Maybe Made to 80’s Music

QIC:  Clothespin

Date: 11/30/2020

PAX: Escobar, Bandwagon, Bernie, Ramrod, FNG-ted, FNG-Raspberry, Lutefisk, Slim Shady, M.I.A., Uncle Joe, AOL, Mothballs, Oui Oui, Madoff, Picabo, Blackout, SeaGull

AO: Hacksaw


Damp with a cool breeze. Perfect for quick pace to keep warm!


Forward Fold Silent Count
SSH 20 in cadence
Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence
Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence
Overhead Claps 15
Seal claps 10 in cadence

The Thang
Gave the Pax a choice between Gorilla Humpers and Burpees! You see what they chose!

Gorilla Humpers Wall sit!
Moseyed over to the bridge and did a Gorilla Humpers Apocalypse with 1 minute wall sits between rounds. Last couple of rounds did Willy Mayse Hayse, Downward Dog and Pickle Pointers. Then Moseyed over to the Pavilion. Exercises done in cadence!

Under The Pavilion.
ATMs 3 Rounds
Routine All done in order, with no rest, without leaving plank position. Can be scaled using higher reps. 15 Alternating Shoulder Touches In Cadence (4-count), 10 Tempo Merkins (down on the 1-2-3, up on 4), 10 fast Merkins. That’s 1 complete round.

Alabama Ass-Kickers 3 Rounds
Down on all fours, kick each leg individually up and back. 4-count on each leg – 1 up, 2 extend, 3 back to up position, 4 down.

Aiken Legs 3 Rounds
Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Step-ups, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 SSH

Groundhogs 10 3 Rounds
Divebomber with a look

Boxcutters 15 IC
Jane Fonda 15 IC Each Side
Mosey back to Parking Lot for COT


1 John 4:18
There is not fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
If we have Jesus Christ as the lord and boss of our lives, we have no reason to fear!!!


I had to reassure Lutefisk that I was not trying to scare off the new guys with the sexual exercise references!

I forgot the gorilla noises this morning…..

I made sure the “kids” knew that we were listening to 80’s music which was made a long time before they were born! Someone pointed out that it made have been playing while they were being made, I doubt it though. May have been playing when their parents were being made….


Blanket and toy drive, Clothespin on Q at The Battery tomorrow, Pray for the sick and downtrodden!

Recent Backblasts

    Post Turkey Day Beatdown

    QIC:  DNF

    Date: 11/27/20

    PAX: SeaGull, MaYhem (RESPECT), Uncle Joe, Toe Jelly, Slim Shady, M.I.A., Premier

    AO: Hacksaw


    41 degrees felt great once we were 10 minutes into it


    WMH x10 IC

    SSH x20 IC

    Third Grade Exercises x10 IC

    SSH x20 IC

    Forward Fold x8 IC

    Little Baby Arm Circles x20 IC

    Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles x20 IC

    Overhead Press x20 IC

    The Thang

    Turkey Burn

    PAX began by performing 4 exercises around the flag, then moseyed to 3 different points around the Hacksaw Loop to perform two exercises at each. The mosey always ended back around the flag for the core 4 exercises to be rinsed and repeated when at that point.


    Plank Punches x15 IC

    Plank Jack Merkins — 10 plank. jacks in cadence followed by 10 Merkins OYO

    Burpees x10 OYO

    Merkins x20 OYO


    Flutter Kicks x25 IC

    Twisted Scissors x25IC


    Squats x30 OYO

    Imperial Walkers x20 IC


    Forward Lunges x20 OYO

    Reverse Lunges x20 OYO


    Plank Punches x15 IC

    Plank Jack Merkins — 10 plank. jacks in cadence followed by 10 Merkins OYO

    Burpees x10 OYO

    Merkins x20 OYO


    LBC’s x30 OYO

    Heel Touches x30 IC


    Bonnie Blairs x20 OYO

    Jump Squats x30 OYO


    Wide Merkins x20 OYO

    Diamond Merkins x10 OYO


    Plank Punches x15 IC

    Plank Jack Merkins — 10 plank. jacks in cadence followed by 10 Merkins OYO

    Burpees x10 OYO

    Merkins x20 OYO

    Q now changed the routine, beginning with a 2 lap Indian Run, and returning to the flag

    Attacking and Retreating Bear Crawls (PAX bear crawls forward toward the flag when Q says “attack”, PAX bear crawls in reverse when Q says “retreat”)

    Two Foot Lateral Bound x20 OYO

    Attacking and Retreating Bear Crawls (PAX bear crawls forward toward the flag when Q says “attack”, PAX bear crawls in reverse when Q says “retreat”)

    Mosey to Dominos parking lot, finishing with one minute and thirty seconds of Mary. This consisted of box cutters in cadence, and heels to heaven.


    On Thanksgiving morning, I received an email from my Gran. She lost her spouse (my grandpa) in recent years. My Gran has had a hard time with it, and has prayed a lot. She talks about how she wishes he would show up in her dreams and wonders why he hasn’t. Well, it happened the night before Thanksgiving, and that’s what her email was about. They were in some sort of terminal, she couldn’t recall whether it was a train station or an airport. When they saw each other they ran toward and embraced. She talked about details like being able to smell his aftershave and feeling his hug. My Grandpa had badly arthritic shoulders toward the end of his days, but in her dream he was his younger self and could wrap her up. I am so thankful that My Gran shared this with me on Thanksgiving for several reasons. Mainly because she was so happy… because the dream brought her joy and not sadness… but also because it reminded me to appreciate the small things about the ones we love. The holidays can be a stressful time with travel and all the hustle bustle… I feel like the email from my Gran made me slow down this Thanksgiving and heightened my awareness in cherishing the small things about my family and friends. We never know how long we have with each other and we need to maximize our experiences together!


    Met a few new guys this morning, and they have some pretty cool names. A few of them had great stories attached to them (ask Uncle Joe or M.I.A. next time you need a good story)


    [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

    Recent Backblasts

      Thanksgiving Eve

      QIC:  Mr. Clean

      Date: 11/25/2020

      PAX: Shawshank, Toe Jelly, WoodRider, Blackout, Coldplay, John Doe, Bonsai, Craw Daddy, Wrecked Em, Abercrombie, Roll Back, and Meow Mix

      AO: Parliament


      Warmish. Suddenly it was in the 50’s. We agreed this was a very 2020 thing. We switched to the 50’s out of nowhere, yet it was so windy it still felt almost in the 30’s.


      SSH x20 IC

      Foward Fold OYO

      Willie Mays Hays x15 IC

      SSH x15 IC

      The Thang

      YHC main goal was to take a beatdown over the river worthwhile to the HIM who showed up for a “visiting Q”. My hope is each Pax got what they paid for this morning.

      4 Corners Escalator 

      10 Burpees / Bear Crawl

      20 Jump Squats / Sprint

      30 Yoga Squats / Bear Crawl

      40 Monkey Humpers / Sprint to Start 

      40 Monkey Humpers / Bear Crawl

      30 Yoga Squats / Sprint

      20 Jump Squats / Bear Crawl

      10 Burpees

      EMOM Upper/Core (3 Burpee EMOM)

      50 Perfect Form Merkins

      100 Leg Raises

      150 Overhead Claps

      200 Flutter Kicks

      2 Lap Indian Run


      For those that don’t know, YHC is a teacher, and this year I’ve been able to combine both passions: teaching Special Education students and social studies.

      One of the first standards is based around Jamestown and the 1st Thanksgiving.

      The 1st Thanksgiving was actually very different than we think. (1) It was originally celebrated in October, (2) they didn’t eat turkey (plenty of venison to go around), (3) OH, and this feast was a Thanks to God for putting the Natives in their lives.

      Thanksgiving was actually the first “Christian” holiday of the new colonies. It was significantly more grounded in Christianity than even Christmas; again, the whole point was to thank God for his blessing of the Native Americans.

      Without the Natives, those of Jamestown would’ve ended up just as those of Roanoke did: gone without a trace.

      However, the Natives taught them to hunt more efficiently, but more importantly, they taught the Pilgrims how to farm. That’s right, the Native Americans, not the Pilgrims, were your original American farmers.

      Where is all this going? Well, on this Thanksgiving Eve, I’m quite certain you’re taking time to recognize aspects of your life in which you’re thankful.

      The time you take to express thankfulness is great. The time the Pilgrims took to express their thankfulness was great; however, I think we all know the eventual future of the Native Americans.

      Rather than be forever thankful, as the colonial population grew, they dropped the attitude of gratitude and took advantage of their Native friends. There is a reason we have “Trail of Tears” signs all throughout this area.

      I challenged each Pax to remain thankful throughout the whole year, and never take advantage of those aspects in which they’re thankful. Embrace them. Love them. Encourage them. Support them.

      Finally, YHC expressed a great deal of gratitude who defeated the fartsack and came out this morning!!


      “Remember guys it’s ok to go to your knees if you can’t do it right.”

      What’s the modification for Burpees

      Pax was fairly quiet.


      Thanksgiving Co-Q (Iron Butt [Respect, Respect] & Skitch) Convergence at Hill City!!

      Recent Backblasts

        50 Shades of Jane Fonda

        QIC:  9 Volt

        Date: 11/24/20

        PAX: Abercrombie, Schnitzel, El Chapo, Deep Dish, Clothespin

        AO: The Battery


        Well hung


        Hobble to the pavilion and take a seat on a table next to one of the harnesses hanging from the rafters.

        By popular request from the PAX the Q played the Spotify “70’s Porn music” playlist (Seriously, they asked for it)

        1. SSF IC X 20 (Side Straddle Flop – Lay on back and move like SSH with arms & legs 3″ off of table)
        2. Baby Arm Circles
        Fwd IC X 15
        Rev IC X 15
        3. Seal Clap
        Fwd IC x 15
        Overhead IC x 15
        4. SSF IC X 20
        5. Seated Forward Fold IC x 10
        6. Ab Vagoda IC x 10
        7. Slow Merkins IC x 10

        The Thang

        The stirrups are tied with a prusik knot so the height can be adjusted
        Set ends at shoulder height from a sitting position
        Exercises are done in 1 minute intervals with 1 minute of rest

        1. 50 Shades of Jane Fonda
        * Feet in loops, lay on back
        RH – Roll to right side and lift body so only right shoulder is touching table. Alternately pull legs up to chest and extend.
        LH – Roll to left side (repeat)

        2. Crab Dips
        * Feet in loops, facing up in backwards plank position
        Raise and lower body in standard “Dip” fashion while spreading legs in crab jack manner

        3. Pickle Pointers (In bondage)
        Enough said, (use your imagination)

        4. Spread Eagle Merkins
        * Feet in loops, facing down in plank position
        Perform merkins using a scissor motion with your legs

        5. Don’t fall off the table (Abercrombie)
        * Feet in loops, facing down in plank position
        Grip table top with hands to hold torso still
        Swing legs far to the side alternating right and left sides

        6. Sled Dogs ( If your not in front the view doesn’t change)
        * Feet in loops, facing down in plank position (Don’t look up)
        Bear crawl forward and backward

        7. Star Gazers
        * Lay on back, Grip lops with hands
        With legs extended, pull body up while spreading loops as far as possible

        8. Dips
        * Hands in loops in typical “Dip” position

        9. Ab Extensions
        * On feet crouched over the loops with one hand in each loop
        Lean forward and extend your upper body away from your feet

        Rinse and repeat


        Words of wisdom

        1. Don’t tug on superman’s cape
        2. Don’t spit into the wind
        3. Don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
        4. Don’t mess around with Jim


        I think Clothespin may have stolen one of the harnesses
        Look out Loretta!

        Recent Backblasts

          Heads or Tails AKA Tough or Tougher….with nickels

          QIC:  Blackout

          Date: 11/23/2020

          PAX: AOL, Oui Oui, Gaylord, FNG – Wario, Seagull, Escobar, Ramrod, Tatonka, Go Blue, Bandwagon, Slim Shady, Uncle Joe, Sousa, Abercrombie, M.I.A., Shawshank, Bernie, Madoff, Coldplay, Woodrider, Mr. May

          AO: Hacksaw


          A brisk 45 degrees with an impressive amount of wind. Felt a lot colder then indicated by the temps due to wind


          Mosey to flagpole with block

          • Forward Fold x10
          • Willie Mayes Hayes x10
          • Arm Circles x15
          • Reverse Arm Circles x15
          • Seal Claps x10
          • Rockin Nightclubs x10
          • SSH x20
          • Third Grade Exercise x10
          • SSH x15

          The Thang

          PAX partnered up into groups of two and everyone grabbed a nickel from the Q to use as the flipping device (no way I am giving these guys quarters!)

          Total beatdown was seven rounds DORA style with partner. Each team flipped a coin before each round and did the Heads exercise or Tails exercise for that round depending on which side the coin landed.

          Round One

          • Heads: 75 Burpees and inside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)
          • Tails: 100 Goblet squats with block and inside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip

          Round Two

          • Heads: 100 Big Boy Sit Ups and outside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)
          • Tails: 75 Squat Presses with block and inside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)

          Round Three

          • Heads: PAX 1 holds plank while PAX 2 runs inside loop lap; Repeat four times total as a pair
          • Tails: 150 Merkins and inside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)

          Round Four

          • Heads: 200 Squats and inside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)
          • Tails: 150 Curls for the Girls and outside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)

          Round Five

          • Heads: 100 Lunges and inside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)
          • Tails: 200 LBCs and inside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)

          Round Six

          • Heads: 75 Triceps Extensions with block and inside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)
          • Tails: 100 Block Step-ups and outside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)

          Round Seven

          • Heads: 150 Imperial Walkers and inside loop lap (One Pax does exercise while other runs and flip)
          • Tails: PAX 1 holds plank while PAX 2 does 10 burpees; Repeat four times total as a pair

          Rinse and Repeat as time permitted

          Did SSH until six was in with two minutes left and then finished with 1:30 of MARY


          • Flutter Kicks x15 in cadence (Tatonka)
          • Freddie Mercuries x10 in cadence (Escobar)


          Talked about the significance of flipping a coin for heads and tails not knowing which exercises you would be doing next. This signifies the unknowns in life that come our way on a daily basis. 2 Corinthians 5:7: For we walk by faith and not by sight.

          During the workout, after each round, we faced the unknown of whether we would land on heads or tails. Each exercise for each round was challenging in its own right but based on our mental or physical status at the time, there was almost certainly one side each PAX was begging the coin to land on during each round. Maybe PAX wanted curls instead of burpees or running instead of planks. This is a symbol of what we face in life. Sometimes we are ready and prepared for what comes our way and other times we have curveballs and we must adjust our mindset to tackle those obstacles. One of the hardest things to balance in life is called the Flux. This is how we react to situations, both good and bad. The larger the flux or range of reactions, the less consistent our mindset and behavior becomes. As Christians, we are called to walk by faith. This means we should strive to reduce that flux so that no matter what comes our way: spiritually, physically or emotionally, our flux, or range of reaction becomes smaller and we become more consistent and less likely to lead towards anger or despair when we don’t get the flip we wanted. We should strive to remain consistent in our faith no matter what challenges or obstacles come our way, good or bad, heads or tails.

          Thanked guys for showing up and showing out. 22 total on a cold, Monday morning before Thanksgiving!


          The PAX got a good laugh out of the fact that they were given nickels to flip instead of quarters. That definitely tied in to jokes about accounting and frugality.

          One group (possibly including Coldplay) verbally begged for tails during one flip. The end result was tails. We requested an audit be performed on the flip.

          During the Name-o-Rama. Bernie and Madoff happened to be standing next to each other. That worked out perfectly. They turned those nickels into one hundred dollar bills, legally I’m sure.

          At the end of the workout, PAX asked if Q wanted the “nickelback” Missed that opportunity for some great music.


          Convergence Thanksgiving at Hill City 6:00 – 7:00. No 2.0s at this workout.

          Collecting Toys for Tots during this convergence and also during all workouts. This will give kids the ability to have toys for Christmas that might otherwise not have anything to open. Let’s do our best to make some kids dreams come true.

          New AO started by Ramrod and Sousa on Thursdays at Heritage Park in East Brainerd. No workout this Thursday but picks back up on 12/3. Go check it out!

          Recent Backblasts

            Next Exercise Is In Cadence, Move Now, Start Please, Don’t Mess With My Mama

            QIC:  Gusher

            Date: 11/23/2020

            PAX: Hambone (Respect), Joanna, Jenny Craig, Prosciutto, Burrito, Recycle

            AO: Convoy


            Seven high impact men embarked promptly in the morn on the mount on Monday to commence an employment of motions to improve within a milieu of manageable and mild mix of wind and amusement. On this one hundred and fifty-seven anniversary of the beginning of The Battle of Chattanooga (a decisive battle of the American Civil Way [or war of northern aggression or war of southern rebellion — depending on which vantage point one enjoys), no mention was made of this battle, save this space here. But discussion did ensue over the nature of the weather and the accuracy of the app that describes the same. One man who evokes the respect of all, earned a double respect by six. For the revered Hambone himself exited the vehicle in which he was chauffeured donning shorts. Not even Ernest Shackleton would venture out in such blistering wind conditions. Speaking of conditions, let us proceed. The temp was 38 degrees, but we’re only interested in the existential number, which had to be something akin to 27.6593 degrees. Wind sauntered in at a fast pace mosey from the north at 10mph. If seven pax are running south at 7.65mph in a 10mph headwind, the gusts take Lee Harvey Oswald type aim directly into the lungs for the nice aerobic burn. Seriously, Hambone (Respect) with his legs exposed faced that wind like a man, and YHC could have sworn he grabbed the wind by its proverbial horn and picked up his pace. He was not to be denied. Legend. In a hundred years it will be said, on November 23, 2020 Hambone braved the flurry and the flurry buckled. It will be more momentous than St. Crispin’s day, and we will tell our grandchildren and they will tell theirs of the legend of the marvel of Convoy. Humidity was 79%, a solid C+, room for improvement, needs to focus and not settle for mediocrity. The Dew Point was 32 degrees, always trying to follow in the shadow of the freeze zone, and lacking the confidence of knowing what its real purpose is in life. UV Index at 0. The UV Index adds no value to the morning, but in many ways, must be commended for its consistency. If one is literally not going to show up, it is better not to show up ever. Fortunately, six of the seven men wore very tight material to prevent freezing and exposure on their legs, save the aforementioned Hambone. But man, the wind. Pro tip for chilblain prevention: Wrap the front portion (toe side) of the feet with plastic wrap prior to placing foot into shoe. This will keep the toes warm while yet providing an environment for breathability. The stars were bright. Orion’s belt illuminated with extra flair. The dude is a cosmic prima donna. It was a good morning.


            YHC needs to review the Q101 resource. Quarantine had a devastating affect on the memory. The Q could not for the life of him remember the right order of warm up commands. In an attempt to warm up, the PAX engaged in some form of Willy Mays Hays, Forward Fold, Some tea time exercise but without the tea, arm circles in the forward direction for an extended period of time, and some SSHs. Warm up was abandoned quickly as there was no count.

            Mid-SizeIHill and a Predictable Tilt-a-Whirl

            There is a big hill behind the school. Sometimes a man needs a hill, but not a big hill. But not a tiny hill. How about a mid-size hill to perform 7s of merkins and squats. A hill that, like a warm bowl of porridge, is just right. Like Lewis and Clark, we found that hill. And unlike Lewis and Clark, we did not need a canoe. Does exploration really need to be that hard? Not rhetorical, answer honestly.
            The Circular Exercise of Four Stations in Four Rounds
            Station 1: Merkins, Squats, SSH; Station 2: Plank Jack, Smurf Jack, LBS; Station 3: Mountain Climbers, Squat Jumps, Flutter Kicks; Station 4: Carolina Dry Dock, Bonnie Blair, BBSU.

            Stations positioned around the track. Round 1: 25 reps; Round 2: 20 reps; Round 3: 15 reps; Round 4: 10 reps. Exercises done in group, mosey to next cone and hold Al Gore or Plank for the six. Proceed.


            This is the beginning of the Thanksgiving Week. The verb and noun form of Thanksgiving occurs 62 times in the New Testament and covers a wide variety of things for which one is to be thankful for. A heart of thanksgiving needs to be cultivated as it is easier to complain or to take things for granted and assume all good things are deserved and all difficult things are unfair. However, we are encouraged to go through life and think through the ways and reasons for which we are thankful. This is one way in which we can cultivate an attitude of gratitude. And let us be thankful throughout the whole year, not just one week when a lot of tryptophan is consumed. After the last five weeks of Covid and quarantine, YHC was extremely thankful for the brothers of F3. It’s about more than exercise. The reality is greater than the thoughts, the thoughts are greater than words, but words are all we have to convey. So thank you, F3.


            Joanna and Jenny Craig are machines in a workout like this. Methodical. And if there is anyone who wants to see perfect form on Al Gore, look no further than Joanna. He holds it with statue like perfection. Michelangelo could not carve a statue of this magnitude. And the added bonus, unlike Michelangelo, all PAX remained fully clothed. Burrito has a need for inner leg massaging. There was discussion as to the credentials of the one to apply said massage. Does it need to be a physician? Is there a number of band members (of the rock genre) where it is just too many? “Hey mom, did you hear my solo?” If not all members of the band can fit on the stage is it too many? Canada has produced some fine singers, Nickelback was not mentioned in the discussion. Crash Test Dummies include poets such as T. S. Eliot in the songs, which raises the issue of the ironic use of “Dummies.” And speaking of ironic, Alanis Morrisette made the list, which is ironic don’t you think? And what is really ironic is the use of ironic, not the actual lyrics of the song. The lyrics tell a story of unfortunate circumstances, not irony. So, to ask, “isn’t it ironic?” to unfortunate circumstances is incorrect, unless one wants to slip some irony past the listeners. Canadians are fantastic northerly neighbors and very sly. The Convoy track is so soft.


            Prayers offered for several family members in need of intercession.

            Recent Backblasts

              Nobody was feeling it!!!

              QIC:  Clothespin

              Date: 11/23/2020

              PAX: Fissure, Threeskin

              AO: Anvil


              Stupid cold breeze


              Third Grade Exercise 15 in cadence
              SSH 20 in cadence
              Willy Mayse Hayse 12 in cadence
              Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 12 in cadence
              Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 12 in cadence
              Abe Vagodas 12 slow in cadence

              The Thang

              I don’t want to
              merkins and lunges blockee in the middle
              Aiken Legs 3 Rounds                     
              Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Jump Overs, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 SSH
              Murder Gorilla Bunny Humpers (on the hill)
              Murder Gorilla Bunny humpers with curled up wonder bra extensions back to the top! (Done as 3 Murder Bunnies 5 Gorilla Humpers with 2 curled up wonder bra extensions)
              Mary (if time left):
              • 1 minute plank
              • 20 LBC
              • 20 flutter Kicks
              • 10 Hello Dollies
              • 20 Heel touches


              There were two guys working for the city. One would dig a hole — he would dig, dig, dig.
              The other would come behind him and fill the hole — fill, fill, fill. These two men worked furiously; one digging a hole, the other filling it up again.
              A man was watching from the sidewalk and couldn’t believe how hard these men were working, but couldn’t understand what they were doing. Finally he had to ask them.
              He said to the hole digger, “I appreciate how hard you work, but what are you doing? You dig a hole and your partner comes behind you and fills it up again!”
              The hole digger replied, “Oh yeah, must look funny, but the guy who plants the trees is sick today.”

              Look at the big picture. It is a week to be thankful. Be mindful of how you use your time. Spend time doing things that matter like spending time with family.


              I was on the struggle bus this morning…. I think we all were…


              Convergence Thursday, Pray for Honduras, Pray for El Chapo! 9Volt on Q at The Battery Tuesday

              Recent Backblasts

                Chattanooga AO’s – We Honor YOU

                QIC:  DNF

                Date: 11/20/2020

                PAX: Sousa, Tatonka, Shawshank, Coldplay, Abercrombie, Blackout, Cavity Search

                AO: Parliament


                It’s going to be much colder in coming weeks. No complaints yet… the 39 degree weather only seemed cold before the opening mosey. You only get cold once, and that ended fast.


                Mosey from parking lot to most well lit lot in front of OHS

                WMH x10 IC

                SSH x20 IC

                Forward Fold x8 IC

                Third Grade x10 IC

                Little Baby Arm Circles x15 IC

                Little Baby Arm Circles Reverse x15 IC

                Overhead Press x15 IC

                The Thang

                Today, we showed up and took a beatdown for our Chattanooga brothers, as a reminder that we are all in it together. At all times. We don’t show up for ourselves, but for the man next to us. Proud of all men who rise for the occasion in the gloom each day. It’s always a date we can count on!

                Pour One Out For Your Homies

                PAX performed exercises for each Chattanooga AO

                BEAST RIDGE – Imperial Walkers x20 IC, Squats x30 OYO

                LIONS DEN – Plank Punches x30 IC, Plank hold until recover

                CONVOY – Two Foot Lateral Bound x20 OYO, Squat Jumps x30

                ANVIL – Supermans, 20 Big Bois OYO

                HACKSAW – Burpees x10 OYO, Merkins x30 OYO

                DETENTION – Plank Jacks x30 IC, Carolina Dry Docks x20 OYO

                SHOT HOUSE – Forward Lunges x20 OYO, Reverse Lunges x20 OYO

                PARLIAMENT – Sprint across parking lot and Sprint back

                THE HUEY – Flutter kicks x25 IC, Twisted Scissors x25 IC

                SMACKDOWN – 6 inches until recover, LBC’s x40 OYO

                BONEYARD – Hello Dolly’s x30 IC, Leg Raises x20 OYO

                BATTERY – Monkey Humpers x30 OYO, Squat Jumps x30 OYO

                HILL CITY – Mountain Climbers x40 OYO, High Knees until recover

                BATTLEFIELD – Alternating Bear Crawl. PAX bear crawls forward when Q says “attack”, PAX bear crawls in reverse when Q says “retreat”

                LANDFILL – 30 Wide Merkins OYO, 10 Diamond Merkins OYO

                RIDGECUT – Alternating High Plank/Low Plank (positions change as Q says “switch”), 20 Peter Parkers OYO

                LEGACY – our group had 5 minutes remaining, and Sousa was present. Although this AO is unofficial until 12/24, I called on our man Sousa to choose the last two exercises while I counted the cadence. Aquamans x30 IC, Crab Cakes x20 OYO

                For our final one minute and thirty seconds, we got on our six and finished with the Twisted Scissors until time


                We show up for the man next to us. Because iron sharpens iron. F3 is bigger than any individual. All teams are bigger than any one player, as all beatdowns are bigger than any one HIM, as God is bigger than his body of followers. Simply, we used our beatdown today to remind us of this.


                Crab Cakes are something to get used to… I need more practice, and form is key. The Battery’s first exercise today was the Monkey Humper…. because that’s Clothespin’s main jam… and because Abercrombie is proud of this.


                There are always announcements… and they are ALL important. Always. The one that I want to promote the most from this session is Toys for Tots. It’s a heartbreaker to think that any child would receive no toy on Christmas from Santa Claus. Let’s make a DIFFERENCE on this…. please donate some toys if you can!! WE CAN!!

                Recent Backblasts

                  DUCT-tales Woo-oo!

                  QIC:  Fissure

                  Date: 11/19/2020

                  PAX: Geek Squad, Ducktales, Ground Rod, U-Turn, Iron Butt (Respect Respect)

                  AO: The Huey


                  Mid 30s and clear. Was it cold enough for leggings? Duck isn’t a leggings guy but U-Turn isn’t scared of no leggings.


                  Mosey around the track and over the bridge to the back lot
                  SSH, Fwd fold, SSH, iraqi tea time, SSH, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Manly teapots, SSH
                  Sprint the lot 25% speed, then 50%, then 75%, walk across lot, 100%

                  The Thang

                  Slow n low squats IC x 40, mosey across the lot and back
                  SnL IC x 30, across and back twice
                  SnL IC x 20, across and back thrice staying together
                  SnL IC x 20, across and back four times staying together

                  wall sits x 40 IC, walk across lot and back
                  x 30 IC, walk across lot and back
                  x 20 IC, 10 count
                  x 10 nice and slow IC (cuss words abound)

                  Lunge parking lot
                  Sprint the lot 25% speed, then 50%, then 75%, walk across lot, 100%

                  Mosey back to the flag


                  Flutterkicks, box cutters, heel touches, big bois


                  Now is the time it gets tough to get out of bed and exercise with your friends. It’s cold. I had it easy today as the Q; too much pressure on the Q to no show for his pals. Proper kudos to Geek Squad, Iron Butt, Ducktales, U-Turn and Ground Rod for doing the hard thing this morning. Pats on the back all around.


                  Ducktales might’ve been struggling with allergies today. He told us he had tears running down his face. I said maybe we should rename him DUCTtales. Funniest joke ever. Nobody laughed.


                  Chubby’s needs warm blankets. See Red Tees or John Doe.

                  Toys for Tots toy collection going on. Bring toys to workouts and they’ll find their way to Hambone.

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Groundhog Day and Comfort Zones

                    QIC:  Natty Light

                    Date: 10/26/2020

                    PAX: WreckedEm, Slim Shady, Recycle, Hambone, Burrito, BumbleBee, Joanna, Red Raider, Holy Kiss, Bobo, Snow Patrol, Pediasure, 

                    AO: Convoy


                    Overcast, calm, mild, gloom


                    Side straddle hops, little baby arm circles, reverse little baby arm circles, forward fold, imperial walkers, Willis Mays Hayes, side straddle hops

                    The Thang

                    Groundhog Day – Bonus Edition!
                    Mosey from the parking lot to the track. Beginning at the 110m start, bear crawl to first hurdle then do 10 merkins. Next, Bernie to next hurdle then do 10 squats. Then mosey to next hurdle and do 10 big boy sit-ups. Finally, lunge to the last hurdle and do 10 burpees. Run the remainder of the lap and repeat the process over again until time is called.


                    The importance of breaking out of your comfort zone. In addition to breaking out of your comfort zones physically, it’s equally as important to do so socially. For me, speaking in front of a group of people that I barely know is well outside of my comfort zone. A good reminder of something that I read in Jordan Peterson’s book 12 Rules for Life about living a full filled life on the border between order and chaos.


                    Thanks to Slim Shady and WreckedEm for making the trek from Ooltewah/East Brainerd area for my (2nd) VQ since I fartsacked my first VQ.


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