The hill at The Battery sucks….so let’s run it…and burpees, too

QIC:  Blackout

Date: 02/10/2022

PAX: 9 Volt, Clothespin, Cooter, Pipeline, WuzntMe

AO: The Battery


Warm front coming through…..35 degrees or so. Warmest it has been in multiple weeks.


Mosey lap to Pavilion

  • FF – oyo
  • WMH – x10
  • SSH – x25
  • Arm Circles – x15
  • Reverse Arm Circles – x15
  • SSH – x10

The Thang

Interval Round 1 (50 seconds exercise; 10 rest) – 8 minutes

  • Burpees
  • Dips
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Incline Merkins
  • Burpees
  • Dips
  • LBCs
  • Merkins
  • Mosey lap around dog park

Teams with Rocks

Split into two teams of 3; Teams completed the following:

200 Curls as a group; Ran from pavilion to top of hill and back
225 Shoulder Presses as a group; Ran from pavilion to top of hill and back
200 Shoulder Raises as a group; Ran lap around dog park (decided that was enough of the hill)

Interval Round 2 (50 seconds exercise; 10 rest) – 8 minutes

  • Burpees
  • Curls
  • Squats
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Shoulder Presses
  • Curls
  • Squats
  • Plank



Discussed a recent situation in my life and how my wife and I were able to work through it appropriately. Long story short: we had a confrontation with a sports coach recently due to some bias, narcissism, etc. My wife and I decided that we needed to point it out and have a conversation. During that conversation, we were verbally attacked and our character was put into question. It really got me thinking about it and I recalled a quote from a book I read not long ago: “certain types of people become more and more disappointed with you once they realize they cannot manipulate you”

So, how does this play into the COT and challenge for the PAX? Well, simple really, we live in a society where it is frowned upon to speak up when these things happen for the sake of salvaging relationships and keeping social status where it is (Some of us are guilty of this for sure). Don’t be afraid to call a situation for what it is, especially if it is negatively affecting your family and those around them/you. We are called to be men of integrity and honesty, and that includes having candid conversations that might cause discomfort amongst people around us. Do it anyways, don’t be afraid to stand alone instead of in a group of pretenders. Let’s be the men we are called to be!


Clothespin decided this morning that he didn’t like Q anymore after burpees were called more than once….this was news to Q, I thought it was that way all along!

Anybody heard from Deep Dish?? FIVE!

A lot of PAX, Q included, were on the motivation struggle bus this morning. We worked through it with some good ole fashioned mumble chatter and fun (if you call running hills fun)

The hill sucks, let’s do it again. Also, weighted vests on the hill suck even worse (Ask Pipeline and Cooter)


Tuff Muff – 2/19/2022 – CSAUP channel
Chubby’s Mondays – 3nd F channel
Fourth F Weekend – Fourth F channel
Doobie Brothers appreciation day at Hacksaw Friday…..not sure yet if that boosts #’s or the opposite….

Recent Backblasts

    I May Have Stolen This Workout From @Fissure But He Didn’t Backblast It So You Can’t Prove Anything

    QIC:  Recycle

    Date: 02/09/2022

    PAX: Gusher, Hambone (RESPECT), Pediasure, Mansiere, Squirt, Warlord, Friday, and oh yeah Burrito

    AO: Convoy


    37 degrees at the disclaimer. Top layers were shed shortly after we got to the track.

    This morning would have been low on the Blowpop Temperature Complaint Index™


    FF OYO
    WMH x14 IC
    TGE x10 IC

    Mosey to the track

    The Thang

    I Hate Running

    100 Imperial Walkers count right leg

    Run 4 laps

    100 Big Boi Situps

    Run 3 laps

    100 Squats

    Run 2 laps

    100 Imperial Walkers
    100 Big Boi Situps
    100 Squats

    Run 1 lap


    Don’t Quit!

    If you quit now, you will be right back where you started. And if you are anything like me, you were miserable when you started and would have given anything to be where you are right now.

    Don’t quit.


    Playlist: Stereo MCs, Tantric, Godsmack, Trapt, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, U2, Daft Punk

    F3 Chattanooga run workouts begin at 0530 at Convoy on Wednesdays Burrito.

    Not 0531.

    It’s not easy to lead a workout when the assistant to the Q is late. But I powered through.

    There were a handful that completed the single lap before time.

    There were rumors of some imperial walker counting inconsistencies re: Gusher;;;;;;;;;penance has been completed.


    Monthly #2nd-f El Metate gathering to eat tacos this coming Monday at El Metate to eat tacos

    Mountain Education Foundation Dash & Bash fundraiser coming up on Friday 4/29. 5K run, food, and games for the whole family. Plan on wearing your F3 shirt and lets do some EH’n!

    Recent Backblasts

      Another Ground Hog’s Day Letter to the men of F3


      Last year while finishing up my annual Ground Hog’s Day letter (and drinking) I decided to share it with my cultmates. This year I’m more sober so I should know better but a few of you asked for it so I decided to punish all of you.

      Greetings friends, family, and fellow cult members,

      As I sit in my basement lair to write this Christmas Groundhog’s Day letter, there is a dog leash tied firmly to the headboard of my bed. 

      Ok, now that all those people are gone, I can tell you the perfectly normal (for us) reason for this.  It’s a long story and you’ll want a drink (or three), but I promise, by the end of this letter you’ll feel better about yourself.

      We began the year by refinishing an antique toolbox for Chris’ birthday.  That meant we were outside with front row seats to the final season of Skank-O-Vision (refer to last year’s letter), and the show that was playing featured the grandson and the baby momma across the street packing up and moving out.  The skank sister didn’t exactly move out, but she did come by and pick her things out of the front yard while yelling incoherently.  We couldn’t figure out what had happened to some of the other people featured in the show, but later found out that the accomplice had managed to get thrown in jail so “moving out” wasn’t an option for him.  Several weeks later, we saw a sheriff’s car across the street and just a couple hours later, the stars of the show came back and hauled their three male pit bull mix puppies out to the car and left.  2021 was showing some promise and we declared it would be a “Summer of Fun”. 

      Jack decided that online classes were a waste of time and came home to sit out spring semester.  Cathy took the opportunity to drag him into all her projects.  One such project involved moving our strawberry patch to an area by the front door and installing a stone pedestal with a bird bath in the middle of it.  As it turns out, attracting birds to your strawberry patch isn’t such a good idea.  The berries that weren’t eaten by the birds were covered in bird crap.

      Jack and Cathy also attempted to plant 40 forsythia bushes, but I got drafted when they discovered a Shrek size bolder in the middle of the garden.  It only took a day to lever the boulder out of the ground and backfill the crater.  Jack managed to be unavailable for projects after that.

      I decided to plant Squalor Holler in clover so I wouldn’t have to mow it and could keep bees up there.  “Beware of the murder hornets” seems friendlier than a no trespassing sign.  That meant I had to get rid of the pile of wet leaves, so I built a blast furnace with a vent pipe and the leaf blower.  It got so hot that we sintered the dirt on the leaves into bricks. (I also burned off my eyebrows and all the hair on my arms…Twice) This method proved to be so successful that I cleaned up all the leaves and brush on the river front the same way, with the same smell of burning hair.

      Cathy decided that she is retired rather than just unemployed so with Skank-O-Vision off the air, she started a period of manic productivity.  Our new raised bed garden was overflowing with young vegetables. She started a blog with recipes, crafts and pictures of fancy table settings.  For weeks I came home to a spotless house, fabulous dinners and a new table setting (which I wasn’t allowed to sit at).  I cut and polished slices of logs for placemats and coasters for photo shoots.  She hung multi-colored pennants around the boat dock and festive yard flags appeared.  2021 was going great!   

      THAT is how I knew we were getting a new dog. This dog was going to be different, not like all the used dogs we had in the past.  I insisted that Cathy read a dog training book and do some research prior to choosing our next fur lined money pit.  We settled on a Boykin Spaniel and Cathy’s research yielded a list of suitable dog names.  There was a lot of overlap between Cathy’s list and the one I proposed which surprised Jack and me since mine was a list of popular stripper names from the internet.  In the end Cathy selected Pippa (From the stripper list) but the dog’s full name is Hunters Rest Pippa Dee Doo Da.   Cathy found a breeder in Sewanee TN. who informed us that we would need to come for an interview to determine if we would be suitable parents for a dog of this pedigree.  I was delighted to find out that Boykins are routinely featured in Garden and Gun magazine and were so popular that there was a 2-year waiting list.   With that disaster averted we put our name on the waiting list, scheduled an interview and began getting ready for the “Summer of Fun”.  I knew that Cathy was serious about it when I came home to find enough beer (and beer water) and soft drinks for a moderately sized wedding.

      All you past victims of this letter know we bought Jack a very ugly, very disposable Toyota Avalon (LuAnne) when he got his license, with the expectation that he would total it with in the first year.  Even though we had given him a 3-year extension, Jackson had still failed to meet expectations and LuAnne was getting dangerous to drive.  As a punishment for this disappointment, we bought him a Prius.  Because we do eventually want grandchildren we made it the Lexus version which actually looks pretty cool from the outside and has an interior like Italian leather underwear.   It’s in this fine chariot that we sent him forth to continue his higher education.  

      By Memorial Day, we were childless again and the starting gun for the “summer of fun” cracked off like a fart in church.  Since we live on the river, we planned to hold court all summer with friends that we hadn’t seen in years coming to join us to celebrate the end of Covid.  Mother Nature is a bitch, and Memorial Day weekend was cold, but we were un-deterred and had some great friends out to spend the day on the river.  That is when Ben re-entered our lives.  Ben is the meth-head {1} son of the woman we bought the house from.  Last summer he tried to move into her cinder block garage on the property next to us.  Fortunately, it has no electricity, water or sewer so his stay was short lived, but there are still burned-out frames of recliners lying about where he left them.  On this particular {2} weekend Ben was feeling nostalgic and was staggering along the river front when I decided to intercept him.  He was nearly incoherent, but I was able to piece together some facts.

      • After the summer heat (and the smell) forced him to move out of the garage, he joined his mother in her double wide.
      • Somewhere around November of 2020, he burned her double wide to the ground.
      • He, his mother and his mother’s first ex-husband were currently living in his sister’s double wide on the hill across the road.
      • His mother was suffering from dementia, but since she never made much sense, they were not sure if it was real.

      We were thrilled!

      Spring went by fast with various friends coming to join us and occasional “Ben” {3} sightings.  At one point, in broad daylight, Ben came by while we were outside building Jackson a kitchen table for his new apartment.  He was out of his head and carrying a giant jar full of pickles.  He proclaimed that they had been made by his mother {4} and offered to fish one out bare handed for Cathy.  Cathy declined the treat.

      {1} Apparently, MS word knows that Methhead needs a dash

      {2} MS word thinks that more concise language would help here.  MS word can bite me

      {3} Similar to Big Foot sightings but less pixilated

      {4} His mother has dementia, and it took us a year to kill all the cockroaches she left behind when we bought the house


      Once the table was finished, we rented a U-haul and took it and some of Jack’s other things up to Louisville.  I called a dozen dealers to try to find a drop off point for the trailer before I talked to the owner of the Mr. Goodtech garage.  He was hard to understand, and I told Cathy when I got off the phone that he sounded stoned.  As it turned out Mr. Goodtech was stoned, and he crashed the trailer into several of his customer’s cars as he was helping me walk it across his parking lot.

      For Father’s Day Chris brought a 2022 prototype Master Craft Pro-Star professional ski boat down for me to ski behind.  I had a great weekend skiing, and my physical therapy is going well.

      In July, my mom turned 80 and we celebrated with a party in my sister’s back yard.  (Covid isn’t really over {5} after all) Rather than rent a tent Cathy and I bought a 20’ x 40’ pavilion which we thought we would use many times in the coming years.  It arrived in eight 50 lb. boxes and Chris came to help erect it.  About halfway through the process Chris pointed out that we had 400 lbs. of tent sitting on the ground and only the two of us to lift it and install 12 legs.  We ended up calling all rest of the Boettners over to get the job done and P.T. Barnum would have been proud.  The party went off without a hitch and afterward, our experienced crew of circus freaks were able to get the tent down minutes before a thunderstorm whipped through area.

      The week after the party we attended a wedding in Nashville and stopped by the dog breeder for our interview.  The good news is that I made friends with all her dogs, and we aced the interview.  The bad news is that we got moved up the waiting list.  We also stopped by to see friends on the way back home, but they are normal and have no place in this letter.


      As summer waned, things got busy.  Since we knew that all the tourist attractions (Dayton OH, Fort Wayne IN, and St. Croix Falls WI) would be packed, we planned a road trip to see friends and booked our reservations early.  Our friends in Fort Wayne arranged a huge party with a live band that the whole community turned out for.  We had no idea we had so many followers in Indiana.  In St. Croix, Cathy’s cousin hosted us for several days and I got to ski behind another professional level ski boat.  It was at 7:00am in an ice-cold lake but I brough my scuba suit so I was both warm and sexy.  (My physical therapy is going well).  We also stopped by Louisville to see Jack and his girlfriend Phoenix.  We really like her, and she seems like a good match for him. 

      For my midlife crisis, I climbed the Grand Tetons in Wyoming with some friends.  It was a group of 4 50’something guys climbing a 14,000 Ft rock near Jackson Hole, WY.  The guide service had an extensive website with instructions and packing lists including the things you would expect like climbing shoes and harnesses as well as layers of various clothing including rain gear. We were all puzzled about the rain gear since it never rains in Wyoming.  We camped at Jenny Lake for two days while we completed some training climbs and the guides evaluated us to make sure they wouldn’t have to carry our carcasses down the mountain.  During these climbs the guides reviewed our gear for safety and made sure we had rain gear.  On the morning we left we were all given our final instructions and a “Wag Bag”.  

      A Wag Bag is a double layer foil lined bag/toilet device including a strip of toilet paper, wet wipe and the following warning “Please do not ingest the contents of this bag.  If powder gets in contact with eyes flush with water immediately.  If ingested, administer large amounts of water as soon as possible”

      FUN FACT: 
      The Restop 2 Disposable Toilet-To-Go is suitable for multiple uses and large enough to hold 8 pounds of Kielbasa. 

      {5} Again, MS Word thinks more concise wording would be clearer to my reader, but I have total confidence in you. You can do it!

      The first day we climbed to 10,000 ft with all our gear and set up camp on a cliff face with 50 MPH winds.  The climb was hard, and I carried way too much equipment (including some stupid rain gear). It was the most physically demanding day of my life.  The climb to the summit was to begin at 3:00am the next morning so we were all preparing our gear to be able to eat breakfast, poop and climb 4,000 feet of cliffs in the dark when we began to realize that the Wag Bag instructions didn’t include any methods for pooping in a bag in the dark on a cliff in a 50 MPH wind.  Fortunately, our guide Scott took us aside to explain the technique.  The Wag Bag was only for solid waste since we had to pack them back out with us and there was an outhouse for that.  Since our water supply was on the Wyoming side of the cliff, we were instructed to hike down the Idaho side of the cliff to urinate but to be careful that the wind didn’t carry it right back to our campsite.  THAT, is when we realized the reason we brought rain gear (and wished we brought safety goggles).

      At 3:00am we left the bulk of our gear at base camp, wedgied {6} ourselves into climbing harnesses and began climbing by the light of our headlamps.  Once the sun came up the views were spectacular, and we were feeling pretty good about ourselves when we found out that we were the only group who made the summit that day.  Reality set in down at base camp when we loaded up our Wag Bags for the trip down to the valley.  Even after all we had accomplished, we were just a bunch of Turd Sherpas.

      While I was gone, Skank-O-Vision came back on the air when the woman at Salem’s Lot let her daughter and son in-law move in.  This season’s show is less Breaking Bad and more a weird mash-up of Hoarders and Ramshackle Renovators.  (Don’t bother looking for it on HGTV). In an effort to “Improve” the property they have been removing piles of garbage from inside the doublewide and the garden shed that they refer to as an “Un-finished Apartment” and putting it in the yard.

      It was while watching this from our back deck on a Saturday when Rick’s Tree Service came by and offered to give me a tree, they were cutting down nearby.  They knew I might be interested since I had cut a pile of firewood in the spring and was stacking it on Squaller Holler.  After 5 years of waiting, I was finally going to get my wood stove and had secured some industrial pallet racking to build a massive woodshed.  While delivering what turned out to be an old growth forest, Rick discovered an abandoned septic tank on Squaller Holler with his truck, so we now have a “Water Feature”.  Fortunately, the wood rack is rated for 24,000 lbs. and I was able to stack most of the forest in it.  Unfortunately, the planet it was sitting on wasn’t up to the task, the concrete piers sank 6 inches and the whole thing had to be unloaded and dismantled.


      In October, after a camping trip with friends during which we saw a bear, we packed up our gear and went to pick up Pippa.  She weighed just 5lbs (while some of her litter mates were 10+) but was the most confident of the litter.  House breaking went well and it wasn’t long before she would ring a bell by the front door to let us know she needed to go poop….in the strawberry garden {7}

      {6} The New Oxford Dictionary does not contain the past tense verb form of the word wedgie

      {7} If we offer you strawberry jam, you may want to inquire about just how local the fruit in it is.

      Cathy subscribed tot he Boykin Spaniel Society which is how we found out that Boykins are the state dog of South Carolina and that we paid a lot of money for a breed that is referred to as “Swamp Poodles”.  

      After three weeks of midnight walks and constant surveillance, we were thinking that old used dogs weren’t such a bad idea after all.  Puppies are like babies that can run and have fangs. Like any new parent we shared pictures with anyone willing to stand still long enough and we had conversations about the frequency, size, viscosity and the exact PMS color of dog poop. 

      Throughout October we heard yelling coming from up on the hill and would see Ben shambling around the neighborhood shortly afterward.  Then one morning the yelling was louder than usual.  Since I took Peckerwood as my foreign language in high school, I was able to determine that Ben had stolen something, and the natives were restless.  After a couple of hours of this it was clear that Ben had been voted off the island and we haven’t seen him since.  Because we are horrible people, we stalk our neighbors in the jail dockets just to keep tabs on them.  That’s how we found out that Ben got arrested just in time for Thanksgiving.  We also learned that the grandson of the woman we bought the house from (whose son Ben burned down her double wide and now has dementia and is living with her daughter, 1st ex-husband, and Ben, before he got voted off the island), must have gotten out of prison sometime in the fall.  We knew that because he got arrested in October for trying to smuggle drugs into the Hamilton County jail.  He is now living on the hill in Ben’s old room.

      Christmas was busy at work, so I had a lot of long days, but the boys came down and Jack’s girlfriend Phoenix was able to join us.  The entire Boettner family gathered at Mom and Dad’s to celebrate, and it was a truly enjoyable time.

      We don’t typically do anything special for New Years, but Pippa jumped out of the back of our stationary 4 Runner and broke her rear drivers side leg on the 29th, so we celebrated the new year by making a house payment for an orthopedic veterinary surgeon.  Our swamp poodle tripled in value overnight and we were instructed to keep her calm (and stoned) for 6 weeks.  Even with a damaged leg Pippa is prone to jumping off things so when Cathy has her in bed she is hitched to the headboard with a leash.  (Now get your mind out of the gutter you bunch of perverts) The best part was when Chris came home for his birthday and saw the leash.  He refused to even let me explain.

      So, to wrap things up Pippa is in the 4th week of recovery, is stoned and happily chewing on a bull penis as I finish this letter.

      On this special day, we send you this blessing.

      May you escape the gallows, avoid distress and be as healthy as a groundhog.

      Cathy, Mike (9-Volt) and the Swamp Poodle

      Hangman & Wordle Gone Wrong Run Day

      Disclaimer to backblast: I apologize in advance for the poor quality of this message. It was created by finger pokes in the notes app on my seasoned iPhone. Subsequently, I anticipate transporting this message by carrier pigeon to MIA to post on Slack since he kindly offered to assist the technologically challenged PAX like myself. Consequently, set your expectations low, as this will pale in comparison to the grandeur of Gusher, 9Volt, Prosciutto, Mansiere and the other brilliant minds whose company I greatly enjoy. Henceforth and so on;;; Et Al.

      QIC: Zima
      Date: February 2, 2022 A.D.
      PAX: Gusher, Squirt, Friday, Mansiere
      AO: Convoy
      Conditions: Highly desirable. 43 degrees with a weak 80% threat of rain. I wore gloves because I wanted to, not because I needed to. More on that later.

      Disclaimer [to workout]: (redacted per legal Dept)


      SSH IC x10
      WMH IC x10
      FF IC X10
      ITT OYO
      Burpees x25 OYO

      Burpees in the warmup are not well received. Burpees thereafter seem to encounter similar dispositions. I cannot relate.

      The Thang: Hangman Wordle Hybrid Run Game

      Mosey to track. I wanted to jailbreak but my audience was still a little uneasy and displeased from the warmup. I advised them around this time that I had intentionally omitted most of the punitive components of the workout upon further deliberation. This was at least partially true.

      1/2 mile native run.

      Rules were then explained to my messed up game, and it goes something like this. Each PAX takes a turn guessing a F3 exercise name. If the guess is correct, the letter is placed in the appropriate part of the word and the PAX complete 20 reps of said exercise. If an incorrect exercise is guessed, there is a 10 burpee penalty and one 5th of a hangman is assumed on the diagram.

      Exhibit A: (see illustration at top)

      Sidebar: Burrito HCed and didn’t show up but I forgive him.

      Since the letter ‘e’ doesn’t have any go-too F3 exercise names, I asked Mansiere to pick a vowel. He picked a non-active one. 10 burpee penalty. Not his fault. This game was over engineered and inadvertently flawed in design.

      1/2 mile native run.

      Gusher proceeded to make an incorrect guess at one of the F3 exercise names that comprised the unknown 5 character Wordle hangman hybrid in question. Also, not his fault. Regardless (I prefer to use irregardless even though that’s not a word…), 10 burpee penalty.

      1/4 Mile native run (abbreviated distance due to time constraints and interest in completing poorly portrayed game)

      Lightning round. Squirt guessed burpees. While a wrong answer, still a winner in mind because of my affinity for the exercise. However, 10 burpee penalty. It was at this juncture I started to incur remarks about how no one wore gloves because it was run day. I was wearing gloves but I did sympathize with their plight. Friday made a solid attempt that was also determined to be incorrect. 10 burpee penalty.

      1/4 Mile native run.

      I used my turn to complete the Wordle hangman treachery and thereby avoid further and even more substantial burpee penalties. The word(ish) is below referenced.

      V ups
      I mperial walkers
      B ig boys
      E – ‘vowel named as clue’
      S – SH

      1/4 Mile native run

      Even though the distances referenced herein may not add up to 2 miles, Mansiere assured me that is the distance we covered. I believe him.

      Next up, 100 meter jail breaks. One per minute until directed otherwise. We did 6 – 8. My mental fortitude failed me at that time so I don’t recall much thereafter. However, we did finish up with a micro set of the Bruce Lee workout/(modified):

      American Hammer x10 HC OYO
      Leg Raises x20 OYO
      LBC x20 OYO
      Crunchy Frog x20 OYO
      100s x20 OYO
      V-ups x20 OYO (not part of Bruce Lee workout)


      We are in the season of winter but I also realize we have seasons in our lives. Last night I was rocking my almost two year old son Miles to sleep in my arms while singing to him. I don’t sing, but I do for him – in said setting. I realized at that time, a year from now, I would no longer being doing that. The season would have passed. I encouraged everyone to find delight in the seasons of life. The word ‘Vibes’ was chosen because it is important to understand our feelings and to manage them because they affect no only ourselves but those around us. Choosing to approach things positively changes your perception and consequently your experience, which is quite literally reality.


      While we were running, I asked if my fellow PAX if they had a favorite word. Gusher replied, after a little consideration, that he had always enjoyed the word apropos. I concurred with his sentiment. Squirt said Mamosa was his favorite word. I like the way he thinks I thought. Friday said he couldn’t hear me, which was because I was playing trashy music from the Fanny pack I was wearing while running. He probably thinks I’m an idiot and he may be right.

      Announcements: 3F stuff, respectively.

      Prayer Request & Praises:

      Mox is having a baby today!

      Burpee Suicide Ladder

      QIC:  Blackout

      Date: 02/02/2022

      PAX: 12 Gauge, Blart, Cavity Search, Chiclet, Cooter, Face Plant, iLean, John Doe, Pipeline, Pocket Taco, WreckedEm

      AO: Parliament


      Warmest morning in a month!


      Mosey to Track

      • FF OYO
      • WMH x10
      • SSH x20
      • Arm Circles x10
      • Reverse Arm Circles x10
      • SSH x15

      The Thang

      Round 1

      10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 Flutter Kicks
      Run 100 meters; 25 BBSU and back
      Plank/SSH/Al Gore for six

      Round 2

      10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 Flutter Kicks
      Run 75 meters and back
      Run 100 meters; 25 BBSU and back
      Plank/SSH/Al Gore for six

      Round 3

      10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 Flutter Kicks
      Run 50 meters and back
      Run 75 meters and back
      Run 100 meters; 25 BBSU and back
      Plank/SSH/Al Gore for six

      Round 4

      10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 Flutter Kicks
      Run 75 meters and back
      Run 100 meters; 25 BBSU and back
      Plank/SSH/Al Gore for six

      Round 5

      un 100 meters; 25 BBSU and back
      Plank/SSH/Al Gore for six

      Circle Merkins; Made it to 4 Merkins holding plank entire time while others are performing merkins


      • American Hammers x25 – Cavity Search
      • LBCs x20 – FacePlant
      • Hundreds x15 – John Doe



      Shared something I had heard in a recent sermon with the PAX. Essentially, a simple tactic to try and use to keep your heart clean and not let sin compile. When we do, say, etc. something that is against our values, or a sin, confess and reconcile with God right away. Don’t wait and let it build up!


      John Doe has a lot of capacity for mumble chatter considering the modifications….got fairly aggressive at one point when no one else was chatting with him!

      Not sure what WreckedEm ate last night, but it wasn’t good….especially down wind.

      Apparently all marriage counselors tell you the same thing…Who would have thought?

      Pocket Taco should be Dees Nuts, FNG Form anyone?


      Tuff Muff 2/19 – details on CSAUP channel
      Fourth-F Weekend – May – details on Fourth-F channel
      Chubby’s Monday Nights 6 pm except first Monday of the month
      A group going to Arkansas vs. Tennessee basketball game in March – 2nd F opportunity. Reach out to Blackout or Cavity Search if interested

      Recent Backblasts

        King of the Hill

        This post has been rated E for “everyone”. There are no obscene pictures, words, or acronyms

        ESRB Game Ratings - ESRB Ratings

        QIC:  Mansiere

        Date: 11/9/2021

        PAX: Cavity Search, John Doe, Hillshire, MIA, AOL, Burrito, Mandela, Rollback, Blackout, Jaws, Fire Bunny, Face Plant, Bonsai, Toe Tag, Picabo, Pit Bike

        AO: Parliament in Ooltewah. Now, some smarta-, uh, um, smartypants among you might say “Don’t you mean Ooltedale, Mansiere?” To which my reply is “Of course not, silly.” “But, but, weren’t you the one who said Ooltewah and Collegedale are the same?”  Yes, but you should already know that much like the capital of Djibouti is Djibouti, not all of Djibouti the country is Djibouti the city. So it is with Ooltewah. All of Collegedale is Ooltewah. Not all of Ooltewah is Collegedale.


        Right at freezing, with almost no humidity. Chilly by lowland standards, rather balmy for the burly Mountain Men in attendance.


        I swung into the parking lot one minute before the start. I jumped out and we were up and going with some heart-rate boosting warmups with stretches interspersed.

        The Thang

        Back in the mists of time, there was a “Zombie 5K” in downtown Nashville. It looked really appealing at the time, but Spitney Beers was deep in the rec league playoffs, and no excuse would suffice for the absence of their notoriously ill-tempered attacking defender. It was with deep regret that I missed the occasion, even after word on the street told of its complete failure. Apparently they didn’t shut down any streets, almost no one wore costumes, and the race was so poorly planned that everyone was caught within the first mile and no one knew what to do after that.

        Nevertheless, the idea stuck with me for years. How fun would it be to do something like that? And so I cooked up a version to do at Convoy run day. It seemed like everyone had fun, and I thought that was the end of it. Not so! It happened at Parliament a few months later. I was flattered; when the invitation came to Q a Run Day at Parliament, I knew it called for something special. Thus, a new game idea was born.

        King of the Hill

        Named in honor of Signal Mountain’s favorite PAX, this game starts with everyone in an area off the track, but close to it. In this case, I chose what appeared to be the high school’s overflow lot (pink circle in the picture). I put down three sets of cones. Everyone starts at the third set. Each PAX finds a partner with whom to play Paper, Rock, Scissors. The winner moves to the next set, the loser stays behind and finds another partner. If a PAX is alone in a row of cones, they must complete 25 LBCs to proceed to the next set of cones. After passing the final set of cones, the PAX enter the track on Lane 8. Lane 8 is the “safe zone”, denoted by the green line in the picture. At the end of the straightaway, PAX must enter Lane 1, at which point they must stay there until tagged.

        The purpose of the game is to pass the cone placed in the final 100 meters of the track (orange dot in the picture) as many times as possible. If a PAX is tagged from behind, they are OUT and have to proceed back to the starting area. A PAX can only tag another PAX from behind, and a PAX must not exit Lane 1 until he is tagged. Tagging another PAX earns a point, as does passing the cone while in Lane 1. The object is to earn as many points as possible.


        I passed around my Zimbabwe $100 trillion note, and clumsily explained how no one should believe the media downplaying the forthcoming inflation. It’s important to prepare for it as best as one can, and to understand that at the end of the day it’s effectively a tax, and scarcely different as money disappearing from your bank account. Burrito salvaged my message and saved further spaghetti-spilling embarrassment.


        The men of Parliament are strictly business, and very fast to boot. They caught on quick and pretty soon there were shouts of triumph and disappointment from all over the track. The more people this game has, the wilder it gets, and this was a great introductory test of the rules. Burrito, always a faithful assistant to the Q, was there and played his role impeccably from start to finish.

        Recent Backblasts

          Slingshot Engaged!

          QIC:  Shake N Bake

          Date: 02/02/2022

          PAX: Second Base, Band Camp, Life Alert, Doogie, Gretel, O.B., Moneyball, Dundee, Mr. Clean, Snatch, Lyft, Tasty Cakes, Sandbag, Hasbro, Roomba, 8 Seconds, Sling Blade, Recycle, Fissure, Chunks, Sherlock, Starbucks, Cleaver, Ponce

          AO: Shothouse


          A pleasant near 50 degrees with a slight breeze. Amazing weather for Feb. 2.


          The nice weather and VQ occasion resulted in a huge group of HIM’s. A short and sweet warmup got everybody ready to roll. The warmup consisted of:

          Forward Fold OYO

          Iraqi Tea Time OYO

          Down Dog-Cobra-Down Dog

          Seal Claps- 10 Count in Cadence (Because we were graced with Band Camp’s Presence)

          Overhead Clasp- 10 Count in Cadence

          Block Mosey to the track

          The Thang

          All Pax Lined up in 2 rows, counted off 1-2’s (with some difficulty) Blocks were to stay in this location by the gate

          2 by 2 by 2 =22 (Follow my math)
          2 groups of HIM’s going in opposite directions around the track. At the end zone ends of the track they found a box of Shake N Bake (Extra Crispy) taped to a list of excercises.

          Imperial Walkers -HC


          SSH- EC


          Big Boy Sit-ups

          Keeping with the theme of 2’s, as the PAX made their way around the track from station to station, they added 2 reps to their set at each stop. So, first stop, 2 reps of each exercise. Run the half lap to the next stop, 4 reps of each exercise. Then 6, 8 10, and so on, 2 by 2, capping the count at 22. Anyone able to complete the total to 22 would be rewarded with running 2 full laps and starting over.

          BUT WAIT, THERES MORE!!! – Don’t forget about those coupons! The blocks were left by the gate. Each lap as the PAX pass into the block gauntlet, they must complete 22 reps before proceeding. I originally had a list of 5 exercises to chose from, taped to the white board with the workout plan. The wind removed this before the workout began, so an audible was called to let each man choose what he wanted to do 22 reps of on each lap. Like robots, we all did curls first, then chaotic variety ensued as the laps continued. So, 22 reps of a block exercise on every lap added to the 2 themed madness.

          So far as I know, nobody completed the course. A few top flight HIM’s hit the 22 number but were unable to complete their reward of 2 laps before time expired. But I feel like everyone successfully pushed themselves and got the most of the opportunity to get better.


          Power, Love, Self-Discipline

          I shared with the PAX that in the beginning, F3 was quite intimidating for me. But I knew I wanted to work to the point where I could step up and lead. So from the beginning, I have leaned on the scripture 2 Tim. 1:7 “For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self control.”

          Quoted F3 Mission Statement- To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

          Key word is invigoration. It means to give strength or energy to. Synonyms are: Energize, motivate, encourage. That starts small, man to man. In the gloom. We encourage and motivate each other.

          To serve the F3 purpose, to serve the PAX, I lean on the concept from 2 Tim. 1:7. The spirit of God in me gives me power, love and self control.

          Self control to be sure I get enough sleep, that I wake up when that alarm sounds, that I focus on my diet so that I am constantly working to become a better version of myself physically.

          Love to push my brothers in the gloom to give their all. To love my F3 brothers enough to put time and effort into planning and preparing to lead them.

          Power to physically perform the tasks required at the beat downs. But also to mentally overcome and hang tough when my body wants to quit.

          To live out the F3 mission which is to ultimately invigorate male community leadership, it takes power, love and self control.


          Blue was dearly missed, especially at every good TWSS opportunity. The wind was a factor in the beginning (see above comment about list being blown away), lots of “I thought it was supposed to be warmer” grumbling was heard.” But once we got moving and got some reps under our belts, all thoughts of chilly wind were tossed aside along with jackets and hoodies etc.

          Various mumble chatter lingers in my mind such as:

          ” I love the sound of men grunting in the morning”

          ” I ate nothing but broccoli for dinner, you think I’m gonna quit now?!?”

          And of course, the classic-

          “What number are we on??”


          A fireside coffeeteria was enjoyed post beat down by a few 2nd F seeking HIM’s. Most Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s you can find a few of us at the Jack’s on Hixson Pike commiserating about difficult aspects of the beat down or the weather. Friday’s are particular special when uncle blue reads us a story.

          Tuff Muff coming up on Feb. 19th, see slack for details.

          Various 3rd F opportunities are can be found on slack, find something that you can get plugged into and get out there and serve the community. Leaders serve others. (I learned that from one of Uncle Blue’s stories)

          Look for Shake N Bake future Q’s, coming to an AO near you!

          Recent Backblasts

            Redeem the Theme (Gotta Go Fast)

            QIC:  Mansiere

            Date: 02/01/2022

            PAX: Pediasure, Zima, Truck Stop, Gusher, Whittler, Recycle, Friday, Blow Pop, Manscaper, Warlord, Prosciutto, Yellow 5, 8-Mile, Squirt, Natty Lite, Jorts, Old School (RESPECT), Shank, Pomade

            AO: Smackdown – The Summit of F3 Chattanooga


            The first day of February. After a brutal January, spring still feels so far away. Nevertheless, the mid-30s temperature and dry ground was more than welcome, and we took full advantage of it.


            What a turnout! We made our big ellipse in the field, and the cones strewn haphazardly about got some curious looks. No time to dawdle, though. Let’s get to it!

            • Imperial Squats
            • Windmills
            • Overhead Claps
            • Raise-the-Roof
            • Cherry Pickers
            • Seal Claps
            • Crop Dusters (h/t Squirt for the idea, which he debuted at his VQ the day before)
            • 10 Octanes
            • Mosey lap while I explained…

            …The Thang

            You can count on Prosciutto for two things:

            1. Complain if he doesn’t like the workout
            2. Complain about said workout for at least a year following

            Pro has been on Burrito nearly every posting since that day last February, fussing about the “themed workout” that he led. YHC thinks the workout was fantastic and worthy of Chattanooga’s premier AO. I say this even though it started with a running challenge that wrecked my lungs for the next several days. Not so with Pro. His bitterness knows no end. Pro clearly needed to move on. And here we are.

            But, Sonic the Hedgehog you say? Well, it wasn’t so long ago that Mr. “No Themed Workouts” himself was half of a Mario & Luigi theme. I should add that it was a very good one. So why not? Besides, we all know that Sonic is better. Can the plumbers do this?

            Italy BTFO

            Thought not. Tempted to drop a “QED” here and call it, but there’s so much more.

            It wouldn’t be a proper Mansiere workout without a touch of a goofy game. As I explained during the mosey, PAX would “spin up” with an exercise on our six, with the Q calling the cadence. Then everyone will get up and do one more until the Q says “Jailbreak!”. PAX sprint to the opposite goal line, grabbing “rings” (cones) along the way. If the first person to reach the other side can complete five Big Boy Sit-ups before the last person makes it across, then everyone has to do twenty penalty burpees. Recycle found a loophole for this (see Moleskin).

            If everyone makes it across in time, then the person who finishes last gives their cones to the first-place finisher. The person with the most cones decides the workout. PAX complete the workout and mosey back to the starting point, tossing their cones out as they return. Repeat.

            For the final few minutes, we did a ladder on the bleachers and I debuted a NEW exercise: the Horizontal Toe Merkin. To do this, get into a low plank position. Then use your toes to push your body forward while keeping your back flat. Return to the starting position to complete the rep.

            • 10 tricep presses at the bottom
            • 20 decline merkins
            • 30 horizontal toe merkins
            • 40 normal toe merkins
            • 50 squats at the top


            People who think they’re too big for the small things (like penalty burpees) are usually too small for the big things. So much of success comes from good habits and not taking shortcuts. It works at the level of the individual, up to societies and countries.


            Recycle decided that we were not going to do burpees and took it upon himself to pin down whomever reached the opposite goal line first to prevent the penalty. This of course ruined the intent of the rule, which was to keep everyone moving quickly and add some tension as people desperately tried to grab as many cones as possible without costing everyone else. But hilarity trumps everything else, and so it was grudgingly tolerated. Well played, sir!

            Zima activated his healing powers and miraculously appeared in the gloom after having back issues. My deep concern and even a hint of dread were unwarranted as he returned to form without so much as a hiccup. And speaking of healing powers and big returns, Manscaper was back after his surprise return to the gloom on the 31st. Welcome back to both!


            GET EXCITED FOR THE TUFF MUFF! February 19th.

            Recent Backblasts

              I Can’t Feel My Face

              QIC:  Recycle

              ATTQIC: Burrito

              Date:  1/29/2022

              PAX: 8-Mile, A-A-Ron, Bada Bing, Blowpop, Burrito, Hambone (RESPECT), Mansiere, Old School (RESPECT), Snow Patrol, Squirt, Yellow 5

              AO: Convoy


              Good Lord

              No crap Mr Weather Channel


              SSH x25 IC
              FF OYO
              ROL OYO
              LOR OYO
              WMH x10 IC

              TGE x10 IC
              MCPU x10 IC
              LBAC x10 IC
              Rev x10 IC
              SC x10 IC
              OC x10 IC
              SSH x15 IC

              At least this was what I set out to do. Who knows how many reps we actually did. It was really really windy and cold in that parking lot.

              The Thang

              We grabbed our coupons and moseyed from the Siberian parking lot down to the baseball/softball fields.

              The Butt Cold Upper Body Wrecker

              PAX pair up. Simple DORA with reps completed by bleachers and partner moseying to the bollards by the parking lot, completing 15 squats, and moseying back.

              Round 1: 300 Curls For The Girls™

              Partner swap

              Round 2: 300 Incline Merkins

              Partner swap

              Round 3: 300 Tricep Extensions

              Partner swap

              Round 4: 250 Decline Merkins

              Partner swap

              Round 5: 150 Overhead Press

              Mosey back to the Siberian parking lot.

              50 Big Boi Situps
              100 Toe Merkins



              My face was completely numb by the time we got to the COT. I shared an excerpt from Jon Gordon’s book “The Carpenter.” Hopefully the PAX could understand what I was saying through frozen lips:

              “Always remember that your greatness as a leader will not be determined by how much power you accumulate. It will be determined by how much you serve and sacrifice for others to help them become great. Great leaders don’t succeed because they are great. They succeed because they bring out the greatness in others.”


              Playlist: Silverchair, Franz Ferdinand, Stone Temple Pilots, Tantric, Alice In Chains, Trapt, The Pride Of The Southland Marching Band, The Black Crowes, Temple Of The Dog, The Notorious B.I.G., Staind, JAY-Z, Collective Soul

              I could finally feel my face again about 2 hours after the COT.

              The rumor is true, Hambone rode to the workout with me and I asked who he was when I saw him in the COP. I just didn’t recognize him with all those clothes on.

              That’s what she said

              Great to see A-A-Ron;;;;;;come work out more than once a month!

              Staffing issues at the Dunkin Donuts kept us from receiving the warm holes we were promised. Disappointment abounded.


              The 1st F is for Fitness: Squirt’s VQ right here at Convoy Monday morning. Tuff Muff coming up on February 19th.

              The 2nd F is for Fellowship: El Metate lunch soon…watch Slack for details.

              The 3rd F is for Faith: Watch the #3rd-f channel for several opportunities to serve including Chubby’s and Habitat!

              This concludes the News

              Recent Backblasts

                Spin Cycle

                QIC:  Mansiere

                Date: 01/26/2022

                PAX: Friday, Pediasure, Gusher, Squirt, Prosciutto, Jorts, Yellow 5, Burrito (RESPECT), Recycle, Hambone

                AO: Convoy


                Frigid, even by the standards of a brutally cold January. The breeze was piercing, especially up on the track where one is exposed from all sides. Definitely not a day to start slow!


                I tried to start us off quickly with some high-intensity exercises. The sometimes helpful, always vocal Burrito was anxious to get to the game, and understandably so. However, the nature of the game dictated an intense warmup. Side-straddle hops were on the menu, as were Marine Corps pushups and some LBCs to get us down and out of the wind. We did a long run around the high school to get our lungs ready as well. On the climb up the Apex, I went over the rules. Now, explaining even something as simple as a track game to this crew is like explaining multivariable calculus to a first grader. Try doing it while Bernie’ing uphill with lips numbed by the 25-degree weather. Yikes!

                The Thang

                There are two teams in the game. The teams start at opposite ends of the track. Their starting points are their respective “zones.” Team 1 stays on one half of the track, and Team 2 stays on the opposite half. The stated goal of the game is to get all of the cones from the other team’s zone into your zone. The real goal of the game is to stay warm and get a good run day workout in. Each runner can only carry one cone at a time. A runner can hand his cone to a runner without a cone. If a runner does 40 Big-Boy Sit-ups in his starting zone, he may bring two cones back to his starting zone one time. If a runner sees that there are no cones remaining in the other team’s zone, that runner should hold low plank until more cones are dropped off. If a team has no cones in the other team’s zone, and no one the team is carrying cones, then that team WINS. The prize is a FREE personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut*.

                *At participating locations. Dine-in only**

                ** No locations are participating at this time


                I read an excerpt from the memoirs of a 20th-century Romanian, who talked about how the joys of comradeship through shared struggle are grander than any material things. I would give up or forego many things before I would give up the opportunity to be out there in the mornings with this fine group of men.


                No one loves overthinking things more than Burrito, and my bonus goal of driving him crazy with strategizing worked a charm. While the other team was walking to their zone, he immediately started making plans. His strategy consisted mainly of handing off cones. Meanwhile, Team 2 quickly figured out that there was an advantage in the two-cone provision, and started the game off with Big Boys. In the end, neither team won (though Team 2 was clearly winning), and both teams got in a great run day while staying warm.

                Recent Backblasts