of a beat down. This can be done in a parking lot with lines, a football field, or a large field with cones. The distance between each can vary, YHC measured 8 cones spaced about 10 yards apart.
Master Blaster
Round 1:
Bear Crawl to the 1st Cone > 1 Merkin > Run Back
Bear Crawl to 2nd Cone > 2 Merkins > Run Back
Repeat until last cone
Round 2:
Broad Jump to 1st Cone > 1 Squat > Run Back
Broad Jump to 2nd Cone > 2 Squats > Run Back
Repeat until last cone
Round 3:
Backwards Crabwalk to 1st Cone > 1 BBS > Run Back
Backwards Crabwalk to 2nd Cone > 2 BBS > Run Back
Repeat until last cone
Round 4:
Lunge to 1st Cone > 1 Burpee > Run Back
Lunge to 2nd Cone > 2 Burpees > Run Back
Repeat until last cone
With a little time to spare we set out to finish our warm up – head down the wall.
The Warm Up: The PAX headed down and found the best wall in the shade — each PAX grabbed a buddy. While the buddy held a wall sit the other performed the exercises, then swap.
Wall Sit / Diamond Merkins x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Jump Squats x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Carolina Dry Docks x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Jump Squats x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Merkins x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Jump Squats x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / LAC x 20. Swap.
Wall Sit / Chinooks x 20. Swap.
Wall Sit / Moroccan Night Club x 20. Swap.
Moleskin: We are a community of men and we have an opportunity to build one another up. Hold your brothers accountable, we aren’t just workout buddies. We all win and lose and struggle together. Look for opportunities to get to know one another better, not just so we can become good friends but so we can build our community together.
Angus Out

Murph 2.0

BB For Thursday, August 3rd.
Q: Rainman “Darnell Woods”
It was a wonderful clear morning, 5 Pax showed up for a light run of 2 miles at 5AM! Little did they know that Murph was coming around the corner. 3 More PAX showed up at 530AM where they worked up a good sweat during the warm up. After a mosey over to the walking bridge murph awaited. The one mile run began, the trek down and back across the bridge felt good. Until the circuit began. 100 Merk-Jacks, 200 Squat Jumps over the cone, 300 Monkey Humpers!!!! Yay, PAX after Pax completed the first mile and time was dwindling down. The Q made a decision, maybe because of time, maybe because of the insanity, or maybe both 🙂. The circuit was cut to 50, 75, 100 and two 10 counts after that. But then it was on to the last mile. The PAX gave it all they had, not one PAX stopped, but pushed through and survived the muprh.

PAX: Rainman, Angus, Prosciutto, Mr. Clean, Delta, Laces Out, Mudslide, Ohms

The Murph Grand-Prix

When: 08/01/17
Where: Hill City
QIC: Ohms
The PAX: Prosciutto, Rainman, Angus, Mr. Clean, Banjo, Mudslide, Delta, Laces Out

Conditions: Clear Skies, 85 def F
Excellent turnout this AM at 0530. YHC woke up feeling great this morning…had a great night’s sleep with no morning drowsiness present. Started his morning off with a banana and a short drive to Hill City to get the day started off in good way through a good Old Fashioned Beatdown. Upon arrival, the PAX had shown up early and were waiting under the Love Shack prepared for some morning fun. The shovel flag was planted, the disclaimer was given, and the workout began.
YHC wanted to spread out the Leadership Roll so I let everyone have a little bit of the Q action. We went around the circle letting each PAX come up with an exercise.
– SSH x 10 IC (Ohms)
– Imperial Walkers x 10 IC (Banjo)
– Slow Merkins x 10 IC (Prosciutto)
– Squat x 10 IC (Rainman)
– Plank Jacks x 10 IC (Mudslide)
– Ass Kickers x 10 IC (Mr. Clean)
– High Knees x 10 IC (Angus)
– Mountain Climbers x 10 IC (Delta)
– SSH x 20 IC (Laces Out)
Circuit #1 (Round 1 – Mt. Midoriyama Grand Prix)
Start out in front of Mt. Midoriyama
Step 1: Run a lap around Mt. Midoriyama (0.2 miles)
Step 2: Bear Crawl 15 yards
Step 3: Lunge 15 Yards
Step 4: Run to the top of Mt. Midoriyama and then back to bottom
Step 5: Perform 25 Merkins
Rinse and Repeat all Steps x 4
Circuit #2 (Round 2 – The Stairway to Heaven Grand Prix)
Start out in front of Concrete Stairway (Where the Swamp Thing lives)
Step 1: Run a lap around Mt. Midoriyama (0.2 miles)
Step 2: Duck Walk 15 yards
Step 3: Karaoke 15 Yards
Step 4: Run to the bottom of the stairway and then box jump up to the top
Step 5: Perform 50 Dips
Rinse and Repeat all Steps x 4
YHC decided to continue with the spreading out of the Leadership Roll so we went around the circle letting each PAX come up with an ab exercise.
– LBC x 10 IC (Ohms)
– Hello Dolly x 10 IC (Banjo)
– American Hammers x 10 IC (Laces Out)
– WWII Sit-Ups x 10 OYO (Rainman)
– Rosalita x 10 IC (Mudslide)
– Freddie Mercury x 10 IC (Mr. Clean)
– Crunchy Frog x 10 IC (Angus)
– Pickle Pounders x 10 IC (Delta)
– Point & Hold (Prosciutto)
COT – Count-Off, Name-O-Rama, Shout-Outs, Prayer Requests
QUOTE – “Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.“ – Vince Lombardi –

07/27/2017 Backblast

When: 07/27/17
Where: Hill City
QIC: Delta
The PAX: Prosciutto, Nitro Circus, Mudslide, Stairmaster, Rainman, Mr. Clean
Conditions: Clear Skies, Low 80’s…Great morning to be alive!
The flag was planted, the PAX was circled and the welcome and disclaimer was given. As an added bonus, we agreed that anytime we saw jogger, we would all drop and conduct 20 BBSU’s! We then headed out to the Great Hall for the…
– SSH x 15 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
– High Knees x 15 IC
– Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
– SSH x 15 IC
*We spotted some joggers so we all stopped and conducted 20 BBSU.
We then turned our attention toward the RING OF FIRE
-The PAX took turns, one by one, calling out an exercise. After each man called out an exercise, that man would bear crawl around the PAX while the PAX executed the exercise.
-Rocky Balboa x 15 IC
We then took a small mosey over to the river walk where we partook in the…
+Starting at the first light pole along the walk, we bear crawled to the next light pole…then we lunged to the next light pole…THEN bear crawl for 2 more light poles; followed by lunges for 2 more light poles…THEN we bear crawled for 3 light poles followed by lunges for 3 more light pole…
We spotted some more joggers so we dropped and did 20 BBSU.
After a 10 count from Mr. Clean, we repeated the bear crawls / lunges that we just did.
We then headed to the base of what I call the Boob Hill. From there, the following instructions were given for what I am calling a “Modified Cooper:”
-10 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 10 Squats
Then run to the other end of the sidewalk near the Love Shack…
-10 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 10 Squats
Then run to the other end of the sidewalk near the Boob Hill…
-10 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 10 Squats
Then run to the other end of the sidewalk near the Love Shack…
-10 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 10 Squats
Then run to the other end of the sidewalk near the Boob Hill…
We all needed a 10 count before we headed to the Love Shack for…
-Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
-Pickle Pounders x 15 IC
*We spotted another set of joggers, so we all conducted 20 BBSU
-American Hammers x 15 IC
1 John 2:15-16
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.
-Most men’s downfalls can be linked back to what this verse commands us to stay away from: desires of the flesh and eyes and pride…It’s also been categorized this way: “Gold, Glory and Girls.”
The problem is that most men, if not all men struggle with being prideful, chasing money and women. To help each other fight off these temptations, it is imperative that we be honest with each other about our weaknesses and our struggles. It’s only in being honest about where we ARE that we can get help getting where we need to BE.
Let’s be an authentic band of brothers—a safe place for each man to share where he is at, without judgement, so we can help each other get better.
-CS Lewis “Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .”

The Grand Prix

QIC: Angus
PAX: Mudslide, Prosciutto, Burgundy, Sparkles, Mr. Clean, Rainman, and Ohms
POST DATE: July 22, 2017

AO: The Land Fill
Conditions: 77 Degrees and Humid but with a little bit of cloud coverage to keep the PAX cool for at least the first part of the workout.
The Welcome and Disclaimer were promptly delivered by YHC with enthusiasm and anticipation for what was in store.
Warm Up: YHC through a curveball and jumped straight into a heavy handed beat down — Positioned at the top gate pax were instructed to execute 15 burpees then run to the bottom gate, this about half a mile. As we were running down Ohms decided to grace us with his presence and take his sweet time catching up so he missed all the burpees, good work. 15 more burpees at the bottom and run back to the top. YHC had some real Smoke Boots on as the PAX were swiftly led back to the top where we [finally] were greeted by Ohms.
The Thang: 8 PAX stood agape at the cones YHC had strategically placed just far enough apart to merit concern. YHC presents “The Grand Prix” – partly inspired by The Cooper and partly by pure masochism. A track is laid out in cones about 100 yards in length and 30 yards in width. Each PAX had a coupon and were instructed to perform 10 burpees (without coupons), 10 Overhead Presses, and 10 Curls then run 1 lap around the track. Rinse and Repeat reducing the number of reps by 1 and the run gets swapped out each time.
The Grand Prix
10 Reps – Run
9 Reps – Bear Crawl
8 Reps – Lunge
7 Reps – Broad Jump
6 Reps – Seal Crawl
5 Reps – Ass Kick
4 Reps – Hodor (Hold Coupon straight out and walk)
3 Reps – Backwards Run
2 Reps – Side Lunge
1 Reps – High Knees
The Warm Up: The PAX headed down and found the best wall in the shade — each PAX grabbed a buddy. While the buddy held a wall sit the other performed the exercises, then swap.
Wall Sit / Diamond Merkins x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Jump Squats x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Carolina Dry Docks x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Jump Squats x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Merkins x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / Jump Squats x 15. Swap.
Wall Sit / LAC x 20. Swap.
Wall Sit / Chinooks x 20. Swap.
Wall Sit / Moroccan Night Club x 20. Swap.
Moleskin: “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Angus Out

The BLIMPS Life Chose Me

When: 07/20/17
Where: Hill City
QIC: Rainman (Cherry Blasted VQ)
The PAX: Prosciutto, Rainman, Stairmaster, Choo Choo (Nomad), Angus, Early Bird, Chief, Mr. Clean, FNG (Nitro now)

Conditions: Clear Skies, Humid Air
Want to say thanks to all of the other QIC’s for taking me to Q-School and leading by example. Just goes to show that F3 is a strong brotherhood. Also want to give a shout out to Choo-Choo, Second day back and already brought an FNG!!
– SSH x 15 IC
– Finkle Swing x 15
– SSH x 15
– High Knee x 15
– Wide High Knee x 15
– Squat x 15 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
– SSH x 15 IC
– Baby Arm Circle x 12
– Reverse BAC x 12
– Shoulder Press x 10 IC
– Moroccan Night Club x 12 IC
– SSH x 15 IC
Circuit #1
Can be done with cones on a field, a parking lot, or on concrete using lampposts.
1. Burpees 10 and then run back to starting line, touch and go to next lamppost/cone/line etc…
2. Lunges 20 each leg, and then run back to starting line, touch and go to next lamppost/cone/line etc…
3. Imperial Walkers 30 each leg and then run back to starting line, touch and go to next lamppost/cone/line etc…
4. Merkins 40 and then run back to starting line, touch and go to next lamppost/cone/line etc…
5. Plank Jack 50 and then run back to starting line, touch and go to next lamppost/cone/line etc…
6. Squats 60 and hold Al Gore or finish with those who weren’t done yet.
Circuit #2
M.I.A w/Partner and Hill
Partner up. One partner begins the MIA, while the other runs up and down the hill twice. Once the hill runner was done, partners swap and pick up where their partner left off in MIA. For each exercise we did originally did 60 a piece, but modified to 60 TOTAL.
1. Merk Jack: 60 between each partner. Just like a plank jack, but you add a merkin with it.
2.Iron Mike: 60 TOTAL between each partner. Iron Mike is a cooler name for jump lunges.
3. Alternating Shoulder Tap: 60 between each partner. Plank position. Right hand left shoulder and vice versa.
Crunchy Frog x 15
Little Baby Crunches x 15
WWII Sit Ups x 15
Quote: You will be what you see, but what you don’t see you cannot be. You will become what you behold, but what you don’t behold you cannot become.
Goes to show that what you longingly or lastingly look at is what you will become. So, make sure you are beholding something that you want to emulate.
Prayer Requests:
– Angus: Wife’s Pregnancy
– Laces Out (Respect): Trip and travel
– Gus: New House
– Out of town guys serving on mission
– Supporting an F3 start up in Memphis

Death by Coupons

When: 07/18/17
Where: Hill City
QIC: Ohms
The PAX: Prosciutto, Rainman, Stairmaster, Choo Choo (Nomad)

Conditions: Clear Skies, Humid Air
Once again reminiscent of the early F3 Chatt days…smaller group than expected. YHC even went and bought 4 new coupons to add to the artillery and only got to use 5 of them. Oh well, just have to remember…strength doesn’t always come in numbers. Before we get this thing started, big shout out to our newest member of F3 Chatt (Choo Choo). This man got up on his own and brought himself to post this AM. He didn’t know any of us, he didn’t know what to expect, but he did know that he wanted to get BETTER!!
– SSH x 10 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
– SSH x 10 IC
– Squat x 10 IC
– SSH x 10 IC
– Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
– Arm Circles x 10 IC
– Shoulder Press x 10 IC
– SSH x 20 IC
Circuit #1 (Stairway to Seven)
Start at bottom of concrete stairs
Step up 1 stair – perform 7 Incline Merkins
Step up 1 stair – perform 7 Dips
Step up 1 stair – perform 7 Cinder Block Swings
Continue until top you reach the top of stairs
Circuit #2 (Death Crawl)
Exercise 1: Assume push-up position on block. Crawl with your block until finish line reached.
Exercise 2: Assume push-up position on block. Crawl with your block (completing a push-up each movement) until finish line is reached.
Exercise 3: Assume push-up position on block. Crawl with your block (completing a left/right push-up each movement) until finish line is reached.
COP #1 (Circle of Coupon)
Exercise 1: Two-Handed Curl x 10 IC
Exercise 2: Tricep Overhead Arm Extension x 10 IC
Exercise 3: Curl and Press x 10 IC
Rinse & Repeat for 3 Sets
YHC was feeling generous during the 6MOM so I let everyone have a little bit of the Q action. We went around the circle letting each PAX come up with an ab exercise.
– LBC x 15 IC
– V-Ups x 15 IC
– Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
– Roselita x 15 IX
– Box Cutter x 15 IC
When it got around the circle back to YHC, he noticed that none of the PAX had called on Lady Liberty…sooo…American Hammers were next
– American Hammer x 15 IC
COT – Countoff, Name-O-Rama, Shout-Outs, Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests:
– Rainman’s MRI
– Prosciutto’s Mom Hip Surgery
– Delta’s Mission Trip
– Laces Out’s Mission Trip
QUOTE – “Strength doesn’t always come from numbers…it comes from determination and the will to get better“

Daily Maxwell, Scripture, and Quote

Daily Maxwell JULY 17

Doing the right thing doesn’t come naturally to any of us. As America’s first president, George Washington, said, “Few men have virtue enough to withstand the highest bidder.” Yet that is what we must do to develop the kind of character that will sustain us.
It’s not easy to do the right thing when the wrong thing is expedient. Molière commented, “Men are alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ. The difference in their deeds is simple: People of character do what is right regardless of the situation.”
One way that I’ve tried to control my natural bent to do wrong is to ask myself some questions (adapted from questions written by business ethicist Dr. Laura Nash)
1. Am I hiding something?
2. Am I hurting anyone?
3. How does it look from the other person’s point of view?
4. Have I discussed this face-to-face?
5. What would I tell my child to do?
If you do the right thing—and keep doing it—even if it doesn’t help you move ahead with your talent in the short term, it will protect you and serve you well in the long term. Character builds—and it builds you. Or as Dr. Dale Bronner, a board member of my nonprofit organization EQUIP, puts it, “Honesty is not something you do; honesty is who you are.”
—Talent Is Never Enough

Daily Scripture

James 4:17

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Daily Quote

We need to have a purpose in this life. I’m pleading with you, I’m begging with you to do the right thing. And do it not for the sake of how it will impact your own lives, but only for the sake of doing the right thing.

James McGreevey


The Bruno San Martino

When: 07/15/17
Where: The Landfill (White Oak Park)
QIC: Prosciutto
The PAX: Mr. Clean, Steam Engine, Burner

Conditions: Scattered clouds with a 75 degrees, extra humid
A smaller group than what YHC expected for a Saturday beatdown. Reminiscent of the early days of F3 Chatt. Nonetheless, those that made an appearance were ready to get better; and get better, they did!
With the shovel flag planted, the Disclaimer was provided with care and attention to detail (full disclosure, YHC reviewed the F3 disclaimer just a few minutes prior to provide some good punch lines)
Short mosey to upper parking lot for a warmup.
– SSH x 12 IC
– High Knees x 12 IC
– Squats x 12 IC
– Hot Sauce Burpees (demo requested & provided) x 5 OYO
– SSH x 15 IC
– High Knees x 15 IC
– Squats x 15 IC
– Hot Sauce Burpees (demo requested & provided) x 5 OYO for good measure
Realizing that sweat droplets were falling and beginning to look like a slow gush on Mr. Clean’s forehead, that was enough for YHC to crank it up a hair; almost to 11. Time for…
The pax moseyed down to the bottom of the landfill. By bottom, I mean, the lower gate entrance to the landfill, to ensure we had enough room to complete what is next…
4 rounds of Circle Burp mixed with Bernie Sanders between each stop.
Round 1 performed at the bottom gates, all pax were instructed to perform SSH until all PAX had called “Down” – signaling all PAX to perform a single burpee. One time through, rinse and repeat once more.
Bernie Sanders up to the dog park parking spaces for the next round.
Round 2 – similar to round 1, except the PAX complete Squats until the signal is given for a burpee
Bernie Sanders again further up the hill to the fresh parking lot for the next round.
Round 3 – similar again, this time, except the PAX complete a plank until the signal is given for a burpee.
Bernie Sanders up the grassy hill to the playground structures for the final round.
Round 4 – PAX complete mountain climbers until the signal is given for a burpee.
10 counts were administered two times throughout the circle burp brigade. Great work men!
YHC issued the command to run quickly up one of the landfill’s premier hills, to settle into a super 21 on the flat field at the top.
The Super 21 consisted of LBC’s and Merkins. Starting with 20 LBC, sprint 30-40 yards and then complete a single Merkin. Continue decrementing LBC’s and incrementing Merkins through each iteration; always totaling 21 total reps between the two exercises per round.
3 minutes remained, so YHC opted for a 5MOM with a Captain Thor (1:4 ratio of two ab exercises); LBC:American Hammer. Complete when the PAX reached 5 LBC’s to 20 American Hammers
COT – Count-off, Name-o-rama, Shoutouts/Requests, Prayer

Laces Out VQ

Conditions: Clear skies with a 72 deg. F mild air
Happy 31st Birthday to Snowflake and Congrats to Delta on his 15th Anniversary!!
This special Thursday morning began with 11 PAX posting at Hill City. This day was special because today was the Cherry Blast Virgin Q for Laces Out (RESPECT). The HIM was super excited for his first Q and his opportunity to lead a great group of men through an awesome workout. The morning started out with a little 0530 stretching and the delivery of the Disclaimer. Then the real fun began…a lot of running and a Walnut Street Bridge workout was in the plans!
Here’s what went down:
The workout started with a short mosey to The Great Hall for a warmup.
SSH x 12 IC
Squats x 20 IC
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
Shinooks x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Once the blood was warm and flowing through the bodies of the PAX, Sir Q led us PAX on another mosey through Coolidge Park and over to the Walnut Street “Walking” Bridge (I assure you that no “walking” would take place on this day at the bridge). We were informed from the get-go that today would be a running day…no worries, the PAX seemed open to running and were ready to take on the challenge.
Circuit #1
– Round 1: Complete 10 Burpees OYO, then mosey to a 1/4 the way across the bridge.
– Round 2: Complete 20 Merkins OYO, then mosey to 1/2 the way across the bridge.
– Round 3: Complete 30 BBSU OYO, then mosey to 3/4 the way across the bridge.
– Round 4: Complete 40 Squats OYO, then mosey to 3/4 the way across the bridge.
– Round 5: Complete 10 Burpees OYO, then mosey to the end of the bridge.
Rinse & Repeat on the way back across the Bridge
When the Bridge Beatdown was complete, wetook a little mosey back through Coolidge Park to the Riverwalk. We were ahead of schedule due to the hard work from the PAX. So HIM improvised and added some lunges mixed with more running.
Lunge to first light pole
Run 3 light poles
Lunge 1 light pole
Run 3 light poles
Rinse & Repeat until the end of the path
We then took another mosey toward the Love Shack and to the top step where the Swamp Thing resides.
Dips x 12 IC
Incline Merkins x 12 IC
Rinse & Repeat x 2
Once the arms were burning HIM decided to work another body part to close the day with some 3MOM…
Flutterkicks x 12 IC
Hello Dolly x 12 IC
Freddie Mercury x 12 IC
COT – Countoff, Nameorama, Shoutouts/Requests, Prayer
Prayer Requests:
Snowflake (Dr. Appointment for broken elbow)
Pumpkin (Mission Trip)
Mr. Clean (2 year old son’s leg)
Laces Out (Upcoming Mission Trip)
Delta (Upcoming Mission Trip/Camp)
Angus (Moving Day & Wife expecting a baby)
“ Proverbs 16:9 – ”In his heart a man plans his ways, but God directs his steps.”
HIM shared about his son’s journey with his heart disease (appreciates the many prayers lifted up for him). His plans were altered, but he has trusted God’s new direction for his life and lives to please Jesus. We all have our plans, dreams and hopes, but sometimes God directs us in another way. Let’s follow God’s direction even as we make our plans today and bring glory to Jesus!