Pre-blast 04/02 – 04/07

What an excellent week behind us! Fissure’s VQ, several FNGs, warmer temps on the way, a successful Soddy-Daisy launch underway and Easter; I’d say that spring has sprung and F3 Chatt is bracing for some serious growth.
Continuing the “soft” launch of Soddy Daisy – there are potential workouts/rucks on Tuesday/Thursday (for more info go talk to @f3mrclean and of course consult the F3 Chatt GroupMe)
This week’s F2 event is happy hour on Thursday.  Let’s continue to HC (hard commit) for the F2 (fellowship) events and continue to build this community. These are good opportunities to learn about one another when we aren’t suckin’ wind during a workout.  Location will be determined as we approach the day — keep an eye on the GroupMe and Whittler for direction.
Here’s the forecast for the week:
MONDAY – (04/02/2018)
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: Beast Ridge
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Prosciutto

Workout: Run
AO: The Griff
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Ohms
TUESDAY – (04/03/2018)
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: Hill City
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Laces Out

Soddy-Daisy (TBD)
Time: 0530 – 0615

WEDNESDAY – (04/04/2018)
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: The Griff
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Snowflake

Workout: Ruck
AO: Beast Ridge
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Vila/Prosciutto
THURSDAY – (04/05/2018)
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: Hill City
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Whittler

Event: Happy Hour
Where: TBD (contact Whittler for more info)
When: 1730 – ??
SATURDAY – (04/07/2018)
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: Landfill
Time: 0700 – 0800
QIC: Angus


Weekly Pre-blast (2/19/2018)

This is the beginning of what YHC is calling the Weekly Pre-Blast. In this Pre-Blast YHC will discuss the scheduled workouts for the week and the respective Q’s. Bootcamps, Rucks, Runs, OTB Workouts, News, and even Food Consumption will be listed in this Pre-Blast. The schedule is now posted in 3 different locations (Q Schedule, Pre-Blast, and on GroupMe).
With that being said…this week started off with two workouts on Monday – a Bootcamp and a Ruck. The Bootcamp led by Vila took place at Beast Ridge and Mr. Clean led the group around the Griff for a Ruck style workout.
Steam Engine happened to be in town to lead a beatdown this morning at Hill City.
On Wednesday there will be a bootcamp workout led by Snowflake at the Griff and also a Ruck workout at Beast Ridge led by Vila. If you don’t like Rucking come to the Griff and if you don’t like Snowflake, go to Beast Ridge…point is….there’s no excuses! YHC will even be running through snow-covered terrain in Iceland. NO EXCUSES!
This Thursday Ringwald will be leading us in a Bootcamp style workout Hill City…I wonder if any music will be involved? Will our “Bodies be Hitting the Floor”?? Only one way to find out I suppose. BE THERE!
This Friday Mr. Clean will be leading an OTB workout (meeting up at Tracks End) through the Tennessee Riverpark on Amnicola Highway. After the workout many calories will be consumed at Tracks End Restaurant.
On Saturday, Vila will be back at it for a Bootcamp style workout at The Landfill. After you get destroyed by Vila…he will make it up to you by taking you out to Coffeeteria at the Waffle house on Dayton Blvd.
MONDAY – (02/19/2018)
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: Beast Ridge (Camp Jordan Park)
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Vila

Workout: Ruck/Run
AO: The Griff (Vandergriff Park)
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Mr. Clean
TUESDAY – (02/20/2018)
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: Hill City (Renaissance Park)
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Steam Engine

WEDNESDAY – (02/21/2018)
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: The Griff (Vandergriff Park)
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Snowflake

Workout: Ruck/Run
AO: Beast Ridge (Camp Jordan Park)
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Vila
THURSDAY – (05/22/2018)
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: Hill City (Renaissance Park)
Time: 0530 – 0615
QIC: Ringwald

FRIDAY – (02/23/2018)
Workout: OTB
AO: Tennessee Riverwalk – Amnicola Highway
Time: 0515 – 0600
QIC: Mr. Clean

Workout: Fellowship Event (Friday Breakfast Club)
AO: Tracks End Restaurant
Time: 0600 – 0700
Workout: Bootcamp
AO: The Landfill (White Oak Park)
Time: 0700 – 0800
QIC: Vila

Workout: Fellowship Event (Coffeeteria)
AO: Waffle House – Dayton Blvd
Time: 0815 – 0915

4 Corners

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Pumpkin, Ohms, Juice, Ringwald, Candu, FNG-Tubbs, Mr. Clean, FNG-Geek Squad, Early Bird
AO: Landfill
Date: 1/20/2018
Conditions: 35 degrees warm enough for shorts

Disclaimer: Here on your own free will, am not a professional, push yourself & don’t get hurt, modify exercises if need to
SSH IC 20x
Cherry Pickers IC 15x
Wind Mill IC 15x
Alternating Toe Taps IC 15x
Imperial Walker IC 15x
Mosey to Outhouse and pick up small rocks for some wall sits
The Thang:
Wall Sits w/ Muhammad Ali using rocks IC 10x
Wall Sits w/ Joe Frazier using rocks IC 10x
Wall Sits w/ Shoulder Press using rock IC 10x
Wall Sits w/ Forward Rock Raises IC 10x
Return baby rocks home and pick up a Dwayne and mosey to field
Run 2 laps around the soccer field to allow QIC to drop 4 random cones
Do the following for 5 minutes:
Start at Cone 1 sprint to Cone 2 karaoke to Cone 3 Bernie Sanders to Cone 4 karaoke back to Cone 1
Next series of exercises:
Cone 1: American Hammers w/ coupon then Bear Crawl to Cone 2
Cone 2: Jump Squat then Forward Lunge to Cone 3
Cone 3: Big Boy Sit Ups then Duck Walk to Cone 4
Cone 4: Burpees then Backward Lunge to Cone 1
Start with 10 reps then drop to 9 then 8 and so on

Name FNGs
Prayer Request:
Snowflake with sickness during Orlando trip
Angus’s wife expecting
Pumpkin’s daughter knee injury during game
GoRuck Tough see Vila
Tough Mudder see Ohms
Chattanooga Marathon Relay see Picasso
WOD: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human master. – Colossians 3:23
I picked this as a verse because I am currently reading The Civilized Engineer by Samuel C. Florman and he talks about how many students are enrolling to be engineers for the money. Florman states “I take little satisfaction in knowing that engineering enrollment has doubled when I learned that young people are entering the profession mainly because it promises steady employment.” During college I had a handful of friends that started off as engineering and after a semester or 2 they would end up changing majors to business. The reason for this is because they were not passionate about engineering, they did not enjoy the learning and challenges that come with engineering. Many people fail in new year resolutions or working out because they are not passionate about what they are doing. In F3 we EH a lot of men and when we do get FNGs they either hate it or fall in love with it and keep coming out. We come out not because we enjoy freezing temperatures but because we love what F3 stands for.

Herschel Walker Pets the Pony Everyday

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Whittler, Ohms, Prosciutto, Angus, Laces Out, Rainman, Snowflake
AO: Hill City
Date: 1/9/2018
Conditions: Warm 37 degrees perfect for a Herschel Walker beatdown

Disclaimer was given at the Shovel flag while some stranglers were getting out of their vehicles. And we are off
Quick mosey to Great Hall
SSH IC 15x
Cherry Picker IC 15x
Windmill IC 15x
Alternating Toe Taps IC 15x
Mosey to Walnut Walking Bridge and informed the PAX that seeing Herschel Walker as an honorary captain for the Georgia Bulldogs reminded me of an Art of Manliness article about his crazy workout that he did and continues to do (will attach article at the end).
The Thang:
Merkins IC 10x
LBC IC 10x
Mosey to next lamp post
Rinse & Repeat 4x
Forward Lunge 10 each leg
Squat IC 10x
Rinse & Repeat 4x
Dips IC 10x
Mosey to next set of benches
Rinse & Repeat 3x
Once we completed Walnut bridge asked Laces out to lead us to the Market St bridge and take us back to Love Shack. During the mosey to Love Shack, QIC was starting to feel the wings and pizza from the night before luckily it stayed down. Also, learned that by yelling “FELLOWSHIP” the PAX slow down for the 6 catch up. Thanks for tip Prosciutto. Once we were within eyeshot of the Love Shack Prosciutto called for one last sprint to the finish.
Once we made it to the Love Shack we noticed that our shovel flag tipped over which comes with a 10 burpee penalty.

Prayer Request:
Mr. Clean had another seizure so won’t be able to drive for awhile.
Angus wife due date was 1/8 so now the waiting game.
Ohm’s friends had their baby on 1/8
Chattanooga Relay (4 man marathon relay): 3/2 – 3/4
Ragnar Race (12 man relay Chattanooga – Nashville): 3/23 – 3/24
Chattanooga MS Walk: 4/21
GoRuck Tough (Chattanooga) : 8/18
Tough Mudder (Nashville): 9/15 – 9/16
For more details check out the F3 Chatt Newsletter
Upcoming Q’s:
1/10 Snowflake
1/11 Vila
1/13 Ohms, Prosciutto, Steam Engine
WOD: “Success is just being happy… God has helped me to love myself. I know who God is, and I love God.” – Herschel Walker
We are a week into the new year. Everyone has set their New Years Resolution and goals. Now take the time to define what success means to you. Success is not just being on top of the mountain or having the most money. It could be completing a marathon, a GoRuck Tough event, coming out to the Gloom. Sometimes success is in the journey and not the end result. Herschel defined success as being happy which is a great definition and he got their through loving God. If you know and love God then you have already won.
New year, new goals, you gotta define success It’s not just being on top
Here is the link to the Herschel Walker article. Some highlights:

  • Dips — up to a 1,000 a day
  • Squats — up to a 1,000 a day
  • Lunges — up to a 1,000 a day

The Herschel Walker Workout

Two Minute Rule

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 01/08/2018
PAX: Early Bird
AO: Beast Ridge


Damp with freezing rain. Temps in the low 30’s. Great weather, unless you’re a petunia.

The Disclaimer

Delivered to myself, which felt odd. Then, once again when Early Bird joined


Capri Lap waiting on “Pajaro!”
SSH x 10 IC
IW x 12 IC
*Stay in plank position*
Mtn Climbers x 10 IC
Merkins x 5 IC
Mtn Climbers x 10 IC
Plank x 12 IC
Side Plank x 10 IC
Side Plank (other) x 10 IC
SSH x 12 IC

The Thang

1) Merkin Mile 
Perform a run/fellowship mosey and at every .25 mile, perform 25 Merkins
2) Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM)
Run back to shovel flag and perform 5 burpees EMOM (6 Minute run back)
3) Coupon curls
Grab a landscape block and perform low, mid, full curls x 10 OYO (repeat)
4) Raccoon Crawl
At the stadium steps, perform raccoon crawls from bottom step upward



“The 2-Minute Rule” – The two-minute rule is simply a tactic which helps one overcome procrastination and laziness by making it so easy to start taking action that you can’t say no. And, even better, it’s built off the notion that Sir Isaac Newton suggests, “objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion.” This is just as true for humans as it is for falling apples.
Part 1 — If it takes less than two minutes, then do it now.
Part 1 comes from David Allen’s best-selling book, Getting Things Done.
It’s surprising how many things we put off that we could get done in two minutes or less. For example, washing your dishes immediately after your meal, tossing the laundry in the washing machine, taking out the garbage, cleaning up clutter, sending that email, and so on.
If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, then follow the rule and do it right now.
Part 2 — When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.
Can all of your goals be accomplished in less than two minutes? Obviously not.
But, every goal can be started in 2 minutes or less. And that’s the purpose behind this little rule.
It might sound like this strategy is too basic for your grand life goals, but it works for any goal because of one simple reason: Sir Isaac Newton’s theory – “objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion.”
The 2–Minute Rule is awesome because it embraces the idea that all sorts of good things happen once you get started.
In F3, we start first thing in the morning (not because of this rule), but it’s a perfect opportunity to utilize the rule.  If you choose to post in the morning, then you are no longer an object at rest, and therefore you will tend to stay in motion after the post and accomplish more; as opposed to staying in the fartsack (See #3: The Lunch Hour workout guy) and leading a lackluster and otherwise noncommittal life of sadness. #truthNugget

Upcoming Qs

Steam Engine (01/09) @ Hill City
Mr Clean (01/10) @ The Griff
Vila (01/11) @ Hill City
Mr Clean (01/13) @ The Landfill

*AYE! @f3mrclean for the double-duty this week #acceleratingMan; thanks brother!*

12 Days of Christmas

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Vila, Angus, Best in Show, Ohms
AO: Hill City
Date: 12/12/2017
Conditions: a cool 37 degrees nice and warm for a holiday beatdown

Mosey to Great Hall where disclaimer was given and we began with a quick COP
SSH IC 15x
Cotton Pickers IC 12x
Windmill IC 12x
Imperial Walker IC 12x
Kept the COP short in sweet since we would need all the time for what lay ahead.
The Thang:
1 Burpee
2 Big Boy Sit Ups
3 Bench Press
4 Shoulder Press
5 Curls
6 Bent Over Rows
7 LBC’s
8 Mountain Climbers
9 Merkins
10 Plank Jacks
11 Lunges
12 Jump Squats
Tried to find a decent size Dwayne and gathered around the Christmas tree in Coolidge Park. Explained how the thang worked. We start off with 1 burpee take a lap come back do 2 Big Boy Sit Ups & 1 Burpee followed by a lap. We did this til we got to the 12th gift of Jump Squats. Yup the beat down is brought to you by the 12 Days of Christmas song but instead of nice gifts like 5 golden rings you get curls and forget about the partridge in a pear tree you get a lovely burpee. Also quick shout out to Shark Bait from F3 Mt View who I stole this from. Solid Q brother.

Prayer Request:
December 1-25: Xmas ab challenge #Abvent
December 23: Potluck dinner
December 25: Xmas beat down (more details to come as we approach this date)
TBD: Rucking Camping Trip
August 17,2018: GoRuck Tough in Chattanooga
September 15-16, 2018: Tough Mudder in Nashville

Monster Mash

QIC: Steam Engine

PAX: Ohms, Angus, Vila, Delta, Flemish, Banjo, Picasso, FNG-The Count, Snowflake
AO: Hill City
Date: 10/31/2017
Conditions: 42 degrees great weather for a monster mash

Disclaimer was given & welcomed the FNG
SSH IC 15x
Little Arm Circles (LAC) Forward IC 15x
LAC Backward IC 15x
Shanook IC 15x
Alternating Toe Taps IC 15x
Peter Parker IC 15x
Mountain Goat IC 10x
Mosey to the river-walk
The Thang:
Zombie Walk: lunge across to a set point this morning we used the benches on the river walk.
Followed by Ballerina Squats IC 10 OYO
Rinse & Repeat 3x
Once we reached the Great Hall we picked out some rocks to perform The Cooper
The Cooper:
Block Burpee, Goblet Squat, Merkins, mosey to 2nd bench & back
Start at 10 reps for each excersices & work down to 1 rep
Mosey back to The Love Shack for some quick Mary
RBC IC 15x
LBC IC 10x

Prayer Request:
Count: New CEO pray for guidance and wisdom as he leads 250 people
Angus: wife’s pregnancy
Stairmaster: neighbor had electrical fire
November 11: Q School
November 18: Grow Ruck
Upcoming Q’s:
November 1: Ohms (The Griff)
November 2: Villa (Hill City)
November 4: Angus (Landfill)

The Great Bambinooooo

60 Degrees and no rain
Welcome and Disclaimer
YHC welcomed an FNG and ran through the full disclaimer
The Thang
Six faithful pax mosey to the River in the dark
Stretch-o-rama / COP
Each stretch held for a 20 count to get the muscles loose, YHC mumbles something about yoga.
– Toe Touch
– Loose Hang
– Baseball stretch
– Quad Stretch
– Upward Reach
– Tricep
– Across Chest Arm Stretch
After much peace and tranquility observed by the river watching the sunrise, there was a whole lotta mumble of fear about the impending doom this must mean.
COP all excercises done IC
Focus on Legs
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– High Knees x 20
– Wide High Knees x 20
– SSH x 20
– Ass Kickers x 20
Focus on Arms (keep those arms up!)
– Merkins (4 count) x 20
– LAC x 20, forwards and backwards
– Chinooks x 20, 1 way
– Moroccan Night Club x 20
There was much mumble chatter after that shoulder busting warm up. Keep those arms up.
Mosey to the Top
We hit the swingset for a little Modified Wooleyworm. Grab a buddy.
1 Pax sets up for wooleyworm by placing feet in the swing and arms in plank position while holding the feet of the buddy who is in position for Big Boy Sit Ups, try to stay together. 20 Reps and swap. Rinse and Repeat One more time.
This had most pax mumbling.
Mosey to the Ball Fields

Pit Stop at the dug out for a quick wall sit. hold for 1 minute. Pax had some mumble going on trying to cut time short.
Proceed to the Diamond for something special.
The Great Bambino
After the Colossus of Clout  the Sultan of Swat this exercise gives every pax the opportunity to feel like the great bambino by rounding the bases.  This is a good opportunity for all pax to work hard to make the exercise as easy or difficult as they choose.
All pax congregate at homeplate in a single line and perform an exercise AMRAP while 1 pax at a time runs all the way around the diamond. Each runner returns to the end of the line and resumes the exercise. The pax are encouraged to run fast, because the faster they run the fewer reps they will have to perform. Or run slow and make it suck. Once each pax has run a lap they proceed to the next exercise. Exercises performed: Merkin AMRAP, LBC AMRAP, and Plankjacks AMRAP.
10 count from FNG. The pax were thankful this guy knew how to perform a solid 10 count.
Mosey to the Boat Ramp
Each pax grabs a rock and circles up near by. Gus instructed the pax about proper rock picking technique. After all rocks had been picked YHC instructed pax that they should be pick a rock they could part with because there will be a modified conveyor belt.
Rock BLOCK: 
Each pax holds there coupon and performs the exercise as instructed then passes it to the right. Exercises performed should spell out the word B-L-O-C-K. 
B – Bent over rows x 5
L – Lunges x 10
O – Overhead press x 15
C – Curles, Top Curl x 5 Bottom Curl x 5, Full Curl x 10
K – Kettle Bell Swing x 25
YHC handed over the reins to Gus to bring it home.
Indian Run
Indian Run to an undisclosed location. We proceeded until we reached near the entrance of the park when Gus called a Free Willy to the shovel flag. All pax proceeded to sprint and yell and spit and huff their way back to the shovel flag.
Welcome to FNG Burner. Made it through with flying colors. We’re glad to have you and we look forward to seeing you back during the week.
Laces out son is doing much better, Gus has had some great progress in the job environment, Angus is thankful to have the pax, and Burner’s friend has been having some health issues.
Proud to see this group of men work hard and continue to get better. We are continually pushing the rock up the hill and while it might not get any easier the view sure does improve.
Angus Out