D-Day 75th Anniversary

QIC: Mr. Clean

Date: 06/06/2019

PAX: Ducktales, Hasbro, Hector, Hold Up, FNG-Prius, Red Tees, She Shed, The Count (Respect x2), U-Turn

AO: The Huey


Humid. Insta-Sweat. She Shed, “it’s like running through water”.


SSH x25 IC

Forward Fold x10 IC

SSH x25 IC

Forward Fold x10 IC

SSH x25 IC

Willie Mays Hays x15 IC

The Thang

75th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion and 1st Anniversary of The Huey, at Veterans Park no less, so we honored the date this morning.

Route 75
First 10 light poles: Pax completed merkins, jump squats, and 4-Count flutter Kicks and increased the reps by one at each pole. Wrapped it up with 20 reps each at the 11th light pole — 75 total reps of each.

Next Man Up SSH
Pax circled up. Each man led reps until we reached 75 total reps IC.

Block Bears
Pax completed Block Bears for 75 yards.


75 second Plank


It’s D-Day. Celebrate the men that gave for our freedom every day you live in this free country. More was said and with emotion, but you had to be there.


Red Tees likes to plan ahead. He also drives from Decatur…freakin Decatur. Anymore excuses for not showing up.

Some Pax are tired of Jump Squats.


Fallen Five! July 13!


Recent Backblasts

    Saddle Up Your Haunches

    QIC: Fissure

    Date: 06/03/2019

    PAX: U-Turn, Geek Squad, Ducktales, Truck Yeah, Radiohead, Milkman, Mr. Clean

    AO: The Huey


    Real Nice


    Mosey to basketball courts with some high knees, low knees, wide high knees, bernie sprinkled in

    The Thang

    Circle up for a little HIIT (that’s high intensity interval training, ya’ll)

    – Half burpee (no merkin)
    – Squat to punch (alternate punch each side)
    – Mtn Climber x 2 + merkin x 1
    – Reverse lunge
    – SSH
    – Plank Jank knee tuck
    – Freddie Mercury
    Each exercise for 40 seconds followed by 20 seconds rest
    4 rounds with 1 minute rest in between rounds

    Walk/rest to big parking lot and line up facing the opposite island
    lunge two parking spaces and perform 5 jump squats, rinse repeat every two spaces until reaching the island

    Mosey back to the flag


    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

    Proverbs 3:5-6

    Our incoming pastor gave us that verse to memorize and challenged us to apply it.  


    Much debate about proper reverse lunge form and what “keep your knee above your foot” means.  In the end, I think Mr. Clean and Ducktales were saying the same thing.  Keep your shin vertical guys.  Needed The Count there.

    More form talk related to squats.  You really wanna get on your HAUNCHES, as Lucinda Spinelli would say, to get the most out of the exercise.

    It’s either helpful or unhelpful to know how much time is left before rest.

    If we measure our ownership of F3 in sweat, then is Mr. Clean the President & CEO?

    We opted not to put our arms around each other for the BOM.  Too much back sweat.


    July 4th convergence, location TBD

    July 13th Fallen Five Ruck event, The Dame 0700

    Recent Backblasts

      30 for 30 Special

      QIC: Geek Squad
      Date: 05/30/2019
      PAX: Mr.Clean, Milkman, Hector, U-Turn, Ducktales, Snowflake
      AO: The Huey


      68 degrees


      COP  (IC)

      SSH x 30
      Good Mornings/3rd Grade Exercises x 30
      LB arm circles forward then backward x15
      Moroccan Night Club x 30
      Overhead Presses x 30
      Cherry Pickers x 15
      Windmill x 30
      Willie Mayes Hayes X 15 each leg
      A. Kickers x 30
      SSH x 30
      Indian Run from Startex around track, over the bridge and to the back parking lot.

      The Thang

      The Pax each lined up at one of 6 stations in back parking lot for a total of 3 rounds. First station is Burpees (R1=15, R2=10, R3=5). Everyone else as many reps (with concrete block) as possible at other stations. Switch stations once burpees are completed and HIM at that station yells, “Rotate”.

      Parking Lot Beatdown (3 Circuits)

      Station 1 – Burpees (R1=15, R2=10, R3=5).
      Station 2 – Full Extension Curls
      Station 3 – Overhead Press
      Station 4 – Half Extension Curls
      Station 5 – Kettle Bell Swings
      Station 6 – Tricep Extensions

      Bleacher Hops (OYO)

      Frog Jump up concrete bleachers (4 jumps), walk back down rinse and repeat 6 x, next return coupons at back parking lot, finally, mosey back to startex.

      MOM (IC)

      SSH x 30
      Windmill x 15
      Heel touches x 30
      Freddy Mercury x 15
      American Hammer x 30
      Flutter Kicks x 15
      Examiners x 15
      LBCs x 15
      SSH x 30


      Prayer defined by defiance, discipline and endurance. Daniel 6:10. Daniel thrown into Lions Den for setting an example of consistent prayer life. It is counter cultural and when we pray to honor and please our audience of one, HE will remain faithful to take care of our greatest needs!
      These same principles can also develop mental toughness to push through a workout!  1) Defiance toward what your mind says impossible 2) discipline yourself to wake up and push yourself regularly 3) Endurance – It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

      Animal House of Pain

      QIC: She Shed

      Date: 05/23/2019

      PAX: Mr. Clean, U-turn, Hasbro, Geek Squad

      AO: Huey


      71 degrees and humid


      T-bombs, Side straddle hops, high knees, butt kickers, overhead claps, cherry pickers, Moroccan night clubs, Egyptian twists (yep…made that one up)

      The Thang

      Animal House of Pain
      Soundtrack of choice this week was Animal House

      Mozey around track switching to some Bernies, and slides.

      At back parking lot, commence the Burp and Merk stations. PAX split into 4 stations and rotate based on how fast the PAX at the Burp and Merk station finishes 7 counts. The other stations will complete one round of each of the following: Wall sits, planks, dips, Curls, shoulder press, tricep extensions, calf raises, squats and lunges. Once ruckus was achieved we mozied over to the ole love shack or as we called it today, the animal house.

      The Animal House routine went a little like this:

      Partner up. While one partner Bear Crawls to one end of the pavilion and mozies back you begin the count of incline merkins to 100.  Then while one partner Frog Jumps to one end of the pavilion and mozies back you begin the count of cinder block cleans to 100.  


      LBC, Pickle points, pickle pounders, birthing sit ups (thanks U-Turn), etc.


      To be a great leader you must cultivate great leaders from those who you lead. 


      Murph on Monday, May 27th at the Chick Dam! Be there.

      Recent Backblasts

        The Huey – Mr.Clean

        QIC: Mr. Clean
        Date: 05/20/2019
        PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Hector, Milkman, Radiohead, The Count, U-Turn
        AO: The Huey


        Very humid. 60’s


        SSH x20 IC
        BAC x10 IC
        Reverse BAC x10 IC
        Moroccan Night Club x15 IC
        Cherry Pickers x15 IC
        Shoulder Press x15 IC
        SSH x15 IC
        The Thang
        Insert slightly over ambitious activity.
        “Get a Lap, Cletus”
        While 8 Pax held a coupon overhead, completed Bent Over Rows, completed Curls, or held plank, the 9th Pax would “Get an AYG sprint”.  This encouraged accountability among the Pax to push themselves for the others benefit.  Completed this until all Pax ran a lap.
        2 Steps Forward…1 Step Back
        If you’re Prosciutto or Rainman and want to break data down for YHC’s past Q’s, you’ll see I have used this one in the past.  Sprint 2 light poles and complete 10 LBCs IC, sprint 1 light pole back and complete 10 Merkins OYO.
        Realizing we still had a little bit of time, YHC decided to throw a round of “Sevens” in there.  6 Bent Over Rows and 1 Squat. Increments and Decrements.


        I reference a Backblast from Fissure about how tricky Faith can be.  I read it as something slightly different than his intention.  However, it was great to use to discuss faith in this morning’s Gloom.  YHC is a Christian, I make no bones about this, I wear it proudly, BUT I do not judge others who are not ESPECIALLY those in F3.  After 45 minutes of a beatdown, standing in circle, looking at the faces of fellow Pax, one realizes these guys don’t have trouble with faith.  While it might be different, it is DEFINITELY there because each of them believe in something greater than themselves.  We bow our heads or listen to the words; because, we went through adversity together and that SHOULD forge a respect and love for those other Pax in that circle.
        YHC also quoted scriture from Isaiah 40:28-31.  Read a Rick Warren quote.


        The Count’s Headlamp was there
        The Count had a rave during the Count-a-Rama
        Geek Squad, of course, played Paula for us.


        Memorial Day Murph Challenge at The Dame
        July 13th — Fallen Five Convergence and Ruck event.

        Outpace the Rate of Decent in life

        QIC: Truck Yeah

        Date: 05/16/2019

        PAX: Milkman, U-Turn, Hasbro, Hector, Radiohead, Ducktales, GeekSquad

        AO: The Huey


        Warm Up:  (All in Cadence):

                     Side Straddle Hop

                     Imperial Walkers

                     Willy Mayes Hayes

                     Finkle Swings (10 each leg)

                     3rd Grade Exercises

                     Forward Arm Circles

                    Reverse Arm Circles

                    Moroccan Night Clubs

                    Overhead Press

                    Overhead Claps



                     Stretch and Reach


        The Thang



                                  Wall sits:   Bus drivers, Ali’s & Joe Frazier’s

                                   Step Ups

        Tennis Courts/Basketball Courts

        side shuffle to stations 1 & 3, sprint to station 2, Bernie to station 4.  Rinse and Repeat Escalator Style (20, 15, 10 & 5).

                                    Lunges (Station 1)

                                    LBC’s (Station 2)

                                   American Hammers (Station 3)

                                   Mountain Climbers

        DORA (Parking Lot)

                                  200 Merkins

                                 300 Squats

                                 Partner runs to other end of lot and back

        MARYs  (Love Shack)




        We are climbing a ladder that is always descending in life. It is easy to lose focus on what is ahead. Colossians 3:1-2 “Since you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on earthly things.” 

        Recent Backblasts


          QIC: ducktales

          Date: 05/02/2019

          PAX: hasbro, She shed, u turn, truck yeah, geeksquad

          AO: the Huey


          We are in perfect condition, in preparation for weezer at river end we rocked out to their whole album of covers.


          SSH ic 18

          Windmill ic 18

          Little baby arm circles ic 18

          Reverse ic 18

          Shoulder preempt ic 18

          Squat turn punches ic 18

          Mosey to start thing

          The Thang

          At she sheds VQ he blew my mind with the way he used the Huey space. The bleachers ! We have been to the park 100s of post and driven by even more and had not thought about them.

          Step up box jumps
          stepped up a row with each leg, then box jumped the last row up. 10 oyo

          Mosey to wall

          Wall set joe Fraser 18 IC

          10 Mericans IC

          Wall sit Muhammad Ali 18 IC

          10 mericans IC

          Mosey to shack

          10 Decline mericans IC

          On sit bus driver 18 IC

          10 incline mericans IC

          Mosey to tennis courts

          Karaoke, Bernie Sanders, karaoke, mosey 3 times around court

          Mosey to back street

          We back street boys did diamond pushups at the 4 way

          Mosied up side street and a dog started barking fiercely, thankfully for the 6 cujo was one a cable.

          Met up at the laundry mat, did squats

          Mosey back to big flag and SSH 18 IC

          10 burpees


          Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2


          1st birthday Q and it was a smokefest.

          Recent Backblasts

            Give Me A 10 Count – 05/13 (Huey)

            QIC: Lugnut

            Date: 05/13/2019

            PAX: Hasbro, Hector, Mr Clean, U-Turn, Geek squad, Ducktales, Red tees, Milk Man

            AO: The Huey


            64 Degrees and Wonderful


            Cherry pickers – 20 IC

            Bolt 45’s – IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

            Forward Fold 15 IC

            10 Merkins OYO

            WMH 15 IC

            10 Burpees OYO

            The Thang

            Run to first light pole and perform 1 rep of prescribed exercise, second pole then perform 2 and so on. If next light is not lit, perform double the previous number.


            Pickle Pounders 4 count



            Monkey Humpers 4 count

            Each lap around we will complete 5 burpees OYO.

            This proved to be a lot tougher than YHC had expected. Feel the burn.


            Each PAX called out an exercise.

            Fissure Kicks

            Pickle Pounders

            On your back. On your Belly

            10 count Hector

            As the PAX were calling out exercises for our MOM. Hector decided that the next exercise would be a 10 count. The mumble chatter ensued. 


            We discussed the devotional I had read the previous night from Tim Tebow.

            Psalm 118:24: “This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” 

            This is the day that God has made. This day. Right now. Whatever moment you are breathing in, God made this day. Even when times are tough, something about this day is good. 

            This is the day to live without fear of the unknown, without being chained by failure or what-ifs. This is the day to be willing to change, to be open, to believe, to hope. If we don’t attack each day with this intentionality, it’s almost like telling God, “Thanks, but no thanks.” 

            Prayers were asked for Clean and his family as well as Angus and all the unspoken. 


            Ducktales was late, still gave 110% as always. Hector and the 10 count is one of my favorite exercises so far in F3. Hasbro found a mushy land mine toward the end. 


            Fallen Five Ruck, see Clean or Duck for details. Don’t forget to EH. We need everyone in Chattanooga to be a HIM.

            Lug Out

            Recent Backblasts

              Hero Workout of the Day (Zachary Tellier)

              QIC: Fissure

              Date: 05/06/2019

              PAX: Prosciutto, FNG-Holdup, Whittler, Mr. Clean, Ducktales, Hasbro, Milkman, Radiohead, Lugnut, U-Turn

              AO: The Huey


              Real, real nice.  Great view of the stars as we stretched our (my) aching backs


              Forward Fold
              Calf stretches
              Knee to chest stretch
              Lay on ground back stretch

              Ssh x 35
              All in cadence

              The Thang

              Prosciutto summarized how we (Mr. Clean, Picasso, Vila, Prosciutto and YHC) felt Saturday upon finishing the goruck tough with “I literally can’t even.”  Well, it was tempting to take it easy today but ya’ll deserve better than that.

              Zachary Tellier hero WOD (with slight revisions)

              10 Burpees (mosey lap)

              10 Burpees
              25 Push-Ups (mosey lap)

              10 Burpees
              25 Push-Ups
              50 Lunges (25 each leg)

              10 Burpees
              25 Push-Ups
              50 Lunges (25 each leg)
              100 partner Sit-Ups (50 each) (mosey lap)

              10 Burpees
              25 Push-Ups
              50 Lunges (25 each leg)
              100 partner Sit-Ups (50 each)
              150 Air Squats

              10 penalty burpees for no flag



              Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte was a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007 of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan.

              The previous April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a mounted patrol when one of its vehicles drove over and detonated a bomb, which set the vehicle on fire, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne.

              Tellier pulled two paratroopers out of the vehicle to safety, suffering severe burns to his hands. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with valor for his actions.

              After he was burned, Tellier jumped up in the turret to return fire, said Sgt. Michael Layton, a member of Tellier’s unit. A lieutenant made Tellier get out of the vehicle because of his injuries, Layton said.

              “Zachary Tellier has to be the biggest hero I’ve ever known or heard of, not just because of what he did, but because of his personality,” Layton said. “He came in the Army because he wanted to be around soldiers and serve his country, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice.”

              Tellier is survived by his wife, Sara Tellier of Atlanta, Ga.; his father, David W. Tellier of Groton, Mass.; and his mother, Pamela Rodriguez, of Falmouth, Mass.

              The workout was first posted by CrossFit DC (Washington D.C., USA) on May 27, 2009. The original post said Zach “basically lived on [Coach] Chris Rutynas’ couch for months at a time. If you noticed Chris pushing even harder than usual [during this WOD], its because he knew what this was about.”


              A few of us did the goruck tough this past Friday night.  It was tough.  You should do one.

              Ducktales took his shirt off at the mall the other day because his youngest urinated on him.

              Ducktales took his shirt off today because he is Ducktales.

              Don’t ask Lugnut about Father Nelson.

              PSA: Burpee penalties for no flag are meant to be performed at the end of that workout by those present (the offender doesn’t owe them to the guys later).  Lately it seems like the penalty has lost its way.


              Memorial Day murph at The Dame 5/27

              Fallen Five ruck 7/13 stay tuned for details

              Recent Backblasts