Officers, Blocks & Bunnies


Date: 06/09/2021

PAX: Mothballs, Flemish, 9Volt, Thin Mint, Nut Buster, Toe Jelly, M.I.A., Top’em, Picabo, Clothespin, Uncle Joe, SeaGull, Escobar

AO: Hacksaw


72 Degrees, Muggy, But at times a nice breeze


SSH X 15,


Cherry Pickers x10,

Magic Mayhems x20,

Seal Claps x10,


The Thang

The Burden of a Block
Pax were asked to pair up, Workout was dora style, however running was not involved.

***all exercises were to be completed with the block***

(Exercise with * indicate block being held above the body while doing the exercise.)


Pickle Pointers*

Squat Thrusters

Flutter Kicks* (Hard Count)

Grave Diggers

Bench Press


Box Cutters*

Pax 1 starts first exercise while Pax 2 rifle carries his block to end of parking lot and back, once back Pax 2 picks up on the rep count where Pax 1 left off, as he is now rifle carrying his block to the end of the parking lot and back. The Pax rinse and repeat until all reps are done and they move on to the next set of exercises. The goal of the beatdown is to not only get the reps in, but to not put the block down for the entirety of the workout. YHC kept a little extra for the pax just in case it was needed, (and it was). With 10 minutes left before time, all pax lined up on the sidewalk that runs along side the playground. Pax were to do next set of exercises till time.

4 Murder Bunnies & 1 Blockee,

8 murder bunnies & 2 Blockees,

12 Murder Bunnies & 3 Blockees,

16 Murder Bunnies & 4 Blockees,

20 Murder Bunnies & 5 Blockees,

then back down the ladder back to 4 & 1


Talked about burdens…

WE ALL HAVE BURDENS. We carry them every day.

They can be

  • financial
  • Health related
  • Burdens at work
  • Family related
  • For some it could be extra weight that you are carrying around
  • These blocks today were a burden this morning thru every exercise that we did.

When I started F3 six months ago, I didn’t know I needed it until I started coming regularly. But it has become more that just the first F. It has become more about the other men and the relationships that have been built thru F3.

F3 exists to be able to plant, grow, and serve small workouts groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Every man out here at almost every workout each morning is going thru something.

I have no doubt that any man out here would be here to help if needed.

Paul’s writes in Galatians 6:2 that we are to carry each other’s burdens, in this way we fulfill the law of Christ.

Helping others, loving others is central to being a leader. And that is what F3 is about!


The beatdown was done in the parking lot beside the Collegedale police department, so when the pickle pointers started, the officers standing outside had their giggles. not real sure if it was the “Caw Caw” of the Seagull or just the way Uncle Joe was making eye contact with them. it would have been nice if 9Volt had worn his American flag shorts though!! at the End of the morning the PAX were all worn out, some complaining about not being able to lift their arms, which totally makes you feel good!


Convergence June 12th AT&T FIELD, Beatdown in the morning 0700 return in the evening with the M’s & 2.0’s for the game, Fallen 5 Ruck coming up july 17th, @ The Dame, beatdown that morning at 0700 followed by the Ruck at 0830 until about 1400.

Recent Backblasts

    Another Blue’s Q @ Shothouse

    QIC: Blue

    Date: 06-09-2021

    PAX: Milkman, Uturn, Starbucks, Roomba

    AO: Shothouse


    A very MOIST 72° with overcast skies and a chance of more moisture other than that which we were exercising through.


    A slow mosey w/ coupon to the home side of the football field bleachers. Some SSH’s, some stretches, some shoulder blasters, & some more SSH’s.

    The THANG

    11’s on the bleachers.

    Round 1

    – Straight Leg Deadlift w/ coupon & Imperial Walkers at the top, start with 1 deadlift, mosey up the bleachers and do 10 (hard count) Imperial walkers, then continue, etc, etc

    At the end of round 1, PAX picked up the 6, and we “mall walked” 1 lap around the track

    Round 2

    – Bent Over Rows (cadence count/double count) w/ coupon & Hillbilly Squats at the top of bleachers. Same as Round 1.

    We were a little over halfway through and had to call for time.


    Grace & Respect……….

    Mumble Chatter

    No one has named the various amenities at Shothouse. PAX considered naming the home side bleachers the “SoB’s”

    All Together Bear Crawls

    QIC:  Gretel

    Date: 06/09/2021

    PAX: Bobbitt, Cleaver, Dundee, Ponce, She Shed, Slois Lane, Snatch

    AO: Detention


    70ish, overcast, muggy, 1 slight breeze just before COP but that was it


    SSH, WMH, LBAC forward/back, 3rd grade exercise, SSH, mosey to the track

    The Thang

    At the track/baseball field intersection and OYO:

    10 – 8 count body builders

    10 – squats

    10 – merkins

    10 – in and out situps

    hold Al Gore till 6 is in, then:

    Bear Crawl as a team 100 yards to the baseball pavilion, the group only moves as fast as the slowest PAX

    At pavilion and OYO:

    20 – SSH

    20 – inverted rows on handrails

    20 – lateral lunges

    20 – Freddie Mercuries

    hold Al Gore till 6 is in, then:

    Bear Crawl as a team 100 yards back to 1st station, the group only moves as fast as the slowest PAX

    This completes 1 round, PAX completed 2 rounds for a total of 400 yards of slow bear crawl as a team, any stopping and regrouping along the way PAX were instructed to stay on hands and feet only.

    Mosey back to the flag


    I draw a lot of beatdown inspiration from a YouTuber who has a slogan, “Nobody gives a f*@k”, by which he means nobody cares if you are working hard or not, its up to you to get off your butt and take responsibility for your own progress. This seems to be a basic world view when you look around at the majority, but we are blessed to be part of an organization that prioritizes what we call the 2nd F and 3rd F. Let us make the effort to encourage and care about others in order to help them get better.


    If you bear crawl slow enough, you get to rest one arm while its in the air.

    You should be the one wearing the towel, not your male massage therapist.

    She Shed maintains his streak of not splashing merlot.


    June 12 – AT&T Field convergence 0700-0800 and 2nd F at the game that night, talk to Oil Can for tickets

    June 19 – Missionary Ridge monuments ruck, see #rucking channel for details

    July 17 – Fallen 5 Memorial ruck and CSAUP – registration on under “rucking” tab – 2nd F event Friday the 16th – $20 gets you a sweet t-shirt plus a patch for completion of the event

    Recent Backblasts

      F3 Power Hour

      QIC:  Tatonka

      Date: 06/05/2021

      PAX: AOL, Bung, Dundee, John Doe, M.I.A., Mr. Clean, Ramrod, Snatch, Sousa

      AO: Legacy


      Humid and mid 70’s


      SSH x 20 IC

      WMH x 20 IC

      LBAC x 10 IC

      Reverse LBAC x 10 IC

      Seal Claps x 10 IC

      Iraqi Tea Time OYO

      The Thang

      Q realizes that “The Thang” wasn’t a full hour but “Power 45 minutes” doesn’t have the same ring to it. Plus, the entire beatdown was an hour long so it still works.
      F3 Power Hour
      Q had a 45 song playlist and shuffled deck of flash cards with exercises written on them. Upon the start of the first song PAX would begin performing first exercise. Every minute a new song would begin playing and Q would reveal a new card with a new exercise written on it. This new exercise would be completed for one minute until the song change occurred. This pattern continued for 45 minutes.

      Exercises completed were:

      Goblet Squats, Step Ups, Toe Merkins, Heel Touches, Kettlebell Swings, Block Presses, Box Cutters, Windshield Wipers, Merkins, Burpees, Bent Over Row, Dive Bombers, Blockees, Side Plank (each side one minute), Pulse Squats, John McCains, Iron Cross, American Hammers, Low Plank, Shoulder Taps, Mountain Climbers, Flutter Kicks, Incline Merkins, Bird Dogs (each side one minute), Dips, Table Saw, Plank Jacks, Bonnie Blairs, High Plank, Squats, Big Boy Sit Ups, Lumberjacks, Decline Merkins, Lunges, Freddie Mercuries, Little Baby Crunches, 100s, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Curls, V-Ups, Side Straddle Hops, Reverse Lunges

      Upon completion of 45 minutes, we closed out with a little yoga from John Doe (AKA yawn doe-ga AKA John Doe-ga


      I read the following poem by John Donne titled, No Man Is an Island.

      No man is an island entire of itself; every man
      is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
      if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
      is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
      well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
      own were; any man’s death diminishes me,
      because I am involved in mankind.
      And therefore never send to know for whom
      the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

      An island is a separate entity from the mainland, one that is self sufficient and able to support itself without outside influence. Donne speaks to the perils of isolation and the fact that mankind is not setup to be solitary. In order to thrive and survive, we need community. I read another metaphor in response to Donne’s poem further stating that mankind is also like a spider web – an influence on one portion of the web can be felt throughout the rest of the web. Like a web, as we act towards others, both positively or negatively, we send the spider web of life trembling. One act of kindness can influence and encourage another to follow it.

      I spoke to the positive impacts that F3 has had on my life and how I didn’t know I needed it until I was already a part of it. I encouraged the PAX to continue to share F3 with others and bring new people into our community of brothers. Some people need what F3 has to offer more than others, but we all benefit in some way. All it takes is a single positive experience on one person’s life to create a cascading effect that will last a lifetime.


      Comments were made about the length of the Q’s shorts. In the wise words of WuzntMe the day before when similar comments were made at coffeteria, “Do you want hot pants? Because this is how you get hot pants.” Q is now in the market for even shorter shorts. You did this to yourself gentlemen.

      Sousa did not defecate in his pants, yet he still deemed it a good workout.

      The stars aligned and “Jump Around” played when side straddle hops came up in the workout. Mr. Clean showed excitement and followed the songs directions to a T.


      June 12th convergence at AT&T field with game to follow that night. Families welcome to the game. $25/head for the game. Beatdown is free as always.

      July 16th – Honoring the Sacrifice Foundation Heroes Dinner; guest speaker is Marcus Luttrell (The Lone Survivor). John Doe has posted a link to register on Slack.

      July 17th Fallen 5 convergence and memorial ruck – come to the beatdown, sign up for the ruck, or do both!

      There is a current order for F3 Chattanooga shirts on the MudGear site.

      Recent Backblasts

        Suicides & Blackjack

        QIC: Blue

        DATE: 06-05-2021

        PAX: Oil Can, Xerox, Rocket Man, Skitch, Goose

        AO: Landfill


        Very warm and very humid 74°. Grass was saturated with moisture so much so that our shows were full of water on the first lap.


        Some stretches, some moseying, some SSH’s, maybe an arm circle or two, and some stretching.

        The THANG!!!!


        Run a lap w/ PAX around top field to show what “lap” means. Suicides w/ an exercise at each point then a lap around field.

        • 5 Burpees (35 total)
        • 10 Squats (70 total)
        • 10 BBS (70 total)
        • 10 Windmills (70 total) (Hard count)

        BLACKJACK!!! (21’s)

        Round 1 – Shoulder Press & Captain Thor’s

        Start at the top of the hill next to the pavilion, do 1 Shoulder Press, run to bottom of hill, do 20 Captain Thor’s, run to top of hill, do 2 Shoulder Presses, etc, etc.


        Short and sweet………..GRACE. Also, we don’t have to agree with everyone, but we should respect those we disagree with.


        Didn’t remember much in the way of chatter other than the PAX of Landfill were glad for my visit and really appreciated the workout. Definitely want to go back and Q there again.

        Lt. Dan & a Gorilla

        QIC: Blue

        Date: 06-01-2021

        PAX: Dundee, Milkman, Cleaver, Daisy, Hoveround, Hasbro, Starbucks, U-turn

        AO: The Huey


        A warm and slightly humid 66° with a few clouds in the sky


        Some stetches, some SSH’s, some more stretches, some shoulder circles, and a mosey to the “Love Shack”

        The THANG!!!

        Gorilla Complex w/ Burpee Dan’s as active recovery. (Burpee Dan = Burpee w/ lunges 1:4 ratio)

        • Curls
        • Upright Rows
        • Overhead Press
        • Tricep Ext
        • Merkin

        Round 1 – 8 reps of each exercise then 1 Burpee Dan

        Round 2 – 7 reps of each exercise then 2 Burpee Dan’s (2 Burpees & 8 lunges -easy count-)

        Round 3-8 continuing the pattern.

        Round 9 – 2 reps of each exercise w/ 7 Burpee Dan’s

        Round 10 – 3 reps of each exercise w/ 6 Burpee Dan’s

        Round 11 – 4 reps and 5 Burpee Dan’s

        That’s TIME!!


        Short and too the point………….GRACE.

        Blockees AND Burpees

        QIC:  M.I.A.

        Date: 06/04/2021

        PAX: AOL, Bandwagon, Escobar, Mayhem, Mothballs, Oui Oui, Ramrod, Rollback, SeaGull, Sousa, Spread Eagle, Toe Jelly, Uncle Joe

        AO: Hacksaw


        Humid and warm. No complaints from the PAX about the temperatures. Just about the exercises.


        Mosey to the flag

        • SSH x 20
        • FF OYO
        • ITT OYO
        • WMH x 10
        • LBAC x 28
        • Reverse x 20
        • Humming Birds Seal Claps x 14
        • SSH x 20

        The Thang

        PAX to complete:

        10 x Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
        20 x Merkins
        30 x Curls for the Gurls
        40 x LBCs
        Run a lap around the flag poles

        A timer went off every 1:20 or 1:40 (alternating to keep things fresh) alerting the PAX it was time to do 3 Blockees – if away from your coupons on a lap do 3 burpees.

        3 MOM
        Oui Oui – Scissor Kicks
        Mothballs – 25 Big Boy Situps
        Mayhem – Plank until time


        Shared a quote from a book titled How to Lead When You Aren’t In Charge.

        The premise of the first chapter is that there are two primary ways to lead: to lead by leveraging influence or by authority.

        “If you fail to leverage influence when you aren’t in charge you will have no influence when you are in charge”

        Challenged the PAX to consider how they lead in their work places, homes, families, etc.


        With only 5 HCs the YHC adapted his intended beatdown from a DORA style exercise to the format given.

        Don’t play Smashing Pumpkins songs if Sousa is holding your coupon… unless you want several smaller coupons.

        Mayhem is considering opening a personal coupon delivery service. Hit him up on slack for more side-hustle ideas.

        Shouts of acclimation were heard at regular intervals when the buzzer sounded. Everybody loves burpees & blockees.

        Hummingbirds have now been stricken from YHC’s personal exicon. Totally befuddled to discover that they actually move their wings in a figure eight pattern. YHC cannot live with that kind of lie. Thank you Escobar for your leadership.


        Lookouts Convergence on 6/12; Beatdown at 7 am; game that evening family friendly $25 per head; Fallen Five Ruck 7/17 Beatdown followed by Ruck at the Dam

        3rd-F channel on Slack for Chubby’s and Habitat opportunities.

        Blood, Sweat, and……Ants; Let’s do Merkins in a different spot next time

        QIC:  Blackout

        Date: 06/03/2021

        PAX: AOL, Blair Witch, Lanyard, M.I.A., Radar, Ramrod, Rollback, Sousa, Toe Jelly, Uncle Joe

        AO: Legacy


        Might as well have been in a swimming pool; 110% Humidity. Unsure if our shirts had sweat or actual water from the air.


        Short Mosey to Park Bridge

        • Forward Fold – x10 IC
        • WMH – x10 IC
        • SSH – x25 IC
        • Arm Circles – x10 IC
        • Reverse Arm Circles – x10 IC
        • Seal Claps – x10 IC
        • SSH – x15 IC
        • 1 Burpee (thanks to M.I.A. and his comments on Slack)

        The Thang

        Q made the decision to make this largely a Running beatdown.

        Ran from Park Bridge around concrete loop (stayed off of dirt trails, since you know….rain and mud) to other side of Park close to Jenkins Road. Performed 20 Merkins (Q cadence up/down) and 20 Squats (Q cadence up/down). During this, M.I.A. somehow did his merkins over a very large ant hill. We didn’t run back to this spot, audible was called and made. Focused heavily on squat, merkin, lunge, etc. form instead of speed.

        Ran from this side back to Park Bridge and performed 20 Merkins and 20 Squats.

        Ran Loop around Park and back to Bridge; performed 20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 Werkins, 20 Lunges.

        Ran Loop around Park and back to Bridge; performed 20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 Werkins, 20 Lunges, 20 Ranger Merkins, 20 Toe Merkins

        Ran Loop around Park and back to Bridge; performed 20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 Werkins, 20 Lunges.

        Ran Loop around Park and back to Bridge; performed 20 Merkins and 20 Squats. 1 Burpee.


        Read excerpt from graduation speech. Man performing speech has masters degrees, doctorates, etc. in Engineering but stands by his opinion that the wisest man he has ever known is his father, a third grade dropout. His father always told him “Make sure your serving towel is bigger than your ego, ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of ignorance, and pride is the burden of a foolish man.” He also told the story of John Wooden. Won multiple championships in NCAA basketball, BUT despite that, he swept the gym floor each night after practice. If you want to make an impact on others, find your broom every day and make sure you serve others before yourself. Stay humble and serve.

        Phillipians 2:3-5: Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you not look only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves.

        Link to Graduation Speech:


        Wow, what a day in the Gloom! Lots of good MC and some anthills as well.

        M.I.A. pulled a fast one on Slack stating that Q had promised no burpees. Although Q didn’t remember that conversation, he stuck to it (except for 1 burpee and then 1 burpee, so technically it wasn’t burpee(s)) At 6:13, it was revealed that was made up but worked nicely. Did this have anything to do with M.I.A. doing merkins over an anthill? We will never know.

        Q did not make Rollback run through mud/grass and stuck to pavement because he had some really nice running shoes on (of course, it rained some, Blackout Q right?) At the end, he voluntarily went through a muddy patch of grass to get back to car…..

        Lots of other MC, you should have been there!


        Lookouts Convergence on 6/12; Beatdown at 7 am; game that evening family friendly $25 per head; Fallen Five Ruck 7/17 Beatdown followed by Ruck at the Dam

        3rd-F channel on Slack for Chubby’s and Habitat opportunities.

        Recent Backblasts

          Screw it, we’ll do Burpees

          QIC:  Gretel

          Date: 05/27/2021

          PAX:  Blue, Bobbit, Chunks, Cleaver, Daisy, Dundee, Hasbro, Hoveround, NordicTrack, Slois Lane, Starbucks, U-turn

          AO: The Huey


          clear, 70 degrees, cut the humidity with a knife


          Mosey 1 1/2 laps to the Love Shack




          3rd Grade


          5 beer truck burpees

          The Thang

          QIC was juggling workout ideas until late yesterday, eventually said to himself out loud, “Screw it, we’ll just do burpees.”

          Rounds of ascending/descending burpees in 3’s with 5 merkins, 10 squats, and 20 high knees in between burpee rounds. Done in pairs of PAX to pace, do your burpee then your partner does his burpee, the exercise counts are individual not cumulative

          Round 1: 3 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 squats, 20 high knees

          Round 2: 6 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 squats, 20 high knees

          Round 3: 9 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 squats, 20 high knees

          Round 4: 12 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 squats, 20 high knees

          Round 5: 15 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 squats, 20 high knees

          Active recovery: all PAX mosey a lap together

          5 beer trunk burpees

          Round 6: 12 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 squats, 20 high knees

          Round 7: 9 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 squats, 20 high knees

          Round 8: 6 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 squats, 20 high knees

          Round 9: 3 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 squats, 20 high knees

          flutter kicks – 31 IC

          mosey 1 1/2 laps ending at shovel flag


          As Memorial Day approaches lets remember it’s purpose, to remember and honor those men and women who gave their lives during service to our country, especially those killed in action. QIC encourages each PAX to not just do this generically this holiday but to seek out a name, a face, and a story of a veteran who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend what we hold so dear in our country. QIC told those present of Corporals Binh Le and Matthew Wyatt, USMC, who defended their fellow Marines from a charging truck bomb in Iraq in December 2003. Le and Wyatt could have ducked for cover to save themselves, but instead engaged the enemy and killed the driver. Unfortunately the truck plowed ahead, exploding and killing Wyatt and Le and injuring 6 others. From firsthand reports, the casualties would have been far worse had Wyatt and Le not put themselves in danger. Corporal Matthew Wyatt was awarded the Bronze Star with “V” device for valor and Corporal Binh Le, a Vietnamese citizen living in America and serving our country, was posthumously granted American citizenship.


          Summer is here unofficially according to the humidity


          Fallen 5 Memorial ruck event July 17th, details in #mumblechatter or #rucking or DM Mr. Clean

          Recent Backblasts

            Elevens with Blocks in the Middle (Round 2) AKA Sneaky 11s

            QIC:  Blackout

            Date: 05/27/2021

            PAX:  9 Volt, Abercrombie, Clothespin, Deep Dish, El Chapo, Mayhem, Mrs. Baker, Pipeline, RugDoctor, Schnitzel, WuzntMe

            AO: The Battery


            Around 70 degrees; nice and humid.


            Mosey to Top of Hill

            • Forward Fold – OYO
            • WMH – x12
            • Third Grade Exercise – x15
            • Arm Circles – x15
            • Reverse Arm Circles – x15
            • Seal Claps – x15
            • Tempo Merkins – x10
            • Tempo Squats – x10

            Mosey to stack and grab a block

            The Thang

            We did 11’s with Merkins on one end of the Parking Lot and Burpees on the other. Our coupons were in the middle. We would perform Merkins on one side, mosey to block and perform block exercise, mosey to other side of lot and perform Burpees, mosey back to block to perform exercise, and finally return to start line in Parking Lot. SSH or Al Gore for six each round

            • Round 1: 10 Merkins, 15 Curls, 1 Burpee, 15 Curls
            • Round 2: 9 Merkins, 15 Squats, 2 Burpees, 15 Squats
            • Round 3: 8 Merkins, 15 Flutter Kicks w block, 3 Burpees, 15 Flutter Kicks w block
            • Round 4: 7 Merkins, 15 Shoulder Presses, 4 Burpees, 15 Shoulder Presses
            • Round 5: 6 Merkins, 15 Tricep Dips, 5 Burpees, 15 Tricep Dips
            • Round 6: 5 Merkins, 15 Lunges (hard count), 6 Burpees, 15 Lunges (hard count)
            • Round 7: 4 Merkins, 15 BBSU w block, 7 Burpees, 15 BBSU w block
            • Round 8: 3 Merkins, 15 Thrusters, 8 Burpees, 15 Thrusters
            • Round 9: 2 Merkins, 15 Incline Merkins, 9 Burpees, 15 Incline Merkins
            • Round 10: 1 Merkin, Sprint, 10 Burpees, Sprint (No block exercises this round)

            SALLY – Squat Version; Low squat on “Sally Down” and up into high squat on “Sally up”


            • Hundreds x10 IC – El Chapo
            • Elbows and Toe Plank – Schnitzel
            • Box Cutters x15 IC – Mayhem
            • Freddie Mercuries x20 IC – Pipeline

            Mosey back to Flag.


            Spoke a bit about accountability. A couple items to remember (one bible verse and one quote):

            Proverbs 27:17: Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

            “Being held accountable feels like an attack if you’re not ready to acknowledge how your choices and actions impact not only yourself, but others” – anonymous

            Challenged PAX to be open-minded and always welcome criticism and accountability. It is the only way to truly get better and in turn, make others around us better.


            Lots of good MC as always at The Battery!

            More discussion surrounding cadence/no cadence on the forward fold. Cadence works great when certain people attend the beatdown. No cadence works great after you have just run up The Battery hill and need a moment to catch your breath!

            Deep Dish continues to enjoy pain; His ten count consisted of “0” during the beatdown. He’s an animal! On that note, I have still yet to get Abercrombie to take his vest off. That’s got to be like: Abercrombie’s vest: 5 and Blackout: 0 at this point….


            Convergence at the Dame Memorial Day 05-31 (7-8) Burph; Convergence at Lookouts Stadium (7-8) Saturday 06/12; Fallen Five Convergence beatdown and ruck 07/17 at the Dame (reach out to Clothespin or Mr. Clean for more details)

            See 3rd-F channel for continue opportunities there.

            Woodrider at Parliament Friday; Sousa at Hacksaw Friday

            Abercrombie at Battery Sat.; WuzntMe at Legacy Sat.

            Recent Backblasts