9-11 at the Shot House

QIC:  Dundee

Date: 09/11/2020

PAX: Milkman, Sherlock, Cleaver, Lloyd, Big Al, NordicTrack, Roomba, Tasty Cakes

AO: Shot House


72 degrees, but only 81% humidity.


SSH x20 IC
WMH x12 IC
SSH x20 IC
Chest Press – resistance exercise, pushing the palms of your hands together as firmly as possible, chest forward, shoulders back, moving the arms into different positions to stress different pectoral muscles.

The Thang

4 Rounds of exercises. After completing each round, do a lap around the track, stopping to do 5 Burpees at each of three cones around the track.

Round 1:
25 Curls for the Girls
25 Weighted Squats
25 BBSUs

Round 2:
25 Vertical Chest Presses
25 Weighted Toe Merkins
25 Freddie Mercurys

Round 3:
25 Lawnmowers (25 each arm)
25 Gorilla Humpers
25 Box Cutters

Round 4:
25 Kettlebell swings
25 Bobby Hurleys
25 Groaners

Goal is to complete as many laps around the track as possible before time is called.


Borrowing from Freed to Lead, QIC discussed the idea of, “I am Third,” which Dread and OBT subsequently borrowed from Brian’s Song. QIC acknowledged that every PAX there had their own recollection of 9/11, and while there would be tributes, memorials, and celebrations all day that would capture that better than YHC could, it was important to remember the one key outcome from that day that might get overlooked. There would be many talks about how everyone came together on that day and for the days following. The word “Unity” would be used often, but what would be discussed less often — but was possibly more important — is the number of Americans who on that day and in the days following set aside themselves, their personal needs and wants, and made themselves third to serve their friends, families, coworkers, neighbors, and strangers. We need that as much in 2020 as we did in 2001.


Salute to NordicTrack who outpaced all of us this morning. Special recognition also to Roomba, who was tackling his first 5-workout week, yet still managed to finish the second most reps and was one of only three to complete five circuits. Well done, gentlemen.

9/11 Never Forget….

QIC: Blue

Date: 9/11/20

PAX: Moneyball, Friar Tuck, She Shed, U-Turn, Blindside, Care Bear, Flute, Mr. Clean, Hasbro

AO: Lions Den


A humid 72° with a slight breeze occasionally, with clear skies


  • 2 Burpees OYO
  • SSH x 18 IC
  • 9 Burpees OYO
  • SSH x 18 IC
  • 7 Burpees OYO
  • 18 Willie Mays Hays IC
  • 7 Burpees OYO

2,977 Lives were lost from the terrorist attacks 9/11/01

The Thang

Leave No Man Behind

6 stations around parking lot, PAX move together as one group between each station. Hold Al Gore for the 6, stations are as follows

  • 5 Man Makers
  • 10 Lunges (per leg)
  • 15 BBS’s
  • 20 Squats
  • 25 SSH’s OYO
  • 30 Pickle Pointers (1) Pickle Pounders (2)
  • 5 Burpees

220 total reps, 220 Floors of the towers

18 minutes from the end of the warmup, we held plank for 1:30 to honor the time between the first and second plane hitting each tower.

At the end of round 2, mosey up the hill to the 4th lightpost, 4 Burpees OYO, mosey up the hill 4 more lightposts, 4 Burpees OYO, mosey back down the hill 4 lightposts, 4 Burpees OYO, mosey to the bottom, 4 Burpees OYO

16 Burpees/Lightposts………..16 Acres we’re destroyed at the World Trade Center Complex

Mosey as a group to the backside of the school, halfway down, 6 Merkins OYO, mosey back around to front corner, 6 Merkins OYO, Mosey back to the start, 6 Merkins OYO for a total of 18 Merkins

18 People were pulled from the rubble of Ground Zero…….ALIVE!!


Today marks the 19th year anniversary of 9-11.

• 2,977 people were killed

• 2,753 died at the World Trade Center Site

• 343 of them were New York City firefighters

• 23 were NYPD officers

• 37 were police officers from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

• 184 people were killed when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon

• 40 were killed on United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania

• 19 men hijacked 4 planes

• 60 percent of the World Trade Center victims’ remains have been identified as of Sept. 2019

The attacks were the deadliest terrorist act in world history, and the most devastating foreign attack on United States soil since the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.[5]

There aren’t really any words to express the feelings/emotions of that day or what we are currently going through currently, but I find Psalm 46 to give me hope and peace.

Psalm 46

God is our (B)refuge and strength,

(C)A[a] very present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear,

Even though the earth be removed,

And though the mountains be carried into the [b]midst of the sea;

(D)Though its waters roar and be troubled,

Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah

There is a (E)river whose streams shall make glad the (F)city of God,

The holy place of the [c]tabernacle of the Most High.

God is (G)in the midst of her, she shall not be [d]moved;

God shall help her, just [e]at the break of dawn.

(H)The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved;

He uttered His voice, the earth melted.

The (I)Lord of hosts is with us;

The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

Come, behold the works of the Lord,

Who has made desolations in the earth.

(J)He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;

(K)He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;

(L)He burns the chariot in the fire.


Be still, and know that I am God;

(M)I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth!


The Lord of hosts is with us;

The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

Psalm 46:10 to close us out taking a knee……

“Be still and know that I am God”…………….”Be still and know that I AM”…………..”Be still and know”…..……………………..”Be still”……Amen

Iron Pax Week 2 – Shot House

QIC:  Dundee

Date: 09/09/2020

PAX: Ducktales, Blue

AO: Shot House


70 degrees and the fresh cut grass was wet. But there are no perfect conditions for what we were about to do.


No COP this morning. Which is ironic, since the name of the exercise was Wheel of Misfortune and there was a lot of pain involved.

The Thang

Run 400 meters
10 Thrusters with coupon
Then complete the following circuit, doing a rifle carry with your coupon 25 yards to each station, do the exercises, then rifle carry back to the flag, 10 more thrusters.
Station 1: 25 Decline Merkins (okay, we’ve got this)
Station 2: 25 Blockees (That’s a cute name. How hard can it be? Wait … you mean Man Makers? Fu…….)
Station 3: 25 Weighted Squats (okay, getting it back. We can do this)
Station 4: 25 Kettlebell Swings (if I do a few extra of these, can I skip the rifle carry?)
Station 5: 25 Vertical Block Chest Press (my shoulders appreciate the variation, VBCPs)
Station 6: 25 Alpos (cross-armed upright row)

After the last set of thrusters following station 6, start over with the 400 meter run and repeato. Goal is maximum reps in 43 minutes.


Blue delivered the COT, a meditation on the first line of Psalms 46: 10: “Be still, and know that I am God.” He also asked that we consider the statement: “I can be present and not be in His presence, but I can not be in His presence and not be present.” (YHC offers apologies to Blue for the paraphrase).


Blue wasn’t just at the front of the pack this morning, he pushed himself and the rest of the PAX. Excellent job, Blue.

Labor Day Convergence at Detention

QIC:  Dundee

Date: 09/07/2020

PAX: Ramrod, Sousa, Purple Rain, DNF, Magnum, Milkman, Radiohead, Bernie, Money Ball, Burrito, Sunburn, FNG-Rachel Ray , Ascot, Sunscreen, Doodles, White Lightning, Cleaver, John Doe, Snatch, Sidekick, Oil Can, Skitch, Free Time, Backfire, Dolly, Deer Jack, Lanyard, Teacher’s Pet, Four Eyes, Hasbro, Xena, Hambone, Soaker, Gusher, Mr. Clean, Three Skin, Iron Butt, Mayhem, Gaylord, U-Turn, FNG-Fly Rod, Madoff, Tomahawk, Blue, FNG-HIPAA, Recycle, NordicTrack, Back Pew, Omaha, Roomba, Blindside

AO: Detention 


Perfect. Clear. 60 degrees. Just like I planned it.


SSH x20 IC
Forward Fold OYO
Willy Mays Hays X12 IC
Burpees x5 OYO
SSH x15 IC
Shoulder Blasters IC x15 each exercise

The Thang

Dora Corners Relay style

PAX split up into groups of four. There were three stations, each with a list of exercises to be performed for 400 reps total per group. All Pax run to first station together and leave a Pax from each group to start on those reps. Three remaining run to second station, leaving a Pax to start those. Two remaining go to third station. One starts exercises. Last Pax runs to first station and takes over reps from first Pax, who runs to second station to relieve second Pax and so on until all reps are complete.

Station one (400 reps each):
Dive Bombers
Carolina Dry Docks
Overhead claps

Station two (400 reps each):
Hillbilly Squats
Reverse Lunges
Jump Squats
Pickle Pointers

Station three (400 reps each):
Mountain Climbers (count right leg)
Reverse crunches
Plank Jacks


In 1995, Yellowstone National Park was facing ecological disaster. An overabundance of elk was changing the environment in ways even the rangers and ecologists didn’t understand. To resolve this, they released a pack of 8 wolves in the park. They didn’t hem them in to a specific fenced area of the park, they released them to just be wolves and do what wolves do. The wolves hunted the elk and then the unexpected started happening. Not only did the elk herds thin, they changed their behavior. As a result, some of the trees and other flora began to grow abundantly. In doing so, the beaver population started to recover. The beavers built dams. those dams created freshwater pools that aided in reinvigorating the fish in the area. It also restored water to the water table and aquifers under the park. That improved irrigation in other areas and helped the plantlife recover there, which attracted other wildlife that had been sparse recently to return to the park.

In 2016, F3 released a pack of wolves into Chattanooga. Those wolves did wolf things, and as a result, four years later, the city has 16 AOs — about to open another — and has attracted a community of men and developed those men into leaders.


YHC would like to express regret in choosing dive bombers. My sincerest apologies to all who did Iron Pax the following day.

The Price You Pay

QIC:  Mr. Clean 

Date: 09/01/2020

PAX: Blue, Dundee, Milkman, Radiohead, U-Turn, Nordic Trac, Cleaver, Ducktales 

AO: The Huey


Almost 80. Extremely humid.


SSH x20 IC
Forward Fold OYO
Willie Mays Hays x15 IC

The Thang

Leg Ladders
Pax begin at a curb and complete the 10 Bobby Hurleys. Run to the other curb. Complete another round of Bobby Hurleys. Add 12 Tuck Jumps. Run back. Complete 12 Tuck Jumps. Add 14 Yoga Squats. etc…
10 — Bobby Hurleys 

12 — Tuck Jumps

14 — Yoga Squats (feet together)

16 — Pause Squats (pause for a 1 Mississippi hold)

18 — Regular Squats

20 — Monkey Humpers

Duck Walk Lunges
At the completion of each exercise, Pax would run a half lap back to Love Shack.
Bulgarian Split Squat x20 each leg
Duck Lunges x20 each leg.


Work ethic is completely and totally mutually exclusive from salary. Do you plan an F3 workout? Have you ever led anything which you gave your whole heart and effort? IF so, then you understand this concept. Don’t let your passion, focus, and desire be hindered by salary or affirmation given for a task.



Recent Backblasts

    AMRAP Challenge

    QIC:  Mr. Clean

    Date: 08/26/2020

    PAX: Dundee, Ohms, Nordic Trac, Blue, White Lightening, Cleaver, Sherlock, Geek Squad, Roomba, and U-Turn

    AO: Detention 


    Muggy. Upper 70’s.


    SSH x20 IC
    Forward Fold OYO

    The Thang

    The M provided a workout called “The AMRAP Challenge”. YHC figured with the “theme” of today’s workout and COT. he’d use it for the workout.
    AMRAP Challenge

    AMRAP #1: Squats

    AMRAP #2: WD-40 Merkins (Wide/Diamond)

    AMRAP #3: Apollo Ohnos

    AMRAP #4: Mountain Climbers
    AMRAP #5: Hold High Plank Position

    AMRAP #1: Lunges

    AMRAP #2: Side Straddle Hops

    AMRAP #3: Burpees

    AMRAP #4: High Knees
    AMRAP #5: High Planks

    AMRAP #1: Baby Arm Circles

    AMRAP #2: Low Plank

    AMRAP #3: American Hammers

    AMRAP #1: Super-Slow-Motion Push-Ups

    AMRAP #2: Smurf Jacks

    AMRAP #3: Side to Side Toe Taps

    AMRAP #1: Colt 45 (15-Seal,15 Overhead, 15 Presses)

    AMRAP #2: Reverse Crunches

    AMRAP #3: Superman

    AMRAP #4: High Plank
    AMRAP #5: Tuck Jumps


    Plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. In leadership, we must exercise resolve in decision making. Decision makers need a large degree of independence, or self-guidance/motivation while understanding both followers and other leaders could possibly be dependent on their leadership for success. In the AMRAP Challenge, Pax needed to exhibit an independent drive to complete as many reps as possible while understanding they were partnered with another to create a final product. In essence, this is our mission. We plant, grow, and serve. We understand we must be self-motivated and independent while understanding we must use our F3 brothers to continue reaching to completion of the mission.



    [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

    Recent Backblasts

      The Wagon Wheel Rolls on

      QIC:  Sidekick

      Date: 09/05/2020

      PAX: 8 Track, Allstate, Early Bird, Pebbles, Toe Jelly

      AO: Battlefield


      64 degrees with a welcome nip in the air


      SSh ICX25; Forward Fold OYO; Willie Mays Hays ICX12; Slow Squats ICX12; 3rd grade exercises ICX12; Right over left & Switch ICX8 each; Mercans ICX10

      The Thang

      This is the Maiden Voyage of the Wagon Wheel. Just imagine a wagon wheel with a hub, spokes, and the wheel. That’s basically it
      Title of exercises or routine
      Wagon Wheel

      8 stations around the mostly wound track at the battlefield.

      Mercans X15; Block Press X15; Jungle Boi Squats X15; Big Boi Sit Ups X15; Block Curls X15; SSH X 20 (4 count); Imperial Squats X15; Crab Claps X15 (4 Count)

      Split up a with a PAX at a station individually. Complete the exercise on the paper and run to the hub, which is marked by the Golden Gloom Shovel. Perform 8 Burpees and run back to your station. Complete the prescribed exercise again. Run around the track to the next station.

      Repeat until all 8 stations have been completed.

      Once complete, we took a break and moseyed over to the pool house.

      Wall sits of varying lengths with varying arm exercises. Mosey back to the wheel

      Round 2 needed a compressed time, so we only did 1 burpee at the hub. Again, we rotated through until all 8 stations were completed.



      Busy time of year. Performance reviews starting, yearly budget reviews, kids in school, etc etc etc. Stay centered and focused on your priorities. Influence what you can control and leave the rest for others.


      I think the wheel was a success. PAX appeared to be amply tired


      Labor Day Convergence at Detention. 7 AM on 9/7

      Recent Backblasts

        Mission Possible

        QIC:  Skitch

        Date: 09/03/20

        PAX: Moneyball, Blindside, Chief, Rodeo, Free Candy, Sunshine, Cupid, Lite Brite, Flop, Omaha, Mr. May, Candu, Oil Can, Uncle Fester, Ohms, Lassie, Xena, Kowbell, White Glove

        AO: Hill City


        Full moon. Not as warm as it could be. Mornings like this, anything is possible.


        SSH x 30 IC. Imperial Walkers x 20ish IC. Forward Fold. Willie Mays Hayse IC until latecomers roll in and get settled. Mosey to big circle.

        The Thang

        Count off 1, 2, 3, 4 to create 4 teams of 5. Man, it’s great when it works out like that.

        Mission Possible

        Mission Alpha: Team Total: 100 Burpees, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats. Once complete, then teams can work on,

        Mission Bravo, Mission Charlie & Mission Delta simultaneously. Mission Bravo: 1 PAX runs up Forest Ave hill to Colville St and back to circle (about 1 mile total). Mission Charlie: 1 PAX runs across walking bridge and back (about 1 mile total). Mission Delta: remaining 3 PAX do Team Total of 100 dips, 200 lunges in place, 300 Big Boy Sit Ups. As runners return, they can join in. Once Mission Delta is complete, move on to,

        Mission Echo: Team Total: 200 burpees, 5 circle laps running, 1 circle lap lunging. Then,

        Mission Foxtrot: Team Indian runs to Blue Rhino and back. Then,

        Mission Golf: Select 10 coupons you are proud to carry and mosey around circle with coupons before returning them. Then,

        Mission Hotel: Team Total: 400 SSH’s, 400 LBC’s

        Most Missions until time. If complete all 8 then do AMRAP burpees and Big Boy Sit Ups.


        Ephesians 2:8-10 “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

        What is your mission? Who has given you your mission? What is your daily mission?

        Your mission are the works prepared in advance for you to do. Because Jesus has already done the good works to save me, the pressure is off and I am free to complete my mission knowing I do not need to perform for my salvation or for God’s favor. I am free to be the workmanship I was created to be and I can complete the works (my mission) prepared in advance for me to do.

        BALL OF MAN: We took and knee and prayed it out.


        No team completed all 8 missions, but some got close. Some like to run and got to. Some do not like to run and didn’t have to run much. Some didn’t use to like to run but ran anyway and didn’t seem to mind too much. Forest Ave hill just keeps going. No one spotted Tom Cruise.


        Detention Labor Day Convergence Launch coming. Iron Pax is here and opportunity at Hill City on Friday.

        Recent Backblasts


          QIC:  DNF

          Date: 9/5/20

          PAX: Abercrombie, Furley, Deep Dish, Gaylord, Schnitzel, Shawshank, 9 Volt, Clothespin, Coldplay

          AO: The Battery


          A cool 61 degrees, tolerable humidity, no precipitation


          Mosey to the tennis courts

          SSH x20 IC

          Willy Mays Hayes x10 IC

          SSH x20 IC

          Forward Fold x8 IC

          Third Grade Exercises x12 IC

          The Thang

          We used the outer four corners of two combined tennis courts and did 4 exercises at each station, with a designated mode of transportation between each. PAX finishing ahead held Al Gore or a plank until the six was in. The four stations of exercises were rinsed and repeated.

          STATION I (legs):

          Jump Squats x20 OYO

          Monkey Humpers x40 OYO

          Bonnie Blairs x20 OYO

          Mountain Climbers x40 OYO

          Mode of transportation to next corner was 10 broad jumps, followed by a 10 pace bear crawl

          STATION II (core):

          6 inches (until recover)

          Twisted Scissors x30 IC

          Heel Touches x30 IC

          LBC’s x40 OYO

          Mode of transportation to next corner was 10 broad jumps, followed by a 10 pace bear crawl

          STATION III (Chest):

          Merkins x30 OYO

          Wide Merkins x20 OYO

          Diamond Merkins x10 OYO

          Burpees x5 OYO

          Mode of transportation to next corner was 10 broad jumps, followed by a 10 pace bear crawl

          STATION IV (Pick your poison)

          Q called on different PAX members for a total of 4 exercises. Multiple rounds were completed of the four corners, and the exercises at station IV consisted of…. Hundreds, Big Boi’s, Russian Twists, Jane Fonda’s, American Hammers, Flutter kicks, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s, Elbow Plank, Freddie Mercury’s ( a few repeats… especially the Hundreds)

          Mode of transportation to next corner was 10 broad jumps, followed by a 10 pace bear crawl

          3 rounds were completed before time. We then moseyed back to the flags with our final 60 seconds.


          Stay close to your friends. There are too many men out there who gave up on forming true friendships after finishing school. In addition, many men have lost touch with the wonderful friendships that they were blessed with in their younger years. Why? Likely because they have started families, are working on starting families, have gotten career focused… all of which are very good things. Yet, if we do not make time for friendships, we are empty in one corner of our lives. I encouraged PAX to reach back and reconnect with any friendships they may have lost touch with over the years. Encouraged those who have strong friendships to hold onto them and cherish them. I love to see some of the youth sports going on right now, even in the middle of all the modern day madness. It is so much more for these kids than winning. It is camaraderie. It is learning how to win together, deal with defeat and failure, seeing the value of hard work, and caring about and contributing to a greater good. In addition to lifelong friendships, we fortunate men are active in F3 which is developing a whole new set of friends as we continue to age. Proof that making friends is a lifelong journey and should never stop.


          9 Volt can bear crawl faster than anyone, and if he shaved his wrists to make his fit watch more accurate he would look like a poodle. Deep Dish enjoys a pick your poison exercise and is quite dangerous… to no surprise. Puddles of sweat were left on the courts, staking our claim.


          Labor Day Convergence

          Beer Run (stay tuned on the development of this plan)

          3rd F rundown by Coldplay. See channel for info

          Recent Backblasts

            Modified Michigan Mile because ’92 NHL Sega Genesis Can’t Be Topped…And Neither Can Reformation because It’s on a Ridge, but It Can be Moved (see announcements), and Bryan Adams

            QIC:  Gusher

            Date: 09/05/2020

            PAX: Blue, Hambone (Respect)

            AO: Reformation


            Recorded for Posterity: the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc. could not have greeted the PAX with better conditions, unless one has a problem with perfect conditions. And then, no doubt, sir, the problem is not with the climate. Wind came in at a light prance from the north at 5mph to freshly brush across the face. Refreshing indeed. The temperature was an honest 59 degrees with clear skies for an actual feels like of 59 degrees. What you feel is what you get with today’s temps. Combining a 54 degree dew point with an 84% humidity left all invigorated for an early morning workout. Even the sweat felt sweet and smelled like the deciduous rose of Sharon. The pressure came in at 30.24 in. The barometric and atmospheric pressure are like the great mysteries of life; they cannot be explained, but only experienced. The UV index was 0, but with the cool temperature, no one would blame a man for wearing sunglasses. Maybe laughed at a little, but not blamed. This is a no blame zone. Allergy risk is low, mosquito index is moderate, and umbrella index inconsequential. If concerned about mosquito activity, the recommendation is to eliminate standing water to avoid mosquito breeding. Summary: conditions were nice.


            Willie Mays Hays (IC), Forward Fold with no groans (IC), Arm Circles in the forward direction followed by reversing the direction followed by handpicking cherries followed by Ray Lewis (IC)

            Modified Michigan Mile (MMM, or 3M, or M to the 3rd)

            The Michigan Mile is a conditioning drill implemented by hockey players. It follows the suicide format beginning at one’s own red line and then utilizing the blue line, opposing red line, around the goal etc. We modified this as we are neither hockey players nor on an ice rink. The ’92 NHL Electronic Arts game for Sega Genesis cannot be surpassed; therefore, this 3M honors this game. #GoRedwings. I mean, look a this graphic. Sharp, clear, technologically advanced.

            8 Cones spread across the AO in the shape of a gigantic hockey rink. Each time upon returning to cone one, PAX execute the exercise at each cone passed. For example, on the 5th round one would perform exercise at Cone 1 and run to Cone 5, performing exercises at Cones 4, 3, and 2 upon return to start. Repeat this pattern up to Round 8. Pretty easy concept. PAX remain together and Al Gore it for the six at each station. All for One, One for All type stuff.

            Cone 1: 10 Merkins; Cone 2: 15 BBSU; Cone 3: 20 High Step Ups (10 each leg); Cone 4: 20 Dips; Cone 5: 15 Carolina Dry Docks; Cone 6: 15 Leg Ups; Cone 7: 20 Squats; Cone 8: 30 SSH

            After completion of full MMM course, PAX run the course for the cone reclamation project and then a fun-run up the hill, ending with LBCs around the flags.


            The Psalm of the Day was Ps. 46 – God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble and a fortress. Some poetic language throughout describing the trials and issues of life that may bring about anxiety or unrest in mind and heart. For one prone to anxiety/worry, this Psalm is a comfort and serves as Cone 1 in life’s version of the Michigan Mile. No matter how far one might wander off to other cones to engage in the responsibilities of life, Psalm 46 is the cone to return to, like a mental North Star. The Psalm’s comforting balm is verse 10, Be still and know that I am God. Amid life’s anxiety inducers, there is an active resting in God. Being still is not an idleness, but an active rest just like the 10 Merkins of Cone 1.


            Three PAX showed up in a very Athos, Porthos, and Aramis manner ready to take on some betterment. There was no D’Artagnan which was sad because everyone needs a D’Artagnon in their life. But if the number exceeded 4, allusions to Dumas’ second greatest literary work would not make sense. This is neither here nor there, but I will pacificistically fight over the ranking of his greatest work if anyone places it lower than #1 on the greatest novel of all time. Anyway, light conversation ensued throughout with substantial time given to listing the body parts sore from the week’s Iron Pax. We also learned about an intense hike Blue and two others did while reenacting a prison escape. It was fascinating. Hambone is celebrating 22 years of marriage today. Blue creates fantastic jewelry for his M on their 15th anniversary and can also help out if anyone wants to build a retaining wall. Big congrats to both for the milestones. And big props to Blue for his giftedness with gemstones.

            This was the the penultimate Post for Reformation before things move over to Convoy (see announcements). As such we wanted to leave the place on a quiet note. The workout, then, attempted to remain clear of houses so the nearby folks could sleep. Bryan Adams already did his Waking Up the Neighbors in 1993 and there is no need to repeat that today, showing him that it is, in fact, possible to stop this thing he started. Such is the power of F3. Speaking of Bryan with a Y Adams, he participated in a trio alongside Sting and Rod Stewart for the Three Musketeers soundtrack which seems apropos for today. The music video was weird (see VH1 while playing your Sega Genesis). Sega Genesis holds the center plot for YHC’s top six saddest life experiences. But that is neither here not there. This is a backblast, not therapy. Or is it? Just kidding. Or am I? Are these even read?

            Word of the Day: Scherzando: Definition – “(in music) playful; sportive” Origin: of Italian origin; scherzando being the gerund of the verb scherzo “to joke.” Entered English in the second half of the 18th century. Sentence Use: The scherzando mood effected by the chorus line “All for one and all for love” performed by the Bryan-Rod-Sting triumvirate leaves listeners both confused and perplexed if eye contact is made with a friend, but restful and grateful for the 3 F’s of F3 when reflecting upon life in solitude.


            Convergence Labor Day, see Slack for details.

            Reformation has one more Saturday and things move over to Signal Mountain Middle High School. Will add Monday to the mix, beginning September 14. Again, see Slack for Details.

            Recent Backblasts