Mt. Everest

QIC:  Clothespin

Date: 07-10-21

PAX:  Mutton Buster, Man Bun, 9 Volt, Mrs Baker, Conjugal Visit, Tin Snip, Pipeline, Abercrombie, Thin Mint

AO: The Battery


Humidly sucky


Mosey around Greenway to Parking Area
Third Grade Exercise 15 in cadence
SSH 20 in cadence
Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence
Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence
Cherry Pickers 15 in cadence
Moroccan Night Club
Seal claps 10 in cadence

Grady Corn

In memory of Grady Pitstick, aka “Quikrete”, who passed away a year ago. He was only 30 years old, and the son of another member of the Knoxville PAX, Brian Pitstick, aka “Sparkler”. “Grady Corn” is a acombination of Grady’s name and “Candy Corn”, which was an exercise Grady brought to us that became his trademark. It is a shoulder warm up that can become a full-on exercise with enough reps. Hereis its description: Four-count exercise that begins in a standing position with your arms together, straight out in front of you. Swing your arms back to a “T” formation, then over your head to form a triangle, then back down to a “T”, and then back to the starting position. 25 reps makes for a good shoulder warm up. At 50 reps the mumblechatter starts to dwindle. Groans of pain begin at about rep 75, which should be taken by the Q as encouragement to keep going to 100.

The Thang

Autobahn 5 sets

Go to grassy area where flags are at. Start on Dog park side. Autobahn is a crawl using only your upper body no leg help whatsoever.

Autobahn to Greenway do 5 Merkins

Autobahn back to Dog Park do 5 Jump Squats

Do 5 sets!

Cut A Flip 10 sets

Alternating between 5 Merkins and 5 Big Boy Sit-ups, flipping between the 2 exercises over and over, no rest. Can be performed until a specific number is reached, ex. 100 Merkins and 100 Big Boys; or can be used in an AMRAP scenario that is timed such as 1 Minute or waiting for partner to complete a movement.

Danger Zone

PAX performs side straddle hop while Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins plays in the background. Everytime the words danger zone are heard PAX does single squat then resumes side straddle hop. End result is 3 and a half minutes of SSH with sporadic squats


Find a set of stairs or a hill. Lunge up one step, perform 1 squat, lunge up with other leg, perform 1 squat, repeato to top. Works best with many steps or sizable hill.

CPRs 25 reps

Combination of 3 Arm exercises with Cinderblocks. Starting position like doing curls and done all together in a 4-Count cadence: 1 = “C”url, 2 = Overhead “P”ress, 3 = Tricep “R”aise (i.e. extension), 4 = Return to starting position.

Curb Alpert 25 reps

Pax in push up position alongside curb, and walk hands up and down the the curb as if they are drumming like the legendary Herb Alpert


Preferably performed in a parking lot with a row of curbs (can also be done on ground). Line up 1 or 2 PAX per curb down the parking lot, entire PAX side planks on curb with left hand high, starting at one end, first PAX rotates to regular plank position for set number of Merkins, first PAX then holds regular plank and next PAX rotates down for Merkins, and so on down the line. Once the entire PAX is in regular plank position, the entire PAX reverses and starts again with right hand high. Repeato as desired. When done properly the PAX should resemble dominoes slowly toppling over. Best for a larger PAX.

Imperial Squat Walker

Cruel cousin of the Imperial Walker. This 4-count exercise starts with hands clasp on head. Count 1 = a squat. Count 2 = stand up and bring one knee up to the opposite elbow. Count 3 = a squat. Count 4 = stand up, other knee to other elbow. Q should be mindful to count at a pace that allows/encourages a nice, deep squat. Rushing the count produces girly squats.


Remember you alway have support in F3.


Lot of talk about digging ditches during the Autobahns. All I saw were tiny paths that barely laid the grass down…..


[Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

Recent Backblasts

    Decomposing Burpees

    QIC:  Tatonka

    Date: 07/12/2021

    PAX: Oui Oui, AOL, WEBLOW, WuzntMe, M.I.A., Tube Squeeze, SeaGull, Uncle Joe, Toe Tag

    AO: Hacksaw


    70’s with some wet ground from the night’s rain. No rain during the beatdown though so we had that going on for us!


    SSH x 15 IC

    Forward Fold OYO

    Willie Mays Hayes x 16 IC

    Quad Stretch

    LBAC x 10 IC

    Reverse LBAC x 10 IC

    Chinooks x 10 IC

    Seal Claps x 10 IC

    Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC

    Cherry Pickers x 10 IC

    Calf Stretches OYO

    The Thang

    Decomposing Burpees

    1. Navy SEAL Burpees x 2 min

    200m run

    1. Mountain Climber Burpee x 2 min

    200m run

    1. 8 count body builders x 2 min

    200m run

    1. Burpees x 2 min

    200m run

    1. Royal Jumping Burpee (a merkin-less burpee with a jump and clap at the end) x 2 min

    200m run

    1. Royal Burpee (apparently the OG traditional burpee; no merkin, no jump, no clap) x 2 min

    200m run

    1. Air Squats x 2 min

    200m run

    1. Plank x 2 min

    Circle up for some Mary for time

    Scissor kicks (Oui Oui)

    Pickle Pointers (AOL)

    Little Baby Crunches (WEBLOW)

    Boat Canoes (WuzntMe)

    Run a lap (M.I.A.)


    The Father’s Day sermon at my church was all about lawns and weeds. It’s not enough to just kill the weeds and hope the lawn will look better and prosper. You must reseed the lawn in order to get newer healthier grass to grow in place where the weeds once were. If you don’t reseed the bare spot, the weeds will just come back. Furthermore, a small weed doesn’t stay a small weed for very long. Very quickly it will multiple into numerous bigger weeds if not addressed soon enough. The spiritual metaphor is that it’s not enough to just remove weeds (sin) from our lives, we must replace it with better and healthier actions to live a more Christ like life.

    The exercises we completed “got easier” as we removed a component from the prior exercise. For example, the Navy SEAL burpee consists of three merkins and a mountain climber movement on each leg. The following exercise, the mountain climber burpee, removed two of the three merkins from the prior exercise. Likewise, the eight count body builder that followed removed and replaced the mountain climber leg movement with a plank jack. This pattern continued with each subsequent exercise until we were just in the plank position.

    As we progressed through the exercises, we weren’t just removing a component and sitting around doing nothing. We replaced what we removed with something that still made us better and helped us improve ourselves. Likewise, this is how we should remove sin from our lives and replace with actions that continue to help us grow spiritually into healthier stronger Christian men.


    At one point, Q was referred to as John Doe, Jr. because the thang seemed to focus around a single exercise. The Q is not sure if this was intended to be an insult but took it as a compliment anyway.

    Oui Oui was quick to point out that a burpee (or any variation thereof) is an excellent full body workout. The Q appreciates this open minded approach.

    “2 minutes at my house doesn’t ever last this long” – AOL

    There was some chatter about proper burpee form, whether a merkin is involved in a traditional burpee, whether there is a jump and clap at the end, etc. etc.

    It turns out the originator of the “burpee” was named Royal Burpee (I looked it up on the internet, so it’s probably true). His OG burpee consisted of no merkin and no jump or clap; just an outward thrusting of the feet into a plank position.


    Fallen Five convergence at The Dame/Hot Dam/Dam straight/Frankly my dear I don’t give a Dam this Saturday 7/17/21 from 0700-0800. Fallen Five ruck to follow immediately afterwards.

    3rd F opportunity at Chubbies on Monday nights. Reach out to John Doe if interested and available to serve.

    2nd F opportunity this Friday 7/16/21 at 1600 at the Fountainhead taproom. Out of town PAX that are in town for the Fallen Five event will also be invited and encouraged to attend for some 2nd F.

    Recent Backblasts

      Mt. Crushmore Christened with Sweat

      QIC:  Dundee

      Date: 07/07/2021

      PAX:  8 Seconds, Boner, Chunks, Cleaver, Happy Ending, NordicTrack

      AO: Detention


      A very light, very welcome drizzle. It was as if the sky just couldn’t hold even a drop more humidity and started sweating itself.


      Mosey with a coupon to the bottom of Mt. Crushmore.

      SSH 25 IC
      WMH 10 IC
      3GE 10 IC
      Shoulder blasters
      Imperial Walkers x 15

      The Thang

      Round 1:
      50 curls with the coupon.
      Rifle carry to the top of the hill.
      50 more curls.
      Hold plank for the six.
      Mosey down the hill unencumbered.

      Round 2:
      50 pickle pointers.
      Bear crawl to the top of the hill.
      50 more pickle pointers.
      Hold plank for the six.
      Mosey to the bottom of the hill with the coupon.

      Round 3:
      50 shoulder presses with the coupon.
      Lunge with coupon to the top of the hill.
      50 more shoulder presses.
      Hold plank for the six.
      Mosey down the hill without coupon.

      Round 4:
      50 mountain climbers (hard count).
      Bernie Sanders up the hill.
      50 more mountain climbers.
      Hold plank for the six.

      Round 5:
      50 pickle pounders.
      Jailbreak up the hill.
      50 more pickle pounders.
      Mosey back to the flag with coupon.


      YHC was proud to name NordicTrack as co-AOQ for Detention. Reliable, consistent, faithful, his Q workouts always focus on leaving no man behind and no man where you found him — he’s the definition of a HIM that should lead an AO forward. Detention is in good hands.


      YHC debated bringing a soundtrack and decided against it. It was the wrong choice. We tried to fill in with some a capella, but no one was in a singing mood. Lung capacity was at a premium.

      We didn’t take a vote, but the Mt. Crushmore name stuck. Hat tip and T-claps to Roomba for coming up with it. Shame he wasn’t there to ‘enjoy’ it.


      Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, 7/10.

      Fallen Five CSAUP at the dam 7/17. Beatdown led by Gretel 7-8, followed by a ruck to the recruitment center and back with more beatdowns along the way.

      Murder Bunnies Communicate Swiftly and Non-Verbally; THEY WILL END YOUR ASS

      QIC:  Prosciutto

      Date: 07/06/2021

      PAX: Zima, Yellow 5, Whittler, Warlord, The Count, Red Raider, Recycle, Pound Dog, Pediasure, Old School, Mansiere, Manscaper, Jorts, Holy Kiss, Gusher, Friday, Croc Doc, Catfish, Burrito, Blow Pop, A-A-Ron

      AO: SmackDown


      An illustrious morning illuminated by the moon’s obvious crescent, PAX exuberance and candor, and a third thing which I shall leave blank here only for the purpose of having a tertiary item in a list of things; for anything in a trinity must be fantastical and pure;;; book-ended by multiple (3) semi-colons only to annotate such ;;;perfection;. ;;Opinions were provided freely -that which may or may not have been indicative of the group’s general consensus – but nevertheless, they were accepted. Feelings were not hurt because collectively we chose not to feel those feelings today; despite the conjuring that slow-dance R&B may incite for a man in his mid-40s considering life’s missteps and about what could have been in grade school whilst attending a mixed-gender school sanctioned extracurricular event in the late 90s (note: goes without saying, this reference only applied for those ambitious enough to attend a school with more than one gender – he or she). I’m certain I missed a semi-colon in that last sentence amid the run-on blathering; but here we are, alive and well to tell of the stories that we once knew with a nod to the future in how we can improve.

      Some would say there were too many in attendance this morning, but based on what I saw – nothing could be further from the truth. The number was nice enough to compliment a larger aggregate, which could be flipped and turnt upside down and would still be nice. It felt nice, it looked nice, it was nice nice nice. Simpatico, grazie!

      Of course, we couldn’t move forward with the events without some sort of notice of inherent risk, pronounced both broadly and ineffectively seemingly without any direction or purpose. You see, I was more wrapped up in sharing neat facts on “This day in History” than to keep the people I hold dearest to my heart safe in the gloom; so excited, that I almost prematurely spewed facts without making the pax work for it. So, words were used in the “disclaimer” that do not appear in any formal F3 disclaimer written regarding personal safety. What was said certainly was not legally abdicating, nor was it sensible by any means, nor was it even coherent. My poor1 attempt had been a failure, but it was to no one’s fault but my own. After an appropriate haranguing by the PAX within earshot, little was left to do than to just get on with it. And so we went forth as things could not get worse from here.

      1 understatement


      Circle around the flag and proceed with a standard COP (10x of everything)
      FWD Fold
      ST Merkins
      Plank Jacks
      Mtn Climbers
      SSH (again)

      The Thang

      Remaining in the Circle of Trust position, Old Glory as the center, exercises were suggested for all to complete; once all are complete, murder bunny from your position to the flag and back as penance for completion;; ;wait;; for six

      Air Squats (50)
      BBSUs (40)
      Merkins (30)
      Bonnie Blaire’s (20)
      Burpees (10)

      **After round, grab block and lunge with block to the nearest track side and back

      Repeat 50-40-30-20-10, MB to and from and then wait for six

      Block Webbs (1:4 ratio)
      Merkins & Curls; 1-5 and back down to 1
      Sprint to far track side and back

      Repeat above backwards 10-20-30-40-50, MB to and from and then wait for six



      I recently read that a couple of pimps in the psychology research world in 1967 conducted studies around the importance of non-verbal speech. It was from their rad discovery that we have the ridiculous theory that all communication is 90% non-verbal. Dumb. The study found that 55% of communication is body language, 38% was tone and the remaining 7% are the actual words used. While this study was not intended to say that it applied to every specific instance, it is worth considering that what we communicate often times has much less to do with what words we use, but the way in which we convey them. Our words are powerful, they can be used as a weapon or as a critical tool or in positive/encouraging ways.

      The challenge for the pax today was simply to choose your words, the way you say them (and the timing) wisely.


      “What do we do when we’re finished? (with everything)” x6
      – Not Burrito

      “This is the worst playlist ever”
      – Probably Burrito

      “This is the best playlist ever”
      – Not Burrito

      “Good thing this isn’t a themed workout, like some others that have happened” (side-eye)
      -Not Burrito

      “Ned Beatty played the robot in Rocky IV” (which was loosely debated as to whether it occurred or not; if you’ve been following along… yes, again)
      – Not Burrito

      Step Brother’s references and associated humor

      This day in history:

      • 1495 – Charles VIII defeats the Holy League at the Battle of Fornovo – the First Italian War (poured one out for our homies)
      • 1779 – The Battle of Grenada; happened.
      • 1933 – The first MLB All-Star Game was played at Comiskey Park (The National League won 4-2)
      • 1944 – Jackie Robinson refuses to sit in the back of the bus

      Notable birthday’s

      • Ned Beatty (Actor)
      • George W. Bush (“American Businessman and Politician”; Wikipedia’s Woke AF right now)
      • 50 Cent ($$)
      • Manny Machado (Dominican Republic Entertainment Laborer)


      The q-schedule is written and posted. There are posts pinned in slack. If you’re not on slack, you’re probably not reading this right now. Today was Nice, Twitter said so.

      Recent Backblasts

        B.L.I.M.P.S. 2.0

        QIC: Blue

        Date: 07-05-2021

        PAX: Snatch, Boner, Ponce, Spooner

        AO: Detention


        A comfortable 68° with mostly clear skies a minimal humidity for a July morning.


        Some SSH’s, some stretches, some shoulder blaster, some SSH’s, some more stretches, then a mosey to the bottom of THE HILL on the backside of the ball fields.

        The THANG!!!

        B.L.I.M.P.S. w/ some moseying……….

        Using the pathways/sidewalks between the ball fields, mosey a “square/rectangle” shape, stopping at each corner for respective exercises.

        B – Burpees

        10 Burpees OYO at each corner for a total of 40 Burpees

        L – Lunges

        20 (easy count) Lunges at each corner for a total of 80 Lunges

        I – Imperial Walkers

        30 (easy count) Imp. Walkers at each corner for a total of 120 Imp. Walkers

        M – Monkey Humpers

        40 Monkey Humpers at each corner for a total of 160 Monkey Humpers

        P – Pickle Pointers/Pounders

        50 Pickle Pointers at corner 1 & 3, 50 Pickle Pounders at corner 2 & 4 for a total of 100 Pointers and 100 Pounders

        Sadly we ran short on time so we had to mosey back up THE HILL to the flag, but the last round would have been……..

        S – SSH’s

        60 SSH’s at each corner for a total of 240 SSH’s


        Grace & Respect…………can’t say it enough. In my everyday life at least once a day I witness, somewhere, a situation that could have been avoided if a little GRACE & RESPECT had been given on all sides. It’s something we can all strive to work on daily.


        • Fallen Five CSAUP
        • Chubby’s Homeless Ministry
        • Habitat for Humanity
        • Nightsweats widow’s yard work

        Mumble Chatter

        I don’t seem to remember much in the way of chatter at any Q, will try and do better about that. Ponce was on vacation last week and really feeling this morning. Snatch did not have even one “shut up Blue” for me this morning (it’s a thing for us). The “dog lady”, who pulls up and let’s her dog(s) run into the ball fields in the mornings to relieve themselves was not present today, may have shown up earlier.

        Crawl Bearing Benjamin’s

        QIC: Blue

        DATE: 07-02-2021

        PAX: Milkman, Sherlock, Chunks

        AO: Shothouse


        Very very very very MOIST!!!! A slight drizzle at about 74°. Overcast and muggy.


        Some stretches, some SSH’s, some more stretches, Shoulder Blasters, a mosey lap around the parking lot.

        The THANG!!!!!

        All About the Benjamin’s with some Bear Crawls/Crawl Bears

        25 reps of 4 exercises followed by a down and back lap under the covered area in front of the school.

        Round 1 –

        • SSH’s
        • Lunges
        • Chest Press w/ coupon
        • LBC’s

        Bear Crawl to the end of the sidewalk, Crawl Bear back to the start.

        Round 2 –

        • Monkey Humper
        • Imperial Walkers
        • Deadlifts w/ coupon
        • Peter Parker’s

        Bear Crawl to the end of the sidewalk, Crawl Bear back to the start.

        Round 3 –

        • 3rd Grade Exercise
        • Windmills (hard count)
        • SSH’s
        • Groiners

        Bear Crawl to the end of the sidewalk, Crawl Bear back to the start.

        Round 4 –

        • Block Swing
        • Leg Lifts
        • Bent Over Rows w/ coupon
        • Mountain Climbers

        Bear Crawl to the end of the sidewalk, Crawl Bear back to the start.

        *can modify the Bear crawls/Crawl Bears with walking lunges


        GRACE & RESPECT………..I’ve used this topic a few times now for my CoT but it doesn’t ever hurt to hear it more than once. You don’t have to agree with someone to offer them Grace or Respect.

        Mumble Chatter

        Not much in the way of chatter going on, just trying to survive the workout. Milkman killed it in leading the pack by finishing first. Great end of the week workout for all.

        B.L.I.M.P.S Dora, Rifle Carries and Intervals

        QIC:  Blackout

        Date: 06/30/2021

        PAX: Blindside, Cowbell, Flute, Friar Tuck, Offset, Rodeo, Skitch, Spooner, Transplant, Turtle, Whoopie

        AO: Lion’s Den


        Humid and Humid


        Mosey Lap around track

        • FF – OYO
        • Willie Mayes Hayes x10 IC
        • SSH x15 IC
        • Arm Circles x15 IC
        • Reverse Arm Circles x15 IC
        • Seal Claps x15 IC
        • Tempo Merkins x10 IC

        The Thang

        DORA BLIMP Style

        PAX grabbed a partner. Two sets of cones set up on the straight-away of the track. One partner did the following exercises at Cone Set 1 while other partner Rifle Carried to Cone Set 2, Did 2 HSKT, and Rifle Carried back to Cone Set 1. Reps were aggregated among both partners:

        • Burpees x50
        • Lunges x100
        • Imperial Walkers x150
        • Merkins x200
        • Plank Jacks x250
        • Squats x300

        Interval – 45 seconds exercise/15 seconds rest

        • Curls w/ block
        • Toe Merkins w/ block
        • Dips OR Extensions w/ block
        • LBCs
        • Curls w/ block
        • Toe Merkins x/ block
        • Dips OR Extensions w/ block
        • LBCs


        Q talked about friendship and loving thy neighbor. Talked about how, as a kid, it is easy to make friends. Whoever is playing back yard ball, it just kind of happens. As we get older, it is harder to build those relationships, especially amongst male friends. Read scripture pertaining to loving thy neighbor and being friendly. Luke Chapter 25-30 The Good Samaritan Principle. Left the PAX with three challenges on friendship and loving thy neighbor

        1. Be available – So many opportunities are missed to help others in life because we feel like we are too busy or have other priorities. Stop and be a friend. Being available is the first step to a genuine friendship.
        2. Be Compassionate – Don’t just think compassionately, let it show in your actions. This is a huge step in friendship as well.
        3. Be a Friend to Who they are now – Don’t expect friendships to be determined on what you expect from others. Care for them and be there for them right where they are.

        Thanked the guys for being good friends to me and each other through the F3 platform.


        Heard a couple guys mention that the Burph is Friday….this beatdown in combination with the Blindside beatdown Monday might have an impact on times… At least that’s what the comments led me to believe

        Note to self: There are A TON of runners at Red Bank track at 0530. Next time, we won’t take up three lanes doing block work. To be fair, there are usually 0 additional people at Parliament at 0530.


        3rd-F opportunities: Chubby’s and Habitat. See channel for more details.

        Fallen Five Ruck 07.17 at 0700

        Recent Backblasts

          Who thought we would do Chicken Peckers?

          QIC:  Gretel

          Date: 06/29/2021

          PAX: Blue, Bobbit, Cleaver, Doogie, Dundee, Footloose, Friar Tuck (respect), Hasbro, Hoveround, Jenny Craig, Lyft, Money Shot, Mr. Clean, NordicTrack, Picabo, Recycle, Roomba, Sheet Stain, Slois Lane, Truck Yeah, U-turn

          AO: The Huey


          clear, humid, warm


          SSH 30 IC

          WMH 10 IC

          LBAC forward/back 10 each IC

          Mt. Climbers 20 IC

          Forward Fold OYO

          3rd grade 10 IC

          Marine Corps pushups 10 IC

          SSH 15 IC

          Mosey with coupon to back parking lot

          The Thang

          Everyone line up with coupon across one end of parking lot, PAX will complete 1 exercise then move coupon to next parking lot line and complete 10 bent over rows with coupon, leave coupon there and return to baseline and complete next exercise, run to coupon and move to next line, do 10 bent over rows, run back to baseline and do exercise, etc. etc.

          Parking lot at The Huey is 20 lines long, so complete 20 rounds.


          5 burpees

          10 merkins

          15 squats

          Once PAX reach last line and complete row there, mosey a lap and return to parking lot, hold plank or Al Gore till 6 is in.

          Finisher: At baseball field shack, PAX split into 2 groups. First group lines up along shack and completes 10 Chicken Peckers IC while other group holds plank, then flapjack. Then, first group back on the wall for 10 Australian Mt. Climbers IC while other group holds plank, then flapjack. One more round of Chicken Peckers. Mosey to flag with coupons.


          From the Q Source: Preparedness is getting ready for the expected while being ready for the unexpected.


          Great group at The Huey today to send off Bobbit as he is moving to Knoxville.


          Fallen 5 Memorial convergence and ruck event, July 17th, details several places in Slack. Convergence beatdown 0700-0800 at The Dame, HC in csaup-convergence channel.

          Recent Backblasts

            Another Blue’s Q @ Detention

            QIC: Blue

            Date: 6-28-2021

            PAX: Nordic Track, Dundee, Mr. Clean, Uturn, Slois Lane, Sherlock, Tatonka

            AO: Detention


            A very warm & humid 72° with a partly cloudy sky.


            Some SSH’s, then some stretches, then some more SSH’s, some more stretches, some LBAC (forward/reverse), some more SSH’s then a mosey with a coupon to the top of the hill behind the sports fields.

            The THANG!!!!

            Top of the hill, 5 Man-makers (which are actually Blockee’s)

            Mosey to the track around the football field, PAX stay together

            • Lap 1 – 5 Burpees @ each end zone
            • Lap 2 – 5 BBS’s @ each end zone
            • Lap 3 – 5 IC Windmills @ each end zone
            • Lap 4 – 5 Burpees @ each end zone

            Mosey to the bottom of the hill behind the sports fields, name of the game is 11’s on the hill.

            – 10 Captain Thor’s at bottom of hill, mosey to top

            – 1 Blockee at the top.

            Continue until 1 Captain Thor & 10 Blockee’s


            Grace………you don’t have to agree with someone to offer them Grace or respect.

            Mumble Chatter

            Don’t remember much in the way of mumble chatter other than Manmakers are listed as a different exercise in the “Exicon” according to Dundee, and we were actually doing “Blockee’s”. Going to check that one out and find out what a “Manmaker” actually is……

            Rifle Carry 11’s with Penalty Merkins

            QIC:  Blackout

            Date: 06/28/2021

            PAX: Fissure, John Doe, Rollback, WreckedEm

            AO: Anvil


            Nice and Humid


            10 minutes of Jon Doga (AKA Yoga) by John Doe

            The Thang


            Two cones set up on straightaway of Track. Begin on one cone with Curls, Rifle Carry to other cone, Shoulder Presses, Rifle Carry back to first cone. Rinse and Repeat (10 Curls, 1 Shoulder Press; 9 Curls, 2 Shoulder Presses…..1 Curl, 10 Shoulder Presses)

            One Caveat: Block should never hit the ground. Each time PAX brought block below shoulders on rifle carry, 5 penalty merkins at the end of the elevens.


            Started at first cone. Did 4 Walking Lunges around the track for each 1 Squat. See below:

            • 1 Squat – 4 Walking Lunges
            • 2 Squats – 8 Walking Lunges
            • 3 Squats – 12 Walking Lunges
            • 4 Squats – 16 Walking Lunges
            • 5 Squats – 20 Walking Lunges
            • 6 Squats – 24 Walking Lunges
            • 7 Squats – 28 Walking Lunges
            • 8 Squats – 32 Walking Lunges
            • 9 Squats – 36 Walking Lunges
            • 10 Squats – 40 Walking Lunges

            5 minutes of MARY

            • Pickle Pointers x 20 – Rollback
            • LBCs x 25 – WreckedEm
            • Flutter Kicks x 20 – Fissure
            • Heel Touches x 20 – John Doe
            • 1 minute of Plank to time – Blackout


            Spoke about being a parent and making sure we, as men, make time for the relationship with our significant others and not just focusing on our children. Can be very difficult sometimes when schedules get crazy busy. Make it a priority!


            “Business as Usual” means different things to different people….namely John Doe and Fissure

            I just realized I gave WreckedEm a hard time about letting everyone else do his Q last week…Did the same thing today, although it was part of the Theme of the Month at Anvil, so it’s a little better….maybe?

            WreckedEm used his block to make many derogatory movements directed at Q. This was warranted and deserved.


            Third-F: Chubby’s Monday nights and Habitat projects. Check Channel on Slack

            Convergence and Fallen Five Ruck on 7/17/2021 at 0700.

            Recent Backblasts