QIC: Gusher
Date: 12/10/2019
PAX: Burrito, Prosciutto, Holy Kiss, Gecko, Friar Tuck, Blindside, Sidekick, FNG-Curd
AO: Smackdown
A nice wintry 57 degrees with rain and moist ground; no concern for flooding as we are on the high ground, yet we showered the valley with blessings
A comfortable lap around the track; Imperial Walkers – 20 (IC); Willie Mays Hays – 15 (IC); Third Grade Exercises – 20 (IC) Baby Arm Circles – 15 (IC); Reverse Baby Arm Circles – 15 (IC); Cherry Pickers – 15 (IC)
The Thang
Followed the Star for a Christmas around the World with Facts/Myths about the Life of Good Ol’ St. Nick
Smackdown Christmas tree rested like Stonehenge in the center of the Playing Field with Four Stations at each corner, representing the four corners of the world (more realistic if one is flat earth/metaphorical for the “world is round” folks). PAX begin with 5 Burpees at Stonehenge and then move to Station 1, returning to center for 5 more burpees before heading to Station 2. This pattern continues through Station 4 and then the 5th bonus station at the Smackdown Bowflex Fit Station (or “bleachers” for those who prefer word economy). Each Corner Station offers four gifts for the PAX of 25 reps each.
Station 1 Gift Basket: Merkins; Squats; Squat Position Jab punches (2 count); SSH
Station 2 Gift Basket: Plank Jacks; Frog Squats; Squat Position Upper cuts; LBCs
Station 3 Gift Basket: Diver Bombers; Squat Jumps; Squat Position Ray Lewis; Smurf Jacks
Station 4 Gift Basket: Mountain Climbers (2 count); Bonnie Blairs (Single); Squat Position Seal Clap; Big Boy Sit Ups
Bowflex Station Gift Basket: Incline Merkins; Dips; Box Jump to Top; Toe Merkins…Repeat with 15 reps of Incline Merkins and Dips; Toe Merkins 20.
Thang Fact/Myth Trivia: Station 1 – St Nicholas was 4th century bishop and defender of truth (Fact) and punched a heretic in the face (you decide whether fact or myth…either way our jabs were motivated by truth). Station 2 – in honor our man Friar Tuck we appreciated that St. Nicholas was the patron saint of archers (fact). Station 3 – there was no trivia at this station because YHC underestimated the pain of 25 dive bombers. He said negative things to himself silently while others, namely Burrito, made impressive midwife sounds. Station 4 – The legendary origin story of secret gift giving through the upper portion of one’s home (probably mythfactical) and learned about dowries.
Mary: Flutter Kicks; Dolly; Rosalita (High Dolly); Freddie Mercury; Heal Touches; Pickle Pointers; LBCs

On this VQ, YHC referenced his receiving a 9.3 month EH from his relentless brother, F3-Soaker. After exhausting every excuse, approached the gloom for the first time in September and gratitude and outlook increased for the good. Another brief personal example of how Smackdown has been a positive change, pointed the Pax to Philippians 2 and Paul (and Gecko’s) basis for encouraging one another to be more attentive to others than self. The basis is what makes Christmas so astounding and what motivates the other 11 months of the year. If Jesus who is God did not consider his deity a thing to flaunt but took on flesh to meet our greatest need, then we, too, can consider others. Expressions of thanks to the guys for coming out in less than welcoming weather to support the VQ. And big props to FNG-Curd and Holy Kiss for increasing the flock.
YHC needs to spend more quiet time in the Exicon. Got a bit confused with the boxer that corresponds to the jab or the upper cut. Joe Louis and Joe Frazier and the Detroit Red Wings were all mentioned at this point. The patience of the PAX is appreciated. Mom joker were dropping like rain during the Marys, you know who you are. Station 3 was horrible and almost took all the joy out of the season. There are many kinds of cheese. Spelling lesson ensued, curd is a substance mainly of casein, whereas kurd is a people group. We welcome the FNG-Curd from Wisconsin. Whittler was saving lives from unexpected dead things and he, Whittler, was missed by all, especially by Burrito. Fissure modeling leadership by taking care of family…was also missed.
Forgot to mention the new Third-F channel on Slack. If not forgotten, it would have been included here.