PAX: Roundup, WreckedEm, Shamu, Shocker, Face Plant, Tatonka, Chiclet, Duvet, NoDoze, John Doe
AO: Parliament
I wish I were in Tijuana, eating barbequed iguana
COP Begin with a Mosey around the tennis courts —– The count, sensored (you Tube) Everyone grab two bricks and circle up around the sound—– Commodores “Brick House” playing in the background
With Bricks
Cobble Stones
(3rd grade exercise- With Bricks
Brick Shitters
Willie Maze Haze – With Bricks
Little Baby Brick Circles
Brick Claps
Seal Claps – With Bricks
With Bricks
The number 5 is not allowed at the Battery. (4 Groundhog penalty)
The Thang
Cage Match – Break into teams of 2. One PAX runs around the wrestling ring while the other does battle (exercise) The one in the ring can tag out when ever his partner comes by. When tagging out the PAX must yell Whooooo! or 4 Groundhog penalty
Smurf Jacks
With bricks
Hand Release Merc
No bricks required
Brick Side Raise
Standing, arms at sides, raise bricks over head
Monkey Humpers
Brick Tricep extension
Tricep extension – With bricks
100’s of bricks
Like a 100’s only with bricks
Brick Hammers
American hammers – With Bricks
Masonry Sit Ups
Big boy sit ups – With bricks
Crab jacks
Brick Front Raise
Standing, hands @ waste, raise bricks to 90 deg in front
Lounge Act
25 each side
Pickle Pointers
20 OYO
Freddie Mercury
This morning’s play list was brought to you by the number 5
COT Life often doesn’t come with a rule book. You have to figure it out on your own and it helps to have a sense of humor.
PAX: AOL, Plucker, Tube Squeeze, Term Limit, Pill Mill, Picabo
AO: The U
Clear and colder than a witches tit in a brass bra….
Forward Fold
Down Dog
1/2 Mile Lap
The Thang:
Pick a partner. There was an odd number so Q worked by himself. One partner did reps while the other moseyed to the other set of cones about 200′ away did 3 squats then returned. They then switched roles and kept going until they had achieved the number of reps cumulatively of each exercise listed below.
50 Burpees
100 Curls
200 Merkins
300 SSH
400 Bench Press
500 Calf Raises W/ Block
Take advantage of the great opportunity that F3 gives you. We are here to be come better leaders, fathers, friends, husbands and coworkers. Build those shield locks and push each other, not only in the workouts, but in life. I know that I can call on anyone in F3 and they will have my back. Guys will pray, give and will support. Use your time, talent and treasures to support each other. Support is not always praise it may be correction.
Not so fast Clothespin… on the half mile run This workout is not for the faint of heart It’s hard to sweat in this weather…. You forgot your squats Clothespin……..
Poker Ruck 4-1 at The Battery, Chubby’s, Convergence 7-4 at Hacksaw, Romin Rome Ruck with F3Noga 7-22.
PAX: Face Plant, Blackout, Tatonka, Roundup, Sniffer, Zoosk, Nodoz
AO: Parliament
50s Clear with a bright moon! Perfect workout weather.
Who the heck let Clothespin Q Trackday anyway……
One would think that Trackday would be running. Make some laps gets some miles and go home… Well not today!
The Thang
Dundee’s Workouts are stupid…. 6 cones set evenly spaced on half the track. Traverse the cones in a suicide fashion, buying in with 2 burpees each time you go back to cone 1. Each time you travel out to a cone you do an exercise at that cone then return to cone 1. Mode of transport was mosey the whole time. Round 1 was 20 Merkins at each cone Round 2 was 10 BBS at each cones Round 3 was 20 Squats at each cone Had just a couple of minutes after round three to stretch and cool down.
I burned 4820 calories Monday and didn’t eat nearly enough. To say the least, I was still tired and did not want to workout this morning. I am so glad to have my F3 brothers to motivate me and share the gloom with me. Try to build those shield locks and make the most of the relationships and fellowship that F3 provides.
Blackout and Tatonka kept talking about meat…. I don’t know what that was about….. If you don’t burpee, do you even workout?
AOL on Q 3/8/2023, Chubbys, F3/FIA Capture the flag 3/25/2023, Poker Ruck at The Battery 4/1/2023
PAX: Bonsai, Escobar, Loggins, Mayhem (Respect), Ricki Lake, Snatch, Toe Tag
AO: Hacksaw
Fairly clear morning. Temps in lower 50s.
SSH x20 IC Forward Fold OYO Various Yoga “Stretches” Willie Mays Hayes
The Thang
Before we began but after the Disclaimer began, YHC mentioned visiting AOs on “holidays”, which drew some instant Mumblechatter from certain Pax, and the Summer now that YHC has reentered the Education world. This was a strategic comment to be addressed later in the COT…stay tuned In other news, the routine below was stolen from Knox’s Drive-Thru. Running was “modified up” and the Blockees were “modified down” Drive Thru’s Modified Routine
Complete all exercises in sets of 25. After each set of 25, mosey to a predetermined point. 150 — Curls 25 yard Mosey 125 — Block Squats 50 yard Mosey 100 — Overhead Presses 75 yard Mosey 75 — KB Swings 100 yard mosey 50 — Thrusters 125 yard Mosey 25 — Burpees
Now, back to the “Disclaimer Comment” regarding our proverbial “holidays”. Simply put, interpretation of holidays has now become quite the comical topic in our daily grammatical semantics. Of course, most would consider certain “holidays” fairly universally celebrated in terms of “time off” such as Christmas/Independence Day etc. Today’s COT was neither about what we deem as holidays, nor which holidays should or should not be celebrated. Today’s COT was about the fact that most of these holidays represent some sort of historical significance, and while most of us, at the very least, recgonize or celebrate this historical significance; we are often very detached from that actual significance and it’s often by no fault of our. These historical events simply happened long before us. Therefor, our responsibility is to focus on the “Now” and the “Who” in which and for whom we make history. What really matters? What really matters are the “holidays” we make with those most important to us. Celebrate George Washington, cool. Are you celebrating your 2.0’s improvement in reading? Celebrate Independence Day, cool. Are you celebrating the fact you get to enjoy Independence by celebrating a random date night with your M? Bottom line: recognize the importance of history so we can avoid past mistake and build upon positive achievements, BUT let the celebrating of history come with those of whom you make it…
My playlist once again garnered some nice Mumblechatter from the Hack Pack. Loggins does not know Messina Mercer is in Macon but also in Atlanta and it’s really freaking expensive to get a pharmacy degree and to live there…
Tuff Muff this Saturday 02/25/2023 Come visit Shot House on Saturday 03/25/2023 for a fun morning of Capture the Flag Chubby’s still and always will need volunteers, items, and prayers
PAX: Family Tree, 9Volt, Pipeline, Cooter, Abercrombie, Duvet
AO: The Battery
Clear and cool! Perfect for working on our night moves!
phal·lic /ˈfalik/ Learn to pronounce adjective relating to or resembling a phallus or erect penis. “a phallic symbol” PSYCHOANALYSIS of or denoting the genital phase of psychosexual development, especially in males. “the phallic phase”
SSH (IC) Forward Fold LBAC Forward (IC) LBAC Reverse (IC) Overhead Claps (IC) Willy Mayse Hayse (IC) Mosey to stop sign with block Seal Claps (IC) Mosey up the hill with block to the main attraction!
The Thang
It’s Valentines Day and we all know what they want….. Cupids Arrow? Pax placed their blocks at the curls cone an proceeded in a coc.. I mean clockwise direction staying tight to outside of the cones as their path. Making the shape of “Cupids Arrow”…. The exercises along the way included: 25 Curls to impress your date 25 Squats with arms extending out to giver her a note or flowers 25 Hillbilly Walkers cause you’re dancing on this date 25 Pickle Pointers to represent post date activities As Pax made their way around the “arrow” the reached the married years. In true fashion they get it 1 time a year which is represented by the 25 Monkey Humpers on the other side of the “arrow” shaft. The Q turned on music appropriate for Valentines Day and the Pax rinsed and repeated as many times as they could until time was called. Like usual all the Pax were completely wasted at the completion of the mornings activities. Which, didn’t really last that long.
Learn Tongue Control!!!
As parents, husbands, leaders and friends the things we say and how we say it can influence people in many ways. It is important to bridle our tongue and control what we say and how we say it. Don’t let anger push your tongue out of control. I have a child that is special needs, has trouble sleeping and will sometimes get up in the night. When he gets up he is up. It doesn’t matter the time. I have to be careful how I respond to these situations. Me blowing up just because I am tired doesn’t help the situation it just makes it worse. I tend to wear my feelings on my sleeve and I have to be really careful to reign that in.
This workout was harder than expected… I did it many more times than I expected… This can’t come to an end quick enough… Thanks for shafting us today Clothespin…. Why is everyone posting their Strava and Apple stats that looks like penises?….
There are many speculations as to the origin of shape we often use to depict the heart:
If you didn’t study anatomy at all you might assume that the heart shape such that we use for Valentine’s Day cards was what was at the core of our being.
The muscular organ that runs our body in reality is not shaped much like the heart shape at all. So where did the Valentine’s day heart come from?
The conventional heart symbol is used to express the idea of love or adoration. It is metaphorical in link to the human heart, with the idea that love is a feeling expressed and felt within the heart.
The shape used is much more streamlined, simple, and frankly attractive than the lumpy fistful of muscle that is in our chests. While beautiful in its intricacy in its own way the shape is rather jumbled and confusing and would not be easily drawn or jotted on a love note.
The heart shape we all recognize, and use originated back to an ancient plant known as the silphium. It was a species of giant fennel grown on the North African coastline near the Greek city of Cyrene. It was used as medicine, a flavoring spice, but more importantly as birth control. Because of this it was linked with sex and of course love.
There is also speculation of it being modeled after human anatomy of the breasts or buttocks, as well as that of the water lily leaf or ivy.
The first depiction known was in the 1250’s. It showed up in a French romance called Roman de la Poire (Romance of the pear). But others question if that wasn’t just an upside-down pear…
Medieval art also showed some heart like shapes in the early 1300s. The famous Italian painter Giotto did a painted depiction of charity in the Scrovengi Chapel in which a heart is given to Jesus. This painting had a big impact on the use of the shape of the heart going forward in representing the human emotional range in visual form.
Interestingly, until the later 1400s the heart was usually shown upside down. At the beginning of the 1500s it flipped in images to the heart we see today point at the bottom.
My favorite theory however, is that it is shaped after the buttocks of a woman!!! Cause we all know that Fat Bottom Girls Make the Rocking World Go Round!!!!!
Pray for Abercrombie and his M, Pray for Pipeline’s friend with cancer, Tuff Muff 2/25, Capture the Flag 3/25, Poker Ruck 4/1
PAX: Deer Jack, Florida Man, Milkman, Ponce (Respect), Shake and Bake, Shea, Starbucks, Tar Heel, Tasty Cakes
AO: Shot House
A cool and crisp 38 degrees.
SSH x25 IC Forward Fold Willie Mays Hays x12 IC
The Thang
Some mumbling about “all you really need is Side Straddle Hops and Willie Mays Hays to get warm”, so we moseyed to the track and got ready for the Thang.
Pushing the Gluteus to the Maximus
Every round of exercises was completed in increments of 25 reps. For example: Monkey Humper Round — Pax covered 1200 Yards.
150 – Monkey Humpers Run 100 yds after each set
125 – Swimmers (Hard Count) Run 50 yds after each set
100 – Fire Hydrants w/Leg Extension (Hard Count) Run 100 yds after each set
75 – Reverse Crunches Run 50 yds after each set
50 – Leg Raises Run 100 yds after each set
25 – 8 Count Body Builders
First, an apology to the Shot House regulars particularly those in attendance on Wednesday as I failed to honor an HC in lieu of a Heart Sack with The M. Second, we preach of accountability and candor, the value of it, and how it is a very strong aspect in F3 Chattanooga. All of these things I strongly agree with; however, I also wanted to point out; that in our accountability in F3, we have something far greater. We are a group of leaders full of compassion, thoughtfulness, and empathy, and so many of our Pax know how to “read the proverbial room” in terms of helping other Pax maintain accountability. For example, whether than simply telling a guy struggling with weight or fat loss that he needs to get his butt up, workout, and eat less, we have the ability to express this same advice in the appropriate way to motivate those around us. This is a special trait. Simply put, not enough can be said for dropping copious amounts of positivity and encouragement to those around you.
BALL OF MAN: We had one…
Compliments received today: “I should have gone to Detention” “This sucks” “I make a motion to change these to easy count” “I hate this already” “You know what, how bout we just go ahead and get those coupons after all” Additional MC overheard: “I am not coordinated for this! Well, just know you will drown Shake.” “I’m really going to be admiring my glutes later” “What the heck is the difference in these; because (ahem) yeah they feel soooo different on my abs.” “No one actually believes your that age Ponce, it’s not scientifically possible…Starbucks checked.” “My butt hurts in so many places…….”
Check out the Announcements Channel on Slack. It has a nice detailed list of upcoming events. February 25, 2023 — Tuff Muff March 25, 2023 — Capture the Flag at Shot House
PAX: Cooter, Show Tunes, Pipeline, Cheney, El Chappo, Duvet, Tape Deck
AO: The Battery
There is no way that this winter is *ever* going to end as long as this groundhog keeps seeing his shadow.I don’t see any other way out.He’s gotta be stopped.And I have to stop him
PAX Meet at the Pavillion
In Cadence
Fwd Fold – Fwd
In Cadence
Fwd Fold – Rev
In Cadence
Baby Arm Circles – Fwd
In Cadence
Baby Arm Circles – Rev
In Cadence
Seal Clap
In Cadence
Overhead clap
In Cadence
Raise The Roof
In Cadence
In Cadence
Seal Clap
In Cadence
In Cadence (Allegro)
Willy Maze Haze
In Cadence
The Thang – Every day is exactly the same and nothing you do matters
Groundhogs spend the winter in their burrow and emerge periodically to check the weather. If they see their shadow they go back in for 6 more weeks. The PAX will do an exercise on one side of a pick nick table then crawl to the top of their burrow (Top of table) and perform 3 groundhogs before checking the weather (Answering a question) If the answer is correct the PAX crawls down the other side of the burrow and performs a new exercise. If the answer is incorrect (sees shadow) the PAX crawls back to the starting side and performs the SAME exercise again.
Decline Pickle Pointers
Hard Count
Bird Dog
Hard Count
Donkey Kicks
Plank leg raise
each leg
Ground Hog crawls
Out n Back
Mt. Climber
Hard Count
Crab Cakes
Sit ups
Lounge Act
each side
The 3rd annual Ground Hog Day Celebration Play List
1 True/False – The goundhog is a rodent belonging to a group of ground squirrels call marmots.
2 True/False – Kiss has earned most Gold albums than any band from the United States.
3 True/False – The Movie “Groundhog day” has been selected for preservation in the National Film Registry
4 How many times has Ace Frehley left the band? -3
5 What are young groundhogs called – Chucklings
6 Groundhogs, are known as whistle pigs. Do they actually whistle? – yes
7 Who was the lead singer of KISS? – Gene Simmons
8 True/false – The Groundhog is also known as a Hoary Marmot?- False the hoary marmot is a cousin to the groundhog.
9 Describe Gene Simmons make up? – Demon
10 True/False – Gene Simmons is related to Richard Simmons? – False (But wouldn’t the world be a better place if it was true)
11 True/False – Gene Simmons real name is Chaim Witz – True
12 True/false – Richard Simmons was born in New orleans and his real name is Milton Teagle Simmons – True
13 True/False – The Bed and breakfast that Phil stays at is an actual bed and breakfast in Punxsutawney PA? -False
14 True/False – Gene simmons and Paul Stanley are both jewish – True
15 True/false – Goundhogs can climb trees? – True
16 Between 1964 and 1971 how many groundhogs were hunted and killed in Kentucky annally? – 267,500
17 Where was the the movie “Groundhog Day” filmed? – Woodstock IL
18 True/False – The KISS logo is different in Germany because the SS’s happened to look similar to the insignia of the Nazi SS, a symbol that is outlawed -in Germany – True
19 In the movie “Groundhog day” what is Phil’s last name? – Connors
20 True/False – Richard Simmons failed to show up to lead his exercise class in 2014 and has not been seen since -True
21 True/False – KISS was voted as the “Best Metal/Hard Rock Band” of 1996 – True
22 What is the maximum age of a groundhog I the wild? – 6 years
23 How old is Richard simmons? – 74
24 What year was the album “Lick it up” released? – 1983
25 What year was the movie “Ground Hog Day” released? – 1993
26 True/false – Badgers are included in the list of predators of groundhogs in the eastern united states- True
27 Do males or female groundhogs emerge from hibernation first? – Male
28 True/False – Bill Murray was sued by an actual weatherman named Phil Connors? False 29 True/False – Ground hog burrows have bathrooms? – True
30 At his peak, how much did Richard Simmons weigh? 268lb
31 True/False – If an infinite number of monkeys were put in a room long enough they would eventually write the back blast for this workout – True
32 True/false – Gene Simmons was born in Isreal – True
It can seem like every day is the same as the last and nothing you do makes any difference, just like this beat down. But now that it’s over and we’re looking back on it, we have accomplished something that only 8 people managed this morning. That says alot about us. Possibly not good things but alot of things just the same. Additionally, it was educational even though you may rather not know most of the answers.
Respect the Groundhog
Cooter was offended by the fact that KISS had more gold albums than any other band in the U.S.
Duvet cheated by studying Groundhog trivia and he missed every question
PAX: Cooter, Headgear, Escobar, Full Moon, Toe Tag, Gutterball, Love Boat…..Hell, I don’t know, Gloom bot is broken
AO: Hacksaw
What if Elvis was cast as Cap’t Jack Sparrow and Pirates of the Caribean was a musical
PAX circles up and counts off into 1’s and 2’s For the entirety of the beat down group 1 must talk like a pirate and group 2 must do Elvis impersonations.
In Cadence
Willy Maze Haze
In Cadence
In Cadence
Forward Fold
In Cadence (As God intended)
In Cadence
In Cadence
Baby Arm Circles – Fwd
In Cadence
Baby Arm Circles – Rev
In Cadence
Seal Clap
In Cadence
In Cadence (Allegro)
The Thang – The dredd pirate Elvis
PAX moseys to the library parking lot where there are two stations spaced 30 yards apart. Station 1 is labeled “Away boarding party” and station 2 is “Viva Las Vegas” and each has a list of exercises. The PAX will perform the exercises in order then scream “Away boarding party” or “Viva Las Vegas ” while sprinting to the opposite station. All mumble chatter must be as Elvis or a pirate.
Jump Squats
Hand release Merkins
Big Boy Sit up
Crab Jacks
Lounge Act
Calf Raises
Pickle pointers
Captain Thor (hard count)
Ground Hogs
Carolina Dry Dock
Crab Cakes
Little baby crunch
High Knees
Monkey Humpers
Hello Dolly
Wide arm merkins
Standing leg lift (to the side)
Bear Crawl to other side
Flutter Kick
Extra Credit was given for farting while performing standing leg lifts Contestants were disqualified if they shit themselves
The proposed soundtrack for the new Elvis version of the Pirates of the Carabean was played loudly for the enjoyment of the citizens of Collegedale
“The problem is not the problem. The problem, is your attitude about the problem. Captain Jack Sparrow
A pirate walked into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender asked him “Hey buddy, why do you have a steering wheel in your pants?” The pirate said (In a piratey voice) “I don’t know, but it’s driving me nuts”
To err is human ut to ARRR is pirate
Only pirates can get away with saying “Yo…Ho”
I want to be a pirate but I can’t get my ship together
No cause is lost if there be but one fool left to fight for it
Why don’t pirates shower before they walk the plank? Because they’ll just wash up on shore later.
Why is pirating so addictive? They say once ye lose yer first hand, ye get hooked!
How do pirates know that they are pirates? They think, therefore they ARRRR!!!!!
What happened when Bluebeard fell overboard in the Red Sea?He got marooned.
How did the pirate get his Jolly Roger so cheaply? He bought it on sail.
What has 8 legs, 8 arms, and 8 eyes? 8 pirates.
What does a dyslexic pirate say? RRRRRRA!
Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet? Because they can spend years at C
How much did the pirate pay for his peg and hook? An arm and a leg.
How do pirates prefer to communicate? Aye to aye!
How do ye turn a pirate furious? Take away the “p.”
What does a vegan pirate do in jail? Starrrrrve!
What’s a pirate’s favorite type of exercise? The plank!
What did the pirate say when he became an octogenarian? Aye matey years old!
What did the first mate see down the toilet? The Captains log
Why do pirates bury their treasure 18 inches under the ground? Because booty is only shin deep!
What do you call a stupid pirate? The pillage idiot!
Long ago, when sailing ships ruled the waves, a captain and his crew were in danger of being boarded by a pirate ship. As the crew became frantic, the captain bellowed to his First Mate, “Bring me my red shirt!” The First Mate quickly retrieved the captain’s red shirt, which the captain put on and led the crew to battle the pirate boarding party. Although some casualties occurred among the crew, the pirates were repelled. Later that day, the lookout screamed that there were two pirate vessels sending boarding parties. The crew cowered in fear, but the captain, calm as ever, bellowed, “Bring me my red shirt!” Once again the battle was on. However, the Captain and his crew repelled both boarding parties, though this time more casualties occurred. Weary from the battles, the men sat around on deck that night recounting the day’s occurrences when an ensign looked to the Captain and asked, “Sir, why did you call for your red shirt before the battle?” The Captain, giving the ensign a look that only a captain can give, exhorted, “If I am wounded in battle, the red shirt does not show the wound and thus, you men will continue to fight unafraid.” The men sat in silence marvelling at the courage of such a man. As dawn came the next morning, the lookout screamed that there were pirate ships, 10 of them, all with boarding parties on their way. The men became silent and looked to the Captain, their leader, for his usual command. The Captain, calm as ever, bellowed, “Bring me my brown pants!”
Rained last night so asphalt already wet, then began misting during workout, 60 degrees
5 burpees OYO
5 burpees OYO
3rd grade exercise 10 IC
5 burpees OYO
Forward Fold 10 IC
5 burpees OYO
LBAC forward/backwards 10 each IC
5 burpees OYO
Abe Vigoda 10 IC
5 burpees OYO
(35 burpees each in COP)
The Thang
PAX count off 1-2. Team 1 and Team 2 line up facing one another. Race to do 10 burpees each PAX. Team 2 was the winner and earned the 80# sandbag while Team 1 was weak and only got the 60# sandbag (10 burpees each in EVO #1)
In a Dora fashion, a member of each team will carry their sandbag around the traffic circle at Detention, ~150′ if you stay on the outside lane. The other team members will each complete 100 reps each of aquaman, crab cakes, and chicken peckers. When the sandbag makes its way back around, the next member grabs it and goes around. Rinse and repeat until each member completes their reps.
PAX circle up and perform an ascending burpee with chaser ladder. The exercise is performed as follows: do your burpee, stand up – don’t jump, squat, Bonnie Blair. That’s 1 rep. Ascending ladder up to 10 for a total of 55 burpees with squat and BB chaser.
10 PAX present today @ 100 burpees each = House of 1,000 Burpees
Lessons on leadership can be found anywhere. YHC learned some this past weekend at an archery instructor course. When approaching someone as the authority figure in a teaching moment, start by giving them a specific complement on something they are doing correctly, this opens the door for a productive conversation.
So happy we didn’t do duckwalks today.
Thanksgiving morning Wuzonka Ball at Hill City, stick around and run The Grateful Gobbler 5k afterwards.
Black Friday Wuzonka Ball at Detention – no Shot House that day
Chubby’s ministry ongoing – every Monday except the first Monday of the month, details on #3rd F channel
PAX partner up. In a Dora fashion, PAX 1 will stay at the exercise zone (EZ) and perform reps while PAX 2 proceed to the Duck Zone (DZ).
EZ exercises – 250 each of Carolina Dry Docks, Blades of Steel, Angle Grinders, Crab Cakes
The Duck Zone – PAX will bear crawl ~10 yards to a triangle of cones. At each cone they will perform 25 monkey humpers then duck walk to the next cone. Pax will also complete these when they return to cone 1 for a total of 100 monkey humpers, then crawl bear back to the EZ where they will take over reps for their partner while he enters the DZ.
Rinse and repeat until EZ exercises are completed or time is up.
Be careful with your actions, the people you lead are watching you. YHC broke his smart watch recently and even though he had already told M he wanted a new one for Christmas, he was tempted to run out and get a new one immediately. While financially this wasn’t a problem, he thought about what his 2.0s would think. He tries to teach them patience and to resist instant gratification, so he decided to suck it up and wait a while.
Some pax made it to the last exercise but no one completed the round.
Chubby’s ministry ongoing – every Monday except the first Monday of the month, details on #3rd F channel