Metal Christmas Music — I Love It!

QIC:  Mr. Clean

Date: 12/15/2020

PAX: V-Squared, Dolly, Sunburn (Respect), and Brain Fart

AO: Boneyard


It was chilly. Cold enough for an extra layer, but it was warm enough for the top layer to be shed fairly quickly. No real fog or humidity to speak of.


SSH x25 IC
Forward Fold OYO
Willie Mays Hays x15 IC
High Knees x15 IC
Forward Fold OYO

The Thang

V-Squared seemed to have coined the term Youra this morning. In my efforts to communicate the plan for exercises by saying, “it’s much like a Dora. but not really because you do a lot on your own.” Youra was born. Thanks V!
500 reps total. Running to a chosen light pole every 25 reps of each set of 100.
Overhead Claps
Toe Merkins
Mosey to the wall and hill.
10 Dips at bottom
BearCrawl to the Top and complete 1 Squat
Mosey back down.
Rinse and repeat until time got us. Mosey back to the flag.


Standard 7.42 of the Tennessee State Standards cover Thomas Aquinas and Humanism. As I was developing some curriculum materials along with F3 — Petrino yesterday, we discussed how much the idea of Humanism had changed compared to the original writings of the guy that proposed it.
There is a school in Florida that “rolls” out the atheletes from year to year. The school is Saint Thomas Aquinas, yes, SAINT Thomas Aquinas.
Thomas Aquinas was a theologian AND philosopher. He deveoted his life to educating people both in (pastoral) and rational (intellectual). He believed strongly in his Christian faith. His teachings have stood the test of time; because, he proposed ways in which faith and rationale live in harmony.
At times, faith becomes so mystified, some are either turned away from or cannot understand it. Philosophy, at times, opens the door for such self-serving purposes that it also turns people away or causes us to make poor decisions.
Aquinas taught that these worked together in that our faith helps us learn, fill in the gaps of which rationale simply can’t, and prevent future mistakes often resulting from a pure dependence on rationale. On the other hand, he taught that philosophy can help us understand the world around us better, and it helps to demystify faith in such a way that the human brain can actually understand.
Should you search Humanism on Google today, chances are you would not find the type of Humanism in which Aquinas devoted so much of his life’s work toward. A search now seems to yield articles connecting atheism and Humanism as one in the same, or to be a Humanist one must be an atheist. Why? The guy that proposed this would have completely disagreed!
What can we learn from these articles that seem to be in abundance on Google and Aquinas’ teachings? The human element in which Aquinas did not account for: selfishness had most successfully bastardized the original intent and philosophy of Humanism.
The challenge is this: please do not be those that turn to the self-serving purposes of the world and take an ideal, moral, or ethic and change it for the worse. Change is great, but change does not mean sacrificing ones morals, convictions, and beliefs.



[Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

Recent Backblasts

    A Pleasant Jog Through the Veteran’s Park 12/15/2020

    QIC:  NordicTrack

    Date: 12/15/2020

    PAX: Friar Tuck, Dundee, U-turn, Hasbro, Blue, Roomba, Cleaver, Doogie, Freetime, Milkman

    AO: The Huey


    32 degrees, but dry.


    Bunch of leg stretches.


    Shoulder Blasters

    The Thang

    Do this is a group.

    Start at the Picnic Tables. Do an Indigenous People’s run after every set around the track.
    A Pleasant Jog Through the Veteran’s Park
    Set 1

    25 Burpees

    50 SSH

    75 Lunges (easy count)

    Set 2

    25 Burpees

    50 LBC

    75 Monkey Humpers

    Set 3

    25 Burpees

    50 dips

    75 Imperial Walkers (easy count)

    Finished with a set of 75 Calf Raises, then did 25 Gretel style burpees.


    Studies have found that experiences are more memorable than gifts. Experiences relieve stress, leave lasting memories, and provide benefits well beyond the length of material items. Consider this Christmas season, and what experiences you and your family are going through. Are they positive? Will they leave fond memories?


    This workout did a good job keeping us warm.

    Recent Backblasts

      Look! It’s Santa Claus on the Walking Track!

      QIC:  Lanyard

      Date: 12/12/2020

      PAX: Best In Show (R), V Squared, Toe Jelly, Pebbles, Sunscreen

      AO: Battlefield


      Upper 40s. Dry. Rain the night before.


      Mosey to sheltered pavilion

      SSH X20 IC, Forward Fold OYO, WMH X10 IC, SSH X10, Third Grade Exercise X10 IC, LBA X15  IC, Reverse X15 IC, Overhead Press X12 IC, MNC X12 IC, SSH X10 IC

      Grab a good size rock for your coupon from the creek bed.

      The Thang

      5 Curls

      10 Big Boy Sit Ups

      15 Squats

      20 Merkins….Take a Lap

      Wait for 6

      5 Merkins

      10 Curls

      15 Big Boy Sit Ups

      20 Squats….Take a lap

      Wait for 6

      5 Squats

      10 Merkins

      15 Curls

      20 Big Boy Sit Ups…Take a lap

      Wait for 6

      5 Big Boy Sit Ups

      10 Squats

      15 Merkins

      20 Curls….Take a lap

      Head over to the bathrooms for a nice wall sit for 30 seconds. Then, Muhammed Ali X10 IC, Rest a couple seconds, Jabs X15 IC, Recover. Next round with the coupon:

      5 LBCs

      10 Smurf Jacks

      15 Pickle Pointers

      20 Tricep ext….Take a lap

      Wait for 6.

      5 Tricep ext

      10 LBCs

      15 Smurf Jacks

      20 Pickle Pointers…Take a lap

      5 Pickle Pointers

      10 Tricep ext

      15 LBCs

      20 Smurf Jacks…Take a lap

      Wait for 6

      5 Smurf Jacks

      10 Pickle Pointers

      15 Tricep ext

      20 LBCs

      Back to the bathrooms for a wall sit for 30 seconds. Then, Muhammed Ali X10 IC, Rest a couple seconds, Jabs X15 IC, Recover. Put coupon back in the creek bed. Then, take a lap to wrap it up.

      Oh wait, no flag. Bummer. 5 penalty burpees.


      Holidays are among us. I encourage everyone to be thinking about a specific family member or friend that might be estranged or isolated. Be a good idea to call or text that person inviting them to the annual family get together or, just checking in on them to see how they were doing.



      Best in Show seems to be recovering well from his surgery. Santa Claus running on the track. No big deal, he’s here every week. Remember Pebbles’s family in your prayers, as their new little one will be here soon.


      No news of convergence on January 1st. We’ll just all be happy the calendar doesn’t say 2020.

      Recent Backblasts

        A Trip to the North Pole and Santa’s Promise

        Petition · Please bring back Santa Claus on Coca-Cola cans and bottles ·

        QIC:  Escobar

        Date: 12/14/2020

        PAX: Bob Jones, Tatonka, AOL, Mothballs, CareBear, Sex Wax, WuzntMe, Toe Jelly, Skitch, M.I.A., Ramrod, Uncle Joe

        AO: Hacksaw


        The night before called for 100% rain until 0800. Woke up at 0430 to pouring rain and wind at 20mph. Conditions seemed to get worse as I drove to the AO to get set up.

        Then at 0525, the rain stopped and the wind died down. That’s right, it didn’t rain a drop. Santa made me this promise and he sure delivered. Just like he did the last time with the Weenie Whistle.

        So, back to the point; Conditions were very pleasant with temps in the mid 40s.


        Moseyed to the bottom of Holy Hill a very small and very slight incline. Bear Crawled to the top like we were trying to reach the top of a mountain (kinda the way I picture the North Pole). Moseyed back to the Commons North Pole.

        The Thang

        Arrived at the North Pole and visited the following areas:

        1. Buuurrrrrpees (it’s cold at the North Pole)
        2. Elves’ Workshop (American Hammers and Smurf Jacks)
        3. Christmas Cookie/Cocoa Station (Flutter Kicks and Plank)
        4. Santa’s Bedroom (Hand Release Merkins and Pickle Pointers)
        5. Reindeer Stable (Carrying Santa’s bag one complete circle around the North Pole)

        Grabbed a partner and headed to one of the 8 stations. Completed an AMRAP with the timer being the time it took one group to carry Santa’s bag 1 circle. Rotated to the next station. Completed 4 total rotations before time was called.


        Live and be thankful for the current season you are in. If you are always looking ahead to the next season, you will never fully appreciate and enjoy your current season, but instead later look back with regret.

        Don’t follow the retail example.


        I mean seriously, it didn’t rain a drop until coffeeteria at Chick-fil-A. So we used their our umbrella station and still had a great time.

        As WuzntMe said, we should have our own Chick-fil-A storied commercial. We practically own that place.


        Legacy Launch 12/24

        Christmas tree svg Christmas tree png Christmas clipart image 0

        Recent Backblasts


          QIC:  Prosciutto

          Date: 12/12/2020

          PAX: Dundee, Gusher, Joanna, John Doe (and Scout!), Jorts, Mansiere, Pound Dog, Recycle, Snow Patrol

          AO: Convoy


          1) AQI was 91 or 19; who knows why? Clouds?
          2) 40-ish degrees
          3) Anticipation of block carrying index was 98; again, why? Because there were blocks present?
          4) Expectation of PAX index was exceeded; more showed than HC’d. That’s great ROI and “value prop”
          5) Disclaimer Index was 0; if a negative value was possible – it would be applied here. YHC needs to spend more time in the legal jargon of things – the fumbling is embarrassing and unnecessary.


          The usual suspects that you’d…. suspect were there.
          High Planking
          More SSHs
          If there was another warm up exercise, it was ~12 reps as it was the twelfth day of Diciembre (that’s the equivalent of December in some latin-oriented languages)

          The Thang

          Intentionally made more difficult than necessary because YHC knew that YHC would be there and he was owed a real snotwoggler.

          Pair up with a partner; let’s be clear two men equal a pair. Each round partner pax 1 does reps of three exercises (to the tune of a # of reps / exercises). Once those three exercises are done, then starts the accumulation of reps between you and your partner for the fourth (called) exercise. Partner pax 2 runs a lap around the 400m track, meanwhile.

          Staple exercises; Merkins, Block Curls, Block Shoulder Press

          R1: 25-25-25- Burpees (100 cumulative)
          R2: 20-20-20- Windshield Wipers (100 cumulative)
          R3: 15-15-15- John McCains (100 cumulative)

          That’s it – intentionally monotonous and easy to remember


          Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

          I asked Gusher to provide some context for a COT theme of pride and humility. He delivered. I couldn’t replicate what he texted me in reply in the COT, so I tossed it over to him. Why the theme of pride/disgrace/humility? Earlier last week, I acted very prideful in a situation and was shown humility through my lack of awareness. Had I just sat back, let the situation unfold and kept myself in check, the whole thing would have come to pass. The lesson learned through that situation (and Gusher’s tactful delivery of the word) was that the only real shame would be to not recognize the wrong in my actions; in that, being too prideful to own the wrong. But, without pride, there is no humility and thus no wisdom. We must learn from our actions, own up to the wrongfulness and get better through humility and wisdom. Thanks Gush.


          The twelve days of Christmas technically starts on Christmas; as such, I motion that the “12 days of Christmas” workouts should also have delay until after Christmas. I have done two so far. It’s like eating the sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving before trying the turkey. If it’s not time, it’s not time. Control yourselves. It’s like decorating your house for Christmas after Halloween; now, that’s scary!

          Pie Rankings are difficult, but Chocolate cake in any pie/cake discussion is the default winner. For this discussion to have any traction, the understanding that Chocolate cake reigns supreme is a necessary baseline.

          The elusive Convoy AOQ happened again; we were all so lost. So many questions and question marks!

          John Doe is a beast; shows up for Convoy and leaves to go to Landfill before COT to make it to two beat downs in one day. #King

          The real winner today was Scout who protected us on our laps from the mystical evil Troll under the bleachers like a boss, and such.


          Toys for Tots wraps up 12/14 @ Lions Den (see what I did there?)

          Smackdown/Convoy Holiday Happy Hour at Pruitt’s patio on 12/18

          Recent Backblasts

            Jailbreak at the Battery

            QIC:  Abercrombie

            Date: 12/12/2020

            PAX: FNG-Tijuana, 9-Volt, Mrs. Baker, Clothespin, Threeskin, Coldplay

            AO: The Battery


            Conditions were perfect! Any more details would just take away from that.


            Slow Merkins x 10

            Hillbilly Walkers x 10 (yes, it’s in the exicon)

            Whatever, enough warm up.  Let’s do this!

            The Thang

            Sally up (one of these days I’m going to make it through the entire song, but wasn’t happening today)

            Box Cutters x 10

            American Hammers x 10

            Flutter kicks x 10

            Heel grabbers x 10

            Jane Fonda’s x 20 each side

            100’s x 20

            Freddie Mercury x 10

            Nolan Ryan’s  x 10

            High plank / low plank (up/down) until no one wanted to play anymore. 

            Mosey to the hill and bear crawl backwards up the hill.  9 Volt was the only one with any business participating in this stupid activity. 

            Mosey to the tennis courts

            1 Merkin, 10 squats, 10 SSH

            2 Merkins, 10 squats, 10 SSH

            3 Merkins, 10 squats, 10 SSH

            Continue this for 10 minutes with no rest.  Some of the PAX were in the 15 – 16 Merkin range at this point, it was tough.


            Teams of two starting on a tennis court baseline.  PAX#1 will place one tennis ball in five different designated spots on the tennis court while PAX #2 is doing one of the below exercises.  Once PAX#1 puts out the five tennis balls, he will tag out with PAX#2 and continue the count to 100.

            We completed the following exercises:

            100 Kettlebell swings

            100 Decline Merkins  skipped this one because the Q is a sissy. 

            100 Squats

            100 Should press

            100 Curls

            We finished the beatdown by swinging at some tennis balls.  Many moons ago I was the tennis coach at Ocoee Middle School.  The kids loved playing a game called jailbreak which involves hitting tennis balls on one end of the court while others are trying to catch them on the other end.  Anyway, it was fun and a chill way to end the beatdown. 


            I just shared a reminder to the PAX to remain cognizant during tough times that you are developing and growing in wisdom as you manage through the difficulties.  It is typically the adversity and challenges in life that create the biggest opportunities for growth and development.  The apostle Paul showed tremendous resilience in his life, which led to him penning near 2/3 of the New Testament. 

            Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you are involved in various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  But you must let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.  James 1:2-4. 

            Threeskin tagged on to the COT mentioning how wisdom is an action.  Many times, we pray for wisdom and expect God to just make us smart or give us good decision making abilities.  It does not work that way.  When we pray for wisdom, God grants it by putting us in situations (we usually don’t like) that forces us to grow and develop.   Man!  I love COT time! 


            9 Volt can bear crawl (backwards) faster than most people run (forward).

            Threeskin is going to wear gloves regardless of the activity, but he still likes to know whether or not they are recommended.


            Last chance to give Toys for Tots! Bring to the Lions Den on Monday 12/14/2020. Or check the 3rd F for more info.

            9 Volt and John Doe are on Q Tuesday and Thursday this week at The Battery. Come see us!

            Recent Backblasts

              The Bridge to F3’s Legacy

              QIC:  threeskin

              Date: 12/10/2020

              PAX: Sousa, Ramrod, SeaGull, Sunscreen, Iron Butt, Go Blue, M.I.A., Sex Wax, Oui Oui, Shawshank

              AO: Legacy


              Cold, its finally winter


              Threeskin Special: bridge edition

              Arm Circles
              Tea Pots
              3rd Grade Exercises
              Willie Mays Hays
              Imperial Walkers

              The Thang
              Key to Core is Legs

              Squats – AMRAP
              Bridge Lunges
              Flutter Kicks – AMRAP starts when 6 is in
              Bridge Lunges
              Squats – AMRAP starts when 6 is in

              Hip Bridges – AMRAP
              Bridge Reverse Lunges
              Plank – AMRAP starts when 6 is in
              Bridge Reverse Lunges
              Hip Bridges – AMRAP starts when 6 is in

              Squats – AMRAP
              Bridge Lunges
              Flutter Kicks – AMRAP starts when 6 is in
              Bridge Lunges
              Squats – AMRAP starts when 6 is in

              Hip Bridges – AMRAP
              Bridge Reverse Lunges
              Plank – AMRAP starts when 6 is in
              Bridge Reverse Lunges
              Hip Bridges – AMRAP starts when 6 is in

              Pickle Pointers til time.


              An F3 AO is where we can experience next level sharpening. The mission is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. The goal is to have greater accountability and responsibility for each other. Personally, I am challenged by complacency and would like a place where I can step up my game because everyone else is too. We should be thinking about playing up a level instead of falling into the trap of playing down. If we push each other we will continue to get better. This is the Legacy we want to leave.

              Let’s talk about how Legacy can help us up our game.
              – plan your beatdowns, run it by another PAX, the AOQ
              – know your beatdown cold, be prepared, own the morning
              – maximize the word
              – it doesn’t end there – feedback (giving and getting)


              Coerced M-C – so the Q made everyone do more pickle pointers


              Toy’s For Tots!

              Recent Backblasts

                (draft) Detention 12/8

                QIC:  NordicTrack

                Date: 12/09/2020

                PAX: Dundee, Gretel, U-turn, Blue, Ponce de Leon, Cleaver

                AO: Detention


                Very cold (27). See below.


                A lap or two around the track. Stop at each corner and do some warm up exercises.


                Forward Fold

                Arm Stretches

                Back Stretches

                The Thang

                We had to modify the workout because the blocks were so cold everyone’s hands were going numb. Lesson learned: We need warmer gloves, and less block time when it is this cold.

                Instead we ran around the area and did whatever came to my mind.

                Rifle Carry Dora’s

                Can be done in groups of 3 or 4. Pax (A and B) on each end will do an exercise that is counted cumulative with the group. Pax C (and D) will Rifle Carry between A and B. They will hand off count and resume the exercise they were doing.
                Rifle Doras
                Group A

                Curls – 300

                Overhead Press – 300

                Arm Extension – 300

                Bent over row – 300


                Group B

                Squats (with coupon) – 300

                Hammers – 300

                Toe Merkins (with coupon) – 300

                BBS – 300


                Herman Cain is well known as a presidential candidate, and as the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. One of the more interesting stories of his career was in how he transitioned from VP of Operations into the role of CEO. He had a corner office on the top floor of an office building in downtown as VP of Operations. Many people would dream of reaching this position. His problem was he had no direct operations experience that would allow him to step up to the next level. He decided to resign as VP of Operations and begin as an Assistant Manager at a chain restaurant. He eventually made it to CEO, as we all know. Imagine the courage it took for him to take that step? His drive to achieve his goals and dreams allowed him to see past the fears we would all face in a situation like this. What fear is standing between you and your goals and dreams? Is it worth facing your fears in order to achieve your goals, or are they not important enough for you?

                Recent Backblasts

                  The Twelve Day of F3 Christmas with Blocks

                  QIC:  Blackout

                  Date: 12/10/2020

                  PAX: Mrs. Baker, Clothespin, Abercrombie, Deep Dish, WuzntMe, 9-Volt

                  AO: The Battery


                  Much warmer than the rest of the week, which isn’t saying much because it was still 36 degrees. Winter is here to stay my friends.


                  Mosey lap around dog park and up the hill to pool area

                  • Forward Fold – silent count (around 15 seconds)
                  • Willie Mayes Hayes x10
                  • Arm Circles x10
                  • Reverse Arm Circles x10
                  • Seal Claps x20
                  • Moroccan Nightclubs x15
                  • Forward Fold – silent count (so relaxing the first time that we did it again)
                  • SSH x20

                  PAX moseyed to block stack to get a coupon for The Thang

                  The Thang

                  The beatdown consisted of 12 different exercises done to the idea of the 12 Days of Christmas song. We began with 1 and then worked our way to 2,1 and then 3,2,1 etc. all the way to 12. We ran out of time at the end so we only got to do the 12 exercise and didn’t get to do 11-1 on the last round. After (or before because Q lost count) each thrid day (3,6,9), we had some fun and moseyed down the hill for some exercises at the bottom before moseying our way back up. All exercises were done with blocks except lunges.

                  • DAY ONE: Manmaker, or Blockee, whichever you prefer to call it (OYO)
                  • DAY TWO: Big Boy Sit-ups (in cadence)
                  • DAY THREE: Tricep Extensions (in cadence)
                  • DAY FOUR: Lunges (in cadence)
                  • DAY FIVE: Thrusters (in cadence)
                  • DAY SIX: Incline Merkins (in cadence)
                  • DAY SEVEN: Curls for the girls (in cadence)
                  • DAY EIGHT: Dips on block (OYO)
                  • DAY NINE: Flutter Kicks (in cadence)
                  • DAY TEN: Shoulder Presses (OYO)
                  • DAY ELEVEN: Goblet Squats (OYO)
                  • DAY TWELVE: Burpees (OYO)

                  After Day 3, we moseyed down the hill and did 3 burpees before moseying back up. After Day 5, we moseyed down the hill to the track around dog park. Did 1 burpee at each light pole for 6 burpees and then turned around and moseyed back up the hill. After Day 9, we moseyed down the hill and did 9 squats before moseying back up.


                  Spoke a bit about the COVID-19 pandemic and the things I am thankful for in the midst of the hardships and devastation that the pandemic has had to offer. On the list of those things include being able to spend more time with my family and kids especially. Also, I would have likely never found F3, much like the Tatonka story on Wednesday, if it wasn’t for the pandemic. John Doe EH’ed me for several months and I kept telling him no. I had a routine where I would go to the gym in the mornings. With COVID, the gym closed, so John Doe finally talked me into towards the end of May 2020. I am so thankful for all the men in F3 and the experience it has provided me. It is truly a life changing organization and it is a privilege’s and honor to be a part of it with all of you wonderful men.


                  Q accidentally called Clothespin Coldplay. Led to jokes about the picture of the arms with Coldplay’s face posted on Slack in which many PAX experienced uncontrollable laughter.

                  Q was reminded a couple of times that just because AO has a hill, that doesn’t mean it has to be used.

                  Workout was supposed to have moseys after the third, sixth and ninth days. Lost count after five. I’m sure it has nothing to do with Deep Dish’s lack of ability to count past five. On that note, we added some “5” counts instead of “10” counts just for Deep Dish.


                  Toys for Tots drive ends tomorrow 12/11/2020. Make sure to get these in ASAP!

                  2nd F event at Mash and Hops 4:00 Friday; lunch with El Chapo at noon on Friday as well

                  Clothespin Q at Hacksaw Friday fill in for Mayhem

                  3rd F opportunities Tuesdays for rest of year. Moving to once a month in 2021 on Thursdays. Reach out to John Doe if interested.

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Party of 5

                    QIC:  Sidekick

                    Date: 12/09/2020

                    PAX:  Prosciutto;  Swingset; Lanyard; Sportsbra; BM&E

                    AO: Ridgecut


                    29 and chillllly



                    The Thang

                    One of my favorite beat downs; This time Titled Party of 5

                    Series of 5 Exercises – Burpee – Mercan – Squat – Plank Jack – Big Boy Sit Ups

                    Start of with reps of 1 Burpee – 2 Mercans – 3 Squats – 4 Plank Jacks – 5 Big Boys

                    Run to the white car and back. This was about 60 yards each way I would guess.

                    Next Round was 2-3-4-5-6, then run. This was repeated up to round 10 with 10-11-12-13-14.

                    After Round 5 we executed a flawlessly socially distanced indian run around the parking lot for a break. We were so excellent at this, we did it again after round 10, but modified as the breath clouds being visible didnt make me feel good about our distancing.

                    We then needed to end on a bonus round so we jumped to 15-16-17-18-19.



                    Talked a bit about adversity and how to deal with it. How we deal with hard times can define how we lead and a lot about how we are viewed by those around us. Seek a solution, not a place to lay blame.


                    Indian runs during covid are probably not a great idea. I have reaffirmed my dislike for the cold.


                    Legacy kicking off 12/24

                    Convergence on New years day at Anvil 7 AM

                    No workouts Christmas Day

                    Recent Backblasts