Do or Don’t

QIC: WuzntMe

Date: 09/10/19

PAX: FNG-Stars, Uncle Fester, Sunshine, She Shed, Hobo, Sinai, Kowbell, Kiffin, Oiler, Callahan (R), Red Tees, Sherlock, Ringwald, Curfew, Flemish

AO: Hill City


Pretty warm, kinda humid, and smelled sorta like poo, because hippies took over Coolidge. 


Indian Run mosey with the Cookie Jar to under the bridge.
SSH IC x25
Don Quixote IC X 10
Forward Fold IC x 10
Wesley Snipes in an Indians Uniform IC x10
Royce Gracie IC x 10
Merkins IC x10
LBAC x 15
10 count
LBAC Reverse x15
10 count
Seal claps x15
Chinook x10
SSH IC x 30 

The Thang

Wall Sit
Took the Cookie Jar to the bridge. All PAX took an air chair, passed the bucket x2
Passed the bucket x2, then 5 merkins after you pass it, and reclaim the chair
Passed the bucket x2, then 5 shoulder presses, then reclaim

Merkin Elevator
Mosey down the path. Escalating lightpole merkins. 2 merkins, then sprint to the next pole, 4 merkins, then sprint, etc. up to 12. Sprint back to original pole and hold plank for six

Bearcrawl Boilermaker
Split PAX into two single file lines. All PAX hold plank, last man bearcrawls to the front, then next last man bearcrawls to the front. Like an Indian run, but worse. Two lines raced for two light poles. 
Crabwalk back – 
Same PAX now hit their six, and do AMRAP LBCs while last PAX crabwalks to the front of the line. Lines raced for two light poles.

Mosey back to the big grass slope. All PAX on the line, sprint to the top, run back down, bernie to the top, and run back down. 



I had a work project that I was working on until deep into Monday night. I thought about calling Ringwald and letting him know that he may need to be available to sub Q if I couldn’t make it on Tuesday. I was talking to Prosciutto at this time, and told him I was thinking about giving Ringwald the heads up. Pro’s response was succinct: either do it, or don’t. But don’t leave something in the middle, and to chance. I doubled down, and stuck with my original plan – regardless of how late I was working on Monday. 

There’s no shame in asking for help, or letting someone know that you can’t do something. This is normal, natural, and part of the reason men need a network of other men to help pick up slack where it happens. But this isn’t the same thing as having one foot in, and one foot out. Either do it, or don’t. 


Halfway through the Boilermaker, SheShed lamented the overall lack of shoulder exercises…
“I think my abs are now made of roast beef” dunno what this means, but laffo.
Stars was so named because in the middle of his introduction he stopped talking, and was most likely seeing stars…


Iron Pax, FOUR AOs running on a Tuesday now. 

Recent Backblasts

    IronPax ’19 Week 1 @ The Battery

    QIC: WuzntMe

    Date: 9/3/19

    PAX: 9Volt (R), Mrs Baker (R), Deep Dish, John Doe, Clothespin, El Chapo

    AO: The Battery


    Muggy enough to be a pain


    Quick mosey around the baseball field. Circle up under the lights at The Big Tree
    SSH IC x30
    Don Quixote IC x 15
    Forward Fold IC x 20

    The Thang

    Iron Pax Week One: The Killer Bs
    Broad jump 10 yards:
    10 burpees
    10 Bonnie Blairs
    10 BBS
    Broad Jump 10 yards:
    10 burpees
    10 Bonnie Blairs
    10 BBS
    Broad jump 10 yards:
    10 burpees
    10 Bonnie Blairs
    10 BBS

    Bear crawl back to start. Repeat 5 times for time.


    Asked Pax for accountability. I’m entering a very difficult season at work, and I don’t want to withdraw from the group. However, that’s my natural reaction. Asked for help, texts, Slack call outs, outright kidnapping at my house if I start to pull away. I need F3 as a stress reliever. Don’t let me get lazy.


    Pax thoroughly smoked.
    El Chapo and Escobar need to meet.


    Inaugural Tuesday at the Battery.

    Recent Backblasts

      Pain Train Relay/On Call

      QIC: WuzntMe

      Date: 8/30/2019

      PAX:  FNG -Teacher’s Pet, ToeTag, Jazzy Jag, Tracksuit, MaYhem (R), Centerfold, John Doe, Ducktales, Clothespin, Bernie, Sparkles, Vila, Gaylord, Can Man (R), Flatline, Sidekick, Madoff, Rainman, DNF, Threeskin, Freetime, Peanuts, Fastlane

      AO: Hacksaw


      58 degrees. In August. 


      Mosey to the Great Flag:
      SSH x25 IC
      WillieMaysHayes x20 IC
      Forward Fold x30
      Merkins x 15 IC
      Royce Gracies x10 IC
      Mtn Climbers x 20 IC
      SSH x 20 IC

      The Thang

      Mosey under Apison Pike to the pickleball courts
      Pain Train Relay 
      Split PAX up into six quartets. First man does one exercise, while 2-4 do their designated exercises AMRAP. When 1 returns, 2 does first exercise, 3 does second exercise, etc. Y’know, a relay. 

      First Heat:
      1: Bear Crawl down to end of courts and back
      2: Freddie Mercuries AMRAP
      3: Worst Merkins Ever (wide, normal, diamond, normal, wide) AMRAP
      4: Imperial Walker
      Quartet grabs air chair on the fence until all PAX are completed.

      Intermission: all PAX mosey two laps around court

      Second Heat:
      1: High knees to end of court and back
      2:LBCS AMRAP
      3: Shoulder taps AMRAP
      4: Lunges

      Intermission:  one mosey lap, then two cell mates (Merkin, parker peter, merkin, parker peter, merkin, burpee, hot sauce jump)

      Third heat:
      1: Bernie down and back
      2: Flutter kicks AMRAP
      3: Dive bombers AMRAP
      4: Dips AMRAP

      Intermission: one lap, two cellmates

      Fourth heat: 
      1: Primetime down and back
      2: 100s AMRAP
      3: Mtn Climbers AMRAP
      4: Balls to the wall/decline merkins AMRAP

      Mosey back to the Domino’s lot. 




      Last week, my son was rushed to the hospital. My wife frantically tried to call me, but couldn’t reach me, as I was at F3, and left my phone in the car. By the time I got the message, and realized how serious the situation was, my wife and kids were already in the ER. I was caught flat footed, unaware, and unprepared. When I got to the ER at TC Thompson, I promised her that I would be on call from there on out, and since then, I’ve always had a phone on me. Thankfully, my son is OK, but I never should have allowed myself to be put in that position.

      As men, we are on call for many things. We prioritize our lives as we see fit, and are willing to drop everything for what we make important. My challenge to each and every man in the group is this: for what are you on call? Is it work? Your family? College football? What takes priority in your life, and what falls to the wayside as a result? Do you need to reorganize your priorities? 

      MaYhem led us out.


      YHC explained the importance of the Just One More ending cadence at Hacksaw, then promptly screwed it up for the next exercise. Royce Gracies are hard to do in a small circle. 
      Jokes abound in the COP – namely, being a little early for some things. John Doe doesn’t mind; he still has two daughters. Man can take a joke with the best of ’em.
      Coffeeteria at ChickFilA; pretty sure we rolled 12 deep, and broke their morning rush.


      Join IronPax, you bums. Convergence on Monday at Beast Ridge.

      Recent Backblasts

        Are you Covered?

        QIC: WuzntMe

        Date: 07/27/2019

        PAX: Loco, Peanuts, MoneyBall, Whittler, Prosciutto, She Shed, DeerJack, Iron Butt (respect x2) 

        AO: The Landfill


        Bright, warm, dryish.


        Mosey down to the bottom lot. Circle up.
        SSH x20
        Imperial Walkers x20
        Don Quixote x20
        LBAC x20
        Reverse x20
        Algerian Private Establishment for Enjoyment in the Evening x20
        Chinooks x20
        Seal Claps x20
        Burpees x5 OYO
        Forward Fold x15
        Royce Gracies x10 IC

        The Thang

        Mount Squat Merkin
        Scale Mt. Trashmore, line up in single file at the soccer field. 
        PAX count off, 1, 2, 3, 4,5,4,3,2,1. 
        Everyone moves forward with high knees, but each HIM responsible for calling Merkins IC as cadence gets to them in the line. PAX stop and complete exercise together. 25 total IC.
        Turn around to return to starting point, but this time with squats instead of merkins.
        Turn around again, sprint back to pavilion

        Prison Fun With Coupons

        Indian run down hill to rocks. Pick up your new girlfriend, and Indian Run back to pavilion with girlfriend above your head (hallelujah style) or toting like a running back.

        In pavilion:
        10 shoulder presses IC
        10 curls IC
        10 triceps extensions IC
        10 American Hammers w/ coupon IC
        10 Kettle Bell swings OYO
        10 goblet squats IC
        4 prison cell merkin burpee box jumps IC
        Repeat 2x

        Indian run back bottom of hill with coupons to replace them. Last PAX does three squats before catching up and overtaking the leader
        ~drop coupon~
        Indian run back to bathroom complex, except last PAX must do three lunges before overtaking the leader.

        WallSits with the CookieJar
        Since Threeskin isn’t here, it only makes sense to use his Cookie Jar.
        Everyone claim an air chair.
        10 count each way. 
        Pass the jar 5x. 
        Pass the jar 5x, with shoulder press x5 when it comes to you. End PAX owe 10.

        PAX were encouraged to take a break from the airchair (if needed) with 5 merkins before reclaiming the airchair.

        Return to Prison

        Sprint to pavilion.
        prison cell merkin burpee box jump x4 IC

        -on 6-
        LBC x20
        Flutter Kicks x20
        Pretzel Crunch x10/each leg
        Slutter Kicks x20

        -Plank position-
        Ring of Fire each way – 10 count one way, 20 count other. 



        During the pavilion sequence, the playlist was nothing but covers – famous songs recorded by someone other than the original artist. In life, we often spread ourselves very thin, between home, work, wife, kids, church, hobbies, other pursuits. But the problem with this is that we leave something uncovered. If you’ve spread yourself too thin, someone else will pick up where you left off. The problem is, that this often isn’t who you’d otherwise like it to be. For instance, if you don’t pay attention to your kids, *someone* else will – and often with a negative intent. If you don’t pay attention and take care of your wife, *someone* else is going to make her feel like you should have. If you don’t cover your responsibilities at work, *someone* else is going to take your job. Build your network of other decent men, and make sure you have coverage in all the places you need. Make sure you’ve surrounded yourself with genuine helpmates, and be a genuine helper to someone else.


        Whittler lamented the overall lack of Nickleback on the playlist. He also chose the slutter kicks. Creed was also mentioned. 

        Prosciutto had helpful tips for newer PAX when calling cadence during Mt Squat Merkin. He also issued a challenge to YHC – message received, and accountability appreciated.

        She Shed reminded us not to leave out the second set of American Hammers. Wouldn’t want to shortchange the group.

        Jokes abound regarding coupon girlfriends, time spent in prison, and things looking bigger in the dark.

        Peanuts was on time. Everyone was very confused.

        Deer Jack has been very consistent in his first few weeks. 

        Loco is fast, and wears cleats *just in case* a socc, er, futbol game breaks out.

        MoneyBall posted Tuesday through Saturday. Animal.

        IronButt led us out. We’re privileged to have him as our mentor Q.

        If you don’t like Seether’s version of Careless Whisper, then I don’t want to be friends with you.


        Dadurday in two weeks at the Landfill.

        Recent Backblasts

          Challenge Your Expectations – 7/17/2019

          QIC: WuzntMe

          Date: 07/17/2019

          PAX: Fastlane, Mrs Baker (R), 9Volt (R), Deep Dish, John Doe

          AO: The Battery


          Like living in a cloud. On fire.


          Indian run down the greenway, past the dog park, and back to the Big Tree. Circle up.

          Finkle Swingsx20
          Forward Fold x30
          Right over Left x15
          Left over Right x15
          Willie Mays Hayes x20
          SSH x20
          Burpees x5

          Indian run on greenway, past Big Bend, back to pavilion.

          The Thang

          Pavilion Pain
          10 Royce Gracies – IC (Plank position, while planted with right hand and left leg, swing right leg out while left hand is in midair. Repeat other direction)
          5 Prison Cell Merkin Burpee Box Jumps OYO (Plank ->Merkin->Half Parker Peter->Merkin->other half Parker Peter-> Merkin->Box Jump)
          20 calf raises OYO
          20 stargazers/reverse rows OYO
          20 dips IC 
          20 decline merkins (OYO)

          ~Grab a boulder~

          With boulder- 
          20 curls
          20 shoulder presses
          20 kettle swings
          20 goblet squats
          ~Drop boulder~

          Return to Hell Hill
          Indian Run up the hill
          Once at the pool building- 
          grab a wall chair, count off to 60

          Lunge across parking lot and back

          Back to the Flags
          Mosey down to the flags OYO

          Mary –
          Freddie Mercuries x20 IC
          Flutter Kicks x20 IC
          Heel Touches x20 IC
          LBC x20 OYO

          Ring of Fire to the right – two ten counts.
          Ring of Fire to the left – DeepDish 10 count (which may as well be 3 hours)



          CIRCLE OF TRUST: I’ve got two kids. When my son was born, I was expecting a rough and tumble little ball of aggression. My son is not like this at all – he’s gentle, kind, brilliant, and pensive. It wasn’t until he was about 3 when I realized who he was, and how to embrace the kid he was meant to be – now, I’m overjoyed to be his dad. When my daughter was on the way, I thought that I would handle it better; I knew girls, and she would be sweet, respectful, and proper. Instead, she bounces off of everything and is a true spitfire. I made the same mistake with her that I did my son – I expected something out of her that wasn’t fair, and wasn’t true to who she is. Over the last several weeks, I’ve been praying for a better relationship with her, because I just don’t know her very well. My eyes have been opened to the true wonder of who she is, and was meant to be.

          Sometimes, especially as dads, we have expectations of what our children, our wives, or our lives should be like. Instead of wasting our time trying to put people and situations into boxes that they cannot possibly fit, change your expectations. Embrace who they are, and meet them for who they’re supposed to be. You’ll find that you enjoy them much better than if they had fit your stupid template.

          BALL OF MAN: Mrs Baker led us out.


          We ran. A lot. DeepDish is a gazelle, and he’s no longer allowed to do Evil 10 Counts.

          Excellent to have John Doe back at the Battery. It’s requested that he brings his army of the undead for a clown car soon.

          Fastlane’s cadence for dips crushed all. 

          Great to have Mrs Baker back. 

          Sidewinder HCed, but most likely fartsacked. 

          9Volt’s consistency is commendable.

          Pavilion sucked far worse than I expected it to when I was drawing it up. Taking last week off was no bueno.


          Hacksaw Friday, Sidewinder on Q Saturday. CMUs are in store.

          Recent Backblasts

            Hey Kids, We Found Mt Hacksaw

            QIC: WuzntMe

            Date: 7/12/2019

            PAX: Madoff, POS, Threeskin, Oiler, Escobar, FNG-BMX (2.0), Bernie, Fastlane, FNG-J-Wow, Lutefisk, Toe Tag, John Doe, FNG-Flatline, Sparky (Respect), Clothespin, Sidekick, Home Alone, Gaylord, MaYhem (respect), DNF, Annie

            AO: Hacksaw


            Hot. Muggy. Standard July.


            Mosey from the parking lot, down to the Big Flag, under Apison Pike. Circle up at Sheriff’s Lot.

            SSH x20
            Merkins x10 IC
            SSH x20
            Forward Fold
            Right over Left
            Left over Right
            Willie Mays Hays x10
            SSH x20
            LBAC x20
            Burpees x5 OYO

            The Thang

            Mt Hacksaw

            We mosey back under the road and through the woods to the softball (?maybe?) complex. 
            Base station is control freak merkins. Each stage up the road is a new exercise, then we run back to the base station, and begin again. After each round, we add a new exercise, and return to base. Think suicides, but adding an exercise at each stop. Cadence passed off to a new member of the PAX for each item. 

            Control Freak Merkins x5 (YHC)
            Flutter Kicks x5 (Sidekick)
            Dips x 5 (MaYhem)
            Shoulder Taps x 5 (John Doe)
            Parker Peters x5 (Threeskin)
            Freddy Mercuries x5 (Escobar)
            Slow squats x5 (DNF)
            Mountain Climbers x5 (YHC)

            Just enough time to mosey back to the parking lot. Time.


            CIRCLE OF TRUST:  I’ve been awful this week. I didn’t get up on Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday. I’ve had a rough week with a new job, and my natural state is to retreat and avoid people. But the brotherhood is real, and wouldn’t let me do that. Three different people reached out to me to find out where I was, and get me back in the swing of things. You get out of F3 what you put into it. I’m grateful for the accountability. 
            BALL OF MAN: MaYhem led us out.


            The pavement at Mt Hacksaw sucks, and is like trying to do merkins on chewed bubblegum. Sidekick made sure to make his displeasure known.

            We have some new Qs coming on line, and in short order. There was a method to the madness of passing cadence. Sometimes that means cadence is a little rocky. It’s cool. We all have to learn somehow.

            Humidity was like working through a cloud. Everyone was soaked. 

            J-Wow was named because his name is Jay and he’s from New Jersey.
            Flatline was so named because he was brought by John Doe, obvs.
            BMX is Bernie’s 2.0. Impressive to drag a gradeschooler out of bed before 10 during the summer.


            Fallen Five convergence 7/13. 

            Recent Backblasts

              How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Hate the 10 Count

              QIC: WuzntMe

              Date: 7/1/2019

              PAX: Early Bird, MaYhem (R), Sparky (R), Fastlane, Oiler, Peanuts, Sidekick, Focker

              AO: Beast Ridge


              Warm, muggy. It’s July, so…


              Mosey from flags to the first parking lot. Bernie, Karaoke, High Knees, Primetime to circle up around lightpost.

              SSHx 25
              10 HalfBurpees
              SSH x 25
              10 HalfBurpees
              Forward Fold x 30
              Left over Right x10
              Right over Leftx10
              Merkins IC x 15

              LBAC x 20
              10 Count
              Reverse LBAC x20
              10 count
              Shoulder Presses x20
              10 Count
              Chinooks x20

              10 bulgarian half squats, left and right
              5 burpees OYO

              The Thang

              Mosey back to first pavilion. Line up for wall sits and Threeskin’s Cookie Jar. If break needed, PAX were encouraged to do five merkins, then reclaim air chair.

              Pass jar back and forth x4
              Pass jar back and forth x 4, with five merkins after pass
              pass jar back and forth x 4, with five shoulder presses with jar
              pass jar back and forth x 4, hold jar straight out for 5 count

              Recover. Indian run down to Fastlane’s Love Shack.

              Grab a table. All exercises control freak (YHC calls up, pause, calls down):
              10 reverse rows/stargazers – hold 10 count on last rep
              10 decline merkins – hold 10 count on last rep
              10 dips – hold 10 count on last rep
              10 stargazers – hold 10 count on last rep

              Indian Run back to flags. 

              Circle up – hold plank.
              Ring of fire right (left hand down, right hand on shoulder of man next to you, until full circle complete) – hold for 10 count
              Ring of fire left- hold for 10 count.



               CIRCLE OF TRUST:  YHC encouraged PAX to stretch their skills and limits for the rest of the year. 2019 is almost over. Redouble your commitments, and try to do difficult things.  If you think you cannot do something, then you cannot. 
              BALL OF MAN: Prayers for Fastlane’s wife’s grandmother. Prayers for the rest of the year. Prayers for family. 


              MaYhem is suspicious as to how I know both of his daughter’s boyfriends; they used to go to church with me. I still go to church, MaYhem. Just sayin’…

              Sparky and Oiler are trying to figure out how to plant F3 in Dalton. They’ve got a park picked out, but need more PAX coming to Chattanooga first…

              Sidekick encouraged us to beat his posting record this year. 

              Everytime I’ve brought the Cookie Jar, Threeskin is a no-show.

              We all miss Djibouti.


              7/4 convergence, rucking ruckers who ruck for the Fallen Five.

              Recent Backblasts

                Nolan Richardson Won A Natty in ’94

                QIC: WuzntMe

                Date: 06/26/2019

                PAX: Mrs Baker (R), Fastlane, Clothespin, 9 Volt (R) , Oiler, Sparky (R), FNG-Topless (R)

                AO: The Battery


                Muggy, but no rain. Sigh.


                Mosey to the tennis courts, back around to the dog park, added Karaoke, Bernie, high knees, then circle up at The Big Tree.

                SSH x25 
                Burpees x5 (OYO)

                LBAC x25 
                10 count
                Reverse LBAC x25
                10 count
                Military Presses x25

                3rd grades x15
                Forward Fold x30
                Burpees x5 (OYO)

                The Thang

                Modified Nolan Richardson:

                Partner up, and mosey to the start of the walkway. One PAX does exercises while the other runs to a marked lamppost, does five burpees (cos Bobby Hurley sucks), runs back and retakes exercises. Rinse repeat until all exercises finished.

                100 Half Burpees/Squat Thrusts
                150 squats
                200 high knees
                150 merkins
                200 LBCs
                200 Imperial Walkers

                1000 total reps.

                Break – Mary
                Dealers Choice:
                Flutter Kicks
                Hello Dolly
                Pickle Pounders
                SSH (? dealers choice, so bold option here)


                YHC is struggling with a work situation at the moment. I’m happy, comfortable, and A-OK where I am, yet, I’m likely being moved to a better (at least on paper) position internally. This is a stretch of my skills, abilities, and outside of my comfort zone. And because of that, it’s a blessing. I have to change my mindset and embrace the challenge for what it is.

                Don’t get fat/happy. Don’t allow yourself to stay stagnant. If it makes you uncomfortable, it’s a dragon worth slaying.

                BALL OF MAN
                Mrs Baker led us out. Prayers were said aloud, others offered silently.


                First things – Topless was so named because he drove a boxtruck under the Inman Street bridge, and thus sheared the top of the truck clean off. As soon as he mentioned the Inman Street bridge, PAX in unison said “ooooh” and knew where the story was going. Bonus – it was his own boxtruck.

                Oiler and Sparky made the trek from Dalton. Good to see these guys making rounds throughout the region – this is at least the third AO that they’ve posted.

                We started the warmup mosey with four, and latecomers kept showing up. We were doubled by the time we circled up. 

                9 Volt was late – highly unusual. Also described increased pace of fast SSHs as being “meth straddle hops.” Laffo.

                PAX were in good spirits, despite the fast pace.

                DeepDish fartsacked and missed out on burpees. 


                Hacksaw on Friday,  9 Volt on Q this Saturday, Convergence 7/4. Upcoming Fallen Five ruck for ruckers who ruck in the ruck channel.

                Recent Backblasts

                  Just One More…

                  QIC: WuzntMe

                  Date: 05/24/2019

                  PAX: Prosciutto, MaYhem(R), Yodeler, Sidekick, 9Volt(R), Fastlane

                  AO: Hacksaw


                  Warm and muggy


                  Mosey under Apison Pike, circle up in sheriff’s parking lot

                  SSHx20 IC
                  5 burpees OYO
                  WillieMaysHays x20 IC
                  3rd Grade Exercises x20 IC
                  5 burpees OYO
                  -Randy Style-
                  LBAC x20 IC – forward and reverse
                  Seal Claps x20 IC
                  Plankjacks x 20 IC
                  Monkey Humpers x 15 IC
                  SSH x 25 IC

                  jailbreak across Apison Pike back to Domino’s lot

                  The Thang

                  Cookie Jar Air Chairs
                  PAX grab a spot on sidewall of shopping center. Air chair, and pass Threeskin’s Cookie Jar (~30lbs or so) back and forth down the line x4.
                  Do it again, but this time 5 merkins as fast as possible after passing the Jar, reclaim the air chair, reclaim the Jar, reclaim the merkins. x4
                  Do it again, but this time 5 shoulder presses w/ Jar while holding air chair x4.

                  Recover, and mosey to the Great Flag

                  Bearcrawl Boilermaker
                  PAX line up in single file, and hold plank. PAX at back of line bearcrawls to the front, while second-to-last PAX in line calls out control freak merkins (up/down as many or few as caller wants) for the line to complete. Once bearcrawler gets to the front, Halt is called, and the second-to-last man is now the bearcrawler. Rinse/repeat. Inchwormed across the front of the Great Flags to complete a half circle.

                  Line up and go back to where we started, but on the six. Bearcrawler is now crabwalking to the front, and the second-to-last PAX calls Freddie Mercuries.

                  Back the other direction, PAX resume and hold plank position. Last man bearcrawls, rest of PAX hold plank to failure. Bearcrawl/inchworm to the Anchor to create another half-circle.

                  Jailbreak across the field and back

                  Dealers choice Mary:

                  Pretzel crunches
                  Leg raises
                  Hello Dollies
                  Captain Thors
                  Dying cockroach.



                  During warmup, final cadence was called with “Just One More,” instead of altering vocal tone or a countdown. The Hacksaw is so named for Desmond Doss, whose statue overlooks the park. Doss was a Medal of Honor recipient who saved so many injured men during the Pacific theater of WWII. 
                  When Doss was pulling injured soldiers off the ridge, he was praying for the strength to get “Just One More.” It’s easy to get down in the dumps about life’s challenges, especially when it’s feeling overwhelming. But YHC is challenging the PAX to instead ask for the ability to handle Just One More obstacle, adversity, or challenge. Instead of praying for the difficulties to go away, we should follow Doss’ example and pray for the ability to tackle Just One More – whatever it may be.


                  Good to have Sidekick back from Raleigh – he was welcomed with MonkeyHumpers. Fastlane isn’t allowed to call cadence for control freak merkins. Sadist. Yodeler posted twice in his first week – bravo; also, he’s Skitch fast. MaYhem says he’s over 50, but no one believes this is possible. 9Volt understands your basic Looney Toons-level Spanish.


                  Murph on Memorial Day, Fallen Five ruck challenge for ruckers who ruck on the ruck channel. Hacksaw “officially” launches 6/7, though this feels pretty official.

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Dora the Prison Inmate got Struck by Lightning

                    QIC: WuzntMe

                    Date: 05/11/2019

                    PAX: Rug Doctor (Respect), Threeskin, FNG-John Doe, Snooze Button, 9Volt (Respect), FNG-Private Ryan, Mongo, Bubbles (Respect), Mrs Baker (Respect), Deep Dish, Fastlane, Sidewinder (Respect)

                    AO: The Battery


                    Rain. Thunderstorms. Workout cut short due to lightning in area.


                    SSH x20 IC

                    5 Burpees

                    20 IC:

                    • monkey humpers
                    • Don quixote
                    • 3rd Grades
                    • WillieMaysHays
                    • Finkle Swing
                    • ForwardFold

                    5 burpees

                    10 control freak merkins


                    The Thang

                    While under a pavilion to keep from drowning, PAX counted off in groups of five. Stations 1-4 did their exercises AMRAP while station five completed its method of travel – and then rotated. Four total Pods of 5 exercises.

                    Bear Crawl rotation

                    1. Slow squats
                    2. Dry docks
                    3. Dips
                    4. Cockroach

                    Peter parker rotation

                    1. Lunges
                    2. Overhead presses (w/ Threeskin’s Cookie Jar)
                    3. Parker Peters
                    4. Cpt thor

                    high knee rotation 

                    1. Step ups (w/ Threeskin’s Cookie Jar)
                    2. Little Baby Arm circles
                    3. Merkins
                    4. Hello dolly

                    PrimeTime rotation

                    1. High knees
                    2. Chinooks
                    3. Descending merkins
                    4. Reverse crunch

                    PAX completed first pod before lightning caused us to scurry.  Mrs Baker and 9Volt decided to come back to the Battery for Monday blackops to complete the entire routine in 45 minutes, and finish with Mary – BBSitups, Flutter Kicks, and crunches.


                    CIRCLE OF TRUST: Due to the strange conditions of the workout, we didn’t end with a COT. 
                    BALL OF MAN: See above.


                    John Doe named as much because he posted twice at Nashville/Franklin, and was never named. Private Ryan looks vaguely like Matt Damon if you squint enough/have a firework explode near your eye, but his last name is also mentioned in the movie.


                    (Moved to Fletcher Park due to Cleveland Marathon)



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