Color Ernest Shackleton Impressed

QIC:  Gusher

Date: 01/21/2020

PAX: Laces Out (Respect), Whittler, Friar Tuck, Pomade, Burrito, Blindside, Prosciutto

AO: Smackdown


Not even Shackleton would launch his ship in this stuff, but we’re the PAX of the mountain and we will embark. Weather app says chill index is very cold…understatement. Weather app says conditions are no good for running…underestimated the men of Smackdown. Weather app also says Dry Skin Index is of very high concern. Don’t know what that means. But its pretty cool in a creepy way the weather app has a skin index. Glad it wasn’t around during middle school.


Easy lap around the track to get the blood moving

SSH (20 IC); WMH (15 IC); IW (20 IC); 3rd Grade Ex (15 IC); LBAC Forward (10 IC)/Reverse (10 IC) Took a nice jaunt across the field to where the coupons mysteriously formed into a Stonehenge of sorts. So we moved them. We get things done.

The Thang
One Mile with exercises (AMRAP- style)

Pax counted off by threes to alternate exercises until everyone completes lap. We do this four times for a mile. Goal is to keep moving and get as many reps as possible before traveling PAX return.

Lap 1: Run lap, merkins (amrap), SSH (amrap)

Lap 2: Run lap, LBCs (amrap), Squats (amrap)

Lap 3: Run lap, Block Curls (amrap), Mountain Climbers (amrap)

Lap 4: Block Squats (amrap), Dips on the Bleacher (amrap)

Brief Stop at the Bowflex: Incline Merkins (10 IC), Box Jump to Top, Toe Merkins (30 OYO)

Mary: Flutter Kick (20 IC); Freddie Mercury (20 IC); Heal Touches (20 IC); Shoulder Taps (10 IC)


Continued reflection on the Landfill Tran-Situation (basically any opportunity to remind everyone to go back and read the backblast because it is gold-plated gold). Driving home from the Landfill, YHC remembered a brief prayer made by a minister who was robbed and it highlighted two qualities: grace and gratitude. All kindnesses and blessings, and even hardships that teach us things like endurance and perseverance, are graces. Whether that be trying tests of faith or peaceful moments of blessings. Our response in all things should be gratitude. The 18th century prayer is as follows: “Let me be thankful, first, because he never robbed me before; second, because although he took my purse [old English use of wallet or European man-satchel], he did not take my life; third, because although he took all I possessed, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.” That final petition is poignant. The only difference between a thief and one who does not thieve is grace. Not because I am better. Grace and gratitude.

BALL OF MAN: It was cold. I don’t think anyone would have complained if we held on to this position a little longer than what would be socially acceptable.


It was bone-chilling; one possible suggestion was to Ball of Man the entire workout, maybe an eight-legged race, or something. It was good to have Burrito back after his Kevin Duranting around Nashville. He is home where he belongs and where he is embraced both literally and figuratively. Laces Out is a half marathon machine bringing Racoon Mt. to its knees. California will be getting some wild fire this week, but not the dangerous forest kind. Maybe some west coast handsy type stuff. Biggie Smalls ain’t dead.


No news is good news.

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