Baker/Burpee Day


Date: 06/26/2021

PAX: AOL, Blackout, Choo Choo, Escobar, Gilligan, Mayhem, Rollback, Sousa, The Count, Toe Jelly

AO: Legacy


Warm & a touch muggy. There were so many complaints about today, but its fair to say none were about the conditions.


SSH – 10 IC
LBAC – 26 IC
Reverse AC – 26 IC
Overhead Claps – 26 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs – 26 IC
Seal Claps – 26 IC
Forward Fold – It is possible there was a count of 26 – but it was internal
WMH – 10 IC

The Thang

Partner up – Not needed for all exercises, but exercises with rep counts are completed as a group 50/PAX so there the whole group finishes together

  • Bearmuda Triangle – 1 Burpee , Bear Crawl 10m 2 Burpees, Bear Crawl 10m…. continue up to 10 Burpees
  • American Hammers – hard count – 50/PAX
  • Kraken Burpees – 50/PAX (crowd pleaser) Burpee with 3 hand-release merkins
  • Elevens – start with 10 Ballerina Squats & 1 Diamond Merkin Overhead Clap (hard count)
  • Reverse Crunches – easy count – 50/PAX
  • Dive Bomber Circle – Reach 200 reps as group
  • AMRAP – Big Boy Situps for 2 Min
  • Ye Olde Favorite – Burpees 50/PAX

With just over a minute left we did an extra minute of burpees just to round out the hour.


June 26 is the day we celebrate the adoption of our son. The M and I fostered him for 10 months prior to the inaugural Baker Day. I am grateful for all the people who supported my family during the months & years that lead up to that day. Having volunteered around the foster care system since, I am thankful for all the people that do all of the selfless work that takes care of children who may have had no people directly providing a support to these kids.

I have noticed a lack of men leading in this area so I wanted to encourage the PAX that there is an impact to be had in our relationships. Even if your family doesn’t go this route, kids who are in horrible circumstances are all around us. We lead and live our examples everyday.


Oh where to begin. There were several comments today questioning YHC’s parentage, but they were taken as the compliments intended.

Choo Choo noted, quite adeptly, that when YHC mentioned the last of the morning’s bear crawls at the end of the Bearmuda Triangle (yes it’s an F3 thing also this thing), there was no mention of the end of burpees for the day. Also…

Spirits were high as the PAX completed the last of the American Hammers. Alas…

After the demonstration of the Kraken Burpees Escobar and Toe Jelly started checking to see if they could make it to Battlefield before their STARTEX.

Around 10 Kraken Burpees Escobar remembered why June 26 was familiar to him. He had a flashback to the burpees he delivered to the Hack Pack a year ago.

Around 20 Kraken Burpees YHC was told he was number 1 by at least one PAX. The finger chosen was questionable.

At 30 Kraken Burpees YHC blacked out.

Around 40 Kraken Burpees YHC came to with the realization that Gilligan’s hair was still perfectly quaffed. Even after his 50ish Kraken burpees and the other burpees before that… amazing.

With the Kraken beaten back, YHC decided to audible and drop the Diamond Merkins to Overhead Claps. Most of the PAX, being the HIM they are did the Diamonds anyway (shine on).

The Dive Bomber Circle (ode to Radar) was a hit. Mayhem had a NICE time.

YHC was not, in fact, stuttering when more burpees were announced. Happy B B B Baker Day!

YHC admits his search for an exercise starting with a Y was somewhat desultory. However, when half of the b b b burpees were completed for Ye Olde Favorite Burpees, Blackout nearly incited a mutiny suggesting Yoga.

YHC finally points out there was a completely burpee-free option planned if John Doe had posted.

Don’t worry about scheduling a vacation next year on 6/26 AOL – it’s a Sunday. And you too are number 1.


Fallen 5 Memorial Ruck and convergence – July 17, 0700-0800 convergence beatdown at The Dame, rucking event to follow. First beatdown is free, register for the rest here:

No excuses

QIC:  [Ducktales]

Date: [06/25/2021]

PAX: Whoopee, Friar Tuck, Blindside, Whittler, Recycle, Hambone, Burrito, Blow Pop, Mansiere, Zima, Transplant, Flute, Manscaper, Care Bear, Snowcream, Skitch, Ohms, Money Ball

AO: Lions Den


Strawberry moon, sweaty


Triangle pose 
Sun salutation
One handed plank
Switch sides
Crow on block

The Thang

Partner up
Wheelbarrow with partner rotating as needed on straightaway around track
Start of loop bear crawl 10 hands then broad jump 10 times repeat around curve
Switch partner with closest person Wheelbarrow straightaway partner switch as needed
Crabwalk 20 steps then Twenty steps Frankenstein around other end zone on track
When finished get block and hold over head or pick up 6
Block work partner up with new partner 100 curls 10 increment while partner B hold block over head
Partner a takes both blocks and walks out partner B does 10 sit-up then catches up with partner and switches til 100 sit ups 
10 block swings while b does crunches total 100


Connect to a neighbor. Take the time to call or drop in. I did this last night and found out my new neighbor and I went to high school together. We welcomed them to our neighborhood even though they have lived there for almost 6 months. While we caught up our kids played together and made new friends. He informed me that another class mate had passed away at 37 this week.

I challenge you to reach out to an old friend or meet a new neighbor this weekend, even if it is 6 months after they move in.


When I pulled up 3 HIM were pre running and 1 was pre rucking.

Grunting during yoga…

Throughout the post you partnered with 3 different brothers.

Worst playlist songs from the bot this morning. Would of helped if we started music at beginning of workout instead of starting during last 5 minutes.


Fallen Five sign up! Convergence 7/17 from 7-8 at dame before.

Recent Backblasts

    Does Size Really Matter?? (Bicep size, that is)

    QIC:  Blackout

    Date: 06/24/2021

    PAX: 9 Volt, Deep Dish, Land Yacht, Pipeline, Schnitzel, Shotput, Thin Mint

    AO: The Battery


    Perfect beatdown weather!


    Mosey lap around the dog park to the Pavilion

    • Forward Fold IC x10
    • WMH IC x10
    • Little Baby Arm Circles IC x10
    • Reverse Arm Circles IC x10
    • Seal Claps IC x10
    • SSH IC x20
    • 5 Burpees, 4 Burpees, 3 Burpees, 2 Burpees, 1 Burpee OYO

    The Thang

    Arm Intervals w/ rock of PAX choosing – 45 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest

    • Curls
    • Dips OR Extensions
    • Curls
    • Shoulder Presses
    • Curls
    • Dips OR Extensions
    • Curls
    • Shoulder Presses

    Round of Elevens

    Started at the light Pole towards the end of the Parking Lot, Performed first exercise, Run across Parking Lot, Perform Second exercise. Run back to Start. First Exercise = Hand Release Merkins; Second Exercise = BBSU; 10/1, 9/2…..1/10

    Arm Intervals w/ rock of PAX choosing – 45 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest

    • Curls
    • Dips OR Extensions
    • Curls
    • Shoulder Presses
    • Curls
    • Dips OR Extensions
    • Curls
    • Shoulder Presses

    Legs….with a little bit of math

    Performed squats and lunges until time. Each squat rep = 4 lunge reps as follows:

    • 1 Squat/4 Lunges
    • 2 Squats/8 Lunges
    • 3 Squats/12 Lunges
    • 4 Squats/16 Lunges
    • 5 Squats/20 Lunges
    • 6 Squats/24 Lunges
    • 7 Squats/28 Lunges
    • 8 Squats/32 Lunges
    • 9 Squats/36 Lunges
    • 10 Squats/40 Lunges


    Talked about the story of Abram (later known as Abraham) that all Christians know well. When he was close to 100 years old, he and his wife had grown impatient in waiting for the descendants that God had promised them. So, his wife gave him her servant and he had a child with the servant. In a span of 5 verses in the Bible, the whole situation had turned into a complete conflict amongst those involved. The moral of the story is to completely surrender yourself to God’s will. Their will times where it is easy to become impatient and try to take control of your situation, whatever that situation may be. Have Faith that God is in control of your life and avoid the temptation to control every situation you are placed in. This is something that really stood out to me as I often times try to take control of situations I shouldn’t, so it was a challenge to me, but also to any PAX struggling with the same thing.


    Q had a lot of curls built in to this workout. A LOT OF CURLS. At one point, it was brought up that after this one, the M’s of the PAX would be impressed with Bicep size. At that point, Shotput threw it out there for debate/discussion: Do M’s really care about bicep size? The results were mixed. Some said “yes”, some said other choice phrases leading up to meaning “no”, others said “probably but no good M is going to make decisions based off of the size of your biceps”. Anyways, it is still out for debate……Does size (of biceps) really matter?

    TWSS, see above.

    Deep Dish informed the PAX present that he would be repeating his Saturday hill workout, everyone was thrilled and I am sure attendance will be through the roof this Saturday at Battery….All jokes aside, he has a good one planned…if you are into almost dying.


    3rd-F channel for opportunities; Chubby’s Ministry on Monday’s still ongoing; Habitat 7/10 is full but always in need of backups just in case

    Fallen Five Convergence Beatdown and Ruck 07/17 at The Dam; Beatdown at 0700-0800, Ruck following afterwards with beatdowns sprinkled in. HC Now!

    1 year Parliament Anny celebrated tomorrow 6/25 with John Doe; Woodrider at Hacksaw. Deep Dish at Battery Saturday

    Recent Backblasts


      QIC:  Dundee

      Date: 06/24/2021

      PAX: Mayhem, Rollback, Sousa, M.I.A, Blair Witch, Nordic Track, The Count, Uncle Joe, AOL,  and Toe Jelly

      AO: Legacy


      A cool 66 degrees, limited fire ants, moist grass.


      SSH – 25 IC
      WMH – 10 IC
      3GE – 10 IC
      LBAC – 15 IC
      BBAC – 15 IC
      MNC – 15 IC
      OHC – 15 IC
      SC – 15 IC
      RTR – 15 IC

      The Thang

      Pax will do a ladder of the below rounds. After each round, do all previous exercises, adding the next on the list. Additionally, every minute, on the minute (EMOM) do three burpees.

      5 – WMDs
      10 – Bonnie Blairs
      15 – Imperial Walkers
      20 – Carolina Dry Docks
      25 – Ballerina Squats
      30 – Big Boy Sit Ups
      35 – Air Presses
      40 – Gorilla Humpers
      45 – Hello Dollies
      50 – Merkins


      At a beatdown a while back, I overheard someone say, “I’m glad this is free, because I don’t think I’d show up if I was being paid.” Similarly, I have a tricky relationship with a family member who believes that she is owed my time and labor, as long as she pays for it. Too easily, we tend to value things in terms of their monetary equivalent. The outcome is often that things without a monetary equivalent get devalued. When we commit to our wives, our kids, we don’t think of those things in terms of cash value, and it should be the same with all other commitments in our life. If you volunteer to do something, the commitment you make to that is not less just because there is no money involved. Make your commitments to people, not to your wallet.


      “Less than 50 burpees left” was not as encouraging as it was intended.

      Each Pax did 111 burpees, some in their own way.


      Fallen 5 Memorial Ruck and convergence – July 17, 0700-0800 convergence beatdown at The Dame, rucking event to follow. First beatdown is free, register for the rest here:

      But you don’t have to jump!

      QIC:  Gretel

      Date: 06/23/2021

      PAX: Back Pew, Blindside, Care Bear, Flute, Footloose, Friar Tuck, Kowbell, Money Ball, Mr. Clean, Offset, Rodeo, Roomba, Skitch, The Count, FNG – Transplant, Two Pickles 

      AO: Lions Den


      perfect, 60 degrees, low humidity


      SSH – 30 IC

      WMH – 10 IC

      Mt. climbers – 20 IC

      3rd Grade – 20 IC

      Marine Corps pushups – 10 IC

      Forward fold OYO

      LBAC, foward/back – 10 IC each

      SSH – 30 IC

      The Thang

      PAX will do sets of 2 different exercises OYO, 25 of one 50 of the other, then hold plank, Al Gore, do some Mary etc. until six is in before doing the next set together, rinse and repeat. Minimal rest between sets. You don’t have to jump with the burpees!

      25 – 8 count body builders (burpee with an added plank jack at the bottom)

      50 – squats

      25 – burpees

      50 – squats

      25 – 8 count body builders

      50 – lunges (easy count)

      25 – burpees

      50 – lunges

      25 – 8 count body builders

      50 – flutter kicks (hard count, 50 each leg)

      25 – burpees

      50 – leg raises


      I struggle with judging people, but I am working hard on this aspect of my life. What I should be doing instead is loving people. While reading the Q Source I came across this tidbit from section F5 on Preparedness, “A HIM’s commitment to Preparedness will only take him so far down the road to greatness. He could have the heart of a lion and still fail for lack of a critical ingredient, and that is love. If he does not love the people he leads more than he loves himself, he cannot put their interests above his own.” I am challenging myself and others to understand that we don’t know what a person is going through day to day or even minute to minute, lets take the path of loving that person rather than judging them.


      Don’t knock the silkies till you try ’em! Once you go silkie you never go back!

      QIC enjoys large workout groups, lets him know exactly how many ways people can hate burpees.


      Fallen 5 Memorial Ruck and convergence – July 17, 0700-0800 convergence beatdown at The Dame, rucking event to follow. First beatdown is free, register for the rest here:

      Recent Backblasts

        Track Day Burpees & Bear Crawls…..

        QIC: AOL

        Date: 06/22/2021

        PAX:M.I.A.,NutBuster, Tatonka, Oui Oui, Mayhem, Choo Choo, Blackout

        AO: Parliament


        70 Degrees, Raining Buckets at the start of the beatdown, that backed off to hardly nothing as the workout progressed.


        SSH x 15

        WMH x10

        Forward fold OYO

        SEAL CLAPS x10

        Overhead seal claps x10


        The Thang

        Pax will run laps of the track for the full time.

        Run the straights, mosey the curves.

        However in the center of the curves there are activities. On the far end of the track (orange cone) pax will do 5 burpees every time they get to the cone. On the near side of the track a set of yellow cones that the pax will bear crawl thru before they continue their mosey and runs.

        Rinse and repeat till time…. I mean this is track day.


        we talked about our Choices….

        Our every day is filled with choices.

        From the time we choose to set our alarms,

        What we wear, What we eat, drink.

        Simple choices.

        Then we have harder choices, who we are friends with, wether or not we are changing jobs, even down to our interactions with others, how we respond to them and talk to them is a choice.

        We all have the power of choice!

        But what are we choosing?

        Are we choosing things that the world says are good? Or are we choosing the narrow road?

        Matthew 7:13-14

        “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

        The choices we make that are wrong, disobedient to God, or against the inner voice of the Holy Spirit will bring the death process. Those choices release the demonic emissaries—spirits of darkness to work his havoc. They bring pain, devastation, suffering, and hurtful, lasting consequences.

        We have the power to decide which we will have.

        There are two paths; life and death.

        There are two masters; Christ and Satan.

        There are two forces; light and dark.

        • We choose the attitude we will embrace.
        • We choose to live in a Christ-like manner.
        • We choose to love, reject, forgive, or harbor.
        • We choose our actions, deeds, and behaviors.
        • We choose what we meditate on, look at, think on, and believe in.
        • We choose the direction we take, our work, and the use of our time, talent and treasure.

        Philippians 4:8

        Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

        Pay attention to your choices today, this week. They matter!


        we ended the warm up with 21’s (although not together) we did 5 penalty burpees….which is to almost be expected. i almost think we would have done the penalty burpees even if we finished perfectly…..Who Knows……


        Fallen Five Ruck Coming up July 17th, Charity Dinner on the night before the event.

        Chubbys Continues every monday night.

        Recent Backblasts

          From Dad Bods to Father Figures

          QIC:  Tatonka

          Date: 06/18/2021

          PAX: Gretel, Wuzn’t Me, Wrecked’Em, iLean, Cavity Search, Mayhem, Happy Ending, Choo Choo, Sousa, Ramrod, 9 Volt, John Doe

          AO: Parliament


          Mid 60’s and low humidity – a pleasant modification position change for this time of year.


          Mosey 1 lap around the track

          SSH x 10 IC

          WMH x 10 IC

          LBAC x 9 IC (“Sorry I finished too early” – jokes were made)

          Reverse LBAC x 10 IC (“The second time is always longer”)

          Seal claps x 10 IC

          Overhead claps x 10 IC

          Chinooks x 10 IC

          The Thang
          In honor of Father’s Day weekend, we are trying to transform our dad bods into father figures

          1 min AMRAP Merkins.

          2 min. Plank

          1 min AMRAP Squats

          2 min Plank

          1 min AMRAP Mountain Climbers

          2 min Plank

          1 min AMRAP Little Baby Crunches

          Mosey 1 lap around the track

          At this point there was much complaining dialogue about the length of the plank. So, YHC being the great all around guy that he is, called an audible and provided PAX with the following position change:

          The same format as above was repeated 2 more times except we reversed the timing on the exercises and planks. We started with 1 min plank and then moved to 2 min. of the exercise. Mountain climbers were removed from the rotation.

          After 3 total sets we finished with mountain climbers for time


          Q shared the following passages from a few books he has been reading:

          “If you look at a window, you see fly-specks, dust, the crack where Junior’s frisbee hit it. If you look through a window, you see the world beyond.”

          “I believe That we all have a God-given purpose, and we won’t be fulfilled unless we’re living that purpose in a meaningful way.”

          The context of the first quote was a metaphor for how to approach reading the Bible. The second quote comes from a leadership development book I’m reading. I think they go together and shared with the PAX trying to look “through the window” of your life instead of just “at the window” of our exterior to discover your purpose. I encouraged the PAX to try to drill down to a purpose that leads to true transformation and focuses on the contents within ourselves rather than a simple “achievement” style purpose that might just focus on a label we are given.


          9 volt was quick to point out that Happy Ending had red marks on his knees (from the track) after the workout

          Jokes about Sousa’s mustache never get old, especially when there is a funky bass intro to the workout music.

          Gretel has a great measurement system for determining the appropriate length of workout shorts. You should ask him sometime.

          2 mins of planks multiple times was not a crowd favorite.


          Missionary Ridge ruck tomorrow. Gretel has details if you are interested.

          Fallen Five Memorial Ruck on 7/17

          Charity Dinner on 7/16 in conjunction with Fallen Five weekend. Marcus Luttrell is guest speaker.

          Recent Backblasts

            Flag Day Fun

            QIC:  M.I.A.

            Date: 06/14/2021

            PAX: Bobbitt, Boner, Cleaver, Dundee, FNG-Happy Ending, Mayhem, NordicTrack, Ponce, Slois Lane, Snatch, FNG-Spooner, U-Turn

            AO: Detention


            Low 70’s with just enough humidity (97%) to make you question if it was raining.


            • SSH x 20
            • LBAC x 20 / Reverse x 20 / Seal Claps x 20
            • WMH x 10
            • Forward Fold – OYO

            The Thang

            PAX moseyed to the track with enough coupons for half the PAX

            Pair up for a Dora Style workout based on time (songs as timer)

            PAX 1 Complete Exercises Listed below during the song
            PAX 2 Run a Lap

            Curls for the Girls
            Triceps Extension
            Lion King (Full Disclosure – my hamstring cramped up as I typed this word)
            Captain Thor
            Overhead Press
            Goblet Squats

            Also, for an extra bit of flair, a 80 70lb sandbag was passed around for the group doing the exercise. When it comes to you, do 10 Deadlifts and pass it on to the next PAX in the circle.

            At the end of the Goblet Squats song, YHC stopped the running and had all PAX finish up together with 2 minutes of 8 Count Body Builders.


            COT today was about the DRP & “Get Right”. YHC saw a paraphrase of Q1 from Italian Job – “An unfit man is unfit to lead. If a man cannot control what he puts in his body or how he uses his body, why should he be trusted with others? You have to get right before you can lead others. It takes daily discipline, but its worth it!”

            DRP – (Q1.1)

            “Each morning, we all face the decision whether to take the Red Pill or the Blue Bill. The first is hard-true and the second easy-false. The Red forces a man to hike up the rocky path toward the EQV, while the Blue lets him mosey down the smooth trail to Mascot-life and chronic Sad Clown Syndrome.
            A man’s first Red Pill is the toughest to swallow because it causes Disruption to the status quo in the form of Movement. And while it doesn’t get easier, it does get better. The second, third and thousandth Red Pill is just as tough to swallow as the first, but that initial Movement gives birth to Acceleration which leads to Momentum and Momentum ultimately leads to joy.”

            Thankful for each of the HIM who came out (and those who wanted to but truly could not). Its because of each other man that the DRP get easier to swallow for YHC. Also, a reminder that HC’s aren’t for the guy giving it.


            YHC felt as though he was royalty today, being on Q at a prestigious AO, then not even having to drive himself to the beatdown with Mayhem, acting as the “Q-feur” today. YHC also has to admit that the word chauffeur was looked up for spelling and etymology with an attempt to properly hyphenate the bastardization used above (YHC wholly loves and adopts this).

            Boner and Ponce had some epic foot races. Ponce was able to push the fleet of foot Boner better than the rest of the PAX, and did it while being nearly thrice his age. Sorry for the reminder.

            The 80 70lb sandbag used was short 10lbs mainly because YHC didn’t want to expend the effort to fit the fill bag in the main bag and get it to zip. This decision may have been a turning point in NordicTrack’s day, however, as the topic came up several more times. YHC was thankful for this “decision” when carrying the sandbag up the stairs after the beatdown.

            In other news (totally unrelated to NordicTrack or the service he served in), today is the 246th Army Birthday and YHC and the other Army veteran (Welcome Happy Ending) at the beatdown did not feel a need to constantly remind everyone. So there is that.

            Thanks for the welcome Detainees. Hospitality was in full force with two guys from the other side of the river, and each of them having an FNG. Everyone felt the welcome… and the humidity.


            Fallen Five Ruck 7/17 Beatdown followed by Ruck at the Dam

            3rd-F channel on Slack for Chubby’s homeless ministry

            One-year Anniversary Q = PAX Appreciation Day

            QIC:  Blackout

            Date: 06/11/2021

            PAX: Abercrombie, Choo Choo, Mrs. Garcia, Sousa, Tatonka, Toe Jelly, Woodrider, Xena

            AO: Parliament


            Humid…BUT the rain held off.


            Mosey to Track

            • Forward Fold – IC
            • SSH – IC
            • WMH – IC
            • Arm Circles – IC
            • Reverse Arm Circles – IC
            • Moroccan Nightclubs – IC
            • SSH – IC
            • Run a warm up lap

            The Thang

            Started with a little something to celebrate the PAX. The main reason I have made it a year of consistent posts within F3 Chattanooga is all of the PAX, especially those at Hackliament. So, we started with a little PAX choice circle. PAX chose their favorite (or most hated in some instances) exercises and we did 25 reps. There were 9 men so after each choice, we did Burpee apocalypse.

            PAX Choice

            • Tatonka: 25 John McCains w/ block – 9 Burpees
            • Abercrombie: 25 Curls for the girls – 8 Burpees
            • Woodrider: 25 Bonnie Blairs – 7 Burpees
            • Xena: 25 Merkins – 6 Burpees
            • Mrs. Garcia: 25 LBCS – 5 Burpees
            • Toe Jelly: 25 Grave Diggers – 4 Burpees
            • Choo Choo: 25 Goblet Squats – 3 Burpees
            • Sousa: 25 Bench Press – 2 Burpees
            • Blackout: 25 Shoulder Presses – 1 Burpee

            One Indian Run lap around track to bleachers

            Elevens at Bleachers

            • Started at bottom of bleachers, performed step-ups OR box jumps, ran up bleachers and performed dips at top, moseyed back down. 10 Step-ups/box jumps and 1 dip; 9 Step-ups/box jumps and 2 dips;…….1 step-up/box jump and 9 dips. Always totaled 11.

            Moseyed back to blocks on track pad and performed Interval Workout (45 seconds exercise/15 seconds rest):

            Intervals w/ blocks

            • Curls: 45 seconds
            • Chest Press: 45 seconds
            • LBCs: 45 seconds
            • Toe Merkins: 45 seconds
            • Curls: 45 seconds
            • Chest Press: 45 seconds

            Stretched for last 1:30; Forward Fold OYO and Iraqi Tea Time OYO to close it out


            Went around the circle and had each PAX state something about F3 they are grateful for. Had many good responses, all with mainly the same theme: Brotherhood, Friendship, Accountability, Inclusion, etc.

            Q spoke to PAX about what F3 has meant in his life the past year. The fact is that F3 is a great Organization, but only because of the PAX and their friendship and support towards one another. The friendships built here are built off of a solid, lasting foundation and it keeps men like me from being a sad clown trudging through life. So, thank you to each one of you as you have impacted me far more than you know!


            The MC started before the disclaimer. Abercrombie had a (Coca-Cola) gaiter on his head to keep sweat out of his eyes. Of course, this turned into a Woodrider mask vs. gaiter discussion. He loves masks…..

            Tatonka was wearing an Orange Mud shirt. Sousa proceeded to say he thought it was “Orange Nut”. As a Vol fan, I had some thoughts not suitable for F3 as to how cool “Orange Nut” would be. I mean, come on, we do say we bleed orange….. Only slight differences there, right?

            The PAX choice circle was SUPPOSED to be good for the PAX as they could pick the exercises, however, it turned out most picked exercises they hated. There were a few this was stupid’s in there. To be fair, the burpees were far from the PAX’s choice during this part of the beatdown….

            Woodrider broke his block…. Unsure if it was the crushing pressure from his biceps during curls or the ground that actually broke it….Also, Sousa was across from him so it could have been mind power….Sousa is good at breaking blocks that aren’t his.

            Woodrider admitted to have eaten three hot dogs last night because “it was a buffet” This may or may not have had anything to do with broken block. Also, you can get hot dogs at the Lookouts convergence if you come early. Sorry Hacksaw, Toe Jelly noted that when it’s a hot dog buffet….you can always have “just one more”. Please don’t sue for trademark infringement.


            Lookouts Convergence TOMORROW, 6/12 at Lookouts Stadium. beatdown at 0700. Family friendly event at game Saturday night, $25/ticket. beatdown free

            Fallen Five Memorial Convergence and Ruck 07/17. Beatdown at 0700, ruck to follow. The Dam. Beatdown free, ruck $25 if you want a t-shirt and patch. Come out and support these fallen service members.

            3rd-F channel on Slack for information on Habitat and Chubby’s.

            Recent Backblasts


              QIC: Sidekick

              Date: 06/09/2021

              PAX: Lanyard, Double Bounce, FNG-Brown Card, Swingset, Sparky, Oiler, Blair Witch

              AO: Ridgecut


              69 (+2) degrees with 69% (+~20%) Humidity and a 69 MPH (-~67 MPH) wind from the southerly region


              Forward Fold; Right Over left; Left Over Right; Willie Mays Hays; LBAC; Reverse; OH Claps; Seal Claps; Moroccan Night Club; Kenyan Night Club (in honor of our FNG); Supermans; Michael Phelps; Broga

              The Thang

              Today is a special day. A NICE day if you will. A day I take great pride in leading.

              Everyone knows this is the proper spelling of this word on a day such as this. So I took advantage, with full consent of course, and flipped this traditional work out around to meet my needs.

              This is a workout modeled after the traditional BLIMPS beatdown

              All PAX enter the soccer arena. We start at one end.

              Run to the center, perform 23 Reps of the prescribed exercise, run to the other end for 23 more reps, run back to the middle for a final set of 23 Reps, then run back to the starting point. Hold pickle pounder position or flexed pickle pointer position for the 6.

              Now, BLIMPS are easy to find exercises. NOICE is a different beast all together. Here are forbidden fruits that I selected from the Exicon

              No Surrender – Fingers interlaced behind the head, down on one knee, other knee down next, then back up one leg at a time. That is one rep. Basically a John McCain with no coupon

              Outlaws – On your 6 in Flutter kick position, using both feet trace a capital O in the air

              Imperial Squat – Imperial Walker but after each leg do a squat. Each leg counts as a rep. I mean we all need to perform tonight at home and no one needs burnt out hammys in the middle of the action

              Clock Mercans – Mercans at 12:00 postion, 90 degree rotation to 3:00, 90 degree rotation to 6:00,etc. Modified to match the number of the day, we did mercans at 6 and 9, thats one rep

              Elbow Eagles – Low plank position, alternate lifting one wing up over your head and then back down

              Once this was complete we had just enough time to cap off our NOICE workout with the trifecta of inappropriate exercises to a total rep count of 69; 23 pcikle pounders, 23 pickle pointers, and 23 Monkey humpers.


              Patience. A virtue that many us could use more of. Challenge the PAX to focus on patience this week and to remember sometimes it really is the best option


              Sadly I did not force the PAX to complete any partner pounder pointers as suggested by Dundee. There were also no blushing old ladies. We did have a potential Purple Rain sighting about 15 minutes into the workout, but the potential vehicle exited stage left


              Lookouts convergence this Saturday

              Fallen 5 in mid June

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