We Voted Today

QIC:  Prosciutto and Burrito

Date: 03/03/2020

PAX: Burrito, Ducktales, Friar Tuck (Respect), Gusher, Holy Kiss

AO: Smackdown


mid-50’s and humid; rain held off so that we could do our cultish things

Substi-Q this morning because our HIM Q had to tend to trauma at the hospital; Burrito and Prosciutto at the helm


Burrito handled the warm-up in Whittler’s absence

Ankle/knee-poppers (Willie Mays Hays)
Cult Straddle Hops
Cultish Night Clubs (Moroccan)
Cult-Classic Ray Lewis
Cult Fold (Forward)
Cult Following – Easy lap around the quarter-mile track (which is almost a quarter mile; almost)

The Thang

In honour of Super Tuesday, the Pax were given a choice (nay, a ‘vote’) on option 1 or option 2. Adhering to democratic ways, all ballots were placed by show of hands for transparency’s sake … no paper ballots or re-counts necessary… As they say, “Democracy Rules”

Democratic Burpicide
Two end points set **roughly ~23 Yards apart; Dora with partners
Pax A performs called exercise while….
Pax B runs to the end point, Performs 1 burpee, back to start, Run to end point, 2 Burpees, back to start and run to end point once more for 3 burpees
100 – Merkins
200 – LBC
300 – Squats
400 – SSH

“The establishment of universal male suffrage in France in 1848 was an important milestone in the history of democracy. “
Thank you France
The Pax were spent from the Democratic Burpicide. As we made our way moseying to the bleachers from the track, we had to have 3 10-counts. So, we had to make up for it. Because Democracy.
French Dips x 5 / man IC x 2 rounds
Raccoon walk down and back
Toe Merkins x 10 or 12 (?) IC
French Dips x 5 / man IC x 1 round

_1.25 Minutes of Mary_


Scott Simmons provided a nice summary of his time spent reading Exodus to his daughters.

Mental Health Awareness day coming up March 27th. Be a shining light, a positive example and a pillar of suport to another man (Shield Lock); you may or may not know what they’re dealing with – you might be their only saving grace.


  • Ducktales met YHC at home to catch a ride to startex from his 4:30am Ruck. This was unplanned. Was he waiting on me? Was he spying? Was he fertilizing my yard? My neighbors yard? Yes. to all these things.
  • When you make your own cd’s, they’re like moments frozen in time that pay dividends at a later time; Thank you “Rap 2” and Jay-Z
  • David Copperfield apparently used Burrito in his performance once. Even he could not make him disappear.
  • Speaking of Las Vegas, there are naked women there.
  • **Ask Friar Tuck about the distance between two points. It’s likely he’s pretty spot-on with distance, wind speed/direction and barometric pressure. And he’ll aim at you if you bad mouth Ole Miss.
  • We need to give Raccoons more respect than they get for the way they walk.


It’s raining cats and dogs.

Recent Backblasts

    The W Road, Fog and Mud…Oh My!

    QIC:  Red Tees

    Date: 2/25/2020

    PAX: Holy Kiss, Prosciutto, Gusher, Whittler, Pediasure, Burrito

    AO: Smackdown


    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…nah just kinda foggy but pretty comfortable for February. I did pick the muddiest and most uncomfortable places to do our workouts in an AO with pretty good facilities overall…That’s me, I could screw up a rock throwing contest.


    SSH’s, Forward Folds ham string stretches and Willy Mays Hayes as well as some planks and merkins on a track that was not made for planks and merkins, but our guys were tough. Arm circles forward and reverse as well as cherry pickers.

    The Thang

    We started with an Indian Run and burpees around the track. Then we partnered up and moseyed to the bleachers. The good men of Smackdown had some coupons for us and while one pax did 2 rounds of box jumps up the bleachers the other pax did their share of 100 dips, 150 monkey humpers, 200 flutter kicks 250 squats and 200 curls all utilizing the cinder blocks. In the middle of the Dora we stopped to do the Roxanne shuffle made popular by Free Candy and burpees to I Won’t Back Down, because it popped up in the playlist I made, and it’s a great way to know\ck out 19 burpees a man toward our million burpee challenge. We ended with Mary which included crunches heel touches and Freddie Mercuries.


    The Good Lord gives us new mercy and blessing each day. The men who came out to push themselves and each other were a blessing to me. Friar Tuck needs to be lifted up for healing his knee and just encouragement to keep coming out and modifying. We love ya brother, We want to remember Laces Out and his mission in Uganda and the transition in leadership happening there. We want to pray for the man or woman that God has in line to take on the leadership of that mission. God is all good and he works all things for good for those who love Him. It’s in his time and for his purposes, we just have to have faith and follow Him. Also keep Pro’s mom in our prayers as she is having another medical procedure on her road to recovery. The transition of going from being cared for by your parents to caring for them is odd and a learning process for us all I would imagine, but from what I know of Prosciutto he will handle whatever comes with grace and care.


    I was late because the Q should be there to welcome everyone and I was the last there. I took us to the muddy spots of the workout area, had us doing push ups on the roughest part of the track and I think the lady walking on the track may have called the neighborhood watch because of the loud music I was playing. Luckily all the guys gave me grace for my missteps, worked their butts off and were really encouraging one to another. I can’t wait for Pediasure’s VQ (you will do great, my wife and I were in Kenny Hammontree’s Sunday School class with you and your wife a few years ago, we have to get him out there at some point) and it was awesome to see Whittler and meet Gusher and Holy Kiss. Burrito as always it’s fun posting with you and Prosciutto you are a machine.


    Join the bone marrow registry. Issac Miller needs a match in the next month. Go to Bethematch.org to get a kit and get on the registry.

    Recent Backblasts

      There a Chill at SmackDown!!

      QIC:  TheCount (Respect,Respect)

      Date: 02/20/2020

      PAX:  (13) Blindside, BobbyTrap, Buritto, DuckTales, FriarTuck (Respect), Gusher, HolyKiss, MoneyBall, Pediasure, Proscuitto, Shredder, Wake, Whitler   

      AO: SmackDown


      Cool Morning around 23 degrees, very light breeze, and snow flurries.


      SSH-Forward Fold-Willie Mays Hayes-Finkle Swing- Quad Stretch

      The Thang

      Charles Bronson “Jr”
      Cones set up at starting point and then approx 35 yards and another 15 yards from there. At starting point all PAX will perform 25 Reps of each exercise. After completing each set of 25 reps PAX AYG to cones at 35 yards drop to BearCrawl and go 15 yards. Mosey back to start and wait for 6 to complete (First PAX to complete Exercises, AYG, BearCrawl, after returning to start will turn back and pick of 6. Each PAX will do this until all go pick up 6.

      Exercises: SSH, Merkins, Burpees, LBC’s, Jump Squats, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Lunges.

      After all nine exercises are complete mosey to bleachers and do 10 step ups each leg, followed by 30 Dips.

      Mosey back to starting point and begin round 2. Rinse and Repeat but this round do 15 reps.

      Mary (4 Minutes)


      Announcements about Tuff Muff 2.0 Saturday, February 22.
      BALL OF MAN: Brothers prayed for those who requested and for those unheard. Also shared Lesson 10 from Colin Powell on Leadership (below)


      Buritto talks a lot, but he does make us laugh…Well except Friar Tuck!! 🙂


      Reminder about Tuff Muff 2.0

      Recent Backblasts

        More Burpees and All Pax Shouted, “Amen”… kind of, almost

        QIC:  Gusher

        Date: 02/18/2020

        PAX: Friar Tuck, Booby Trap, Newport, Blindside, Prosciutto, Laces Out (Respect), Pediasure, Moneyball, Burrito

        AO: Smackdown


        Temperature, moderate; Moisture, indecisive — on again off again. Flu risk, moderate; Allergy, low in our area; Running, perfect conditions; Sweat index, high risk; Mosquito activity, none; Fog, thick; Gas, heavy but healthy.


        Quick warm-up lap; SSH (30 IC); IW (15 IC); Willie Mays Hays (10 IC); Forward Fold (10 IC); SSH (21 IC)

        THE THANG
        Burpeecides with a Side of Fun
        Four cones marked the course for suicides. PAX begin at cone 1 with 1 burpee, proceed to cone 2 for 2 burpees. Return to Cone 1 and repeat singular burpee moving on to Cone 3 for 3 burpees. This same pattern continues to cone 4 for 4 burpees concluding with a burpee at the finish line. Each burpeecide round is a total of 13 burpees.

        PAX counted off by twos. Ones ran the burpeecide first while the second group performed an exercise (amrap) until all PAX completed their burpeecide. Once complete the groups switch places.

        Round 1: Burpeecide; squats

        Round 2: Burpeecide; block curls

        Round 3: Burpeecide; LBCs

        Round 4: Burpeecide; Monkey humpers

        Round 5: All PAX completed burpeecide together.

        MARY: LBCs (20 IC)


        Thought for the day: Lamentations 3:22-23 – “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” We all wake up each day with challenges, burdens, anxieties, and cares. Often these are the easiest things to see and think about. But we are told that there are new mercies every morning, even in the midst of trials and sometimes in the trials. Encouraged the PAX to think about the everyday new mercies. May we have eyes to see them and hearts to give thanks for them.


        A man learns a lot when doing burpees alongside others and hears even more. YHC was overwhelmed with the abundant joy and gratitude that came from all corners each time another burpeecide round was announced. Truly humbled. These are indeed grateful men. There was great sadness in the gloom when we ran out of time and only completed five of the ten rounds planned. World War I was filmed on an iPhone. Lots of mumble chatter during monkey-humpers. Ones never really knows where to look during monkey-humpers. Tip: don’t look down…it can get quite dizzy. One PAX’s parents were disappointed in having a boy. This came out during a reenactment of the Miracle on Ice. Not sure the connection, but I think his parents are pleased with the way things ended up, and not just for the USA Hockey team; Smackdown for sure is. Last night’s snacks are not savory in the morning. There is a lesson there.


        Tuff Muff 2/22/2020 see Slack for details

        Recent Backblasts

          Deck of Pain with Field Goals

          QIC:  Laces Out

          Date: 02/04/2020

          PAX: Blindside, Burrito, The Count (Respect, Respect), Friar Tuck, Gusher, Holy Kiss, Pediasure, Prosciutto, Whittler

          AO: Smackdown


          54 degrees, misty rain and dark


          Warm up lap, followed by:

          15 SSH IC, 15 Forward Fold IC, 15 Willie Mays Hayes IC, 15 Finkle Swings each leg, 15 SSH IC, 10 Plank IC, 10 slow merkins IC, 25 SSH IC

          The Thang

          Deck o f Pain with Field Goals
          52 card deck with the following exercises for each suit:

          Hearts: Burpees, Diamonds: Big Boy Situps, Clubs: Merkins, Spades: Squats

          # of card = number of exercise for that card; Face cards = 11 and Ace = 12

          Circled up and had one pax pull a card and do exercise on the card. Go around until complete circle, then take turns kicking field goals (2 pax at a time) while others do Imperial Walkers, Lunges, Squats, etc. 5 Burpee penalty for a missed kick. Back to the circle and deck of pain: rinse and repeat until all cards are pulled and everyone attempts FG. We went 50% on kicks made. Total of 50 burpees on penalty.




          Talked about suffering and pain we experienced with the deck of pain and then read “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5

          We all go through rough patches in our life. Today, we suffered through the deck of pain which produced endurance. We push each other in our workouts and develop character to be better men. God takes the suffering of our life and produces endurance, builds character and ultimately gives us hope. Let’s walk in hope and grow in our faith today.


          Convergence Saturday 7am at Chickamaugua Dam (South side)

          Recent Backblasts

            ROBERT JEAN WHITTLER III His Royal Highness (Smackdown – 01/30)

            QIC:  Whittler

            Date: 1/30/2020

            PAX: Prosciutto, Pomade, Laces Out, Gusher, Burrito

            AO: Smackdown


            Burrito’s mom


            Warm up Merkin Mile – 4 laps, 25 merkins after each lap

            Request for arm circles was obliged after this

            The Thang

            Block DORA
            Partner up. Partner 1 does exercise with a block while partner 2 runs across the field, does exercise with DRP and runs back. Flap jack

            Round 1 – 100 thrusters, BB situps with DRP x 10 each time across the field

            Round 2 – 200 curls, flutter kicks with DRP x 10 each time across the field

            Round 3 – 300 Overhead presses, V ups x 10 each time across the field

            Cool down lap



            heel touch

            Freddie Mercury


            Pickle pointer


            This whole week, the big story on TV has been Kobe Bryant and his unfortunate death. While I am not a Kobe fan, this has affected me more than I thought it might. I am generally a sports fan so I’m aware of Kobe’s distinguished career, but that’s not what got me. There are two things from his death that have stuck with me all week. The first is the power of redemption. The last real headline I remember Kobe making was when he was in trouble for rape and infidelity. Kobe took his medicine, made peace with his family, and seems to have found a relationship with God. Despite his shortcomings, he found redemption that is only available through our Heavenly Father. This should give all of us hope that if we are contrite and ask for forgiveness, it shall be ours.

            Second, and more impactful to me, was the relationship that Kobe had with his family, specifically his daughter Gigi. Kobe had been using a helicopter for many years to travel in Los Angeles. He did so because it allowed him to avoid traffic and spend more time at home with his family. He was able to have breakfast with his kids, get to practice and be home in time to pick his kids up. He made his time with his girls his priority. I can’t imagine the conversation between him and his daughter when that helicopter was going down. How tough was it to know that despite spending his whole life protecting that little girl, that he was powerless to protect her at that moment. To me, Kobe exemplified what a #girldad should be. At the end of the day, all the money, fame, and stature in the world didn’t matter. Spend time with your kids. Hug them each and every day. Get those priorities in order.


            Burrito was surprisingly quiet. I’m not sure we heard any Nashville stories.


            Something happening on 2/8.

            Recent Backblasts

              Choose your Words Wisely

              QIC: Prosciutto

              Date: 01/28/2020

              PAX: Whittler, Pomade, Pediasure, Laces Out (Respect), Holy Kiss, Gusher, Gecko, Friar Tuck

              AO: Smackdown


              “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
              – John Steinbeck


              SSH x 15 IC
              BIG Arm Circles x 10 IC
              Squats x 10 IC
              SSH x 15 IC
              Reverse BIG Arm Circles x 10 IC
              Memphis Mommy Makers x 7 or ??? 8-count Cadence is troubling
              Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
              Burpees x 10 OYO
              SSH x 15 IC

              The Thang

              YHC had burpee goals for the PAX, but the PAX was not aware of such goals.
              SPARTAN RUN (with – of course – Burpees)
              A simple, yet effective movement.

              Sprint/Jailbreak from one side of the track to the other (~50 yards)
              Burpee (10) OYO
              Walk back locked in arms like a team of Spartan warriors.

              Repeat 4 times

              A couple ten count’s and then we got on with it..
              Lieutenant Dan’s
              1:4 Ratio of Box Jumps : Lunges
              We were reminded to be thankful of our legs, because, “Lt. Dan ain’t got no legs”

              Of course, with the legs properly warmed up, it was time to return to original programming
              SPARTAN RUN (again with Burpees)
              4 more rounds

              Circle up around flag for a few minutes of Mary
              Flutter Kick
              1 Minute plank hold



              Proverbs 15
              A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
              The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
              The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
              The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.

              A friend recently explained this verse to me and it opened my eyes then. Then, just yesterday I heard two accounts of people especially close to me receiving unkind and unfair criticism with harsh words. With some reflection, I thought about it more. Words are something each of us get to use each day, and it’s a decision each of us get to make each day, and it’s a conscious decision to determine the integrity and character in those words. Every moment of every day we have an opportunity to build or tear others down. You never will know the magnitude of your words, especially if they’re unkind or unfair. The way you speak to others is an example that you’re setting for those who look to you as a role model or a leader. No pressure. Choose wisely.


              It was quiet and serene especially because the jailbreaks seemed to have no end. But, we all knew better, the quiet and calm was due to no Burrito.

              There was an unspoken goal of 100 burpees per man, and we attained the goal; without any complaints

              This is a great group of dudes, I don’t get to say that enough, so I’ll mention it here. Extremely proud of these men and their pursuit of betterment within themselves and the encouragement provided to the other pax. It’s an honor to spend my mornings with you guys.


              No News represented today.

              Recent Backblasts

                Character Builder

                QIC: Holy Kiss

                Date: 01/23/2020

                PAX: Prosciutto, Whittler, Pomade, Burrito, The Count, Pediasure, Bumble Bee, Steam Engine, Gusher

                AO: Smackdown


                It was a balmy 38 degrees on our mountain retreat but we got warm pretty quickly.


                Warm up lap around track

                Little Baby Arm Circles X15 and reverse X15, Willy Mays Hays X10, Imperial Walkers X10, SSH X25, Third Grade Exercise X15

                The Thang

                7 of Diamonds

                Round 1 (Arms)
                Station 1: Merkins X7 and Bernie Sanders to Station 2

                Station 2: Worst Merkin Ever X7 and Bernie Sanders to Station 3

                Station 3: Clerkin X7 and Bernie Sanders to Station 4

                Station 4: Blockee X7 and Jail Break to Station 1

                Round 2 (Legs)

                Station 1: Lunges X 14 (each leg) and Jail Break to Station 2

                Station 2: Box Jump Bleachers X 14 and Jail Break to Station 3

                Station 3: Burpees X 14 and Jail Break to Station 4

                Station 4: No Surrender X 14 and Bernie Sanders to Station 1

                Round 3 (Abs)

                Station 1: LBCs X 21 and Bernie Sanders to Station 2

                Station 2: Flutter Kicks X 21 and Bernie Sanders to Station 3

                Station 3: V- Ups X 21 and Bernie Sanders to Station 4

                Station 4: Flutter Kicks X 10 & Dolly X 11 and Jail Break to Station 1

                Round 4 (Character Builder)

                Station 1: Partner Burpees X 28 and Jail Break to Station 2

                Station 2: Bear Crawl Length of Bleachers and Jail Break to Station 3

                Station 3: Partner Burpees X 28 and Jail Break to Station 4

                Station 4: Bear Crawl Length of Bleachers


                A man’s character is defined by the things you do and the decisions you make when no one else is watching. It is having the integrity to make the hard choices when there are no repercussions and accountability.

                To quote Honest Abe “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it and the tree is the real thing”

                We all have different “shadows” of how we act and appear as husbands, fathers, in the workplace, and around friends. Those are a lot of “shadows” to manage. My challenge to the PAX is to just focus on strengthening your “tree” or the true character of the man and your “shadows” will fall in to place.


                I wont mention names.. Ahheemm… Prosciutto, Whittler, Burrito… but there was some question about the accuracy of the exercises. Just to rest your mind at ease… straight from the F3 Exercise List… I’m not one to say “I told you so” but I told you so!

                Worst Merkin Ever: 1 Wide Arm Merkin, 1 Regular Merkin, 1 Diamond Merkin performed in succession with no break in form = 1 Worst Merkin Ever.

                Clerkin: A merkin with a clap, either OYO or with a partner.

                Blockee: Burpees with cinder blocks. With your cinder block drop down and do a Merkin on the cinder block. Return to the standing position and press the cinder block above your head to complete one rep.

                No Surrender: Begin the no-surrender in the standing position with your hands locked behind your head and elbows pointing outward.4 count: 1.Go down on left knee, then 2. down on the right knee so now you’re on both knees. 3.Then stand back up on left leg then 4. up with the right leg. After half the desired reps, switch the starting leg so that you don’t favor one side.

                Recent Backblasts

                  Color Ernest Shackleton Impressed

                  QIC:  Gusher

                  Date: 01/21/2020

                  PAX: Laces Out (Respect), Whittler, Friar Tuck, Pomade, Burrito, Blindside, Prosciutto

                  AO: Smackdown


                  Not even Shackleton would launch his ship in this stuff, but we’re the PAX of the mountain and we will embark. Weather app says chill index is very cold…understatement. Weather app says conditions are no good for running…underestimated the men of Smackdown. Weather app also says Dry Skin Index is of very high concern. Don’t know what that means. But its pretty cool in a creepy way the weather app has a skin index. Glad it wasn’t around during middle school.


                  Easy lap around the track to get the blood moving

                  SSH (20 IC); WMH (15 IC); IW (20 IC); 3rd Grade Ex (15 IC); LBAC Forward (10 IC)/Reverse (10 IC) Took a nice jaunt across the field to where the coupons mysteriously formed into a Stonehenge of sorts. So we moved them. We get things done.

                  The Thang
                  One Mile with exercises (AMRAP- style)

                  Pax counted off by threes to alternate exercises until everyone completes lap. We do this four times for a mile. Goal is to keep moving and get as many reps as possible before traveling PAX return.

                  Lap 1: Run lap, merkins (amrap), SSH (amrap)

                  Lap 2: Run lap, LBCs (amrap), Squats (amrap)

                  Lap 3: Run lap, Block Curls (amrap), Mountain Climbers (amrap)

                  Lap 4: Block Squats (amrap), Dips on the Bleacher (amrap)

                  Brief Stop at the Bowflex: Incline Merkins (10 IC), Box Jump to Top, Toe Merkins (30 OYO)

                  Mary: Flutter Kick (20 IC); Freddie Mercury (20 IC); Heal Touches (20 IC); Shoulder Taps (10 IC)


                  Continued reflection on the Landfill Tran-Situation (basically any opportunity to remind everyone to go back and read the backblast because it is gold-plated gold). Driving home from the Landfill, YHC remembered a brief prayer made by a minister who was robbed and it highlighted two qualities: grace and gratitude. All kindnesses and blessings, and even hardships that teach us things like endurance and perseverance, are graces. Whether that be trying tests of faith or peaceful moments of blessings. Our response in all things should be gratitude. The 18th century prayer is as follows: “Let me be thankful, first, because he never robbed me before; second, because although he took my purse [old English use of wallet or European man-satchel], he did not take my life; third, because although he took all I possessed, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.” That final petition is poignant. The only difference between a thief and one who does not thieve is grace. Not because I am better. Grace and gratitude.

                  BALL OF MAN: It was cold. I don’t think anyone would have complained if we held on to this position a little longer than what would be socially acceptable.


                  It was bone-chilling; one possible suggestion was to Ball of Man the entire workout, maybe an eight-legged race, or something. It was good to have Burrito back after his Kevin Duranting around Nashville. He is home where he belongs and where he is embraced both literally and figuratively. Laces Out is a half marathon machine bringing Racoon Mt. to its knees. California will be getting some wild fire this week, but not the dangerous forest kind. Maybe some west coast handsy type stuff. Biggie Smalls ain’t dead.


                  No news is good news.

                  Recent Backblasts

                    The Mountain Between Us

                    QIC:  Sunburn

                    Date: 01/02/2020

                    PAX: Burrito, Blindside, Bumblebee, Friar Tuck, Holy Kiss, Money Ball, Laces Out, Pomade, Prosciutto, The Count, FNG-Thighmaster, Whittler

                    AO: Smackdown


                    A bit chilly but we survived.


                    Wrong Way Lap on track. SSH’s, WMH’s, TGE, LBAC, forward, reverse, Overhead Press, Morocan Night Clubs, Seal Claps

                    The Thang

                    Is this what you call a stadium?

                    Box Jump to top (All 5 levels) 10 Merkins @ Top / LBC’s at Bottom – Repeat 5 Times

                    Another wrong way lap and we’re behind the bleachers:

                    Suicides with Air Squats x 10, Suicides with walking lunges x 3, Suicides and return for 10 burpees.

                    To the goal line we go for 20 yard walking lunges, broad jumps with Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks and smurf jacks in between. Bear crawl to about the end and we are done.


                    Since it’s the begining of the year we’ve been talking goals and commitments. Today we talked about each day we have the opportunity for a new begining. We cannot rewrite the past, we cannot go back and change a situation that’s happened in the past that we’ve regret. What we can do is go from this point forward to make the right choices, do the right things and continue to move forward in our pursuit of bettering ourselves. We can learn from our mistakes and bad decisions in the past but don’t dwell there. Most importantly, one of the things that hold us back from moving forward and growing is that we have not forgiven ourselves for those shortcomings of the past. In order to grow and move forward we need to know we have been forgiven by Our Father and now we need to forgive ourselves.


                    I’m a little disappointed I was not presented with a smoking jacket with the Smackdown Logo, however I am thrilled that they would allow someone that lives on the other mountain to come over and Q for them. I haven’t lived in this town long but I do know the labels given to these two communities. new money vs old money but truth be told, when working out in the gloom everyone is just trying to make it to the COT. Money is overrated anyway so stay away from debt, it’s not your friend.

                    Little known fact. My goal was to keep Burrito as quite as possible. No-one caught on that every time Burrito started to talk his non-sense I called out 5 burpees. Wouldn’t you know it during the COT Burrito got one of his stupid awkward jokes in which certainly was cringe worthy.

                    *Full disclaimer: Excersises described in The Thang may or may not have happened. At my advanced age I could have written the back blast right after the workout and still not gotten it right. So, most of it happened at some point during the beatdown and some of it I just made up because it sounded good.


                    Gloomies – Burrito to MC and what a job he did!

                    Recent Backblasts