There IS a Core Down There

QIC:  M.I.A.

Date: 02/21/22

PAX: Full Moon, Ramrod (Respect), Tinder, Toe Tag

AO: Hacksaw


It was a real beaut of a morning. About 40 and light wind.


Mosey to the Veteran’s Park, followed by a lap around the outside of the park.

Forward Fold
Willie Mays Hayes
Lil’ Baby Arm Circles
Big Arm Circles

Enough of that

The Thang

5 Stations:
Flutter Kicks
Deadlift (60 lb. Sandbag)
Ab Roller (of Death)
Slam Ball American Hammers
Slam Ball Burpee Toss – Control

Each PAX at a station, completed exercise until the control station completed a circuit of throwing the slam ball approximately 25 yards (burpee before each toss) and back. Then PAX rotate.

After each complete rotation PAX completed an indigenous people’s run around the park (400m)


There was a COT. If you were there you heard it.


There was a large amount of dislike of that ab roller.

YHC was filling in for a HIM that had to deal with some family issues, offered to two other PAX to take the Q, as both hemmed and hawed, YHC finally had to take the reigns. Those two PAX still moaned about it.

Toe Tag blames the ab roller (of death) for his probable hernia. YHC takes referral fees doc.


3rd F things, 1st F things…. we may need to plan some more 2nd F things.

Recent Backblasts

    Why is there a stack of extra large coupons?

    QIC:  LifeAlert

    Date: 2/18/2022

    PAX: LifeAlert Starbucks, Shake N Bake, Snatch, Mr. Clean, Moneyball, 8 Seconds, O.B., Blindside

    AO: Detention


    Mid to High 30’s, slight Sleet and Snow, Windy, lots of “methane “ smells


    Circled around extra large coupons, used a normal sized coupon for forward fold, Iraqi tea time, willie mays, hamstring stretches, and little baby arm circles

    The Thang

    At what point do we use all of these blocks? There are 9 of us and 14 blocks… a bag of bowling balls and a kettle bell

    No Blocks were harmed, only grip strength
    Took a mosey to the bottom of the hill near the little league fields,

    20 Crunches and a run up/down the Little League Hill x5 once completed wait on the 6 in Al Gore

    Mosey back to the statue of blocks

    Partner up for a DORA!!!! We get to find out what these extra large coupons are for!

    200 Curls using the XL Coupon switching with partner as they carry two coupons (Water and Gasoline jugs) from the cross walk around the drive way circle by the gym

    200 Squats followed by the same activity as above

    200 push ups (mostly the lady kind) no XL coupon used, at this point several have modified their walk around the circle by losing a block or using their shoulders as a place to carry it

    With one minute left Starbucks was called on to make an acitivity suggestion and chose a strange one where we held our hands in the air and did a “half” SSH.


    We carried two coupons around the parking lot today, one is water, one is gasoline. In life you may come across events, conversations, or work that you can either put it out with water (make it easier for all those evolved) or fuel it with the gasoline. This can be applied to your relationships or leading folks at work


    Its not a LifeAlert Q if you don’t lose feeling or grip in your hands

    I came here cause i heard we wouldn’t be using a hill

    I just can’t stop looking at Clean’s mustache

    Money Ball was on the look out for fellow Gloomers providing suggestions to improve form.


    Tuff Muff on 2/19, Chubby’s on Mondays,

    Recent Backblasts

      This Music Sucks – What Day Is It?

      QIC:  Cooter

      Date: 02/19/2022  02/17/2022

      PAX: WuzntMe, 9 Volt, Abercrombie, Clothespin, Pipeline, Deep Dish

      AO: The Battery


      58 Degrees, Some Clouds, Dry, a Full Moon peeking through and 10+Mph Winds that initially blew the flags down.


      Short Mosey to Circle Around Flags:
      Fwd Fold
      WMH x10 IC
      SSH x25 IC
      Fwd Fold (In Cadence This Time)
      LBAC x10 IC
      REV LBAC x10 IC
      Seal Clap x10 IC
      Michael Phelps oyo

      The Thang

      (My First) DORA (Q):

      Mosey to Top of Hill – Batter Up / Nelly 5:30min

      Partner Up for Dora

      Mode of Transport:
      Bernie Out 40yd / Bear Crawl In 40yd
      While Partner Does AMRAP of….

      Exercises :
      (song length = exercise time; go slow, go fast, go form, recover, etc. – UvsU)
      Block Curls – Stripper / T-Pain 4:00min
      Block Triceps – Low / FloRida T-Pain 4:00min
      LBC – Break ya Neck / Busta Rhymes 4:00min
      BBSU – Still DRE / DRE Snoop 4:30min
      Imperial Squats – Without Me / Eminem 4:50min
      ——————— Gathered up and sprinkled in a couple of 10-counts here.
      Block Squats – First of Tha Month / Bone 5:15min
      Dips – Business / Eminem 4:10
      Derkins – Country Grammar / Nelly 4:30
      ———— Decline Merkins; halfway thru song = rifle carry blocks to pile.
      YHC called 5 – FIVE! Burpees for time.


      Did a lookup the night before for 2/19 significance, and got 2:
      SpongeBob Squarepants Friends Day
      Iwo Jima Day – this is the one I discussed. Since “war” is back in the news, this caught my attention. Also, on Tuesday Choo Choo talked about a book in which a UK war-dodger received a white feather from a lady he was after – she ultimately thought he was a coward. So my message was pretty simple in that, regardless of what we think of the wars and reasons our governments send our people, these soldiers and their families make a sacrifice to protect our freedoms – that is noble and honorable. Some make the ultimate sacrifice, and many did in 1945while overtaking that important logistical island that was Iwo Jima. Remember these people, the Veterans that are still with us, and the Soldiers still protecting – regardless of the thoughts on a particular conflict.

      Spoiler: it wasn’t 2/19

      Took knee and prayed.


      We started with 5 PAX, and uncharacteristically one arrived during CoP, then another arrived at the top of the hill – began Thang with 7 PAX. This tardiness was/is not normal, and subsequently given little attention as both latecomers got straight to work. They are staples in F3 Chattanooga, and welcomed/beat/pushed as such.

      YHC failed at changing his musical style for the beatdown (my normal metal isn’t always loved, either). I had the playlist pretty well locked in the day before the Sup@rB0wl – and 3 of the artists that performed at halftime were on there. It was stuff I had from the 90s/00s and I felt good about it. BUT, it became abundantly clear throughout the workout that PAX agreed the music sucked; even YHC began to question why I listen(ed) to it… ever… oh, the judgement!! p.s. the M even questioned my selections while writing them on the board the night before.

      Despite the bad hip hop, PAX really pushed today. Looking around it seemed like they were gassed – I was gassed. Maybe we felt like it was almost Spring, and ready to get after it hard. We did and this made me happy.

      One tweak this beatdown might get – unknown – b/c the bearcrawls did wear on us… is the timer MoT. Stuck with Bernie out, but “back in” we mixed it up with skips, bunny hops, broad jumps and bearcrawls… whichever method, it was WORK!

      Thought we might have to put the resident groundhog to work looking for his own keys in the shovel/flag hole – don’t ask – but they were still shallow in the hole. Really did have to look for Tinder’s keys at Hack on Monday. Enough with the keys already! Phew…

      A few of us did coffeteria, and a few of us did lunch later.

      Alas, it was 2/17 and not 2/19.

      The End.


      Tuff Muff
      FCA Event
      4th F Weekend

      Recent Backblasts

        Annexation of Parliament via Doracide

        QIC:  Clothespin

        Date: 02/16/2022

        PAX: Jaws, Pocket Taco, Faceplant, 3-Phase, Pipeline, Cooter

        AO: Battery Annex……. uh I mean Parliament


        Cool and windy

        Definition of annexation

        1: the act of annexing something or the state of being annexed the addition of an area or region to a country, state, etc.


        Mosey to Parking lot by football field
        Forward Fold
        SSH 20 in cadence
        Willy Mayse Hayse 14 in cadence
        Little baby Arm circles forward (thumb up) 15 in cadence
        Little baby Arm circles reverse (thumb down) 15 in cadence
        Seal claps 10 in cadence
        Mosey To Cone

        The Thang

        The area formerly known as Parliament had no official flag or leadership representation present at the workout. As such The Battery officially staked its flags and placed its leadership in control of Parliament. The area formerly know as Parliament will be further known as “Batteries Bitch Annex” until such time as the inverse situation takes place. I.E. Their contingent takes over the battery!!!

        Pick a partner for Dora. Suicide 3 poles then back take over for partner till finished with round move to next round. 1 burpee at 1st cone, 2 burpees at the 2nd cone and 3 burpees at the 3rd cone. If finished before time is called, start over!!!
        Round 1: 100 Merkins
        Round 2: 200 SSH (HC)
        Round 3: 300 LBC
        Round 4: 400 Imperial Walkers (HC)
        Round 5: 300 Gorilla Humpers
        Round 6: 200 Heel Touches
        Round 7: 100 Jane Fondas
        Round 8: 50 Squats

        Make time for Mary:
        • 1 minute plank
        • 20 flutter Kicks
        • 10 Hello Dollies
        • 20 Leg Lifts
        • 20 Heel touches


        Try to spend time with F3 men outside of the workout environment. Build those bonds and friendships.


        The Filthy Colonists took it to those overtaxing snobby Brits this time! They better start powdering those wigs and flushing that gout if they want to win their status back! Their flag may be taller but we have two!!!!!

        I had fun Guys!!!

        Oh almost forgot…. This workout sucked ass!!!!


        Tough Muff 2/19, Chubbies, FCA, Habitat, WuzonkaBall Friday!!!

        Recent Backblasts

          The (non-hill) hill at Hacksaw also sucks….and, burpees

          QIC:  Blackout

          Date: 02/16/2022

          PAX: Free Bird, Full Moon, M.I.A., Mandela, Mayhem, Quackers, Tinder

          AO: Hacksaw


          Warmest morning in quite some time, although a bit windy which cooled it off a bit.


          Mosey to parking lot at bottom of (non-hill) hill

          • FF – oyo
          • WMH – x10
          • SSH – x20
          • Arm Circles – x10
          • Reverse arm circles – x10
          • Tempo Merkins – x10
          • Tempo Squats – x10

          The Thang

          Round 1: Interval Work (50 seconds exercise/10 seconds rest)

          • Burpees
          • Squats
          • Merkins
          • Lunges
          • Burpees
          • Squats
          • Werkins
          • Toe Merkins

          Run to top of (non-hill) hill and back down

          Round 2: Rep Counts

          Each Pax did 15 Kraken Burpees, 20 Merkins, 25 Squats, and 30 BBSU. Waited for six in plank/Al Gore.

          Run to top of (non-hill) hill and back down

          Round 3: Interval Work (50 seconds exercise/10 seconds rest

          • Freddie Mercuries
          • Plank Jacks
          • LBCs
          • Flutter Kicks
          • Squats
          • BBSU
          • Lunges
          • Burpees

          Mosey back to flagpole; Last 4 minutes of beatdown were dedicated to the Merkin version of “Sally Up, Sally Down”.


          Basically told the same story I told on The Battery last week on Q (sorry if you heard it twice). Essentially, as leaders in our community and leaders among men, we need to be willing to stick our neck out for unpopular opinions, even if it means doing so alone. When something is unethical, unjust, or just flat out feels wrong, don’t stand by idly. Be a leader! We live in a society where it is easier to go with the flow to keep up our appearances or social states. Don’t be afraid to stand out in a crowd, it is what we are called to do.


          If anyone knows a good independent auditor…..Mandela amongst other PAX disagreed with the apps timer of 50 seconds on/10 seconds on. Said it was more like 70 seconds on/3 seconds off. Obviously, the only way to resolve this is an audit.

          Kraken burpees were not a fan favorite….but neither were burpees….but neither were (non-hill) hill runs….PAX didn’t like Q today is ultimately where this sentence ends.

          Apparently, Free Bird runs hills for fun, so he turned it into a race. Everyone else was fine with him winning first place on the way up! There was no medal ceremony, however.

          Choose your 10-count PAX wisely, it could mean the difference between getting a full 10 seconds or more versus 3 seconds to count down from 10 as fast as possible.


          Tuff Muff – Saturday 2/19; HC in CSAUP channel
          Habitat Project – Also Saturday 2/19; Contact Mayhem or 2nd-f channel
          Fourth-F Weekend – May 2022; Contact WuzntMe or Fourth-F channel

          Recent Backblasts

            The moon was full but there wasn’t a Full Moon and the workout was cheaper than Ducktales’ shampoo budget

            QIC:  Prosciutto

            Date: 02/16/2022

            PAX:  Blue, Cleaver, Ducktales, Dundee, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Lyft, Milkman, Ponce de Leon (Respect), Roomba, Shake N Bake, Sherlock, Starbucks

            AO: Shot House


            What if I were to tell you that the wolves didn’t howl this morning on a full moon? What If I were to tell you the disclaimer was really just a public introduction of self; almost like a really poorly written foreskinword in a fantastic adult diary novel series entitled “50 shades of Gray Ramsey”? What if you were told to bring a block, but instead, you brought a 40lb sandbag to really assert your alpha? What if a bengal and a rams really did have a contest? What if I were to tell you that the key to a positive perspective had nothing to do with what you were doing or where you are going, but where you are right now? And, what if I were to tell you that the mere thought of Dragnet’s Sergeant Joe Friday could really ratchet up a free men’s workout? 1Ladies and Gentleman, the story you’re about to hear is true. The facts have been changed to protect the innocent.

            42, relatively humid, clear until the clouds approached (warding off the wolves and witch spells), UV Index was super low (Ducktales still applied sunscreen to his fantastical dome), 100% chance of cult-related activity on the grounds of Hixson High School, one runner who apparently just runs in different directions for varying lengths of time on the track which doesn’t make sense if you just think about it”’;;;;,,:–..;;;; he went nowhere until he was gone, but where did he go? I already told you, nowhere….



            Blocks carried to the field in a circular fashion with a pretty medicine ball placed squarely in the middle of the circle (but this isn’t a cult; no way, no how)

            SSH, Forward Folds, Right Over Left, Left Over Right, 3rd Graders Exercising, Windmills (not WindMeals; very different), Arm stretching, Alpha noises, bones creaking and popping (and locking), High knees, Wide High Knees (which are high knees if you are inflexible), Smiling and laughter, as the music plays on

            The Thang

            Already in a circle, we stayed in our circle, so as not to upset the subtle ways that make our group not cult-like
            Dark Webbs
            8 exercises in 4 pairs done 2 at a time with a ratio of 1:2 starting with 12 reps and decrementing each time (but, you get it…)

            Starting at 12:24 (like I said, 1:2 ratio starting at 12), we completed the following thousands of times times; just literally could not even count

            • Merkins : Overhead Block Press (does anyone smell burgers? Starbucks maybe)
            • Jump Squats : Bonnie Blaire’s (hard count; these will soon be “Erin Jackson’s”; #stayWoke)
            • Big Boi Sit ups : American Hammers (hard count)
            • Burpees : SSH (hard count)

            We had time for 12, 11, 10, 9 and 8 round reps, respectively.

            After each round, we turned to one side of the track and did some form of cardio; but not like runner guy, he’s on a whole other level of “whoKnowsWhatHesDoing”


            Heard a quote recently, “The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise man grows happiness under his feet.”

            It seems we’re all so busy and so quick to pivot that we are looking to the next thing. Any amount of thanks or happiness in any circumstance seems to fly by, almost as if it’s a temporary or momentary moment of thanks and gratitude (yep, been there, done that, got the thing, moving on…). Many blessings last a lifetime, but how long are we thankful for them?

            Last week F3 Friday shared the quote from Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday when he talks about how football is a sport of inches, but it’s played on a field of 100 yards; that’s alot of inches (do your thing, Blue). The focus for any moment on the field and during the game, needs to be right in front of you — no more than 6″ away. A great reminder of what is important, where you should focus your time and where your happiness lies.


            I had two quotes for the COT today, Ducktales told me that I should lead with my other quote, so I did. It bombed, but Dundee was there and he gave a courtesy laugh (thanks bruv!).

            It was later made pretty clear (stay till the end for our great revelation) that there were many Baptists in the group today.

            If you’re still reading, the quote was “Waking up is only the second hardest thing in the morning” cue the Price_Is_Right.wav sound

            Like Rick Flair always like to say to the ladies he surrounds himself with,” honey, you weren’t my first, but you certainly won’t be my last!” – I tell ya, that Rick … he is such a good guy! HIM STUFF!

            If there was a contest for the most awkward and difficult start of a workout, I think Shot House wins it. The stadium and track is easily a Go Ruck “Light” from the parking lot. Speaking of, Ducktales has announcements on Grow Ruck Nashville and other things.

            Now back to the revelation we made, during the prayers, we asked for any intentions or praises… no praises because “Noone’s happy about anything” as Geek Squad shared; I’m told this is very Baptist. The Presbyterian’s also would like to have a word. The Catholics aren’t unhappy, they’re just really really guilty and they’re (still) trying to figure out the whole family planning calendar.

            Always a pleasure to Q in these parts with some super committed dudes! Thanks for the opportunity Starbucks and Blue!


            Tuff Muff 3, Habitat for Humanity and other assorted 3rd F needs

            Recent Backblasts

              The Pendulum Swings at Dentention

              QIC:  Blue

              Date: 02-14-2022

              PAX: Lyft, Nordic Track, Ponce, Roomba, Sherlock, U-turn, 8 Seconds

              AO: Detention


              A very chilly 28° getting colder as the beatdown prgressed. A 3/4 moon could be seen in the clear sky.


              Everyone starts with SSH’s, so we started with 40 Hard Count Imperial Walkers, then went through a series of stretches, followed by 52 SSH’s just so no one complained about not doing any at all. Then proceeded to mosey for the start of the Thang.

              The Thang

              The Pendulum

              Mosey’d around the track, around the back side of the tennis courts, then up the hill in back of the community center. Stopped at the tennis courts for a 5 Burpee active recovery. Top of the hill was 10 Burpee recovery.

              Mosey down the hill, 10 SSH’s 5 Burpees

              Mosey up the other side of the hill and did a combination of SSH’s (IC) & Burpees for a total of 20

              Mosey back down and up the first hill, combination of SSH’s & Burpees for a total of 25

              Mosey back down, combination of SSH’s & Burpees for a total of 30

              Mosey back to the top of second hill, combination of SSH’s & Burpees for a total of 35

              Mosey down to the baseball fields below the HUMC and do a combination of SSH’s and Burpees for total of 40

              Mosey to concession stand pavillion and do 20 hard count step ups, then mosey back to flag for time.


              As most of us are Christian men, we all have differing opinions/beliefs on interpretations of what scripture tells us. We are quick to judge, condemn anyone that has a differing opinion/belief. Jesus taught one important lesson that I believe all others stem. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. No matter your opinion/etc or your neighbors opinion/etc, we are called to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. I am guilty of not doing this on a daily basis and struggle every single day. Go through your day and find ways to LOVE your neighbor instead of getting angry, frustrated, etc because they think differently.


              Mumber Chatter was on point with ALL PAX commenting on various ways in which they despised me. All was good though, when I called TIME, the PAX realized they did indeed still love me still and were appreciative of the hard work I led them through.


              [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

              Recent Backblasts

                Stache Away this Country-Western Beatdown

                QIC:  Sousa & Mr. Clean

                Date: 02/12/2022

                PAX: AOL, Geek Squad, M.I.A., Milkman, Ramrod (Respect), Shake N Bake, Shawshank, Toe Jelly, and Uncle Joe

                AO: Legacy


                It was warm enough for silkies, but cold enough for a toboggan. Legacy does have its own way of being deceptively cold.


                Led by Sousa
                SSH x20 IC
                Forward Fold OYO
                Willie Mays Hayes x15 IC
                Shoulder Blaster — This included a new exercise…. The Lasso

                The Thang

                There was attempt to keep us moving with a great deal of cardio activity. I failed in one of these areas…
                Crawl to the Trough
                4 Troughs (benches) at the Legacy playground. Each one had an exercise. They were as follows: Blockees (10 OYO), Leg Raises (15 OYO), Bent Over Rows (20 OYO), and Squat Jumps (25 OYO) — Travel to each trough by Block Bear Crawling.

                “Just Need a Bigger Lap”
                The next section was a ladder. After each set of exercises we took the small lap around the playground.
                10 — Thrusters
                15 — Box Jumps (turned into step-ups)
                20 — Lat Pull Overs
                25 — Dips
                30 — Curls
                35 — Bench Presses
                40 — Monkey Humpers

                Oversimplified Dora
                Partner up. Complete 50 Burpees together, in sets of 10, and run suicides together until you have both completed 50. Alot of confusion from my explanation, but at least we finished the burpees, and the COT was passed to Suosa.


                Delivered by Sousa
                Reading the Bible right now, and I recently read the lesson of Peter and his interaction with Jesus on the boat in stormy waters. Jesus convinced Peter to leave the boat and walk to Him. As the waters became more choppy and turbulent, Peter took his eyes away from Jesus and began to sank. However, when he placed his eyes back upon Jesus, he was able to walk again.
                When the waters of life are stormy, choppy, and turbulent, we must continue our focus on Jesus; so that we can stay upright in the most difficult times.


                Well, the playlist led to significant mumblechatter.
                Sousa created and responded to this own mumblechatter.
                “Clean, you should have just ran bigger laps” – M.I.A. in response to my complaints that I did not achieve enough movement.
                “I hate you, don’t talk to me” – Shake N Bake (apparently he does not like burpees….)
                “I can’t stop smelling dog s**t, I think it’s just stuck in my nostrils at this point” – Also Shake N Bake
                “Wait, what are we doing? Wait, where are we going? How am I supposed to lead cadence when I am trying to have a conversation?” – Sousa
                “I really like Marty Robbins for the playlist. Who is this guy signing now?” – Sousa
                “Marty Robbins, Sousa” – Response to the above comment….
                The shocking mumblechatter or lack thereof was any reference to Brokeback Mountain…
                Even without the precense of Blue, there was an abundance of TWSS jokes.


                Tuff Muff this Saturday 02/19/2022

                Recent Backblasts

                  Modified Mini-Murph

                  QIC:  Irish

                  Date: 02/15/2022

                  PAX: Rodeo, Sunburn, Castaway, Brain Fart, V-Squared

                  AO: Boneyard


                  Clear 29. Full moon cast a eerie glow over the AO.


                  SSH x 15 in cadence
                  Forward Fold – oyo
                  Downward Dog – oyo
                  Seal Claps x 15 in cadence
                  “Quad” Stretch – oyo
                  Pigeon Stretch – oyo
                  LBAC x 15 in cadence
                  LBAC (reverse) x 15 in cadence

                  The Thang

                  Five rounds of exercises. Each round started with a mosey around the AO track. Loose adaptation of the The Murph exercise, but with the same level of respect for LT Murphy, USN, patriot and hero.

                  Round 1:
                  Mosey Lap
                  Pull Ups: 10
                  Merkins: 20
                  Jump Squats: 30

                  Round 2:
                  Mosey Lap
                  Dips: 20
                  Incline Merkins: 40
                  Lunges: 60

                  Round 3:
                  Mosey Lap
                  Decline Merkins: 30
                  Imperial Walkers: 80
                  Monkey Humpers: 120

                  Round 4:
                  Mosey Lap
                  Dips: 20
                  Incline Merkins: 40
                  Lunges: 60

                  Round 5: (truncated due to time)
                  Pull Ups: 10
                  Diamond Merkins: 10

                  Cool Down:
                  Various broga poses and stretches (Mountain Pose, Cobra, Forward Fold, Downward Dog, Child’s Pose, etc.)


                  A failure to plan is a plan to fail, even for far-off events. As I reflected on my mother-in-law dying, I realized that there was really no plan on final resting place, funeral, etc. So in the midst of grief, the family also has to plan a funeral, make arrangements, etc. – essentially be a project manager and coordinate a lot of activity instead of focusing on their loss and their loved ones. It’s a bit macabre, but having a plan for your final arrangements now is an incredible gift to your spouse and family as it allows them time and space to mourn. YHC has some homework to do this weekend . . .


                  -Tuff Muff
                  -Habitat (may be moved due to conflict with TM)


                  Apparently YHC doesn’t know the difference between a hamstring and a quad (or his right from left for that matter). The group turned to the expert opinion of our resident MD, Brain Fart, who showed his disdain for all anatomy below the neck, referring to the entire leg as a “lower appendage.” We are not sure if we did quad or hamstring stretches, but we did work on our lower appendages during this beatdown.

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Handle Yo Bricks! aka Brickyard 400

                    QIC:  Cooter

                    Date: 2/9/22

                    PAX: John Doe, Pipeline, Spooner, Abercrombie, Chiclet, Choo Choo, Faceplant, Blackout

                    AO: Parliament


                    Weather was clear and 26 degrees. Cold enough that I had to scrape water the ice off the window – twice – on the way out of the house. First Quarter Moon – who knew?



                    Said good mornings (at time, had to grab my gloves from truck!!), did the F3 intros, and PAX grabbed a couple of bricks and took off on our mosey out to the front of the concrete bleachers and circled up on the track.

                    CoP performed without bricks.

                    • Fwd Fold oyo
                    • WMH x10 IC
                    • SSH x25 IC
                    • Fwd Fold oyo
                    • LBAC x10 IC
                    • REV LBAC x10 IC
                    • Seal Clap x10 IC
                    • Michael Phelps / Self-Esteems (I’ve missed Woodrider)

                    **5 Burpees** WreckdEm fartsacked… again :p

                    The Thang (all with a brick in each hand)

                    Round 1 – oyo (Plank at 4th ‘corner’ of track)
                    From CoP Position on Track – 25 Berkins (Merkins w Bricks)
                    Sprint/Mosey 100m – 25 Berkins
                    Sprint/Mosey 100m – 25 Berkins
                    Sprint/Mosey 100m – 25 Berkins

                    Mosey back to start, with detour up the concrete bleacher stairs and back down (approximately 34 up and 34 down)!

                    Round 2 – oyo (Al Gore at 4th ‘corner’ of track)
                    From CoP Position on Track – 25 Squat Jumps w Bricks
                    Skip 100m – 25 Squat Jumps w Bricks
                    Skip 100m – 25 Squat Jumps w Bricks
                    Skip 100m – 25 Squat Jumps w Bricks

                    Mosey back to start, with detour up the concrete bleacher stairs and back down (approximately 34 up and 34 down)!

                    Round 3 – oyo (Plank at 4th ‘corner’ of track)
                    From CoP Position on Track – 25 Forward Arm Raises w Bricks
                    Bernie 100m – 25 Forward Arm Raises w Bricks
                    Bernie 100m – 25 Forward Arm Raises w Bricks
                    Bernie 100m – 25 Forward Arm Raises w Bricks

                    Mosey back to start, with detour up the concrete bleacher stairs and back down (approximately 34 up and 34 down)!

                    Round 4 – oyo (Al Gore at 4th ‘corner’ of track)
                    From CoP Position on Track – 25 Lateral Arm Raises w Bricks
                    Side Shuffle 100m – 25 Lateral Arm Raises w Bricks
                    Side Shuffle 100m – 25 Lateral Arm Raises w Bricks
                    Side Shuffle 100m – 25 Lateral Arm Raises w Bricks

                    Finale: Motivators down through 7 (halfway point) – WITH BRICKS!!

                    Ending up:
                    400 Reps
                    240 Stairs
                    1+ Mile of Goofy Transport
                    150+ HC “hops” of one variation or another… most with bricks 🙂


                    Handle your stuff!!

                    Personal situation: At dinner the night prior, the M and I were chatting about a CoT from this week – one of the F3 brothers and his M lost a baby in the womb. We were chatting about their struggle, and that Wendy/we went through that same thing in 2002 (we, but miscarriage really impacts the Ms in ways we can’t understand IMO). A little time passed and we were blessed with twins in 2004!! The M said to me “you know today was the day that Luke was diagnosed” – this hit me hard, I had forgotten the exact day… but she hadn’t. It was 13 years ago that we were told that Luke had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – he’s now 17 with a twin sister that is healthy, as well as an older sister that is healthy. DMD families have a high divorce rate – I can’t turn my back. We’ve handled those situations – together – the best we could… we’re still handling them.

                    Handle your business – large or small – get it done and take care of what needs to be done. Reach out for help if you need, but do what needs to be done. Each man out here is doing the hard work and starting their day off doing just THAT. But also each brother in this cult organization is also going through things that we don’t often know about. This CoT started with one man opening up to us/me, and then my wife reminding me that those around us (her) are also carrying burdens. Handle your stuff – help someone handle theirs too if you are able.


                    Warning TL;DR (but if you do, there are nuggets in here)

                    Things started really COLD. As most Q-eves go for me, I didn’t sleep worth a damn so I was up and ready to go a few minutes early. I bundled up, got some water (for me AND the windshield) then cranked the ole Silver Bullet up. Thinking of my fellow gloomers, I decided I’d toss the bricks in the passenger floorboard for the drive down and get them heated. Since I forgot to turn the wipers on after the initial water-down of the windshield, it had frozen over again! Luckily I had time to repeat that task and get on my way.

                    Upon arrival, I noticed there was no Abercrombie in the mobile office of his – he was out on his pre-Half-Murph or pre-Pierce; one can never know unless you DM him prior to assure your destruction participation. I actually did DM him, but it wasn’t for doing a pre-workout, it was me asking that if we had the time could he lead the group at the end for a little “motivation” – to which he he obliged.

                    The rest of the PAX quickly trickled in, and during the intro YHC realized he forgot to put on his gloves – freekin’ rookie – you’d think it was my VQ. 26 degrees with bricks that Cooter’s old Nissan didn’t warm up much at all, and I don’t have on my gloves?!?! sheesh… It actually was a few firsts for me: first Q with my weight vest (probably not my best decision), no crib sheets at all for the workout, didn’t bring music, and was first post with Spooner (who killed it all morning, btw – that man came across the river to get his money’s worth!). Chiclet and Choo Choo car-pooled. Pretty sure Chiclet and I have posted at Parly together before, but I’m not 100 on that.

                    Before we took off, Abercrombie mused at all the weight vests in play – 5 of 9. Once in the circle of pain, there was good mumble chatter – something I personally love to have happen at my Qs or any beatdown. I couldn’t really make much of it out, trying to count and all. But it was all good mostly led John Doe and Blackout as I recall. Faceplant was quiet as usual, but he and I are posting up here at this AO pretty often lately… I’ll eventually get him to mumble chatter more, or piss him off trying 🙂

                    A few more quick notes… there was some chatter about how cold the bricks were, and I get it but I did try – I drive a 2000 Nissan truck that apparently doesn’t get all that warm. Whatever – next time they will be a nice 26 degrees MEN!! Then we got into something about what that bright light in the Eastern sky was: “Spaceship” led to government watching us, and someone said only the vaccinated could see it, which led a few unvaccinated to scratch their heads (or blink their eyes). Pretty sure it was just Mars (although SkyView showed Venus pretty close this morning too). Not sure everyone caught this, but that led to Pipeline commenting on John Doe’s swollen… antibodies? idk man – weird morning LOL.

                    By the last round of the workout YHC and Pipeline were the Six. I looked over at hm on the backstretch and said we may have enough time for Abercrombie to “motivate” us out, and that I had already arranged it. For a brief moment it was shock, but he lit a fire and pushed me through our last 2 sets of the round to get us there in time. Then Abercrombie says in his calm demeanor “with bricks – it’s hard to explain – just follow me.” With bricks was NOT part of the dang plan. And for those who don’t know, I’m not going to spoil the fun: let’s just say I can’t Q it yet – even without bricks. I’m sure you’ll get to experience it one day.

                    p.s. I’d be remiss not to mention I did a variation of this Q at Detention that I just couldn’t find the time to backblast. There we did similar, no stairs and no track, but 100m intervals with a bonus round for 500 total reps (Brickyard 500??) and over a mile to transport, more burpees and some Mary. Dundee, Snatch, 8 Seconds, Sherlock and Blindside humored me for that one. AND!! Got to see Blindside at Hackliament coffeteria/bible-study too he Q’d Hack – i Q’d Parly – small F3 world!! Thank you for having me Detention gents!


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