Rifle Carry Doras

QIC:  NordicTrack

Date: 10/12/2020

PAX: Dundee, Cleaver, Snatch, Roomba, Gretel

AO: Detention


Warm @ 70 deg. Very humid and wet.


Laps around the park. Stop at each corner and do an exercise (or 2).


Forward Fold


LB Arm Circles



Pull ups

Various Stretches

The Thang

Can be done in groups of 3 or 4. Pax (A and B) on each end will do an exercise that is counted cumulative with the group. Pax C (and D) will Rifle Carry between A and B. They will hand off count and resume the exercise they were doing.
Rifle Doras
Group A

Curls – 300

Overhead Press – 300

Arm Extension – 300

Bent over row – 300


Group B

Squats (with coupon) – 300

Hammers (with coupon) – 300

Toe Merkins (with coupon) – 300

BBS – 300


Henry Kissinger while Secretary of State under Richard Nixon.

One day, his chief of staff once handed in a report he had written on an aspect of foreign policy. When Kissinger received the report, he asked simply, “Is this your best work?” The chief thought for a moment and, worried that his boss would think the report was not good enough, responded, “Mr. Kissinger, I think I can do better.” So Kissinger gave the report back. Two weeks later the chief turned in the revised report. Kissinger kept it for a week and then sent it back with a note that said, “Are you sure this is your best work?” Realizing that something must have been missing, the chief once again rewrote the report. This time when he handed the report to his boss, he said “Mr. Kissinger, this is my best work.” Hearing that, Kissinger replied, “Then this time I will read your report.”

Some thoughts to consider: If you are not doing your “best work.” The question to ask yourself is why? Do you have value for what you are doing? If it is not worth doing well, is it worth doing?

Recent Backblasts

    Tackling those uncomfortable Burpees

    QIC: Oil Can

    Date: 10/10/2020

    PAX: Back Pew, Fly By, Pink Panther, White Glove, Back Fire, FNG – Off Season, Slick Willie, Natty Lite, Bandwagon

    AO: The Landfill


    Fairly cool, some intermittent light drizzle falling and the grass was quite wet.


    SSH x10, Forward Fold, WMH x10, Windmills x10, Seal Claps x10, Big Arm Circles & Reverse x10, Rockin’ Night Club x10 – All done IC

    The Thang

    Mosey down to the lower pavilion, circle up & hold plank for 1 minute

    Working your way back to the upper pavilion, bear crawl, mosey or bernie to every second light post. Alternate doing 10 burpees, 10 LBCs & 10 squat jumps at each light post until you reach the upper pavilion.

    Dora #1
    Partner A: 100x Giving Birth Crunches, 100x Decline Merkins & 100x Step Ups
    Partner B: Mosey to the bottom of the hill & bernie back up. Pick up on whatever rep Partner A is at until 300 reps have been completed by the pair.

    Dora #2
    Partner A: 100x Incline Merkins, 100x Hello Dollies & 100x Squats
    Partner B: Mosey to the bottom of the hill & bear crawl back up. Pick up on whatever rep Partner A is at until 300 reps have been completed by the pair.

    The Big Finish
    Mosey to the bottom of the big hill & split the group in half. Half of the group bernies to the top of the big hill & then does 25x Burpees. The other half does their 25x Burpees at the bottom and then bernie up the hill.

    Walk back to the pavilion for a quick 2MOM (10x Big Bois, 10x Pickle Pointers & 10x Pickle Pounders) for time.


    Spoke about how we tackle uncomfortable things in our lives. Today, we did a number of uncomfortable exercises but all PAX tackled them head-on. I encouraged everyone to do that with uncomfortable tasks/situations in life. Reflect on something uncomfortable you’ve done recently, and how you might have been able to do that better. Tackle your next uncomfortable task/situation head-on, and soak up the benefits of doing so afterwards.


    Was great to see a few new faces out at The Landfill!


    YHC is on Q at Hill City on Tuesday, 10/13. Come join us!

    Recent Backblasts

      Take a deep breath…

      QIC: Xena

      Date: 09/25/2020

      PAX: Money Ball, Roomba, Burrito, She Shed, Oil Can, Care Bear, Prosciutto, Blindside

      AO: Lions Den


      Rainy, cold, and very wet. Great for a good beatdown.


      Side Straddle Hop x20 IC

      Forward Fold OYO

      Slow tempo merkins IC x10

      shoulder taps IC x16

      slow tempo squats IC x15

      IC x15 Big & x15 small circles, Moroccan Night clubs (Complain +15) Shoulder Blasters (HOLD) Repeat?

      The Thang

      Round 1

      Indian Run Around School with Coupon

      When back to start:

      x25 Merkins

      x25 Squats w/Coupon

      x8 Burpees w/Coupon

      Round 2

      Indian Run Around School with Coupon

      When back to start:

      x25 Merkins

      x25 Squats w/Coupon

      x8 Burpees w/Coupon

      Jailbreak to 6th Poll (Stick to right due to cars)

      Jailbreak to 6th poll, jog back, jailbreak to 5th poll, jog back, and so on until jailbreak to 2nd poll jog back and hold Al Gore until 6 is in.


      Great job men, that last bit made us all gasp for air. Right?

      Sometimes life feels like that, sometimes things come all at once and make us feel overwhelmed and gasping for air. 

      I found this bit of information pretty impactful when I heard it…

      Im sure a lot of you are familiar with the Biblical name for God as Yahweh.

      It is an interesting fact that it is the noise any being makes when taking a deep breath…

      Try it…

      Now I hope you all will have this knowledge in the back of your minds as we take each breath. 

      The most important thing when gasping for air is to open up our lungs and take deep breaths.

      Lets all find some comfort in this knowledge and when feeling overwhelmed, lets take a pause and a deep breath, remember that it will be alright, and charge on.


      It being a Friday, rainy and cold. I was surprised at the turnout and appreciated the PAX that turned out. Happy to have found this community of men looking to better and push each other.


      “I saw somewhere that FiA gets to use Yoga Mats…”

      QIC:  Mr. Clean

      Date: 10/08/20

      PAX: Iron Butt (Respect, Respect), Milkman, Dundee, Nordic Track, Ducktales, She Shed, Radiohead, Roomba, Postman, Hasbro, Cleaver, U-Turn, Blue

      AO: The Huey


      57 degrees. Typical Huey Humidity.


      SSH x20 IC

      Forward Fold OYO

      SSH x16 IC

      Windmill x 14 IC

      SSH x12 IC

      Willie Mays Hays x10 IC

      SSH x8 IC

      The Thang

      “Oh God, It’s a Ladder Isn’t it?”
      Ladder sets of the following core exercises with a touch of moseying sprinkled, and as promised, the typical level of running was not reached. We stayed under a mile!

      10 — Climber Taps OYO

      20 — BBSU’s OYO

      Mosey to the Large Flag

      10 — Climber Taps OYO

      20 — BBSU’s OYO

      30 — Crunch Kicks OYO

      40 — Half Wipers

      Mosey to the bridge and cross the Potomac (possible 10 count)

      10 — Climber Taps OYO

      20 — BBSU’s OYO

      30 — Crunch Kicks OYO

      40 — Half Wipers OYO

      50 — Alternating Arm/Leg Plank OYO

      60 — LBC’s

      Mosey to Huey Choppa (possible 10 count)

      10 — Climber Taps OYO

      20 — BBSU’s OYO

      30 — Crunch Kicks OYO

      40 — Half Wipers OYO

      50 — Alternating Arm/Leg Plank OYO

      60 — LBC’s OYO 

      70 — Flutter Kicks OYO

      80 — Imperial Walkers OYO

      Mosey to Shovel Flag and Circle up around it

      10 — Climber Taps

      20 — BBSU’s

      30 — Crunch Kicks

      40 — Half Wipers

      50 — Alternating Arm/Leg Plank

      60 — LBC’s

      70 — Flutter Kicks

      80 — Imperial Walkers

      90 — Hollow Body Hold IC100 — Low Plank IC


      The issue of faith is not so much whether we believe in God, whether we believe the God we believe in. 

      4 Light shines in the darkness for the upright.

      He is gracious, compassionate, and righteous.

      5 Good will come to the one who lends generously

      and conducts his business fairly.

      6 He will never be shaken.

      The righteous one will be remembered forever.

      7 He will not fear bad news;

      his heart is confident, trusting in the Lord.

      8 His heart is assured; he will not fear.

      In the end he will look in triumph on his foes.

      9 He distributes freely to the poor;

      his righteousness endures forever.

      His horn will be exalted in honor.

      10 The wicked one will see it and be angry;

      he will gnash his teeth in despair. The desire of the wicked leads to ruin.


      “Oh God, It’s a ladder isn’t it”

      “Man, we definitely switched that 80 grit, really exfoliates the back”

      “She Shed just decided to do what we all really wanted to do”

      “I saw somewhere that FiA gets to use Yoga mats at their workouts”

      “Ducktales can bring the Yoga mats for us!”


      Recent Backblasts

        Hambone and Burrito Said My Last Q Was Too Easy So RIP Your Shoulders

        QIC:  Recycle

        Date: 10/7/2020

        PAX: Burrito, Hambone (RESPECT), Dundee, NordicTrack, Gretel, Snow Patrol, Mr Clean, Jenny Craig, Heisenberg, CAT5, FNG-Beaver (RESPECT)

        AO: Detention


        57 degrees at the disclaimer. A light fog hung over Detention Loop.


        SSH x20 IC
        FF OYO
        WMH x12 IC
        TGE x12 IC
        LBAC x12 IC
        Rev x12 IC
        SC x12 IC
        OC x12 IC
        MNC x12 IC
        OP x12 IC
        SSH x15 IC

        The Thang

        Rifle Carry Detention Loop

        Lap 1: Four stops – 5 blockees at each stop

        Lap 2: Four stops – 10 lunges (the hard way) at each stop

        Lap 3: Four stops – 15 incline merkins at each stop

        Lap 4: Four stops – 20 monkey humpers at each stop

        A little musical cool down: Flower by Moby

        On “Green Sally Up” do a Curl for the Girls and hold it
        On “Green Sally Down” lower the block to 90 degrees and hold it



        The QIC has been reading the F3 Q Source. I highly recommend you dive in!

        In our journey to Get Right, it is important to understand that man’s fitness – his King – begins with his body.

        Man’s body is the most fundamental piece of physical equipment. He must get it and keep it in the normal upright position at all times if he wants to be effective. The body is made to be used. Much like farmland, if a man’s body lies fallow, it will not produce a good crop. But if the body is carefully tended, it will produce a bounty of Preparedness.

        Our goal of exercising is not to get good at exercising. The goal of the King is to constantly increase 3S2T: speed, strength, stamina, physical toughness and mental toughness. These are the aspects of your physical kingdom that enable you to do the things that you must do to be a leader. There is no best or only way to accelerate 3S2T. Your King is more than likely different than my King. What is true for all of us though is that this works better as a group rather than as individuals.

        Your diet is your Queen. Your Queen is an integral part of your journey to getting right. Just like in chess, if your queen is taken off the board, it is not long before your King finds himself checkmated. No matter how hard you try, you are not going to out king your queen. What you eat may not often be in your control, but how much you eat is always in your control. Diets and calorie counting are not always sustainable, but portion control is.

        Your King and Queen are the first two components of your daily Royalty Race toward proper personal alignment.


        Jenny Craig was back just a few short days after surgery. Happy to report we didn’t pop any stitches.

        Did you know you can see Mars if you look up?

        It’s close to Uranus.

        We are really close to just having Snow Patrol read a book out loud just to hear his accent.

        5 Signal Mountain guys at #Detention this morning. And we all carried our own blocks!


        Recent Backblasts

          My Block and Me

          QIC:  Sidekick

          Date: 10/05/2020

          PAX: Oilcan; Threeskin

          AO: Anvil


          56 and Clear


          SSH ICX20; Forward Fold OYO; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; Slow Mercans ICX10; Slow Squats ICX15; Mosey lap

          The Thang

          IP Inspired 11s

          Torch the Shoulders

          10 Block Mercans

          Rifle Carry about 30 yards

          1 Blockie

          Rifle Carry back

          Repeat unitl reps are flopped

          Mosey 2 laps

          Block Stays Dry

          10 Block Squats – Dealer’s choice – Weight of the block on you during squat

          Carry Block 30 yds – Dealer’s Choice

          1 Big Boi with block – Get down and up without block touching ground

          Carry back

          Repeat until reps are flipped

          1 Mosey Lap



          Time to refocus and regroup after IP, school starting, etc. Keep bringing the guys out and bettering yourself


          My block is too light apparently. Wish my shoulders agreed


          Hopefully a 4 year anny event in the works

          Recent Backblasts

            The Beast has LEGS!!!!

            QIC: Blue

            Date: 10-6-2020

            PAX: She Shed, Xena, Cleaver, Doogie, Geek Squad, Ducktales, Radiohead, Slois Lane

            AO: The Huey


            A cool 49° with a slight breeze moving the flag slightly in misty gloom. A fresh dew on the grass to make the gloom more enjoyable at the Huey, luckily we stayed off of it. A very eerie sight as the mist got thicker as you moved to the ball fields.


            • Mosey to back lot (long way)
            • Forward Fold x10 IC
            • WMH x10 IC
            • 3rd Grade Ex. x10 IC
            • RoL/LoR x10 IC
            • SSH x20 IC
            • Quad Stretch x10 IC R&L
            • Calf Stretch OYO R&L
            • SSH x20 IC

            The Thang

            The Beast has LEGS!!!

            Starting at one end of parking lot, as a group make our way to other end stopping at 1/4 intervals to complete reps of an exercise at each 1/4. Roughly 5 parking spot lines for each 1/4.

            Round 1- Squats

            Forward lunge to the first “leg of the beast” (5th parking spot line) Squats x20 OYO, forward lunge to next “leg”, Squats x20 OYO, forward lunge to next “leg”, Squats x20 OYO, forward lunge to final “leg”, Squats x20 OYO. Each time hold Al Gore for the 6. Finish Round 1 w/ 5 Burpees OYO

            Round 2- Gorilla Humpers

            Reverse lunge to each “leg of the beast” w/ 20 Gorilla Humpers OYO at each “leg”. Hold Al Gore for the 6. Finish Round w/ 5 Burpees OYO

            Round 3- Sumo Squats

            Bernie to each “leg of the beast” w/ 20 Sumo Squats OYO at each leg. Hold Al Gore for the 6. Finish Round w/ 10 Burpees OYO

            Round 4- Toe Merkins

            Mosey to each “leg of the beast” w/ 20 Toe Merkins OYO at each “leg”. Hold Al Gore for the 6. Finish Round w/ 10 Burpees OYO + Beer Truck 5 Burpees

            Round 5- Narrow Squats

            Forward Lunge to 1st “Leg”, 20 Narrow Squats OYO, reverse lunge “2nd Leg”, 20 Narrow Squats OYO, Bernie to “3rd Leg”, 20 Narrow Squats OYO, Mosey to “4th Leg”, 20 Narrow Squats OYO. Finish Round w/ 10 Burpees OYO

            Mosey Back to Flag for Time.


            Keeping it short and sweet. I struggled with what to talk about this morning. I kept trying to make it harder and more complicated than it needed to be. I felt like the Spirit was leading me to keep with my latest CoT’s and speak to Being Still. I get so focused on what I “have” to do, what I “should” be doing, etc and I feel so guilty if I’m not being productive ALL THE TIME!!! It’s ok for us as HIM’s, leaders, fathers, whatever to take the time to just BE. Recognize that God is all around us in everything. I see God in each of the PAX faces every morning. I see God in the environment where ever I may be at any given moment. I try, and fail most of the time, to “take the time to smell the roses” so to speak. It’s ok to take that time for ourselves. Take a min each day to start, to just be Present.


            Not much in the way of mumble chatter that I could distinguish. We were graced by Xena’s presence as he came to The Huey for the first time? Each PAX pushed themselves and I did my best as Q to motivate and encourage everyone by name.

            Back to Basics – Detention


            Date: 10/05/2020

            PAX: U-Turn, Roomba, Cleaver, Heisenberg, Snatch

            AO: Detention


            Managed to creep just above 50 degrees to start, but the grass was dry and the wind was non-existent. A perfect way to start a workout.


            SSH x25
            Forward Fold OYO
            Right over Left and Reverse OYO
            Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC
            LBACs x 15 IC
            Reverse LBACs x 15 IC
            Moroccan Night Club x 15 IC
            Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
            Shoulder Press x 15 IC
            Seal Claps x 15 IC

            The Thang

            Dora B.O.M.B.S

            Pax pair up at the top of the hill. Pax 1 does reps of the below exercises while Pax 2 runs to the bottom of the hill, does 5 box jumps and returns to the top. Pax switch places to complete reps.
            B – 100 Burpees
            O – 150 Overhead Claps
            M – 200 Merkins
            B – 250 BBSUs
            S – 300 Squats


            YHC discussed humility. When someone offers help, put yourself in their shoes and understand the blessing it is to them to be able to do that. Do not let your pride be a roadblock to their blessing.


            The weather is so fickle this time of year, we’ll only get so many mornings to enjoy like this. Make sure you catch them all.


            What caused the Bombing at Beast-ridge?

            QIC:  Ramrod

            Date: 10/05/20

            PAX: Best in Show, Lanyard, White Glove, Sunscreen, Chavez, Mayhem

            AO: Beast-ridge


            57, partly cloudy, breezy. a faint smell of jasmine in the air


            1/4 mile Mosey along the path to a soccer field (they have them, you know?)

            SSH x 15 IC

            FF x 15 IC

            WMH x 15 IC

            LBAC forward x 15 IC

            LBAC reverse x 15 IC

            High Knees OYO

            The Thang

            Moseyed 1/4 mile to yet another soccer field.
            A Dora exercise where PAX formed teams of 2 to complete the following:

            1st Round- 50 Burpees- While PAX 1 performs burpees, PAX 2 runs to the soccer goal at the other end of the field and back.

            At the completion of Round 1, we moseyed around the Camp Jordan Arena (It really is something…really) and back for the second round.

            2nd Round- 100 Overhead Claps- same concept, but PAX ran to the end of the parking lot instead of the soccer goal..

            At the completion of Round 2 we almost made it to Camp Jordan Arena and then back for Round 3.

            3rd Round- 150 Merkins- same as before. Now that the beatdown was entering serious territory, it was time for a few 10 counts.

            No running between rounds for the sake of time.

            4th Round- 200 BBSUs- same as before. They were on the grass, so there’s that…

            Mosey 1/4 mile back.


            Micah 6:8- He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.

            This verse has become important for me in the past few years as I try to simplify what my purpose is. It has become a mission statement, and it is concise.

            Do justice, Love kindness (mercy), and to walk humbly with God. Even if I think I am right, I need to show kindness- a pertinent fact in today’s divisive culture.


            I attempted to quote the verse, but I could not remember it all. Thanks to Mayhem for helping me with it.

            We did not complete the “S” of the workout: 250 Squats, because of time.


            F3 homeless ministry- every Tuesday- we need volunteers and clothing/supplies

            Recent Backblasts

              But this one goes to 11

              QIC: 9-Volt

              Date: 10/05/2020

              PAX: Bonsi, Woodrider, Cold Play, Tatonka, Band Wagon, Oui Oui, Fiddy Cent, Slim Shady, Toe Tag, Picabo, Shawshank, Bernie, Abbercrombie, Madoff

              AO: Hackswaw


              Sweet, grainy cereal notes with a strong caramel flavor, join hints of chocolate. Light and easy to drink.

              Everyone grab two bricks and Mosey to the big flag.
              Circle up around the sound—– Commodores “Brick House” playing in the background

              SSHWith Bricks10
              Cobble Stones(3rd grade exercise- With Bricks10
              Brick ShittersWillie Maze Haze – With Bricks10
              Little Baby Brick CirclesDuh
              Brick ClapsSeal Claps – With Bricks10
              SSHWith Bricks10

              The Thang

              PAX lines up around flag circle, performs exercise as a group then Brick crawls 1/4 of the way around the circle between exercises.

              Brick FlysOn back , arms on ground, bring bricks together25
              Brick Side RaiseStanding, arms at sides, raise bricks over head25
              Brick Front RaiseStanding, hands @ waste, raise bricks to 90 deg in front25
              Brick Tricep extensionTricep extension – With bricks20
              Curl-PressCurl then military press25
              Brick HammersAmerican hammers – With Bricks20
              Masonry Sit UpsBig boy sit ups – With bricks20

              At this point the PAX was tired of holding bricks so everyone was given two strips of duct tape to secure them to their feet

              Imperial Brick WalkersImperial walkers – With Bricks20
              Brick CyclesFreddie Mercury – With Bricks20
              Flutter KicksFlutter kicks – With Bricks20
              Jane FondaJane Fonda – With Bricks (While staring at neighbor and Listening to “You Sexy Thing” by Hot Chocolate10
              High KneesHigh knees – With Bricks10

              With an extra 13 minutes the Q switched to dealer’s choice
              ** Hell if I remember what we did, but we did it …WITH BRICKS


              The Q relayed a disturbing story about swallowing a Barbie doll head the night before a colonoscopy

              Mole Skin

              The bricks were sanitized for your protection
              Standard grey 3M duct tape doesn’t hold up well to shear stress


              Bring kids to the workout at Hacksaw on Friday. Yes, they must be your own.

              Recent Backblasts