BassPro Boogey: VILA/Iron Butt

QIC: VILA & Iron Butt aka IB

Date: 09/16/2019

PAX: Gaylord, MayHem, Peanuts, Wallflower

AO: Beast Ridge


Gloomy 70s


  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Imperial Walkers IC x15
  3. Slow count Willie May’s hayes IC x10
  4. Forward Fold x15
  5. Plank  x10
  6. Slow push to up Q ct. x10
  7. Up Dog x15
  8. Down Dog x15
  9. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  10. Forward Fold x15
  11. Frog x10

The Thang by IronButt aka IB

BassPro Boogey

Mosey Down the Road a bit

STOP 1:   IC 10 SSHs &  10 Burpees OYO

Mosey Down the Road a bit

STOP 2:  IC 10 SSHs & 10 LBCs

Mosey Down the Road a bit

STOP 3: IC 10 Merkins & 10 SSHs

Mosey Down the Road a bit

STOP 4: Arrive at Bass Pro Shop Entrance; IC 10 Merkins; IC 10 LBCs

Mosey around Bass Pro Shop a bit

STOP 5: IC 10 SSHs; IC 10 Freddy Mercuries

Mosey Down the Road a bit

STOP 6: 20 Dips OYO

Mosey Back Down the Road

STOP 7: IC Hold High Plank; 10 LBCs

Mosey Back Down the Road to Parking Lot

STOP 8:  IC 10 SSHs

LONG Mosey Back Down Road to FINAL STOP: Parking Lot


Experience of more, better, and best are hollow. It about others. Build up and encourage other rather than chasing experiences and feelings and places to give you meaning. It’s about community. Wallflower stayed on IronButt’s 6 when he could have easily busted out. Thank you.



VILA had permission to run like the wind back to the parking lot and he did. He was doing Brogah when the PAX arrived. Gaylord championed through a sore ankle with excellent encouragement and presence from MayHem.



Recent Backblasts

    Once you go beast, you never go east

    QIC: Whittler

    Date: 09/09/2019

    PAX: Peanuts, Sidekick, Fissure, Threeskin, FastLane, Toucan, FNG-Wallflower, Best in Show, Iron Butt, Gaylord, Mayhem, Early Bird, Jazzy Jag

    AO: Beast Ridge


    Cool with the smell of fresh reptile poop


    Mosey to the big parking lot, while doing 4×4 intermittently

    Linear SSH x 20

    3rd grade exercises x 15

    Willie Mays Hays x 20

    Windmill x 20

    Forward fold x 5

    Arm circles x 10 each way

    Overhead seal claps x 15

    SSH circle x 10

    The Thang

    Counted off to 7 so we would each have a partner that we might not be familiar with
    Partner one run suicides x 6 lines while partner two exercised then switch

    4×4 x 50 (modified to 20)

    Bonnie Blair x 100

    Flutter kick (4 count) x 200

    Plank x 2 rounds

    Mosey back to cars for Mary

    LBC x 30

    Pretzel  crunch x 15 each side

    Pickle pointers x 30

    Pickle Pounder x 10


    Sometimes the phrase “Silence is Golden” rings true.  Today was one of those days.  I was gassed and the lack of oxygen to the brain prevented coherent thoughts for a true COT.  


    Not a lot of chatter

    Many grumblings about IronPax week 2

    Best in Show apparently didn’t think the number of Pickle ________ reflected reality


    IronPax week 2 is live!  Find a day to get it done.

    Signal AO (Smackdown) launches 9/10 and will be every Tuesday

    Recent Backblasts

      Labor of Love

      QIC: Sidekick

      Date: 09/02/2019

      PAX: Wuznt me, Clothespin, Best in Show (R), Iron Butt (RX2), Doubtfire, Gaylord, Focker, Whittler, Toucan, Hasbro, FNG-Chipper, Prosciutto, Free Candy, Vsquared, Sunburn (R), Back Pew, Spielberg, Bernie, BMX, FNG-Wally, Uncle Fester, FNG-Semicolon, Fissure, FNG-Thin Mint, Trex, Red Tees, Peanuts, Centerfold, FNG-Tomahawk, Madoff, Escobar, FNG – Router, Threeskin, Mayhem (R), PR, Skitch, early Bird

      AO: Beast Ridge


      70 degerees and humid.  Low hanging Gloom for a 7 AM tee time


      Best In Show took us out on a mosey followed by a SSH filled warm up.  Included were some crowd faves of St Bernard squats and Fire Hydrants.

      The Thang

      Brisk Mosey to the big Soccer field.  partner up for some Dora. 

      Round 1

      100 Ircans; Full field width run

      Round 2

      80 Box Jumps up the bleachers; 15 yards and Back of Traveling burpees

      Brisk Mosey to the new practice area

      Sidekick’s “What Fall means to me Relay”

      Start out throwing cornhole – Tailgating.  1 pt = 25 Mercans; 2 pt = 20 Mercans; 3 pt= 15 Mercans; 4+ pt = 0 Mercans.  Replace the bags at start.

      Sprint to the Corn – Deer Hunting.  5 Squats with the 40 lb bag of corn (it started out at 40 lbs but was busted on the first run netting in a loss of a few pounds), lunge to the cone, 5 more squats, lunge back, 5 more squats.  Place corn gently on ground – FISSURE.

      Sprint to the Football – College Football; Throw the ball into the bucket.  When you miss, retrieve and throw again form where it stopped.  Repeat until the ball is in the bucket.  Replace the ball back at the start.

      Sprint to the tape toss – Kids Fall Festivals.  Toss the roll of tape into the bucket.  3 attempts, then sprint back to start.

      Intent here was to time and delay the next participant by that amount so that one team would win in the end.  With 40 Pax, this was a pipe dream.  This went to hell quickly.  Props to Vsquared for leading a ton of Mary for the non participants as they waited their turn.

      Mosey back to flag.


      Labor day, a day to rest and reflect.  We need to reflect on and appreciate what we have.  We also need to understand that these are not the fruits of our labors alone but the grace of God that provides for us.  We can not do these things alone, our achievements are not ours alone to celebrate and our failures are not burdens we bear alone.


      I was too busying trying to heard cats to hear what all was being said today.  hope everybody had a little beat down and a little fun


      Iron Pax.  Get involved and push yoursef

      Recent Backblasts

        Cleared for take off…..

        QIC: Best In Show 

        Date: 8/26/19

        PAX: Pebbles, Gaylord, Mayhem, Sidekick, Fastlane, Early Bird, Peanuts, Three Skin, Jazzy Jag, Toucan

        AO: Beast Ridge

        70 degrees and 100% chance of drizzles


        Knocked out 5 penalty burpees for a missing flag, a foreshadowing of things to come…then a little mosey to get us warmed up…

        The Thang

        After the mosey, I ‘splained to the group what we would be doing;

        7 sets of 7 exercises with a increasing timed run in between each set; 7 Jump Squats OYO, 7 merkins, 7 Mtn Climbers, 7 Imperial Walkers, 7 Burpees OYO, 7 Shoulder Taps and 7 SSH, after completion of the 7 exercises we would run for 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, 3, 3 1/2 and 4 minutes, increasing the run time between each set, see what I did there.

        Managed to get 5 sets in before we had to head back, along the way I introduced the Boeing Burpee, every time a plane took off from nearby Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport and Hair Salon, the group would perform 5 burpees! Lots of planes start leaving at 5:55 and judging  by the pax reaction they loved the Boeing Burpees! Lots of enthusiastic mumble chatter confirmed this. 

        Back in time for some quick Mary, but since I waited a week to post my BB, I have forgotten what they were, but they were awesome.


        We did this…


        Hope and Faith, you can hope for something, but you must also have faith. Whether it is faith in the Lord, faith in your fellow man or faith in yourself, if you hope for something, you must have faith that it will happen. And others hold faith in you, remember that as you go through your day.


        Convergence at the Beast for Labor Day. 7 am start, little warm up by yours truly followed by a Sidekick beat down!

        Recent Backblasts

          Picnic Time

          QIC: Jazzy Jag

          Date: 08/19/2019

          PAX: Sidekick, Fastlane, Oooh-Golly, Gooder, Toucan, Mayhem(R), Peanuts, Gaylord

          AO: Beast Ridge


          Darker than normal. Punch-you-in-the-face humid. Warm enough.


          Mosey to back soccer fields/pavilion – during mosey there were some OYO LBACs, military presses etc.

          Sshs x 20

          Slow merkins x 10 IC

          Willie Mays hays x 10 each leg IC

          Fire hydrants x 10 each leg IC

          Sshs x 15 faster! IC

          Carolina dry docks x 10 IC

          Imperial walker x 10 each leg IC

          Forward fold x 10 IC

          Sshs x 10 FASTER! IC

          The Thang

          Life’s a Picnic
          PAX each selected a partner for a little picnic at the pavilion.

          Each pair posted up at a picnic table and proceeded to do 3 rounds of:

          OYO 5 box jumps onto the picnic table- PAX were encouraged to jump all the way to the top of the table if able. 

          OYO 5 reps clean to shoulder level and overhead press with picnic table

          After completion, hold picnic table overhead until 6 is in or as long as possible.

          Where’s the cone?

          PAX then demanded cardio work and Q complied with laps around the soccer field – mosey the long sides of field, jail break the short ends of field. 3 laps. 

          After completion, repeat short end of field, alternating mosey and jailbreak until 6 is in.


          OYO 10 plank jacks, 10 shoulder taps each arm, 10 Peter Parkers each leg


          PAX repeated picnic fun and soccer field laps (2 laps this time)


          OYO 10 windmills each side, 10 single leg deadlifts each leg


          PAX repeated 1 round each of picnic fun and soccer field, then slow moseyed back to parking area.


          Running out of time, so Mary met us at the parking lot for 1 minute of American Hammers and flutter kick burnout.


          Credit to Skitch who had a good word a few weeks ago that stuck with me – we each have relationships in our life that require give and take. Sometimes we contribute as much as we feel we should and then wait for the other person to do their part and meet us halfway. Challenge to PAX was to find a relationship in their life where they were expecting their partner to “fill the gap” and instead serve them by giving 100%.


          Not much chatter this morning, probably because most PAX were thinking “come on, not another workout where we lift picnic tables over our heads.”

          There was good encouragement circulating among the group throughout the fun.

          3rd F = Faith that the cone is out there in the gloom somewhere

          4th F = Fear that I may not make it to the top of the picnic table on the box jump and crash down to the ground (Mayhem[R], who, to his credit, got back on the horse immediately)


          Convergence 9/2 Labor Day at the Beast

          Recent Backblasts

            BLIMPS and BOATS

            QIC: Sidekick

            Date: 08/12/2019

            PAX: Gaylord, Focker, Mayhem, Ooh-Golly, Centerfold, Early Bird, Peanuts, Fast Lane,  FNG-Toucan

            AO: Beast Ridge


            73 and Humid. Great day for a run


            SSH ICX20; Willie Mays Hays ICX12; Forward Fold ICX12; LBAC ICX10; Reverse ICX10; Shoulder Press ICX10; Morrocan Night Club ICX10; 3rd Grade Exercises ICX12; SSH ICX15; Slow Squats ICX12

            The Thang

            BLIMPS and BOATS

            Traditional BLIMPS but with a twist.  We will run to Bass PRO for round 1 and back for Round 2.

            Take off – Stop at intervals for:

            10 Burpees

            10 Lunges each leg

            10 Imperial Walkers IC 

            10 Mercans

            10 Plank Jacks IC

            10 Slow Squats IC

            Slow squats were completed in the far corner of the Bass Pro Parking Lot

            Head Back and repeat

            Total of 2.68 miles


            Don’t forget about the Marathon when focusing on the Sprint.  Life is a marathon.  Long range planning and foresight are key attributes to an effective leader.  Have long term goals in all aspects of your life.


            So Q, high and mighty First F Q, forgot to get the FNG info today.  This is bad enough as it is, but this is also our 130th FNG of the year!  This means we have hit the goal that everyone said we couldn’t hit in January.  Everyone should take pride in this accomplishment.  


            Labor Day Convergence, location to follow

            Recent Backblasts

              Home Run

              QIC: Mayhem

              Date: 08/05/2019

              PAX: threeskin, Sidekick, Focker, Best In Show, WuzntMe, Peanuts, Fastlane, Jazzy Jag, FNG-Oooh-Golly, FNG-Dutch Boy

              AO: Beast Ridge


              69 and comfortable but a bit humid with heavy dew on the grass. Overcast with only occasional glimpses of stars.

              Welcome and Disclaimer

              COP (Focker on Q)

              Mosey to the soccer field and circule up.  

              SSH x20 IC; L; BACs front and back x10 IC; Chinooks x10 IC; Moroccan Night Club x10; Military Press x10 IC; Forward Fold x10 IC; SSH x20 IC; 3GE x15 IC; SSH x 20 IC

              Mayhem on Q

              Line up at bottom of concrete bleachers – Incline Freeze Frame Mountain Climbers x10 IC

              Mosey to the Baseball Field…one lap around

              THE THANG

              Home-run Mayhem

              Round 1:  One at at time, each PAX steps up to the plate, takes an air swing and sprints to 1st base,  mosey to outfield grass, 10 Burpees OYO, mosey around infield on outfield grass back to Home plate and hold SSH until 6 is in.  SSH for entire PAX while waiting turn at the plate.

              Round 2:  One at at time, each PAX steps up to the plate, takes an air swing and sprints around to 2nd base,  mosey to outfield grass, 20 Shoulder Tap Merkins OYO, mosey around infield on outfield grass back to Home plate and hold SSH until 6 is in.  SSH for entire PAX while waiting turn at the plate.

              Round 3:  One at at time, each PAX steps up to the plate, takes an air swing and sprints around to 3rd base,  mosey to outfield grass, 30 Slow Squats OYO, mosey around infield on outfield grass back to Home plate and hold SSH until 6 is in.  SSH for entire PAX while waiting turn at the plate.

              Round 4:  One at at time, each PAX steps up to the plate, takes an air swing and sprints all the way around to Home Plate, 40 Imperial Walkers OYO, mosey around infield on outfield grass back to Home plate and hold SSH until 6 is in.  SSH for entire PAX while waiting turn at the plate.

              Medicine Ball Toss Indian Run

              Starting at Home Plate – First PAX heaves 10lb medicine ball towards CF and goes to end of line,  2nd PAX runs to collect the medicine ball while entire PAX follows, repeat until get to outfield wall and continue returning to Home Plate.  Two times through the entire pax. 4x back and forth total.

              Mosey back to the flag for Mary

              American Hammers x20 IC; Pointers L&R x10 IC; Tail Waggers L&R x5 IC; LBCs x15 IC; Hello Dollys x10 IC; Superman x 10IC; Nancy Kerrigan L&R x 10 IC; Plank 1min; Pickle Pointers x15 IC (Accelerating 😉


              Word of the Day…”Maturity”  Children move from needing to be fed, to feeding themselves and eventually being able to prepare a meal for themselves AND OTHERS. 

              Tied that to the Mission of F3…to invigorate Male Community Leadership.  Our goal is not just to be the physically fittest men in Chattanooga but to inspire each other to become “mature” and move into becoming a leader (home, work, church, community) that serves not only ourselves but others.

              Scripture Reference:  “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”  ~ Philippians 3:13-14 


              Thanks for life and brothers to push us to be better men both physically and spiritually.  Prayers that we will all continue to press on toward “maturity”


              It is a difficult transition to try to be serious about calling men to maturity when the last exercise you just did was accelerating cadence pickle pointers. 😉


              2.0 event this Saturday – Aug 10th.  Bring a change of clothes.

              Recent Backblasts

                Fun with Hurpees

                QIC: Jazzy Jag

                Date: 07/29/2019

                PAX: Early Bird, Fast Lane, Threeskin, Mayhem, Best in Show, Sidekick, Peanuts, Focker

                AO: Beast Ridge


                Dark. 69 degrees, everywhere except in the mist, which held a chill…


                Mosey 1 lap of soccer field, Muhammad Alis IC during mosey

                Circle up at the bottom of the hill (spoiler alert)
                SSHs x 20
                merkins x 5
                squats x 10
                forward fold x 10

                SSHs x 20 with speed boost
                Willie mays hays x 10
                Slow merkins x 5
                Windmill x 10
                SSHs x 20 with double speed boost

                Mosey 1 lap of soccer field – with LBACs OYO during mosey

                The Thang

                Hurpees with Partners
                PAX partner up and contain their excitement very well as they hear about the opportunity to do burpees with hurdles (get it?). Each HIM performs a standard burpee, with the jump portion involving a jump over your partner as they are down performing the ground-based portion of their burpee. Then roles reverse. Hurpees performed in single count x 24 OYO

                Sprint to the top of the hill and hold Al Gore/plank til 6 arrived, then Mosey across the field to stairs.

                Oh no, my leg fell off
                Q keeps commitment to “no regular burpees” by introducing Prosthetic Burpees. One legged burpees are just as fun as they sound and can be very handy if you lose a leg during a workout. Maybe we should do one-armed burpees next Jazzy Q? 4 on each step, 20 total, single count

                Circuitous mosey back across field to bottom of hill
                10 each SSH, Imperial Walker (each), Lunge (each)

                Please Sir can I have another
                Repeat Hurpees with different partner x 24
                Sprint to top of hill, Al Gore/plank
                Mosey across field
                Repeat Prosthetic Burpees up the stairs x 16

                Intermission 2
                Circuitous mosey back across field to bottom of hill
                10 each windmills (each), fire hydrants (each, ask Best in Show about this one), LBACs (each direction)

                PAX weep in disappointment that there isn’t enough time for another round of fun, so we take it up the hill one more time and mosey back to parking lot.

                American Hammer ICx10
                Flutter kicks ICx10
                LBCs ICx10
                Box Cutters ICx5 sloooow count
                Pickle Pointers ICx10



                I started at F3 Alpha near Atlanta and found a great group of men, good fellowship and great physical challenges. When I came to Chattanooga I was skeptical that the level of challenge would be the same. Let’s just say that fear was unfounded. It helped that my first 3 workouts were Qed by The Count (respect x 2). It is a reassuring and satisfying thing to have something or someone in your life that is consistent enough that you always know what you’re going to get. My challenge to these men was to be that consistent element in their circles – F3, marriage, children, friends, coworkers. Be consistent and constant and let people have confidence that you will always be available as a support and encouragement.


                “Read that back to me”
                Sidekick, Best in Show and Threeskin were the kids in the back of the class who had trouble listening to the Q.

                Many comments were made about VQs and how everyone enjoys them (I think?)


                Dadurday 8/10 at the Landfill.

                Do Not Edit….The After Effect of the BIS Flow

                QIC: Best In Show

                Date: 07/22/2019

                PAX: Home Alone, Sparky, Early Bird, Bud Light, Mayhem, Peanuts, Sidekick,  Threeskin, Gaylord, Yodeler, Jazzy Jag, Fastlane

                AO: Beast Ridge


                76 degrees, high clouds, 86% humidity, but it only felt like 85%….


                Little mosey, followed by 22 SSH just to get the muscles lose and the blood flowing. Mosey was interrupted by a couple of pooches walking by, that equals 5 burpees in a BIS Q!

                The Thang

                Going with an HIIT or TABATA type thing, not sure what those are since I am not a professional….

                AMRAP 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds rest


                HIgh Knees

                St Bernard Squats

                Imperial Walkers



                Shoulder Taps


                Called an audible and took the PAX on a little mosey to find a wall to try out a little something new.

                Found the wall, lined up and performed donkey kicks against the wall for 30 seconds followed by wall sits. times two. Early Bird found a sand bag and had a great idea to pass it around whilst performing said wall sit. Good call my friend. Lots of mumble chatter about pain or something…..

                Another little mosey after this led us into a two loop Indian run right on over to the other pavilion for 30 seconds each of Dips, Incline Merkins and Decline Merkins because someone said we should do both, who am I to argue..

                And the final mosey to finish up the festivities with 6 minutes of mary, things like flutter kicks, LBC, Hello Dolly, Freddie Mercuries, leg lifts and 2 pickle related exercises (not my choice, but left up the PAX, so hey….)


                Average heart rate 138…


                After effects were the words that came to my mind while preparing this workout. Not just the after effect of the well planned and executed work out by a on-professional, but the after effect of F3. The after effect of the influence it has on us all, whether it is the physical after effect or the after effect that is the invigoration of male leadership in the community.


                Do not edit, someone gave me that idea….


                Mayhem VQ on Friday at Hacksaw!

                Recent Backblasts

                  Full Body Beasts

                  QIC: threeskin

                  Date: 07/15/2019

                  PAX: Bernie, BMX, Early Bird, FastLane, Home Alone, Mayhem, Oiler, Peanuts, Sidekick, Sparky, Swamp Donkey

                  AO: Beast Ridge


                  So Humid…   sooooo humid….


                  Threeskin Warm Up: SSH Heavy, not a burpee in sight. 

                  SSHs x 10 IC
                  Forward Fold – Silent Cadence
                  SSHs x 10 IC
                  Good Mornings x 10 IC
                  SSHs x 10 IC
                  Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC
                  SSHs x 10 IC
                  Little Baby Arm Circles x 10 IC
                  SSHs x 10 IC
                  Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles x 10 IC
                  SSHs x 10 IC
                  Military Press x 10 IC

                  Mosey to Playground

                  The Thang

                  This is a beast, keep it simple.
                  Upper and Lower Body Round 1:
                  Grab a partner: 3 sets of 10 in rotating fashion
                  Rows/Curls/Knees to Chest
                  Air Squats/Lunges/Imperial Walkers

                  Mosey to the famous Sidekick field

                  Upper and Lower Body Round 2:
                  Grab a partner: 3 sets in rotating fashion – alternate full and half field 
                  In the pavilion: do slow merkins
                  On the field: run

                  Upper and Lower Body Round 3:
                  Grab a partner: 3 sets in rotating fashion
                  In the pavilion: do incline merkins
                  On the field: skip, when you reach the end, run back

                  Mosey Back to parking lot. 


                  Counterama yep
                  Namerama yep
                  Announcearama sure
                  Ball Of Man. uh huh

                  BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]

                  Be the Bigger Man: find a place to plug and contribute.
                  What is your passion?  What is your skill set?
                  Part of F3 is the organic nature and decentralized organization, this means your are just as important as the guy next to your.  You can contribute just as much and have just as much effect.  Man up, show up, level up.  


                  someone forgot to turn the dehumidifier on

                  La Quinta is not 5 stars

                  the border war for beast ridge continues!



                  Recent Backblasts