Back on Track(around the lions den)

QIC: Goose

Date: 10/5/2020

PAX: Rodeo, Blindside, Moneyball, Ohms, The Count, Back Pew, Friar Tuck.

AO: Lions Den

Conditions: Slight chill to the air, and we could see Mars, which was spacey.


Forward Fold

Third Grade Exercise


Quad Stretches

Over head arm stretch


The Thang

Box jump up bleachers, 10 incline merkins at every 3rd jump, 4 rounds

ADORA: 150 reps of merkins, squats, and stationary lunges, while partner does a lap.


Indian runs, one lap

75 calf raises OYO

50 merkins OYO

Circle of Mary: Freddie Mercurys, leg raises, flutter kicks.


Its the first full week of October, set some fitness goals for the month.

Shothouse 1000

QIC:  Nordictrack

Date: 10/05/2020

PAX: Blue, Milkman, Hasbro, Gretel, Postman, Sherlock, Slois Lane

AO: Shothouse


52. Perfect workout weather.



Forward Fold

LB Arm Circles

Arm stretches

Willie Mays Hays

The Thang

Line up on bleachers. Do 100 reps. Mix and match as you desire. Run to top of stadium then back between each set.

The 1000

  1. Merkins
  2. BBS
  3. Dips
  4. Squats
  5. Shoulder taps (hard count)
  6. Leg lifts
  7. Monkey Humpers
  8. Hammers
  9. Toe merkins
  10. Burpees


If you always do your best work, imagine the difference. Gattaca (1997). “You wanna know how I did it? This is how I did it Anton. I never saved anything for the swim back.”

Recent Backblasts


    QIC: Blue

    Date: 10-2-2020

    PAX: She Shed, Geek Squad, Milkman, Freetime, Cleaver, Snatch, Dundee, Nordic Track, Heisenberg, U-turn

    AO: Shothouse


    Clear skies, a brisk 46º with a slight breeze here and there. Full moon or close enough.


    • Forward Fold x 10 IC
    • RoL/LoR x 10 IC
    • Michael Phelps x 10 OYO
    • Quad Stretch x 10 IC
    • Pitchers Stretch x 10 IC (R&L)
    • Behind Head x 10 IC (R&L)
    • WMH x 10 IC
    • SSH x 20 IC

    The Thang

    The Coupon Mile

    4 Laps, 4 Corners, 4 Exercises……….Leave No Man Behind

    Lap 1

    4 x 15 Man Makers (stop at each corner of track)

    Lap 2

    4 x 25 Curls for the Girls

    Lap 3

    4 x 10 Navy Seals 10 Navy Seals 1st corner, 8 Navy Seals 2nd corner, 6 Navy Seals 3rd corner, 2 Navy Seals final corner

    Lap 4

    4 x 25 Tricep Extensions Coupon Rifle Carry for a full lap, each time a pax lowers a coupon, every PAX has to pay penalty of 2 Burpees


    Kept it short, sweet and to the point. The story of Martha and Mary from the gospels. If anyone is like me, then they are constantly running from here to there, worrying about this and that………what do I have to do next, who do I have to meet where, etc. Past CoT’s of mine have been about Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God”. Today is about being still and being PRESENT. Take the time each day, maybe starting with just a few second, minutes or however much you can give. Take the time to be present. Slow down. It is possible to be PRESENT without being in the PRESENCE, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be in the PRESENCE without being PRESENT. Think about that for a bit. One last thing, not something that you need to answer out loud, this is only for you. If God were to send you a text message at this very second, what would it say? A word? A phrase? When a good friend of mine asked me that question, my answer was “BREATHE”. I needed to hear that from myself at the time, and now as well. We get so focused on everything that is going on around us, sometimes we forget to be present in the presence.


    There was a fair bit of mumble chatter from the PAX this morning about various things. Mostly how wonderful the weather is, and then as we got started on The Thang….about how much everyone LOVED being out there for some Blue’s Q’s. I even had lots of PAX telling me how much they LOVED me and one PAX even wanted to bring me a brown bag full of some fragrant presents he collected from his dog!!! He even said he would illuminate it on my from porch so I would be sure to find it. Fun was had all around.

    Arms, Core & Legs…Oh My!

    QIC:  Oil Can

    Date: 10/03/2020

    PAX: Hambone, Pound Dog, Jorts, Blue, Napoleon

    AO: Convoy


    One of the coldest mornings we’ve had in quite a while (about 45 degrees), but there was no rain around and very little breeze.


    SSH x20, Forward Fold OYO, Willie Mays Hays x10, 3rd Grade Exercises x10, Windmills x10, LBACs x 10 & reverse, Rockin Night Club x10 & Shoulder Press x20 – All IC

    The Thang

    Mosey to the track and up into the bleachers
    10x Burpees, 2x Incline Merkins per step up the bleachers, then complete one lap of the track – mosey the straights and 1/2 the bend, then Bear Crawl/Crab Walk the other half of the bend

    10x Burpees, 3x Dips per step up the bleachers, then complete a lap of the track doing the same as above

    Hold High Plank for 1 minute
    15x LBCs, 15x Flutter Kicks & 15x Hello Dollies
    Hold Low Plank for 1 minute
    15x LBCs, 15x Flutter Kicks & 15x Hello Dollies

    Rinse & repeat the above once more

    Back to the bleachers
    10x Squat Jumps, 2x Squats per step up the bleachers, then complete one lap of the track – mosey the straights and 1/2 the bend, then Lunge the other half of the bend

    10x Squat Jumps, 2x Monkey Humpers per step up the bleachers, then complete a lap of the track doing the same as above

    Arms, Core & Legs…Oh My!
    15x LBCs, 15x Flutter Kicks, 15x Hello Dollies
    2x Incline Merkins per step up the bleachers, followed by 2x Squats per step
    5x Burpees & 5x Squat Jumps

    Mosey back to the parking lot; Circle of Merkins to 5, then a round of Mary: American Hammers, Big Bois, Crunches, Pickle Pointers, Flutter Kicks & Pickle Pounders


    Discussed the need to appreciate the little things in life. Spend a few moments outside & enjoy the change of weather that we’ve got right now. Feel that slight chill on your legs while the sun is beating down on you; listen to the birds chirping and the trees swaying in the breeze. Enjoy being able to say ‘Good Morning’ to your wife/girlfriend/child.


    Bear crawling/crab walking the entire bend of an athletic track is really hard & too long of a distance. YHC quickly decided to only do half of the bend. Must be noted that Hambone brought some great 2nd-F coffee & donut holes to enjoy post-beatdown. A trip to Convoy on a Saturday morning is a MUST for all PAX of F3 Chattanooga.


    Some great Qs coming up this week! Get out in the gloom and join your F3 brothers!

    Recent Backblasts

      Trip to the Great Pyramid

      QIC:  Sidekick

      Date: 09/29/2020

      PAX: Pink Panther; Ringwald; Back Pew; Kowbell, Lite Brite; Boyz -WL(BHAM); Sunshine; Friendzone; Schwartz; Cupid; The Count; Uncle Fester; FNG-LTL; Skitch; Captain Wafer; White Glove

      AO: Hill City


      56 and very clear; crisp if you will


      SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX10; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; WiIlie Mays Hays ICX10; Slow Mercans ICX10; Slow Squats ICX15

      The Thang

      Trip to the Pyramid

      Mosey across the bridge.

      Stop at the top for some partner link-n-log mercans; calf raises

      Mosey on to the river past the aquarium, in front of the great pyramid


      10 Ircans at the bottom; box jump to the top; 1 Dercan

      9 Ircans at the bottom; box jump to the top; 2 Dercans

      Repeat until the totals are flopped, always equals 11

      Start the mosey back to the flag


      Take the time to enjoy what you have in front of you. For example, a great AO with lots of things to go see and do.


      When you’re 20, things are easier. Like running and jumping up a pyramid


      Potential 4 year anny convergence coming up

      Recent Backblasts

        Where Be dem Boats?

        QIC:  Sidekick

        Date: 09/28/2020

        PAX: White Glove, Best In Show, Purple Rain, Lanyard

        AO: Beast Ridge


        60 degrees and clear


        SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX10; LBAC-Reverse-Press-Cherry Pickers ICX15 each; Slow Squats ICX15; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; Willie Mays Hays ICX12

        The Thang

        Lets go See some boats

        Mosey to Bass Pro

        Stop at the Love Shack for Some Dercans, Ircans, Super Dips and Super Mercans

        Continue on

        Stop for some Core – 20 BBSU; 20 LBC; 20 American Hammers

        Continue on to the front parking lot

        Ground Work – Start standing up, hands down to the ground and walk them out to a plank; Mercan, right hand up then mercan; left hand up then mercan; Plank Jack; Mountain Climber; Peter Parker; Parker Peter; walk feet forward; stand up.

        Continue this to the crosswalk, was about 15 yards in total

        Take off moseying again

        Stop for core – Freddie Mercury; LBC; Pickle Pointers

        Mosey again; We took the walking track at the bridge

        Back to the flag.

        Total of about 2.8 miles


        Not everyone is a fan of running. Its out of many comfort zones. Look for things in life that are out of your comfort zone. challenge yourself to grow


        I enjoy running now. Never thought I would say that out loud


        No news

        Recent Backblasts

          Coupon Chaos

          QIC: Hey Buddy

          Date: 09/30/2020

          PAX: Shawshank, Slim Shady, Oui Oui, El Chapo, WuzntMe, Fiddy Cent, Bandwagon, The Count, Cataract, Toe Tag

          AO: Hacksaw


          Cool in the upper 40’s, no wind, clear skies


          -little baby arm circles

          -raise the roof

          -willie mays hays

          -lunge and twist

          -little baby leg circles

          -side straddle hops

          -seal claps

          The thang

          Coupon Chaos Pax were divided into three groups of three and one group of two. One group enters the station circuit and every member completes each of the four stations. All other groups run around the perimeter of the area until it is their time to complete the coupon circuit. After the circuit, a series of abdominal/core exercises were completed until our time ended.

          Station 1

          -straight leg deadlift x20

          -goblet squats x15

          -lunges x10 (5 each leg)

          Station 2

          -merkin x20

          -wide merkin x10

          -diamond merkin x5 

          Station 3

          -coupon swings x20

          -bent over row x15

          -curls x15

          Station 4

          -shoulder press x15

          -upright row x15

          -shrugs x20


          -sit up and toe touch x 10

          -Russian twist (45 seconds)

          -obliques/Jane Fonda (10 each side)

          -Low plank (2 minutes)


          “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.”

          2 Corinthians 12:9 CSB

          It’s easy to grow comfortable in our walk with Christ. If we aren’t intentional about our intimacy with God through His word, prayer, and other believers, then we can become weak spiritually. The human heart doesn’t naturally drift towards God; our hearts naturally drift towards the things of this world and our flesh. This passage is a reminder that we are all going to experience weakness in our walk with Him, but His power and strength is perfected and abundantly available to us during those times.

          Ring Around the Huey

          QIC:  NordicTrack

          Date: 09/29/2020

          PAX: Rhomba, Radio Head, U-Turn, Ducktales, Geeksquad, Cleaver, Blue, Turtle, Hasbrow, Dundee

          AO: The Huey


          Cool at 57, slight humidity. Freshly mowed Grass.



          Forward Folds

          Willy Mays Hays

          LB Arm Circles (and reverse)

          Iraqi T-Time

          Some various leg and back stretches

          The Thang

          Perform a round, then do a lap around the park. Stop at each open bench and do 10 dips. If the bench is occupied, skip and go to the next one. Do as many rounds as possible until time is called.
          Ring around the Huey
          Round 1

          25 Merkins

          50 LBC

          75 Squats

          Round 2

          25 Shoulder Taps

          50 Pickle Pointers

          75 Toe Merkins

          Round 3

          25 Dips

          50 Pickle Pounders

          75 Imperial Walkers

          Round 4

          25 Skypoints (point to the sky alternating arms)

          50 Leg Raises

          75 Monkey Humpers


          Matthew 7:1-5

          “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

          “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.


          Q spots are open for October.

          Recent Backblasts

            Mucho Lego Legs

            QIC: Blue

            Date: 9-22-2020

            PAX: Roomba, Milkman, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Gretel, Cleaver, Radiohead, Dundee, Nordic Track, U-turn, Slois Lane

            AO: The Huey


            Fall has arrived with a crisp 49° morning with plenty of dew in the grass. Mostly clear skies with little to no wind.


            Slow mosey to the back lot, short route

            • Forward Fold IC x 10
            • RoL/LoR IC x 10 ea.
            • Calf Stretches R&L IC x 10 ea.
            • Quad Stretch IC x 10 R&L
            • SSH IC x 20
            • WMH IC x 10
            • Mosey to back lot (short route)

            The Thang


            Pax 1 runs to end of lot, 5 Burpees, runs back

            Pax 2 works on exercise rep count


            • 100 Lunges
            • 200 Squats
            • 300 Monkey Humpers
            • 400 Calf Raises
            • 300 Monkey Humpers till the 6 completes first set of monkey humpers

            Circle up for MUCHO LEGO’s!!

            Mucho Lego = narrow stance squat, regular squat, wide squat, Bonnie Blair (ea. leg)

            Mucho Lego IC x 5 (Up/down cadence does not work, maybe try an 8 count cadence)


            Short, sweet, & to the point. We as HIM’s need to take time for ourselves. We are all pulled in many directions with many responsibilities. We need to take the time, 30 secs…..3 min…….etc to just sit and Be Still. Our culture makes us feel guilty if we aren’t constantly doing something. Again for another CoT Psalm 46:10 had been on my heart. Apparently I haven’t learned the lesson yet. “Be still and know that I am GOD”

            Mumble Chatter

            Nothing much other than how many PAX “love” lunges. Mucho Lego’s were enjoyed all around, but a couple PAX suggested doing an 8 count cadence.

            Rainy Rounds

            QIC:  Clothespin

            Date: 09/25/2020

            PAX: Hasboro, Blue, Clever, Dundee, Snatch, Sherlock, Milkman, Ponce, Geek Squad, Nordic Track

            AO: Shot House


            Bit damp with the occasional Bus Flurry


            Mosey around Parking lot to school awning.
            Third Grade Exercise 15 in cadence
            SSH 20 in cadence
            Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence
            Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
            Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence
            Cherry Pickers 15 in cadence
            Moroccan Night Club
            Seal claps 10 in cadence

            The Thang

            I tried to keep us as dry as possible and not get ran over by a bus!
            Good time under the awning!

            Round 1:
            • Merkins-20 on your own
            • Burpees-10 on your own
            • Baby Crunches-20 on your own
            • Air Squats-20 on your own
            • SSH-25 in cadence (normal Pace)
            • Mosey lap around the parking lot

            Round 2:
            • Divebombers-15 on your own
            • Burpees-8 on your own
            • Freddie Mercury-16 on your own
            • Lunges-14 on your own
            • SSH-25 in cadence (faster Pace)
            • Mosey lap around the parking lot

            Round 3:
            • Aquaman-15 on your own
            • Burpees-6 on your own
            • Big boy situps-15 on your own
            • Diamond Merkins 15 on your own
            • SSH-25 in cadence (normal Pace)
            • Skip to my loo lap around the parking lot

            Round 4:
            • Wide Merkins-15 on your own
            • Burpees-4 on your own
            • Captain Thor 15 on your own
            • Imperial Walkers 15 on your own
            • SSH-25 in cadence (faster Pace)
            • Mall walker Lap around the parking lot

            Round 5:
            • Decline Merkins-12 on your own
            • Burpees-4 on your own
            • Pickle Pointers-12 on your own
            • High knees-20 on your own
            • SSH-25 in cadence
            • Bernie Lap around Parking Lot

            Round 6:
            • Squats -20 on your own
            • Gorilla Humpers – 20 IC
            • Dips 20 on your own
            • SSH-25 in cadence

            Mary (if time left):
            • 1 minute plank
            • 20 little baby crunches IC
            • 20 flutter Kicks
            • 10 Hello Dollies
            • 20 Dead Cock Roaches
            • 20 Leg Lifts
            • 20 Heel touches


            There are alot of bad things going on in the world and our country now. We need to be leader in our families and examples in our communities more than ever. If we pour ourselves into Christ and put on the full armor of God we will make a difference and become that example that our families need to learn from.

            Ephesian 6: 10-23
            10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against [e]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 [f]in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

            18 [g]With all prayer and petition [h]pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, [i]be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, 19 and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in [j]chains; that [k]in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

            21 But that you also may know about my circumstances, [l]how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make everything known to you. 22 [m]I have sent him to you for this very purpose, so that you may know [n]about us, and that he may comfort your hearts.

            23 Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 24 Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ [o]with incorruptible love.

            [The “COT” aka the “CIRCLE OF TRUST” is the terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
            BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


            There was alot of working those hips during those Mall walkers…
            I hope the cameras caught all of the Pickle Pointers, Hello dollies and Jane Fondas!!

            I had a great time at Shot House this morning. I look forward to posting there again!


            Multiple prayer requests, Beer Run, Make sure the Q schedule gets filled for October!

            Recent Backblasts