Ducktales, Geek Squad, Mr. Clean (02/18)

QIC: Co-Q (Ducktales, Geek Squad, and Mr. Clean)
Date: 02/18/2019
PAX: Milkman, She Shed, Truck Yeah, Ducktales, Geek Squad, Mr. Clean, FNG-Hasbro
AO: The Huey


Soggy Soddy Morning. The Delaware was flowing

The Disclaimer



Mosey Lap
Knee Pulls x16 IC
Windmills x16 IC
SSH x16 IC

The Thang

Inspired by Washington, Lincoln (COP — 16 reps), and Adams (Uncle to my great-grandmother)
Supply Line Across the Delaware  — 3 Pax on one side threw rucks with supplies in them to 4 Pax on the other side for an indicated amount of time.


Aiken legs (10 squats, 10 bench jumps, 10 lunges) — Rinse and Repeat
Dips x 16 IC — Rinse & Repeat
Arm Yourself with 21 Guns — (high curls, low curls, full curls) – 2 sets of 21
Mosey (extended) 
Six Pack — (Much like 11’s) 5 Merkins to 1 Bent Over Row. Increments and Decrements each time. 

Baton Passed to Ducktales

Inspired by The start of the Navy SEALS when JFK was starting to campaign for the highest office. Seal crawls in the water (like a seal) from shack to towers
Seal jacks IC
Mosey to big flag circle up
In a space race we built stronger moon men with body builders IC
Seal claps IC
The chatter was strong so we Indian ran around track.
Derkins IC
Bear crawls
Crawl bears
Incline Merkins IC
Partner carries moon walks- we took one small step for the PAX. We switched partners and truck yeah carried the plus 50 Lb of me with giant steps back.
My Q ending before it’s time in the grassy knowl, D.R. GeekSquad sniped me to Q the remainder of the POTUS Day post 🚁💪


In 1983 Ronald Reagan wrote a story about his fitness routine in Parade magazine. This was not his routine, but inspired by his name.  All Exercises were IC except for ABCs being OYO.
R – Raccoon Crawls around the picnic tables next to plenty of trashcans. A reference to the movie Great Outdoors was made.
O – outlaws – spell letter o with legs 10ct right, then left
N -Nolan Ryan – side plank with arm cradling under (like you have a guy in a headlock punching him) 10 each arm.
A – Arm Circles – front, then back  x 20 both
L -LBCs  x 20
D – Dying cockroach – x 16
R – Run lap around the track
E – E2k – aka pretzels  10 each leg
A- AL butt kickers  x 20
G – Guantanamo – wave – feet throws- 1 complete circle.
A – ABCs-alphabet legs  OYO
N – Never Cross Dolly Parton’s x 15
Ended our last minute with pickle pounders while listening to Let’s Get it On – Marvin Gaye.


Mr Clean — The sign of a true wise man comes with the ability ability of discernment or taking one’s knowledge and using it to make a sound decision. I gave an example of my extremely intelligent Autistic student, while filled with a ridiculous amounts of knowledge, is almost crippled with fear when a “WHY” question is posed due to the reasoning and discernment skills required to answer such a question.  CHALLENGE: Be the man who discerns, be the man who does not outsmart his common sense.


Duck- I was awoke with a clatter of Wíll the 2.0 at 04:00 and was ready to Post, AYE! Started rocking out to “the presidents of the United States” and unloaded rocks on the north shore of the Delaware. Mr. Clean was sooo Qed up that he through a boulder into the Delaware River! He may have a future with TVA as a dam builder. She shed is hilarious, great being the 6 and hanging with HasBro the newest theHuey HIM. As always Geek brought the beats and as I was driving to go work almost nude, I noticed Geek, Clean, and HasBro rucking and HasBro was rucking the speaker 🚁💪😎
GeekSquad – In no particular order…
During raccoon crawls the question was asked, “you know what hot dogs are made of?”
Pickle Pounders while listening to Marvin Gaye of course prompted the reminder to maintain eye contact.
we skipped ahead in song history and then back to keep the USA theme going and said it must have been due to one of the best 80s movies ever made, Back to the Future.
Finally, “isn’t it ironic that Reagan was known for tearing down a wall, while Trump is trying to build one!”
End of Report (E.R)


VQ of Goose tomorrow at Hillcity

Got Nuthin But Love for You

QIC: Geek Squad
Date: 02/14/2019
PAX: Mr. Clean, Ducktales, She-Shed, RadioHead, The Count (Respect)
AO: The Huey


32 degrees. Love is in the Air!

The Disclaimer


Warmup  (All IC) – to the music of California Love (TuPac and Dre)

All with 14/28 reps -since today is Feb 14th
Good Mornings x 14
Windmills x 14
Butt kickers x 14
SSH x 28
Willy Mayes Hayes x 14
Imperial Walkers X 14
Arm Circles front x 14
Arm Circles back x 14
Overhead Seal Claps x 14
Regular Seal claps x 14
SSH  x 28
Mosey to the Love Shack 2.0 to the song, Love Shack by the B-52s

The Thang

Begin with F3 Deck of Death – Valentines Day Card giving – only did exercises on cards that had hearts on them. For all face cards we did 14 x IC
transition to DORA
DORA to the end of the Love Shack 2.0 around the picnic tables:  bear crawls/lunges/slow mosey while they work through the following as a team: 
100 merkins
200 squats
25 8 Count man-makers
Mosey back to the startex


Flutter Kicks x 14
LBCs  x 28
Pretzels. X 7 /leg
Planks hold for remainder of time up to 1 min


“Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding,”
Proverbs 3:13 ESV
I looked up the meaning of my name Drew and it surprisingly means “wise”. 
I want to challenge you today and from this point forward to seek out not only wisdom, but understanding as well!
They both take a significant investment of time and being intentional about it.  As intentional you are about getting better out here, I challenge you to be intentional about walking in a way that is wise and understanding.  
The most influential leaders in my life exhibited both extremely well and with balance.


5:15  start time both days at the Huey starts officially this Monday- Presidents Day

Valentine’s Day – Partner Special


QIC: Picasso
Date: 02/14/2019
PAX: Ohms, Free Candy, Sunshine, FNG-Lil’ Debbie, Hobo, Skitch, Black Hat, Candu, Cowbell, Roadhouse, Money Ball, Back Pew, Iron Butt, Sidekick, Goose, Peanuts, Sunburn, Fissure
AO: Hill City


Cold as Queen Elsa

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional. You’re here on your own will. Push yourself, don’t hurt yourself. Modify if necessary. We’ll help you back to your car if something happens.


Mosey to the Great Hall
Good Morning Sunshines x 10
Willy Mayes Hayes x 10 IC
Baby Arm Circles x 10, Reverse
Quad Stretches, hold 10 seconds, swap
Leg/Back Stretches, hold 10 seconds, swap
Calf Stretches, hold 10 seconds, swap
SSH x 15 IC
Squats x 15 IC
Forward Fold…Hold

The Thang

Mosey to the SunDial
Music – Moby: Flower
Bring Sally Up – Merkin Version
Find Long Term Partner
Mosey to Mt. Midoriyama
Music – Marvin Gaye: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough…even Mt. Midoriyama
– P1: Dip Iteration up stairs (1 first step, 2 second step, 3 third step…), jog to Mt. Midoriyama..Bernie Sanders up, jog down
– P2: WWII Sit Ups until P1 is done with Dips, LBCs until P1 is back down from Mt. Midoriyama
Music – Fergie: Fergalicious
Mosey towards Stage
Partner Shrug x 10, swap
Pickle Grinders x 10, swap
Music – R.Kelly: Bump N’ Grind
Small Pickle Pounders x 10 IC
X’s & O’s x 60 seconds
Pickle Pounders x 10 IC
Hello Dolly x 20 IC
Large Pickle Pounders x 10 IC


Not much to say other than every Seal song is how we should act towards our partners. We shouldn’t have a holiday to remind ourselves of the love we should show to our partners or folks we care about. But we do have a holiday, and it’s a good reminder to get back to what matters……

Mumble Chatter

  1. Ohms took home the entire big pickle jar….looks like there is still a lot of romance happening in the Ohms household
  2. Fissure reminded YHC that the flag was not at Hill City. Ringwald is liable for the damages as a result of his fartsack next Hill City post
  3. I could see a sparkle in Iron Butts eye today. Must have been Sally!
  4. We brought Sally up and let her down easy
  5. Candu was appreciative of the warmup. I appreciate Candu
  6. Black Hat showed up anonymously like the Anon he is…..
  7. The PAX were utterly confused about Pickle Grinders….they were worried…
  8. Skitch got pulled into a ménage à trois. Valentine’s Day does that to some folks….


QIC: Fissure
Date: 02/11/2019
PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Magnum, Mr. Clean, Truck-Yeah, U-Turn, Whittler
AO: The Huey


Gloomy and misty and somewhat chilly

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional etc etc


SSH x 50 IC
Good mornings x 15 IC
Third Grade Exercices x 13 IC
Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
SSH x 10 IC
mosey to track
4 x 4×4’s, half lap, 3 x 4×4’s, half lap, 2 x 4×4’s, half lap, 1 x 4×4
mosey to the lot by the ball fields

The Thang

Partner up at first island for Burpees (50), Monkey Humpers (200), Flutterkicks (300, single count)
Bernie Sanders to opposite island then run back
Alternate amrap big boy situps with partner holding your field 2 minutes each
We modified the dora burpees from 75 to 50 so we cranked out 13 burpees OYO
mosey back to cars
SSH x 25 IC, 5 x 4×4’s, SSH x 20 IC, 4 x 4×4’s, SSH x 15 IC, 3 x 4×4’s, SSH x 10 IC, 2 x 4×4’s, SSH x 5 IC, 1 x 4×4
American Hammers slow x 15 IC
Flutterkicks x 15 IC
LBC’s slow x 15 IC


“When Paul tells Timothy to “flee youthful passions” the larger passage never mentions greed or lust, it repeatedly tells him to avoid quarrels and controversy.  Conclusion:  the tendency to be argumentative is a most dangerous sin (2 Tim: 2)”
YHC saw this on twitter from @dandoriani and it struck a nerve.  Paul wrote to Timothy about how church leaders should conduct themselves but this is a lesson that applies to leaders of all faiths.


The flu bug is going around Hamilton County and 4 pax had to stay home.
Whittler told another great joke.  “How do you get a farm girl to like you?  A tractor.”  Gold.


President’s Day (Monday 2/18) at the Huey will start at 0515

Love Wins!

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 02/07/2019
PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Magnum, Prosciutto, Radiohead, She Shed, Whittler
AO: The Huey


68 degrees. Humid.  Sweat began during the disclaimer.

The Disclaimer



SSH x12 IC
Bean Pickers x12 IC
BAC x12 IC
Reverse x12 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x12 IC
SSH x12 IC
Imperial Walkers x12 IC
Plank x12 IC
Fire Hydrants x12 IC
SSH x12 IC

The Thang

I love to develop themes for workouts.  I love a good station workout.  I am clearly a magnet for mumblechatter (can’t beat it join it).  I love to see people laugh (even at my expense).  With all of that in mind, we commenced our stations.  On this day…
Shania Twain released “The Woman in Me Album” 
Whitney Houston won a major award for her music.
Laura Ingalls Wilder was born.
The 11th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified (more on that later)
Planned workout yesterday…so we did 12 reps of everything in the warm-up (2 x 6 = 12)
Crossing the Prairie (In Honor of Laura)
Partner one runs across the prairie to their station, completes 25 reps and returns. Partner 2 holds glutes bridge. Flapjack. Each partner completes 50 reps total.
Tricep Extensions 50
Clean and Press 50
Bent Over Rows 50
Incline Merkins 50
Swing Set Pulls 50
Dips 50
Squats 50
Curls 50
Shoulder Press 50
Derkins 50
Hold Plank/Al Gore Till everyone is complete
SSH x38 IV


Today, we did a rotation station to music, and this in and of itself, is not out of the ordinary for me.  However, rather than complete AMRAP stations, we had a set number of reps.  Also, rather than the “typical” workout music, we played Whitney Houston and Shania Twain. Explanation…significant events for these people happened on this day. 
Now, the 11th Amendment: This established the Electoral College, the College has 538 delegates, 500 total reps among the stations plus 38 Side Straddle Hops, and you guessed it, the number to represent the college.
All this seems crazy, the music was funny and very weird to the walkers, but it was ALL part of a well laid plan.  Nobody really knew the plan, and we often do not know the plan, but if we care about the other men of F3 and those leading, then we will do our absolute best to trust in their plans.  If a man is a true leader, then his plan is simply to help others and foster more leaders.


I frankly do not know where to go with this. So many, “you had to be there moments”.
Thankfully, Radiohead is not a “Creep” at all and is considerate of the neighbors; because YHC definitely isn’t when he blasts some Whitney!!
Someone’s basement is collapsing…we had the support poles at the Huey
More people sang along this morning than they did yesterday at the Lion’s Den
Gloves were NOT optional and neither were updated tetanus shots.
I truly wish I could share this experience in words but… just had to be there



Fantastic Feb Four

QIC: Geek Squad
Date: 02/04/2019
PAX: Fissure, Mr. Clean, Truck-Yeah, Milkman, U-Turn, Lugnut, Ducktales, The Count (Respect)
AO: The Huey


40s and DRY. Dark and Gloomy!

The Disclaimer



Mosey lap around The Huey in all its glory, Pavilion and Thunderdome back to the startex.


SSH x 25  IC
Windmills x 20 IC
A – kickers x 20 IC
Good mornings x 20 IC
Merkins X 20 IC
SSH  x 25 IC
Mosey to the pavilion

The Thang

Step ups  10 each leg
Dips  15
Incline. 10
Decline 10 
Rinse and repeat
Mosey the scenic route through the        parking lot, a U-turn and on to the basketball courts
Four Basket Turnover (rinse and repeat)
Goal # 1 – 8 count Body builders x 10
(The Count led proper cadence)
     Goal # 2  –  Squats x 25  OYO
     Goal # 3  –  Burpees x 10 OYO / 2nd set
merkins OYO
     Goal #4  –  LBCs SC x 25  OYO
Mosey out through the parking lot out A1A to back Huey road and return to startex
hand release merkins x 15
      Heel touches x15
      Supermans x 10
      Freddy Mercury x15
      American Hammer x15
      Flutter Kicks x15
      Monkey Humpers x 15
      Wave merkins up to 4 count, then out
of time


2 Timothy 2:20-21. There is a difference between gold and silver and clay vessels. Gold and Silver are used for noble purposes. God wants to use His best to show honor to others. Be that honorable vessel.
We should be holding each other accountable as well.  F3 is more than a workout.


YHC Needed help this morning with 8 count body builders cadence, merkins cadence. Clean and Count subbed in while on the court!
The Count corrected a few people on their form and speed as needed!
YHC focused on proper call outs by saying IC when he should have substituted OYO, but got better as we went.

  1. “The Next Exercise is ______________________”
  2. “Starting Position … Move”
  3. “In Cadence … 
  4. “Exercise”



5:15 Thursday at the Huey’s starts officially this week!

45 minutes of Winter

QIC: Ducktales
Date: 01/28/2019
PAX: The Count, Fissure, Geek Squad, Magnum, Milkman, Truck-Yeah, Radiohead
AO: The Huey


It was a cool calm 30 degrees. the stars were out and no satellites were observed.

The Disclaimer

The Disclaimer was disclaimed.


Imperial Walkers 15 IC
Mountain Climbers 15 IC
Good Mornings 5 IC

The Thang

Partnered up
-Pax 1 ran lap
-Pax 2 -10 Mericans, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 SSH
Round 2
-Pax 1 ran
-Pax 2- Merican, Squat, BBS, Burpees, Flutter Kicks
*Mosey to back lot
JumpSquat 7 times then 1 lieutenant Dans, then 6 Jumpsquats, 2 Lieutenant Dans
[Lieutenant Dan- lung, lung, squat]
Mosey to basketball quart, then Bearacides
Bearcrawl to other fowl line, crawlbear back, bearcrawl to haft court, crawlbear back.
Shuttle run around track, then 10 derkins, 10 carolina dry docks
mose to parking lot for Marys
Box cutters, hello Dollys, Pretzel, WW2 Situps, 8 count body builders


Thanked the Pax for they are the reason I push myself to embrace the GLOOM


The count showed us his latest workout equipment, it looks like they wouldnt allow it at Guantanamo bay, stay tuned.


OTB huey 5:15 post this thursday. THIS is the return of 2 a week post at the Huey for our North Hamilton County Gloomers.

Fairness, Kindness, and an FNG

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 01/21/2019
PAX: Ducktales, FNG-Dundee, Hector, Milkman
AO: The Huey


18 degrees. Felt like 7 degrees (on the parts of the body that weren’t numb). Clear skies. Frozen tundra.

The Disclaimer

F3 Nation, Inc. (“F3″) is a peer-led, zero-cost non-profit workout group. F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders, the safety of the exercises performed during workouts or the hazardousness of the premises upon which workouts are conducted. The men who lead F3 workouts are not paid to do so and no representations of any kind are made by F3 about their skill level. The premises upon which F3 workouts are conducted are not owned or maintained by F3. F3 makes no representations of any kind regarding their safety. Although F3 workouts vary widely in intensity, all F3 workouts tend to be rigorous and are undertaken upon uneven ground during periods of limited visibility. Therefore, there are certain dangers inherent in participating in an F3 workout. Participants must be 18 or older and are assumed to have made their own reasonable decision as to whether they should so participate. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a father or male legal guardian. F3 disclaims any and all responsibility for any individual’s decision to participate in an F3 workout. By participating in an F3 workout, an individual assumes the risks inherent in doing so. This Disclaimer and Notice is made by F3 on its own behalf and on the behalf and for the benefit of any person leading an F3 workout and/or otherwise acting for the benefit of F3.


SSH x 12 IC

Cherry Pickers x 12 IC

BAC x 12 IC

Reverse BAC x 12 IC

Moroccan Night Club x 12 IC

Prosciutto’s Gold Chain x 12 IC

Shoulder Press x 12  IC

Butterflies x 12 IC

Finkle Swing x 12 OYO

SSH x 12 IC

The Thang

We had an FNG, some guys with Circumsacks, and it was 18 degrees. That being said, the beatdown still commenced but with some audibles.

Dora 1-2-3

Run to bench. Complete 10 Dips. Return.

100 – Ruck Shoulder Presses

200 – Ruck Squats

300 – LBCs

Tammy Wynette — Glute Bridge

Pax 1 Completes 15 Upright Rows. Pax 2 Holds Glute Bridge. FlapJack. Rinse and Repeat x 5



Appropriately, I taught a lesson in Sunday School regarding man’s design created in the image of God. Since we are made in the image of God, Life is extremely precious; thus, judgement by God for taking another life is swift and severe.

When we moved to a new covenant, we were given a Savior, but we are held to an even higher standard as to the way we treat people. Jesus said (paraphrasing), “You (ALL people) were made in God’s image, and each person should be treated as such; so then, we must avoid calling our fellow man “stupid and/or fool” but even further, we must avoid judging others especially for those reasons which are superficial or vanity related.” As we celebrate MLK Jr. Day today, let us remember we are ALL made in the image of God and we should treat each other as such.


Our FNG has been bitten by a snake before.
Anything else really needed more than the above stated item??


February 2, 2019 — CSAUP/F3 Cherokee convergence

Parking Lot Party

QIC: Geek Squad
Date: 01/14/2019
PAX: She Shed, The Count, Lugnut, Radiohead, Magnum, Loan Shark, Truck-Yeah, Mr. Clean, Ducktales
AO: The Huey


Cold, 39 degrees!

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional. You are here on your own free will. We do not know your medical history, so please push yourself, but try not to hurt your self. if anything were to happen, we will help you to your car.


Started with a mosey around the track, carrying a coupon, around to the back parking lot.
Continued with 10 burpee penalty from last week for not having an F3 flag present.
Warmup (All exercises were done in cadence x 14 reps since today is 1/14/19)
Mountain climbers
Proscuitto’s Gold Chains
Moroccan Night Clubs
Forward LB Arm Circles
Backward LB Arm Circles
Overhead Presses
Close with one more round of SSH

The Thang

Parking Lot Party was the Q’s afterparty having ran 2 miles pre-workout.
Title of exercises or routine
20 lines in parking lot
8 sections for different exercises 30 sec each section
Lunges out, mosey back
Burpees (14 IC)
Overhead Presses with coupon carried there (14 IC)
Plank jacks (14 IC)
Squats (14 IC)
Alternating Shoulder Taps (14 IC)
Monkey humpers (14 IC)
Frog jumps out, mosey back
Kareokes out and back
Bernie Sanders out and back
Bent over rows with coupons (14 IC)
Boat to Canoe

Mary…Had a Little LAMB (and then some)

L- Crunches- LBCs
A – “Alabama’s Azz got-kicked”-ers
M- Medium Pickle pounders
B- Big Boy situps
Flutter Kicks
Freddy Mercury’s
Air Alphabet


CIRCLE OF TRUST: The terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.

BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]

Motivational thoughts:
2 Timothy 1:8-15 Paul is sharing his testimony with and encouraging Timothy. Paul specially tells him that when you start questioning your effectiveness, remind yourself what is most important, Jesus. We all have older men in our lives that seem to share the right encouragement at the right time. For me personally, when I am unclear of the direction I need to be focused, it is good to be reminded to put Christ first. When I do, everything else has a way of working itself out. When I focus on Jesus first, Others/family, and then myself, in that order, I am more focused on what is most important.
For those of you that have a growing relationship with Christ, the challenge is to remember what you have been saved from and called to. For followers of Christ, you have been called to share the Good News of the Gospel with others.  For those of you that may have not started your own personal relationship with Christ, that is what you are being invited to begin. Take a step of faith today and ask Christ to reveal the truth to you.
if anyone would like to talk more about what I have shared, you can reach out to me and I would love to share with you what I have learned.


“I think you are gonna make me puke” “Have you ever made someone splash merlot during one of your workouts?”  “What’s your favorite karaoke song, Truck Yeah, Loan Shark, She Shed?”   “Did you mean we were gonna do frog jumps half way across the parking lot instead of the full length? Answer: Nope, all the way”



It’s Monday Already?

QIC: Picasso
Date: 01/07/2019
PAX: Fissure, Geek Squad, Loan Shark, Mr. Clean, Radiohead
AO: The Huey


Cool and chill, like a jazz band

The Disclaimer

I’m not a professional. Neither are you. Be smart with how hard you push. If you push too hard that is your fault and you cannot sue us. We will be glad to help you back to the car.


Mosey around the track
SSH x 25 IC
Mosey to the back parking lot
SSH x 25 IC
Calf stretches x 20 seconds
Stuck windmills x 10 seconds, each leg
Willy Mays Hayes x 10
Cobra Pose x 10 seconds
SSH x 10 IC
Downward Dog x 10 seconds
Forward Fold x 10
Back Stretches x 10 seconds
Hip Stretches x 10 seconds
Mosey to the racing part of the back parking lot

The Thang

Tired and beating down from the “TUFF MUFF” two days before, everyone was eager to do planks
Karaoke 50 yards, then back [Loan Shark gave it his best]
Partner Exercises
P1: High Knees to end of parking lot, Ass kicker back
P2: Hold Plank
P1: Karaoke to end of parking lot, Karaoke back
P2: Hold Left Side Plank
P1: Jog to end of parking lot, Sprint back
P2: Hold Right Side Plank
P1: Imperial Walker to end of parking lot, Jog back
P2: Hold Glute Bridge
Curb Dips x 20 IC
Mosey to the Basketball Track…..yes, I said Basketball Track
Plank x 10 Seconds
Left Plank x 10 seconds
Right Plank x 10 seconds
Glute Bridge x 10 seconds
Table Saws x 10, each leg
Superman x 15 seconds
Sea Turtles x 15 seconds
P1: Imperial Walkers, Squats, Merkins, Toe Merkins
P2: Hold Plank
Jump over the raging creek!!!!!! Mr. Clean made that creek his mop!!!!
Wall Sit x 20 IC
Hollow Body Hold x 15
Fissure Kicks x 15


@drimback aka Geek Squad stepped up and gave a great message on not selling yourself short as a leader. If you are out in the gloom or putting sweat in somewhere else and leading the effort, don’t sell yourself short. You are making everyone better by putting forth the effort.
CIRCLE OF TRUST: The terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]

“If Clemson beats Alabama, I’ll buy each F3 PAX a beer” – Fissure