Twisted Sister

QIC:  Sidekick

Date: 01/29/2020

PAX: Milkman, Dundee, U turn, Nordictrack, Squid, Snatch, Slois Lane, Sherlock, She Shed, Cleaver

AO: Shot House


27 and Clear


Forward Fold; Willie Mays Hays; SSH ICX20; Seal Claps ICX15; Overhead Press ICX15; Slow Squats ICX15; Mosey with block to track

Warm Up Round Duex

On the Bleachers –

Round 1 – Ircan, Box Jump; 2 Ircans, Box Jump; 3 Ircans, Box Jump; Repeat to the top. Last round was 12 Ircans

Round 2 – Alternating groin stretch/lunge X2 per step

The Thang

Twisted Sister

This is a Dora Variant where instead of traveling as a timing method, we do 15 Squats.

Round 1 – 200 Block Curls. PAX 1 knocks out 15 squats while PAX 2 completes as many block Curls as possible; switch and repeat until a cumulative total of 200 reps are complete

Run a lap

Round 2 – 150 Overhead press

Run a Lap

Round 3 – 100 Kettle Bell Sings; Sub reverse lunges for squats

Run a Lap

Not enough time for another round so we knocked out 25 Mercans and 25 BBSU


State of the union for F3 Chatt. We have grown a lot over the last 4 years. Lots of new places to go and people to see. Keep up the efforts on EH and spread the joy that F3 brings to you


Possible Tuff Muff on the Horizon

Recent Backblasts

    Merkins, Monkeys & Gorillas!

    QIC:  Oil Can

    Date: 01/30/2021

    PAX: Back Fire, Thin Slice, Back Pew, Skitch, Pink Panther, Fly By, White Glove

    AO: The Landfill


    Temperatures were a rather brisk 30 degrees, however it was dry and there wasn’t much wind.


    Side Straddle Hops x30 IC, Little Baby Arm Circles (forward & reverse) x12 IC, Shoulder Press x12 IC, Big Arm Circles (forward & reverse) x12 IC

    Forward Fold
    Plank hold 30 seconds
    Side plank hold 30 secs
    Plank hold 30 secs
    Opposite side plank hold 30 secs
    Plank hold 30 secs
    5 Merkins OYO
    Bend the back into Upward Dog
    Plank hold 30 secs
    Walk hands back to Downward dog
    Forward Fold

    The Thang

    Today we were celebrating it already being the 30th of January, so the number 30 was quite prominent throughout the beatdown.
    Round 1
    30x Burpees
    30x Plank Jacks
    30x Monkey Humpers
    30x Lunges (easy way)
    30x American Hammers (hard way)
    PAX had the choice of doing all the exercises at once or spreading them out as they moseyed down the big hill. Most chose to knock out a few at the start & then spread the burpees out.

    Round 2
    Exact same set of 5 exercises as round 1, however PAX this time were working their way up the big hill.

    Rounds 3 & 4
    30x Merkins
    30x Mountain Climbers (hard way)
    30x Gorilla Humpers
    30x Flutter Kicks (hard way)
    30x Squats
    These were all done circled up OYO to provide a break from moseying the hill.

    Round 5
    30x Incline OR Decline Merkins
    30x Hello Dollies
    30x Rocky IVs
    30x Squats
    30x Lunges (easy way)
    YHC had hoped to get through 30 sets of 30 exercises, however time ran out on us.

    Bernie up the Big Thank You, followed by 5 burpees OYO to finish.


    Spoke about how 2020 was such a difficult year for everyone, and while it’s easy to remember how tough a year it was, we need to be thankful for our health & to reflect on something positive that happened. Encouraged all PAX to think about that today.


    The Landfill always provides some stories involving the Police. White Glove commented on how they seem to open the gates earlier during the winter than the summer. We were also given a stern warning by one officer about keeping dogs on a leash.

    In other news, the Big Thank You was apparently blocking out some wind for us because it was noticeably colder after getting to the top.


    No major announcements for F3 Chattanooga. Rocket Man will be our Q at The Landfill next Saturday.

    Recent Backblasts

      Pain Stations at Parliament

      QIC:  Blackout

      Date: 01/29/2021

      PAX: Cavity Search, Coldplay, M.I.A., Tatonka, Woodrider

      AO: Parliament


      Very, very cold! 25 but felt like about 10 degrees with the wind blowing. A sharp contract to Track Tuesday which was in the low 60s.


      Mosey lap around the track

      • Forward Fold – silent
      • SSH IC – x15
      • Willie Mayes Hayes IC – x15
      • Arm Circles IC – x15
      • Reverse Arm Circles IC – x15
      • Moroccan Nightclubs IC – x15 (for Coldplay of course)
      • SSH IC – x20
      • 5 Burpees, 5 Merkins; 4 Burpees, 4 Merkins; 3 Burpees, 3 Merkins….Stopped there as everyone not only noted they were plenty warmed up but also how stupid it was!

      The Thang

      Moseyed to the parking lot by the entrance of the school for Station #1

      PAIN STATION 1 – Arms/Chest

      • 25 Merkins
      • 25 Dips
      • 25 Incline Merkins
      • 25 Carolina Dry Docks
      • 25 Dips
      • 1 minute Plank
      • 10 Diamond Merkins

      Moseyed to parking lot behind the school building for Station #2

      PAIN STATION 2 – Core

      • 25 Flutter Kicks HC
      • 50 LBCs
      • 25 BBSU
      • 50 American Hammers
      • 25 Freddie Mercuries
      • 50 Plank Jacks
      • Finished the countdown from the COP with: 2 burpees, 2 merkins; 1 burpee, 1 merkin

      Moseyed to the church parking lot for Station #3

      PAIN STATION 3 – Legs

      • 25 Squat Jumps
      • 25 Lunges HC
      • 25 Toe Merkins
      • 25 Monkey Humpers
      • 25 Squats
      • 25 Gorilla Humpers

      Moseyed to side parking lot of school for slight repeat of Station #2

      PAIN STATION 4 – Core (again)

      • 25 Flutter Kicks EC
      • 50 LBCs
      • 15 BBSU
      • 25 American Hammers
      • 15 Freddie Mercuries
      • 25 Plank Jacks

      Moseyed to the parking lot by the entrance of the school for repeat of Station #1

      PAIN STATION 5 – Arms/Chest (again)

      • 20 Merkins
      • 20 Dips
      • 20 Incline Merkins
      • 1 minute Plank

      Plank got us to time of 6:15


      Talked about the story in Matthew where Herod had John the Baptist killed. On that day, Jesus mourned and was very sad about the passing somebody so close to him as John the Baptist. His day started off terribly with this news so he wanted to get away to a remote location and be by himself to pray and mourn. However, all of his followers saw him walking out to the location and followed him to see what he would say and/or do about this tragic killing. Instead of letting his bad day continue, Jesus chose to do what Jesus always choose to do: Perform Miracles and give to others. We all have bad starts to the day and even sometimes long periods of the day that are bad, however, we have the ability to take this approach and turn our day into greatness! The moral here is, never let a bad start keep you from a great finish. Jesus had a terrible start to the day but later on performed one of the greatest miracles ever seen by turning small portions into enough to feed 5,000 men plus women and children. Bad starts don’t have to equal bad endings!


      Lots of MC this morning due to smaller group which was AWESOME!

      It turns out that burpees counting down from 5 to 1 gets just as much flack as from 10 to 1. Who would’ve thought?

      At one point in the beatdown Woodrider told Coldplay that “his face looked like Woodrider felt” Still not sure to this point whether that is a compliment or passive aggressive assault

      Chest and arms station was by far the most hated pain station, so like any good beatdown, we did it again!

      We will make sure to get a second Parliament flag for two reasons: 1) the picture of Tatonka on the design and 2) to make sure John Doe doesn’t get his way

      It was brought up that Sniffer fartsacked on us again! PAX to ensure that FIA schedule is posted on Parliament channel for his viewing pleasure.


      3rd F still in full swing at Chubby’s downtown. 5:30 – 6:00 on Mondays. Also, any monetary donations and/or blankets, coats, hats, etc. are welcome also. Drop those off at any AO and we will get them there. Great ministry so try to get involved if possible!

      Second Habitat build in the works. reach out to John Doe or 3rd-F slack channel for more information.

      Recent Backblasts

        Stop Sign Stinger

        QIC: Holy Kiss

        Date: 01/28/2021

        PAX:   Pediasure, Gusher,  Laces Out, Prosciutto, Red Raider, Pound Dog, Natty Light, Pelt, Recycle, Burrito, Joanna Gainz, Zima, Mansiere, Jorts, Money Ball, Sidekick, Backseat, Whittler

        AO: Smackdown


        31 Degrees and a little snowy, but we warmed up quick


        SSH X 25, Little Baby Arm Circles X 15 and reverse X 15, Seal Claps X 15, Overhead Claps X 15, Willy Mays Hays X 10, 3rd Grade Exercise x 10, Imperial Walkers x 15

        The Thang

        Stop Sign Stinger

        Field trip through Brow Estates. Round of exercises at every stop sign we passed. S= Squat Jumps x 10, T = Twinkle Toes x 10, O = Outlaw x 10, P= Parker Peters x 10. Total of 8 stop signs passed for 80 reps each exercise

        Bleacher Beatdown (Partner Up)

        Round 1: 200 Dips. One PAX starts dips on bleachers while partner does 5 Burp-ups (Burpee Pull Ups) on back side of bleachers. Lap around to relieve partner until 200 dips complete

        Round 2: 100 High Knee Step Ups. One PAX starts High Knee Step Ups on bleachers while partner runs a lap around bleachers


        LBC x 25, Flutter Kicks x 20, Heal Touch x 20, Freddie Mercury x 15, Rocky 4 x 15, BBS x 15, Pickle Pointers x 15


        2020 brought a lot of challenges to everyone in different ways. It impacted my business significantly, caused issues with kids school schedules, and caused stress in general. I had a range of reactions from anger, skepticism, and placing blame. Had to continually remind myself to stop focusing on the things out of my control and focus on what is in front of me each moment of each day that I can control.

        Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding – Proverbs 3:5


        Recent Backblasts

          Preparedness — G3L

          QIC:  Mr. Clean

          Date: 01/28/21

          PAX: Bru Cru (Respect), Captain Wafer, Cupid, Deer Jack, Gimli, Kowbell, Offset, Oil Can, Ringwald, Skitch, Sunshine, The Count (Respect, Respect), Uncle Fester, V-Squared

          AO: Hill City


          Somewhere between 25-35 degrees. The Hill City felt more like the Windy City, so who knows what that “feel like” temperature was. Some snow flurries spitting about.


          SSH x20 IC
          Forward Fold OYO
          SSH x15 IC

          The Thang

          Well, with the rarity of my opportunities to Q at Hill City, I try to pay some homage of men who’ve Qed a workout in which I have attended, or ones that seem to go well at that AO
          Route 66

          Light Pole 1 — 1 Burpee

          Light Pole 2 — 2 Burpees

          Light Pole 3 — 3 Burpees

          Continue this ascension with each light pole until the 11th light pole is reached.

          Complete 9 consecutive burpees once the Route 66 Routine is complete. (Explanation in the COT)
          What Goes Up…Must Come Down

          What Goes Up…Must Come Down

          4 — Shoulder Tap/Mountain Climber Combos (2 taps:4 climbers)

          6 — Bulgarian Split Squats (Hard Way)

          8 — Foxholes (BBSU to Merkin)


          10 — Dolly to Leg Raise Combo

          12 — Bobby Hurleys

          14 — Derkins


          16 — Gas Pump to Rosalita Combo

          18 — Monkey Humpers

          20 — Seal/Overhead Clap Combo


          Rinse and Repeat in descending order.


          I came across the Backblast from my first ever Q at Hill City.  It was a really cool day as two FNGs were named that gloomy morning, one of whom is now your AOQ.  The other strayed away but is now quite the staple, consistent member of F3 Chattanooga.  On that morning, I paid tribute to Delta.  Delta led the first ever workout I attended in F3 Chattanooga back in 2017  I, once again, paid a little tribute to him this morning.

          There have been many, many others that have inspired me, motivated me, loved me, and posted with me.  To those men, I will always be grateful as I am for each of you this morning who chose to attend. Looking across and seeing Ringwald (AOQ), who passed to Skitch, who passed to Sunshine is such a rewarding experience, especially because YHC was blessed with the opportunity to see each named AND Q the very day Sunshine was an FNG.

          All that being said, let me set a reminder for all of us that we have a responsibility to do our best to be the type guys I mentioned above. Our sons and daughters, friends, neighbors, family don’t all necessarily deserve a man who acts in this manner, but that’s the exact reason we must do it.  Truly taking on responsibility to care for others requires giving that care in spite of how deserving those receiving care deserve it. It is never about someone deserving our grace and love, it’s about giving no matter what happens in life.

          F3 is chalked full of jargon, acronyms, almost to the point of it’s own language. There is actually a lot of good that comes from some of it. The Q Source, written by Dredd, naturally is filled cover to cover with said jargon. In it, he speaks of a man’s G3L which addresses Preparedness. Truly being prepared requires a man to have total alignment with his G3L. We are a month into 2021, still plenty of time to align your G3L which says this: a man must Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right, and Leave Right. That last part is so important. It is the legacy part. As you align the first Three, make sure you are doing so that it leads to a lasting positive legacy.


          Extra points for smiling at the camera through your legs… — Ringwald
          Props to Gimli, merlot came but the effort never slowed
          Oil Can is able to reach the top shelf when he climbs on the other shelves — also he’s a running beast
          The Count was disappointed he didn’t have those “mall walker” weights for his favorite exercise: The Seal Clap/Overhead Clap Combo


          Recent Backblasts

            Playlist of Pain

            QIC: Bonsai

            Date: 01/28/2021

            PAX: Abercrombie, Clothespin, 9 Volt, Mrs. Baker, Thin Mint, Tinkerbell, El Chapo

            AO: The Battery


            33 degrees wasn’t so bad at first, but the 13mph winds were exceptionally unpleasant.


            Mosey around the dog park and group up in the parking lot.

            10 SSH – IC

            Forward Fold – Silent Count

            10 SSH – IC

            10 Third Grade Exercise – IC

            5 Worlds Greatest Stretch – IC each side

            10 SSH – IC

            10 Don Quixote’s (Windmills) – IC

            10 SSH – IC

            Mosey to the skate park for the Thang.

            The Thang

            The Thang consisted of various songs that used repeating words to trigger an exercise.

            “Tubthumping” by Chumbawamba
            SSH throughout the song dropping for a burpee every time the song says “I get knocked down”. Extra Credit: Double up the Burpees by dropping every time they sing “down”.

            “ABC” by Jackson 5
            On your six. Maintain flutter kicks or Freddie Mercurys throughout the song. During the chorus, perform an Alphabet exercise. Alphabet exercise is to draw the uppercase alphabet with your toes, keeping your feet off the ground. Return to flutter kicks/Mercurys during verses and pick up where you left of for each chorus. Try to get through the whole alphabet before the end of the song, moving to 1-10, then lowercase letters if you do.

            “Kung Fu Fighting” by Carl Douglas
            Hold Al Gore while punching during verses. Front Kick or Imperial Walker during chorus, alternating legs. Extra Credit: Squat between kicks.

            “Roxanne” by The Police
            On your six. Pickle pointers until you hear the trigger words. Big Boi Situp on “Roxanne”. Box Cutter on “Red Lights”.

            Indian Run around the dog park. Stopped halfway to do some arm exercises to loosen up. 5 each IC of Little Baby Arm Circles forward, backward, seal claps, overhead claps, Moroccan Night Clubs. Moseyed back to the skate park.

            “Cupid Shuffle” by Cupid
            Hold plank position and perform exercises based on a few trigger words in the song.

            – “Cupid Shuffle” – Shoulder Touches
            – “Down, Down, Do your dance” – Merkin, then Spiderman (Extra Credit: two merkins)
            – “To the Right” – Plank shuffle right
            – “To the Left” – Plank shuffle left
            – “Now kick” – Donkey Kick
            – “Walk it” – Mountain Climber

            “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC
            Keep step ups going throughout the song. Squat on the trigger word “Thunder”.


            QIC spoke about personal experience with needing to trust in God despite life not looking like you may expect or want it to. You have people around you to help you stay on the right path. We have the bible as a guide to making right decisions. God did not bring us to where we are just to abandon us.

            Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)

            Trust in the Lord with all your heart
                and lean not on your own understanding;
            in all your ways submit to him,
                and he will make your paths straight.[a]


            Mrs Baker’s shoulder was holding up surprisingly well despite all those squats.

            Clothespin is a glutton for punishment. Almost 50 Burpees during Tubthumping.

            I need to teach some of you all how to punch.

            I underestimated the difficulty of doing all of these songs at once. Some modifications were required….

            65 degrees in January

            QIC:  Sidekick

            Date: 01/26/2021

            PAX: Limp Lips; Vsquared; Brain Fart; Hansen

            AO: Boneyard


            65 degrees and moist


            Various bending over stretches and arm stretches; shoulder press ICX15; Slow squat ICX12; Seal Claps ICX12;

            Mosey to lot in front of Rec center

            The Thang

            Extended Warm up

            11s – Hand release Mercans – Run – Monkey humpers

            Mosey to the incline

            Extended Four Corners

            #1 – 25 Uphill Mercans


            #2 – One legged Bulgarians – 10 each side


            #3 – 15 uphill BBSU


            #4 – 25SSH


            No time to complete another full round and get back, so we did a diagonal

            #1 – 15 downhill Mercans


            #2 – 50 Heel Touches


            Mosey back to the flag

            Mary – – –

            LBC ICX20; Pickle Pointers ICX20; Dying Cockroach ICX20; 10 BBSU OYO



            Nothing earth shattering here today. just trying to support a peaceful transition of presidential power in our community.



            Tuff Muff coming up soon

            Recent Backblasts

              The Ladders Were Out to Party

              QIC:  Oil Can

              Date: 01/27/2021

              PAX: U-Turn, M.I.A, Sherlock, NordicTrack, Deer Jack

              AO: Detention


              Not quite as nice as it was on Tuesday morning, but still a nice temperature of about 48 degrees with the breeze blowing slightly. Still fantastic conditions considering it’s late-January. The parking lot at Detention was a little painful on the hands.


              Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC, 3rd Grade Exercises x10 IC, SSHs x20 IC, Little Baby Arm Circles (Forward & Reverse) x10 IC, Wax On x10 IC, Wax Off x10 IC, Overhead Presses x10 IC

              Next we moved onto a bit of a medley of exercises based around the plank position…
              Forward Fold x10 IC, Downward Dog (hold 15 seconds), High Plank (hold 15 seconds), Side Plank (hold 15 seconds), High Plank (hold 15 seconds), other Side Plank (hold 15 seconds), High Plank (hold 15 seconds), Low Plank (hold 15 seconds), High Plank (hold 15 seconds), Upward Dog (hold 15 seconds), High Plank (hold 15 seconds), Downward Dog (hold 15 seconds), Forward Fold (hold 15 seconds)

              The Thang

              For The Thang today we did a couple of different ladders with coupons

              Ladder #1
              Do each exercise, then Rifle Carry about 30 feet. Did two rounds of this ladder.
              5x Atomic Incline Merkins
              10x Windshield Wipers (hard way)
              15x Squats (with the coupon)
              20x LBCs (with the coupon)
              25x Curls

              Ladder #2
              This time, PAX would do the first two exercises (with a Rifle Carry in between) then Rifle Carry back to the start, do the first three exercises, Rifle Carry back to the start etc. 1 round completed.
              5x Atomic Incline Merkins
              10x Windshield Wipers (hard way)
              15x Squats (with the coupon)
              20x LBCs (with the coupon)
              25x Bench Press

              Ladder #3
              This was done in the same style as Ladder #1, however PAX got to choose their final exercise. 1 round completed.
              5x Atomic Incline Merkins
              10x Windshield Wipers (hard way)
              15x Squats (with the coupon)
              20x LBCs (with the coupon)
              25x Curls OR Bench Press (but everyone chose Curls)

              Quick Mary to finish: 15x Flutter Kicks (with coupon) IC, 15x Decline Merkins IC, 15x Bent Over Rows IC


              Spoke about taking something positive away from 2020. It was a difficult year for everyone, however it’s important to acknowledge what happened (both good & bad), and be thankful for at least one thing that it gave you (time with family, new job, opportunity to get out in the gloom more).


              Nothing especially worthy of note. All PAX enjoyed having the smaller group but were clearly pushing themselves so there wasn’t much mumble chatter heard.


              Iron Butt on Q at Shot House Friday, praying that Dundee will be back in the gloom on Monday to lead at Detention

              Recent Backblasts

                Beast Block Party in the Rain

                QIC:  Blackout

                Date: 01/25/2021

                PAX: Purple Rain, Mayhem, Sunscreen

                AO: Beast Ridge


                See backblast from Legacy last Thursday. Another fart sack inducing weather morning. Rain, rain and more rain. At least it was 50 degrees!


                Moseyed to large parking lot next to Pavilion with blocks

                • Forward Fold – silent count
                • SSH – x25
                • Willie Mayes Hayes – x15
                • Arm Circles – x15
                • Reverse Arm Circles – x15
                • Seal Claps – x15
                • SSH – x15

                Did a portion of the Bur-kin apocalypse under the pavilion. Exercises as follows:

                • 10 burpees, 1 merkin
                • 9 burpees, 2 merkins
                • 8 burpees, 3 merkins
                • 7 burpees, 4 merkins

                We saved the rest of this for later. See below… Had plans to run in between each round but the pavilion was nice an dry, so we did the rest of this apocalypse for our between set exercises.

                The Thang

                Round 1

                Round 1 was 8 exercises for 45-50 seconds followed by 10-15 second rest. All exercises with block

                • Curls
                • Incline Merkins
                • Shoulder Presses
                • Goblet Squats
                • Tricep Extensions
                • Decline Merkins
                • Bent-over Rows
                • Toe Merkins

                Finished Round 1 with 6 burpees, 5 merkins followed immediately by 5 burpees, 6 merkins

                Round 2

                Round 2 was 8 exercises for 45-50 seconds followed by 10-15 second rest. All exercises with block

                • Curls
                • Incline Merkins
                • Shoulder Presses
                • Goblet Squats
                • Tricep Dips
                • Decline Merkins
                • Bent-over Rows
                • Toe Merkins

                Finished Round 2 with 4 burpees, 7 merkins followed immediately by 3 burpees, 8 merkins

                Round 3

                Round 3 was 8 exercises for 45-50 seconds followed by 10-15 second rest. All exercises with block

                • Curls
                • Bench Press
                • Shoulder Presses
                • Goblet Squats
                • Tricep Dips
                • Bench Press
                • Bent-over Rows
                • Toe Merkins

                Finished Round 3 with 2 burpees, 9 merkins followed immediately by 1 burpee, 10 merkins

                SALLY – Did three minutes of “Sally Up” by Moby. We had done enough chest work for the day so we did this with squats. When song said down, we went into low squat (wall sit position) and came back out of the squat when song said up.


                Talked about adaptability and its presence in the Bible. It is important to set goals and plans for each and every day. However, many times our days don’t turn out much like we planned. God’s plan for us is often so different than our plan for us. It is important to be adaptable and use these times of change to build patience and wisdom.

                The story from Matthew 14 portrays a time in which Jesus’ day did not go as planned. When Herod killed John the Baptist, Jesus was full of sorrow. He went out to a remote location to pray and be alone for the remainder of that day. The crowds however followed him out and thus, his plan of being alone was no longer a reality. Instead of being frustrated or stressed, Jesus used this change in his plans for good. He healed many sick amongst the people because of their faith to follow him out to the remote place. Additionally, he performed one of the greatest miracles in showing his disciples how to feed 5,000 men off of a very meager portion to start with. This day is spoken of and remembered fondly by millions across the World. All of this because Jesus allowed God’s plans to shine through on what started as a bad day. Being adaptable can bring you inner peace in knowing that God is always with you.


                Certain PAX mentioned that the beatdown was stupid on multiple occasions. Q was a real jerk with this one!

                About 30 minutes into the beatdown, one PAX noted that the MC was as minimal as he could remember in recent time due to the lack of being able to catch our breath.

                You only get wet once! Also, pavilions come in handy on days like this.


                3rd F still going strong, Chubby’s homeless ministry on Mondays 5:30-6:00 downtown. Also, coats, blankets, etc. are needed. Please deliver to any AOQ and we will get them in the right hands. Habitat project #2 in the works. See 3rd-F channel for more info.

                Purple Rain takes over Beast Ridge AOQ duties effective this week. Congratulate him next time you see him!

                Recent Backblasts

                  The Wagon Wheel – Short track

                  QIC:  Sidekick

                  Date: 01/23/2021

                  PAX: Best in Show; Slim Shady

                  AO: Battlefield


                  32 degrees


                  Informal warm up today. Did some stretching, did some repetitive movements. Just got warm a little. Then took a lap.

                  The Thang

                  First day back for me so we did some modification to the Wagon Wheel. Same basic concept, just imagine a wagon wheel with a hub, spokes, and the wheel. That’s basically it
                  Title of exercises or routine
                  Wagon Wheel

                  8 stations around the mostly round track at the battlefield.

                  Mahktar Mercans X10; Block Press X15; Jungle Boi Squats X10; Big Boi Sit Ups X15; 8 Count Body Builders X5; SSH X 20 (4 count); Imperial Squats X10; Crab Claps X10 (4 Count)

                  With only 3 PAX, we stayed together. Complete the exercise on the paper and run to the hub, which is marked by the Golden Gloom Shovel. Perform 3 Burpees and run back to your station. Complete the prescribed exercise again. Run around the track to the next station.

                  Repeat until all 8 stations have been completed.

                  Once Complete, we took a couple of cool down laps to finish it off



                  We talked about a mostly peaceful transition of power in our government. We are all ready to get back to some sense of Normalcy



                  Recent Backblasts