Huey Gettin’ Iron Paxxy

QIC: Fissure

Date: 09/30/2019

PAX: Couch Potato, Ducktales, U-Turn, Truck Yeah, Loan Shark, Milkman, Geek Squad, Red Tees

AO: Huey


Bring us fall, please.  It was humid and still.


1.75 mosey laps ending up in the parking lot by the ball fields
Fwd Fold x 11 IC
WMH x 10 IC
SSH x 20 IC
10 burpees, 9 squats, 8 burpees, 7 squats, 6 burpees, 5 squats, 4 burpees, 3 squats, 2 burpees, 1 squat aka The Slaughter Starter

The Thang

Standard coupon ~35 pound cinder block awaited the pax in the parking lot
Slight variation on Iron Pax week 2
10 man makers
20 Merkins (on ground)
30 bent over rows
40 squats (holding coupon)
10 burpees
2 laps around the islands
rinse and repeat until time called.  Most seemed to get 3 rounds in.


10 big boi sit-ups 
10 big boi sit-ups
Box-cutters x 10 IC
Flutter kicks x 10 IC
Flutter kicks x 10 IC
10 big boi sit-ups


You are what you eat.  You are who you surround yourself with.  You’re loyal to what you consume.  All of these essentially say the same thing.  Focus on what you’re consuming.  Garbage in, garbage out.  It works both ways.  You won’t have anything good to GIVE if you’re not filling yourself with the good things. 


Guys were encouraged to PLEASE take a coupon home.  Fingers crossed that CP can get permission to leave them at the Huey. 

Recent Backblasts

    Highbrow Burpees

    QIC: Fissure

    Date: 09/24/2019

    PAX: Whittler, Prosciutto, Burrito, Gusher, Geyser, Laces Out (Respect), Cottontail, Slater, She Shed

    AO: Smackdown


    Fall is around the corner.  You can feel it.


    Mosey from lot to football field
    SSH x 35 IC
    Windmills x 10 IC
    High Knees x 10 IC
    Low Knees x 10 IC
    SSH x 10 IC
    SLAUGHTER STARTER: 10 burpees, 9 squats, 8 burpees, 7 squats, 6 burpees, 5 squats, 4 burpees, 3 squats, 2 burpees, 1 squat

    The Thang(s)

    Mosey to the track
    The Burpee Mile
    10 burpees then a run lap, rinse and repeat three more times

    Walk to the nearest goalpost, line up facing opposing goalpost 
    DRP suicides
    Broad jump to first DRP (25 yards), 40 merkins, run back to start
    Bunny hop to second DRP (50 yards), 30 merkins, run back to start
    Bearcrawl to third DRP (75 yards), 20 merkins, run back to start
    Run to fourth DRP (100 yards), 10 merkins, run back
    Run to other goalpost (125ish yards), 10 burpees, run back, 10 burpees


    Gas pumps x 20 IC
    Flutter kicks x 10 IC
    Heel touches x 20 IC
    LBCs x 20 IC
    High plank x 15 IC
    Low plank x 10 IC
    10 burpees (that makes 100 burpees on the day plus any that were done while waiting on the six)


    Launch week #3 for the esteemed Smackdown and we covered the third F.  Faith.  COT was kept short and sweet as we were all pretty tired.  


    Midwife noises galore from Burrito.  He never quit, though!

    YHC was pretty motivated to see some merlot splashed but no such luck.

    Recent Backblasts

      The Hills Have Ayes

      QIC: Fissure

      Date: 09/14/2019

      PAX: She Shed, Moneyball, Vsquared, Songbird, Uncle Fester, Head Gasket, Pink Panther (Respect)

      AO: Landfill


      Cloudy and mild


      Mosey to bottom of Landfill with some side shuffles, Bernie and walking lunges mixed in
      At bottom – SSH x 25 IC, Fwd Fold x 10 IC, WMH x 10 IC, Low n Slow squats x 15 IC, SSH x 25 IC
      Welcome Moneyball
      Mosey to middle lot, welcome Songbird and Head Gasket

      The Thang

      Form work
      Pair up, partner 1 performs merkins with good form (chest to ground, full elbow extension) while partner 2 holds Al Gore, switch when form lost.  Same deal with squats and plank.  Two rounds of this swapping plank for lbc on second round
      Mosey up to playground

      OYO, 10 pike swings, 10 incline merkins, 10 dips, 10 burpees, run up hill to pavillion, 50 2-count flutterkicks.  3 rounds.  SSH for the six.

      Grab 30-40 pound rock and line up facing soccer field hill
      10 overhead squats, 20 merkins, 30 American Hammers, 40 overhead presses, run up hill and back and yell AYE loud as you can.  3 rounds.

      10 big boi situps
      15 flutterkicks IC
      10 big boi situps


      Iron Pax has been a good reminder that a lot of life, not just workouts, is “you versus you.”  Sure, we want to do our best and beat our brothers in a little friendly competition, but when it comes down to it you’re fighting yourself and that inner voice telling you to quit or you can’t do it.  


      “Where do these pictures go?”
      -Songbird as the group posed with the flag


      Recent Backblasts

        Kickball at Landfill

        QIC: Fissure

        Date: 09/07/2019

        PAX: Moneyball, Peanuts, Songbird, Fly-by (Respect), Uncle Fester, Vsquared, Snowflake, Head Gasket, Sidekick, Iron Butt (Respect), Hasbro, Threeskin, Whittler

        AO: Landfill


        ‘Twas nice


        SSH x 20 IC
        Fwd Fold x 10 IC
        WMH x 10 IC

        The Thang

        Sidekick setup bases for kickball whilst we performed warmup exercises
        3 team Kickball
        Due to only 14 players we split into 3 teams.  Defense performed 3 penalty burpees per run given up


        Fun times were had.  Crap talk ensued and we are better for it.


        Check #ironpax channel

        Recent Backblasts

          22’s by 2’s

          QIC: Fissure

          Date: 09/04/2019

          PAX:  Gaylord, WuzntMe, Toe Tag, Pinky Tag, Clothespin, POS, John Doe, Moondance, Peanuts

          AO: Hacksaw


          Nice.  Low 70’s.  Stars were out.


          Mosey to the memorial and circle up
          SSH x 50 IC
          Fwd Fold x 10 IC
          Partner up for finkle swings x 15 each leg
          Mosey under Apison Pike past Imagination Station onto the grass of the Commons via Swinyar Drive

          The Thang

          Grab a paver from the conveniently placed stack (Thanks Collegedale)
          22’s by 2’s
          Holding paver Bernie Sanders across the field to treeline
          2 big boi sit-ups holding paver then mosey back across the field to the start and perform 20 diamond merkins with hands on the paver
          Sit-up reps increase by 2 as the merkin reps decrease by 2 until you’ve done your final 2 merkins reps

          We did the following while waiting for the six:
          SSH x 25 IC
          8-count bodybuilders x 5 OYO
          Flutter kicks until six returned

          Mosey back to flag for flutter kicks x 9 IC, done


          We read a portion of Psalm 139.  God loves us and knows everything about us.  It’s important to stop looking to the next thing and live in the moment and remember God isn’t so big and impersonal.  


          The commons is kind of a hike from the memorial.  We had to stop a couple times to “regather.”

          We took the short way home across Apison.  Probably should’ve held hands.


          Check #ironpax channel on slack for updates

          Recent Backblasts

            Theodore Roosevelt Did Jiu-Jitsu

            QIC: Fissure

            Date: 08/12/2019

            PAX: Couch Potato, The Count (Respect), Doubtfire, Red Tees, U-turn, Hasbro, Radiohead, Geek Squad, Truck Yea

            AO: The Huey


            Bit on the humid side


            Circled up on track by flags
            50 SSH IC
            10 Fwd Fold IC
            10 Leg over lower back stretches IC each side

            The Thang

            Remained by flags
            2018 Iron Pax Challenge first week workout
            4 round of the following for time:
            50 Airsquats
            40 Merkins
            30 Bigboy situps
            20 Bonnie Blairs
            10 Burpees
            400m run 
            We completed 2 rounds instead of 4 because it was apparent YHC was repeating a workout from last week.  This is totally on me since Duck did mention the workout and I completely forgot.

            Audible called and we mosey’d to the big lot and lined up facing the opposite island.
            Mosey down, high knees back
            Low knees down, karaoke back
            Jail break down, walk back x 6

            Circled up around first island
            50 Airsquats
            40 Merkins
            30 Bigboy situps
            20 Bonnie Blairs
            Mosey back to flags


            Reminded pax that Carebear does a great job with the preblast each week.  Quote this week came from Theodore Roosevelt.

            “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

            Radiohead added that we should all be reminded this goes for parenting as well.  Our kids deserve some grace when they’re trying to learn how to make decisions.  We can be too hard on them.  

            Little known fact:  Theo suffered a detached retina whilst boxing during his presidency and took of Jiu-Jitsu.  


            Not a ton of Mumble chatter as we got right to it this morning

            Geek Squad has his Huey bros backs.  He grabbed YHC’s shirt in hopes of ending the jailbreaks after it was clear we would keep doing sprints until the Q was beaten!


            Iron Pax Challenge starts 9/1 SIGN UP!

            Recent Backblasts

              SAY I WON’T

              QIC: Fissure

              Date: 08/07/2019

              PAX: Peanuts, Freetime, Iron Butt (Respect), Milkman, Moneyball, The Count (Respect), Loan Shark, Ohms

              AO: Lions Den


              Clear and pleasant


              Our man Goose was scheduled to q but had some alarm clock issues.  YHC took the bull by the horns and we carried on to the all-purpose area by the track.

              SSH x 25 IC
              Fwd fold x 11 IC
              WMH x 10 IC
              Mosey lap

              The Thang

              Emergency q calls for something simple

              LBC x 30 IC
              Squat x 25 IC
              Merkins x 40 OYO
              Lunges x 15 IC
              Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC
              Burpees x 10 (second round we did Bonnie Blairs x 10)
              Mosey lap
              Rinse and repeat x 3 rounds


              We can’t be the best us without others around us; people who are humble and know their own mess but willing to push us toward getting better.


              We missed you Goose


              F3 Dads at Landfill Saturday 8.10 – bring change of clothes and towels!

              Iron Pax Challenge coming September – go register

              Recent Backblasts

                Tour De Batterie

                QIC: Deep Dish

                Date: 08/07/2019

                PAX:  Fastlane, Clothespin, 9 volt, WuzntMe, Oiler, Topless

                AO: The Battery


                The weather out ther today is hot and shitty with continued hot and shitty in the afternoon.  Tomorrow a chance of continued crappy with a pissy weather front coming down from the north.  Basically, it’s hotter than a snake’s ass in a wagon roundup.


                Mosey around the dog park to the parking lot
                SSH ICx20, 3rd grade exericise ICx10, Abe Vagoda ICx10, Forward fold ICx10,  Willy Mays Hays ICx10, Imperial Walkers ICx10. 

                The Thang

                Mosey around the volley ball pitch to the playground
                Incline merkin ICx20, Big boy sit up ICx20, Hello Dolly ICx15, Merkins ICx20
                Mosey to the pavillion & grab a rock
                OYO: 20 curls, 20 military press, 20 squats, 20 dips
                Mosey around the volley ball pitch back to the pavillion
                Rinse & repeat
                Mosey to the tennis court cabana & partner up
                PAX 1 – Wall sit,  PAX 2 High knees – min interval then switch
                5 Burpees OYO
                Rinse & repeat
                Mosey to the tennis courts & circle up
                BAC -Fwd ICx15, Rev ICx15, Moroccan night club ICx15, seal clap ICx15, Cherry pickers ICx15, Military press ICx15
                Run a lap – Air Squats ICx20
                Run a lap – Burpees OYOx10
                Run a lap – Lunges OYOx10

                *Missed the Swiss Alps on our tour but we will get it in next time!


                Be mindful of who is looking up to you as a leader and remember no matter how upset you get don’t lose your cool.  

                BALL OF MAN: Prayer requests for Sparky’s dad who is approaching the end of his journey, Topless’ dad who is suffering from an infection and Fastlane’s grandmother-in-law.


                We have T-shirts!!!!!  Thank you, Wuz!!!!!  


                Saturday 8/10/19 – F3 Dad’s workout.  Bring your 2.0 to the Landfill

                Saturday 9/7/19 – Scenic City Mud Run – Greenway farms

                Recent Backblasts

                  What’s Your Problem?

                  QIC: Fissure

                  Date: 08/03/2019

                  PAX: Iron Butt (Respect), Skitch, Candu, Radiohead, Venus, Goose, Hasbro, Doodles, Red Tees, Prosciutto, Back Pew

                  AO: Landfill


                  69 but felt like 74.  Slight breeze was quite nice.


                  Started in the upper pavilion and introduced the 10 pound sandbag we’d be carrying with us for the duration.  Best efforts to not let it touch the ground.  Everyone shouldered the burden.
                  10 merkins
                  10 seconds of People’s Chair aka correct way to hold Al Gore (like you’re sitting in a chair people)
                  9 merkins
                  9 squats
                  8 merkins
                  8 squats
                  7 merkins
                  7 seconds PC
                  all the way down to 1 rep of merkins and squats the rest of the way

                  Mosey down to the middle parking lot

                  We were graced with Fly-By’s presence for this section.  He was shirtless and in a hurry to leave town.  
                  SSH x 15 IC
                  Fwd fold x 10 IC
                  Sun salutation x 2
                  Willy Mays Hayes x 10 IC
                  SSH x 10 IC

                  The Thang

                  We said goodbye to Fly-By and Faced the biggest hill Landfill has to offer next to the middle lot

                  OYO – 40 merkins, 30 squats, 20 big boy sit-ups
                  Mosey on up the hill and back
                  OYO – 30 merkins, 20 squats, 10 big boy sit-ups
                  Mosey up hill and back
                  OYO – 20 merkins, 10 squats, 10 big boy sit-ups
                  Mosey up hill and back

                  Back in the middle lot
                  Burpee broad jump suicides every two parking spots and back to start
                  Back to face the big hill
                  Mosey on up said big hill and continue to the pavilion

                  Indian run.  Lead guy holds 30 pound ruck plate overhead.  2nd guy held the sandbag.  Last guy dropped and performed 5 burpees and sprinted to tap the new last guy on the shoulder and continued to the front to grab the plate.  Plate guy then took sandbag.  Continue until all had performed the burpees and sprinted up.

                  The Soccer goals were facing each other roughly 30 yards apart and we lined up  along one goal line and faced the other. 
                  40 merkins, 30 squats, 20 big boy sit-ups
                  Sprint to other goal and back twice


                  Low plank x 30 IC
                  Low Plank x 15 IC
                  Low Plank x 10 IC


                  Iron Butt and  I have been discussing purpose recently.  He pointed me to a page in Freed To Lead that was a good reminder of F3’s impact.  Here’s a short excerpt:

                  Another way to look at Purpose is that it is the solution to a man’s Life Problem.  There is nothing philosophical about a man’s Life Problem.  It’s simply the thing that bug’s him the most, and the thing that nags at him and won’t go away, unless he sets about solving it.  Most men learn to live with their Life Problems, which is a big part of how they end up as SadClowns.  A few men refuse to accept their Life Problems.  They stubbornly set out to find a solution.  If they succeed, they find their Purpose.  If they pursue their Purpose with great skill and fortitude, they have impact.  Big Impact.

                  Chances are you’re thinking about your problem(s) as you read that.  Find a brother and talk about it.  Perhaps this a good time to find a mentor or someone who has been through what you’re going through.  Or maybe now is a good time to mentor someone else?  


                  PTL for the bathrooms being unlocked even though the gates were locked.  TRUST ME DUDES.

                  Candu’s hydraulics were were point today.


                  F3 Dad’s @ Landfill 8.10.19 

                  Iron Pax challenge begins September go register

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Chest Day

                    QIC: Fissure

                    Date: 07/15/2019

                    PAX: Red Tees, Ducktales, Mr. Clean, Loan Shark

                    AO: The Huey




                    Walk to the covered picnic area
                    Fwd Fold
                    Sun Salutations
                    Fwd Fold

                    The Thang

                    YHC tweaked a knee tryna be as bada** as Prosciutto on the lake this past weekend so today’s beatdown will consist of very little running.  Get ready for a chest day.

                    20 Merkins OYO, recover, 20 Big Boy Situps, recover
                    18 “
                    16 “
                    14 “
                    12 “
                    10 “
                    8 “
                    6 “
                    4 “
                    2 “
                    20 Merkins OYO, recover, 20 Big Boy situps, recover

                    10 Werkins OYO, 10 dips IC, 10 pickle pounders IC
                    10 Merkins OYO, 10 dips IC, 10 pickle pounders IC
                    10 Diamond Merkins OYO, 10 dips IC, 10 pickle pounders IC
                    10 Decline Merkins OYO, 20 dips OYO, 20 LBCs IC
                    10 Incline Merkins OYO, 20 dips OYO, 20 LBCs IC
                    10 Carolina dry docks OYO, 20 dips OYO, 20 LBCs IC


                    Toe touches
                    Six Inches
                    Dead bug


                    Proverbs 22:1 
                    A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold


                    The struggle was real but 3/5 of the crew today participated in the Fallen Five event.  Not too shabby.

                    Loan Shark’s tailbone didn’t like the big boy situps.  #tap

                    The creative counting of our newly named Echo was still in our conversation.  Won’t be soon forgotten.  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand 1-1…


                    F3 Dads Day – 8.10.19 location TBD

                    Recent Backblasts