Shot House Iron Pax Week One

QIC: Dundee

Date: 08/02/2020

PAX: Ducktales, Blue, Ponce, White Glove

AO: Shot House


75 degrees and 98% humidity at 5AM. The air was heavy with moisture and groaning.


Circle of Pain? Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling you something.

The Thang

Courtesy of the sick minds of F3 Greenwood:
Three burpees at the top of each minute. In between (in order, not progressing from one exercise until all reps are completed on the previous exercise):
* 50 hand release release merkins
* 100 leg raises
* 150 jungle boy squats
* 200 BBSUs
* 125 lunges
* 1 cry for the sweet release of death
* 125 more lunges


Unfortunately, the constraints of time, and being (politely) chased off by school faculty removed any opportunity for a a COT, but if given different circumstances, YHC would have offered pearls of wisdom, such as “Ice, when applied to a knee or other joint in intervals of 20 minutes on, 40 minutes off, can reduce swelling” and “ibuprofen can also be used to reduce swelling, as well as general pain.”


“We signed up for this. On purpose.”


Convergence coming Labor Day as the official launch of Detention.

The Breakfast Club | Breakfast club quotes, Club quote, Friends quotes

This was detention before detention was cool (Detention becomes cool officially September 7th, 2020).

The Principles Detention

QIC:  Prosciutto

Date: 09/02/2020

PAX: She Shed, Sherlock, Milkman, Mr. Clean, Cleaver, The Count, Lloyd, Big Al

AO: Detention


At Seventy-two
Air burdened with dense moisture
Fuzzy lap flounder


SSH x whenever Lloyd decided to stroll up
Forward Fold
Wilhelm Mays Haynesworth
Don Quixote
Probably something else

The Thang

Run down hill
French Dips
Dips with a hint of democracy

Continue Run
4 sprints; something mentioned about Herb Brooks in Miracle

Run to the incline heading towards the Hixson Community Center
Merkin at bottom; Bernie up Hill to dark light pole Squats at top; mosey down

Head to HCC wall
Balls to the Wall (BTTW)
Hold balls to the wall while having fellowship, conversation, light-hearted humour and discussing the principles of F3

Shuffle to the starting parking lot
Coney Island
Hambone’s cones flank the parking lot spaces, set roughly 8 yards distance. Perform movement to first cone and execute 5 reps, then retreat back to start cone. Perform movement to second cone and execute 10 reps, then retreat back to start cone. Do the same for the last cone with 15 reps. 5 , 10, 15 (format below shown as Movement / Exercise)
1) Burpee Broad Jump / Hand Release Merkins
2) Bear Crawl / Plank Jacks
**Shortened due to time constraints

Shuffle back to the wall
Wall Sit Super set
Wall sit while performing exercises in cadence
Masimiliano Ali IC; Smurf Jacks x 7
Giuseppi Frazier; Smurf Jacks x 7
Rafaello Lewis; Smurf Jacks x 7
Bus Drivers; mosey to startex

2 minutes of Mary
Heel Touches


So, real talk. The principles of F3 persist deeply through all the F’s. At first glance, they appear very tightly coupled with the first-F only. That is, if you see them for face value.

So, Gusher (fitting for this discussion) – who serves as a real-life biblical concordance of scripture to me at times – is one of my go-to dudes for all things life and personal mentorship; in many ways, he’s like a shield-lock for me (am I to him?? – Read on). I asked him if he could provide any wisdom or virtue from scripture about a Free Men’s leadership group, which is peer-led, meets outside rain or shine, and ends in a circle of trust. You know, like, all the principles. What I expected was his typical witty banter suggesting that the Bible doesn’t necessarily favor cultish types of groups, nor does it offer advisement on such risky things like monkey humpers or pickle pounding. To my dismay, what he provided was spectacular; it is what I shared.

Proverbs talks about the danger of isolating oneself. Men need community and proximate male relationships.

“A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment”. Proverbs 18:1

“A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel”. Proverbs 1:5

To be wise, we must surround ourselves with choice men. Like those we find in F3.

My time in F3 has afforded me the incredible opportunity to meet a number of choice men; too many to name. It is entirely because of the community that surround me that I’m not the same as I first arrived. Unto my own, I’m of very low value to society and offer little in terms of a navigational beacon for others’ morality. Admittedly, I’m a better and more improved version of the man I once was.

Hard Disclaimer: For the haters, if you don’t like me now, imagine how awful I once was! But this is as good as I get. Mea culpa.

Seek out relationships to draw closer to those that you frequently meet in the early hours of our days. The proximate relationship and example you share and receive will make a difference in your life.


  • Snatch can now tell you all about peer-led workouts; ask him sometime.
  • Big Al allegedly attended “higher education” in Alabama (lol-what?). I cannot remember the name, it didn’t ring a bell. He swore it was a 4-year accredited university. I wasn’t aware that any Alabama schools qualified for accreditation across the national education system.
  • She Shed is a long-haired hater; but he commented on my Bruce Jenner look. He’s jelly
  • Mr. Clean sweats so much. The end.
  • Public shaming and condemnation aside, this is the very first Detention backblast on record. Let it be said, let it be known. All other AOQs before me (of which there were 5) had the opportunity slip through their fingers. Only one can be the first. Thank you.


There was a lot of news. Iron Pax was at the forefront.

Recent Backblasts

    Looking Good Brother!

    QIC:  Lanyard

    Date: 9/2/2020

    PAX: Sidekick, Lockjaw, Sunscreen, Toe Jelly

    AO: Ridgecut


    mid 70s, showers from the night before helped it be not so humid


    Mosey down to playground parking lot


    SSH X20 IC

    Forward Fold 

    Teapot Right…Left IC X8

    WMH X10 IC

    LBA X12  IC

    Reverse X12 IC

    Overhead Press X12 IC 

    Plank stretch X10 IC

    SSH X20 IC

    Mosey back up to the soccer field.

    The Thang

    Multiples of 5. Each exercise builds off the other. Wait for the 6 after your lap.

    5 Burpees….Take a lap. 

    10 Monkey Humpers…Take a lap

    15 Hello Dolly….Take a lap

    20 Merkins….Take a lap

    25 Squats….Take a lap

    30 SSH…..Take a lap

    35 LBCs….Take a lap

    Last minute….25 LBCs IC


    Be an encouragement to someone. These are tough times and as an event planner it’s been ridiculously tough to navigate this landscape with postponing/cancelling events, trying to come up with solutions for virtual events. I’m sure everyone’s workplaces has sucked at some point over the past 6 months. 

    Proverbs 16:24 – Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. 

    When someone gives me a compliment or goes out of his or her way to show appreciation, it really gives me a boost or some confidence. I’ll share a funny story, my wife works on staff here at Brainerd and an older lady asked her what I had been doing….cause I was looking good….HA! I’d be lying if that didn’t give me a little encouragement that all of this waking up early, pushing myself in these workouts isn’t paying off. I’m not telling you to go compliment the college intern, but go find a way today to make someone’s day better or ask how they’re doing.


    Convergence at Detention on September 7 (LABOR DAY)

    Recent Backblasts

      Hey, Who Brought the Flag?

      QIC:  Jenny Craig

      Date: 09/01/2020

      PAX: Gusher, Pound Dog, Old School (RESPECT), Hambone (RESPECT), Truck Stop, Natty Light, Joanna, Naked Gun, HR, Recycle, Burrito, Afterbirth, Red Raider, Pediasure, Amber Alert, Snow Patrol, Prosciutto, Holy Kiss

      AO: Smackdown


      Temp 68* with a dew point of 68* (which implies a humidity of somewhere between 99-100% aka “saturated”); the grass was longer than usual and had not been cut since at least last month; it was also unreasonably wet


      Mosey lap around track and circle up
      SSH IC x20
      Forward Fold IC x10
      WMH IC x10
      Imperial Walkers IC x10
      LBAC Forward IC x10
      LBAC Reverse IC x10
      Moroccan Night Club IC x10
      5 Burpees OYO

      The Thang

      Getting familiar with EMOM since most at Smackdown will be doing IronPax on Thursday
      PAX did called reps/exercise at the top of each minute; six exercises x two rounds for a total of 12 minutes
      60x Freddie Mercury (count each leg)
      50x Plank Jacks
      40x Air Squats
      30x Merkins
      20x BBSUs
      10x Burpees

      P1 runs 50 yards and completes 5 burpees and returns; decrease burpee count by 1 each run out and back
      P2 completes the following until P1 returns and swap until 5 runs each:
      Round 1: 10x Carolina Dry Docks + Flutter Kicks until partner returns
      Round 2: 20x Lunges + Plank until partner returns
      Round 3: 30x LBCs + Mountain Climbers until partner returns (time called during round 3)


      Small acts can make a big impact.

      Many of us would probably describe ourselves as internally driven and self-motivated; even so, how does it make you feel when you receive external encouragement? How have you seen small actions/words make an out-sized impact with your kids, spouse, colleagues, etc? Often times, it takes very little effort or time on your part to make a big impact on someone else and change their day – be on the lookout for those opportunities.
      In 1st Thessalonians 5:11, Paul concludes his letter to the church by exhorting them to “encourage one another and build one another up”.


      10 burpee penalty to close because Afterbirth forgot the shovel flag was in his car (in the parking lot)


      New AO on Mondays and Saturdays at SMMHS beginning 9/14. The name has been finalized…or has it?

      Hambone is helping with 3rd F at Chubby’s next week – he will collect donations at Smackdown on Tuesday

      Ironpax at Smackdown: week 1 on Thursday 9/3; week 2 on Tuesday 9/8

      Recent Backblasts

        VQ and Flapjacks

        QIC:  Toe Jelly

        Date: 08/28/2020

        PAX: Slim Shady, Menudo, Rollback, El Chapo, Fiddy Cent, MaYhem, Ramrod, Toe Tag, Escobar, Crash Cart, Bernie, FNG-Snow Flake, Snow Patrol, Mr. May, Furley, Coldplay, Sousa

        AO: Hacksaw


        Lower 70s and high humidity!


        Mosey to flags
        SSH IC x20
        Forward Fold IC x15
        Windmill IC x15
        LBAC FWD IC x15
        LBAC REV IC x15
        Cherry Pickers IC x15
        Seal Claps IC x15
        Imperial Walkers IC x15
        Mountain Climbers IC x15
        SSH IC x25 (1-5 loud, 6-21 silent, penalty if everyone doesn’t stop together)
        Penalty Burpees OYO 10

        The Thang

        Mosey to grab a coupon each

        The Benjamins

        • OYO 25 curls, 25 forward lunges; 25 backward lunges, al gore until six is in.
        • OYO 25 overhead press, 25 forward lunges, 25 mountain climbers, 25 backward lunges, 25 kettle bells, al gore until six is in.

        Mosey to flags and find a partner

        Flora 1-2-1

        • 100 merkins total with feet on coupon. Partner holds plank with feet on coupon. Switch every 10 reps.
        • Flapjacks IC x15
        • 200 LBCs total with coupon high on chest. Partner hold 6” leg raise while holding coupon over chest. Switch every 10 reps.
        • Flapjacks IC x15
        • 100 goblet squats total. Partner holds al gore with coupon. Switch every 10 reps.
        • Flapjacks IC x15


        • Dolly IC x15
        • The Rosalita (High Dolly) IC x15
        • The Dying Cockroach IC x15
        • Flutter Kicks IC x15
        • Heels to Heaven IC x15
        • Heel Taps IC x15


        Nourishment vs. starvation. Nourish what you want to grow like how we nourish our muscles, friendship, etc. at F3. Starve what you want to get rid of–bad relationships, addictions, etc. Stop putting more fuel into what you want to get rid of in life.

        Read 1 Peter 2:2 in closing: Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.


        Apparently flapjacks between the Flora 1-2-1 sets wasn’t really ‘shaking it off’!


        Labor Day Convergence, 7 a.m. at Detention in Hixson

        Recent Backblasts

        How many Ircans again?

        QIC:  Sidekick

        Date: 08/25/2020

        PAX:  Ramos, FNG- Small Beans, Lite Brite, Oil Can, Flop, Back Pew, Omaha, Cupid, Kowbell, Pink Panther, She Shed, Skitch, Rollback, Doodles, Best In Show, Sunshine

        AO: Hill City


        78 degrees and 99.9999999% Humidity


        SSH ICX20; Forward Fold ICX12; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX15; LBAC-REVERSE- Moroccan Night Club – Ray Lewis ICX12 each; Slow Squats ICX15; Mercans ICX12

        The Thang

        First time on Q at Hill City since maybe the Tuff Muff and it showed. One of my favorite spots over at Hill City. I appreciate the opportunity guys
        Gaining Elevation
        Mosey over to Mt. Madoriyama

        Count off by 2s

        Group 1 goes to bottom of cement “stairs”

        Box Jump – 1 Ircan; Box Jump – 2 Ircans; Box Jump – 3 Ircans; repeat adding 1 Ircan each step

        Group 2 – Hold plank on sidewalk

        So, time away can make you forget things. There are 16 steps. I was thinking 10 tops. So I offered the modification to cap the ircans at 10. Some obliged, some did not.

        Once complete, Group 2 Bear crawled half way up the Mt. to a marker (the golden shovel of Gloom) knocked out 10 mercans; jail break to top of hill and get 10 BBSU; run down to relieve your partner.

        Flap Jack and repeat. That is 136 Ircans for those counting at home

        Next we completed a series of trips up the hill in our groups

        #1 Bear Crawl to shovel, 10 Mercans, Jail Break, 10 BBSU, run down – Group 2 – Squats till partner arrives; Flap Jack and repeat

        #2 Bear Crawl to shovel, 10 Shoulder taps (hard count), Jail Break, 10 BBSU, run down – Group 2 – Imperial Squats to return; Flap jack and repeat

        #3 Bear Crawl to Shovel, 10 Man makers (Hard Count), Jail break, 10 BBSU, run down – Group 2 – LBCs to return; Flap jack and repeat

        #4 – Jail Break the whole hill, 10 BBSU, run down; Group 2 – Recover; Flap jack and repeat;

        Mosey back to the flag

        Random Burpees that I will explain later


        Compressed due to time. Leave no man behind is a core principal of F3. We did a good job supporting the 6 today. Growth occurred.


        Had a couple of late arrivals to the flag so the rest of us knocked out some random burpees while we waited. You guys did awesome, don’t be strangers


        Kids day on 8/29 at Landfill

        Labor Day Convergence, 7 AM at Detention in Hixson

        Recent Backblasts

          Push Yourself!! – Lion’s Den -Backpew

          QIC:  Backpew


          PAX: Moneyball, Burrito, Friar Tuck, Snow Cream, Hasbro, Hambone, Flute, She Shed, Xena, Blindside, Omaha, Sugar,  U Turn

          AO: Lion’s Den


          Very lite rain on and off. Humid!!


          [Details of the wa

          1. SSH x 20
          2. Imperial walker X 15
          3. Squats X 20
          4. SSH XS 20
          5. Burpees X 12
          6. Toy Soldiers Lap
          7. Forward Fold
          8. Willie Mays
          9. Windmills

          The Thang

          Circle merken challenge

          6 Light Suicide (All done when first one done) 

          Partner Dora

          1. Linked Merkens X 100
            1. 4 Light Suicide (All done when first one done) 
          2. Linked Jump Squats @ 100
            1. 3 Light Suicide (All done when first one done) 
          3. Linked Burpees X 50
          4. A few Mike Tysons/Joe Louis’s

          Sprint races



          1. Story of my 2 NYC Marathons
            1. My wife pushed me to my best time.
            2. No pain if I didn’t push
          2. How are we pushing ourselves 
            1. F3 Accountability
            2. Fissure/Burrito
              1. Ask someone to push you…. Even if it makes you mad at the time:)
          3. Ecclesiastes 9:10 – Whateverk your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…


          Everyone was beat at the end…. good times. Thanks to Flute and Snow Cream for helping us all finish the Suicide runs.

          Recent Backblasts

            Blackjack (21’s) with Blackout and Cherokee (Indian) Run

            QIC:  Blackout

            Date: 08/28/2020

            PAX: Picabo, Hey Buddy, Venus, Get Smart, WreckedEm, Woodrider, Dipstick, Shawshank, Cowbell, Cavity Search, DNF

            AO: Parliament


            Low to Mid 70s; Very Humid and Muggy


            Mosey one lap around track to upper parking lot

            • SSH x20
            • Forward Fold x15
            • Third Grade Exercises x10
            • Willie Mayes Hayes x10
            • Arm Circles x10
            • Reverse Arm Circles x10
            • Rockin Nightclub x10
            • SSH x10

            The Thang

            Blackjack (21)

            PAX lined up on one side of parking lot in a parking space. Parking lot was about 15-20 yards wide. Exercises were as follows:

            • 1 Merkin; Run Parking Lot to other side; 20 Big Boy Sit-ups; Mosey Back
            • 2 Merkins; Run Parking Lot to other side; 19 Big Boy Sit-ups; Mosey Back
            • 3 Merkins; Run Parking Lot to other side; 18 Big Boy Sit-ups; Mosey Back
            • Did same exercise all the way to 20 Merkins and 1 Big Boy Sit-up

            Cherokee (Indian) Run

            PAX circled up and counted 1s and 2s. Moseyed back from parking lot to track. Performed the following exercises:

            • Jane Fondas – 20 (10 each leg)
            • Dips – 15
            • Squats – 10
            • Burpees – 5

            Line up in two lines and did Indian Run around track for one lap

            Mary Roulette (2 minutes left)

            • Crunchy Frogs – 20 oyo
            • 100s – 10 in cadence
            • Freddie Mercury -20 oyo


            Ephesians 4:32: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you. Talked about showing compassion to those around us and forgiving others even when it may be tough to do.

            Led with a thought to keep in mind when dealing with relationship conflict: It is easier to be compassionate when we always assume those we are dealing with are doing the best they can in the current situations in their lives. While this may not always hold true, it teaches us lessons of compassion and forgiveness to stick by it. This doesn’t mean don’t build each other us with constructive criticism or hold each other accountable, instead do it in a loving and wholehearted way. This could invite growth and transformation in all relationships including our relationship with ourselves.

            Always remember we don’t forgive people because they deserve it, we forgive them because they need it!


            • It was decided that John Doe must do 10 burpees per PAX (total of 120) due to circumstances surrounding his disappearance
            • This is likely the first time any of us have played roulette and blackjack without losing money


            Convergence coming up on Labor Day at 7 AM at new AO Detention; No other AO workouts that morning

            Week 1 of Ironpax will come out Sunday night; Tuesday will be day at Parliament to run through it if interested. Enter Week 0 scores by Saturday night for them to be counted.

            Third F Chubby’s on Tuesday nights at 5:30 PM for anyone interested, reach out to John Doe for more information

            Recent Backblasts

              Workout for those Soft Cores

              QIC:  Dundee

              Date: 08/27/2020

              PAX: Ducktales, Hasbro, U-Turn, NordicTrack, Blue, Roomba

              AO: Huey


              A warm morning, perfect for laying in tall, soaking wet grass.


              SSH x20 IC
              FF (just the one)
              WMH x10 IC
              LBACs x 15 IC
              LBACs(Reverse) x 15 IC
              Overhead Claps x 15 IC
              Seal Claps x 15 IC

              The Thang

              Circle up around the flag

              Core Circuit

              YHC promised no running, and he delivered on that promise. PAX circled the flag and went through a 12-exercise circuit (almost) 5 times.
              Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds, with 5 seconds between them to get in position for the next. There’s a one minute recovery period where the PAX jogs in place (but doesn’t run. No running).

              Heel Taps
              Reverse Crunches
              Peter Parkers
              Leg Raises
              Hello Dollies
              Elbow Plank Toe Taps
              Gorilla Humpers
              Carolina Dry Docks
              Pickle Pointers



              In the TV series Lost and in C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia, the Lamppost is where the characters go to re-orient themselves before heading off in the direction of their purpose. Likewise, F3 is the lamppost, not the purpose. Use these mornings in the gloom and your shield locks with your brothers to re-orient yourself so that you can head off well-guided toward your true purpose.


              Fair bit of grumbling, but not enough. Next time we run this circuit, we’ll do 45 seconds per and cut out some of the more relaxing exercises.


              First Iron Pax workout coming up next week. Shot House will host the IP workouts on Wednesday in September, with Detention being an alternative workout for those not wanting to do IP.

              Detention’s official launch is Labor Day, September 7th, kicking it off with a convergence and a breakfast afterwards.

              AYE – IronPax week 0!

              QIC:  DNF

              Date: 08/25/2020

              PAX: John Doe, Toe Tag, Cowbell, Coypu, Venus, FNG Tatonka, WreckedEm, Dipstick, FNG Shawshank, WoodRider, Hey Buddy, Ramrod (RESPECT), Picabo, White Glove, Coldplay, Sousa, Homewrecker, Crawdaddy, MaYhem (RESPECT), Meo Mix, Blackout

              AO: Parliament


              Low 70’s. No rain.


              The warmup consisted of demonstration of each exercise, followed by PAX and Q completing each.

              10 Air Squats, 10 Big Boi Sit-ups, 10 Merkins, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 5 Burpees

              Form was main focus in the COP

              The Thang

              50 Air Squats
              40 Big Boi Sit-ups
              30 Merkins
              20 Bonnie Blairs
              10 Burpees
              400 Meter Run

              4 Rounds for time


              Proverbs 11:24-25

               One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
               another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.
               Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

              This verse is about being kind. There are many ways one can give… listening, including others, giving a compliment, telling someone about a book you think they might enjoy, sharing a joke, etc. We are influential beings, and our influence is powerful. Use it for the good, and use it often!

              Recent Backblasts