Steady Eddie vs. Frantic Frank


QIC: Speed Bump
Date: 09/13/2018
PAX: Best in Show, Care Bear, Fissure, Flow, FNG-The Cook, FNG-Two By, Goose, Jabooti, Laces Out, Moondance, Peanuts, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Sunshine, VSquared, Whittler
AO: Hill City

UUUUMMIIIIDDDD, and mildly warm.

It’s 5:30am and welcome to F3. I am not a professional, you are here of your own will (and we are glad), modify as necessary, if you get hurt, we will get you back to your car.


Mosey over to the Great Hall for some warm up. The Pax completed the following exercises for a thorough warm up.

  • Good mornings x 10 in cadence
  • Side shuttle hops x 20 in cadence
  • Finkle Swings, partner up and do 15 each leg
  • Side shuttle hops x 20 in cadence
  • Little baby arm circles x 20 in cadence (reverse and repeat)
  • Plank x 15 in cadence (stay up)
  • Plank jacks x 15 in cadence (stay up!)
  • Wall sit x 20 in cadence
  • Alabama Ass Kickers x 15 in cadence
  • Side shuttle hops x 20 in cadence

Moseyed back to Mt. Medoriyama, immediately completed 20 Merkins in cadence.

The Thang

Q explained the theme of the day, “Steady Eddie vs. Frantic Frank.” If “Frank” is called out, all PAX must immediately complete 20 Side Shuttle Hops with speed.

  1. Partner exercises:  
    1. One partner does Michael Phelps while the other partner sprints up and moseys down Mt. Medoriyama. Goal is 140. Once a group is finished, they must run up and down Mt. Medoriyama until all PAX are done.
    2. Box jumps up the concrete steps while the other partner does lunges, go until you hit 200. 
    3. One partner does burpees, while the other partner runs around the smaller two hills. Stop when you hit 80. 

The entire group of HIMs were utterly exhausted at the end of the Thang, having learned over the course of partner exercises to hate Frank and any utterance of his name.
The PAX proceeded back to the Love Shack for 5 minutes of Mary, wherein Frank was called two more times, solidifying how awful Frank actually is.

  • Flutter Kicks
  • American Hammers
  • Freddy Mercury


“Steady Eddie vs. Frantic Frank”. I have always been a Frantic Frank, struggling to keep myself from impatience, to put the same amount of effort into my work throughout the day, and to love the people around me no matter how they treat me. Steady Eddies are un phased by life’s circumstances, willing to ride out the ups and downs of life, while Frantic Franks are tossed about by their own emotions. As you can imagine, Steady Eddies are better leaders, husbands, community members, and friends, because they see life in full view, taking into account that some days require more patience, energy, care, etc., but each day requires the same attitude.  That’s what I love about James 1:2-3, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” Encourage a brother to be a Steady Eddie today, and encourage them towards peace when they get frantic.  


Jibouti and Proscuitto are to be commended for their dedication to finishing partner exercise two, and Whittler ought be complimented for his excellent Side Shuttle Hop form.


Convergence with Nashville coming soon. 

Upcoming Qs

9/18 – Wort
9/20 – Kodak