Counter Clockwise

Location: Shothouse
Date: 11/04/2020

This being my first Q (or VQ) I didn’t want to mess it up. I worked to setup 4 stations to do up workouts and rotate between stations. But I setup the numbered stations in order of counter clockwise. Little did I know, when I told the team to move clockwise, people almost collided. No harm no foul! But it makes for a good name for a workout. See below and I hope you enjoy.

Warm up
5 burpees (on your own)
20 side straddle hops
10 little baby arm circles (forward and back)
20 shoulder press
Forward fold
Willy Mays Hayes
3rd grade exercise
Runners stretch
10 side straddle hops
5 burpees

4 groups – stay together as a group.
Finish all 4 exercises before moving on.
Rotate clockwise. (WRONG WAY!!!)
Don’t start moving to the next station until the other group
in front of you starts moving.
Hold Al Gore while waiting for teammates or other groups
Leave your blocks at the station you start at.
At station #1, please setup 2 blocks to do incline pushups

Station 1
Curls x 20
Shoulder press x 20
Calf raises x 20
Incline Merkins (use two coupons) x 20
Lunges to next station

Station 2
Tricep extensions x 20
Bent-over Rows x 20
Mountain climbers x 20 (hard count)
LBCs x 20
Bear crawl to next station

Station 3
Curls x 20
Shoulder taps x 20 (hard count)
Merkins x 20
Monkey humpers x 20
Broad jumps to next station

Station 4
Tricep extensions x 20
Squats (with coupon) x 20
Plank Jacks x 20
Flutter kicks x 20 (hard count)
Karaoke to next station

COT Message – 2 Gs

In life, we tend to focus on the first G which is what I “Get”. Getting is focused on our basic needs like water, food, shelter, safety, health, etc…. It is easy to fall into a self focused nature. It is human instinct to do that. To a degree we need to Get things to survive. But we shouldn’t focus all our time, thoughts, and energy on this G.

The more rewarding G is to “Give”. Giving takes the focus off of us and focuses it on something or someone else. It is in those instances when we forget our troubles, or our hard spots and it helps us to do to others that may need more than we need for ourselves. Giving is more rewarding in the end. Even if you don’t et anything of value in return. But you must not do it for the reward itself. If you do that, you will never fully benefit from Giving.

Leading this Q is my way of Giving back to F3. Giving back to the men who have lead me in a Q for many months now. I hope this inspires you to focus more on Giving!

Slois Lane

Frosty Huey 11/3

QIC:  NordicTrack

Date: 11/03/2020

PAX: Roomba, Hasbro, Postman, Excel, Dundee, Slois Layne, Blue, Cleaver, U-turn, Doogie, Ducktales

AO: The Huey


Cold at 34. Concrete bleachers were slick from frost.


We will jog around the track and do some various stretches.

The Thang

Set 1

As a group, we will line up at one end of the parking lot. Do an exercise, then bernie to the other side and jail break back. Hold plank for the six, then 10 merkins.
50 Toe Merkins

25 Mountain Climbers (count each left)

50 Squats

25 Leg lifts

50 BBS

Set 2

Mosey to the Picnic tables

Partner up

P1 does 10 burpees, P2 does a rotation of 25 Gorilla Humpers, 25 Merkins, and 25 BBS to 100 burpees combined

Wrap up

Indigenous People run one lap, then back to picnic tables.

Circle Merkins to 5, then circle leg lifts to time.


Today is election day. There are a lot of strong opinions on either side of the fence. I would encourage everyone to remember why our country is great. There is a lot of lobbying to lead one to believe disaster will strike if the other party gets elected. At the end of the day, no one wants to see our country destroyed. No one wants to leave a disaster for our children and grand children to clean up. Instead of focusing on what divides us, focus on what unites us. The rest will sort itself out.


Had to modify because of the frost. Did not expect it on concrete bleachers.


Networking event on Thursday. Beer run later in November.

Recent Backblasts

    Blocks with Friends

    QIC:  Gretel

    Date: 11/02/2020

    PAX: Blue, Cleaver, Dundee, Friar Tuck, Heisenberg, Mr. Clean, NordicTrack, Snatch, Wet Spot

    AO: Detention


    Clear and cold…30-36 depending on whose vehicle you believed…slight breeze


    SSH – 20 IC

    WMH – 10 IC

    Mt. Climbers – 10 IC

    FF – 10 IC

    SSH – 20 IC

    The Thang

    Mosey/mall walk with coupons to bottom of hill near track and get a partner

    1 PAX carries both his and partner’s coupon to top of hill and back down while his partner does burpees, flapjack like this until pair has 100 burpees total

    Mosey/mall walk to picnic pavilion, get with a different partner this time

    1 PAX completes 10 squats with both coupons while his partner does AMRAP pullups on railing, flapjack like this until pair has 200 pullups total

    Mosey/mall walk to track bleachers, again find a different partner

    1 PAX completes 50-60′ walking lunge circuit with both coupons while his partner does AMRAP flutter kicks, flapjack like this until pair has 300 double count flutter kicks total

    Return to flag


    Recently I had prayers answered for increase in my work with a new job offer. I will be transitioning from a part time contractor in a field I’m less than thrilled about to a full time job in place that I love. For several months now this has become a stress on my family and we are happy for this opportunity. I could have let this situation get me down but through it all I tried to consistently set myself for success with everything else I was doing. I encourage all PAX to keep this positive mental attitude during times of struggle. To me, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to walk around with a smile on your face all the time, but take care of your business with the mindset that what you are doing is setting yourself up for a positive outcome.


    More coupons = more fun!

    “When the mumble chatter changes to hatred for the Q, thats when you know you’re doing the right thing” – Gretel


    Networking event Thursday November 5th 11:30AM – 1:00 PM, see the Slack channel #networking

    Marine Corps Birthday beatdown @ Smackdown November 10th

    Veteran’s Day beatdown @ Lion’s Den November 11th

    Beer Run November 14th, see the Slack channel #beer-run

    Recent Backblasts

      Get to know your Q: Tatonka Edition

      QIC:  Tatonka

      Date: 11/2/2020

      PAX: Bandwagon, Oui Oui, Slim Shady, Escobar, Picabo, Blackout, Bernie, Woodrider, Shawshank, 

      AO: Hacksaw


      A brisk chill in the air of 36 degrees with the grass slightly damp from morning dew.


      Mosey with block to grass near big flag

      SSH x 10 IC

      WMH x 10 IC

      Forward Fold x 10 IC

      Left Over Right x 10 IC

      Right Over Left x 10 IC

      Forward LBAC x 10 IC

      Backward LBAC x 10 IC

      Seal Claps x 10 IC

      The Thang

      Today is my birthday so I thought I would allow the PAX to learn a bit more about me through an educational exercise routine

      Tatonka Fact #1: Tatonka is a Financial Advisor

      1. Bear Market – Decline Merkins x 8
      2. Bull Market – Incline Merkins x 8
      3. Small Dips in the Market – Dips on block x 8
      4. Big swings in the market – Kettle bell swings with block x 8

      Tatonka Fact #2: Tatonka likes zombie movies

      Zombie Survival Training Plan

      1. Find a safe room. Your buddies might be in there ready to shoot anything that comes through the door so drop to the ground quickly upon entering – Burpees x 8
      2. Barricade the door with heavy furniture – Mountain climbers x 8
      3. Get to the roof. Push your buddy up so he can pull you up – Block thrusters x 8
      4. Try to wave down help while on the roof – SSH x 8
      5. If that doesn’t work, run for it – High Knees to recover
      6. Crawl under the fence and push your supplies through ahead of you – Hip extensions x 8 each leg
      7. When all else fails, SHOOT THEM (don’t forget to double tap – Double shoulder taps x 8 IC

      Tatonka Fact #3: Tatonka likes woodworking

      1. Plank x 2 minutes
      2. Table saw x 10 each leg (From crab walk position, touch hand to opposite foot while keeping butt off the ground)
      3. American Hammer with block x 10
      4. Drill and Drive with block x 10 ( With arms bent and block vertical at eye level, rotate block 90 degrees and back, then thrust straight out in front of you.)

      Tatonka Fact #4: Tatonka used to play competitive paintball

      1. Off the break x 10 each side (hold block at 45 degree angle to side of body near feet and swing up and across body – this mimics coming off the start station and getting your barrel up)
      2. Snap Shooting x 10 each side (hold block straight up at eye level and lean to side while keeping feet stationary – this mimics snap shooting from behind a bunker)
      3. Wipe a hit x 10 each way (Same as Snap Shooting but pivot with arms instead of at hips, similar to a windshield wiper motion with your arms)
      4. One-for-One x 1 each arm – (Single arm block thruster, this mimics the penalty motion a referee would use to indicate a one-for-one penalty has occurred)

      Tatonka Fact #5: Tatonka likes craft beer and whisky

      1. Block curls x 8
      2. Burpees x 8
      3. Down the hatch x 8 (start with elbows at 90 degrees, thrust block straight out like you are giving someone cheers, bring block back to body, then curl)
      4. Freddie Mercuries x 8 (with enough in his system, Tatonka thinks he can move, sing, and dance like Freddie Mercury)

      Tatonka Fact #6: Tatonka ran the Steeplechase in college

      PAX form a circle with blocks on their side in front of them. Everyone begins doing high knees. Q hurdles block and drops down to begin doing flutter kicks. Next PAX in line hurdles block and begins doing flutter kicks. This continues until last PAX in circle is doing flutter kicks. Then, Q will hop up, hurdle block and do high knees. Next PAX in line follows suit until all PAX are doing high knees. This exercise mimics the 3000m Steeplechase event in track which involves, running, hurdles, and a water pit.

      Tatonka Fact #7: Tatonka likes the movie Top Gun

      Q began playing the song Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins. PAX performed SSH for entire 3:36 of song and performed a single squat every time the line “Danger Zone” was sung.

      Tatonka Fact #8: Tatonka likes card games and board games

      Q shuffled a deck of cards and flipped over a card. Each suit corresponded to a certain exercise. The value of the card indicated how many IC reps the PAX were to perform of that exercise. J= 11, Q = 12, K = 13, A = 14.

      Spades = Squats

      Hearts = Hips (Pickle Pointers)

      Clubs = Crunches

      Diamonds = Dive Bombers

      PAX worked through cards until time was called.


      I shared that I am not a very political person but I do understand the importance of casting a vote. Election Day is tomorrow and I stressed the importance of casting a vote, even if you don’t care for either party running. Living in a democracy that allows us to have a say in who we want to represent and lead our country is a privilege that many in the world do not share. The military memorials behind us during our workout and the giant American flag should act as a reminder of what many have given in order for us to have the privilege today. I also shared that some of my close neighbors grew up in communist Romania. They have shared stories with me that truly paint a picture of the many things a lot of us (myself included) take for granted each and every day.

      We concluded with prayer.


      • In typical fashion, Picabo HC’d to the workout at 5:28 AM the morning of. He also forgot a block and scavenged a random chunk of concrete somewhere between his car and the flag pole.
      • We all now know how to break into Slim Shady’s truck
      • Group consensus is that the blonde instructor from Top Gun is no longer kind on the eyes
      • PAX are quick to determine who they would sacrifice if a real zombie apocalypse occurred
      • Patriotic Pickle Pointers looking up at a giant flag are the best kind of Pickle Pointers.
      • Picabo has been gifted a block


      Beer run at Abercrombie’s farm is coming up soon. Check the slack channel for information.

      Networking event is coming up soon. Check slack for details.

      Recent Backblasts


        QIC:  Prosciutto

        Date: 11/02/2020

        PAX: Abercrombie, Cold Play, Early Bird, John Doe, Lanyard, Limp Lips, Mayhem (Respect), Oil Can, Pebbles, Sidekick, Sunscreen, White Glove

        AO: Beast Ridge


        Disclaimer was accidentally long and drawn out. John Doe helped me to remember the part about modification (of course he did).

        While I’ll never amount to anything more than 2nd-best conditions expert to F3 Chattanooga’s Gusher, I too can be informational with regard to setting the stage for the audience.

        It was 36 degrees by the measurement device, although generally speaking, it “felt like 34”.

        Clear skies, no dew as the dew point was well below where it would be sensible (23) for November 2nd.

        Humidity at 47% which is right in line with what ENT’s would suggest is “perfect” with regard to upper respiratory issues/illnesses. Not too humid, not too dry; just right.

        Wind carrying due south at a 10mph (8.6897 knots; converted) clip.

        The moon phase of a waning gibbous was like a still-lit lamp at midnight giving enough but not overbearing light.

        Sadly, the scales were tipped in favor of the far-sighted with a visibility at 10 miles; us near-sighted homo-sapiens were hindered in the glory of a 10-mile window of clarity without corrective lens.

        An upward barometric pressure of 30.49 in made life on Earth feel remarkably pleasant and pressurized. Thanks to the creator for doing that because otherwise, we’d be dodging hot gas flames and great balls of fire from the solar system. (Quick side disclaim: I actually know the least amount of information about atmospheric pressure than any other thing in this world, so you can count on the things I just said to be only somewhat true, at-best).

        The UV index boasting a 2 of 10 as the light never once crept in. This is good because I didn’t see anyone apply a pre-beatdown sweat-resistant sunblocker. Sunscreen seemed to enjoy the ‘2’ on the scale – but that speaks for itself.

        No FNGs.


        SSH x 15 IC
        High Knees x 10 IC
        Willy Mays Hays
        Cotton Pi… Third Grade Exercises
        Maybe something else

        The Thang

        Warming up was fine, but we didn’t actually feel warm afterward, so we needed to stretch our legs and actually feel warm. The warm-up needs a better name if you never actually feel warm; oh, “COP” works.
        Merkin Mile with EMOM Burpee Dan’s
        Run a mile, at every 1/4 mile perform 25 Merkins.
        At every 1 minute interval during the run, perform 1 Burpee Dan (1 burpee : 4 lunges – easy way)

        Mosey over to the field concrete steps
        Stadium Step Suicides
        Box Jump a step, return to start and perform an exercise until you’ve box jumped each step incrementally.
        Round 1: Box Jumps / Squats (10)
        Round 2: Box Jumps / Lunges (10) easy-way
        Round 3: Audibled out

        Mosey to swingset / playground
        Pull-Ups / BBSUs

        At completion, perform 10-4x4s

        Mosey back to startex
        Jail Break / Bear Crawl / Jail Break



        Danny Akin wrote, “Christian character is not FORGED in the moment of adversity, it is REVEALED in the moment of adversity”

        I’m grateful to have recently heard Laces Out teach from the book of Daniel, specifically chapter 6 – the teaching of Daniel in the Lion’s Den.

        There are many themes in the story, but one in particular I felt was a great lesson on employing high character and remaining faithful.

        During the story and that period of time – jealousy and envy were rampant for the regional high priests and “administrators” overseeing each of the 120 regions the King broke his empire into. These administrators found Daniel to be in high favor with King Darius through his responsible nature, consistency and faith. Fueled by their jealousy and hatred of Daniel, his enemies and fellow-high priests/administrators trick the king into issuing an edict forbidding worship of any other god or man for a 30-day period as they knew how faithful Daniel was to the God of Israel.

        Despite this, Daniel continues to pray daily (3x / day) and is cited for disobeying the law and must then be tossed into the den of lions.

        As the story goes on, Daniel is saved by his faith, despite every effort of his contemporaries to force judgement upon him.

        The men (and their King) were of very low moral standing and character. They showed inconsistency in their behavior, served themselves instead of others and then presented incredulous and unacceptable behavior on account of their jealousy. These are not qualities of high-character [Christian] people. These poor qualities are created and then revealed in difficult times.

        Despite the circumstances, conversely, Daniel continued to do what he felt and knew was right. He did not change who he was, he held steadfast in his faith and continued to pray through uncertainty of the times and the situation in the den of lions as he had always done. A great example of his character and how it was second-nature for him to turn to God for guidance and help. This was not a coincidence, but rather character being revealed during the course of events that had been hardened and tested and solidified long before.


        Ask John Doe what a bottle of Bed Head looks like. It might surprise you that he knows, but moreso why he knows.

        Beast Ridge was tied for fourth1 AO in the region. There – we’ve set the record straight. I think

        Sidekick’s progressive left-natured awareness allowed us all to move on from cotton pickers. It happened at Beast Ridge.

        When I make a movie, Oil Can is going to narrate it – Aussie accents are awesome.

        1 Dreadmill, Landfill, Hill City, Beast Ridge/The Griff (RIP)


        Networking event upcoming, Beer Run upcoming, F3 Chattanooga 4 year anniversary upcoming. Stay tuned for all!

        Recent Backblasts

          The Warped Wagon Wheel

          QIC:  Abercrombie

          Date: 10/31/2020

          PAX: Premier (F3 Birmingham), Clothespin, Deep Dish, Three Skin, Coldplay, Mrs Baker, 9Volt, Wuzntme

          AO: The Battery


          Nice crisp 39 degrees, but it didn’t take long for a laundry pile to accumulate in the wagon wheel hub.


          Mosey around the dog park and up to the pool parking lot.   Conducted the following in cadence along the way.


          Forward Fold

          LB arm circles

          4 count Merkins


          The Thang

          Grab a coupon and rotate through 8 exercise stations for the remainder of the hour.  I called this the warped wagon wheel.  After each exercise, go to the wheel hub and complete 10 slow and low squats.

          3 murder bunnies up and down the grassy bank

          10 Man Makers (Blockies)

          20 Thrusters

          30 Alpos

          40 Curls

          50 Merkins

          60 SSH

          70 LBCs

          Conducted two minutes of Mary because Motley Crue “Kick Start My Heart” ended two minutes before time was up and it just seemed right. 

          Flutter Kicks – Coldplay

          10 count making fun of Abercrombie – Deep Dish (getting to be a habit, ahem)

          Big Boy Sit-ups – Clothespin


          One of my greatest passions in life is racing dirt bikes.  This past weekend I completed a race and felt like my performance did not meet expectations.  After dwelling on it all week, I decided that the issue was not speed, it was fitness.  How could that be?    I have only missed one beatdown in the last four weeks and that was just because I didn’t like the Q (WreckedEm)  Just kidding, Iove you WreckedEm!  Ok, seriously, so what’s the problem?   At the beginning of every beatdown the Q will say the words “push yourself”.  I concluded that I have been cheating my self and not pushing myself.  I shared this prior to The Warped Wagon Wheel and challenged everyone to push extra hard this morning.  I can guarantee you that no one cheated themselves today, I was blown away by how hard everyone worked!  Super proud of the PAX!

          The second part of my COT, after the name-o-rama, was short and sweet.  I just basically said “Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior”.  That’s it.  It’s been a long time since I have publicly said those words and I appreciate the group allowing me an opportunity to do so.    


          Murder bunnies are more difficult than I remembered.

          When you Q a rotating routine, make sure to tell the PAX which direction they need to go.

          The shuffle on my playlist sure does like Bon Jovi.

          This is my first backblast. Hopefully I didn’t mess it up too bad. I get a message “This video is private” when when trying to watch the the tutorial.

          Recent Backblasts

            Let it Rain

            QIC: Hey Buddy

            Date: 10/28/2020

            PAX: WoodRider, Abercrombie, Blackout, Threeskin, John Doe, Crawdaddy

            AO: Parliament


            Great temperature with a 100% chance of let’s get better


            Mosey from parking lot to the track the long way because the two closest gates were shut… but that’s okay because we needed more time to process why we voluntarily got up at 4:30 this morning to participate in vigorous intensity exercise.

            – Little baby arm circles (forward and reverse)

            -Raise the roof

            -willie mays hays

            -little baby leg circles

            -side straddle hops

            The Thang

            -Sprint 25 yards – 15 burpees (jog back and hold plank until 6 is in)

            -Sprint 50 yards- 20 merkins “”

            -Sprint 75 yards – 25 squats “”

            -Sprint 100 yards – 30 mountain climbers (hard count) “”

            Ab exercises were completed in between rounds:

            -American Hammers

            -sit up & toe touch

            – oblique crunches

            -6 inches

            -Freddie Mercuries

            This format was repeated twice

            After the sprints and ab exercises, we completed an Indian run for one lap. Person in the back of the line dropped to do 3 burpees and then sprinted to the front. After this, we did a bear crawl Indian run along the straight length of the track.

            Mosey to the parking lot


            Proverbs 12:1

            “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but one who hates correction is stupid”.

            Receiving discipline or correction from God’s word or other people is a tough pill to swallow sometimes. It’s our nature to desire perfection because we long for the One who is perfect. However, in this world we are going to experience setbacks. We are going to make mistakes. Instead of rejecting discipline, we should readily receive it and grow from it.

            “And one day at Band Camp….”(Introducing the Sousa!)

            QIC:  Sousa

            Date: 10/28/2020

            PAX: Mayhem, Escobar, Bonsai, El Chapo, and Slim Shady.

            AO: Hacksaw


            Started out fairly mild and then the Great Heavens opened up and blessed us with a blanket of rain.


            With block: Mosie to flagpole

            10 Don Quixote’s

            10 pushups slow count in cadence

            10 jungle boy jumps OYO

            20 Side Straddle Hops in cadence

            World’s greatest stretch- 10 count both sides

            20 Side Straddle hops in cadence

            Third grade exercise- 15 count Forward fold slow count- 10 count

            The Thang

            As many times as there is time

            With block: Brisk Walk to pickle ball courts with block on our backs

            5 stations:

            Station 1: 10 Burpees

            Station 2: Carry Block and do 20 Sousa’s*

            Station 3: 30 Sousa Lunges (15 each leg)

            Station 4: 40 Lil Baby crunches

            Station 5: 50 Toe Merkins with block

            Rinse and Repeat

            *Definition of a Sousa: Start with feet squatting length apart with block hanging vertical, pull block up to eye level and rotate wrists back imitating a horns up movement in a marching band, perform squat, rotate wrists back down so block is vertical and at eye level, and drop block back down to hanging between legs for one rep. This was inspired from my name of Sousa which I was given as I marched in High School and College and met my M in it in College. “And one day at band camp…”


            I encouraged these fine HIIM to set goals in life and do everything they could to achieve them. I told them they should write them down, and set smaller goals or objectives to reach them. I also shared that if we take care of the small things in life, the big things will take care of themselves. It doesn’t matter what walk of life we are in, or what our social status, age, or physical fitness level is. We all dream, and setting goals and objectives to achieve our dreams is what turns dreams into a reality. It doesn’t have to be big goals, it can be as little as reading ten pages of a book per day and increasing every month until you can read multiple books in a month.


            Called a bit of an audible as I had originally planned to run the Thang on the pickle ball courts, but Mayhem suggested we may damage the surface with our block party. It was a good call and we ran the Thang in the neighboring parking lot.


            F3 beer run is coming up, check out the beer run channel for more news there.

            3rd-F is in full swing and in need of volunteers, remember it only takes one person being helped to start making a difference in the community.

            You Only Get Wet…For 45 Minutes

            QIC:  Fissure

            Date: 10/28/2020

            PAX: Purple Rain, Sunscreen, Lanyard, Swingset

            AO: RidgeCut


            Mild and raining


            SSH w/leg kicks x 20 (these need a name) IC
            High knees x 10 IC
            Wide high knees x 10 IC
            FWD fold x 10 IC
            Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
            SSH w/leg kicks x 20 IC
            Tea pots x 10 IC

            The Thang

            Mosey over to the middle parking lot along Belvoir Avenue

            Slow n Low squats x 40 IC
            Mosey back up to the Crossroads entrance and back
            Slow n Low squats x 30 IC
            Mosey and back twice
            Slow n Low squats x 20 IC
            Mosey and back thrice
            Slow n Low Squats x 10 IC
            Mosey and back four times staying together as a group this time

            Lunges x 40 IC
            Mosey back up to the Crossroads entrance and back
            Lunges x 30 IC
            Mosey up and back twice
            Walk back as a group


            The 3rd F was on full display last night as Whittler encouraged everyone to consider giving blood after the Meigs County school bus crash. There was a critical need and multiple guys answered the call including Coldplay waiting four hours!


            This morning on slack Sunscreen asked what happens at RidgeCut on rainy days. He found out you only get wet once over and over for 45 minutes.

            Lanyard hopes for a little more fun on Friday for the special Halloween workout hosted by Swingset.


            F3 Dads at Landfill this Saturday 10/31

            Recent Backblasts

              Legs Gone in 60 seconds

              QIC:  Ducktales

              Date: 10/24/2020

              PAX: Roomba, Geek Squad, Milkman, Hasbro, Cleaver, Blue, Slois Lane, Doogie, Dundee, NordicTrack, U-Turn, Postman

              AO: Huey


              Shirtless weather


              Mosey to backlot, music was not started yet and Geek Squad thought he may just be carrying a speaker with no tunes all morning.

              The Thang

              Leg day HIIT (Gone in 60 second theme guys)


              60 seconds regular squats

              30 seconds jump squats

              30 seconds rest

              60 seconds left leg forward lunges

              30 seconds jump squats

              30 seconds rest

              60 seconds right leg forward lunges

              30 seconds jump squats

              30 seconds rest

              30 seconds jump squats

              30 seconds rest

              60 seconds sumo squats

              30 seconds jump squats

              30 seconds rest

              60 seconds wall sit

              30 seconds jump squats

              30 seconds rest

              60 seconds plank

              Part 2 kill your Calves

              50 seconds calf raises, then 10 seconds rest

              40 seconds of each calf raises, then 10 seconds rest

              30 seconds of each calf raises, then 10 seconds rest

              20 seconds of each calf raises, and then 10 seconds rest

              Added per Blue’s request holds IC, single leg alternating.

              Mosey to back lot 60 second box jumps

              Mosey to back lot for part 3


              10 squats mosey to other end of lot

              1 burpee, etc

              Mosey to basketball quart for ring of mericans

              Mosey back to flags for pretzels IC to close out.


              Borrowed from Louisville Growruck cadre Dredd- “You can do anything for 60 seconds.” No matter how hard it is.


              I’m a fan of the F3 podcast check out this recap of Growruck Chat was unable to represent in Louisville this year due to Covid aaand injuries. Sooo I. The words to live by keep accelerating, keep training. Here is the recap from louisville sounded fun and the F3 Chattanooga clown cars are in the making.

              … . IMDB Nicolas Cage

              And the best thing I did not know about him Where’s my Oscar?

              Pro- left those different font sizes JUST for you bro.


              U-Turn Huey Q Thursday

              Beer run soon!

              Slois VQ next week at shothouse

              Recent Backblasts