QIC: Iron Butt

Date: 08/19/2019

PAX: U-turn, Prosciutto, The Count (Respect x2), Red Tees, Geek Squad, Ducktales, Hasbro, Couch Potato, Milkman, Freetime, Radiohead, Loan Shark, Fissure, Skid, FNG-Pigeon, FNG-Knockout, FNG-Sponge Bob

AO: The Huey


75, heavy air but enough to inhale at a rapid rate.


F3 Mission:

Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.


  • I am not a professional
  • You are participating at your own risk
  • You are responsible for your own well being
  • You are here voluntarily, and you are not paying to be here
  • Know your limits and do the best you can – Modify


IC 4 CT Side Straddle Hops x 13

IC 4 CT Imperial Walkers x 13

IC 4 CT Merkins x 13

IC 4 CT Mountain Climbers x 10

IC 4 CT Squats x 10

IC 4 CT Seal Straddle Hops x 10

OYO Bulgarians x 10 each leg

OYO Jumping Lunges x 10 each leg

OYO Burpees x 5

IC 4 CT Flutter Kicks x 10

IC 4 CT Big Boy Sit-ups x 13

OYO Slow Squats x 13

The Thang


Start at Flags near Station 1 (NEAR FLAGS). Do designated exercises at each of Four Stations (3, 6, 9, and 12 position of a clock face) and run to the next station. OYO. 

Station 1:                        15 Big Boy Sit-Ups                 RUN FORREST RUN

Station 2:                        15 Little Baby Crunches    RUN FORREST RUN!

Station 3:                        15 Jump Lunges                      RUN FORREST RUN!

Station 4:                        15 Merkins                                  RUN FORREST RUN!

Complete one RUN FORREST RUN revolution


Starting at oldest/wisest to youngest WiseAss execute as many pull-ups as you can.  Good form. No rocking. No halfsies.  Each HIM recovers while PAX perform same number of burpees. (INSPIRED BY CANDU BEATDOWN AT BONEYARD) – NOTE TO SELF: This revolution works best with ten or less HIMs. But all 18 adapted. Love these boys The Huey.  

127 pull-ups were accomplished and about the same number of burpees. Good work PAX! 


Start at Flags near Station 4. Do designated exercises at each of Four Stations (3, 6, 9, and 12 position of a clock face) and run to next station. OYO. 

Station 1:                        15 Big Boy Sit-Ups                 RUN FORREST RUN

Station 2:                        15 Little Baby Crunches    RUN FORREST RUN!

Station 3:                        15 Jump Lunges                      RUN FORREST RUN!

Station 4:                        15 Merkins                                  RUN FORREST RUN!

Exercise low plank and hold for 12x

Gather at The Huey


Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, FNG-Naming

THREE FNGs!!!!!!!


In life things happen and you pull yourself up, adapt and do you best to advance. Iron Butt tells story of getting call from his now deceased father (SGT Major, Retired) stating don’t believe what you read in the newspaper this morning. Iron Butt opened newspaper that day to see headline: “Gilliland Indicted.” Three months later Iron Butt as a strapping 22-year old accompanied father to court for sentencing after father was convicted of extortion for threatening the life of his business partner and killing his dog. The judge went through my father’s resume. Fought in three foreign wars (WWII, Korea, Vietnam), received meritorious service medal and was a man who served his country well but had a hard time adapting to civilian life.

After the Judge read my father’s service record and asked my father what we all knew from the earlier court case. Mr. Gilliland I find it hard to believe you committed this crime based on your service record. My father said. Yes sir. Then the judge asked who the young man was sitting next to him. “That’s my son, sir.”

The judge asked the 22-year old version of Iron Butt. “So, what do you think I should do with your father? To this day, all I remember saying was: “My father committed a crime. It is ironic that he fought and served the country that will now punish him and put him behind bars.” Judge Thornburg said to my father: “If you can raise a son that will come and sit next to his father, and say these words he has said, I think it would be a shame to incarcerate you.” My father was put on three years probation and had to relinquish any firearms in his possession.

That’s what I call grace. We all have done things we may not be proud of but the God I serve offers the same grace and love this Judge showed my father those many days ago. 

Men. Show grace in your workplace. In your homes. With your friends. There is therefore no condemnation in Christ. But when life comes at you and you may make inappropriate or wrong choices, RECOVER! PULL yourself UP. ADAPT to the forces in play. And ADVANCE in this great adventure of your lives with grace and mercy.

Geek Squad prayed us out


Did you hear that? “17-FNG” Three times! @Couch Potato delivered the goods. Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. F3 legacy!

Major props and shout out to @Prosciutto. He keeps us on the straight and narrow. Discipline, structure and order are essential and necessary in any group of men. And how about those pull-ups he put down with perfect form. Thank you for setting the standard Pro and keeping us in between the guard rails on this dang Backblast!

Also, @SKID was leaving after our beatdown to report for duty in the U.S. Airforce. 


F3 Nation IronPAX – See Announcements on Slack.

Game Day at Landfill this Saturday I am told.


She Shed’s Pain Train

QIC: She Shed

Date: 08/15/2019

PAX: Duck Tales, Radio Head, Uturn, Geek Squad, Couch Potato, Skid, Hasbro

AO: Huey




side straddle hop 20
LBC 20
Forward fold 15 
Mercans 20
Partner chest stretch 10 each side
Side straddle hop 20
High knees 20
3 position squats

The Thang

Mozie around track to bleachers
Box jump to the top of the bleachers
20 dips
Box jump down bleachers
20 leg raises
Wash, rinse, repeat 4x
Mozie to blocks in parking lot
Pax partner up back to back with a heavy block
10 twist and pass then 5 burpees
10 over head and between legs, 5 burpees
10 sit up and passes, 5 burpees
Mozie to love shack
100 incline mercans, partner bear crawls to end and mozies back
200 squats, partner lunges to end and mozies back
300 LBCs


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” MLK Jr


She Shed almost got shot, some PAX are still learning what coupons are, etc.


The Huey is picking up steam and may start a Friday beat down…?

Recent Backblasts

    Theodore Roosevelt Did Jiu-Jitsu

    QIC: Fissure

    Date: 08/12/2019

    PAX: Couch Potato, The Count (Respect), Doubtfire, Red Tees, U-turn, Hasbro, Radiohead, Geek Squad, Truck Yea

    AO: The Huey


    Bit on the humid side


    Circled up on track by flags
    50 SSH IC
    10 Fwd Fold IC
    10 Leg over lower back stretches IC each side

    The Thang

    Remained by flags
    2018 Iron Pax Challenge first week workout
    4 round of the following for time:
    50 Airsquats
    40 Merkins
    30 Bigboy situps
    20 Bonnie Blairs
    10 Burpees
    400m run 
    We completed 2 rounds instead of 4 because it was apparent YHC was repeating a workout from last week.  This is totally on me since Duck did mention the workout and I completely forgot.

    Audible called and we mosey’d to the big lot and lined up facing the opposite island.
    Mosey down, high knees back
    Low knees down, karaoke back
    Jail break down, walk back x 6

    Circled up around first island
    50 Airsquats
    40 Merkins
    30 Bigboy situps
    20 Bonnie Blairs
    Mosey back to flags


    Reminded pax that Carebear does a great job with the preblast each week.  Quote this week came from Theodore Roosevelt.

    “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

    Radiohead added that we should all be reminded this goes for parenting as well.  Our kids deserve some grace when they’re trying to learn how to make decisions.  We can be too hard on them.  

    Little known fact:  Theo suffered a detached retina whilst boxing during his presidency and took of Jiu-Jitsu.  


    Not a ton of Mumble chatter as we got right to it this morning

    Geek Squad has his Huey bros backs.  He grabbed YHC’s shirt in hopes of ending the jailbreaks after it was clear we would keep doing sprints until the Q was beaten!


    Iron Pax Challenge starts 9/1 SIGN UP!

    Recent Backblasts

      Iron sharpening

      QIC: ducktales

      Date: 08/08/2019

      PAX: geeksquad, u-turn, couch potato, hasbro, Radiohead, FNG-skid

      AO: the Huey

      Condition: windless and stars shining, August morning


      5 sun salutations

      The Thang

      Ran through a iron pax challenge style workout.

      Iron training

      25 air squats IC

      40 big boy sit-ups oyo

      15 Merkins IC

      20 Bonnie Blair’s oyo

      10 burpees

      Lap around track

      Repeated 4 times finished each lap together by lead runners picking up 6

      Had some time to spare for Mary’s


      15 Lbc ic

      20 Crunchy frogs ic



      Was humbled by FNG, he smoked me during run.


      Growruck in a few weeks train hard.

      Iron pax challenge starts September 1st new new week workout posted weekly to be completed and time yourself then submit sign up

      Recent Backblasts

        Be Inspiring

        QIC: Mr. Clean

        Date: 08/02/2019

        PAX: Free Time, Geek Squad, Hasbro, U-Turn, She Shed

        AO: The Huey


        Lower 60’s and low humidity




        Shoulder Circuit

        Calf Stretch

        The Thang

        Two Steps Forward

        Merkins and Squats. 2 light poles forward and one back. Complete a lap.

        Bataan Death March — Squat Variety

        Veterans Dora

        Pax patterned up. One ran to “Veterans Landing”, completed 20 step-ups, and looped to the back of the Love Shack. Flap jack. Rinse/Repeat. Exercises were as follows: Inverted Bench Rows, Incline Merkins, and Dips.


        Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”


        Minimal which was a goal.


        Recent Backblasts

          Getting Back In The Saddle

          QIC: The Count

          Date: 08/05/2019

          PAX:  DuckTales, FreeTime, GeekSquad, Red Tees, Truck Yea, UTurn, FNG-Swiss Roll,  FNG-Couch Potato

          AO: Huey


          70 Degrees and calm conditions


          Met in P/L where we plant the flag.  We welcomed the two FNG’s and gave the disclaimer.  Mosey’d to the back P/L by ball fields and conducted warm up: SSH, Ab e Vigoda, Willy Mays Hayes, SSH.  

          The Thang

          Modified Red Barchetta 
          5 Stations (1-exercise weighted, 1 exercise cardio) – Stations are spaced 20 yards apart in P/L.  

          Station 1: Overhead Press (30 lbs) – Burpees (10)

          Station 2: Tricep Ext (25 lbs) – Plank Jacks

          Station 3: Bent Over Row (45 lbs) – Mountain Climbers

          Station 4: Curls (30 lbs) – Imperial Walkers

          Station 5: Squats (25 lbs) – SSH

          PAX 1 performs 20 Reps with coupon while PAX 2 performs AMRAP of Cardio Exercise.  Flip Flop so both PAX perform Reps with Coupons. (Modify as necessary, i.e. 15 or 10 reps and keep flip flopping.  

          Control of movement belongs with Station 1.  (BURPEES).  Once both PAX have performed 10 Burpees they sound off and all PAX rotate in declining order.  5 to 4, 4 to 3, 3 to 2, 2 to 1, 1 to 5.  

          After each rotation all PAX circle up and preform Mary’s between rounds, (Round 1 -LBC’s x 20 IC),  (Round 2 – Flutter Kicks x 20 IC)  (Round 3 – Big Boy Situps – 10 reps).



          CIRCLE OF TRUST:  Count-o-rama and Name-o-rama performed as well as announcement made about this weekend at LandFill to bring 2.0’s.  Prayer requests made for shooting victims families in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH.  I did give Praise to being back in the gloom after a week off in Colorado for pleasure and work! 🙂 
          BALL OF MAN:  We concluded in a moment of prayer.


          I liked to hear the MumbleChatter with the PAX.  Especially hearing the established PAX encouraging and asking personal questions to the FNG’s, (Great Job – RedTees and FreeTime).


          Daddy’s and 2.0 this Saturday, August 10th at LandFill

          Recent Backblasts

            Own the Day

            QIC: Whittler

            Date: 07/29/2019

            PAX: Freetime, Hasbro, U-turn

            AO: The Huey


            Surprisingly cool


            Little warm up 4×4 mosey with incremental 4x4s around the track

            SSH x 20

            Imperial Walker x 20

            Arm circles x 10 each direction

            Seal Claps x 15

            Windmills x 15

            Third Grade Exercises x 15

            SSH x 15

            The Thang

            YHC modified to accommodate the low PAX numbers in order to leave no man behind.
            Super 21s in cadence
            Squats on one end beginning with 1

            LBCs on the other beginning with 20

            Run about 30 yards in between

            To the Pavilion

            Bench dips x 10

            Incline merkin x 10

            Bench Thrusters x 10

            Decline merkin x 10

            MoM Dealers choice (4 min)

            Pretzel both sides

            Dogward dog

            V ups


            YHC has been reading “Own the Day” recently and has been inspired.  The basic premise of each chapter is taking one part of your day and optimizing it.  If you put these things together, you can “own the day” instead of it owning you.  The chapter last night was regarding work and finding fulfillment in your work.  Workers who are happy and fulfilled in what they are doing tend to do better work.  Those that feel hindered tend to be less efficient and hate their job.  Up to 80% of people hate going to work everyday.  Why spend life doing something that makes you miserable?  Find your passion, follow your dream, and achieve levels you’ve never achieved before.


            Fairly low on the MC this morning but it was great spending time with guys I don’t see too often.

            Prayed for those who weren’t able to be with us for reason of work, injury, illness, etc.  


            8.10.19 Dadurday at the Landfill

            8.24.19 Cam Run

            9.27.19 Unteal There is a Cure Golf Tournament – get your team together and register!

            10.12.19 Equatorial Guinea Independence Day

            12.25.19  Christmas Day

            Recent Backblasts

              Pounding the Pavement

              QIC: Geek Squad

              Date: 07/25/2019

              PAX: Ducktales, RadioHead, Hasbro, Free Time, U-Turn

              AO: The Huey


              65 Degrees and Clear


              Da Warm up (by the parking lot)

              SSH x 25

              Arm Stretches x 15 each Arm

              Butterflies x 15

              Finkle Swings x 15 each leg

              SSH x 25

              3rd Grade Exercises x 15

              Willy Mayes Hayes x 15

              Slow Abe begodas x 15

              SSH x 25

              Butt kickers x 15

              Wide High knees x 15

              Imperial Walkers x 15

              SSH x 25

              Warmup Mosey/Indian Run To the pavilion then 2 sets of the following 

              Incline pushups.  X 10

              Decline pushups. X 10

              Dips.                       X 10

              Step ups.                10 each leg

              Indian Run around the track 1 time and end up at back parking lot.


              The Thang

              8 stations everyone progress together.

              Parking Lot Party

              1. Burpees.             7
              2. Merkins.            14
              3. LBCs.                  21
              4. Plank jacks.      28
              5. LBCs.                  28
              6. Plank Jacks       21
              7. Merkins.           14
              8. Burpees.             7

              Mosey back to where we started and then to Pavilion 

              All IC x 15

              Wall Sits, Bus Drivers, Mohammad Ali, Joe Fraziers

              Mosey back to Startex – Marys

              Heel touches x15

              LBCs x 15

              Freddy Mercury’s  x 15

              Pretzel x 8 each leg

              Infinity Plank x15

              WW2 Sit-ups x 10

              Windshield Wipers x 10



              Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” 

              Philippians 4:8, when he tells the Philippians to “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Decide today to live free from negative and harmful thoughts and to replace them with God thoughts. 


              Q Schedule for August out there grab a day,   August 10th – Dad Day

              The Huey Canduy Qy 7/21

              QIC: Candu

              Date: 07/21/2019

              PAX: Geek Squad, DuckTales, HasBro, U-Turn, Free Time, The Count (Respectx2), Red Tees

              AO: The Huey


              Mother nature was present and accounted for


              SSH x 15 IC

              Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC

              Windmills x 10 IC

              Seal Straddle Squats x 15 IC

              Merkins x 10 IC

              Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC

              Monkey Humpers x 10 IC

              Mtn Climbers x 10 IC

              Plank x 10 IC

              Seal Straddle Hops

              The Thang – No Relay – As a Pax

              Run a lap in between, sprint the landing strip – you know the drill

              Step Ups x 20 each leg OYO

              Split leg Bulgarians x 20 IC each leg

              Squats x 20 IC 

              One leg up squats x 20 IC

              Alternating backward lunges x 20 IC


              Leg Ups x 15 IC 

              Flutter Kicks x 15 IC

              Hello Dollys x 15 IC

              Hollywoodz x 10 IC each side

              LBCs x 15 IC


              Jesus Is Calling  – Find Freedom through seeking to please something greater than yourself


              HasBro loves when I make him run!!


              No news is good news!

              Recent Backblasts


                QIC: The Count (Respect,Respect) 

                Date: 07/18/2019

                PAX:  DuckTales, HasBro, RadioHead, Red Tees, She Shed  

                AO: The Huey


                72 degrees 


                SSH, Willie Mays Hayes, Tappy Taps (3rd Grade Exercises), SSH

                The Thang

                8 stations, no running, just coupons and cardio.
                Decline Merkins, Overhead Press (30 lbs) Lunge w/twist at bottom (20 lbs) Curl (30 lbs) Tricep Ext (30 lbs) Squat (40lbs), Lunge w/ coupon Overhead (30 lbs) Slow Deep Squat (30 lbs).
                AMRAP In 45 sec Round 1 – Bear Crawl to next station. Complete rotation meet in middle for Core/Cardio
                Round 1 – AMRAP 45 sec. BURPEES (10 OYO)
                Round 2- AMRAP 45 sec – Lunges between stations. core/cardio – Mountain Climbers IC (20)
                Round 3- AMRAP 30 sec – Lunges between stations. Core/cardio – SSH IC (20)
                Round 4- 15 Reps AYG to next station.


                A man of good character will follow though on his “Commitments” .  This means you become “Committed” to that which you “Commit” to.  You Faith, your Family, your “Friends” and “Co-Workers”.  Once you say your going to do something follow through on it. 

                CIRCLE OF TRUST:  Counterama, Namerama, No Announcements.  
                BALL OF MAN


                Even without actual running we had lots of cardio by keeping a good pace in movement between exercises.  Mumble Chatter quickly decreased and was replaced by heavy breathing! 

                Recent Backblasts