New Year’s Day 2019

QIC: Co-Q (Fissure & Prosciutto)

Date: 01/01/2019

PAX: 9-Volt (Respect), Care Bear, Coin Purse, Cowbell, Deep End, Early Bird, Fabio, Fastlane, Fissure, Free Candy, Geek Squad, Gisele, FNG-Hector (Cesar Nicole), FNG-Hobo (TJ Mitchell), Jabooti, FNG-Loan Shark (Craig Smith), Milkman, Ohms, Picasso, Poacher, Prosciutto, Rug Doctor (Respect), Skitch, VSquared, Venus, Wuzntme

AO: The Landfill


Lots of fog. Lots of humidity. Mid-50s. Gates closed, but no one cared. Got better anyways. Red Bank Po-Po showed up at 7:15am. Glad they have 7am on the sign…

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I am not a professional.  You came here freely.  Push yourself don’t hurt yourself.


SSH x 20 IC
Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Slow n Low Merkins x 10 IC
Slow n Low Werkins x 5 IC
8-Count Body Builders x 10 IC

Mosey to bottom parking lot by dog park

Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC
Little Baby Arm Circles x 15 IC then reverse
Shoulder Press x 15 IC
Seal Claps x 15 IC

Mosey to Middle parking lot

Slow n Low Squats x 10 IC
Lunges x 10 IC
Flutterkicks x 25 IC
Little baby crunch x 25 IC

SSH x 10 normal pace, x 10 quick, x 10 quicker

The Thang

(Prosciutto takes hand-off from Fissure)

Given the large number of PAX today, Pro asked for the group to form two “flights” at the bottom of the very large hill.


Each flight would run up the hill. At the top, any ‘hands on knees’ from any pax would result in a burpee penalty.

Two runs, and 5 burpees total completed.

2) Wheel of Merkin (3 revolutions)

3) Partner Work

A DORA is a great exercise routine, but sometimes both partners do not do equal reps. So, call this an accountability Dora, if you will. Both PAX complete the same number of reps each to a total number.

Mosey to the rock pile along the uphill road, form two lines 2 by 2.  The man across from you is your partner. Partner 1 – grab a rock.

Instead of a Dora, this is a stationary partner exercise with three exercises. While P1 is performing 25 reps of the called exercise P2 will perform another exercise AMRAP until P1 is complete.  P1 hands rock to P2, P2 completes exercise for 25 reps and P1 completes exercise AMRAP. 3 rounds completed of 50 total reps each  per partner

Round 1:
Squat with Rock / SSH; complete 50 reps each PAX

Round 2:
Curl with Rock / Lunge; complete 50 reps each PAX

Round 3:
Tricep Extension / SSH; complete 50 reps each PAX

**Run up park road until you see the speed bumps on the hill and cones

4) The Beast

The Beast (6 exercises repped 6x with sprints in between each cone; 6 exercises per cone) aka “Mark of the Beast”. Round assignments as follows:

1. Jump Squat
2. Wide Merkins
3. Parker Peter
4. Jump Lunge
5. Smurf Jacks
*6. Out of time…

Baton passed back to Fissure for a few minutes of Mary

Flutterkicks x 19 IC
Heel touches x 19 IC
LBC’s x 19 IC
American Hammers x 19 IC


(Prosciutto): I generally struggle with New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I feel a year-in-review works better. Goals are a great thing, if you you’re a “goal person” that can take assessment and track progress of that. Truth of the matter is, most people aren’t dedicated enough to track that progress.

Besides, if the goal matters that much to you, why wait? What are you waiting for? Start now. Don’t just wait for a date on the gregorian calendar which is “fictitional” at-best (I know-I know— the word might not be “fictional”; see Moleskin).

So, a year-in-review is a great way to come up with what you’re going to do next.   What worked? What didn’t? What can be better? That’s how I go about my next step. How I think about my goals. You should, too.


  • Three FNGs takes hard work and determination when the naming comes. New Years eve made everyone brain-dead this morning
  • Props to Venus for coming out, even though he was sick with mucous.
  • Cleveland guys clown-car’d; nice effort
  • Picasso has almost more goals than we had in Pax count for 2019 – well done – large aspirations
  • “Fictitional” isn’t a word (yet), just ask Whittler and Fissure who laugh/point fingers at you when you mess up fancy vocabs; not funny guys – #feelingsHurt #sadPanda


  1. Saturday 01/05 – Cleveland Q-School at The Battery is going to be lit! Abcess will be there to show you the ropes
  2. Also, Saturday 01/05 – Chattanooga Inaugural CSAUP born out of stupid male testosterone and challenges to better the TEAM!


Prepping for the New Year

QIC: VSquared
Date: 12/29/2018
PAX: Back Pew, Bumble Bee (Willie Loman), Cowbell, Deep End, Fly-By, Free Candy, Iron Butt, Prosciutto, Skitch, Venus
AO: Landfill

Conditions: Cool and damp

The Disclaimer:

This is a free, volunteer, peer-led workout.

I am not a professional.

I have no knowledge of any injuries or fitness considerations.

It is each person’s responsibility to be safe and modify exercises if you need to.

Do not get hurt.

But if you do we will carry you to your car if necessary.


    1. Side Straddle Hop x20 (in cadence)
    1. Mini Side Staddle Hop x20 (in cadence)
    1. Plank Jacks x20 (in cadence)
    1. Arms up keep em’ up!
        1. Little Arm Circles forward x10
      1. Little Arm Circles backward x10
  1. Mosey to the bottom gate then back up to playground (“not all the way to the top!”)

The Thang:

x3 mini workouts/runs: Mini CSAUP:
Circle of Up!

      1. Form a Circle that stays in the same order every time.
      1. Mini Workout #1 covering below exercises in cadence while one man does x10 pull ups then the next in the circle goes until all workout pieces are complete. (note that the actual number of exercises were modified according to the
          1. 20 Squats
          1. 15 second Plank
          1. 25 LBCs
          1. 35 Side Straddle Hop
          1. 15 Lunges each leg
          1. 25 second Wall/Pole Sit
          1. 10 Big Boy Sit Ups
          1. 10 Butt Kickers in place
          1. 5 ‘Mericans
        1. Mosey to hill below large pavilion and jailbreak uphill, then mosey back to playground via sidewalk.
      1. Mini Workout #2 below exercises while continuing the Circle of Ups from where we last left off.
          1. 15 Squats
          1. 40 second Plank
          1. 30 LBCs
          1. 50 Side Straddle Hop
          1. 10 Lunges each leg
          1. 35 second Wall/Pole Sit
          1. 30 Big Boy Sit Ups
          1. 25 Butt Kickers in place
          1. 10 ‘Mericans
        1. Mosey to hill below large pavilion and jailbreak uphill, then mosey back to playground via sidewalk.
      1. Mini Workout #3 below exercises while continuing the Circle of Ups from where we last left off.
          1. 25 Squats
          1. 60 second Plank
          1. 35 LBCs (my phone died, not from lack of charging the night before, from cold this point, so we skipped the butt kickers this round)
          1. 55 Side Straddle Hop
          1. 30 Lunges each leg
          1. 45 second Wall/Pole Sit
          1. 40 Big Boy Sit Ups
          1. 10 ‘Mericans
        1. Mosey in little sidewalk circle back to the playground, go down the slide, then up to the large pavilion.
    1. Circle of Mary, in which 10 different HIM called out core based exercises, including some one-armed pickle pounders, to finish off our Mini CSAUP!


Here is the original devotional from Paul David Tripp that I based my words on – enjoy it, and remember Sacrifice, Honesty, Glory.

“Celebrate Christmas Every Day

I love Christmas Day.

I love unwrapping gifts, listening to music, eating food, and watching our traditional family movies and shows.

Most importantly, we should love Christmas Day because it celebrates the birth of our Lord and Savior.

But what will you do with the Christmas story until next year?

Christmas Day cannot merely be a once-in-a-calendar-year celebration. I love the annual tradition, but every day we must work to remind ourselves of the stunningly magnificent truths of the birth of Jesus.

So, here are three themes that summarize the Christmas story that you can carry with you every day of the year until next Advent season begins:


When you think of the baby in the manger, you have to remind yourself that the baby Jesus came to do one thing: he came to die. And leading to that ultimate sacrifice, everything in his life would be marked by sacrifice.

Just think of the body of that newborn infant, being made uncomfortable by the rough pieces of straw. Even that sacrifice is amazing – that the Creator of all things would be willing to leave the comforts of Heaven and sacrifice physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Why would Christ go to such an extent to help us? Because he loved us, and there was no other way.


The Christmas story confronts our delusion that we’re spiritually in the right place or that we can manage our sin. If we were spiritually right with God or could manage our sin, Jesus would have never needed to go this extent.

As much as the birth of Jesus is a celebratory story, it’s also a profoundly humbling story. God did this radical thing in love because we’re such a mess and so terribly broken.

Every day, we need to remember that his act of rescue was motivated not by what he saw in us but by what was inside of him. We were unwilling, full of ourselves, and wanting our own way.

You have to remind yourself to be honest about what the story tells you about you.


What could be more glorious than the power and authority of God, as demonstrated by this story? Centuries earlier, after Adam and Eve had separated themselves in rebellion, God promised that he would reconcile himself to man once and for all.

For thousands of years, he neither forgot nor turned from that promise. He didn’t grow weary, nor would he be distracted. He made a promise and controlled the events of history (large and small) so that at just the right moment, Jesus Christ would come and fulfill what he had promised.

Think of the authority and power you would have to have to control all the situations, locations, and relationships to guarantee that Jesus would come at the precise moment and do what he was appointed to do!

We just can’t wrap our finite brains around it, but we should try to remind ourselves of his glory and power and authority every day.

Until Next Year…

So today, enjoy your new gifts. Make the most of that leftover dinner. Spend time with your loved ones and get excited about making next year’s Christmas celebration bigger and better.

But every day until then, remind yourself of the sacrifice of Christ, what it tells you about your spiritual condition, and the glory, power, and authority of your Heavenly Father who loves you and controls your life for his glory and your good!

God bless

Paul David Tripp” (brought to you by VSquared)


Prosciutto would like to note that we only did 36 Big Boy Situps in the 3rd Mini Workout, and Iron Butt wants to pass on the wisdom to never trust a Presbyterian when they say a workout doesn’t contain much running (It was more of a relative statement …). Cheers!


CSAUPJanuary 5th starting at The Lions Den (Red Bank High School) at 0530:

  • 45-minute bootcamp at Lions Den, then Mosey to the Landfill (4 Miles, White Oak Park);
  • 1-hour bootcamp at Landfill from 0700 – 0800 (as regular, so feel free to just join us for that part), then mosey to Hill City (3 Miles, Coolidge Park);
  • 45-minute bootcamp at Hill City (then I’m sure Ohms & Picasso will run more after that, lol)
  • Finish out the morning at Longhorn for Breakfast together!


QIC: Ohms
Date: 12/22/208
PAX: Care Bear, Coin Purse, Cowbell, Iron Butt, Jabooti, Peanuts, Prosciutto, Roadhouse, Skitch, Snowflake, Venus, Vila, FNG-Fly-By
AO: The Landfill


Cold air, clear skies, and soggy ground

The Disclaimer

I am Ohms. I am not a professional. You are here on your own free will. Modify if necessary.


– Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
– Windmill x 20 IC
– Cotton Pickers x 20 IC
– Willie Mays Hays x 20 IC
– LBAC x 10 IC
– LBAC (Reverse) x 10 IC
– Chinook x 10 IC
– Chinook (Reverse) x 10 IC
– Overhead Press x 20 IC
– Moroccan Night Club x 20 IC

The Thang

Four Corners
– Scissor Jacks x 10
– Smurf Jacks x 20
– Plank Jacks x 30
– Jumping Jacks x 40
– Mosey x 50 yards (Bernie, Karaoke, Side Shuffle)
– Rinse & Repeat x 4
– Exercises (Merkins & Squats)
– 30 Merkins, 10 Squats
– Sprint up hill
– 25 Merkins, 15 Squats
– Sprint up hill
– 20 Merkins, 20 Squats
– Sprint up hill
– 15 Merkins, 25 Squats
– Sprint up hill
– 10 Merkins, 30 Squats
– Sprint up hill
– Exercises (Overhead Press & Calf Raises)
– 30 Overhead Press, 10 Calf Raises
– 20 yard sprint
– 25 Overhead Press, 15 Calf Raises
– 20 yard sprint
– 20 Overhead Press, 20 Calf Raises
– 20 yard sprint
– 15 Overhead Press, 25 Calf Raises
– 20 yard sprint
– 10 Overhead Press, 30 Calf Raises
– 20 yard sprint
– Exercises (Curls & Lunges)
– 30 Curls, 10 Lunges
– Sprint up hill
– 25 Curls, 15 Lunges
– Sprint up hill
– 20 Curls, 20 Lunges
– Sprint up hill
– 15 Curls, 25 Lunges
– Sprint up hill
– 10 Curls, 30 Lunges
– Sprint up hill
– Mosey to bottom parking lot
– Parking lot Suicides
– Burpees x 5 OYO
– Parking lot Suicides
– Burpees x 5 OYO
– Indian Runs to top Parking Lot


Welcome Fly-By: He woke up this morning for an early jog, ran by our group and couldn’t help but stare at us doing squats. The form and the tightening of our glutes led him to joining us for the remainder of the workout. Great guy.


Wockin’ Awound the Cwithmath Twee

QIC: Free Candy
Date: 12/15/2018
PAX: Care Bear, Cowbell, Geek Squad, Iron Butt (respect, respect), Milkman, Mr. Clean, Radiohead, Skitch, VSquared, Venus
AO: Landfill


Rain held off while staying in the 40s, which honestly felt like a hot summer day compared to some of the more recent mornings. No sun still, so if anyone has seen the sun, please tell it to come back to our AOs.

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional, you are here on your own free, if you get hurt we will take you to your car or maybe drive your car to you. Modify if necessary.


Mosey to the lower parking lot. Ran into Skitch on the way and then he ‘skitched’ along with us to the lot.
15x SSH
15x Baby Arm Circles
15x Reverse Arm Circles
15x Moroccan night club
15x Air Presses
15x SSH
15x Imperial Walkers
10x Copperhead Squats (on the count 1-2-3 we slowly go down. On the next count we slowly go back up. Good form is hands on back of head with elbows back and back straight.
10x High Knees
7x Calf Raises one side at a time, 14 total
10x Burpees on your own

The Thang

Moseyed down to the lower gate. PAX was instructed to follow the sidewalk as a group from that location all the way back up to the pavilion. Along the way are 11 total sheets of paper (each with different instructions) distributed among the 30 some light poles between the two points.
A different person reads the sheet every time we arrive at one which worked out perfectly given we had 11 people (but Iron Butt forgot his glasses so his son Venus had to read for him)

First thing the reader had to do was read the exercise the team was to perform. Once the rest of the PAX began the exercise, he continued to read the rest of the instructions out loud. Unless otherwise instructed, the reader had to perform a plank or squats while reading/performing what was on the sheet of paper.
Click here to view the google doc containing all 11 sheets. We ended up going in the order from #11 all the way to #1.
Finished with some round-robin Mary to make up for the last 10 minutes.


I want to briefly talk about the concept of control. It’s been on my mind lately and I’ve been having a lot of direct experience with it. Where does your mental state go when you start feeling a lack of control in your life? Lack of control can happen at home and carry into work. The opposite can also happen. Do you have healthy habits? Or do you run to something unhealthy?
For me I tend to get into a cleaning frenzy because I know the effort I put in has a direct affect to the result I see. But that isn’t always the case. Sometimes I can get into arguments with my wife and she will put up an impenetrable wall and I feel like no matter what I try, no matter how calm my body language is, I can’t get through. How does that make me feel? I feel like powerless in a way. Not because I wanted to control her, but because I thought that the effort I put in would have a direct affect on the result I see. So it makes me feel hurt and angry. But did I have control in that situation to begin with? No, it was out of my hands, so why did I feel like I wanted to control the outcome so hard?
I will leave you all with a quick passage from Genesis. A passage where Abraham leaves his humanly-natured desire for control into the hands of God in what I believe to be one of the biggest examples in the Bible. My desire for myself and you all today is to understand from this story that the definition of Faith is to willingly take your desire to control a specific outcome and give it to God and trust that he knows what is best for you, even when that may seem like insanity.
((Passage is a good bit out of Genesis 22)


An unplanned bluetooth speaker was brought and helped us have some nice warm up music until a Kesha song came on and the whole PAX sang along.
Everyone definitely knew how to sing the Jingle Bells chorus backwards.
Carebear was dropped accidentally at the end of the workout while taking a picture with the flag…he suffered a concussion and the doctor said ‘not to worry’ if he can’t stop singing ‘Deck The Halls’.
F3 Q
Mr. Clean worked out so hard that he left his mark on the pavement during Mary. He said that usually when he sweats on dry pavement that it’s shaped like Jesus.
F2-Q-3.jpgF3 Q 2


Christmas and News Years schedules are TBD. Cleveland AO is officially launched!


Back to the Basics

QIC: Steam Engine
Date: 12/08/2018
PAX: Prosciutto, Picasso, Mr. Clean, Free Candy
AO: Landfill
Conditions: A cold and rainy 41 degrees

Disclaimer: I am not a professional, you are here on your own freewill, if you get hurt we will help you to your car, push yourself this AM but modify if you need to.
Flag Penalty: Burpee OYO 10x
SSH IC 10x
Imperial Walker IC 10x
Alternating Toe Touches IC 10x
Windmill IC 10x
Cotton Pickers IC 10x
Little Baby Arm Circles (LBAC) IC 10x
LBAC Reverse IC 10x
Chinook IC 10x
Chinook Reverse IC 10x
Macaroon Night Club IC 10x
Burpee OYO 10x
The Thang: Find a Dwayne Johnson if you do not have a ruck
Push Press IC 10x
Curl IC 10x
Reverse Curl IC 10x
Bent Over Row IC 10x (All about form so we took it nice and slow. Made sure we could pinch a penny between our shoulder blades.)
Front Raise IC 10x
Tricep Pull IC 10x
Squat IC 10x
Upright Row IC 10x
Bench Press IC 10x
Burpee OYO 10x
Strap on your ruck or if you have a Dwayne carry him down to the middle parking lot
Burpee OYO 10x
Infinity Plank:
Alternating Shoulder Taps IC 10x
Annie (Right Hand) IC 10x
Annie (Left Hand) IC 10x
Plank Jack IC 10x
Merkins OYO 10x
Shoulders were screaming so had to pause the Infinity for a quick 10 count
Plank March IC 10x
Mountain Climbers IC 10x
Peter Parker IC 10x
Parker Peter IC 10x
Merkin OYO 10x
Burpee OYO 10x
Mosey back to the Pavilion
Burpee OYO 10x
LBC IC 10x
RBC IC 10x
Flutter Kicks IC 10x
Freddy Mercury IC 10x
Pretzel IC 10x
Get your weight (somewhere during our mosey Dwayne grew up and became Rookensteinbergfränkenwitz)
Push Press IC 10x
Curl IC 10x
Reverse Curl IC 10x
Bent Over Row IC 10x
Front Raise IC 10x
Tricep Pull IC 10x
Squat IC 10x
Upright Row IC 10x
Bench Press IC 10x
American Hammer IC 10x
Hello Dolly IC 10x
Rosalita IC 10x
Dying Cockroach IC 10x
Push Press IC 10x
Curl IC 10x
Reverse Curl IC 10x
Bent Over Row IC 10x
Front Raise IC 10x
Tricep Pull IC 10x
Squat IC 10x
Upright Row IC 10x
Bench Press IC 10x
American Hammer IC 10x
Asheville Abs IC 10x
Still had 60 seconds left after Asheville Abs so you had to improvise
Plank (hold for 60 seconds)

WOD: Seeing as the Irish are heading to the College Football Playoffs what better way to end the beat down than reminding the HIM to “Play Like A Champion Today.” To sum it up sometimes conditions aren’t ideal and you might not be having the best day/week/year or whatever but that doesn’t mean to give up. All you can ever do is show up and give it your best.

Mr. Clean grabbed a HUGE Dwayne and earned the nickname of Rookensteinbergfränkenwitz.
Also found out that Ruck rhymes with everything.
During Bent Over Rows some of us had flashbacks to The Count’s Perfect Form Ted Talk.
Picasso’s zipper on his Ruck broke so Ruck’s are not indestructible.
Attempted to get more people to call Fissure Almond Joy. We will see if it work.

Wet and…something?

QIC: Speed Bump
Date: 12/01/2018
PAX: Cowbell, Free Weekly, Speed Bump, Venus, VSquared
AO: Landfill

Very wet, very soggy

I’m not a professional, modify as necessary

COP (extended warm up)

    • Side shuttle hops IC
    • Side squats IC
    • Good mornings IC
    • Wall Sits IC
    • Imperial Walkers IC
    • Finkle Swings, partner up and do 15 each leg
    • Side shuttle hops IC
    • Little baby arm circles IC (reverse and repeat)
    • Plank IC 
    • Plank jacks IC 
    • Alabama Ass Kickers IC
    • High Knees IC
  • Side Straddle Hops IC

The Thang

Lots of modification, as it was raining profusely (making the Q’s original workout plan virtually unusable). 
Mosey down to the lower pavilion

  1. Complete 50 squats IC, lunges IC
  2. Begin a “dora” for the group since we have an odd number. Two different exercises:
    1. 300 collective LBCs, one group stays at the lower pavilion while the other group runs up to the higher pavilion and back.
    2. 300 collective pull ups. One group runs while the other group completes pull ups (either version). The pax were sufficiently gassed by this second dora, especially YHC who never does pull ups.
  3. 8 minute circuit with four exercises:
    1. 10 Monkey Humpers IC, 15 on the second go round
    2. 10 Merkins, 15 on the second go round
    3. 15 Big Boy Situps, 20 on the second go round
    4. 10 Michael Phelps, 15 on the second go round
  4. As the rain had sufficiently subsided, the PAX moseyed down to the very bottom of the walking trail near the dog park, stopped at intervals for Side Straddle Hops
    1. Interval sprints all the way up the hill to the bathroom building.
  5. Mosey back down to the lower pavilion for some simple Mary
    1. American Hammers IC
    2. Flutter Kicks IC
    3. Freddy Mercury IC


Read James 1: 2-3. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds,because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
I described the past season of life for me and the difficulty of counting suffering as joy. BUT, I love that in this passage in the Bible, the end is not perfection in body, mind, soul, or spirit, but a mature and complete faith.


We were grateful for Venus’ knowledge of Gym workouts, as we needed to assist one another on Pull Ups. Also, Free Weekly commented on the hilarity of doing Wall Sits IC, as F3 Asheville would never do something so foolish. 

Upcoming Qs

See weekly Preblast from Prosciutto 


QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 11/24/2018
PAX: Ohms, Picasso, Radiohead, Snowden (Willy Loman), VSquared, Venus, Whittler
AO: Landfill


40 degrees. Foggy, mucky, and almost a drizzle.

The Disclaimer

Disclaimed. I am not a professional but hope to act professionally.


SSH x15 IC

BAC x15 IC

Reverse x15 IC

Moroccan Night Club x15 IC

Cherry Pickers x15 IC

Overhead Press x15 IC

Finkle Swings x15 OYO

Chuck Norris x15 IC (think Dodgeball not Delta Force)

SSH x15 IC

The Thang

Station Rotation

Divisible 2 – 1st Pax runs up the hill and 2nd Pax completes the assigned exercise station. Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat until “Rotate!!” is called.

1. Merkins – 3 mins

2. Bent Over Rows – 3 mins

3. Tricep Extensions – 3 mins

4. Renegade Rows – 3 mins

5. Shoulder Press – 3 mins

6. Curls – 3 mins

7. Front and Lateral Raises – 3 mins

Tennessee Iditarod Relay

Pax 1 pulls to cones. Flapjack

Pax 2 pulls to cones. Carry rope to next set of cones.

Bear crawl to cones. Complete 5 jump squat high fives.

Jailbreak back to finish.

Next in line goes.

Losers completed an exercise of winners choice. (20 Froggy Jumps)



There was a lot of talking from YHC, to simply say “the brotherhood of F3 is real, it spreads, and it’s needed for every man” special thanks to Ducktails, Whittler, and V-Squared for inspiration this week.



We had an actual BOM despite the “Clean Sweet”
Grown Men are deathly afraid of mud
Whittler and Fissure had surgery on the same day but only one made it out this morning.
On a serious note, Darth Visor was truly an incredible HIM for those he encountered.
Our BOM was dedicated to Darth Visor, his family, and his brothers of F3 Alpha as we prayed over Snowden.


Check yo Slack Channels!

Upcoming Qs


November Game Day

QIC: Ringwald
Date: 11/10/2018
PAX: Bocephus (F3 Charleston), Free Candy, Mr. Clean, Peanuts, Sidekick, Threeskin, Twilight (F3 Johnson City), VSquared, Venus
AO: Landfill


The air was dry, the ground was not. 52 degrees.

The Disclaimer

Delivered with heavy eyelids.


PAX moseyed around the Landfill and performed the following as we went.
SSH x 20 IC
Arm Circles x 12 IC
Reverse Arm Circles x 12 IC
Moroccan Night Club x 12 IC
Shoulder Press x 12 IC
Squat x 20 IC
Lunge x 12 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Side Jacks x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC

The Thang

The PAX split up into 2 teams and enjoyed Sidekick’s favorite sport, soccer. We played for roughly 25 minutes and I had all PAX perform 2 burpees for every total goal scored. 10 burpees in all.
We then switched over and finished out the day with some Ultimate. There were a few ringers that definitely made a name for themselves out there.


Nothing profound, but I had a long week and constantly caught myself thinking how stressed and worried I was. I had to remind myself that so many people on this earth have it far worse, that I should be ashamed for thinking I had it bad. I encouraged the men to take time when things get bad to think “is it really that bad?”


Multiple witnesses heard Sidekick say that he had a fun time. I think he’s really a closet soccer fan but his southern values won’t let him admit it.
Hopefully, the Landfill’s ground crew do not find the shape we left that field in until later on in the week next week. It was destroyed.


11/17/2018 – NO LANDFILL POST – PAX will “mosey” up to the Cleveland AO for the launch.

Celebrating 60’s!

Date: 11/03/2018
QIC: The Count (Respect)
PAX: FNG-Tea Bag (Andy Gaskins), FNG-Mugshot (Matthew Gaskins), FNG-Capsize (Tom Rice), Fast Lane, Whittler, Doodles, Cowbell, Peanuts, Threeskin, Venus, VSquared, High Tops, Candu, Early Bird, Ducktales, Fissure, Liverpool, Prosciutto, Outcast, Radiohead, Gisele, Geek Squad
AO: Landfill (White Oak Park)
Conditions: 37 Deg with Fog with Rain
Disclaimer: I’m not a professional, and you are here of your own freewill (except my two sons – FNG’s).  Work hard at your own pace, and if you get hurt we will get you to your car or call an ambulance!  🙂
Warm Up: Mosey around field alternating between Mosey, Bernie Sanders, Side Shuffle, followed by  Side Straddle Hops, Tappy Taps, Windmills, and Finkle Swings.  Last warm up we formed two lines on hill for “Bucket Brigade” routine using a 25 lb plate for each line.  Performed scenario twice both up and down the hill.
The Thang:
William Wallace:  4 corners – Aprox 60 yards apart with 1 station in middle of 4 corners where 10 exercises in order await  (Side Saddle Hop-10, Lunges-10/ea, Mountain Climbers-10/ea, Flutter Kicks-10/ea, Squats-10, Burpees-10, Imperial Walker-10/ea, Plank Jacks-10, Big Boy Situps-10, Oblique Crunches-10/ea).  1 PAX from each team AYG to middle perform 10 Reps of while rest of PAX hold Plank or Al Gore until their turn.  Once 60 Reps of each exercise are done by team they move to next exercise.  Each exercise 60 Reps x 10 exercises = 600 Reps.
Ring Around Mary – Group concluded workout with 6 minutes of Mary’s – Dealers Choice of Mary for 10 reps (single or IC).
End Ex!  Great Job Gentlemen!
COT:  I had the honor to have my two sons there as FNG’s (TeaBag and MugShot) to help me celebrate my last day in the 50’s and welcome me to the 60’s.  Reminded the group as to the meaning of the 3 F’s and the importance of our motto; “We never leave a man behind, but we never leave a man where we found them.”  Sincere thanks for the Great Birthday Cookie (Fissure) and the music (Geek Squad).
Thanks to all!

The Bear Went To The Landfill

QIC: Rug Doctor
Date: 10/27/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Early Bird, Fabio, Fissure, Free Candy, Geek Squad, Picasso, Prosciutto, Sidekick, Sidewinder, Steam Engine, Whittler, FNG-Tooth Fairy
AO: The Landfill

Conditions 52 F Misty

The Disclaimer – Explained “No fear in anyone thinking I’m a professional”, here voluntarily, work out at your own pace.


Don Quixotes IC x 10, SSH IC x 20, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, Little Baby Arm Circles IC F&B x 10, Mountain Climbers IC x 10, Alternating Shoulder Taps IC x 20.

The Thang

The Bear Went To The Landfill

Moseyed up to the Soccer Field from the Parking Lot.

Bear Crawl Snake

The Pax formed a single file line at one end of the soccer field with enough space between each to bear crawl and snake through beginning with the last HIM at the back of the line until reaching the front of the line.  Initially started by dragging 30lb. sandbag (fail).  Pivoted and just had everyone bear crawl.  While one HIM bear crawled the rest planked or crab planked.

Moseyed down the bottom of the hill.

Modified Jacobs Ladder With Farmers Carry

Formed two lines facing the hill next to cat litter containers filled with sand ~ 40lbs. each.  First HIM farmer carried containers up to the top of the hill and performed 7 burpees while the rest of the Pax did bent knee sit-ups, Dolly Partons, Freddie Mercury’s, and other core work OYO and IC.  Everyone had the good fortune of making a trip to the top of the hill for burpees.

Moseyed up to the Soccer Field.

Bear Crawl Ring of Fire

Pax formed a circle around a ring of cones.  Assume bear crawl position and crawled around the circle twice (was originally going to be five times but…).  While Pax planked one HIM performed 7 Merkins.  Went around circle until all had the good fortune of doing their Merkins.  I believe Ducktales got baptized in the Spirit as he did clap pushups to show the rest of us how work is done!

Repeated Jacobs Ladder With Farmers Carry and Bear Crawl Snake

Moseyed back to Parking Lot

Finished Up On A Date With Sally

Pax formed a circle in Merkin position while Moby’s Flower Song played.  When Sally went up we went up, and conversely went Sally decided to go down we went down and held.  Some members modified into Al Gore’s.


We’re the summation of the five people we spend the most time with.  Iron sharpens iron so chose who you spend the most time with well.  Surround yourself with those who hold you accountable, support, encourage, and help you reach your goals.


Prayers for:
Pax members who have recently sired offspring!  Good job.
Pax members traveling to conduct hurricane relief work.
Pax members who have recently had family members involved in an ATV accident.
For the Red, White, and Blue.  GO VOTE – It’s a God-given privilege and if we don’t use it we’ll lose it.


  • Qing is as hard as it looks.  
  • Bear crawling looks better on paper than in living color.  
  • Picasso’s brother stated that he’s a bean counter, based on the childhood adventures he described I’d say he has a career ahead of him as a MMA fighter.  
  • Heard some mumble chatter about breakfast, bananas, and eating them twice, once early morning and again during the bear crawls.
