Eye Contact, Eye Contact, Eye Contact & The Love Affair with Blue

QIC:  Mr. Clean

Date: 03/08/2021

PAX: Blue, Cleaver, Dundee, Hasbro, Nordic Track, Roomba, She Shed, Snatch, U-Turn

AO: [Area of Operation]


Mid-thirties. Pretty dry this morning. We did have a bit of tundra-esque surface for it to March.


SSH x15 IC

Forward Fold OYO

Imperial Walkers x15 IC

Willie Mays Hays x10 IC

Shoulder Blaster

Baby Arm Circles, Reverse, Moroccan Night Club, Cherry Pickers, Overhead Claps, Seal Claps, Pro’s Gold Chain, 45 Degree Hold, and Albatross — all done x10 IC

The Thang

Dundee advertised a very creative workout planned by YHC, so I set out trying to make a creative workout that was also challenging. The men were kind enough to tell me it was both, but the Detention crew is a very nice group of guys…

Full Body Stations
Complete each station for 5 minutes in a Dora type routine. Stations were as follows:
Thrusters, Dips, Merkins, Sumo Squat with Upright Row, and Row Pulls.
Partner traveling bear crawled approximately 20 yards, got up, completed a 10-15 yard Bernie and ran back.


This morning I shared a piece from 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11.
The coming of the lawless one will be in the accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie and all the ways that wickedness deceives those wo are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth ad so be saved,
In Genesis 3, God explained to Adam and Eve the consequences of their sin because once they sinned, they could understand what sin was. With this understanding of sin, it caused fear and hopelessness to arise in them, but there is also a peace that comes with understanding sin. We are now able to understand there is a saving from sin that comes through Jesus. How does this relate back to the Thessalonians passages? Well, as early as this chapter in Genesis, God has the first gospel conversation with people. He explains to them that their offspring (Jesus) will crush the head of the snake.
From the very beginning to the chapters of the new covenant, God promises to take care of his people, but we must understand that death by deception is real. He explains the importance of Truth, he explains that we must seek the truth and not allow the Devil to deceive us. I challenged the men to be truth seekers and truth givers no matter the difficulty that comes from the telling the truth.


I have turned. I now have a man crush on Blue — Snatch
Everyone knew She Shed would choose Pickle Pointers, so I just assigned those to him for Mary
Pickle Pounders came immediately after that. Eye contact was abundant. Candance was…..varied throughout
If I set down to row, then it’s like I am taking a break — Snatch
Snatch has that jungle man bear crawl — Dundee
TWSS & Just the Tip — Blue, Always Blue
This reminds of that scene in Rocky when he has to climb the hill — Dundee
We all agreed that Rocky neither crawled as high nor as far as we did



Recent Backblasts

    Workin Merkin Muscles

    QIC:  Clothespin

    Date: 03/08/2021

    PAX: Xena, Fissure, Threeskin, John Doe, WreckedEm, WoodRider

    AO: Anvil


    Cold clear and alot of sass in the air

    Stupid Q forgot his gloves….. Thanks Threeskin for letting me borrow some.


    Mosey out about 100yds and back

    Third Grade Exercise 15 in cadence

    SSH 20 in cadence

    Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence

    Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence

    Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence

    Cherry Pickers 15 in cadence

    Moroccan Night Club 15 IC

    Seal claps 15 in cadence

    The Thang

    Pax were asked to come with a coupon
    Deconstructed Merkins
    A round consisted of 3 cycles of 3 exercises using various muscle groups that get used when doing various types of Merkins. Exercises are 1 minute in length making a round 10 minutes and 30 seconds with rests between movements we made it through 3.25 rounds before time was up. The movements were as follows:

    Round 1:

    1 minute Shoulder Press

    1 minute Triceps

    1 minute Biceps

    Round 2:

    1 minute Standard Bench Press

    1 minute center press

    1 minute press each side (switch at 30 seconds only did 1 cycle of this)

    Round 3:

    1 minute BBS

    1 minute LBC with Coupon

    1 minute 100’s

    Round 4:

    1 minute Rows (each side)


    Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.
    —Jack Welch


    The mumble chatter was real today. Not a single merkin or burpee was done during this workout. I thought the Pax needed to build the muscles that are used to do merkins before the onslaught of merkins that is surely to take place in the coming weeks. Got alot of flack for the Biceps Curls but as you can clearly see they are used in diamond merkins…

    “The gloves in my truck are still wet with the stain I was using over the weekend.”
    “What kind of stain is on it Clothespin?”
    “I bet it was ribbed for his pleasure.”
    “I was trying to say that but couldn’t get it out.” TWSS


    Pray for ElChapo (deaths in family) and Woodrider (Travel Mercies), 3rd F Opportunities, Clothespin on Q at The Battery 3-8-2021

    Recent Backblasts

      Legacy hits the fast track

      QIC:  Sidekick

      Date: 03/04/2021

      PAX: Radar; Gilligan; Sousa; Ramrod; Threeskin; FNG-Chianti; Seagull; AOL; Uncle Joe; Peanuts; Flemish

      AO:  Legacy


      38 and dry


      SSH ICX20; Willie Mays Hays ICX12; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; Slow Squats ICX15; Ray Lewis ICX12; Seal Claps ICX12; Overhead Claps ICX12

      The Thang

      The Lap on the Fast Track
      Title of exercises or routine
      This is an 8 station circuit that makes a lap around the big house at Legacy. The 8 stations are as follows:

      1. Mercans X 20
      2. Imperial Squats X 15
      3. LBC X20
      4. Monkey Humpers X 20
      5. BBSU X20
      6. Jungle Boi Squats X 15
      7. Block Curls X 20
      8. Burpees X 10

      Pax begin at the start line with a Bear Crawl to station #1, perform the reps and run the entire lap. Lap #2 begins at the start line again with a Bear Crawl to the Mercans station, perform the reps and run to Station #2. Perform the 15 Imperial Squats, then run the rest of the lap. Lap #3 starts with, you guessed it, a bear crawl to the Mercans, do the mercans. Run to the Imperial Squats, do the reps. Run to the LBC station, do the reps, then run the rest of the lap. Repeat until you finish or time, whichever comes first.

      About half of the PAX completed the circuit.

      In total, this was 160 Mercans, 105 Imperial Squats, 120 LBCs, 100 Monkey Humpers, 80 BBSUs, 45 Jungle Boy Squats, 40 Block Curls, 10 Burpees and about 2.8 miles. A good mornings work.

      That was all we had time for.


      Talked this morning about self accountability. Most of us need some self awareness and accountability in our work and we all need it in our personal lives. Taking time to evaluate your actions and results will go along way in guiding you to successful completion of goals and let you know when you need to course correct. The people that hold you accountable will have a lot less to say if you are checking yourself so they don’t have to.


      Set a new personal record this morning on average beats per minute for a beatdown. Direct result of trying to keep up with Radar and Gilligan. Me and Seagull became station buddies so we wouldn’t get lonely in pack #2. Those guys were blistering.


      F3 Softball team this year. Check slack channel if interested

      Recent Backblasts

        Go be a Warrior

        QIC:  Sidekick

        Date: 03/06/2021

        PAX: Mayhem

        AO: Battlefield


        37 and clear. Slight breeze


        Stretched on our own for a bit; SSH ICX15; Willie Mays Hays ICX15

        The Thang

        Go be a Warrior

        Off we go. 1.4 mile run to LFO HS

        Mahktar Endjye 15 OYO

        Reverse Lunges for 25 yds

        On to the bleachers

        Guessing game – I am thinking of a number in my head between 1 and 10 (inclusive cause you know that’s how we roll) and Mayhem has to guess it. We take the difference of his guess and my number and that is how many incline mercans we do followed by the number of box jumps up the bleachers. Exact guess gets 1 rep of each.

        We repeat this going down with Dercans.

        Move to the left – Man-makers on each bleacher al the way up; walk it down

        Move to the left – Extended lunge and “power step”, all the way up; take one foot and skip a bleacher, flex this down into a groin stretch lunge, then push off with the lower foot to have both feet on one bleacher. Walk down

        Dip Planks – Find a dip spot. 10 second count in the extended position, 5 xecond count in the bottom of your dip, repeat this over and over again until your arms give out. 30 second rest and do it again.

        Down on the football field – 2 burpees, jail break across, 3 burpees, mosey back

        Head the 1.4 miles back to home base

        LBC, Freddie Mercury, heel Touch – all ICX15; Pretzel crunch ICX8 each leg



        Self accountabiltiy is important for driving yourself to your goals. Hard to judge success and failure without holding yourself to some standard of performance


        Mayhem is pretty good at reading my mind. The largest difference we had to do was 5 reps. pretty impressive


        F3 softball team out there on slack

        Recent Backblasts

          Anniversary Celebration @ #Lions-Den

          QIC:  Recycle and Hambone

          Date: 03/05/2021

          PAX: Doogie, Zima, Whittler, Offset, Xena, Snowcream, Flute, Pink Panther (RESPECT), Care Bear, Joanna Gainz, Oil Can, Blindside, Mansiere, Snow Patrol, Back Pew, Sidekick, Fissure, Jenny Craig, Blue, Dundee, NordicTrack, Moneyball

          AO: Lions Den


          A beautiful 42 degree morning surrounded by beautiful PAX. And Care Bear was there too.


          Windmill x10 IC
          IW x10 IC
          FF OYO
          LOR OYO
          ROL OYO
          WMH x10 IC
          TGE x10 IC
          MCPU x15 IC
          LBAC x10 IC
          Rev x10 IC

          The Thang

          Recycle Dora

          PAX partner up on track below press box. Partner 1 will complete reps while partner 2 takes his coupon up the stands, around the press box, and back down to the track.

          Round 1: 217 Curls for the Girls
          Burrito Partner Swap™
          Round 2: 217 tricep extensions
          Burrito Partner Swap ™
          Round 3: shoulder press until it’s Hambone Time

          Hambone Dark Webbs

          4 lane Native American mosey

          Merkins/Plank Jacks 1:4

          Mosey to scoreboard, jailbreak to opposite goal line, mosey back to start

          Burpees/Side Straddle Hops

          Squats/Walking Lunges

          Mosey back to start

          LBCs/American Hammers

          Big Boi Situps until



          When describing F3 to someone that you are EHing or to a family member, I quickly realize I am unable to convey what F3 is, at least what it is to me.

          I tried a number of the following:

          We are a men’s group that tries to invigorate men’s leadership through Fitness, Fellowship & Faith.  Eyes glazed and they just nod.
          Most workouts begin around 5:30 in the morning and we workout outside, rain or shine.  You work out in the cold & rain?
          It is mostly body weight exercises like pushups, situps, & burpees.  Oh I hate burpees.

          Yes all of that does describe F3, but to me F3 is not a “thing”, rather F3 is the brothers that show up every morning.  It is  not the exercises or the weather, it is the familiar faces, the laughter, the mumble chatter, the accountability, the friendships, and the realization that you a part of something bigger than yourself.

          So while I can never articulate it to someone asking about “my little workout group”, I hope that I do articulate to each of you, my F3 brothers, how thankful I am for your leadership, accountability, and most of all your friendship over the past year.


          Thank you for being there! The effect you all have had on my life over the last year is hard to put into words. I keep showing up because of the impact that our mutual suffering has on my mental health. We should all live by the words of the great philosopher Marshawn Lynch and “take care of our mentals.” I have counted 217 posts in the last 365 days. Hoping to get that number up in the next 365. See you in the gloom!



          Playlist: Outkast, Pearl Jam, The Black Crowes, The Strokes, JAY-Z, Brother Cane, Depeche Mode, The Offspring, Bush, LIVE

          Burrito was not there. Only Dos Amigos this morning.

          Great to see Xena back in the gloom and Flute even took a break from his honeymoon to join us again!

          How committed is Whittler? Drove all the way down the W Road, had to turn around and go back up because the road was blocked…still made the beatdown.

          Jenny Craig shaved his mustache. That means Valentines season is officially over.

          Hambone and I really appreciate the 24 High Impact Men that chose to share the gloom with us this morning. It was a perfect mix of Den Men (reminded us of our summertime beatdowns), Mountain Men, and our Hixson United Methodist Men.


          Check out the #softball channel if you are interested in playing with your F3 Chattanooga brothers

          Recent Backblasts

            Reading Revolution

            QIC:  Mr. Clean

            Date: 03/05/2021

            PAX: Cleaver, Friar Tuck (Respect), Gretel, Milkman, Ponce de Leon (Respect), Sherlock, Slois Lane, Snatch, Squid, Tasty Cakes 

            AO: Shot House


            Absolutely glorious. The quintessential Spring Day. It began, which is 0400 for me, at 45 degrees with a “feels like” temperature of 42 degrees. As clear and crisp as a bite from a Honeycrisp apple while gazing into the 0900 morning sun at R & A Orchards in early October.


            SSH x17 IC

            Imperial Walkers x17 IC

            Willie Mays Hay x17 IC

            Forward Fold x17 IC

            The Thang

            Today’s Thang consisted of several themes based on historically significant events, as well as, historically significant celebrations. The Thang playlist also came from inspiration from these events. Further explanation of this occurs in the COT, so please feel free to continue reading and learn of these event from your resident history teacher.

            The Samuel Colt

            Partner Up. Bear Crawl catch me if you can.

            Pax 1 completes 17 Plank Jacks.  Pax 2 Bear crawls.

            Pax 1 catches Pax 2. Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat for a lap.
            As Pax finish, they will hold plank to wait for the Six. The second lap consisted of Pax 1 completing 17 squats while Pax 2 did Bernies.

            Lifting the Iron Curtain
            Partner up again only with a new partner.
            Sumo Squats with Upright Rows — 200 reps in Dora Format.
            Exploring Pax could choose from any/all of the following movement combinations.
            Side Shuffle — Bernie — AYG Sprint — Squid decided to add Bear Crawls

            Boston Massacre
            15 Thrusters. Bernie to marker. AYG Sprint back. Rinse and Repeat 4 more times.


            The COP consisted of  reps of 17 in cadence equaling 34 total reps which was the caliber of the very first revolver in which Samuel Colt developed on March 5, 1836.  This was, of course, the inspiration for the portion of The Thang which included two revolutions around the track and 17 reps of plank jacks and 17 squat reps.

            On March 5, 1946, Winston Churchill famously coined the term “Iron Curtain” to describe the stronghold in which the Soviet Union possessed.  In the spirit of this, we “lifted” the Iron Curtain to the soundtrack of Rocky IV which is, of course, the quintessential demonstration of our Cold War emotions in the United States.

            Since March 5th seems to include several events revolving around (see what I did there) conflict and a weapon often used in those conflicts, we incorporated another significant event which occurred on March 5th, 1770: The Boston Massacre. Samuel Gray, Samuel, Maverick, and Samuel Adams were all important names of the Boston Massacre. Three Sams times 5 Patriots wounded, and you have the inspiration for the 15 Thrusters. 

            So much of the workout was inspired or developed from historical events which greatly impacted the world, but I was not there for these events which means, I had to read about these events.

            Well, look at that, a lover of history and history teacher goes reading about historical events which occurred on March 5th which also happens to be the date signifying the end of “Read Across America Week”.  During “Read Across America Week”, we honor one of the most celebrated authors in our nation’s history: Dr. Seuss. His birthday also happens to fall on my sister’s birthday as well: March 2nd.

            To wrap things up, we finish with some profound knowledge and wisdom provided by the author’s birthday of which we celebrate….

            Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

            Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.

            A person’s a person, no matter how small.

            You have brains in your head.

            You have feet in your shoes.

            You can steer yourself

            any direction you choose.

            You’re on your own.

            And you know what you know.

            And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go….

            Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.

            Take these words from Dr. Seuss to heart. Be who you are. Make sure to take joy in life as it happens. Remember to love those people around you. Make decisions and go forward.

            Lastly and most importantly, Be. That. Man. Who. Cares.


            Not a whole lot in the way of mumblechatter this morning.
            The bear crawls were an absolute hit. Quite popular.
            Ponce’s block is lighter than mine, but so aesthetically pleasing, I somehow ended up with it several times.


            We are still in need support and HCs for the F3 Softball team!

            Tuff Muff Anyone?

            Recent Backblasts

              Five! Because we can’t count no higher.

              QIC:  Abercrombie

              Date: 03/04/2021

              PAX: Deep Dish, 9 Volt, Mrs. Baker, Tinkerbell, Thin Mint

              AO: The Battery


              Clear and 35. It felt warmer than that though for some reason.


              • SSH – IC x 42
              • Forward Fold
              • Arm Circles – IC x 42

              The Thang

              In honor of Deep Dish turning 42, I thought it would be appropriate to do 42 reps of everything in increments of Five. Increments of five is important since Deep Dish does not like to count any higher.

              • Big Boys in increment of 5 until we complete 42 reps
              • Burpees in increment of 5 until we complete 42 reps
              • Merkins in increment of 5 until we complete 42 reps
              • Bicep Curls with block in increment of 5 until we complete 42 reps
              • Dips in increment of 5 until we complete 42 reps
              • Shoulder press with block in increment of 5 until we complete 42 reps
              • Slow Squats in increment of 5 until we complete 102 reps because we want Deep Dish to live until he is 102 years old. 


              On several occasions while discussing life’s challenges with my wife, she has asked “what do your F3 guys say about that”?  My response is always the same, “I’m not going to tell them about my problems”.  Well, after nine months and more than 100 beatdowns with men that I have grown to trust, I decided to test the waters and open up a bit.  I shared some parenting challenges that I’ve been having with one of my kids and received some much needed advice.  There is no doubt that God has placed some very smart guys in my life to not only beat me down but build me up and provide much needed guidance.  I guess it was kind of a milestone in my F3 experience and I would encourage others to do the same. 

              Proverbs 12:15 – The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that seeks counsel is wise.


              Well, turns out today was not Deep Dish’s birthday LOL!


              Coldplay is on Q at The Battery Saturday. It may or may not be his 40th birthday. Hmmm

              I’ll be altering trusses and putting down plywood flooring in my barn after the Saturday beatdown if anyone is interested in being paid with cheap pizza and cheap beer. A couple PAX have also volunteered to come up Sunday afternoon as well.

              Recent Backblasts

                Dora, meet Hill. Hill, meet Dora.

                QIC:  Gretel

                Date: 03/03/2021

                PAX:  Blue, Cleaver, Dundee, Mr. Clean, NordicTrack, Ponce, She Shed, Snatch, U-turn

                AO: Detention


                Clear, 40 degrees, birds chirping


                Mosey with coupon from flag across street to bottom of hill behind football concession stand.

                SSH 15 IC

                Forward Fold 10 IC

                WMH 10 IC

                3rd grade 10 IC

                LBAC forward/reverse 10 each IC

                SSH 15 IC

                The Thang

                PAX pair up for Dora up the hill, really only needed 1 coupon per pair but better for everyone to carry a coupon on the way. 100 total of each exercise. Once each round is complete hold plank until 6 is in.

                Round 1: Merkins/mosey hill with coupon

                Round 2: Coupon curls/Bernie up hill

                Round 3: Right coupon lawnmowers (split stance single arm rows)/Right side shuffle up hill

                Round 4: Left coupon lawnmowers/Left side shuffle up hill

                Round 5: Carolina dry docks/mosey with coupon

                Round 6: Bent over rows with coupon/Bernie

                Bonus round!! – Sumo squats/mosey with coupon

                PAX then made way with coupons back to flag for Mary of a few PAX’s choice:

                She Shed – Pickle pointers 10 IC

                Blue – Captain Thor 10 OYO

                Dundee – Boxcutters 10 IC


                I have recently begun reading Freed to Lead and encourage all PAX to dive deeper into F3’s history and purpose in order to become more connected to our organization. I think this will help us all become more invested in this organization which we have chosen to be a part of.


                Apparently the suck factor was high. Carolina dry docks may also be called Milkman Merkins


                [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

                Recent Backblasts

                  Blockees and Toes

                  QIC:  M.I.A.

                  Date: 03/03/2021

                  PAX: AOL, Blackout, Coldplay, El Chapo, John Doe, Mothballs

                  AO: Parliament


                  Perfect gloom. 35ish


                  SSH x 10 IC
                  FF OYO1
                  LBAC x 112
                  Reverse LBAC x 113
                  Seal Claps x 11
                  Moroccan Night Clubs x 114
                  WMH x 10
                  Iraqi Tea Time OYO

                  The Thang

                  EMOM – Blockees

                  5 Blockees – Imperial Walkers until 1 min up
                  6 Blockees – Imperial Walkers until 1 min up
                  7 Blockees – Imperial Walkers until 1 min up 5
                  7 Blockees – Imperial Walkers until 1 min up
                  7 Blockees – Imperial Walkers until 1 min up
                  7 Blockees – Imperial Walkers until 1 min up

                  Run a lap

                  EMOM – Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

                  5 HSKT followed by Raggedy Ann’s until 1 minute is up
                  Repeat 5 more times (6 minutes total)

                  Run a lap

                  EMOM – Blockees

                  5 Blockees – Triceps Extensions until 1 min up
                  5 Blockees – Curls for the Girls until 1 min up
                  5 Blockees – Hillbillies until 1 min up
                  5 Blockees – Overhead Presses until 1 min up
                  5 Blockees – Lunges until 1 min up
                  5 Blockees – Squats until 1 min up

                  Mary with two rules:
                  Exercise had to include Coupon
                  9 reps of said exercise
                  Blackout – Flutter kicks (Coupon held over chest)
                  AOL – Pickle Pointers (Coupon held over… pickle)
                  Coldplay – Freddy Mercuries (Coupon held over chest)
                  El Chapo – Big Boy Situps (Coupon held on chest)
                  John Doe – Windshield Wipers
                  Mothballs – MORE Head Shoulders Knees & Toes till…


                  YHC has been studying the book of James lately, and verses 14-17 were prevalent today. “faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead”. It is true for more than just faith in Christ. If any of us say we stand for something and our deeds don’t match up… you don’t really stand for it. If a PAX says he has a goal to be in better shape, but doesn’t post regularly, he has a dream, not a goal. If your actions don’t align with what you purport to believe/think/want/say, then what good are those beliefs/thoughts/desires/words?


                  If checking one’s watch was an Olympic sport, there would have been several medalists today. World class effort fellas.

                  Mothballs could not get enough of the HSKT exercise. The immediate call for more of them during MARY leads YHC to question the beatdown’s quality.

                  El Chapo was pacified by the playlist today. Duets were avoided… unlike last time.

                  Styrofoam coupons made this workout better.

                  9 Exercises during Mary – its YHC’s 9th anniversary.

                  1 No cadence needed per JD – Thanks for clarification
                  2 YHC can in fact count. Just not today.
                  3 Inflection was perfect for this exercise’s cadence, and you cannot prove otherwise.
                  4 Because… Coldplay
                  5 Sweet spot found – PAX disagreed


                  See the Softball Channel if you are interested. First meeting/practice/beatdown 3/13

                  Check the 3rd F Channel for opportunities to put works with your faith.

                  Detention’s turn to fly

                  QIC:  Sidekick

                  Date: 02/17/2021

                  PAX: Snatch, Dundee, Gretel, Ponce, Blue, Deer Jack, NordicTrack, Roomba, U-Turn

                  AO: Detention


                  35 degrees and raining. Perfection


                  SSHICX20; Willie Mays Hays ICX10; Forward Fold OYO; Left over Right OYO; Right over Left OYO; Seal Claps ICX12; Overhead Press ICX12

                  Mosey with Block to the far parking lot, down the hill, around the track

                  The Thang

                  Spread Eagle

                  All PAX spread out along the edge of the big lot; Walk to the middle of the lot and place your block; walk back to the edge.

                  All rounds will follow the same general sequence: travel to block, exercise with block, jail break to opposite side track; 10 Mercans; repeat back across the lot to your starting point; run a lap around the track

                  Round 1

                  Bear crawl — 20 Block Squats — Jail break — 10 Mercans — Bear Crawl — 20 Block squats — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

                  Round 2

                  Lunge — 20 Block press — Jail break — 10 Mercans — Lunge — 20 Block Press —Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

                  Round 3

                  Crawl Bear — 110 Blockees — Jail break — 10 Mercans — Crawl Bear — 10 Blockees —Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

                  Round 4

                  Reverse French Lunges — 20 Block Curls — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Reverse French lunges — 20 Block Curls — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

                  Round 5

                  Traveling Burpees — 20 Kettle Bell Swings — Jail Break — 10 Mercans — Traveling Burpees — 20 Kettle bell Swings — jail Break — 10 Mercans — Lap

                  Retrieve Block and mosey back around the track, back up the hill, to the original starting position


                  Enjoyed my morning at Detention. The crew did a great job hanging with a long mosey carrying a block and a tough beatdown.
                  I talked about Lent today and the three aspects 1. Sacrifice. 2. Prayer. and 3. Helping those less fortunate. These are the three things we talk about in the Catholic church around Lent as we prepare for Easter


                  Great fun had by the QIC


                  Recent Backblasts