Pappy Van La Porta

60 degrees, perfect weather to excel.
Welcome and Disclaimer
Prosciutto did a drive by to let YHC know he was gonna be making a quick pit stop at Walgreens turns out it was closed. Welcome to FNG Thomas Hollar from Tallahassee.
The Thang
Four pax mosey down to The Great Hall beneath the bridge for a little COP.
COP under the bridge
– SSH x 20
– Annie x 15
– SSH x 20
– Merkin x 20
– Finkle Swing x 15
– SSH x 20
– Squat x 20
– SSH x 20
– IW x 15
– HK x 15
– WHK x 15
– LAC x 15 (forwards / backwards)
– Chinooks x 15
– Moroccan Night Club x 15
Dot Drills
Pax were instructed to find a square on the ground for Dot Drills. Basic idea is to jump from corner to corner performing an agility exercise similar to what is typically referred to as Dot Drills.
– Box x 15 (both feet)
– Box x 15 (each foot separately)
YHC remembered that 45 degree wall. Pax were prompted to execute 5 reps of the BTTW / Incline Merkin combo. Heck, Lets do 5 more.
The Main Event
Mosey back up to Mt. Midoriama for a little action on the hill.
Not to be confused with that wimpy deer. This routine is performed similar to the BLIMP by performing an exercise for each letter and increase reps each time. This morning we are gonna run up and down Mt. Midoriama between each exercise.
Burpees x 10
Angle Grinder x 15
Merkin x 20
Bench Dip x 25
Prosciutto imparted to us the great intelligence of his old grandpappy van la porta the great dutch italian wise man. “It doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger”. Thanks pappy.
Incline Merkin x 30
Squat x 35
Mosey back to the Loveshack for a quick Ring-o-Abs
Welcome to FNG Thomas Hollar from Tallahassee, FL obviously since he’s a big ol Nole fan we decided to impart to him the name “Big Al”.
Angus Out

The Landfill

60 degrees and balmy
Welcome and Disclaimer
The Thang
Three pax take a little mosey down to the dog park and up the biggest and steepest part of the hill. YHC wanted to test it out and see what it looked like. FTR it looks good, YHC will be using this in the future.
Stretch-o-rama / COP
Settled on the crest of the hill overlooking what we have dubbed our newest AO “The Landfill”.  As the fog was starting to break and the sun was starting to rise we stopped to get stretched. Each held for a 20 second count. Deep breaths in between to get our minds right.
– Toe Touch
– Loose Hang
– Baseball stretch
– Quad Stretch
– Upward Reach
– Tricep
– Across Chest Arm Stretch
Mosey down to the lower pavilion for a bit of COP.
– SSH x 20
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– High Knees x 20
– Wide High Knees x 20
– SSH x 20
– Ass Kickers x 20
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– Squat Jumps x 15
We started the next around of warm ups by performing each exercises at each light post jogging in between. This is about the time that ChuckE showed up, late as usual.
– Diamond Merkins (4 count) x 15
– Carolina Dry Docks x 15
– Merkins x 15
– LAC x 20, forwards and backwards
– Chinooks x 20, 1 way
– Moroccan Night Club x 20
– Wide Merkins x 15
Mosey straight up the big hill for the main event.
Big Hill Big Field B.L.I.M.P.S.
The Big Field takes your average BLIMPS and injects a whole lotta runnin’. PAX run a full field suicide sprint and a half field suicide sprint between each exercise. YHC was feelin a bit squirrelly and originally intended to for it to be executed on the big hill. An Omaha was called and the Big Field was more appropriate
– Burpees x 10
– Lunges x 15
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– Merkins x 25
– Plank Jacks x 30
– Squat x 35
YHC instructed to hold plank on the far end so PAX could reconvene for the next exercise.
Mosey down and around to the lower gazebo where YHC requested Gus to lead us in his Dip & Squat routine.
YHC instructed pax to mosey to the rock pile. We take pride in our new AO and we hope to help maintain it as best as we can. Quite a few rocks had been displaced from there appropriate location. Pax were instructed to help them find there way back at a brisk pace, a little bit workout and a little bit clean up.
Mosey to the Top Gazebo for a little 6MOM
Angus Out

Harry and Lloyd’s Adventure

YHC didn’t know if he’d have to go at it alone today and brave the low-temps and overnight hard freeze, but alas, Angus pulls into the parking lot to support the F3 mission and the cause.
The Scene: Beautiful, clear and crazy cold (25 degrees)
Given the temps, waiting around or any general mumble chatter was veto’d.  5:30am sharp was go-time, so we hit a warm-up lap from the “Love Shack” to Coolidge and the mumblechatter included some choice quotes from Dumb & Dumber:

Harry:You had, an extra pair of gloves this entire time?
Lloyd:(As if it is a dumb question) Yeah…we’re in the Rockies.
yeah were in the rockies gif Imgur jim carrey dumb and dumber

Started the warm-up routine under the Market St bridge:
– SSH x 15 IC
– Merkins x 10 IC
– Little Arm Circles x 15 forward/backward
– Hillbillies x 9 IC
64 total reps for the start of march madness…
mosey along the river under market street bridge to the first bench for the start of an abbreviated version of the ROT.
At each bench perform the following, without stopping, until completion:
Burpees x 10
Step-ups x 10 (Right leg)
Squats x 15
Step-ups x 10 (Left leg)
Merkins x 20
After 6 or 7 (or was it 8?) installments, we mosey’d back to the Love Shack for some ALARM’s; for background info – []
YHC slept through the Tuesday alarm, so you know what that means?!??!?! Two rounds of ALARM’s were performed [A-L-A-R-M (Arm, Leg, Abs, ‘R’ Exercise, ‘M’ Exercise)]
– Shoulder Taps x 15 IC
– Squat Jumps x 15 (single count)
– Peter Parkers x 15 IC
– Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
– Makhtar N’Diayes x 15 IC
– CDD x 10 IC
– Single leg squats x 10/leg
– Crunch frog x 12 OYO
– Shoulder Press x 20 OYO
– Mike Tyson’s x 10
– Leg Lifts x 20 IC
– Hello Dolly x 15 IC
– Heel taps x 12 IC
– Speed LBCs x 25 IC
– The Ever-Mercurial Fred’s x 12 IC
Prayers for the end and the beginning of life.  Angus’ travels and to celebrate the birth of a friend’s child.  Prosciutto’s Aunt-in-Law’s father’s passing.

Gross Pi

40 Degrees, windy, and wet.
Welcome and Disclaimer
The Thang
Two Pax take a long mosey down to the Blue Rhino and head back up the river when they were boarded by a lost and wandering pax. Glad you could make it Gus.
COP under the bridge
– SSH x 20
– Annie x 15
– SSH x 20
– Merkin x 20
– Finkle Swing x 15
– SSH x 20
– Squat x 20
– SSH x 20
– IW x 15
– HK x 15
– WHK x 15
– LAC x 15 (forwards / backwards)
– Chinooks x 15
– Moroccan Night Club x 15
Dot Drills
Pax were instructed to find a square on the ground for Dot Drills. Basic idea is to jump from corner to corner performing an agility exercise similar to what is typically referred to as Dot Drills.
– Box x 15 (both feet)
– Box x 15 (each foot separately)
The Main Event
Gross Pi
The beauty of this is you can crank it up or ratchet it down depending on what kind of pain you want to inflict. Today, we picked 12 exercises and did 26 reps of each. 12×26 = eeeeh about 314 (pi, right?).
Round 1
Diamond Merkin, Squat, LBC, Run to end of the strip on the bridge
Round 2
Merkin, Jump Squat, American Hammer, Run
Round 3
Wide Merkin, Lunge, Big Boy Sit Up, Run
Round 4
Angle Grinder, Jump Lunges, LBC, Run
5 Burpees just for fun
YHC spotted a particularly unique 45 degree wall. It posed an interesting opportunity to do a savage combination between an incline merkin and BTTW. YHC prompted Pax to try 5 reps. It was interesting enough for YHC to spur the Pax to try 5 more.
Mosey back to the Loveshack for a quick 6MOM
Angus Out

Bring on the BAMBAM

35 Degrees, a wee chilly.
Welcome and Disclaimer
The Thang
Four Pax mosey down to the dry ground beneath the bridge.
COP under the bridge
– SSH x 20
– Annie x 15
(Meet Annie. She is a humble little orphan that greets you with a big smile and leaves the Pax crying in pain. To Perform, Pax holds plank position while making a circular ground scrubbing motion with one hand. Can also perform Big Annies or Little Annies, think LAC while in plank)

– SSH x 20
– Merkin x 20
– Finkle Swing x 15
(Meet the Finkle Swing, named for the infamous kicker “Ray FInkle” it is said that this was the stretch that lost him the big game. Pax swings one leg at a time back and forth to warm up those hips.)
– SSH x 20
– Squat x 20
– SSH x 20
– IW x 15
– HK x 15
– WHK x 15
– LAC x 15 (forwards / backwards)
– Chinooks x 15
– Moroccan Night Club x 15
Dot Drills
Pax were instructed to find a square on the ground for Dot Drills. Basic idea is to jump from corner to corner performing an agility exercise similar to what is typically referred to as Dot Drills.
– Box x 20 (both feet)
– Box x 20 (each foot separately)
The two legendary waves of beatdown coming straight from the depths of the gloom.
BAM #1:
For this round each exercise is preceded by box jumps from the swamp all the way up to the top of the steps, YHC estimates about 20 big box jumps.
– Burpees x 10
– Ass Kickers x 15
– Merkins x 20
BAM #2
For this round each exercise is preceded by a sprint up the Agrocrag and back down.
– Bench Dips x 25
– Angle Grinders x 30
(Meet Angle Grinder, also known as The Plank Knee Touch. Starting in plank position angle your body up while touching your hand to the opposite knee perform a merkin then touch the other knee and perform another merkin. )
– Monkey Humpers x 35
Mosey back to the Loveshack for Ring of Aborama
Angus Out

New Growth at a New AO

White Oak Park (our first time at this yet-to-be-named AO)
40 degrees and telling of winter weather to come

SSH IC x 10
Merkins x 5
SSH IC x 10
Merkins x 5
Knee & Ankle Rotation
Upper Back Stretch
Chest Stretch
Arm & Shoulder Stretch
Cherry picker IC x 15

* Mosey along trail around new AO *
Squats IC x 10
Prisoner Squats IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
Prisoner Squats IC x 10
* Mosey halfway up road to higher ground *
* Lunges to top *

Bench Rows/Dips/Derkins
20 bent-over rows with end of bench
20 dips on bench
20 derkins with feet on bench
Continue cycle with reps of 15… 10… 5…
Suicide Dora 1-2-3 on Soccer Field
With Shovel Flag marking the halfway point, Partner 1 runs halfway & back, then full length of field & back
100 Big Boy Sit-ups
200 IC Flutterkicks
300 Hollywood Side Crunches
 * Mosey along trail to bottom of AO *

Alternate lunges & Bernie Sanders to topmost speed bump *
Sprint to top *
Dips on Q’s command & Ratchet Shoulder Blaster to end
Great first workout at White Oak Park
YHC was thinking a lot about Quercus alba (AKA the mighty white oak) as we prepared for this first workout at our new AO. The tree is one of a few that exhibits marcescence. That is, it holds onto its dead, dry leaves until new growth forces those leaves to fall to the ground. To be marcescent is to wither and die but not get out of the way. Each of us holds onto certain things like that. We stand like a White Oak in December, holding onto dead, brown leaves. That dead weight only falls off when new growth occurs. We have a responsibility to spur our brothers on to new growth and to seek accountability regarding the areas where we stubbornly refuse to grow.

Leg Bustin’ Super 21

27 Degrees and frosty
Welcome and Disclaimer
The Thang
Two pax made their way down the river bank for a little pre warm up stretch.
Stretch-o-rama / COP
Each stretch held for a 20 count to get the muscles loose
– Toe Touch
– Loose Hang
– Baseball stretch
– Quad Stretch
– Upward Reach
– Tricep
– Across Chest Arm Stretch
As we started to get moving ChuckE and Burner mosey up crusty eyed and ready to work hard.
– SSH x 20
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– High Knees x 20
– Wide High Knees x 20
– SSH x 20
– Ass Kickers x 20
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– Squat Jumps x 15
– Diamond Merkins (4 count) x 15
– Carolina Dry Docks x 15
– Merkins x 15
– LAC x 20, forwards and backwards
– Chinooks x 20, 1 way
– Moroccan Night Club x 20
– Wide Merkins x 15
Mosey to the big field next to the boat ramp.
Leg Bustin’ Super 21
Super 21: Do 1 exercise followed by 1 of a different exercise; 2 / 2; 3 / 3, etc., etc. ……. up to 21 of exercise1/ 21 of exercise2 (total of 231 a piece).  To make things a bit more difficult we added an approximate 50 – 100 yard sprint between each repetition.
Exercises utilized for this round of super 21:
– Squat Jumps
– Lunges
Mosey over to the rock pile a quick arm circuit after our legs were blown to bits. The pax were instructed to pick a rock.
– 5 bottom curls
– 5 top curls
– 10 fulls curls
– 20 Merkins
Rotate around the circle now using your neighbors carefully chosen rock, this keeps the pax honest and hard working.
repeat until you feel like moving on.
Mosey to the Gazebo
Ring of Mary
Angus Out

Nomad Whisperer

I felt like the ‘Nomad whisperer’ this morning. We originally expected just one Nomad (Squiggy), but lo and behold, 2 more attended the Tuesday beatdown. Every time I turned around, a nomad came out of the woodwork. Welcome and thank you for attending! It was a pleasure to get better with you three men! Clearly your AO’s are doing their job as you guys crushed everything we threw at you. T-claps for all.
The Scene: overcast with a few pending light showers, perfect temps (mid-upper 50’s); short sleeves or bust!
With 6 PAX in tow, we commenced the warm-up lap down to the riviera with some karaoke and then back across the swamp bridge, crossing over swamp thing, and collecting a rock for some coupon work.
Disclaimer delivered, warm up routine (almost forgot!):
– SSH x 15 IC
– IW x 15 IC
– High Knees x 10 IC
– Wide High Knees x 10 IC
– Hillbillies x 12 IC
For the 7th day of the month, we did 7’s on the lower hill, leading up to Mt. Madoriyama:
Complete 7 merkin claps (MCs) in total in a round trip up and down the hill.
1 MC (bottom) then bear crawl up to top of the hill and complete 6 MC’s; RUN down to starting point at the bottom and complete 2 MC’s and back up to top for 5 MC’s… Finish when you’ve completed 6 MC’s at your starting point.
Grab aforementioned rock “coupon”, circle up, and complete the following 3 rounds:
– 5 lower curls
– 5 upper curls
– 10 full curls
move to rock directly across from you
– 10 lower curls
– 10 upper curls
– 10 full curls
move to rock to your right, and
– 15 lower curls
– 15 upper curls
– 10 full curls
Move to pavillion for 3 rounds of:
– 5 Balls-To-The-Wall (BTTW)
– 10 bench pull-ups
– 15 bench dips
– 20 calves
Complete Lt Dan Taylor’s *until complete
1:4 ration of squat:lunge jumps. Again, 7th day of the month felt right, so we completed 7 reps.
* Solicited Squiggy’s 10 count at rep 5 to help the PAX finish strong
Mosey to Coolidge park to get a nice view of the riverfront while completing the next 10 mins of mary
10 x Bay City Scissors (IC – 8 count)
10 x Jackknifes (OYO)
12 x Rosalita’s IC
10 x Freddie Mercuries IC
10 x American Hammer IC
10 x Hollywoods IC
1) Prayers and hope to support Angus’ cousin
2) Gus’ incredible story about a runner in this past weekends’ marathon left us in awe. Also, prayers for a friend in Chattanooga who is battling every day, given his window of time left in a recent prognosis; despite that, he’s still in a position of influence in his organization and is making the most of each day.
– Prosciutto

Dips & Squats & Dips & Squats

Hill City
45 degrees and pleasant
SSH IC x 25
Rockette IC x 15
Cherry picker IC x 15

* Mosey to Coolidge Park *
Along the way, the PAX were accosted by at least two Cujos. Undeterred, we proceeded to our destination by way of Cherokee Boulevard, where a friendly Sad Clown, at the sight of our Shovel Flag, proffered a hearty salutation made famous by the 2004 movie Team America: World Police. With lifted spirits and renewed patriotism, we arrived to find a friendly beaver keeping the ground warm for us. The beaver promptly left, which was probably for the best since Angus and Prosciutto eagerly discussed which creatures hunt beavers. (I’ll leave the answer to you, Dear Reader.)

Dip Squat Medley, verse 1
15 tempo dips on Q’s command
10-second rest
15 dips OYO
35 squats
10 tempo dips on Q’s command
10-second rest
10 dips OYO
35 squats
5 tempo dips on Q’s command
10-second rest
5 dips OYO
30 squats

 * Mosey back to Love Shack *

Dip Squat Medley, verse 2
15 tempo dips on Q’s command
10 tempo dips on Q’s command
5 tempo dips on Q’s command
Squats IC x 30
5 dips / 5-second rest
RINSE and REPEAT x 6 (7 rounds total)
Squats IC x 20
Modified Ring of Fire (NOW WITH LUNGES!)
While rest of PAX engage in a wall sit, one HIM lunges around Love Shack with perfect form. ENDEX when all PAX have lunged.
Hello, Dolly! IC x 25
Flutterkick IC x 25
Boat/Canoe led by Angus
Side Crunch IC x 15 (each side)
Ratchet Shoulder Blaster to end
Saturday’s workout will be led by Angus at White Oak Park (not our usual location). Spread the word.
Kindness, from God and fellow men, is a powerful thing. YHC was recently blessed by unexpected kindness and aspires to do the same for others.

Non-Fat Tuesday

The Scene: a bit gloomy/overcast with a few pending light showers, perfect temps (upper 40’s, low 50’s) as YHC cannot recall breaking a heavy sweat; great pre-Q discussion with FNG to help orient him to the program and learn more about our new brother!
Warm-up & disclaimer issued for FNG; extra emphasis on go at your own rate and modify where necessary (I think YHC mentioned it twice).
Warm-up lap around Mt Madoriyama & Agrokrag
SSH x 28
IW x 15
SSH x 20
30 second high-plank, 15 second side plank, 15 second other side
Slow-Tempo Merkins x 12
The Thang
Light Pole BLIMPS: (Lunge walk to each pole)
LP1 – 5 Burpees
LP2 – 10 Lunges to next pole
LP3 – 15 Iron Crosses
LP4 – 20 Merkins
LP5 – 25 Plank Jax
LP6 – 30 Squats
Mosey to Mt Madoriyama for a partner Dora
Pair off and complete the following without rest:
– 100 Carolina Dry Docks
– 200 Merkins, and
– 300 Flutter Kicks
PAX 1 completes exercises above (AMRAP) while partner PAX scales backwards up Mt Madoriyama and runs back down to relieve partner
With 11 minutes remaining, YHC had to go off script and issue an additional set of arm exercises:
10 decline merkins (De-Clerkins) on the hill
10 incline merkins ((In-Clerkins) on the hill
10 bench dips
Mosey to the “Love Shack” for the Mary:
LBC – 15 oyo
Rosalita – 15 oyo
BBSU – 15 oyo
Leg Lifts – 12 oyo
Crunchy Frog – 10 oyo
High Plank – 30 secs
Moon Gods x 2 reps – 5 oyo / leg
Parker Peters – 12 oyo
Pickle Pounders – 30 secs
1) Delta Deuce discussed how the men in F3 can support the local community and offer our time to kids in a nearby urban development to grow up with a presence of positive male role model through various sporting events/activities. he and his church have already begun this initiative and appears to be off to a great start! Looking to F3 to help support his church’s effort and that community further
2) Angus’ BIL as he undertakes a supporting role in the program that has helped him in his rehabilitation