Kickball at Landfill

QIC: Fissure

Date: 09/07/2019

PAX: Moneyball, Peanuts, Songbird, Fly-by (Respect), Uncle Fester, Vsquared, Snowflake, Head Gasket, Sidekick, Iron Butt (Respect), Hasbro, Threeskin, Whittler

AO: Landfill


‘Twas nice


SSH x 20 IC
Fwd Fold x 10 IC
WMH x 10 IC

The Thang

Sidekick setup bases for kickball whilst we performed warmup exercises
3 team Kickball
Due to only 14 players we split into 3 teams.  Defense performed 3 penalty burpees per run given up


Fun times were had.  Crap talk ensued and we are better for it.


Check #ironpax channel

Recent Backblasts

    Back & Forth @ The Landfill

    QIC: VSquared

    Date: 08/31/2019

    PAX: Uncle Fester, Candu, She Shed, Money Ball, Peanuts, Song Bird, Head Gasket, Whittler, Free Candy, Prosciutto, Sunburn, Back Pew, Pink Panther, Peach

    AO: Landfill


    Cool and Muggy.


    1. Warm-Up (@Circle of Sacrifice):
      1. Side Straddle Hop x50 (in cadence)
      2. ‘Mericans x40, hold 6 above ground until ALL finish.
      3. Slide into Updog, hold, slide into Downdog, hold, walk it back.
      4. Imperial Jumpers x30.
      5. Mosey to middle parking lot.

    The Thang

    Sometimes we end up where we think we started, thats how today will start. … One More Time:

    1. Big hill first:
      1. Circuit 1:
        1. Bear Crawl Up, join last Pax on the way up;
        2. Indian Run around field;
        3. Mosey to 1/3 way down, do left side abyss ‘mericans;
        4. Mosey to 2/3 way down, do right side abyss ‘mericans;
      2. Circuit 2: Lunge Up, etc.
      3. Circuit 3: Burney Sanders Up, etc.
      4. Circuit 4: Prison Break Up, etc.
    2. Pavilion Second:
      1. Dips x20;
      2. Squats x20;
      3. Decline Pushups x20;
      4. Jump Lunges x20 (each leg);
    3. Little hill third:
      1. Circuit 1:
        1. Bear Crawl Up, join last Pax on the way up;
        2. No run;
        3. Mosey to 1/3 way down, do left side abyss ‘mericans;
        4. Mosey to 2/3 way down, do right side abyss ‘mericans;
      2. Circuit 2: Lunge Up, etc.
      3. Circuit 3: Burney Sanders Up, etc.
      4. Circuit 4: Prison Break Up, etc.
    4. (!!Important!! Modify to reach for COT) Mosey back to upper parking lot where we started.
    5. Circle of Mary, in which ## different HIM called out core based exercises, including mostly good Ol’ core burners.


    Here is the thing, sometimes when we get into life it can feel like we are just going back and forth. Sometimes you even end up right back where you started. The same car problem, the same job, the same argument with your manager, or kids, or spouse, the same struggle, the same fall, the same guilt and shame and loneliness. Seemingly we are back to where, if we are honest with ourselves, we feared to come back to ever again. Maybe its not the worst loop you have ever experienced, but the same nagging doubt returns of if we’ll ever move or if we’re stuck and doomed to repeat this same story of rise and falling, back and forth.

    See, heres the thing though, your more complex then that, and just because your physical location there are so many more aspects of you to take into consideration. Holistically speaking your not only physical, your emotional, social, intellectual, social, and spiritual – to name a few aspects of the areas in which you have a significance presence and influence.

    I just want to encourage you to take a larger view of yourself, to realize that there is more to the process then what is most tangible. For me that understanding has come through my faith and my study of what the Bible says. Its says I’m more then those tings around me in which I can feel so stuck and fearful, and thats because someone else, Jesus, broke the cycle of back and forth, life to death.

    We are in the same place we started this morning, but your a little better for the trip we took in-between. Both the big trip we took and every little micro repetition you did, up and down, back and forth, that strained you and in the long run gave you a little more confidence, a little more faith that you’d make it up again. Not only that, but those with whom you have been with are a little better, too, and your both better then if you had taken that trip alone.

    What I mean by that is not that you might have been able to workout like this on your own – but even that’s debatable – rather it’s that the other parts of you gained today, too, and we’re most surely assisted in their growth by the men around you.

    So keep engaging. Keep showing up. Keep getting a little better. On top of helping yourself you also helping those around you; true to F3 focus your being built into and building leaders that will impact your community.

    Mission of F3: Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

    Run off 5 main principles:

    • Are free of charge
    • Are open to all men
    • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
    • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
    • End with a Circle of Trust

    BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


    Some of my best conversations come after being stuck on never ending hills with you guys. Lets keep that up, ‘casue in the end they all do end and I’m at least a little better for it!

    Recent Backblasts

      Up & Down The Landfill We Go

      QIC: Candu

      Date: 08/24/19

      PAX: Skitch, Peanuts, Money Ball, Back Pew, Sunburn (respect), FNG-Head Gasket, Pink Panther, Songbird, Goose

      AO: The Landfill




      Pax jogged The Landfill together to get the heart rate up while Q explained The Thang

      The Thang – The Candu IronPax Prep

      Everyone begins at a different station

      1. Bottom Gate – Merkins – 25
      2. Bottom Parking Lot – Bicep Curls – 25
      3. Middle Parking Lot – Tricep Extensions – 25
      4. Playground – Pullups – 10
      5. Playground – Swing Crunches – 25
      6. Lower Pavilion – Bench Step Ups – 20 each leg
      7. STR8 shot to Upper Pavillion – walking lunges from light pole to light pole
      8. Upper Pavilion – Shoulder Presses – 25 
      9. Corner of Walkway & Parkway – Coupon Swings – 25
      10. Mosey down hill to gate
      11. Record Your Time

      All Pax finished 1 round, only a couple finished 2

      Will modify & finesse for future beat downs 

      Most finished ~25 minutes

      Mary – Hollywoodz x 10 each side just to say we did some


      This was a solo beatdown. You were OYO, often w/o visibility of other HIMs. Pax agreed upon seeing other HIMs motivation and energy increased.

      That my friends, is the beauty of F3.

      Simply seeing you fellow brethren from afar and becoming excited you’re no longer alone pushes you to give more of yourself. 


      Head Gasket told the longest story I’ve ever heard BUT it was while his family was in Madagascar so it was cooler than any story I ever tell, long or short, since I’ve never been to Madagascar. 


      IronPax for all the playas

      Recent Backblasts

        What are you collecting?

        QIC: Skitch

        Date: 08/17/2019

        PAX: Back Pew, The Count, Deer Jack, Flash, Fly By, Hobo, Lord Lindsay, Money Ball, Peanuts, Pink Panther, She Shed, Sunburn, VSquared

        AO: Landfill


        If only the whole day were this temperature. It was a good to work out before the heat rolled in again. The grass was damp with dew, but not so much that people fell down the hills.


        SSH x 25 IC

        Forward Fold x 15 or so IC

        Toe Merkins x 20 OYO

        Willie Mays Hays x 15 or so IC

        Moroccan Nigh Club x 15 or so IC

        Imperial Walkers x 20 IC

        SSH x 25 IC

        The Thang

        We started in the upper field so that we could survey the field of play.

        What are you collecting?
        Approximately 130 baseball cards were spread out rather evenly over the surface of the Landfill acreage except the upper field and the entrance parking lot. PAX were split into teams of 2. Each team moseyed together (or apart) searching the Landfill for baseball cards on the ground. When a PAX found a card he called the F3 name of his partner and team name shown on the baseball card and held plank until partner PAX came over to him. When together, PAX partners chose an exercise depending on the team name on the baseball card. 

        If the card player was on the Astros, Athletics, or Angels, PAX partners would choose to do 20 American Hammers or 20 ‘Mericans together. If the card player was on the Blue Jays, Braves, or Brewers, PAX partners would choose to do 10 Burpees or 20 Big Boy Situps.

        PAX competed for 30 minutes or so until all cards were found.

        Gathered at playground and lined up in dip position along the black low barrier. In honor of the great American past time (baseball), PAX did a wave in dip formation holding up and down dip positions as they waited for the wave to return. Repeated both directions twice or so.

        Formed groups of 3 and 4 and each PAX did 25 assisted (by other partners) pull-ups. 

        Backwards bear crawl up small hill.

        Indian run down sidewalk to base of big hill. Run up big hill. Indian run across field and down sidewalk to base of big hill. Run up big hill. Short Mary of 10 American Hammer, some Big Boy situps, and holding low plank for 90 seconds on The Count’s watch. Time.


        What are you collecting?

        Things? Money? Position/status? Memories? Habits? Friends? Baseball cards?

        What are they worth, really?

        How long will they last?

        Who are they for?

        Prayer requests and Lord Lindsay closed out the BOM.


        The big hill is still big and brought groans the second time through. The small hill is really big if you are bear crawling backwards up it. Some groups got 17 out of 21 A cards and some groups got mostly B cards; Skitch swears its was random, the sample set just wasn’t big enough. Cards from the ’90s aren’t worth much. Skitch forgot to obtain a flag and he failed to note this while all PAX were present, so he owes like 140 Burpees; he intends to pay what is due in the coming week. There were 130 cards and we hit the 130 FNG goal this past week. Pull-ups are hard, but Fly By did 18 + 7 actual unassisted pull-ups; he’s ready for Iron PAX, but unsure whether he has registered.


        Blindside VQ at Hill City this coming Wednesday

        Recent Backblasts

          What’s Your Problem?

          QIC: Fissure

          Date: 08/03/2019

          PAX: Iron Butt (Respect), Skitch, Candu, Radiohead, Venus, Goose, Hasbro, Doodles, Red Tees, Prosciutto, Back Pew

          AO: Landfill


          69 but felt like 74.  Slight breeze was quite nice.


          Started in the upper pavilion and introduced the 10 pound sandbag we’d be carrying with us for the duration.  Best efforts to not let it touch the ground.  Everyone shouldered the burden.
          10 merkins
          10 seconds of People’s Chair aka correct way to hold Al Gore (like you’re sitting in a chair people)
          9 merkins
          9 squats
          8 merkins
          8 squats
          7 merkins
          7 seconds PC
          all the way down to 1 rep of merkins and squats the rest of the way

          Mosey down to the middle parking lot

          We were graced with Fly-By’s presence for this section.  He was shirtless and in a hurry to leave town.  
          SSH x 15 IC
          Fwd fold x 10 IC
          Sun salutation x 2
          Willy Mays Hayes x 10 IC
          SSH x 10 IC

          The Thang

          We said goodbye to Fly-By and Faced the biggest hill Landfill has to offer next to the middle lot

          OYO – 40 merkins, 30 squats, 20 big boy sit-ups
          Mosey on up the hill and back
          OYO – 30 merkins, 20 squats, 10 big boy sit-ups
          Mosey up hill and back
          OYO – 20 merkins, 10 squats, 10 big boy sit-ups
          Mosey up hill and back

          Back in the middle lot
          Burpee broad jump suicides every two parking spots and back to start
          Back to face the big hill
          Mosey on up said big hill and continue to the pavilion

          Indian run.  Lead guy holds 30 pound ruck plate overhead.  2nd guy held the sandbag.  Last guy dropped and performed 5 burpees and sprinted to tap the new last guy on the shoulder and continued to the front to grab the plate.  Plate guy then took sandbag.  Continue until all had performed the burpees and sprinted up.

          The Soccer goals were facing each other roughly 30 yards apart and we lined up  along one goal line and faced the other. 
          40 merkins, 30 squats, 20 big boy sit-ups
          Sprint to other goal and back twice


          Low plank x 30 IC
          Low Plank x 15 IC
          Low Plank x 10 IC


          Iron Butt and  I have been discussing purpose recently.  He pointed me to a page in Freed To Lead that was a good reminder of F3’s impact.  Here’s a short excerpt:

          Another way to look at Purpose is that it is the solution to a man’s Life Problem.  There is nothing philosophical about a man’s Life Problem.  It’s simply the thing that bug’s him the most, and the thing that nags at him and won’t go away, unless he sets about solving it.  Most men learn to live with their Life Problems, which is a big part of how they end up as SadClowns.  A few men refuse to accept their Life Problems.  They stubbornly set out to find a solution.  If they succeed, they find their Purpose.  If they pursue their Purpose with great skill and fortitude, they have impact.  Big Impact.

          Chances are you’re thinking about your problem(s) as you read that.  Find a brother and talk about it.  Perhaps this a good time to find a mentor or someone who has been through what you’re going through.  Or maybe now is a good time to mentor someone else?  


          PTL for the bathrooms being unlocked even though the gates were locked.  TRUST ME DUDES.

          Candu’s hydraulics were were point today.


          F3 Dad’s @ Landfill 8.10.19 

          Iron Pax challenge begins September go register

          Recent Backblasts

            Dad’s Day – August 2019

            QIC: threeskin

            Date: 08/10/2019

            PAX: Sidekick, Deer Jack, Magnum, Fissure, Milkman, Geek Squad, Topless, Truck Yeah, Hobo, Skitch, Sunshine, Iron Butt, Venus, Prosciutto, Free Candy, Dirty Laundry, Free Time, Loan Shark, V Squared, Radio Head, Back Pew, Red Tees, Duck Tails, FNG-Goose Whack, Chief, WuzntMe, Whittler

            AO: Landfill


            It was raining kiddos…


            Biggest warm-up at the land fill thus far.  It was one for the “ages.”
            It featured SSHs and Slip and Slides

            The Thang

            Lets maximize the slip and slide.
            Marshmallow Castle Race

            Time for a water balloon toss.

            And of course the donut toss comes next

            More Slip and Slide


            Iron Butt brought it home by sharing the love. 


            How in the world are we going to top this next time!

            Recent Backblasts