Honor the Vets!!!!!

QIC:  Sousa

Date: 11/11/2020 Veterans Day!!

PAX: Clothespin, Ramrod, Menudo, Escobar, FNG “M.I.A.”, Picabo, Oui Oui.

AO: Hacksaw


A terribly humid morning that turned into a monsoon early on in the beatdown. It did eventually settle down, but as the saying goes, you only get wet once.


Initial Quote: “The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude”

Currently about 17 million veterans in the U.S.

There are about 2.4 million men and women serving actively or in reserve in the Military.

Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. (and Space Force as I was reminded!)

“We don’t know them all, but we owe them all”

Side Straddle hop in cadence- 17 count

Forward fold a little quicker because…17 count

Willie Mays Hayes- 17 count

Side Straddle Hop in cadence- 17 count

Shoulder Blasters- Lil baby arm circles- 17 count

Reverse Little Baby arm circles- 17 count

Moroccan Night Clubs- 17 count

Cherry Pickers- 17 count

Seal Claps- 17 count


17 burpees to honor the Veterans who have served our country courageously.

RECOVER!!!! Get 2 ten counts

The Thang

“On the 11 hours of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year in 1918 an official armistice day, or cessation of hostilities was declared between the allied nations and Germany during WWI. In 1938 it became a federal Holiday in the U.S. After WWII and Korean War, it was officially declared “Veterans Day”.

All Together in a group:

5 Rounds for Each branch of the military:

“Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage, and the soul” -Michel de Montaigne

Round 1: 11 Merkins, 11 Big Boys, 11 Squats, 11 Mountain Climbers hard count, and 11 Burpees

Hold Plank till 6 is in

“The Willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude”

Round 2: 11 Lunges both legs, 11 Shoulder Taps hard counts, 11 Carolina Dry Dogs, 11 Crucible Merkins, 11 Jungle Boy Jumps

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live them” -JFK

Round 3: 11 American Hammers hard count, 11 Diamond Merkins, 11 LBC’s hard count, 11 Bobby Hurley’s, 11 Bonnie Blairs.

“We remember those who were called upon to give all a person can give, and we remember those who were prepared to make that sacrifice if it were demanded of them in the line of duty, though it never was. Most of all, we remember the devotion and gallantry with which all of them ennobled their nation as they became champions of a noble cause”-Ronald Reagan

Round 4: 11 Freddie Mercuries hard count, 11 Plank Jacks hard count, 11 Clerkins, 11 Crab Cakes (demo) easy count, 11 Crab Jacks.

“Our veterans accepted the responsibility to defend America and uphold our values when duty called.” -Bill Shuster

Round 5: 11 Werkins, 11 Crab Humpers, 11 Hello Dolly’s, 11 Daniel Son’s (Demo) “If do right, none can defend”- Mr. Miyagi., 11 Gas Pumps hard count.


Galatians 5:1 “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit to a yoke of slavery.” Just as we are free as Americans because of those who served, we are also even more free in Christ, as Christians, since he shed his blood on the cross for all our sins. Not a day should go by that we do not thank him, praise him, and honor him, just has he gave his life as a sacrifice for us to live free. Context of verse: Paul is talking to the Church in Galatia about walking by the spirit.


We slopped around like pigs in a sty in the sidewalk puddles and I thought a time or two we may lose a man or two to the 3 foot trenches of rain water.


Beer Run- 11-14-20 at Abercrombie’s Place

Praying for El Chapo’s brother who is battling cancer and his own personal surgery.

3rd-f is going strong, and can still use volunteers through the end of the year!

If it ain’t raining, we ain’t training

QIC:  Coldplay

Date: 11/11/2020

PAX: Threeskin, John Doe, Crawdaddy, Woodrider, WuzntMe

AO: Parliament


At first, warm and wet. Later, warmer and wetter


Quick half lap around the track followed by:

17 SSH

17 John Doe Planks (ask JD for a demonstration)

17 Forward fold

17 Third grade exercise

17 WMH

17 WuzntMe SSH (ask Wuz for a demonstration)

The Thang

The PAX then completed their lap around the track, dropping some cones along the way (about 100m apart). The PAX then got into formation to run around the track with the QIC performing cadence and singing a few jodies. The PAX did…. “adequate”. We probably completed 3 more laps.

The PAX then completed a set of exercises at each cone, moseying in-between.

Cone 1 – 1 merkin + 16 V-Ups

Cone 2 – 2 merkins + 15 V-Ups


Finished with some Mary.


QIC built the beatdown around the number 17. Recent studies have shown that 17 veterans commit suicide every day. While this number is trending downward, it still represents about 1.5 times that of civilian suicides. This is a staggering statistic that has recently hit home for the QIC.

Prayers (spoken and unspoken) for many F3 brothers.

Happy Veterans day to our F3 brothers.


John Doe has silky smooth hair which is obviously well maintained. WuzntMe has finally attended a Coldplay beatdown. Threeskin doesn’t like litter and will clean up after you. Burpees will cleanse your soul.


BEER RUN! THIS WEEKEND!!! The Battery throwdown on Saturday. 3rd F opportunities abound.

Recent Backblasts

    Veteran’s Day Tribute — Lion’s Den

    QIC:  Mr. Clean

    Date: 11/11/2020

    PAX: The Count (Respect, Respect — Veteran), Hambone (Respect — Veteran), Recycle (Veteran), Nordic Track (Veteran), Gretel (Veteran), MoneyBall, Rodeo, Burrito, Iron Butt (Respect, Respect), U-Turn, Xena, DuranDuran, She Shed, Snatch, Friar Tuck

    AO: Lions Den


    69 Degrees. Rainy. Just another day at the office for our Vets.


    16 — SSH IC (May 16th — Armed Forces)

    14 — Willie Mays Hays IC — (June 14th — Army B-Day)

    4 — Burpees OYO — (August 4th — Coast Guard B-Day)

    18 — SSH IC — (September 18th — Air Force B-Day)

    13 — Arm Circles/Front-Back — (October 13th — Navy B-Day)

    10 — Burpees — (November 10th — Marine Corps — B-Day)13 — SSH IC — (December 13th — National Guard B-Day)

    The Thang

    Rep counts and distances are based upon important numbers either in the chosen military branch or the Veteran represented

    Veteran’s Day Tribute

    ARMY REPS — 36 yds 3rd Cone — Bernie Down and Back

    1. Rob Martin 50 Hambone (Respect) served in the United States Army Reserves from 1987-1995 with 2.5 years of active duty
      1. Complete 50 Squat Jumps
    2. J.B. Gaskins 62 The Count (Respect, Respect) served in the United States Army Reserves from 1987 – 2017
      1. Complete 62 Bent Over Rows

    MARINE REPS — Bear Crawl 19 yds — Down and Back 2nd Cone

    1. Lang Johnson 41 Nordic Track served in the United States Marines from 1998-2005
      1. Complete 41 Curls
    2. Drew Mansell 37 Gretel served in the United States Marines from 2001-2005
      1. Complete 37 Burpees
    3. Gray Ramsey 44 Recycle served in the United States Marines from 1995-2007
      1. Complete 44 Overhead Presses

    AIR FORCE REPS 1st Cone 18yds — Carioca First Cone

    1. Chris Martin 39 Coldplay served in the United States Air Force from 2003-2008
      1. Complete 39 Coupon swings
    2. Rusty Reece 55 Best In Show served in the United States Air Force from 1988-1992  
      1. Complete 55 SSH IC

        Leave blocks where they are. Mosey to the bottom of the bleachers.

        11 Ascend/Descend Reps for 11/11 — Dips at Bottom and Leg Raises at Top

    Finish with 10 WWII Sit-Ups


    I grew up a-dreamin’ of bein’ a cowboy

    And lovin’ the cowboy ways…my heroes have always been cowboys.

    Willie Nelson said these words in one of his more popular songs. For me, however, my heroes have always been Veterans.
    Cowboys are cool, but cowboys are fighting for themselves.

    Veterans on the other hand get up every morning fighting for someone else. 
    Fighting for someone they may not know. 
    Fighting for someone they might completely disagree with. 
    Fighting for someone to have the right to disagree with them. 
    Fighting for you and for me.

    I’ve also heard the phrase “you shouldn’t meet your heroes”. 
    Whoever decided that made sense must have met someone that truly let them down.  

    That’s the thing about Veteran’s, its almost impossible for them to let you down; because, at some point in their life they made a commitment of willingness to give their greatest gift — life– EVERY person here today.

    Please, Please thank a veteran today if you have the opportunity.

    16 — SSH IC (May 16th — Armed Forces)

    14 — Willie Mays Hays IC — (June 14th — Army B-Day)

    4 — Burpees OYO — (August 4th — Coast Guard B-Day)

    18 — SSH IC — (September 18th — Air Force B-Day)

    13 — Arm Circles/Front-Back — (October 13th — Navy B-Day)

    10 — Burpees — (November 10th — Marine Corps — B-Day)

    13 — SSH IC — (December 13th — National Guard B-Day)

    Each rep count after the announced veteran was for their age.

    BearCrawl length was based on the 38th Parallel in which the cease fire occurred for the Korean War. The Marine Corps was the main force used in this “Forgotten War”

    Sprinting after our “Army Representatives” was based upon the number of soldiers serving in a Platoon at 36.

    Caraco after our “Air Force Representatives” was based upon the date of their birthday which was the 18th of September.

    Rep Count + Yardage Distance = 866 which is 245 (Age of Marine Corps) less than 1111.


    “God, I can’t imagine what we will do for The Count…he’s like 80” — Recycle

    Burrito is still trying to tell jokes even without an audience.

    “That’s technically not the second set of cones.” — Burrito

    “AAaaand that’s why everyone hates lawyers” — Snatch


    B DOUBLE— E…..DOUBLE –R…UN — Saturday, November 14, 2020.

    Prayers for Hasbro

    Prayers for MoneyBall and his mother.

    Praise to all the Veterans out there!

    Recent Backblasts

      245th Marine Corps Birthday Celebration

      QIC:  NordicTrack/Gretel/Recycle

      Date: 11/10/2020

      PAX: Hambone (RESPECT), Afterbirth, Threeskin, Prosciutto, Whittler, Natty Light, Joanna, Napoleon, Blue, Dundee, Tonka, Red Raider, Holy Kiss, Pomade, Pound Dog, Truck Stop, No Show, Snow Patrol, Friday

      AO: Smackdown


      61 degrees at the disclaimer. A beautiful Marine Corps morning.


      Warm up Mosey around the track


      Forward Folds


      Little Baby Arm Circles

      Freddie Mercury’s

      Willie Mays Hays

      The Thang


      Read about the formation of the Marine Corps on November 10, 1775.

      Timed Marine Corps crunches (PFT style)

      Pax divided into Fire Teams. Each team has 2 minutes to complete an average of 100 Marine Corps crunches per team. Not meeting this target resulted in performing 10 Burpees.

      Read about the history of the Nickname “Leatherneck.”


      We got our nickname Devil Dogs from official German reports which called the Marines at the WWI Battle of Belleau Wood “Teufel Hunden”. It has been said that this nickname came about from Marines being ordered to take a hill occupied by German forces while wearing gas masks as a precaution against German mustard gas. While the Marines fought their way up the hill, the heat caused them to sweat profusely, foam at the mouth and turned their eyes bloodshot, and at some points the hill was so steep it caused the Marines to climb up it on all fours. From the Germans’ vantage point, they witnessed a pack of tenacious, growling figures wearing gas masks, with bloodshot eyes and mouth foam seeping from the sides, advancing up the hill, sometimes on all fours, killing everything in their way. As the legend goes, the German soldiers, upon seeing this spectacle, began to yell that they were being attacked by “dogs from hell.” Additionally, the Marines earned such a reputation at the battle of Belleau Wood that the French officially renamed the landscape “Bois de la Brigade de Marine”–“The Wood of the Marine Brigade”

      PAX complete a lap around the track as follows: 10 squat jumps at corner, “Devil Dog crawls” (bear crawls) around turn, 10 monkey humpers, mosey the straight, repeat at other end


      PAX pair up. Mosey to the visitors side of the field.

      One partner completes reps, one moseys to the home side and completes 10 curls for the girls. Keep going until the pair completes 245 Marine Corps pushups.



      On November 1st, 1921, John A Lejeune, 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, directed that a reminder of the honorable service of the Corps be published by every command, to all Marines throughout the globe, on the birthday of the Corps. Since that day, Marines have continued to distinguish themselves on many battlefields and foreign shores, in war and in peace. On this birthday of the Corps, therefore, in compliance with the will of the 13th Commandant, Article 38, United States Marine Corps Manual, Edition of 1921, is republished as follows:

      “On November 10, 1775, a Corps of Marines was created by a resolution of the Continental Congress. Since that date, many thousand men have borne the name Marine. In memory of them, it is fitting that we who are Marines should commemorate the Birthday of our Corps by calling to mind the glories of its long and illustrious history.”

      “The record of our Corps is one which will bear comparison with that of the most famous military organizations in the world’s history. During 90 of the 146 years of its existence the Marine Corps has been in action against the Nation’s foes. From the Battle of Trenton to the Argonne, Marines have won foremost honors in war, and in the long eras of tranquility at home generation after generation of Marines have grown gray in war in both hemispheres, and in every corner of the seven seas that our country and its citizens might enjoy peace and security. In every battle and skirmish since the birth of our Corps Marines have acquitted themselves with the greatest distinction, winning new honors on each occasion until the term Marine has come to signify all that is highest in military efficiency and soldierly virtue.”

      “This high name of distinction and soldierly repute we who are Marines today have received from those who preceded us in the Corps. With it we also received from them the eternal spirit which has animated our Corps from generation to generation and has been the distinguishing mark of the Marines in every age. So long as that spirit continues to flourish Marines will be found equal to every emergency in the future as they have been in the past, and the men of our Nation will regard us as worthy successors to the long line of illustrious men who have served as “Soldiers of the Sea” since the founding of the Corps.”

      The inspiring message of our 13th Commandant has left it’s mark in the hearts and minds of all Marines. By deed and act from Guadalcanal to Iwo Jima, from Inchon to the Korean Armistice, in interventions from Lebanon to the Dominican Republic, from the opening battles in Vietnam to Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and from Kandahar and Helmand in Afghanistan to Nasiriyah and Fallujah in Iraq, Marines have continued to epitomize those qualities which are their legacy. The success which they have achieved in combat and the faith they have borne in peace will continue. The Commandant and our many friends have added their hearty praise and congratulations on this, our 245th birthday.


      F3 Chattanooga Beer Run coming up THIS Saturday 11/14. Look for the #beer-run channel on Slack for more info

      Geek Squad on #smackdown Q this Thursday 11/12

      Pound Dog on #convoy Q this Saturday 11/14

      Recent Backblasts

        A Paschen Filled Burnout (Detention – 11/9/20)

        QIC:  John Doe

        Date: 11/9/2020

        PAX: Dundee, Mr. Clean, Blue, She Shed, Snatch, Heisenberg

        AO: Detention


        Warm summer day in the fall


        Mosey about .25 miles; SSH – 15 (IC); WMH – 10 (IC); SSH – 10 (IC); Forward Fold – 10 (IC); SSH – 5 (IC); Third Grade Exercises – 10 (IC); SSH – 10 (IC); Downward Dog – 10 (IC); Cobra – 10 (IC); SSH – 20 (IC); Mosey .25 mile

        The Thang

        Did I mention it felt like a summer day already? Absolutely beautiful.

        Paschendale a Ramrod Special
        PAX splits up into two groups (Group A & Group B). Speaker w/ music in “center”, each group distanced 30ft away on either side. Group A splits off; half PAX does burpees continuously as the other half army crawls to the “center” and bear crawls back to start; PAX switch – burpees go to army/bear crawl and army/bear crawl go to burpees. Group B does the same on the other side. Rinse and repeat for duration of “Paschendale” by Iron Maiden.

        Mosey .25 miles & circle up

        Pyramid of Burnouts

        Merkins – 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 (PAX slowed down the reps; focus was on proper form)

        Big Boi – 10, 20, 30, 40 (ran out of time before coming back down the pyramid


        Bobby Allen w/ Legacy Leadership says, “God never wastes a hurt.” Encouraged PAX that no matter what hurt they may be going through or have gone through in the past it isn’t wasted. Many times we are used as vessels for a greater good, whether it’s for us directly, indirectly, or for someone else. Challenged the PAX to look for the positive in those hurts and know that it was done in a purposeful good to help us grow closer to HIM
        BALL OF MAN: QIC lead us out in prayer; Prayers for Hasboro, Milkman’s father-in-law, the state of our country


        As expected while in detention, there were a lot of TWSS jokes mixed in with some baptist ones; Contrary to popular belief Memphis is not North Mississippi it is merely the flattest part of Tennessee.


        Convergence and Beer Run this Saturday at The Battery; Check 2nd-F Channel for details; 3rd-F with Chubby’s still going on through the end of the year – volunteers still needed

        Recent Backblasts

          Your policy <> His policy

          QIC:  Prosciutto

          Date: 11/06/2020

          PAX: Backpew, Blindside, Blue, Burrito, Chief, Dundee, Fissure, Friar Tuck, Hasbro, Lookout (Willy Loman), Money Ball, NordicTrack, Recycle, Red Tees, Roomba, The Count

          AO: Lions Den


          The pre-F3 block procession to the startex was a thing of beauty. Well orchestrated and adherence to instruction was executed well. Thankful that F3 Chatt has big-brained PAX who can count and tally items without delay or confusion.

          Red Bank UV Index was 0 but the light in the PAX eyes and hearts was easily a 10.

          Disclaimer and Friar Tuck said lets get on with it, and so it did…


          Stretching, Cadence, Carrying on about silly things, Chuck Norris jokes, SSH, [Insert Alan Parsons Project with Burrito calling the Bulls announcer intro], WMH, Windmill, Hamstring Stretch, ST merkins, minute plank, [queue Rhythm Is A Dancer] and warm up lap

          The Thang

          19:10 (Legs edition)
          Box Jump / Exercise
          Do total of 19 box jumps up steps and then the called exercise (10 reps each).
          5 exercises called individually and the group Al Gore’d when finished to encourage and wait on the six.

          Since there are ten rows on the visiting team side, one climb to the top and a second climb to the penultimate (Burrito) step equals 19. No reason to re-count that as that’s how math works.
          The 5 movements:
          1) Side Step Squats (yes, with Block); Box Jumps
          2) Block Straddle Hop (just like it sounds w/ block); Box Jumps
          3) Bonnie Blair’s (no block; hard count way); Box Jumps
          4) Monkey Humpers; Box Jumps
          5) Toe Merkins; Box Jumps

          Transition Exercise and Move to Track
          Left arm elevated merkin on block (10)
          Right arm elevated merkin on block (10)
          Hand-Release Merkin (9)

          *5 Burpee Penalty for hands on hips/knees and bi-directional communication; insert shared leadership lesson from Dredd on communication and leading

          19:10 (Arms edition)
          Shrugs / Exercise
          Similar to the above, 19 total shrugs performed and then a called exercise (10 reps each). Alternate shrug and exercise as we move along.
          5 exercises called individually:
          1) Block Swings (w/ block); Shrugs
          2) Man Makers (w/ block); Shrugs
          3) Curls (w/ block); Shrugs
          4) Bent over rows (w/ block); Shrugs
          5) Alpos (w/ block); Shrugs

          Transition Exercise and Move to Steps
          Left arm elevated merkin on block (10)
          Right arm elevated merkin on block (10)
          Hand-Release Merkin (9)

          Repeat 19:10 Legs Edition once more

          American Hammers
          Flutter Kicks
          Pretzel (L/R)


          Buckle-up for a doozy

          I work for a global company of over 75k employees. There are specific policies in place to keep the peace (? I really have no idea). One such policy is not to discuss religion or spiritual/personal faith and beliefs. **Sigh**

          In May, I was helping a peer/co-worker with on boarding in his first couple weeks. Lots to learn and understand at a big company. Building rapport and in the midst of some conversation, he made mention that he was an atheist (he didn’t know the company policy yet). This was difficult for my ears to hear and harder for my brain to understand. My audible response to him at the time was, “Wow, okay…” in a dismissive sort of way. Anyone who knows me – knows that when I want to know something – I cannot help myself; but, alas…policy.

          At that moment, if I could have, I’d have asked a thousand questions in under a minute. I didn’t and it ate me alive after that.

          Wrestling with that for the last few months, I’ve often considered delicately challenging some of his personal feelings. I haven’t had that moment in recent months… until….

          Just last weekend and this week, he’s been sick with fever/chill/upper respiratory symptoms; so, obviously – he thinks it’s covid. He’s feeling pretty terrible. But, during an all-team meeting (6 or so of us) he was casually sharing his conditions and made a comment with levity, “I think I just need Jesus”. The call went quiet for a few seconds…

          My response, immediately without hesitation and with complete clarity, “Well, that would be a good start…” AHA! My moment!

          In Matthew 10, Jesus is giving instruction to the 12 disciples, and particularly around verse 16 onward, he’s speaking about the types of persecution they will experience as he is sending them out ‘as sheep among wolves’. Then in verse 19 he shares that they will indeed be brought before kings, governors, judges and the like, and offers advisement.

          19 But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20 for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

          Matthew 10: 19-20 NIV

          This verse made me realize that in that moment with my co-worker, offering that truth in such a very clear, distinct and direct way, that was not me alone. I hadn’t even filtered the comment through my brain when I just blurted it out! Indeed, that guidance and encouragement spoken through me was direct from the Holy Spirit. All that personal worry and concern about how to handle it, how should I approach the topic, can I even do that given the policies and such… I’d never say that if I’d had to stop and think to say it first – I would have held back. After all said and done, I’m still employed and the Holy Spirit had it #handled all along.

          I am so thankful for F3. I’m thankful we can share this with one another without overarching policy or some governing body telling what we can and cannot do. Amazingly, order and acceptance are not an issue here. We are able to engage with one another – all of us with differing viewpoints and opinions – without some ruling or guideline telling us how to behave or what topics we cannot discuss, and it is done with ease, respect and love of one another. There’s no second-guessing, there’s no fist fights or donnybrooks popping up in the parking lot after a COT. This is the culture we’ve created in F3, it is the culture we should share and carry throughout our communities.


          Lots of hemming and hawing about the 2001 Space Odyssey playlist kick-off. Real-talk, though, after the fanfare and awesome celebration at the beginning, the end of the song actually gets kinda weird. Go Gamecocks.

          Burrito and Chuck Norris jokes go together like peas and carrots

          Recycle is in the Army and always has been. Thank you for your service.

          We could have built a house with all the blocks strewn about the track; instead, we strengthened the foundations of men


          Beer Run, Anniversary, Money Ball Convoy Q tomorrow

          Recent Backblasts

            Burpee… What Burpee?

            QIC:  threeskin

            Date: 11/06/2020

            PAX: Tatonka, Blackout, Woodrider, Cavity Search, Bernie, Shaq, Rollback, Bonsai, Little Debbie-Willy Loman 

            AO: Parliament


            Warmest morning of the week. Still chilly from the cold shoulder of the AOQs… Getting hotter from all the zingers!


            Threeskin special: look it up, or ask pro to find it for you. It’s real.

            Lets get to the practice field and warm up like the old days.

            The rational organization of a burpee

            [Is the burpee a rational, natural, or open system? Depends on your goal.]
            If we break it up into parts, is it really a Burpee?
            Good Mornings
            Jog (silent J)
            Traditional (not CrossFit) burpee
            Jog (silent J)
            Hand Release Merkins
            Jog (silent J)
            Jog (silent J)
            Jump Squats
            Jog (silent J)
            Overhead Claps
            Jog (silent J)

            Just in case all this doesn’t count: F3 Blackout Burpees 31 in total (CrossFit Burpee)


            Prepare for the transition: a succession plan.

            After much study, it seems the biggest failures of many organizations are the results of a failed implementation. As leaders, we must prepare for the next chapter of our lives. King David was unable to do so in 1 Kings. However, Paul sets an excellent example in 2 Timothy. Identify opportunities in your life to plan ahead, be ready to pass the baton with the same vigor that you pursue your next steps.  


            Conveniently, both AOQs had somewhere else to be. One (who shall not be named) posted a selfie in slack close to his AO. Proper form was used in his absence. Coldplay was missed.

            The Moleskin’s proper pronunciation was discussed.

            The Q can’t tell if it was sweat or dew…

            Way to leave it all on the field Bonsai! That almost included your jacket and gloves….

            It was great to meet “Big Deb”


            Get on slack!!!

            4 yr Anny, Beer Run

            Recent Backblasts

              1 Year F3iversary

              QIC: Holy Kiss

              Date: 11/05/2020

              PAX: Pomade,  Pediasure, Recycle, NordicTrack, Tonka (FNG), Friday, Mr. Clean, Jenny Craig, Snow Patrol, Afterbirth, Joanna, Ashley Madison, Prosciutto, Red Raider, Pound Dog, Old School, Jorts, Lookout, Burrito, Whittler

              AO: Smackdown


              Cool 43 degrees in the gloom


              Warm up lap around track

              SSH X 20, Little Baby Arm Circles X 15 and reverse X 15, Seal Claps X 15, Willy Mays Hays X 10, Forward Fold x 10, Imperial Walkers X 20, SSH X 20

              The Thang

              In honor of my 1 year F3 Anniversary, this was a repeat of my first post courtesy of WazntMe

              Stairway to 7 on the bleachers

              Decline Dive Bombers – 1
              Climb stairs
              Dips – 6
              Continue until numbers are flipped

              Power Trio Dora
              Mosey to middle of the field – hey cool, some cinderblocks.
              Count off in to 4 groups
              Man 1: Run a lap around the track
              Man 2: Bear Crawl to the uprights and back
              Man 3: 20 block squats, 10 manmakers, 5 John McCains
              Rotate once Man 1 returns.

              First Intermission:
              Mosey to the gym wall
              Airchair and pass a coupon back and forth.
              2nd pax in line drops for 5 merkins while pax before him holds block straight out. Pass block down and back

              Power Trio Dora
              Man 1: Run a lap around the track
              Man 2: High Knees to the uprights and back
              Man 3: 20 goblet squats, 10 manmakers, 5 John McCains

              Circle up in the middle of the field for Mary
              Flutter Kicks X 20 IC
              LBCs X 20 IC
              Heel Touches X 20 IC
              Wild Card Ab Exercise: Burrito- Army Rope Climb

              Wild Card Ab Exercise: Recycle- Freddie Mercury

              Wild Card Ab Exercise: Lookout- High Dollies


              Discussed what F3 has meant to me. Started with me wanting to be more active and get in shape. F3 has become much more. Developed many friendships and a support group. With 2020 being such a crazy and unpredictable year, F3 has been the one thing that has remained consistent and that is in my control. No matter what is going on in the world around us in our personal lives, this group of men comes together every week and goes through the same beatdown together.

              We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now. – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


              Recent Backblasts

                Loop-De-Loops at The Battery

                QIC:  Coldplay

                Date: 11/5/2020

                PAX: WreckedEm, 9Volt, Dark Wonka, Bonsai, Deep Dish, Schnitzel, Clothespin, Thin Mint

                AO: The Battery


                Clear, cool, brisk.


                Mosey around the battery, performed some SSH, more mosey, Imperial walkers, mosey up the hill, stretch and prepare for The Thang.

                The Thang

                9 exercise stations were set up in a large circle (Merkins, Plank Jacks, Burpees, Mountain Climbers, LBCs, Imperial Walkers, Curls, wonderbras, and bench press)
                PAX ran around the circle for 2 minutes
                PAX performed the exercise station nearest to them at the end of the 2 minute run
                PAX performed that exercise for 1:30
                Repeat for 12 cycles
                Wrap up with some Mary


                QIC discussed how important it is to maintain patience.

                Romans 12:12

                “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”


                Wrecked Em learned important lessons about the proper use of a flashlight. Clothespin was gifted a new block.


                The Battery 2 year anniversary on November 14th. Beer run right after. Networking event downtown this afternoon.

                The Light Poles of Convoy

                QIC:  Recycle

                Date: 11/2/2020

                PAX: Bumblebee, Pediasure, Hambone (RESPECT), Jenny Craig

                AO: Convoy


                33 degrees, felt like 26. Butt cold.


                SSH x15 IC
                QS R OYO
                QS L OYO
                FF OYO
                SSH x15 IC
                TGE x15 IC
                LBAC x15 IC
                Rev x15 IC
                OP x15 IC
                OC x15 IC
                SC x15 IC
                SSH x15 IC

                The Thang

                The Light Poles of Convoy

                Starting in the west end of the upper parking lot, work down and back through parking lots.

                Mosey between light poles, reps at light poles, plank at the end of the parking lot to wait on the six.

                Burpees x 5
                Lunges x 10 (hard way)
                Imperial Walkers x 15
                Merkins x 20
                Plank Jacks x 25
                Squats x 30




                It’s mornings like this that test our commitment! Butt cold outside, still groggy from time change (and Titans loss to the freaking Bengals), but these 5 HIM stepped up and put in the work and proved:


                Playlist: Arrested Development, Temple of the Dog, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Jane’s Addiction, Alice in Chains, Outkast, The Black Crowes

                Not much mumble chatter this morning, pretty sure lips were frozen closed. And Burrito was absent.


                F3 Chattanooga Networking event Thursday 11/5/20 11:30am. See details on Slack.

                F3 Chattanooga Beer Run coming up Saturday 11/14/20. See details on Slack.

                MoneyBall visits #Convoy to Q this Saturday 11/7/20.

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