Teaming Up

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: Feb 20, 2021

PAX: 9Volt, Abercrombie, Clothespin, El Chapo, FNG – Kashmir, Land Yacht, Mrs. Baker, Thin Mint

AO: The Battery


No PAX were dissapointed at YHC’s declaration that festivities were to begin with a lap. Warmup was needed.


Disclaimer disclaimed as we started a lap around the skate/dog park.

20 x Side Straddle Hops
Forward Fold
10 x Willie Maze Haze
Iraqi Tea time
10 x LBAC/Reverse/Overhead Claps/Cherry Pickers/Moroccan Night Clubs/Seal Claps
15x SSH

Mosey up the hill for the thang

The Thang

Field of Dreams

Split into two person teams at each base (third person at one)

Home1st 2nd (coupons)3rd
Inning 1 10 ManmakersFlutter KicksCurls for the GirlsAir Squats
Inning 210 ManmakersLBCsOverhead PressLunges
Inning 310 ManmakersBigBoisCurls for the GirlsToe Merkins

More Teamwork

First Round
At one of parking lot – Partner 1 does Squats
Partner 2 Bernies across lot
Flapjack & return in same method

Second Round
Partner 1 Squats
Partner 2 Lunges Across Parking Lot
Flapjack & return in same method

Third Round
Partner 1 Merkins
Partner 2 Does Farmers Carry (two coupons) across lot & does 5 Manmakers – Mario Skip to return

Fourth Round
Partner 1 Squats
Partner 2 Farmers Carry, 10 Manmakers , Bernie to return

Fifth Round
Partner 1 Toe Merkins
Partner 2 Farmers Carry, 20 Manmakers, Jailbreak to return


Importance of Teamwork

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

It is easy to feel alone sometimes but remember you always have someone by your side. We can’t accomplish much alone, but we don’t have to.


Many PAX were clearly envious of the patriotic fanny pack of YHC.

The soundtrack to today’s workout was theme to be duets. All PAX were impressed by YHC’s sensitive side.

Thin Mint’s eyerolls have no mute button.

What is a manmaker anyway? There was heated debate on whether a manmaker differed from a blockee. While there was a near mutiny (looking at you Clothespin), the debate was settled temporarily by YHC’s demonstration.

Ice Cold trip to the Mountain

QIC:  GeekSquad

Date: 02/20/2021

PAX: A-A-Ron, Hambone, Hasbro, Mansiere, Milkman, Pound Dog, Recycle, Snow Patrol & Zima

AO: Convoy


20 degrees, no wind, but still freezes your “you know whats” off. The goal was to keep moving so no one could complain about still being cold at the end. Mission accomplished


Da Warm up at Football field – mosey there first

All IC

SSH x 11

Forward Fold x 11

Willie Mayes Hayes x 11

Third grade exercises x 11

Imperial walkers x 11

Mountain Climbers x 11

Toe merkins x 11

Windmills x 11

SSH x 30

Forward Arm Circles x 11

Reverse Arm Circles x 11

Overhead Seal Claps x 11

Regular Seal Claps x 11

Moroccan Night Clubs x 11

Proscuitto’s Gold Chains x 11

Chinooks x 11

SSH x 20

The Thang

Warm Up lap

Four Corners

Bleachers – box jumps up on wall for 60 seconds. Slow mosey up bleachers and across then Bernie to first station


60 seconds – merkins -ALL AMRAP

60 seconds – monkey humpers

15 burpees

Lunge to next station


60 seconds – shoulder taps

60 seconds – LBCs

12 burpees

Jail break to station 3 


60 seconds –  Plank Jacks

60 seconds –  Squats

10 burpees

Gorilla hops to end of straight away on track


60 seconds –   Carolina Dry Docks

60 seconds –   Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to start. –  

Back to Bleachers up – step ups- walk back down, step ups and walk back down. 2x


60 seconds – incline merkins

60 seconds – dips

One more lap around track and then 

Mosey back to parking lot.

Marys at the startex

Heel touches x10

Pretzels 1 leg x10

Pretzels 2nd leg x10

Pickle Pointers 3rd leg x10

Pickle Pounders x10

Hello Dollys x10

Examiners x 10


Brand U: Five Reasons Why Your Personal Leader Brand Matters


1.  Image control and power. As you peel back the onion on your personal leader brand, the first thing that you’ll find is that you’ve likely allowed others to control your brand for you. it all comes down to a decision by you to take control of your leader brand.

2.  Identity and differentiation. Personal branding begins with identity – who are you and what do you bring to the organization?   A big part of taking control of your leader brand is defining it yourself. You define it, you describe it, you deliver it. You decide what constitutes your personal brand, not someone else.

3.  Self-awareness and reflection. A personal brand possesses a certain yin-yang quality: brand identity (how you see yourself) and brand image (how others see you). 

4.  Vision and goal-setting. Ultimately, controlling your leader brand helps you to align your vision with your personal and professional goals.

5.  Visibility and presence. Finally, taking control of your personal leader brand has the potential to fundamentally change how others perceive you. Set your goals appropriately, develop an action plan to build your brand, and the outcome should increase your visibility and presence significantly. This can be either positive or negative, depending on how realistic you are with your personal leader brand, how honest you are with your own self-assessment. 

F3 is about building leaders and everyone of us have a brand here. It’s natural even in this setting. I challenge you to think about what brand you are portraying.


Acknowledging your leader brand is an important first step to taking control of your own brand. Own it. Good or bad, it’s your brand. You can either control it or cede control to others. It’s a choice!

Joshua in the Bible is one of my favorite leaders. He said,  in Joshua 24:15

“And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.””

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I personally want to become the type of leader that leads well by example and inspires others to grow and develop as a leader.


Grow Ruck -Myrtle Beach – April

Blue on Q at Convoy 2/27

Recent Backblasts

Hill City Hacksaw


Date: 2/19/21

PAX: Uncle Joe, Toe Tag, Flemish, AOL, Mothballs, MaYhem, Clothespin, Oui Oui, SeaGull, Sex Wax, Slim Shady, Rollback, Picabo, Escobar

AO: Hacksaw


Crisp 32 degrees and windy


Mosey under the bridge and across the street to parking lot. Circle up.

WMH x10 IC

SSH x30 IC

Forward Fold OYO until recover

SSH x30 IC

Revolving side shuffle counter clockwise

Revolving side shuffle clockwise



Seal Claps x15 IC

Circle was then widened significantly

Bear crawl to center, broad jumps back to position. (x3)

The Thang

Mosey to the base of the hill (20 yards short of beginning of incline)

10 burpees OYO

Merkin Minute – PAX performed as many merkins as possible in 60 seconds

Indian run up the hill (strong pace was encouraged and executed)

Core blast at top of hill

Big Boi sit-ups x20 OYO

Flutter Kicks x30 IC

Heel touches x30 IC

Twisted Scissors x30 IC

10 Big Boi sit-ups OYO for my man Clothespin

Indian run back down the hill

Merkin Minute – PAX performed as many merkins as possible in 60 seconds

Indian run up the hill (strong pace was encouraged and executed)

Core blast at top of hill

Big Boi sit-ups x20 OYO

Flutter Kicks x30 IC

Heel touches x30 IC

Twisted Scissors x30 IC

Mosey back to starting point


Whatever you are trying to achieve in life, start by being proud of what you are today. The story is never perfect along the way, and it builds character. You have accomplished so much just to be standing where you are right now. Be proud, and leverage that strength and experience to get where you are going!


Since the core blast exercises were 30 counts, Clothespin wanted things evened out on the big bois. His wish was granted, and the PAX were thrilled that all the numbers matched. Slim Shady announced that he no longer liked the Q at one point during the beatdown, but once it was over all was good. You’re my boy, Slim!

40 SSHs, 40 second intervals and 40 days of Lent

QIC:  Blackout

Date: 02/18/2021

PAX: 9 Volt, Abercrombie, Mrs. Baker

AO: The Battery


The coldest rain you can have without snow, so basically miserable. True gloom status. 34 degrees and rainy. However, wasn’t too bad under the pavilion. Still cold but largely avoided the precipitation


Mosey to Pavilion

  • 40 SSH
  • Forward Fold OYO
  • 20 Arm Circles, 20 Reverse Arm Circles
  • 20 Seal Claps, 20 Overhead Claps
  • 40 SSH
  • Berkin Apocalypse: 5 Burpees/3 Merkins, 4 Burpees/4 Merkins, 3 Burpees/5 Merkins, 2 Burpees/6 Merkins, 1 Burpee/7 Merkins (40 total burpees and merkins combined)

The Thang

PAX grabbed a rock (preferably a dry one if possible); Most exercises performed with rock of choice

INTERVALS – ROUND 1 (each interval was 40 (ish) seconds of exercise and 15 (ish) seconds of rest in between

  • Curls
  • Dips
  • Shoulder Presses
  • Wide Merkins
  • Forearm Curls
  • Triceps Extensions
  • Front Raises
  • Incline Merkins

20 SSH between Rounds 1 and 2

INTERVALS – ROUND 2 – (each interval was 40 (ish) seconds of exercise and 15 (ish) seconds of rest in between

  • Squats
  • LBCs
  • Toe Merkins
  • Freddie Mercuries
  • Lunges
  • BBSU
  • Step-ups
  • Flutter Kicks

To celebrate being half way with the intervals (2/4), we did 10 burpees OYO

INTERVALS – ROUND 3 – (each interval was 40 (ish) seconds of exercise and 15 (ish) seconds of rest in between

  • Curls
  • Dips
  • Shoulder Presses
  • Wide Merkins
  • Forearm Curls
  • Triceps Extensions
  • Front Raises
  • Incline Merkins

20 SSH between Rounds 3 and 4

INTERVALS – ROUND 4 – (each interval was 40 (ish) seconds of exercise and 15 (ish) seconds of rest in between

  • Squats
  • LBCs
  • Toe Merkins
  • Freddie Mercuries
  • Lunges
  • BBSU
  • Step-ups
  • Flutter Kicks


Spoke about the beginning of the Lenten season this week. Utilized 40 in most exercise reps: Berkin Apocalypse, SSH, arm circles, seconds of intervals, etc. to symbolize the 40 days story from the Bible which is now celebrated with the Lenten season. I am doing a devotional written by a gentleman named Matthew Kelly. Read this excerpt from his book “I Heard God Laugh”

“Is your life working? It’s a simple, yet brutal question to ask yourself. We cannot look at another person’s life and know, but most of the time, we know how well our own life is (or isn’t) working. When we reflect upon our lives, we usually discover that in some ways they are functioning well and in other ways they are not. What does hit mean for you? It means that in some ways you are flourishing, but in other ways you are experiencing dissatisfaction. God can speak to you through dissatisfaction. You can learn to live with discontent, or you can accept it as an invitation. The danger zone is marked by a comfort zone. This is where things aren’t great, but they aren’t horrible either, so you just continue to muddle along. We gravitate toward comfort, and it’s amazing how comfortable we can get in life. The thought of something new and unknown activates our resistance and hesitancy. These are mental, emotional and spiritual obstacles that we all need to push through in order to move from surviving to thriving. Are you thriving or just surviving? If your life isn’t working, what are you willing to do for the next 40 days to jump start a change?”

I used this to challenge myself and fellow PAX to do three things for the next 40 days:

  • Ask yourself the brutally honest questions about your life. Be willing to change things in your life if you don’t like the honest answers.
  • Try something new to you during the next 40 days and try to make it stick after that time frame as well.
  • Keep pushing your comfort zone and pray to God as he guides you through those uncomfortable situations.

You can’t get better in a “comfortable” environment. We must step out of that to achieve true betterment of self.


Apparently, some creepy guy likes to park by the dog park at the Battery AO. Luckily, nothing too weird happened…. I think.

Small crowd this morning provided for great, intimate mumble chatter. Lots of good conversation during the beatdown (when we could breath that is).


3rd F still rolling with multiple opportunities. Homeless Ministry at Chubby’s is Monday nights 5:45-6 pm downtown Chattanooga and lasts until around 8ish. Great opportunity to help out those most in need throughout our community. Also, donations are welcome (coats, hats, socks, hand warmers, etc.). In process of setting up 501(c)3 so that monetary donations will be tax deductible in the future.

Habitat build in April. Reach out to 3rd-F channel on slack or John Doe directly for more information.

Recent Backblasts

    The Olympics…for Kinda Olympic Athletes I Guess

    QIC:  Bandcamp

    Date: Feb 17, 2021

    PAX: Tasty Cakes, Geek Squad, Milkman, Ponce de Leon (Respect), Cleaver, Sherlock

    AO: Shot House


    Pretty cold, my nuts were pretty far retracted into my body. Otherwise dry, maybe a small wind fart here and there. Perfect for Winter Olympics.


    15 Side Straddle Hops, cadence

    10 Willy Mays Haze, cadence

    Quad stretches, OYO

    20 Calf Raises, cadence

    10 seconds toe pointers, OYO

    10 Side Straddle Hops, cadence

    Seated Butterfly stretch, 20 seconds OYO

    10 Little Baby Arm Circles, cadence, each direction

    Side planks-10 seconds each side

    Cobra 15 seconds OYO

    The Thang

    5 Olympic Rings

    [2 person relay Dora’s]:

    Split into two person teams (Person A and Person B)

    Person A side shuffles (karaoke) to other side of track, holds plank position once there

    Person B is in plank until Person A is on other side, then side shuffles (karaokes) to Person A

    Wait for 6

    Person A then power skips (Mario-style) to other side of track, starts LBC’s

    Person B performs LBC’s until Person A is in position, then power skips to Person A

    Wait for 6

    Person A runs Bernies to other side of track, then starts Freddy Mercuries

    Person B performs Freddy Mercuries until Person A is in position, Bernies to Person A

    Wait for 6

    Person A lunges to other side of the track, then starts mountain climbers

    Person B mountain climbs until Person A is in position, then lunges to Person A

    Wait for 6

    Person A jailbreaks to the other side of the track, then starts Merkins

    Person B performs Merkins until Person A is in position, then jailbreaks to Person A

    Biathlon”…everybody doing this simultaneously

    Ski to location—power jumps 25 meters at a time

    Get into shooting position—5 good burpees, slow if needed

    Adjust shooting position—10 hard count alternating arm planks (elbows down if possible)

    Shoot!—1 slow push-up (down 5, up 5 on my count)

    Get back up—5 more good burpees

    Wait for 6

    Rinse and Repeat as Necessary, 4 iterations planned (only 1 executed in reality)

    Speed Skating!!

    2-3 men line up at a time

    For 20 yards, Heismans (leaping out to each foot, holding the Heisman trophy position)…arm position optional and probably wouldn’t help anyway

    For 30 yards, jailbreak!!!

    Winner of the brackets picks the last exercise (this ended up being Milkman, who picked 30 elbow-to-knee squats)


    “Run the race as if to win”

    1 Corinthians 9:24-27

    We men must train our minds and hearts, just like our bodies, so that we can “win the race”. For the Christian, in this context it means serving others and reaching out to them to win them to Christ. It also means treat each day as a new challenge to conquer, and in another metaphor, treat each day as if you’re going to war.

    This is a challenge for me because it’s so easy to get sucked into a routine. I’m probably the youngest one here, and it’s a struggle even for me to break routine for small things. Our careers, families, property, and land all require our attention, and it’s easy to get distracted. Let this serve as a reminder that things can change real quick, and what we put off today may not be around tomorrow. I think COVID has done a great job of that. Treating each day as a new day is definitely most important when we’re talking about people in our community, people who need help. An old army saying goes something like this: Let’s keep our eyes peeled and our powder dry. We men of F3 stand at the ready to serve, so let’s do it with energy and precision!


    This was a very cold workout. I’m glad the men showed up to participate. Milkman won the competitive event, so he gets a gold medal? Gold disk? Gold shoes? Anyway, the important thing is that today America won the Olympic Events at F3. ‘Nuff said.

    Recent Backblasts

      Frigid Dora @ #Detention

      QIC:  Recycle

      Date: 02/17/2021

      PAX: Dundee, Nordictrack, my boy Blue, Joanna Gainz, Jenny Craig, Gretel, She Shed, Snatch, UTurn

      AO: Detention


      21. Felt like 12. I am not sure how they figure that out cause I couldn’t feel anything.


      Windmills x10 IC
      Imperial Walkers x10 IC
      FF OYO
      WMH x10 IC
      TGE x10 IC
      MCPU x10 IC
      LBAC x10 IC
      Rev x10 IC
      OC x10 IC
      SC x10 IC
      MNC x10 IC

      The Thang

      Gun Show Dora

      PAX partner up. Partner 1 counting reps, Partner 2 moseying Detention Loop.

      Prior to counting reps, PAX will complete 15 CPRs w/coupon. When all reps complete, pickle pointers until the six is in.

      Round 1: 50 Merkin Jacks
      Burrito Partner Swap™
      Round 2: 50 Captain Thors
      El Intercambio de Pareja Burrito™
      Round 3: 50 Lt Dans

      Pickle pointers x20 IC
      Flutter kicks x25 IC
      Big boi situps x10 OYO
      LBCs x10 OYO



      The Prayer of Saint Francis

      Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
      Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
      Where there is offence, let me bring pardon.
      Where there is discord, let me bring union.
      Where there is error, let me bring truth.
      Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
      Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
      Where there is darkness, let me bring your light.
      Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
      O Master, let me not seek as much
      to be consoled as to console,
      to be understood as to understand,
      to be loved as to love,
      for it is in giving that one receives,
      it is in self-forgetting that one finds,
      it is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
      it is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.

      (Oddly enough there is no historical record of this prayer being written by St Francis, but it still stands as a favorite of mine.)


      The biggest takeaway from this butt cold morning was that Jenny Craig got his wife a mustache for Valentines Day.

      She’s from Alabama so it made sense.


      Continue to follow the 3rd F channel on Slack for opportunities to get involved!

      Recent Backblasts

        New Zealand Twins

        QIC:  Escobar

        Date: 02/15/2021

        PAX: WreckedEm, Toe Tag, WuzntMe, Woodrider, Threeskin

        AO: Anvil




        A Lap and some Exercises for 7.5 minutes

        The Thang

        80/20 Legs/Abs Exercises for 37.5 minutes


        10 Virgins


        Is it safe to Google search “New Zealand Twins” from a work computer?


        If you made it this far, good for you. We met our fundraising goal for Chubby’s, but please continue to give as this will help feed the homeless. This is also a volunteer opportunity every Monday. What have you given to others lately? Time? Money? Nothing?

        Recent Backblasts

          OTB 2/13/2021

          QIC:  Mr. Clean

          Date: 02/13/2021

          PAX: She Shed and Snatch

          AO: Breakfast Club? Crucible?


          Cold and Moist…


          1 Lap Mosey

          The Thang

          An “edited” version of “The Capoot”
          Run 2 Laps

          50 Upright Rows

          Run 4 Laps

          50 Bent Over Rows

          Run 8 Laps

          50 Hello Dolly

          Line Up. 1 Pax Bear Crawled/moseyed back while the others completed shoulder shrugs. Rinse and Repeat with AYG Sprint/Bernie Back.

          Mosey to Pavilion. Completed Dips, Incline Merkins, Inverted Rows. Mosey to top for completion


          Life can be very difficult at times. Going it alone, in many cases, only makes it more difficult. As a man, we are taught to be independent in tough situation almost to the point of shame when done. However, like pride in other situation, an over abundance of independence will lead to a fall as well. Therefore, we must reach out and admit our struggles and ask for help. While, there is a line between over sharing and opening about struggles, we still must reach out for help. How do we find the line? Simply this: reach out to someone you know, trust, and love who will help you and also tell you when it’s “T.M.I.”


          “Clean, if you’re having trouble, then you can use my kettlebell, it has that nice handle — Snatch.

          “Hey Clean, why don’t we go over this….you know what, I’ll shut the hell up and let you Q.” — She Shed

          “It was Nordic Track’s workout from the Huey Thursday that I’m still feeling, YHC concurred


          [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

          Recent Backblasts

            That’s not a Hill, THIS is a Hill

            QIC:  Oil Can

            Date: 02/11/2021

            PAX: Skitch, Bru Cru, Cupid, V-Squared, Sunshine, Back Pew, Rodeo, Gimli, Deer Jack, Sherlock, White Glove, Cowbell, Care Bear

            AO: Hill City


            Despite the high percentage chance of rain prior to going to bed, it turned out to be a pretty good morning. Very minimal precipitation could be felt, but only during the COT. Otherwise, it was a fairly cool morning in the gloom with not much of a breeze.


            Little Baby Arm Circles (forward & reverse) x10 IC, Big Arm Circles (forward & reverse) x10 IC, Overhead Press x10 IC, Sideways Press x10 IC, Willie Mays Hays x10 IC, 3rd Grade Exercises x10 IC, Quad Stretches OYO, SSHs x10 IC

            The Thang

            Split PAX into two groups.
            Mosey to the Walnut St bridge. Stop & do 10 Squat Jumps OYO on the way.
            Round 1
            1 Group bear crawls ~75 yards along the bridge & mosey back. Other group does LBCs. Flap Jack.
            Round 2
            1 group does crab walk ~75 yards along the bridge & mosey back. Other group does Incline Merkins. Flap Jack.

            Begin to lunge for ~ 100 yards. Part way through, everyone moseys for a period, then stopped to do 5 burpees. Finish off 100 yard lunge. Mosey back to the end of the bridge, then continue moseying to Kent St hill. On the way to the hill, everyone stops & does 5 burpees.

            Rounds 3 & 4
            Group 1 bernie up the hill. Once one person has reached the top, everyone can mosey back down. Group 2 does their choice of squats, merkins or flutter kicks. Flap jack, then rinse & repeat.

            Bernie up Kent St hill & back down Forest Ave and continue back to Hill City parking lot. On the way to the parking lot, stop & do 10 burpees. Time.


            Today was all about distractions. When you really start to think about it, we are constantly distracted in life. Something as simple as a notification on your phone distracting you from what you were doing. Someone who texts or calls you. Maybe you have to leave work briefly to go pick up something from the shops. Distractions, distractions, distractions. YHC encouraged PAX to think about these distractions & how they deal with them.


            Best thing to come out of today was when Rodeo was doing some flutter kicks at the bottom of the hill. A real southern guy stopped in his truck to ask if Rodeo was ok, before then saying that he thought Rodeo may have been dead!

            YHC had never done a workout at the Kent St hill so was excited to go up it a few times. Definitely one of the steepest streets in Chattanooga & the hills of Renaissance Park have got nothing on it. Great view from up the top too. It was fun to hear from a few PAX who hadn’t been over to the hill in a while. Excited to conquer it again at a future Q.


            Promoted the 3rd F painting event with Habitat for Humanity this weekend.

            Recent Backblasts

              Go till the buzzer

              QIC:  Gretel

              Date: 02/09/2021

              PAX: Blue, Cleaver, Doogie, Dundee, Geek Squad, Hasbro, NordicTrack, Roomba, Slois Lane, U-Turn, 

              AO: The Huey


              40ish degrees, pleasant, we wore too many layers but, hey, better to have them and not need them, than need them and not have them…is that right?


              SSH 20 IC

              WMH 10 IC

              3rd grade 10 IC

              10 burpees OYO

              Forward fold 10 IC

              LBAC 10 IC forward then reverse

              Moroccan night clubs 10 IC

              SSH 31 IC

              Mosey to Love Shack

              The Thang


              10 exercises – 45 sec on, 15 sec rest

              1st set

              Squat front kick

              Alternating lunges

              Bobby Hurley

              Alternating reverse lunges

              Pulse squat 

              Pulse reverse lunge R

              Pulse reverse lunge L

              Pop jacks

              Reverse lunge w/knee up R

              Reverse lunge w/knee up L

              5 Burpees for beer truck

              2nd Set

              Hand release merkins

              Carolina dry docks

              Shoulder taps

              Superman (prone extensions)


              Superman rows

              Nolan Ryan L

              Nolan Ryan R

              Side push-up L

              Side push up R

              5 Navy Seals for Red Bull truck


              3rd set

              30 sec on, 15 sec rest


              Flutter kicks

              Big boy sit-ups

              Box cutters 

              Pretzel L

              Pretzel R

              Hello Dolly

              Freddie Mercury 

              Gas pumps

              American hammer


              Commitment: The spirit of determination and dedication that leads to professionalism and mastery of your craft. It promotes the highest order of discipline and is the ingredient that instills dedication, pride, concern for others, and an unrelenting determination to achieve a standard of excellence in every endeavor. Commitment is the value that establishes you as the one that others strive to emulate. 


              • Coupons were on hand “just in case anyone needs one”……nobody needed one.
              • Gretel may or may not work out at home to a continuous loop of “You’re the Best” from the Karate Kid soundtrack.


              [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

              Recent Backblasts