Date: 11/01/2019
PAX: Toetag, Peanuts, Vaccine, WuzntMe, Jazzy Jag, Bubbles (R), Bernie, John Doe, Swipe Right, Bendy Straw, R Kelly, MaYhem (R), Focker, Moneyball, Fastlane, FNG-Squirt
AO: Hacksaw
33°, dark
Mosey to flag and lap before circle up
Willy Mays hayes x10 IC
Forward fold x10 IC
SSH x30 IC
High knees until recover
Little baby arm circles x20 IC
Reverse little baby arm circles x20 IC
SSH x 30 IC
Hold plank until recover
The Thang
4 STATIONS – repeat circuit
(Q says “start line” at any point… PAX regroups, lines up, and performs Indian run until “halt” is heard. PAX then runs back to where they were and continues station circuit)
10 burpees
30 imperial walkers
50 squats
30 reverse lunges
20 burpees
50 LBC’s
10 big boy sit-ups
30 Captain Thor
25 diamond merkins
30 Jump squats
30 forward lunges
40 bonnie Blair’s
30 wide merkins
40 mountain climbers
30 monkey humpers
20 burpees
Leadership has a lot to do with listening to others. It’s one thing to direct a team and form a plan… it’s another to figure out what is going on with your teammates and understand what’s on their mind. Many times as leaders we want to set the direction and move on…. but it’s much more powerful when you let an associate help construct the plan. Creates more buy-in, and sets individuals on a mission that they are passionate about. Listening to others is something we have all been told over and over… I shared a real life example of how this worked out for me and a teammate recently. It’s one thing to hear the advice, and another thing to take it.
We have added some FNG’s over the last few weeks who have super long hair. Might become a thing. Guaranteed that John Doe will catch up!