Candu – The Huey (03/28) – Soddy Daisy Swap

QIC: Candu
Date: 03/28/2019
PAX: Hasbro, Ducktales, Geek Squad, Milkman
AO: The Huey


Pretty Groovy


Mosey Warm-Up lap around track

Good Morning Sunshine x 10 IC (2 count)

Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC

Forward Fold x 10 IC

Abe Vigoda (slow windmill) x 10 IC

Slow Squat x 20 IC (3 down, 1 up)

Slow Lunge x 10 each leg IC, (3 down, 1 up)

LBACs x 10 IC

Shanooks x 10 IC

Shoulder Press x 10 

The Thang

Soddy Daisy Swap – running opposite direction around the track

Exit back side of pavillion, take 90 degree right, run track, jail break down the straight concrete path to front of pavillion

Partner Up – one partner runs, other partner completes the following until other partner returns from run.


Decline Merkins

Decline Carolina Dry Docks


Incline Merkins

Incline Carolina Dry Docks

PAX returns

One partner wall sits – other partner lunges to end of pavillion, shuffles back

One partner wall sits – other partner bear crawls to end of pavillion, shuffles back


Candu just got married.

Decided to ask PAX for 1 piece of marriage advice per PAX.

Build interlocking bridge. Patience & Listening. Don’t sweat the small stuff / choose battles wisely. Don’t be afraid to ask for help & keep God where He should be. Learn dat luv language!

Thanks for the advice fellas! Amazing how quickly life gives you opportunities to heed the advice of each one of you.


Running isn’t Hasbro’s favorite


Recent Backblasts

    Duck walk

    QIC: Ducktales
    Date: 03/21/2019
    PAX: Geek Squad, Radiohead, Snowflake, Saddlebags, U-turn
    AO: The Huey

    Conditions, No rain which means perfect.

    The Disclaimer, Disclaimed



    Incline merican and Decline merican IC

    The Thang

    Dora around Track

    We worked around track, partner 1 ran to next light pole while partner 2 ran to next light pole and back
    Tennis court laps- karaoke long side of track to keep from running into net, berne fault line, karaoke other long side, run last fault line.
    Wheel of merican
    Indian run
    lunge from track to pavilion
    30 SSH IC
    Incline and decline Mericans IC
    Broga in the back lot.



    We did not duck walk, we just did so many lunges that I was walking like a duck post gloom. The Pax worked hard and we did lunges and Mericans til exhaustion multiple times. There was not much time for mumble.


    Launch of the Boneyard 3/26 and Convergence 3/30 in Collegedale we are going to fill Geeksquads van named the “Black Pearl” with Huey Pax and FNGs to roll over to the Convergence. I will be the DJ it will be amazing!
    -Ducktales OUT

    Bridge Beatdown without the Bridge

    QIC: Laces Out
    Date: 03/18/2019
    PAX: Geek Squad, Hasbro, Lugnut, Radiohead, She Shed, Truck-Yeah
    AO: The Huey


    39 degrees and cool but dry

    The Disclaimer



    Due to YHC’s confusion on startex time, Geek Squad jumped in and led the warmup:

    SSH x 20 IC
    Arm Stretches x 15 IC
    Butterflies x 15 IC
    Hamstring stretches x 15 IC
    Finkle Swings x 8 each leg
    3rd Grade Exercises x 15 IC
    Willy Mayes Hayes x 15 IC
    Slow Abe Begoda’s x 15 IC
    SSH x 20 IC
    Butt kickers x 15 IC
    Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
    Proscuitto’s Gold Chains IC
    SSH x 10 IC

    The Thang

    Geek Squad asked YHC to repeat last Thursday’s Q at Hill City. Had to modify, due to this being a Bridge Beatdown and no Bridge at The Huey! (Actually, there are three VERY small bridges that just would not hold us all at the same time and not as long as the Walnut Street Bridge!) Also, YHC’s alternate name is Running Man, since many of my Q’s involve running, as named by Proscuitto on this same beatdown in Nov 2017!

    Bridge Beatdown with Running Man without the Bridge

    Circuit 1: Merkin Mile with Squats around the track
    25 merkins oyo/ 25 Squats IC at start of track 
    Run one lap
    25 merkins oyo/ 25 Squats IC
    Run one lap
    25 merkins oyo/ 25 Squats IC
    Run one lap 
    25 merkins oyo/ 25 Squats IC

    At Hill City, this was called an Ice Cream Show Dora, outside the best ice cream shop in town. Since there was no Ice Cream Show at The Huey, we did a Dora at the Love Shack instead.
    Circuit 2: Love Shack Dora
    Partner up.  1st pax runs from track to the Love Shack and back, while 2nd pax starts the following exercises:
    100 merkins
    200 LBCs
    300 Squats
    When 1st pax gets back, then switch places and continue where first left off:
    Rinse and repeat until finish all reps.

    2.05 miles ran, 200 merkins, 400 squats


    Had time for 12 Flutterkicks IC and 10 Plank IC before time ran out! 


    CIRCLE OF TRUST: Counterama, Namerama, 

    YHC shared that today his father was having a heart cath and asked for prayer. Because of my dad’s heart condition I have been excercising to stay healthy. Appreciate the accountability that F3 has provided over the last 2+ years. We pushed ourselves today and endured much. Sometimes we face times of endurances and difficulty in life. James 1:12 says “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”

    BALL OF MAN: Prayer in a circle to end the morning!

    Recent Backblasts

      Geeky Clean

      QIC: Co-Q (Geek Squad, Mr. Clean)
      Date: 03/14/2019
      PAX: Ducktales, Hasbro, Hector, Milkman, Radiohead, Saddlebags, She Shed, Snowflake, Truck-Yeah, U-Turn, Geek Squad, Mr. Clean
      AO: The Huey


      61 degrees. Very low barometric pressure.  The storms are headed this way.  Warm enough for even Snowflake to sweat.

      The Disclaimer

      In honor of Laces Out, “you are here on your own VOLITION” and we we are not professionals, modify if necessary, and we will help you to your car should you get hurt.


      SSH x 20
      Arm Stretches x 15
      Butterflies x 15
      Hamstring stretches x 15
      Finkle Swings x 8 each leg
      3rd Grade Exercises x 15
      Willy Mayes Hayes x 15
      Slow Abe pagodas x 15
      SSH x 20
      Butt kickers x 15
      Imperial Walkers x 15
      Proscuitto’s Gold Chains
      SSH x 10

      The Thang

      In honor of Prosciutto, a HIM that picked up a Q.  Once Threeskin adds to the Exicon, he will be paid the same homage 
      1st Round
      Arms (Shoulder Press) 50 each partner
      Legs (Squats) 50 each partner
      Abs (LBCs) 50 each partner
      Run (Native American Run) Lap around
      Merkins 25 OYO
      2nd Round
      Arms (Curls) 25 each partner
      Legs (Monkey Humpers) 25 each partner
      Abs (Pickle Pounders)
      Run (Native American Run) Lap Around
      Mini Dips


      Yesterday, 03/13/2019, YHC was scheduled to Q at the Lion’s Den. Unfortunately, I awoke to “call Ralph” and bowed out of the scheduled Q.  Threeskin and Prosciutto volunteered to pick up the Slack (pun intended).  Additionally, Prosciutto voluntarily admitted he once slept late for a Q, and sometimes a HIM misses a Q.
      Well, once I heard of this gracious act and statement, I remembered his story of the Exicon addition of ALARM.  I asked Geek Squad for the opportunity to Q, and we chose to co-Q.  I felt it only fitting to pay homage to Prosciutto and complete the ALARM Routine as a very small appreciation for his help yesterday.  Big thanks to Threeskin as well and his help.  The message here: we all falter at some point, and we all need help at some point in our lives.  We see it in action in F3, and we should do our best to always Pay it Forward.  Get the karma monster on your side.


      The landmine was missing this morning.  Sadly, so was The Count.
      Plethora of “she said” jokes. (We are dudes at 0515, brain activity is slower, depth is much more shallow….in that spirit, we also do not really care what people think about our antics)
      Dewayne went swimming in The Delaware…ALL the Dewaynes went swimming in the Delaware. Milkman ALMOST went swimming in the Delaware. He was told he has a really big one (when trying to recover a rock from the Delaware) and his response was, “thanks for the confidence builder.”
      Hasbro has a REALLY BIG….gold chain
      We made sure all exercises were completed and named with the utmost political correctness


      3/15 Ruck. Startex at Longhorns 0500
      3/30 convergence – Ooltewah, Veterans Memorial Park. 0700

      Oscar Mike

      QIC: Ducktales
      Date: 03/11/2019
      PAX: geek squad, hector, milkman, u-turn, hasbro, lugnut, snowflake
      AO: The Huey


      Baby making weather

      The Disclaimer

      Emphasized like a non professional


      Windmills IC
      3rd grade IC
      Butt kickers IC
      Willy Mays Hays
      Leg balance

      The Thang

      the count wanted to end his millennials post last Thursday with 100 burpees. We didn’t get them all so lets continue this post and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
      Real Burpees 100 OWO
      Picked this next one up from my boys up at F3NETN, OLD Fashion Dora.
      Partner up 100 mericans, 200 BBSU, 300 squats, Hold plank sprint
      Plank, Breathing
      Side plank
      Tree and forward fold


      Onward March, we did not want to do burpees but we knocked 10 at a time snowflake stepped it up and said let’s do 20 at a time AYE! In family live, work, at your AO
      I mentioned the Oscar mike foundation check them out
      BALL OF MAN: thankful for the ability to wake up in the gloom, not get rained on and being able to KEEP MOVING! AYE


      Lugnuts mumble was on point, see #thehuey on slack for details. Geek squad brought the tunes, rocked to outcast, AC DC, and vanilla Ice. Way better mix then the count… who the hell is Bread Bread
      Geek squad our fearless AOQ, recommend we all know someone who needs EHing. Reach out to them

      tweeted this photo as total count of 8 this hit paste and accidentally added to back last.


      1. Come fellowship after work at 5 sharp Wednesday
      2. Friday run or ruck club fellowship after
      3. Convention March 30th the Huey will pack the black pearl with 12 HIM And a shovel flag AYE!

      Thank you for your accountability 🦆


      Date: 03/07/2019
      QIC: The Count
      PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Hector, Milkman, Mr. Clean, Pumpkin, Radiohead, Saddlebags, She-Shed, U-Turn
      AO: The Huey


      28 degrees, calm and dry

      The Disclaimer:

      I’m not a professional. You are here on your own initiative. Push yourself and modify as necessary to avoid injury. If you get hurt let someone know, and we will get you back to your transportation or to ER if necessary.


      Mosey around track to Back P/L –  Warm Up: Sprinkler, Windmill, Tappy Taps, Finkle Swings   

      The Thang – Millenial

      Goal is a total count of 2000 total reps as a team. The full pax does 100 reps each of a called exercise, then runs a 100m lap back to a point where they gather again for the next called exercise. There will be 10 cycles, which get you to your number. Teamwork matters. The first nine cycles end when the FIRST person gets to 100, which keeps the pax together. The last cycle, which is always burpees, is done together (We ended up doing Burpees for a solid 4 minutes before time ended.
      Cycles: 1) SSH; 2) Lunges; 3) Merkins; 4) LBCs; 5) Mtn. Climbers; 6) Flutters; 7) Imperial Walkers; 8) Squats; 9) Oblique Crunches – 50 per side; 10) Burpees.  Named as year 2000 is within the time period around which the Millenial generation was born.
      Let me say the mumble chatter was strong today, and mostly because Radio-Head saved me from being up close and personal with a “Land-Mine.”  In this case it was a spent condom!  I of course directed everyone to move several feet from that point!  From that point forward, the barbs and jabs were flying!  At one point I recall Mr. Clean threaten to stuff Geek Squad into that “Land-Mine”…and of course there were a few, “That’s what she said” as well.  All in all it was a fun and enjoyable workout!


      Counterama, Namerama, (No FNG’s)
      Prayers and Praises for our families and those who could not be with us.
      BALL OF MAN!


      Came from today’s reading from “Forward Day by Day”:  Psalm 37:1,3. Do not fret yourself because of evildoers; do not be jealous of those who do wrong.  Put your trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and feed on it’s riches.
      Most days I haven’t been out of bed very long before I catch sight of a headline on my phone or the front page of the newspaper and plunge headlong into fretting because of evildoers.  This seems a particularly dark time in our country.
      Surely, we aren’t supposed to let evil have it’s way while we sit back and wait for God to make the bad guys “wither like the grass.”
      The psalmist’s advice is quite clear: Trust in the Lord. God is in charge of the endgame.  Do good, boldly resist evil, and work for justice, mercy, and peace.  We are reassured that “there is a future for the peaceable,” and “the future of the wicked is cut off.”
      Trust. Do good. Don’t fret.  

      The Great Pumpkin Returns

      QIC: Mr. Clean
      Date: 03/04/2019
      PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Milkman, Pumpkin, She Shed, Truck Yeah, Whittler
      AO: The Huey


      Like a well digger’s butt kinda cold

      The Disclaimer

      Disclaimed. Pumpkin is here. Yes I am overly excited about it!


      SSH x50 IC
      Windmill x10 IC
      SSH x40 IC
      Forward Fold x9 IC
      SSH x30 IC
      Willie Mays Hays x8 IC
      SSH x20 IC
      Knee Pulls x7 IC
      SSH x15 IC
      Imperial Walkers x6 IC
      SSH x10 IC
      Finale Swings x5 IC

      The Thang

      Partners carried buckets with 30 pounds worth of rocks in them as the other partners completed exercises.
      Burpees — 50
      Overhead Claps — 100
      Merkins (Incline) — 150
      Big Boy Sit-ups — 200
      Squats — 250


      YHC sailed away with most Q’s in 2018 (by a wide margin), and while I am proud of that, it always nagged at me that the guy responsible for getting me out there was never able to attend a single one of those Q’s.
      The streak finally ended this morning.  Pumpkin came back, and frankly, in spite of exhaustion and sickness, the excitement over this gave me extra Qdrenaline.
      The WOD is this: persistence. With help from Geek Squad, the persistence paid off and a HIM finally returned to the Gloom.  This is, of course, on the heels of the return of both Saddlebags and Snowflake! The challenge this week, especially with this crazy weather, is to remain persistence and deliberate in everything you do.


      Pumpkin returned. Due to muscle memory, the workout wasn’t at all difficult.
      According to Hasbro, my Q game needs work.  They just aren’t as difficult.
      Geek Squad once again had quite the interesting “random” playlist.
      Whittler recognized the irony of a Gold’s Gym ad during the workout.


      Saturday, March 9, 2019, 2.0 Day at the Landfill.  All genders and ages are welcome.
      Ooltewah Convergence coming up!

      Long time, no see!

      QIC: GeekSquad
      Date: 02/28/2019
      PAX: Saddlebags, Snowflake, Milkman, Radiohead, Hasbro, U-Turn, She-Shed
      AO: The Huey


      53 degrees and the rain held off!

      The Disclaimer

      This is F3, I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, modify if necessary, IF injury should occur, we will help you in whatever way possible to your car.


      *In parking lot (All IC)
      Arm Stretches x 15
      Butterflies x 15
      Hamstring Stretches / Toe Touches x 15
      Willy Mayes Hayes x 15
      Slow Abegodas x 15
      SSH x 20
      Butt kickers x 15
      Imperial Walkers x 15
      SSH x 20
      Mosey to the Love Shack 2.0

      The Thang (in Love Shack 2.0)

      Pre-Cursor (All IC)
      Wall sits x 15
      Joe Lewis x 15
      Bus drivers x 15
      Muhammad Ali’s x 15
      Incline Merkins X 10 IC (on up command)
      Decline Merkins X 10 IC (on down command)
      Step ups 10 x each leg  OYO
      DORA (all Single Count) Rinse and Repeated
      50 Merkins (while partner does lunges to the end of tables then mosey back)
      75 Jump Squats (while partner does bear crawls to the end of tables then mosey back)
      100 Overhead Presses *w/rock from the Delaware (while partner does defensive slides to end of the table and back)
      return rocks to their home and mosey back to startex


      All Exercises IC
      Plank jacks x15
      Heel touches x15
      Planks x 15
      Freddy Mercury x 15
      Infinity Plank x 15
      Wave Merkins (up to 3 total)
      Infinity Plank for last minute



       Proverbs 27:17- “As Iron sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another.” –
      Good to have a couple of guys back that had not posted in a while.  You knew it would be difficult, but pushed through and  progressed from being dull to being sharpened. Thank you for letting your brothers be the iron that sharpens iron today!

      F3 Credo: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.
      Go and do likewise in your family, at work and in the lives of others today!


      What is this, 80s song?  *as “Too Legit to Quit” plays which was quickly corrected to note it is a 90s song because he went by “Hammer” at that time.  Your Q actually attended the Too Legit to Quit tour in Knoxville, TN at Thompson Boling Arena.  Boyz II Men opened for him.
      When your Q saw a white truck with a TN Vols plate on the front, I started jumping around thinking the Great “Pumpkin” had returned.  She-Shed steps out and looks puzzled as to why I am hooting and hollering because he showed. I tried to make him feel as special as Pumpkin would have.  LOL!
      Lots of grunts on the number of DORAs we did especially when it was announced we were doing a rinse and repeat
      Radiohead asked where the rocks came from on the Delaware


      3/2 – Landfill – V-Squared
      3/9 – 2.0 Day at the Landfill
      3/30  Convergence – Ooltewah 

      Shawshank Redemption

      QIC: Ducktales
      Date: 02/21/2019
      PAX: HasBro, Geeksquad, Mr. Clean, She Shed
      AO: The Huey







      The Thang

      Akin Legs IC
      Bear crawl through the Crap, Noland Ryan to bust out.
      Mosey to back st
      Derican IC
      Mosey up and down blvd.
      YoYo IC





      Ruck/run in AM meet up at longhorns after.

      Sweating to the Oldies!

      Date: 02/25/2019
      QIC: The Count
      PAX: Ducktales, Fissure, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Milkman, Mr. Clean, Radiohead, She-Shed, U-Turn
      (10 Total)
      AO: The Huey (Veterans Park)


      37 degrees, still, and dry (everything but the ground)

      The Disclaimer:

      I’m not a professional. You are here on your own initiative. Push yourself and modify as necessary to avoid injury. If you get hurt let someone know, and we will get you back to your transportation or to ER if necessary.


      Mosey around track to Back P/L –  Warm Up: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Nancy Kerrigan w/baby arm circles, Imperial Walkers   

      The Thang

      5 Stations/10 Exercises – Partner Up (two to a station) – Background 70’s and 80’s Classic Rock to keep everyone motivated.

      1. SSH/PlankJacks – 1 Partner counts (IC-10) SSH while 2nd Partner does PlankJacks – Switch – rinse and repeat until song is over or Q says to move to next station.

      2.  Overhead Press/Lunges (Both with 30 Lb Coupon) – 1 Partner counts OverHead                    Press (10 Reps) while 2nd partner does alternating lunges.  Switch – rinse and                      repeat until song is over or Q says to move to next station.
      3.  Imperial Walker/Burpee – Partner 1 counts (IC- 10) Imperial Walkers while Partner            2 conducts Burpees.  Switch – rinse and repeat until song stops or Q says to move to            next station.
      4.  Merkins/Squats – Partner 1 does 10 signal count Merkins while Partner 2 does                      single count Squats.  Switch – rinse and repeat until song stops or Q says to move to            next station.
      5.  Bicep Curls/Tricep Ext – (25 lbs coupons) – Partner 1 does 10 Bicep Curl while                        Partner 2 does Tricep Extentions. Switch – rinse and repeat until song stops or Q                  says to move to next station.
      After all pax have rotated through the 5 stations – Mosey to one end of P/L and do AYG Shuttle run of 25 back, 50, back, 75 back.  Proceed back to Circuit Circle and Rinse and Repeat.
      Mary’s – 5 Min of assorted Mary’s


      Counterama, Namerama, (No FNG’s)
      Prayers and Praises for our families and those who could not be with us.

      BALL OF MAN!


      Remember no matter how bad things seem to be, there is always someone else that is going to have it worse.  Don’t be discouraged or get mad at the situation or person.